Toilet      09.26.2020

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and my sides hurt. Why can my stomach hurt in the second trimester? Feeling of pressure in the navel area

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she imagines a joyful period full of happy moments and expectations. But this is not always what happens. Often, bearing a child is accompanied by not very pleasant and sometimes painful sensations that you would not want to let into your life. Considering such phenomena to be completely normal during this period, some try not to notice them.

But the vast majority of women experience this situation quite hard, never ceasing to worry about their condition and the health of the developing child. This is especially noticeable in the early stages of pregnancy, but is no exception in other trimesters.

Pain during pregnancy

This also happens when nagging abdominal pain appears at 18 weeks. Similar sensations could have haunted a woman before, but then she could associate them with objective changes in the body. And when a similar situation repeats, it raises concerns about deviations during pregnancy.

Another pathology is not uncommon, which may not be directly related to the process of bearing a child, but can have a certain impact on it. Therefore, it is completely natural when a woman wants to find out what is causing this situation and what needs to be done to minimize possible risks.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen should always alert a pregnant woman and warn against unjustified neglect of symptoms.


When it comes to the causes of discomfort or abdominal pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy, you can hear various tips and recommendations from women who have already experienced this and have successfully walked this path. But you shouldn’t blindly believe even your friends or acquaintances, who assure you that this is completely normal and does not have any adverse consequences for the fetus.

You should always remember that each organism is completely individual, and the changes occurring in it can only be judged by the results of the examination.

No matter how frightening such situations described in various sources may look, if a woman does not decide to see a doctor, no one will take responsibility for possible consequences. Although it is quite harmful to worry in vain, neglect of safety will be much more serious. An extra consultation with a specialist never hurt anyone. Only he can point out the real reasons pain that are present in a particular woman.

If we consider possible factors, why the stomach is pulled at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the following conditions can be noted:

  • Physiological changes.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • Placental complications.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • Urinary tract diseases.
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Surgical diseases.

Considering the wide range of phenomena that may be hidden behind the appearance of abdominal discomfort or nagging pain, one cannot be completely sure of the harmlessness of such a symptom. The true cause will be determined by the doctor, therefore, despite personal considerations or advice from strangers, you should still consult a specialist.

It is better to immediately determine why the lower abdomen hurts than to later regret the lost time and missed opportunities.


Every woman can feel abdominal pain differently. For some, this takes the form of vague discomfort, for others – quite pronounced sensations.

The localization of this symptom is also different: not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lateral sections or slightly higher. This can be observed constantly or occur during certain periods, depending on external or internal factors. As a rule, there will be other signs that will help determine the origin of the pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Physiological changes

Pregnancy occurs against the background of various changes in a woman’s body. They are strictly adaptive in nature and are aimed at the successful bearing of a child. If we talk about the second trimester, then during this period the fetus grows, and with it the uterus. The ligaments of the abdominal cavity are stretched, which quite naturally leads to discomfort in the abdomen.

To minimize the impact of this factor, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which helps soften the tendon-ligament apparatus and relax the muscles.

The pressure of the growing uterus on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvis also affects. The following symptoms are likely to occur:

  • Frequent urination.
  • Bloating and rumbling in the stomach.
  • Constipation.

But such phenomena are completely normal and can be explained from the point of view of the physiological processes occurring in the body at 18 weeks. In addition, the woman will feel increased fatigue, which is associated with the redistribution of energy resources in favor of the fetus.

If nagging abdominal pain is associated with the normal course of pregnancy, then it is better for the woman to calm down and try to pay less attention to them - this will stop over time.

Threat of spontaneous abortion

A situation that requires maximum attention at 18 weeks is the threat of abortion. They talk about it when there are only harbingers of an unsuccessful pregnancy. Therefore, when the lower abdomen hurts or pulls, you need to remember about the possibility of such a situation, and not place all your hopes on the manifestations of the described norm.

Most often, the threat of miscarriage occurs completely suddenly, when the woman could not even think about it, and sometimes such a course of events is preceded by an accidental injury or some kind of illness. But spontaneous abortion proceeds almost the same way, with the following symptoms appearing:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen spreading to the rectum and sacrum.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • The appearance of scanty bleeding: dark or pink-red in color.
  • Increased uterine tone.
  • Opening of the uterine os.

If an abortion moves from a threatening state into an accelerating process, then the manifestations become more and more pronounced, and cramping contractions of the uterus appear. This may result in the complete expulsion of the fetus, and sometimes some parts of it are retained, creating the picture of an incomplete abortion, in which there is a risk of severe bleeding and infection.

In order not to let the situation worse and not lose the child, if threatening symptoms appear, you must immediately consult a doctor. It's better to call an ambulance.

Placental complications

It is impossible not to mention another obstetric pathology, which may be hidden behind nagging pain in the lower abdomen at 18 weeks of pregnancy. This applies to premature placental abruption.

Most often, this situation is common among women who have diseases affecting the state of the vascular system (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension) or who have suffered a recent injury. Then partial or complete rejection of the placenta occurs at the site of its attachment to the uterus. In the first case, a central or marginal type of detachment may be observed, which also affects the clinical manifestations.

Most often, premature placental abruption is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain at the location of the placenta.
  • Discharge of bright red color of varying intensity.
  • Local protrusion of the uterine wall in the area of ​​detachment.
  • Increased uterine tone.
  • Fetal distress (distress syndrome).

If a central type of detachment occurs, then external discharge may be completely absent, but in this case hemorrhage occurs in the wall of the uterus, which poses a risk of further development of thrombohemorrhagic complications that are dangerous for a woman - shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.

Premature placental abruption is a serious obstetric pathology that can be stopped with timely treatment.

Gynecological diseases

When the lower abdomen hurts, this can be considered a sign of gynecological diseases. And although there is an opinion that such diseases often undergo reverse development during pregnancy, this is only partly true. Changed hormonal levels help minimize the risk of various pathologies, but if it was present before conception, then in some cases it can manifest itself with renewed vigor during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be combined with uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts. Of course, the presence of a foreign formation in the pelvis leads to unpleasant sensations, which worsen as the fetus grows.

If we talk about fibroids, then, as a rule, the nodes themselves can increase in size as pregnancy progresses. Similar phenomena are not uncommon at 18 weeks. The greatest danger occurs when a cyst or submucosal myomatous node is torsion. Then the following manifestations may develop:

  • Sharp local or diffuse abdominal pain.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Violation of the fetus.
  • Abdominal pain on palpation.

Not all cases of fibroids end in a successful pregnancy. Submucosal small formations are the safest.

To avoid problems in the future, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to pregnancy planning, carrying out timely treatment of gynecological diseases.

Urinary tract diseases

If we talk about the reasons why the lower abdomen hurts at various stages of pregnancy, including the 18th week, it is necessary to remember about problems with the urinary tract. This situation worries many pregnant women, as it gets worse over time.

This is due to several factors:

  • Firstly, an increase in the concentration of progesterone leads to relaxation of the bladder sphincter, making the urethra wider, which creates the preconditions for reflux and the penetration of infectious agents.
  • Secondly, the uterus itself puts pressure on the pelvic organs and kidneys, worsening their function and complicating regional blood circulation.

Thus, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system becomes a frequent companion to pregnancy. Pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis make themselves felt. Depending on the disease, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar or suprapubic region.
  • Frequent urination with pain.
  • Change in urine color, turbidity.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • General malaise, weakness.

Although isolated manifestations may indicate physiological processes, when combined with other symptoms they create a clear picture of pathology.

If pain occurs in the lower abdomen, you should also pay attention to the condition of the urinary tract.

Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

Pain syndrome is a frequent companion to intestinal diseases. They can have both somatic and infectious origin. In any of the cases, inflammatory changes are observed in one or another part of the intestinal tube: enteritis or colitis. When the uterus begins to grow rapidly, which is observed just at 18 weeks, then an exacerbation of chronic disease may be much more likely to happen.

As a rule, intestinal pathology has quite clear clinical manifestations with the following symptoms:

  • Pain in various parts: lower abdomen, lateral areas or in the umbilical area.
  • Feeling of bloating and rumbling.
  • Diarrhea with various impurities: mucus, blood, pus.
  • Constipation.
  • Increased body temperature.

As for intoxication syndrome, its appearance indicates the predominantly infectious nature of the pathology. In other cases, the woman’s general condition, as a rule, does not suffer.

To understand the causes of pain, you need to consider the possibility of intestinal pathology.

Surgical diseases

If the lower abdomen hurts, surgical pathology cannot be ruled out. Pregnant women can also expect appendicitis, intestinal obstruction or adhesions. In many ways, this is again provoked by compression of the abdominal organs by the enlarged uterus. In addition, intestinal dysfunction is aggravated by the influence of hormones that relax smooth muscles and reduce peristalsis.

The main indication for surgical care is the appearance of signs of an “acute abdomen”. These include:

  • Severe pain in various parts.
  • Tension of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
  • Pain on palpation.

In many cases, this significantly affects the general condition of the woman: the temperature rises, weakness progresses, dizziness or headaches appear.

