Toilet      07/02/2020

How to eat after cholecystectomy. Dietary rules for those who have had their gallbladder removed. Steamed meatballs

Patients who have undergone laparoscopy of the gallbladder often believe that now they will have a lot of difficulties with nutrition.

The location of the gallbladder is the lower edge of the liver. This is where bile accumulates, which appears during the functioning of the body. Certain diseases to which the gallbladders are susceptible, for example, problems with stones, may lead to the need for an operation to surgically remove them. This operation is called cholecystectomy. The most gentle option for surgery to remove the gallbladder is laparoscopy. This type of surgery for stones in the organ is also called laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This operation consists of the fact that when removing the gallbladder, the anterior abdominal wall is not cut, but pierced in several places.

The gallbladder has been removed, but bile has not disappeared; the liver continues to produce it in the same way as before and in the same volumes necessary for complete digestion of food. But if previously bile accumulated in the gallbladder, now, due to the absence of a reservoir created by nature, the bile will go directly to the intestines. This is why a diet after gallbladder removal is simply necessary.

Patient behavior after laparoscopy over the gallbladder:

  1. You must abstain from sexual activity for three weeks;
  2. It is necessary to ensure that the stool is soft and regular;
  3. You should stop playing sports for up to six weeks. Heavy physical labor is contraindicated;
  4. It is necessary to follow diet No. 5 to fight bile;
  5. You cannot lift heavy objects: the weight limit is 3 kg, violations are not allowed;
  6. You should start taking vitamins.

Of course, the doctor is obliged to advise the patient about what the diet should be like after removal of the gallbladder for the first days and how to eat immediately after surgery to remove the gallbladder. But just in case, it is better to prepare in advance and know what is possible and what is not possible in the first hours after laparoscopy. It may be difficult, but drinking any liquid during the first five hours immediately after surgery is strictly prohibited. During this time, it is better to sleep and gain strength. Then, after five hours, you are allowed to drink one or a couple sips of clean drinking water without gas. This is how you can take small sips of water at intervals of about 20 minutes.

Thus, you should drink no more than 500 milliliters of water per day. But such a strict drinking regime will not last long. From the very next day after surgery to remove the gallbladder, you can drink water as usual again. But only water. Which one? Without gas! But drinks such as coffee, tea, juices and lemonades, as well as alcoholic beverages are not allowed. In a word, it is better to abstain from any liquid other than clean drinking still water.

After laparoscopic surgery has taken place, you cannot eat immediately. For at least half of the day, that is, about 12 hours, you need to fast and only drink liquids. After this time, if you wish, you can start eating, but only liquid diet food: light puree soup, liquid jelly, low-fat kefir. Next, diet 5 is used after removal of the gallbladder.

When 3 days have passed after surgery to remove the gallbladder, you can begin to add other types of food to your diet. You just need to remember that diet after gallbladder removal surgery is very important. Little by little, start eating porridge, boiled in water and rubbed through a sieve until it becomes fluffy. You can also boil vegetables and then make vegetable purees from them using a fork or blender. You can treat yourself to low-fat yogurt; cottage cheese is also allowed, but it must be zero-fat. An allowed delicacy is baked apples, the pulp of which must be peeled and ground.

With the onset of the fifth day after surgery with laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder, you can add a steamed protein omelet to your diet. If previously it was possible to eat only soups cooked in water, now it is allowed to use low-fat meat broth when preparing soup. You can eat some crackers as a snack. After a week, the diet continues after the operation to remove the gallbladder, and for lunch you can add boiled fish or meat, always not fatty or heavy - for example, chicken fillet. It must be eaten boiled and ground in a blender. In addition to baked apples, you can make yourself a dessert from bananas by grinding them into puree. When preparing porridge, you can already add milk.

How long should the diet be followed after gallbladder removal?

At first glance, it may seem that this period lasts quite a long time: you need to follow the diet for one and a half months. A strict diet should be followed during the first week after surgery, and then you need to follow certain principles in your daily diet. The main principle is that all food should be steamed or boiled. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. The diet after removal of the gallbladder, the menu of which should be as healthy as possible, excludes from the diet absolutely everything smoked, foods prepared with marinades, spicy and canned foods. Important point: Alcohol is strictly prohibited for those who have undergone laparoscopy of the gallbladder, after which the stone has disappeared from the body.

A month and a half after laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder, you can diversify your diet. You can start introducing new products with chicken yolk.

But it should be eaten no more than once a week. You can also allow yourself a little boiled sausage, sweeten your dishes with honey, sometimes eat mild cheese, eat sour cream - preferably not too fatty, and also enjoy fresh fruits and berries. It is recommended to exclude sugar and, if necessary, add a sweetener to food and drinks instead. This diet, which must be followed after laparoscopy, is called “table no5” or “liver”.

How long should you stick to this diet?

About three months. Next, you need to consult with a gastroenterologist, who will tell you, based on the patient’s condition, how to expand and diversify his diet. But, be that as it may, smoked, spicy, canned foods, as well as pickled vegetables and fruits must be absolutely excluded from the diet.

What can improve the condition of the body after cholecystectomy on the gallbladder, thanks to which all the stones disappeared?

