Mixer      03.03.2020

Garage door insulation. How to insulate the garage door with foam and mineral wool: useful tips. Various gate designs and their insulation

All motorists know how important it is to maintain a certain temperature regime in the garage. A stable temperature has a beneficial effect on the safety of the car and its technical system. In an insulated room, there is no need for a long warm-up of the engine before the upcoming trip.

This reduces fuel costs and your time. In such a garage, it is more convenient not only to maintain, but also to repair the car. However, many motorists have no idea where to start arranging the premises, do not take into account some important aspects. For example, often users try to heat an uninsulated or poorly insulated garage.

At the same time, a lot of energy resources are lost without receiving in return required amount heat. Therefore, you must first solve the problem with the thermal insulation of the garage, and only then plan heating system. How to insulate the garage door - this will be discussed below.

Warming garage doors

Causes and features of insulation of gates and doors in the garage

Sometimes car owners who have a garage do not always pay due attention to car storage. For many users, having a garage puts all worries aside, as they find it warmer in winter than outside. So does it need to be insulated?

The reason is that there are noticeable temperature differences in the garage, especially during the off-season. Such phenomena can be a source of condensation. The body of the car under these conditions quickly begins to rust, there are failures in the electronic system, which is fraught with safe driving.

A constant increase in humidity affects not only the car, but also the condition of the garage itself (mold forms, fungus appears, etc.).

Especially the problem of insulating gates and doors arises in the case of car maintenance and repair, as well as when installing a workshop in the garage in winter time. At the same time, it should be noted that most of the heat from the room leaves through the swing gates.

There are several reasons why heat loss occurs:

  1. Basically, the gates are made of metal, which is significantly inferior in terms of heat saving to concrete, from which the ceiling and walls are erected.
  2. Due to the large area, the gap between the leaves has a significant length, and even with the smallest gap in the gate joint, the total heat loss will be large.
  3. Additional doors are often installed in one of the gate leaves, which also significantly affects heat loss. When installing them, you need to imagine in advance how to insulate the doors in the garage.

It is desirable to install a heater with inside, as this will protect against vandals and reduce the requirements for its aesthetics.

Built-in garage door

Material selection

For correct calculation necessary materials, you need to know the exact dimensions of garage doors, doors and the characteristics of the insulation used.

Attention! To exclude marriage and other unforeseen nuances that have arisen, it is recommended to purchase consumable with a margin.

There are no special restrictions on the choice of insulation for garage doors. With any possibility of fixing it on the inside of the sashes and at the same time without significant weighting, such a material can be considered suitable for use. In order to know how to insulate a garage door and what kind of insulating material to use, you need to take into account some of its features.

Consider the most common heat-insulating products suitable for insulating garage doors:

  1. Fiberglass, felt, mineral wool. These products have the same parameters of vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, as well as the same specific gravity. But it is very undesirable to use them as a heater for garage doors.

This is due to the fact that the dew point will be located inside the insulation due to its small thickness, which leads to constant moisture during the off-season. This phenomenon is inevitable when cold air seeps into a warm room.

  1. Reed and peat slabs. Such a heater is suitable for use in a garage, but it has poor mechanical strength and, moreover, the cost is quite high.
  2. Polymer insulation. It is cheap, effective in application, but quite sensitive to external influences.
  3. Different types of synthetic material. With low thermal conductivity, foam plastic and expanded polystyrene are lightweight, easy to process and easily fixed on any surface.

Such heat insulators are the most convenient heaters for installation on garage doors. Apply foam or extruded polystyrene foam, there is no significant difference for this coating: they have the same characteristic properties.

Different types of insulation for garage doors

Tool and additional material

In addition to choosing a heater, before installing it, it is also necessary to prepare other materials and tools:

  • Wooden bars with a face equal to the thickness of the insulation.
  • Screwdriver and screws.
  • Drill.
  • Cladding boards.
  • Metal brush.
  • Primer.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Mounting foam.

Need decorative Decoration Materials, which can additionally be used as a heat insulator around the entire perimeter of the gate.

Panel mounting tool

Self-insulated garage doors

After the insulation is selected (polystyrene in our case), purchased Additional materials and tools are prepared, you can begin work on thermal insulation. At the same time, one should not forget about security measures and personal protection.