Untimely treatment of many acute diseases of the abdominal cavity is fraught with the development of peritonitis and shock.


To confirm the diagnosis established after a medical examination, it is necessary to involve the possibilities of additional methods. Laboratory equipment and instruments are becoming an indispensable assistant in cases where it is necessary to quickly establish the cause of the pathology.

During pregnancy, a gynecological examination is mandatory, which is carried out at the stage of initial assessment of the woman’s condition. In the future, it may be necessary to conduct the following studies:

  • Clinical analysis of blood and urine.
  • Biochemical blood test (sex hormones, urea, creatinine, glucose, acute phase indicators, etc.).
  • Special urine samples (according to Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky).
  • Smear from the vagina and cervix.
  • Coprogram.
  • Stool culture for microbial flora.
  • Ultrasound of the fetus, kidneys and bladder.

Many research methods that can be used for various diseases have limited use during pregnancy or are completely contraindicated. Therefore, you have to rely on those that are available for use during pregnancy.

The main task of additional diagnostic methods is the reliable determination of objective indicators of the pathological condition.


Therapeutic tactics are always determined by the identified disease and have as its primary goal the elimination of the causative factor and the speedy restoration of the normal course of pregnancy. In severe cases, when a woman’s life is at stake, the question of preserving the fetus, unfortunately, is not raised.

But in other situations, everything possible is done to continue bearing a healthy child. Conservative and surgical treatment methods, which are prescribed based on clinical feasibility, help with this.

Conservative methods

If the pathology does not require surgical intervention, then in most cases conservative treatment methods are prescribed. They allow you to achieve a pronounced effect without risk to the health of the woman and the unborn child. But for this to happen, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the standards of care and clinical recommendations for various diseases, taking into account pregnancy.

There are a large number of conservative treatment methods, but only some of them are applicable for pregnant women.

Drug therapy

Taking medications is the main method of therapeutic action on pathology among existing conservative methods. Some may argue that a pregnant woman should not take medications because they may have adverse effects on the fetus.

However, such statements cannot be taken seriously, since only proven and safe drugs that have proven their effectiveness are used for treatment.

If a woman is afraid to take certain medications, it is necessary to clarify that the future fate of her pregnancy may depend on this. And by refusing adequate treatment and being warned of the consequences, she will act solely at her own peril and risk.

Depending on the situation, the use of the following groups of drugs will be justified:

  • Progesterone preparations.
  • Antispasmodics.
  • Tocolytics.
  • Vitamins.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Improving microcirculation.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Adsorbents.
  • Enzymes.
  • Herbal medicines.

In what form the medicines will be used - tablets or injections - depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the woman’s body. Sometimes local forms are used, namely vaginal suppositories.

The choice of a specific drug depends on its safety and effectiveness profile. Only a doctor can prescribe the optimal medicine, indicating the correct dosage and course of administration.


In certain cases, non-drug methods of influencing the body help. The use of physical means will enhance the therapeutic effect of the drugs and speed up recovery. But, again, you need to focus on those methods that have no contraindications during pregnancy. In particular, in case of threatened abortion, the following physical procedures can be recommended:

  • Electrophoresis with magnesium sulfate.
  • Electrosleep.
  • Electro-relaxation.
  • Reflexology.
  • Balneotherapy.

Some methods can also be used for diseases of the genitourinary and gastrointestinal tract. In consultation with a gynecologist, the physiotherapist will prescribe those procedures that will have the best effect without harm to the patient. intrauterine development child.


During pregnancy, great importance is given to the normalization of the emotional and psychological background in women. Naturally, during pregnancy, changes are observed in this area. And the emergence of the above health problems only increases the stress impact on the body.

If a woman cannot cope with psychological discomfort on her own, then a psychotherapist will provide significant assistance. He will select the necessary treatment methods that will minimize the impact of negative factors on the woman’s emotional state. First of all, this is achieved by changing internal attitudes and attitudes towards various problems.

Careful correction of personal aspects and character traits is carried out. Psychotherapy methods allow not only to find inner harmony and get rid of worries, but also to eliminate many psychosomatic problems that could manifest themselves in the form of chronic diseases.

A favorable psychological background significantly helps in the treatment of many diseases.

Surgical methods

When conservative methods have exhausted their capabilities without providing the desired effect, as well as in cases of obviously surgical pathology, surgical treatment has to be performed. During pregnancy, it is possible and even necessary to use some techniques that involve direct intervention in the internal environment of the body in order to eliminate the pathological focus. So, depending on the disease, you can use:

  • Open access operations – for example, for appendicitis.
  • Laparoscopic techniques – for ovarian cysts and adhesive disease.
  • Hysteroscopic techniques – for uterine fibroids.
  • Curettage or vacuum extraction - after spontaneous abortion.

The operations are carried out very carefully so as not to disrupt the ongoing pregnancy. If we are talking about a serious pathology, for example, placental abruption, complicated by massive bleeding, or peritonitis, then first of all they are concerned about saving the life of the woman herself.

In such cases, the pregnancy can be terminated if the need arises, however, in some situations, a pronounced disturbance in the woman’s condition also affects the fetus, which may lose viability.

When such a need exists, the choice is made in favor of surgical treatment methods. They often become the only solution to a problem.

You should always soberly assess your condition when you experience pain in the lower abdomen. You cannot rely on someone else’s experience in this matter, but should only trust a specialist. Nothing can replace a medical examination.

Even if such a symptom is associated with the physiological course of pregnancy, it won’t hurt to make sure of this once again. And when the cause is a disease, timely treatment will be the key to early detection of the pathology and its successful treatment.

Week 18 is the second week of the fifth month. The second trimester continues, and the woman increasingly feels how a new life is gradually maturing inside her, which very soon will make itself felt with the first long-awaited cry - the cry of a beloved baby.


Sensations at the 18th week of pregnancy very often bring new joy to the expectant mother: it is during this week that fetal movements become obvious. Some women may have felt the first movements even earlier, but usually they occur at 18-22 weeks. Moreover, if the mother does not yet feel the first movements of the fetus, there is no need to worry if the pregnancy is progressing favorably: this means that it is not the time yet. More often, the first movements of the fetus are felt a little later by women who are somewhat plump. While thin young ladies or those giving birth repeatedly can “fix” the baby’s activity a little earlier.

By the way, if fetal movements future mom already felt, you should pay attention to their frequency: usually the baby is “active” up to 4-8 times per hour. If at 18 weeks of pregnancy the sensations of fetal movements occur more often, most likely the baby does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, by moving, he tries to make the heart beat faster, thus supplying more blood and oxygen. In this case, it is useful for the expectant mother to take care of herself to ensure that the baby has enough oxygen: it is useful to breathe frequently and deeply, walk in the fresh air more often, practice gymnastics or yoga, which will help saturate the blood with oxygen.

Uterus at 18 weeks of pregnancy

In addition to the joy of the first movements of such a beloved baby, the mother may also experience some discomfort in the form of pressure on the navel with inside. This is the consequence of the fact that the increasingly growing uterus already reaches this level at 18 weeks. The fundus of the uterus at 18 weeks is approximately 2.5 cm below the navel; by placing your hands on your waist and lowering your palms just below the navel to a thickness of two fingers, you can feel the fundus of the uterus. The size of the uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy is similar to a small melon, and, due to its increase, the abdomen is steadily growing.


Yes, yes, you can’t hide your belly at 18 weeks of pregnancy: it has apparently grown, risen and is noticeable to others. The ever-increasing belly at the 18th week of pregnancy is already “responsible” for the shift in the center of gravity, and the mother often now has to slightly tilt her shoulders forward - she develops the peculiar gait inherent in all pregnant women. Now the question of choosing suitable clothing is very relevant: it is advisable to choose panties or shorts that support the stomach, which will help avoid back pain from increased stress on the spine.

Fetus at 18 weeks of gestation

And while mommy is deciding on the issue of choosing clothes and getting ready for the birth of her baby, miracles continue to happen in her tummy. The fetus at 18 weeks of gestation continues to develop and improve. So, the baby’s arms and legs and phalanges of fingers are already fully formed. A unique pattern, unique only to the baby, appeared on the pads - the so-called imprint. The baby’s genitals are also fully formed.

At the same time, the formation of adipose tissue is in full swing, and the brain is developing. The baby’s immune system continues to develop, but his body is already capable of producing interferon and immunoglobulin - substances that help resist viruses and infections.

Also, the rudiments of the baby’s molar teeth have already formed - they are located much deeper than the rudiments of the baby teeth. Although the baby’s eyes are still closed, the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy is already able to react to the light that penetrates the mother’s tummy. In addition, due to the increasing improvement of the hearing aid, it can already distinguish sounds, and therefore, from now on, sharp and loud noises will have to be avoided. Now you can start singing lullabies to your baby, playing classical music, reading fairy tales, and addressing him with affectionate and gentle intonations.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus is more than 14 cm long and weighs almost 200 g. And yet, there is still enough space in the tummy for it to “freely” move, which the baby successfully uses: he tumbles, twitches his legs and waves his arms , turns over. It is believed that intrauterine movements are exclusively beneficial for the baby, positively affecting the development of the muscular system and brain.


Between 18 and 22 weeks, the woman will be scheduled for a second ultrasound examination, and an ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy is quite capable of showing the gender of the unborn baby. But, first of all, ultrasound is necessary to identify any defects in fetal development: congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system, Down's disease, heart defects. In addition, during an ultrasound examination, the placenta is attached, the risk of developing deviations in the normal course of pregnancy is assessed, and the possibility of their timely correction if necessary. Using an ultrasound at the 18th week of pregnancy, among other things, the circumference of the baby’s head and abdomen, the fronto-occipital size, and the size of the long bones (femur, humerus, forearm, tibia) are studied.


At 18 weeks of pregnancy, only a urine test is mandatory - it makes it possible to assess the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, a blood test may be needed to rule out anemia in the first place. A low level of hemoglobin in the mother’s body leads to the baby not receiving the necessary oxygen, which can cause certain pregnancy complications and contribute to the development of anemia in the baby after birth.

In order to detect chromosomal abnormalities in a pregnant fetus, tests may be prescribed at 18 weeks of pregnancy to assess the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body. The corresponding analysis is part of a comprehensive study called the “triple test”. It received this name in connection with the study of three markers in parallel - in addition to hCG, the levels of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and unconjugated estriol (NE) are also determined. Any deviations from the indicators considered normal may give reason to assume that the baby may develop Down syndrome, hydrocephalus and some other defects. However, such tests at the 18th week of pregnancy cannot be considered the foundation for a final diagnosis, but serve only as a reason for further research.

Pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy at 18 weeks can often be overshadowed by some painful sensations, such as pain in the back, in the lumbar region, and pulling sensations in the abdomen.

There is evidence that almost every woman complains of back pain from time to time during pregnancy. Such pain is already quite common at the 18th week of pregnancy: all due to the shifting center of gravity due to the enlarged uterus and the increasing load on the spine. The nature of back pain can be completely different - the back may only ache slightly, but the pain can also be significant and acute (although such pain more often occurs in late pregnancy). You can prevent or alleviate back pain during the 18th week of pregnancy by: choosing a special support bandage, practicing exercises to strengthen the back muscles, controlling your weight and getting enough rest (you need to “unload” your back by lying down for at least a few minutes several times a day).

For the same reasons mentioned above, lower back pain may also occur during pregnancy. But it also happens that pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be caused by difficulty urinating and the possible development of a urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control urination and avoid hypothermia.

It is also necessary to be sensitive to pain in the abdominal area. For example, sensations of a pulling stomach in the lateral parts (but not spasmodic, but more of a stabbing nature) correspond to the norm - pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy in this case indicates stretching of the ligaments and tendons of the abdominal wall associated with the growth of the uterus. However, if you experience regular and prolonged abdominal pain of a cramping nature, which, God forbid, is also accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, you should immediately call a doctor: such symptoms indicate a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.


By the way, about discharge. Normally, discharge at week 18 is still light and of a uniform consistency, but its quantity may increase compared to previous weeks. If the increase in the amount of discharge is not accompanied by a change in its color, there is no itching or burning, there is nothing to worry about. But if green, yellow or purulent, curdled discharge appears, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment - such discharge indicates an infection. To avoid this, it is recommended to exclude sugar and sweets from the diet, products made from white flour and regularly consume natural fermented milk products.


The issue of nutrition in general should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. It is no secret that nutrition during the 18th week of pregnancy, as, in fact, throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, should be balanced, varied, as healthy as possible and sufficiently fortified. Avoiding sugar and sweets, as well as fatty foods, is also necessary to avoid excess weight gain, as well as to prevent pregnancy diabetes. To prevent calcium deficiency, dairy and fermented milk products are necessary; ideally, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese should be included in the daily diet. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, which are a source of protein necessary for the normal growth and development of a child, should also be present on the table in sufficient quantities.

To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, you need fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and vitamins useful for the body growing in the womb. Regarding vitamins: on at this stage The expectant mother needs to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and folic acid, and apple juice with celery will be valuable in this regard. It is also necessary to ensure that iron-containing foods are present in the diet: iron is necessary for the normal process of hematopoiesis, which is already occurring in the baby. Sources of iron are beef liver, buckwheat, tomato juice, apples.

The diet at 18 weeks should be balanced in this way (and should be followed in the future until the end of pregnancy) to avoid edema, which can occur due to sodium retention in the body. First, you will have to significantly limit your salt intake. Secondly, monitor the amount of liquid you drink.

Weight at 18 weeks of pregnancy

By the fifth month of pregnancy, toxicosis, fortunately, remains a thing of the past. It’s no wonder that mommy is now discovering an unprecedented appetite. However, you should be very careful with your diet: the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy may already increase by 4.5-6 kg, and it is imperative to control weight gain. After all, if the weight exceeds the indicated norms, it will be much more difficult for the mother to carry a baby and then give birth to him, and it will also be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds after childbirth.

Therefore, if the weight at 18 weeks of pregnancy exceeds the “allowed” norm of 6 kg, it is advisable to visit a doctor and discuss a possible diet with him. In no case should you “spontaneously” prescribe diets during pregnancy: the child must receive required amount nutrients and nutrients. And a specialist will help you develop a suitable diet that will enable you to provide your baby with all the proteins and vitamins and control his weight.


The second trimester of pregnancy is the most appropriate time to resume intimate relationships, if they were interrupted due to the mother’s not feeling well in the early stages of pregnancy. Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy can give future parents completely new impressions, bring them closer together, and contribute even more better study each other.

The tummy in which their common future baby “lives” is not yet very big; the mother does not experience any ailments associated with toxicosis, and therefore sensuality and the desire for physical intimacy can now increase significantly. And you can surrender to it completely calmly, however, without being overly zealous and “active” too much. Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy will not bring any problems, unless, of course, the pregnancy is not characterized by uterine tone. And, of course, it is advisable to refrain from intimacy if mommy suffers from some kind of infection.

Other, more rare reasons for temporarily refusing sex for indications may be: low location of the placenta; diagnosis of “recurrent miscarriage”; leakage of amniotic fluid; in some cases - multiple pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that, at a certain period and for some reason, is accompanied by the death and cessation of fetal development. Moreover, the fetus is not rejected by the mother’s body, but remains in the uterus, and therefore the woman is not even aware of the tragedy that has occurred.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester - the period when the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of any negative factors. However, the risk of detecting a frozen pregnancy remains at a later stage: according to medical data, the period of 16-18 weeks is considered one of the critical periods.

The reasons why a frozen pregnancy at 18 weeks can occur remain the same: fetal freezing is provoked by bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), genetic disorders, infections, harmful working conditions. Unfortunately, a woman cannot independently diagnose a frozen pregnancy: the pregnant woman “writes off” the absence of toxicosis and engorged mammary glands to an increase in pregnancy. But over time, these symptoms are accompanied by aching or nagging pain in the lower back, spotting brown discharge. A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is also characterized by the absence of fetal movement, which many mothers have already experienced earlier.

A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is diagnosed during the next gynecological examination and during a routine ultrasound. And in this case, prompt curettage of the uterus is a necessity, because a dead fetus contributes to the development of inflammatory processes. After a forced abortion, you will also need antibacterial therapy and subsequent abstinence from planning a pregnancy. So, after a frozen pregnancy, it is not recommended to think about getting pregnant again for another 6-12 months.

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy is the 16th week from the moment of conception. In the fifth month of pregnancy, something new happens in the baby’s life every day.

How does such rapid development affect the well-being and sensations of the expectant mother?

18 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

At this time, the child becomes very active. But the periods of wakefulness and sleep are already systematized. The baby falls asleep every 4 hours. Active production and accumulation of subcutaneous fat begins.

From this moment on, the baby's body becomes round. It is similar in volume to a pomegranate or mango, its weight is 150-200 g, height - 14 cm.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at 18 obstetric weeks?

At this stage, the baby’s pineal gland begins to function. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the brain. With its help, the baby learns to distinguish day from night. In addition, the pineal gland produces serotonin, the hormone of joy.

During the day, the fetus swallows an average of half a liter of amniotic fluid surrounding it - and it excretes the same amount along with urine.

Amniotic fluid is purified more than 10 times a day. The liver takes part in the digestion process, and the thyroid gland partially functions.

The joints on the fingers and toes have finally formed.

The retina of the eyes is formed, which allows you to distinguish between light and darkness. The baby's eyelids make their first movements. A little more and he will be able to open his eyes.

The brain and bones continue to improve.

At week 18, the rudiments of molars and baby teeth are fully formed.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At this stage, a second planned ultrasound is performed, the purpose of which is to identify possible pathologies and disorders in the development of the child. During the study, the baby's heartbeat is listened to and its size and position are assessed.

Mom will be able to see her baby with a finger in his mouth or playing with the umbilical cord. The outlines of his face are already fully formed, which delights all expectant mothers without exception.