First of all, you need to do the preparatory work:

  • First you need to cover everything with an antiseptic wooden elements. This will protect the bars from the appearance of mold and fungus on them. The inner surface of metal gates and built-in doors must also be prepared for better adhesion: remove rust and dirt from the surface of the gate with a brush.
  • Then carefully primed the treated canvas. When applying an antiseptic and a priming solution, it is recommended to apply them in two layers: along and across.
  • Saw the bars in such a way that they can be placed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings with a gap equal to the width of the foam.
  • Install a crate, which, in addition to fixing foam sheets, will serve as additional protection from mechanical influences.
  • Make markings and cut the insulation blanks so that they are slightly smaller than the crate cells on each side (for better fastening).
  • Moisten the surface of the sashes with a spray bottle or sponge.
  • Apply mounting foam as glue and waterproofing on the surfaces of individual cells of the crate.
  • Install the prepared foam boards in the crate niche and hold for some time until the insulation is fixed to the sash surface.

On a note! For the installation of the crate and various accessories in the case of a large thickness of the metal, it is necessary to pre-drill holes for self-tapping screws.

After installing the insulation, it is necessary to fill all voids and cracks with mounting foam, and the excess that protrudes along the edges can only be removed if it has completely hardened.

Styrofoam garage door insulation

Final finishing work

When the main area of ​​the gate is insulated, it remains to install insulation around the entire perimeter of the outer contour of the gate frame and doors.

Clarification! Swing gates, in fact, are two boxes welded from a corner and sheathed on top with sheet iron with an overlap to overlap the wings between them. The doors are similarly constructed, only they are smaller and built into one of the halves of the gate.


  • It is effective to use heaters made of elastic or porous material With big size by section. Strengthening it to the edge of the gate and built-in doors can be done either by gluing or by means of a metal plate.
  • If the garage door has built-in entrance doors, then a locking mechanism must be inserted into them. And in order to find out how to properly insulate the internal lock in the garage, you need to take into account the extension of the striker plate (bolt). For thermal insulation of the lock, a fabric or rubber strip is used, which is pressed with a decorative metal plate around the entire perimeter of the locking mechanism.
  • As a protection and aesthetic appearance, all inner part gates and doors are sheathed with facing material. For this purpose, sheets of plywood, chipboard, plastic are suitable, and planed boards can also be used. Here it is necessary to cut the blanks so that the joints of the plates are located on the beams of the crate and, when installing them, maintain minimal gaps.

Attach sheets of facing material it is most convenient with the help of self-tapping screws. After finishing the work, it is desirable to process the skin for the most attractive appearance: cover with stain or paint.

Garage doors sheathed with clapboard

On this, the insulation can be considered complete. In the case of high-quality and accurate work, garage doors will serve you for a long period without additional insulation. Now your car is not particularly afraid of sub-zero winter conditions and temperature changes during the off-season. Cold air will not enter from the outside through metal gate. As a result of the insulation made in the garage, a comfortable temperature regime will remain, which means that you no longer have to worry about the condition of your car.

The garage can be used for its intended purpose - as a parking lot for a car, as well as a workshop or warehouse where you can store inventory and various things. If you often do car repairs, then it is best to insulate the building. The most effective data work will be in the gate area. However, before carrying out such manipulations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules that state that it is better not to use porous heaters like mineral wool for the thermal insulation of the garage. This is due to the fact that it will shift towards the insulation, it will get wet, its density and thermal conductivity will increase.

Material selection

You should not try to save money by ordering a gate without a gate. Its presence allows you to keep warm inside the garage. It is better to immediately make gates not only with a separate door, but also with insulation. Among other things, the building must be equipped with a ventilation system, which can be exhaust and supply. The supply opening can be made in the gate. Insufficient ventilation can create life-threatening conditions.

Garage doors can be insulated different materials, however, one of the most effective is foam. This material has a low density, so the insulation will not exert additional loads on the structure. Styrofoam has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, it does not emit substances harmful to human health, which is true under normal operating conditions. This thermal insulation does not interact with air and water, and the formed layer will last more than 50 years. Processing canvases is quite simple, for this you can use available tools. It should also be noted that the water absorption of polystyrene is quite low and does not exceed 3%, but if we are talking about extruded polystyrene foam, then this figure is even less, it is 0.4%.

Thermal insulation of the gate: preparation of tools

If you decide to insulate the garage door with foam, then at the first stage you need to prepare the tools. You will need:

  • electric drill;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • brush for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood saw;
  • roller;
  • core;
  • clamps;
  • square;
  • sandpaper;
  • hammer;
  • meter tape measure;
  • metal ruler;
  • construction knife.

Preparation of materials

In order for the gate to look attractive from the inside, you can use a facing material, which is sometimes used as corrugated board, wooden lining, or OSB. As practice shows, it is best to prefer oriented strand boards, as they have many advantages, namely: the material is quite strong and reliable, easy to process, has low vapor permeability and eliminates the need for vapor barrier membranes to cover thermal insulation. Oriented strand boards can be purchased at a low cost, and after completion of the work, the door will have an attractive appearance. For cladding, it is recommended to use OSB-3 or OSB-4 boards, the thickness of which should be 10 mm. Such material is intended for rooms, the conditions of which are characterized by a high level of humidity.

After you determine the size of the gate, you should calculate the number of plates. Each of them has standard sizes 1250x2500 mm. As a rule, the master manages with two canvases, and after the work, there are trimmings that can be used for other purposes. Insulation of garage doors is accompanied by the installation of a crate, on which facing materials will be attached. For the frame system, it is recommended to use a square section with a side of 4 cm. They are fixed on the bearing part of the gate, which are metal corners, sometimes a profile pipe. Be that as it may, the crate must be installed around the perimeter and on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas. The distance between the elements of the crate should be 40 cm.

More about preparation

If the insulation of the garage door with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam will be accompanied by a further installation of the finish, then before starting the installation of the frame system wooden blocks must be treated with an antiseptic. Depending on the composition to be used, one or two coats may be required. It is necessary to produce these works with a regular brush. During the drying of the bars, you can do the preparation inner surface gate, for this, the rust is cleaned to metal, it is more convenient to do this with a brush-nozzle on a drill. It is important to clean all loose paint, in hard-to-reach places ah, it is more convenient to use a brush with metal bristles. Sometimes experts advise resorting to the use of sandpaper, which the master must walk over the entire surface, this will improve the quality of adhesion of the primer to the metal.

At the next stage, the surface is treated with an anti-corrosion primer, it is applied in 2 layers. The direction of the second should be perpendicular to the first. As soon as you have waited for the surface to dry completely, you should take care of waterproofing, which is relevant in tandem with ordinary foam. If applicable, this operation is not performed. Waterproofing can be done with bituminous mastic, sometimes vapor barrier membranes are glued to the surface.

When warming is carried out, it is recommended to consider the photo even before the start of work, which will allow you to eliminate many errors. At the next stage, the crate is installed, the bars are cut to the size of the gate desired length they must be whole. In those places where locks and bolts are located, as well as ventilation grilles, it is necessary to make a frame of bars, installing them around the perimeter. To fix these elements, several holes are drilled with an electric drill, the distance between which should be 25 cm. For this, a 4 mm drill is used. In those places where the bars will be installed in the end, the holes should be 5 mm. Before drilling, it is recommended to mark and punch places so that the drill does not heat up.

For reference

When the garage doors are insulated with their own hands, the crate is sometimes required without installing the facing material. At the same time, the installation of the lower row of horizontal bars may be accompanied by some difficulties, which consist in the fact that it is not possible to get the tool to hard-to-reach places. If you remove the gate, then these works can be carried out without problems, if not, then you need to attach the bar to the end, because the rest of the crate will take over most load from the facing material.

The nuances of installing insulation

Insulation of metal garage doors is usually carried out with foam, it should be cut only after measuring the space between the bars. About 3 mm of material is left on each side so that the foam is placed tightly between the bars. When cutting, it is necessary to ensure that the blade enters the thermal insulation vertically, if the blade is flexible, then it can lead to the side, which will certainly break the cut line.

Sometimes the insulation of garage doors with foam plastic is not at all accompanied by mechanical fixation of the material, because the cladding will press it to the base. You can use liquid nails, sometimes applied polyurethane foam, which will be useful in the future when sealing joints.

When insulating garage doors with polystyrene foam, it is recommended to use 40 mm slabs, which may have different sizes. When buying material, it is necessary to take into account the location of the crate so that cutting the foam is not accompanied by the formation a large number scraps. If possible, try to strengthen solid sheets of material. Experts recommend purchasing extruded polystyrene foam, since its water absorption rate is minimal, there is almost no need to protect such material from moisture, but such thermal insulation is more expensive. As practice shows, it is much easier to work with extruded polystyrene foam, it does not crumble when cutting.

for insulation

For mounting the bars, you should use galvanized self-tapping screws for working with wood, their size should be equal to 3.5x30 mm, as for fastening the side surfaces, they are fixed using self-tapping screws with dimensions of 4.5x70 mm, they are installed at the end. If the gate frame is made of a profile pipe, then the length of the self-tapping screws must be increased by adding the pipe section. Fasteners should enter the bar to a depth of 1/2 section; when installing the facing material, it is better to use screws with a press washer with dimensions of 4.2x32 mm.