Video: Ultrasound 8th week of pregnancy

Normal fetal heart rate at 18 weeks of obstetrics

Throughout the second trimester, your baby's heart rate should be 130-170 beats in a minute. Small deviations (5%) from the norm are not dangerous.

If the indicators do not meet the norms, most likely the baby has pathologies that require competent treatment.

From the 18th week, each mother can independently listen to the baby’s heartbeat using a stethoscope.

What happens in a woman’s body at 18 weeks of obstetrics?

Due to the constant growth of the uterus, a shift in the center of gravity occurs in a woman’s body. Now she may develop a peculiar gait, which is common to all pregnant mothers, and frequent back pain.

A light massage of the lower back will help relieve the condition.

During the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure.

Due to the strong blood flow, many pregnant women's vision may deteriorate by several diopters.

After childbirth, vision is usually restored. But visiting an ophthalmologist at this stage will not be superfluous.

The pregnant woman is still worried about problems with stool and frequent urination. There is also a possibility of pigment spots appearing.

There are difficulties falling asleep. Slow evening walks will help overcome insomnia.

Changes in a woman's body at 18 obstetric week pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 18 weeks of pregnancy

The fundus of the uterus rises. The uterus itself extends beyond the pelvis and is located in the abdominal cavity. This means that the tummy is already visible to the naked eye this week. The shape of the abdomen is different for all pregnant women. As a rule, there is no relationship between its size and the size of the fetus.

A pregnant woman's breasts continue to grow. The first colostrum may be released from the nipples.

Throughout pregnancy, you should not perform any manipulations with the nipples, as this can provoke the threat of miscarriage!

The first fetal movements at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy

At this stage, only 50% of pregnant women feel movements. Despite the fact that the baby moves frequently, the mother feels only the strongest tremors. The first movements will be timid and timid, but over time they will become stronger.

Scientists have made the discovery that by pushing the placenta with its legs, the baby affects its receptors, thereby stimulating blood circulation. If the baby is too active, he may not have enough oxygen.

This means that mom needs to spend time outdoors more often.

Video: 18th week of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman in the eighteenth week of obstetric pregnancy?

Since the level of blood flow is increased, there is a risk of developing anemia. Therefore, a woman needs to focus on foods rich in iron.

In the second trimester, pregnant women may have a desire to eat “for two”. By indulging herself, a woman risks gaining excess weight, which will be very difficult to lose after childbirth.

It is necessary to increase the number of calories, but it is advisable to increase the nutritional value of foods through lean meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Important! A lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets in a child.

Many doctors advise women to wear a prenatal bandage. What are its advantages? It helps reduce back pain during prolonged exercise. The bandage also helps to avoid stretch marks. You need to buy it only in a specialized store - and wear it no longer than 3-4 hours.

Moderate physical activity will be very beneficial. From now on you can do Kegel exercises. These simple exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles, which will help you give birth with the least discomfort—and avoid tearing.

Until the end of pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid contact with potentially hazardous chemicals.

18 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

If the hormone level is normal and the doctor hears the fetal heartbeat, there is no reason to worry.

Those women who are constantly worried can purchase a special Doppler to listen to the baby’s heart. With the help of this device, the mother will be able to make sure at any time that everything is fine with the baby.

All pregnant women need to remember that nervousness is passed on to the child. Therefore, it is important to learn to protect yourself from unpleasant thoughts - and try not to dwell on the negative.

Popular questions about the 18th week of pregnancy - answered by a specialist

18 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

Embryonic term– this is the period from the moment of conception. The difference between them is, on average, two weeks.

Is discharge at 18 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

Slight bleeding at this stage may occur due to the placenta being too low. Therefore, you need to react quickly to this fact.

If there are no abnormalities, the pregnant woman should have normal discharge. At times they may be more abundant than usual, but without admixtures of blood and pus.

If at 18 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

By this week, cardiac activity should be clearly audible during ultrasound. The heartbeat can be heard clearly or muffled - but it should be there.

If, after several attempts to record the heartbeat, it cannot be heard, this indicates intrauterine death of the baby.

If at 18 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

This is quite normal. When coughing, sneezing or a sudden change in position, the muscles tense up - hence the pain.

In order not to confuse these pains with a possible threat of miscarriage, you need to monitor your well-being.

Acute, prolonged pain radiating to the lower back and hips is an alarming symptom. You should consult a doctor without hesitation!

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at the 18th obstetric week - reasons?

The most common cause of such pain is sprained internal ligaments.

Many muscles and tendons are located close to the ovaries. Therefore, such pain is often mistaken for pain in the ovaries.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant, and bleeding starts?

If the mother has any suspicions, and at the same time there is bloody discharge from the vagina - you need to inform your gynecologist about this as soon as possible!

18th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

As in previous periods, doctors examine the pregnant woman’s blood for hormone levels. If necessary, amniotic fluid is collected for analysis or umbilical cord blood is collected.

To avoid early miscarriage, stitches may be needed in the cervix.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 18 obstetric weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

A frozen pregnancy, just like a miscarriage, is possible at any stage. Symptoms of this phenomenon appear quite late, when it is no longer possible to help the baby.

You can suspect something is wrong only after the sudden disappearance of all symptoms of pregnancy. This diagnosis can be confirmed after an ultrasound scan.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous during the 18th week of obstetric pregnancy?

At this stage, colds are no longer as bad as at the beginning of pregnancy. But they need to be treated only under the careful supervision of a doctor and with absolutely safe means.

Infectious diseases - measles, hepatitis, chickenpox - remain dangerous.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good...

During this period, many mothers begin to feel good. It seems that nature itself gives the mother the opportunity to finish all the important things - and resolve the necessary issues before giving birth.

Just don’t be too actively involved in current affairs. It is better to take care of yourself, because in a few months the mother will really need strength to care for the newborn.

The 18th week of pregnancy for most pregnant women is full of discoveries and new sensations. Pregnancy is rapidly approaching its midpoint, and now the woman is enjoying her position, not yet experiencing severe fatigue or heaviness. This week, the pregnant woman and her baby will experience some interesting changes. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How many months is this?

The beginning of the 18th week is a full 17 weeks. 18 full weeks is already the nineteenth week of pregnancy. If a woman is at 18 obstetric weeks, this means that conception took place 16 weeks ago.

The difference is due to the fact that between the embryonic period and the period accepted by obstetricians as the “gold” standard, there are exactly 2 weeks, which separate the onset of menstruation from subsequent ovulation. Obstetricians always count from the first day of menstruation preceding pregnancy.

14 weeks have passed since the delay, which is no less than 98 days. This is how long a woman knows about her pregnancy and mentally prepares herself for the upcoming motherhood. The 17-18th obstetric week is one of the most pleasant and easy periods of the entire nine months. Everything that is happening now with the baby and mother is gradually bringing them closer to important event- the birth of a new family member.

Week 18 is the second trimester, exactly 4.5 obstetric months. There are only two weeks left until the “equator” - the middle of pregnancy.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Feelings of the expectant mother

By the 18th week, the woman had already fully adapted to her new position. She got used to the idea that her life would no longer be the same, that the upcoming changes would change all aspects of it. During the current period, the expectant mother carefully “listens” to herself in anticipation of new sensations, and is sometimes very sensitive and suspicious of the slightest ailments. Most often this week, pregnant women experience the following sensations.


The belly is growing. Many expectant mothers already keep a photo report, taking weekly pictures of their tummy. Compared to last week, it has risen somewhat and has noticeably begun to bulge forward. Now it is quite difficult to hide it even behind loose and spacious clothes - when moving, walking, the roundness becomes obvious.

This is even pleasant for women, because now the attitude towards them is completely different - they give up their seats in transport, at work they try not to overload, and at home they are increasingly offering help in usual household chores.

If for some reason a woman does not like such attention to her growing belly, she should choose bright accessories for clothing - scarves, beads, a hat; these details will focus attention on themselves, thereby the belly will no longer be the object of close scrutiny by others.

Fetal movements

The baby has been moving in the mother’s womb for a very long time, but most pregnant women are only now beginning to feel its movements. This week, almost all women who are in their second or third pregnancy already feel great about the activity of their baby. Their abdominal wall is more stretched after previous pregnancies, their stomach grows somewhat faster and sensitivity is higher. In addition, experienced mothers will never confuse the baby’s movements with fermentation of intestinal gases.

Women who are expecting their first child can now be very worried if they do not feel the baby yet. There is absolutely nothing to worry about - first-time mothers usually begin to feel the movements of the baby closer to the 20th week of pregnancy. Previously, dates were checked using them - as soon as the firstborn began to move, this meant that half the term had passed, and 20 weeks remained before the birth. Today, there are more accurate methods for assessing timing - ultrasound, for example, and movements are more of a way to assess the baby’s condition.

If movements have already begun to be felt, there is no need to count them yet, because the baby’s light and barely noticeable touches to the inner walls of the uterus are still irregular, the baby is free, he can swim and move for a long time without touching the uterus at all. The location of the placenta also influences the sensation of movement. If it is located on the front wall, the likelihood that movements will begin to be felt this week is not so great.