Insulation of garage doors is usually carried out only after applying a primer to metal surface. To do this, use an anti-corrosion agent that prevents the formation of rust when high humidity. The primer can be any, based on alkyd or synthetic resins. It should be designed for use over a wide temperature range. In order to degrease the surface, together with a primer, it is necessary to purchase a solvent.

Foam insulation

Insulation of garage doors with mounting foam is accompanied by the use of polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene. As soon as the insulation plates are installed to the metal surface, all joints must be filled with mounting foam. It is better to purchase its professional variety, which involves the use of a pistol. Such a composition expands less in volume, and the gun allows you to conveniently apply the mixture to the right place and in any quantity. In order to exclude rotting of the bars, an antiseptic should be used, it can be made on oil or water based, sometimes such mixtures are paint with antiseptic properties. If you decide to use ordinary foam, then it should be protected from moisture. This can be done using a vapor barrier membrane, Izolon self-adhesive insulation or bituminous mastic.

Warming of sectional works

Insulation of sectional garage doors is carried out using almost the same technology that was described above. Before starting, you need to choose a material, which can be foam, its installation is carried out using plastic dowels. This material is resistant to mold and mildew. If you want to provide fire safety, then you should choose a foam that was made using fire retardants, in the event of a fire, the material will exhibit properties like self-extinguishing.

If it is possible to use special equipment, then polyurethane foam can be used for insulation. The work will cost more if they are carried out by a team of professional builders, but the efficiency will be on top. At the first stage, the gate is measured, as well as individual sections. This will cut the material according to the parameters. The insulation is glued to the surface, and mounting foam is applied to the joints.

When the insulation of the garage door joints has been completed, you can proceed to waterproofing. To do this, use Isolon, which sometimes becomes an additional means of thermal insulation. In some cases, this material is used as the main layer of insulation.


Insulating the gaps of the garage door is no less important than the thermal insulation of the leaf itself. To do this, you should use mounting foam, which has excellent adhesion with a huge amount of materials. However, before installation, the surface is moistened, because hardening occurs upon contact with moisture.

The garage, in our realities, often serves as its owner and station Maintenance car and workshop. And sometimes - a cellar, a pantry, a warehouse, and God knows what else. Therefore, the creation of a certain microclimate in it, and hence the need for insulation, is not a whim of the car owner, but a vital necessity.

The main heat exchanger, of course, is the garage door, made of metal. In summer, they serve as a huge battery that actively heats the air inside the garage, and in winter as a refrigerator. Their warming will radically improve the situation. And if with protection from the summer heat everything is more or less clear - almost any insulation system is suitable here, then protection from the cold will require more deliberate approaches. It's about the choice of heater.

The physics of heat transfer in a garage

Even if your garage is not heated in winter, a car with a warm engine put into it after a trip serves as a kind of heating device for some time. So, first of all, at the gate, there are 2 air flows: warm from the inside, cold from the outside, which is why condensation forms on the inner wall of the garage door leaf. If the frost is large enough, then it turns into frost - the water freezes.

If you lay insulation from the inside of the garage door, then warm air will not go to the canvas. That's right, but the insulation to the insulation is different. If you lay mineral or any other wool, then it will inevitably get wet in a garage, because the car itself is a source of excess moisture, especially in winter. At the same time, not only will it lose its thermal characteristics to a large extent, but it will also provoke accelerated corrosion of the gate metal.

If you heat your garage in the winter, this process will only get worse.

This method of garage door insulation can only be used when you do not operate the car in winter or this happens extremely rarely. And even then, before closing the gate, insulated with mineral wool, you need to let the car cool down enough. But the products in the cellar will not freeze and in the summer such insulation will save. But we will not consider this option of warming in this article because of its unsuitability, especially since there are more effective ways.

Simple ways to insulate garage doors from the inside

Since cotton wool is not quite suitable, it is necessary to find effective heaters that do not absorb moisture. The simplest, but, unfortunately, not the most economical way will be the method of pasting garage doors with thick polyethylene foam, such as is used for soundproofing bodies, but thicker. It has an adhesive layer on one side. You just need to degrease the canvas, let it dry, and stick the material cut to size. Its thickness can reach 35 mm.

There is a thick polyethylene foam without an adhesive layer. It can be glued to permanent sticky glue (such is used on adhesive tape), which is purchased via the Internet.

Or use several layers of underlay under a laminate of the same material. It is better to fix such a substrate using wooden crate and rails. And this whole pie is better protected from the inside by some sheet material, protecting from mechanical damage: plywood, OSB, plastic panels etc.

But this will not be enough if there are gaps around the gate, as in the photo. To eliminate them, various seals or even metal seals with a seal should be used if the gaps are very large.

The second option simple solution thermal insulation of the gate opening will be the installation of thick curtains.

This solution is as simple as it is effective. The only inconvenience is the need to constantly raise or extend such a curtain when entering and leaving the car.

The main requirement: a tight fit of the curtains to the walls and floor, especially from below, so as not to blow cold air, which is known to be at the bottom. The air gap between the door leaf and the curtain will serve as a door insulation, and air circulation will actively dry the resulting condensate.

The material of the curtain can be anything, but dense: tarpaulin, awning fabric, dense polyethylene. The most commonly used type of garage door insulation will be their insulation with polystyrene foam.

How to insulate garage doors with styrofoam

The choice of polystyrene foam for insulating garage doors from the inside with your own hands is simply explained:

  • relative cheapness of the material;
  • ease of cutting;
  • insulation efficiency (one and a half times more effective than mineral wool);
  • the possibility of operation without additional protection.

Styrofoam, unlike cotton wool, is absolutely hydrophobic, a fungus does not start in it and it does not release small particles of fibers into the air.

Consider the process of insulating garage doors with polystyrene foam in more detail. There are 2 types of it:

  1. from foamed granules (otherwise called ball);
  2. extruded.

The second is denser, but quite expensive and, unlike PSB-S, quite flammable. It is only slightly “warmer” than ordinary white, so thickness plays a role in warming. For garage doors, a layer of 50 mm will suffice.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating garage doors:

1 . We clean the gate from dust, dirt and oil stains.

2. We strengthen wooden slats 50 mm thick. You can do this with self-tapping screws to the shelf of the corners, you can through the outside through the door leaf, or you can glue polyurethane adhesive- suitable and balloon for polyurethane foam, applied with mounting gun for foam.

3. With its help, we glue polystyrene, filling the cavities between the slats.

Glue on sheets of expanded polystyrene should be applied quite thickly, ideally - continuous.

4. We also foam the joints of foam sheets and the places where it adjoins the rails with mounting foam (you can use the same foam glue). After polymerization, excess foam is removed with a sharp knife flush with the foam.

5. We close the entire surface of the gate with foil foam insulation (it is better to take it with aluminum foil, not sprayed) with a shiny layer inside the garage. We use self-tapping screws with a cone-shaped hat, deepening them into the rail.

6. We close the insulation with sheets of plywood or OSB, screwing them to the frame rails.

7. We glue the sealant in a quarter of the openings, we foam the cracks around the box.

It is desirable to paint over the inner lining or open it with varnish.

do-it-yourself insulation of garage doors from the inside with polyurethane foam

But still in the best possible way insulation of garage doors from the inside will be sprayed with polyurethane foam. Firstly, it is by far the most effective insulation: it is one and a half times better than expanded polystyrene and three times better than mineral wool, and secondly, having excellent adhesion, it fills all the cavities of the garage door, leaving not the slightest void.

Ideally, a high-density polyurethane foam should be used and applied with a special machine. Only it is unlikely that you have one in the corner of the garage, and hire a team with necessary equipment quite expensive, but the raw materials themselves are not very cheap. But there are 2 options in which you can do the work yourself:

1. One of them is described in our self-manufacturing SIP panels:

Mounting foam in cylinders - the same polyurethane foam, although of low density, but it will do its job no worse than sprayed through installations high pressure. The spray gun for this method of application can be used old, but with a large nozzle, and the compressor is sure to be found, if not with you, then in one of the neighboring garages. The foam must be applied continuously, so that the result is a layer of 30 mm. You can do this in several steps.

2. The second is somewhat more expensive, but less troublesome. For this, you will need to purchase a Foam Kit, consisting of two containers with components A and B (polyol and isocyanate), when mixed to form polyurethane foam, a hose and a spray gun.