The movements themselves are still more reminiscent of the fluttering wings of a butterfly; some women compare them with movement aquarium fish. Tangible shocks and kicks await the expectant mother a little later, when the free space in the uterus becomes much less than now.

Pain and discharge

The dynamic growth of the uterus cannot but affect the well-being of the expectant mother. At the 18th week of pregnancy, the uterus, which was previously the size of a goose egg, becomes comparable in size to a good melon, muscle fibers stretch and lengthen, and the ligamentous apparatus becomes more elastic. The baby grows, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, and the placenta develops. All this creates a noticeable load on the lower back, sacrum, back, and legs.

That is why women occasionally pay attention to the fact that their lower back hurts, their back ache, their legs get very tired and “hum” in the evening, lumbago and tingling sensations are felt in the uterus. These pains are not pronounced, they are physiological and do not require treatment.

However, if the lower back is pulled in a cramping manner, the pain becomes stronger, abnormal discharge appears, this cannot be a variant of the norm: at the current stage, such symptoms are a sign of a late threat of miscarriage. The woman requires urgent medical attention.

The amount of discharge at week 18 remains at the level of previous weeks, with a slight increase possible. There should still be no blood, pink or brown discharge on your panty liner.

Discharge that is now considered normal is white, light, moderately yellowish with or without a slight sour odor. Green or gray discharge, foul-smelling, accompanied by itching, may now indicate the presence of an infection, including a genital infection. And itching, coupled with white discharge that resembles cottage cheese, indicates thrush.

Any discharge that differs from the norm is a reason to visit a doctor. Inflammation and infection must be treated as soon as possible.

Sleep and appetite

No sooner had the woman had time to rejoice that her sleep had begun to improve, than problems arose again - at 18 weeks it is difficult to choose a comfortable position for rest. Lying on your back is uncomfortable - you feel dizzy due to the fact that the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava. Technically, you can’t lie on your stomach anymore. There are two options left - right and left sides.

The woman has to roll from side to side all night, which entails frequent waking up and vivid and disturbing fragmentary dreams. A special pillow for pregnant women, shaped like a large banana or bagel, will help solve the problem, at least partially. It reliably supports the tummy and allows you to throw your upper leg higher when lying on your side. This is the most comfortable position during pregnancy.

But now there are no problems with appetite: the woman has excellent appetite. Even those expectant mothers who were unable to eat normally during the entire first trimester due to toxicosis and vomiting now eat with pleasure. Right now it is important to prevent overeating, since appetite greatly contributes to this. A woman needs to reconsider her diet, diet, and monitor weight gain.


Most expectant mothers do not have any unpleasant manifestations or symptoms now; they feel good and cheerful. Even if toxicosis was observed at the beginning of pregnancy, now its signs have receded, because the hormonal levels in the woman’s body are stabilizing. However, it’s too early to relax after all, right now late toxicosis or gestosis can begin, which manifests itself in edema.

If in the morning a woman notices that her lips and nose are swollen, the swelling of her face does not go away, her wedding ring does not come off, her usual worn-in shoes have become “small”, and the elastic bands of her socks leave characteristic marks on her ankles, you should definitely inform your doctor about this. These may be the first signs of gestosis, which is dangerous for mother and baby.

Internal edema is much more difficult to recognize. They are visually invisible, and the doctor can suspect them only by excessive weight gain, a sharp jump in weight compared to the previous week, and also by the presence of protein in the urine. For this reason Urine tests are very important now, recommended before each visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist. You definitely need to take it, just like you need to control your weight.

Common complaints

Among the most common complaints at the 18th week of pregnancy are headaches, which are no longer associated with rapid hormonal processes, as was the case in the first trimester. Now, persistent, regular headaches can signal that a woman’s blood pressure is rising, which indirectly can also indicate the presence of late toxicosis - preeclampsia.

Tablets for headaches are not the right solution when carrying a baby. It is best to see a doctor, donate blood and urine, and measure your blood pressure so that a specialist can find the cause of the pain.

A runny nose at 18 weeks is not uncommon. If there are no other signs of a possible cold or infectious disease, then a runny nose is considered physiological, associated with pregnancy. It occurs due to mild swelling of the mucous membranes, including the respiratory tract.

Diarrhea, heartburn and constipation are frequent companions during the 18th week of pregnancy. The organs of a woman’s digestive tract turn out to be somewhat displaced: they have been displaced by the uterus, and now they have to work in extreme conditions. Frequent constipation is also associated with a weakened intestinal muscle wall. Constipation itself can cause another unpleasant complication - hemorrhoids. About half of expectant mothers complain about it in the second trimester.


At the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman is calmer, her behavior is measured, her movements are leisurely. The gait has become “duck-like”, and the facial expression is increasingly absent-minded and dreamy. The period of sudden mood swings is over, because hormones are no longer “raging.” Now in the body of the expectant mother, inhibition processes predominate. This is how the body itself tries to protect the child, who is already feeling the mother’s emotional “turns”.

Many women are now experiencing a surge of strength, vigor, and optimism. At the same time, their desire to be loved, needed, to be protected more intensifies. strong man. These desires are instinctive, and men should understand this. A woman needs a sense of security to procreate.

This week you should refrain from stressful situations, from communicating with unpleasant and unfriendly people; the expectant mother now needs exclusively positive emotions.

Changes in the body

Very intense processes take place in the mother’s body, which bring her closer to meeting her baby every day. Now pregnancy is obvious to everyone. The waist has become larger by 3-5 centimeters, and many breasts have increased by more than two sizes. Even in obese women, whose tummy begins to become noticeable later than in thin women, the line of the fundus of the uterus emerging into the abdominal cavity is now clearly visible.


The height of the fundus of the uterus this week already reaches 17-20 centimeters.

The uterus is located in the abdominal cavity, its upper border can be felt 2 transverse fingers below the navel. Your baby's cozy haven is gradually changing its shape - now it is oval, as if repeating the shape of the fetal bladder.

The normal length of the neck is in the range of 40-45 mm. A shorter cervix may indicate isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which poses a great threat to bearing a baby and requires mandatory medical intervention.

To imagine how fast the uterus grows, it is enough to know that over the entire 9 months it increases 500 times, and the length of the muscle fibers of this organ increases 5 times.

The height of the uterus is now used as a diagnostic “marker” of pregnancy development - it is measured at each consultation appointment. Normally, the value of VSDM should correspond to the period: at week 20 - 20 centimeters, at week 25 - 25 centimeters.

The woman clearly feels the uterus, especially if it becomes toned. Feel the upper limits reproductive organ on your own is quite possible.

Weight gain

Weekly monitoring of gains will help not only to pay attention to dietary errors in time and revise the menu. Sudden changes in weight will help to suspect symptoms of possible gestosis in time, which is very important for the further course of pregnancy. It is recommended that a woman weigh herself once a week on the same day, wearing the same clothes or without them, in the morning after visiting the toilet.

Women who were normal or slightly underweight before pregnancy may now notice that they have gained more than 4.6 kilograms. And this will be a completely normal increase.

Ladies who were overweight at the time of registration will normally gain about 4 kilograms by week 18, and women suffering from varying degrees of obesity should gain no more than 2.3 kilograms. If your body weight is increasing at a more dynamic pace, you should discuss the reasons with your doctor and get recommendations for weight loss from him.


By the 18th week, a woman’s mammary glands had come a long way – they had increased in size due to the growth of glandular tissue, their sensitivity had changed, and the nipple circles could change their color.

Now the breasts are less painful than they were in the first trimester, especially at the very beginning. The nipples become harder and small “bumps” and bumps may appear on them, as well as around the nipples. These are the Montgomery tubercles. They are constant companions of pregnancy and do not require any treatment.

Now a woman may begin to feel that her breasts are itching on the sides and bottom - this is how overstretching of the skin manifests itself. If preventive measures are not taken, unsightly stretch marks may form that are almost impossible to eliminate with conservative methods.

Due to the large and fluffy breasts, the center of gravity changes; a woman may begin to have back pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and slightly below. To prevent this, you need to wear the “right” bra - with wide straps and good supportive cups.

The release of colostrum at 18 weeks is not observed in everyone, most often in multiparous women who already have breastfeeding experience, especially if not much time has passed between the previous and current pregnancies.

Increased sweating

Many women notice that they are sweating more this week. This is due to the increased work of the sweat glands. And there is absolutely no connection with the season. Of course, sweating is more pronounced in the summer, but in winter a woman will have to solve this problem. Fat women sweat more.

The 18th week of pregnancy is the time when you should pay more attention to your hygiene so that sweating does not become obvious to others.

In order not to aggravate the situation, you should not now wear clothes made from synthetic or semi-synthetic fabrics. Only natural fabrics will help the skin “breathe” without causing heat rash and other dermatological problems.