These kits come in different capacities, with a fairly accurately calculated foam output by volume. It is not so difficult to calculate it.

There are kits from other companies, and the spraying process itself will become clear to you after watching the demo video. After polymerization, the foam can be painted or covered inner lining convenient way.

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

“A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation,” this catchphrase from the famous work of Ilf and Petrov has become a household word. After all, not a single day in our life is complete without a car. But in order for it to serve faithfully, it also needs to be properly looked after and protected. He needs his own home. And warm house. Let's talk about garage door insulation.

Why you need a garage

The garage is also for many motorists not just a place to store their iron horse, but also their own small service station, workshop, sometimes a cellar or warehouse.

It should be remembered that according to SNiP 21-02-99 "Parking" for long-term and proper storage of the car, the required air temperature in the garage should be at least + 5 ° C. To maintain the desired temperature in the garage, it is necessary to install a heating and ventilation system.

Choice of garage door insulation

Sectional insulated doors are ideal for installation. They will help to avoid many problems associated with the insulation of the gate. They also open up, which will help to avoid problems with opening the gate after a snowfall, do not require the radius of opening the gate and fixing the leaves after opening. After all, a gust of wind can move the sash and damage the car.

But if the replacement swing gate sectional is not included in your plans, then they need to be insulated. Indeed, in this case, the metal serves as an excellent conductor of cold and condensate collection.

Various thermal insulation materials can be used to insulate the gate.

stone wool - heat insulator based on basalt fiber. Nonflammable material. It has high thermal insulation properties, which minimizes the heat loss of the building. Vapor-permeable material, with the use of water repellents does not absorb moisture, is non-toxic. But when working with it, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, tight clothing, since cotton wool fibers have a size of several micrometers, when they get on the skin they cause itching and burning, and when they get into the respiratory tract, they cause a reaction of the mucous membranes.

Foamed polyethylene , in another way, a synthetic winterizer is a common material for thermal insulation devices and as a filler for upholstered furniture. On the basis of polyethylene, foamed self-adhesive material is produced - isolon. From can also have one foil side for better thermal insulation.

Styrofoam - a type of foam. It is very popular among developers. It has excellent thermal insulation, is not hygroscopic, and supports combustion very well. By itself, it is not toxic, but when heated to 70-80 ° C, it begins to release a very toxic gas - styrene. Therefore, if the doors of your garage "look" to the south, it is not recommended to use foam as a heater.

Also highly soluble in acetone and other chlorinated hydrocarbons.

polyurethane foam - sprayed lightweight and durable material. It has a very low thermal conductivity. Non-toxic, but flammable. Possibility of application this material self limited. For spraying it is necessary special installation, which will mix the components of the material during spraying.

Preparing garage doors for insulation

Before starting work on the insulation of the gate, it is necessary to ensure high-quality surface preparation.

Inspect the gate for paint damage, dirt, rust and oil stains. If there are metal defects on the gate itself, they must be removed. You also need to clean the structure from dirt and rust with a brush with a metal bristle. Additionally, treat the surfaces with a rust converter, coat the metal with a primer. The measures taken will protect your gate from further corrosion, extending the lines of their service.

Check the gaps between the door frame and the opening. If there are any, provide for the possibility of installing a rubber seal. Check locking mechanisms. Adjust and, if necessary, lubricate the locks.

The insulation must be closed from mechanical damage. For fixing finishing gate, it is necessary to install an additional wooden crate on the gate.

Gate insulation with various materials

Insulation with stone wool. Most designs of swing garage doors are made from a corner with a shelf length of 50mm. This shelf size is enough to insert insulation. Stone wool must be covered with a vapor barrier film, otherwise the average daily temperature drop will lead to condensation in the insulation, and, as a result, it will get wet. From the side of the garage mineral wool needs to be protected. To do this, you can use siding, OSB-plate, wooden lining.

Insulation with polyethylene foam (isolon). The use of self-adhesive material will greatly simplify the insulation of the gate. Self-adhesive material is available in thicknesses from 2mm to 10mm. Isolon can be covered on one side with aluminum foil, which will provide a thermal reflection coefficient of 97%. No additional covering of the material is required. Although the material is easily damaged.

Insulation with polyurethane foam. One of the most progressive methods of insulation, but at the same time one of the most expensive. The main feature of the insulation is its application in liquid form. After foaming, it increases in volume up to 20 times, filling all the cracks and voids, forming an ideal tightness. It has excellent sound insulation. PPU with closed pores (specific density from 40kg/m3) acts as a vapor barrier. Good adhesion at the level of 2kg/cm2 to any materials and does not require the installation of additional fasteners.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene The most common way to insulate garage doors. The low cost of the material, its excellent thermal insulation properties contributed to its wide distribution.