Week 18 ends the period when a woman may well develop excess pigmentation. After this period, the production of the melatonin pigment is normalized, and the woman no longer has to fear that her face will suddenly bloom with bright freckles, and her arms and back will be covered with pigment spots. The next period of melatonin activation will occur only at the end of the third trimester.

In the meantime, the possibility of increased pigmentation exists, and this should not be surprising. Such age spots are not dangerous; they will disappear on their own within the first months after childbirth.

Fetal development

In the 15 full embryonic weeks that the baby spent with you, he was able to achieve a lot: from a zygote, he turned into an embryo, and then became a fetus. Now the baby is about 20-22 centimeters tall and weighs from 160 to 215 grams. The size of the baby is comparable to the size of a ripe mango.


The baby is gradually acquiring more and more human features. He no longer looks like the little alien that his mother might have seen him at the first ultrasound at the end of the first trimester. Now the fetus looks almost like a newborn. It is distinguished from a born toddler only by its size and thinness.

It doesn’t take long to be thin; the baby’s body has already begun to produce subcutaneous fat. Very soon it will make the skin opaque, it will no longer be red and wrinkled, it will smooth out, touching roundness, dimples on the chin, plump cheeks, and a tummy will appear.

This week the process of normalizing the child’s body proportions continues. The head, which until recently was larger than all other parts of the body and accounted for approximately half of the total area, now grows more slowly than the limbs and body. Due to this, the proportions begin to come into line. But we are still far from ideal ratios.

The baby's entire body is covered with thin and delicate colorless hair - fluff, which in medicine is called "lanugo". These hairs appeared a couple of weeks ago as a kind of proof of the work of the first hair follicles of the skin. Lanugo protects the baby from the rather aggressive effects of the aquatic environment in which he is located.

The hairline is helped in this by vernix lubrication, which now covers the baby. Gradually, he will get rid of lanugo, and by the end of pregnancy and from the continuous cover of vernix lubricant, only a few areas will remain - the most vulnerable areas: in the groin, in the folds of the joints of the arms and legs.

The baby's face formed. Hereditary features are already discernible in him: the shape of the nose, chin, forehead height, eye shape. There are ears. There may be quite an impressive head of hair on the head, and the face is already decorated with eyelashes and eyebrows. The small fingers have phalanges, nails, and fingerprints - the pattern on the pads is unique, inimitable, and you won’t find another one like it in the whole world.

Nervous system

The baby is getting better and better at controlling his hands and head. It is from these parts of the body that the central nervous system begins to take control of the body. This week, the baby can already quite purposefully reach for the umbilical cord, put his fists in his mouth, and turn his head to the right and left. Now the formation of gray matter - the cerebral cortex - continues. The first grooves and convolutions are already there, and the baby continues to “get smarter” every day.

Neural connections are formed without stopping or pausing, and first of all, the reflexes that a person needs for survival develop. The baby, despite the fact that he cannot yet survive outside his mother’s womb, is already actively preparing for a future independent life: he already knows how to suck, swallow, a grasping reflex has been developed, and there are also the beginnings of the instinct of self-preservation.

Sense organs

Understanding exactly how the baby now perceives the world will help the expectant mother and father establish contact with the baby now. The senses are responsible for perception. All of them are practically formed in the baby, but not all can be called active. For example, there are already ears, but there is no full sound perception yet.

Until the 18th week, the baby heard only vibrations that generate the mother’s voice and other sounds from the outside. Starting this week, the formation of his auditory ossicles is completed, and now sounds become almost the same for him as for all other people. In another 2 weeks the baby will begin to function fully. inner ear, and the baby will begin to hear.

Now he continues to pick up vibrations, from time to time his small ears “catch” new sounds, but his hearing is not perfect yet. This does not mean that you should not talk to the baby. Right now, according to experts in the field of perinatal psychology, children are in dire need of communication. They begin to hear the world, even if not 100%, but they need to hear mom and dad’s voice. Children's songs, kind words, fairy tales, together with belly rubs, have a beneficial effect on the baby.

The retina of the baby's eyes becomes more sensitive by the 18th week. He already distinguishes between light and darkness unmistakably, although his eyes remain closed. Thin eyelids transmit a certain amount of light waves, and this is easy to check: just shine a flashlight on the mother’s tummy, and the baby will immediately activate his movements.

At this stage, tactile sensations are well developed. The baby explores the space around him by touch, and smells are still inaccessible to the baby, because in the usual sense he does not yet know how to breathe.

Muscles and bones

The muscle tissue is growing very intensively, and the process of bone hardening is in full swing. The baby’s cranial bones, as well as large paired bones, have almost completed this process, the ribs are fully formed, and now they reliably protect the chest organs. Joints are formed. The bones of the limbs grow most actively. Now the baby’s legs have become longer than they were before, there is no longer such a pronounced disproportion.

The baby is actively “training” – he moves a lot and intensely. His facial and jaw muscles are quite well developed. The baby takes advantage of this - he knows how to smile, frown, squint, purse his lips, yawn and even make dissatisfied grimaces. Much of this still happens involuntarily due to the “debugging” of nerve impulses.

Internal organs

The process of formation of all the baby’s organs has been completed, and intensive growth is now underway. The authorities also learn their basic responsibilities. At week 18, the organs of the digestive system receive and process amniotic fluid, which the baby swallows in large quantities - up to 400 ml per day.

The intestines have “learned” to contract, and the accumulation of original feces - meconium - begins in it. The baby will begin to have bowel movements after birth.

The kidneys produce urine and the bladder stores it. The baby pees often, the composition of the amniotic fluid is updated, so the environment remains sterile. The baby’s heart beats approximately twice as fast as the mother’s: The heart rate this week is in the range of 150-170 beats per minute.

Determination of gender

If the sex of the baby still remains a mystery to its future parents, now is the right time to find out. The baby is no longer so small that it is difficult to see his genitals, and not yet as large as in the third trimester, when he will have to take more compact positions and often cover his genitals. Right now, the accuracy of sex determination is higher than ever in 9 months.

Children of different sexes now undergo different processes in their bodies. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed, the ovaries are already in the pelvis. In some boys, at 18 weeks the testicles begin their long journey downward - first they have to descend into the small pelvis from the abdominal cavity, and then into the scrotum. This process is normally completed towards the end of pregnancy.

Baby on ultrasound

This week, some expectant mothers may be referred for their second scheduled ultrasound. The screening study is carried out from 18 to 21 weeks. This “date” with the baby is very different from the first one, which took place at the end of the first trimester. Now the baby has grown up and is ready to please his mother by demonstrating new skills. Now his CTE is no longer determined - the size that was fundamental in the first third of the gestation period. But many new parameters appear, which are called fetometric indicators.

One of the fundamental dimensions is the BPR - bipariental size of the head. It is used to judge the gestational age and the correct development of the baby. It is complemented by a second size - LZR - fronto-occipital.

At week 18, these parameters of the baby’s head are considered normal.

To assess body growth, the lengths of paired bones are also important. The femur, humerus, shin and forearm bones are measured. Normally, this week has the following values:

The nasal bones may or may not be measured - this issue is decided on an individual basis. If the first screening was questionable or unsatisfactory, and the woman refused invasive diagnostics, then the nasal bones must be measured. Normally, at week 18 they are in the range of 5.4-6.0 mm.

It is mandatory at this time to examine the condition of the placenta and umbilical cord. The following indicators are typical for 18 weeks.

Dangers and risks at 18 weeks of pregnancy

The main dangers associated with the risk of miscarriage are left behind. The threat is now virtually non-existent. But this does not mean that a woman can stop paying attention to her well-being. Right now it is important to listen to all changes in the body so as not to miss the development of possible complications.

There is still a risk of fetal death this week. The reasons that can lead to tragedy are completely unknown to specialists; these could be genetic pathologies, the adverse effects of external factors, or taking medications.

Sometimes the baby can stop developing and die if earlier, in the first trimester, the mother suffered from a viral infection. The consequences of a common cold are not so destructive; they usually do not cause intrauterine death of a child.

A non-developing pregnancy can only be confirmed by ultrasound. A woman can guess about it if she already felt the baby’s movements, and then they completely disappeared. If movements have not yet been felt, then the fact that the pregnancy is fading can be detected during a routine visit to the doctor.

Another common problem during this period is the detection of sludged suspension in the amniotic fluid. At later stages, it can be physiological, essentially representing the baby’s desquamated epithelium, lanugo. Now, normally, water should be clear and clean.

The appearance of a suspension may be signs of placental abruption, intrauterine or sexually transmitted infections. The woman will be prescribed an examination to determine the pathogen and appropriate treatment with antibiotics. At this time, a woman may be prescribed antibiotics, the use of which is not prohibited during pregnancy - “Flemoxin”, “Amoxicillin” and a number of others.

By the 18th week, a woman’s immunity is quite weakened. From the first days of gestation, it is suppressed by the hormone progesterone, so that the forces of the immune system do not interfere with the development of the embryo. Reduced immunity is a necessary measure, but it is also the reason that right now a woman becomes most vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

Now she should be extremely careful, not visit crowded places unless necessary, avoid traveling on crowded public transport, must observe hygiene requirements and take vitamins.