The budget option is considered to be gluing sheets of expanded polystyrene to metal plates gate with mounting foam. The seams between the sheets must also be sealed with foam.

Most gate frame structures used small gussets to increase rigidity. Styrofoam for these scarves must be cut to a smaller thickness. If you make a mistake when trimming, the gaps formed must be filled with foam.

When working with extruded polystyrene foam, which has increased rigidity, exterior finish may not be carried out. It is enough to glue the joints with aluminum self-adhesive foil.

But it is worth remembering that the use of polystyrene foam on the gate, which "look" to the south, is not desirable. When hit by direct sun rays metal heats up quickly. Expanded polystyrene already at a temperature of + 75-80 ° C begins to decompose, releasing styrene.

Additional measures to ensure the thermal insulation of the garage

Since swing gates have a very large opening area, it is necessary to reduce this area. The ideal option is the equipment of a small gate in the plane of the gate.

Seal all joints of the door to the frame with thresholds or rubber gaskets. Create an additional air gap between the gate and the main garage room. Such a layer with a thickness of 200-400 mm can be created by hanging a dense fabric or tarpaulin curtain on the garage wall from the inside.

Damp and cold garage - not the most the best place for car maintenance. The owner is provided with problems with the technical condition of all its units. Accumulating condensate will ruin not only the car body, but also the electrical wiring.

Through the doorway, the main percentage of heat is lost. Swing design made of steel has a high thermal conductivity, so the insulation of the garage door will good decision. Coping with walls and roofs is a little easier than insulating garage doors. To do the work yourself, you will have to study the methods and materials.

Along with the direct purpose, the garage is used as a workshop. In the cold season, even a short stay in the garage will require great strength will. It is convenient to do minor repairs in the garage with your own hands, and it is so necessary here. good ventilation. Basement smell, fungus and mold on the walls are not all troubles. Staying in such a room is life-threatening. Often openings for supply ventilation leave it at the gate. On the topic of how to insulate the gate in the garage, there is a useful video at the end of our article.

Important! Ventilation openings must be left in the thickness of the insulation.

Buying a finished product

If you decide to install a factory-made structure in your garage, then the problems of how to insulate the gate will end there. New lift-and-swivel and sectional devices already have a layer of polyurethane foam. Even roller shutter types of gates are sometimes insulated, but the possibility of using them for a garage is very doubtful. Narrow aluminum lamellas will not reliable protection from breaking, and their high thermal conductivity makes them unsuitable for our climate.
When ordering a gate, a swing system with a gate would be a good option. It will significantly reduce the percentage of heat loss.

Choose your heater wisely

The range is wide enough. From what you can insulate garage doors, the most in demand:

  • Various types of foams;
  • Fibrous insulation (glass wool, stone wool, basalt wool).

To make a choice, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons of materials.

Styrofoam door insulation

Styrofoam - very economical option. The class of foamed polymers is quite diverse. They have a gas-filled structure and differ in the type of polymer. Consider the types of foams:

  1. Polystyrene - the most used. They have the designation PSB or PSB-S. Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) - has a small hygroscopicity and good fire resistance. Do-it-yourself garage door insulation is one of the best options.
  2. Polyvinylchloride or PVC panels. Similar in characteristics to EPSS. International PVC marking. High fire resistance.
  3. Urea-formaldehyde foam (UFP). Used for voids and cavities. The liquid composition of CFP does not increase in volume after complete drying. It can also be used as a garage heater.
  4. Polyurethane foam (PPU). It is produced in the form of elastic foam rubber and polyurethane foam. Rigid polyurethane foam perfectly binds to any surface. Good hydro and heat insulator. Fire resistant. Such insulation will have a small weight and will suit any finish. Polyurethane foam will perfectly cope with the thermal insulation of garage doors. A sprayer is used to apply the foam.

Fiber materials

Among fibrous heaters, we immediately exclude stone wool and slag. The first is extremely harmful to humans, slag will oxidize the metal surface. Glass wool is dangerous in work, but of all it has an average hygroscopicity. It is this quality that makes the use of cotton wool not successful for garages. The accumulation of condensate in a layer of material will reduce its thermal insulation properties. With a vapor barrier film, you can use basalt insulation.