If all the precautions did not help, and the expectant mother fell ill, she should definitely consult a doctor who will help determine whether it is a cold or a viral illness, and will also prescribe treatment with medications approved for pregnant women.

Viral infections themselves at this stage no longer pose a great danger, because the placenta protects the baby, but high temperature can cause problems with the uteroplacental blood flow. It is important to prevent this from happening.

Due to decreased immunity at week 18, women often begin to experience problems with the urinary system: cystitis, exacerbation of pyelonephritis or nephritis - all this is a very real risk. Frequent urination, accompanied by pain, a small amount of urine, urine of an unusual color with a pungent odor - these are the symptoms that should force the expectant mother to go to the doctor without fail to get tested and get a prescription.

It would be useful to remind you of the dangers of self-medication and treatment folk remedies during pregnancy. Such experiments may be successful for an ordinary adult, but for a woman who is expecting a child, they can end very sadly.

Interesting fact- at the 18th week of pregnancy, almost all women have a slight decrease in visual acuity. This phenomenon is temporary, there is no need to worry, but expectant mothers who drive a car or work in high-tech industries where precision and good vision are required should be extremely careful.

Analyzes and examinations

This week, the second prenatal screening begins, aimed at identifying the risk group for chromosomal abnormalities. Now, in addition to markers of Down, Turner, Cornelia da Lange, Edwards, and Patau syndromes, screening allows us to evaluate possible anomalies in the development of the baby’s neural tube.

They can manifest themselves in microcephaly (small brain volume), anencephaly (absence of the brain at all), spina bifida and a number of other gross defects, many of which are incompatible with life.

If last week a woman has not yet taken a blood test for the so-called “triple test,” then this test will be prescribed this week. The concentration of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein is determined in the blood of a pregnant woman. An ultrasound scan evaluates the anatomy and fetometry of the fetus, compares the data with the norms, and assesses whether the child’s development meets the average standards for the current period.

Also this week, general blood and urine tests are prescribed if a visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist is planned. If the visit is scheduled later, then you can take these tests immediately before going to the doctor.

At the 18th obstetric week, it is important to adhere to all the basic recommendations: walk more in the fresh air away from busy city highways, monitor your weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, take the necessary tests on time and do not miss visits to the doctor. In addition, a woman may need additional recommendations that are relevant specifically for the current period.


General approach to organization proper nutrition during pregnancy is about balance. The expectant mother's diet should contain enough proteins, fats and slow carbohydrates. You should eat at least 5-6 times a day, but the portion size should not be large.

The list of prohibited foods includes fatty meats, lard, smoked and salted fish, sausages and frankfurters, a large number of sweets, canned food and carbonated drinks. These foods, in addition to causing excess weight gain, can lead to increased digestive problems.

Colitis, gas formation, constipation and indigestion will occur less frequently or disappear completely if a woman eats fresh and high-quality foods that do not contain a large amount of dyes and other chemical additives. Now, during the period of active growth of the baby, foods with a high calcium content are definitely needed: milk, cottage cheese, spinach, nuts, sea fish, fresh herbs.

In many pregnant women, at week 18, due to an increase in the amount of circulating blood, hemoglobin decreases. To prevent the development of anemia, you should introduce foods rich in iron into your diet: apples, dried mushrooms, beef liver, blueberries, strawberries, rabbit meat, barley and buckwheat.

Raw vegetables and fruits will help avoid constipation, and homemade fruit drinks and freshly squeezed juices will saturate the expectant mother’s body with vitamins.


Despite the fact that the placenta now copes quite successfully with its barrier function, a woman should not take any medications without the doctor’s permission. This is especially true for painkillers, anticonvulsants, and antibiotics.

At week 18, pregnant women who have been prescribed Utrozhestan to maintain pregnancy usually stop hormonal therapy: “Utrozhestan” is no longer needed, the hormonal levels have come into balance, and there is no longer any threat of miscarriage.

"Don't touch my belly!"

A woman’s rounded belly arouses keen interest among others. Some are not satisfied with just looking at a woman’s form, and even strive to touch her stomach. Most women find this unpleasant.

You shouldn’t hold back your emotions; an outsider who decides to touch your belly needs to delicately and firmly express your disagreement with his actions. Don't allow anyone to touch you if it makes you feel uncomfortable. There is nothing out of the ordinary about this, don’t be afraid to seem tough.

Preparing for childbirth

No matter how strange it may sound, a woman should start preparing for the upcoming birth now. Daily gymnastics will help keep all muscle groups in good shape, this will facilitate the process of carrying a baby in the third trimester, when he becomes very large, and will also help to recover faster after childbirth. Already now a woman can and should familiarize herself with a set of so-called “Kegel exercises.”

These are some fairly simple exercises to train your pelvic muscles. They are compressed and unclenched. Regular exercise will help strengthen the pelvic floor, which will help avoid such late “troubles” of the third trimester as physiological urinary incontinence, and will also significantly improve the quality of sexual life.

Such exercises are contraindicated for pregnant women with an obstetric pessary applied or surgical sutures placed on the cervix. All other women must check with their doctor before starting classes to see if there are any other contraindications.

You can learn how to do gymnastics for pregnant women, as well as learn how to train the pelvic muscles, in special courses for pregnant women. They work in every antenatal clinic and are free. You can visit them either alone or together with your spouse, because he is also preparing for his new role as a father.


Sexual relations at week 18 they reach a new level. Sensitivity increases, sexual appetite appears, and a woman can experience more intense sensations from orgasm. There is no need to fear that contractions of the uterine muscles during apotheosis may harm the child. Orgasm improves blood supply to muscles and ligaments and has a positive effect on a woman’s emotional state.

Now that the threat of miscarriage is behind us, doctors can allow sexual relations even for those women who previously had a threat and sex was contraindicated for her.

It is unlikely that the moratorium will be lifted for women with cervical pathologies: a pessary or sutures on the cervix are a clear and undiscussed contraindication for intimate relationships, since any tone of the uterus can cause the sutures to cut through and terminate the pregnancy.

Spouses should be careful. Positions that involve deep penetration are now undesirable. Intimate gel lubricants can also harm the health of the expectant mother. Anal sex is also not recommended now. Correctly chosen poses in which there is no mechanical compression of the abdomen are welcome.

Bandage and shoes

The changed gait, stress on the legs and back are no longer compatible with dress shoes with stiletto heels. A woman should pay more attention to safety and comfort. Therefore, it is worth switching to shoes with flat soles or a slight platform instep. From this date it is quite possible to start wearing a special orthopedic prenatal bandage.

There are several dozen models of such devices; which one to choose is up to the woman herself to decide. To understand whether it will be comfortable for a pregnant woman to wear, it is worth trying it on. Therefore, you should not order a bandage on the Internet; it is better to personally go to any orthopedic salon.

Before purchasing, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Reasons to call an ambulance

There are situations in which you cannot hesitate. At week 18, you shouldn’t wait to see a doctor or frantically search for advice on the Internet if a woman suddenly starts bleeding or has weaker spotting. You should also immediately call an ambulance if your water breaks.

Hypertonicity is dangerous, which is combined with severe pain in the right and left sides; it is no longer difficult to determine the tone of the uterus for a pregnant woman at 18 weeks.

If there is severe vomiting, a woman also needs urgent Care. The development of seizures and loss of consciousness are reasons to call an ambulance. The expectant mother can easily solve all other problems with her attending physician in a regular scheduled or unscheduled manner.

The antenatal period is one of the most crucial in the life of any woman. At this time, the pregnant woman’s body experiences enormous stress on all systems and organs, because it bears all the responsibility for the development of the fetus. During each week, the fetus goes through different stages of its development and, accordingly, the mother’s sensations also change with them. That is why it is important to pay attention to every sensation, its intensity and severity; this can serve as a sure signal that something is wrong with the fetus or, conversely, that everything is fine. In order to understand this issue and distinguish normality from pathology, our article was written.

The 18th week of pregnancy is the period that corresponds to the second trimester and the second week of the 5th month or the 20th obstetric week. If you have managed to hide your belly before, then the 18th week is the point when it will become very difficult to do this, because your belly is already occupied by a volume that is comparable to a decent melon. A pleasant surprise for many mothers will be the sensation of the baby's first movements. It is worth noting the relative improvement in the condition of pregnant women, which is achieved due to the normalization of the endocrine system and the stabilization of hormonal levels.

Video - 18th week of pregnancy, what happens in the abdomen, movements, screening, appetite, exercise

Signs, symptoms, sensations of the mother and the mechanism of their occurrence

Active weight gain and intensive growth of the child, leading to the fact that the walls of the uterus are stretched and this gives her discomfort. By this time, the fundus of the uterus is already located not far from the navel, or rather 1.5-2.5 cm above it. Due to its growth, all nearby organs are displaced, more precisely the intestines, stomach, liver and spleen. However, not everything is so bad, so let's start with the pleasant.