The process of warming the garage from the inside

To insulate the garage door, you will need the following tools:

  • Electric drill;
  • Drills for wood and metal;
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw for wood;
  • Metal brush or nozzle on a drill (korshchetka);
  • Screwdriver.

Also, do not forget about a tape measure, a paint brush, a hammer, a corner and a ruler, a sharp knife, a core, sandpaper and clamps.
Clamp - a tool for clamping parts. It will be convenient for them to attract the slats to the gate frame.

The order of work will depend on the insulation and type of construction.

We prepare the sashes

1. Cleaning

Delete old paint, rust and all contamination. Conveniently and quickly this is done with a power tool with a nozzle.

2. Priming

The applied primer will protect the metal from corrosion. For work, take a wide paint brush. Anti-corrosion primer is applied in two layers. One across and the other along the surface.

3. Elimination of gaps between the frame and the canvas

Use a rubber seal. It will not interfere with the operation of the mechanism and close the extra holes.
Next, we will consider how to insulate garage doors from the inside.

We isolate the swing gates with foam plastic.

Swing gates are durable, reliable and easy to use. The system consists of two steel sashes welded onto a frame from a profile pipe or angle. Sometimes corrugated board is used, but a steel sheet 2-3 mm thick is stronger.

It is good when the swing gates are insulated by their manufacturer. Otherwise, garage doors can be insulated on their own.
After choosing the material, you should calculate how much it is required. You also need to decide on the finish on top of the insulation. The final version with different types gate trim can be seen in the video. There are many options for sheathing garage doors.

Types of facing materials:

  • Lining;
  • Decking;
  • Fiberboard or MDF panels;
  • Waterproof plywood;
  • OSB or OSB boards.

As experience has shown, the latter are more suitable for sheathing. OSB boards are boards made of glued and pressed sawdust and wood chips. If you look at the photo of the product, you can see its composition from several layers. The layers have a different arrangement, which gives the sheets special strength and flexibility. This finish is easy to process, has low vapor permeability and is very economical.

Advice! For rooms with a high degree of humidity, use OSB-3 or OSB-4 boards with a width of 10 mm.

The cladding will be fixed to wooden frame. The crate is mounted around the entire perimeter and on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas. For fastening wooden frame galvanized wood screws are used.
3.5*30 mm - for side surfaces
4.5 * 70 mm - for the end

Attention! If the gate frame is made of profile pipes, then the length of the screws increases by an amount equal to the cross section of the pipe.

To fix the finishing plates to the crate, take screws with a press washer 4.2 * 32 mm.
Insulation plates are laid between the crate. The foam is attached to a special glue or professional mounting foam. If working with foam, after application, wait 5-10 minutes until the composition has increased in volume. The main thing is to avoid empty spaces. The slabs must be tightly packed between the grating slats. Treat the smallest cracks with sealant. Leave the places for mounting locks, latches and ventilation free.

Laying a waterproofing

We install waterproofing between the metal and the insulation. It could be bituminous mastic, foil, vapor barrier membrane. Extruded polystyrene foam does not require waterproofing.

After installing the insulation, proceed to the cladding. OSB is cut with a hacksaw or a power tool. The fastening step is 10-15 cm along the perimeter of the frame, and 20-25 cm along the horizontal bars and in the center. To prevent the wooden blocks from splitting, mark the holes with a thin drill. To achieve the best fit of the gate or gate, you can additionally seal these places with tape.
Finished in this way, the garage will have a very neat appearance.

We carry out thermal insulation with mineral wool

If you have chosen this material, then a vapor barrier layer will be required. The waterproofing can be simple polyethylene film. A frame is also needed, between which the insulation fits tightly. Plates are fixed on the sides with dowels. As a lining of the gate, you can choose a lining. Fasten it to the crate of the structure.

Insulation of the garage from the inside with construction foam

Another method of insulating garage doors with your own hands is polyurethane foam. From what you can insulate garage doors with your own hands - this is the easiest way.

  • Polyurethane foam in cylinders (consumption of 5 cylinders per 7m2).
  • Spray foam evenly (cut off excess material after drying with a sharp knife)
  • Decorative finish (the lining can be chipboard, lining or any other material).

The advantages of insulating garage doors with your own hands using foam is the penetration of the material even into small cracks. This will also strengthen the entire structure of the gate.

The quality of garage door insulation depends on the safety of your premises and vehicle in proper condition. And also safety depends on.