1.Fetal movements

These are the sensations that often bring women only joy and do not cause any pain. You should carefully monitor their frequency and strength, because often this is quite important point, which may indicate the health of the fetus.

2.Pigment spots

At this time, the first age spots may appear, which are located on the stomach and their appearance is associated with the deposition of melanin. At the moment, the mechanism of their occurrence is not known, but many scientists suggest that the cause is disturbances in the endocrine system and against the background of metabolic disorders. The color of the spot may be completely different shades Brown. The size of the spot can also vary from a few centimeters to large areas skin.

3. Weight gain

It is worth noting that before pregnancy the woman weighed 5-6 kg less than at 18 weeks. First of all, the body prepares to provide for the child. The metabolic rate of a pregnant woman exceeds that of a healthy person, because a developing organism requires a fairly large amount of energy and nutrients. The cause of excessive weight gain may be an improvement in the pregnant woman's appetite, especially at night. Another reason may be multiple pregnancy, but you can find out about this after an ultrasound.

4.Feeling of pressure in the navel area

Often this sensation is marked by an enlargement of the uterus, which leads to stretching of the skin, and the cause may also be stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall - the abdominal muscles. Such sensations are observed mainly if the pregnant woman has not played sports and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weak. Such sensations may even be a little painful.

5. Striae or stretch marks

They appear at first in the form of stripes that can have different colors, mainly from crimson to purple. At week 18, the direction of the stripes is longitudinal, that is, from bottom to top. Their appearance is associated with rapid stretching of the skin that the skin does not have time to adapt to it. Two proteins, collagen and elastin, are responsible for the stretching and strength of the skin. Elastin ensures the stretching of the skin to maximum values, and collagen ensures the integrity of its structures. When the reserves of these proteins are depleted, the elastin in the hypodermis breaks down and this leads to the formation of a scar. The precursor to stretch marks often begins as mild itching.

6.Back pain

This sensation occurs in most women, but it begins to actively manifest itself only at 18 weeks, when your baby begins to gain weight. In addition, the action of hormones is aimed at relaxing the ligamentous apparatus in order to ensure adequate breathing for the pregnant woman and stretchability in the pelvic area, but in addition, they negatively affect the ligaments of the spine, which help maintain the weight of the fetus. Also, during pregnancy, the expectant mother's posture changes, which puts even more stress on the spine, especially the lumbar region. In addition, in addition to the weight of the child, the pregnant woman also increases her body weight.

7. Sleep disturbance

The main reasons that lead to sleep disturbances in pregnant women include an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, pain in the back, discomfort in the navel, movements of the unborn child, etc. The increase in the abdomen and the weight of the child lead to the fact that it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable position for sleeping. This is facilitated by pain, movement and other sensations that can cause discomfort. It is also impossible to exclude changes in the nervous system, because every mother worries about her child, the course of labor, and some, even at 18 weeks, are not ready to get used to the idea that they will soon be mothers. All these phenomena lead to constant stress, which can affect sleep disturbances.

8.Heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen

Increased blood levels of the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscle layer of organs, in particular the stomach. There are valves between the stomach and esophagus, as well as the duodenum, but their functioning directly depends on the functioning of muscle fibers. When a pregnant woman eats food, it passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. In the stomach, special cells begin to secrete hydrochloric acid and a special enzyme, pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of protein. When acid is released, the pH of the environment decreases and these changes are recorded by receptors, which, thanks to nervous system cause the valves to close using muscle fibers. This prevents acidic contents from entering the alkaline environment of the intestines or esophagus. In pregnant women, this mechanism is disrupted and often when overeating, the valve does not close completely or cannot hold a significant amount of food. Malfunction of the valves leads to heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen.

9.Changes in the cardiovascular system

The fetus grows, which means the load on the heart increases, because it must provide both the pregnant woman and the fetus with nutrients and oxygen. The first thing that is noted on such early this is a decrease in blood pressure, but don't worry, it's normal. Thus, the heart adapts to the condition of the fetus’s existence and the increase in its demands every week. Thanks to these changes, the efficiency of the heart increases significantly.

Description of fetal development

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing; it is during this period that the peak rate of development of systems such as the musculoskeletal, nervous and endocrine falls. By this time, the child’s height already reaches 13-14 cm, and his weight is up to 200 g.

1.Central nervous system

Myelin protein begins to form around the nerves, which is responsible for the speed of nerve impulses. However, it is worth noting that this process does not end immediately after pregnancy, but continues for a year after it. The cerebral cortex is continuously developing, its area is increasing, and the grooves and convolutions are becoming more and more clear-cut. In the fetus, the blood-brain barrier is just beginning to form, but the vascular system of the brain is already fully formed and can fully supply the brain with blood.

2.Endocrine system

The glands of the endocrine system are already at the stage of completing the formation of their structure, due to which they begin to actively secrete hormones. The adrenal glands and thymus reach the greatest development. The release of hormones by the fetus is so intense that if there is a need or a lack of hormones in the mother, the fetus can completely compensate for this condition by releasing a sufficient amount of hormones for two. In such cases, doctors note an unhealthy tendency that such children eventually suffer from a disease of the same gland, which was under double load during pregnancy.

3. Musculoskeletal system

The final stages in the formation are noted musculoskeletal system antenatal period. The upper and lower extremities are especially distinguished by the degree of development; the formed phalanges of the fingers can already be seen. It is at this stage of pregnancy that with the help of an ultrasound you will be able to see for the first time how the baby sucks its thumb.

4.Touch system

The eyes continue to develop, and the nerve cells of the retina have reached the stage of development that allows them to distinguish light from darkness. The child does not yet distinguish colors. But he is able to distinguish sounds, which is possible thanks to the auditory ossicles in the middle ear, which complete their formation by this time.


The skin of the fetus has not yet formed; it is distinguished by significant thinness and tenderness. It looks wrinkled, the blood vessels are visible through it, which adds a red tint to the color of the skin.


The main principles of rational nutrition for pregnant women with a period of 18 weeks are fragmentation and complexity. Eat at least 5-6 times, but in small portions, this will relieve you of heartburn, provide higher food efficiency and prevent you from gaining weight quickly. As for the complexity of nutrition, you need to make sure that your food is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The average energy requirement for pregnant women at week 18 is 2800–3000 kcal. The amount of protein in your food should be 3 times less than carbohydrates.

Advantage in nutrition should be given to fruits, vegetables and root vegetables, because they are rich in fiber, which will protect you from constipation. It is not recommended to consume significant amounts of sweets, maximum amount sugar that can be consumed per day - 40 g. It is recommended to drink water at the rate of 0.035 liters per kg of body weight.

You should consult your doctor about whether you should take vitamins and other dietary supplements that will provide you and the fetus with all the necessary substances and microelements.

1. Pain in the navel area

If you have pain in the navel area, which can be attributed to weak muscles and stretched skin, you should consult a doctor. In addition to this, the reason may be:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • intestinal infection;
  • umbilical hernia.

The presence of any of these diseases can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

2.Stretch marks

In order to avoid the occurrence of stretch marks, it is worth additionally nourishing the skin. The first thing you should apply is moisturizer. Secondly, a light massage of the abdominal skin will increase blood flow to the skin, which will enhance its nutrition and make it possible to accelerate the renewal of skin cells, which will make it stronger and more elastic. Thirdly, control your weight, because obesity will only worsen stretch marks. Eating too much will lead to the deposition of fat in the thighs, abdomen and chest, which will further stretch the skin.

3.Back pain

If you have back pain, you also need to be on alert, since in addition to pregnancy, such sensations can be caused by pyelonephritis, the threat of miscarriage and other diseases. It is recommended to regularly measure the temperature, also pay attention to the nature of the pain; if the pain is of the muscular type, then this is most likely due to the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back. Acute pain of severe intensity is a sign of the disease. That is why you should be regularly examined by a doctor and not hide any feelings that are bothering you.


You can completely get rid of such a feeling as heartburn by following just a few rules. The number of meals should increase to 5-6 times a day, but its volume will decrease. This will prevent you from overeating, but will also prevent you from starving. After eating, you should never go to bed right away, much less sleep. During sleep, digestion processes slow down, and gastric contents with great pressure put pressure on the valve, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. It is not recommended to drink large amounts of liquid after eating, because by doing so you dilute hydrochloric acid and increase the time it takes to digest food.

5.Communication with the child

As already written above, the child has already formed sensory organs, so it is worth starting to communicate with him from 18 weeks. Experts recommend reading them fairy tales, talking, singing lullabies; you will still have to do this over time. Many people believe that classical music has a positive effect on fetal development. It is worth noting that scientists have proven the connection between communication between mother and child in the antenatal period and the degree of severity of mental abilities.


During this period, you will have another ultrasound examination, which will make it possible to assess the child’s condition. For the doctor, the main points are the location and condition of the umbilical cord. Next, they pay attention to the presence or absence of the most common developmental anomalies, firstly, from the cardiovascular system, secondly, the height and main dimensions of the child are measured to check the timeliness of its development, thirdly, they will examine the gonads and be able to determine gender of the child.

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