The most important and priority is to eat foods rich in plant fiber - namely, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as healthy cold-pressed vegetable oils. As for alcohol, it must be absolutely excluded.

1. Small meals will help restore the body after laparoscopy. This means that meals should be small in volume but occur frequently. If you are used to eating three times a day, then with fractional meals you should double the number of meals, that is, divide the daily diet into five to six servings. The most correct approach is to eat little by little, but every 2 hours.

2. If you have undergone surgery to remove gallstones, you need to strictly adhere to the regime and eat right. It's not just what you eat, but when you eat it that matters. It is especially important not to eat before bed. Your last meal should be at least two hours before you go to bed.

3. Before going to bed, you should eat only light food that can be quickly digested and will not cause heaviness in the stomach.

4. In order for the food to be not only satisfying, but also healthy, you should definitely include in your diet dishes that contain maximum amount vitamins and minerals.

5. All those who have undergone laparoscopy should completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking. This is what could lead to the appearance of a stone in the gall bladder.

The fact is that removal of the gallbladder leads to increased functioning of the hepatic ducts and liver cells. Toxic substances that enter the body when consuming alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on the liver, since it is very difficult for this organ to process them. If you do not stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking, your health can suffer greatly from this.

6. To help your body when removing the gallbladder, you should drink herbal decoctions known for their choleretic properties every day for several months.

8. You should eat exclusively dishes that have been steamed or boiled. Baking foods in the oven is also allowed. But fried foods should be abandoned in favor of dietary dishes.

9. So that food can be quickly digested and not burden the liver, as well as other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it must be consumed in the most crushed state and the diet must be dietary.

10. You can include porridge in your diet, but to make it easier for the body to digest it, it is recommended to choose mucus-forming cereals rather than crumbly ones.

11. After the end of the strict diet that should be followed after gall bladder surgery, you can gradually add new foods and dishes to the diet. But this should be done gradually and adhering to certain rules. You should try eating each new product in small portions.

Does the diet after gallbladder removal include fruit?

Yes. But you also need to eat them once and observe for a while what the body’s reaction will be. However, new products should not be mixed. Thus, it will be possible to calculate that if, after eating some food, unpleasant or painful sensations began to appear, a feeling of discomfort, nausea began, or stools were disturbed, then it will immediately be clear that you should immediately exclude this product from your menu.

12. Fresh fruits are allowed to be consumed, but the peel must be cut off, especially when it comes to apples and peaches.

Diet after laparoscopy by day

1. First day. If you feel normally after surgery to remove the gallbladder, a person can take a sitting position and drink within 10 hours clean water without gas.

2. Second day. The patient can already begin to move independently. For food, you are allowed to eat a little low-fat diet yogurt.

3. Third day. You are allowed to drink a cup of tea, as long as it is not strong. We do not add sugar. Also on the third day, you can indulge in a glass of low-fat kefir and liquid jelly.

4. Fourth day. You can gradually begin to eat other foods, but you should carefully monitor your post-operative condition. If you feel normal, you can diversify the menu with rosehip decoction, liquid mashed potatoes with water, drink natural freshly squeezed juice or unsweetened fruit or black tea.

5. Fifth day. At lunchtime you can eat vegetable soup, preferably pureed, and you can also add some boiled fish to the menu.

6. Sixth day. You can add a dessert of applesauce, made from baked apples without peel, to your diet. You can also make puree from fresh bananas.

7. Seventh day. The menu can be replenished chicken meat, which should be boiled and crushed before use. You are also allowed to eat a little cottage cheese. For breakfast you can eat oatmeal with a piece of stale bread.

8. Eighth day. From this day on, the diet menu can be diversified and familiar dishes can be added to it - steamed cutlets and meatballs, sandwiches with chicken meat and egg white, a variety of purees, fermented milk products, chicken broth soup, pasta and rice.

What foods are prohibited after laparoscopy?

Since it becomes more difficult for the liver to process fats in the absence of a gallbladder, it is necessary to avoid certain foods that can harm the body's condition.

What foods should you avoid after gallbladder removal? This is lard, fatty meat and fish. Fat sour cream and especially cream should be excluded from dairy products. The diet should not contain mushrooms and raw vegetables. You should also give up fresh soft bread and pastries, chocolate and coffee, alcoholic drinks. Canned and smoked foods are not allowed. The same goes for spicy and fried foods.

In addition to those listed, the following products are absolutely prohibited:

  1. Fatty meat - lard, pork, lamb, goose, duck;
  2. Meat broth;
  3. Ice cream and cold drinks, as well as any cold food (from the refrigerator), since cramps may begin due to cold food entering the body;
  4. Sorrel, spinach, onion, garlic;
  5. Pastries and cakes.

What foods can you eat after laparoscopy?

What diet after gallbladder removal? Of the meat products, those who have undergone surgery to remove the gallbladder can only eat dietary ones - chicken meat (preferably fillet or breast), as well as rabbit meat. You can include fish in your diet, but low-fat varieties - pike, pike perch. Porridges should be mucus-forming and liquid. We cook soups in water with the addition of vegetables. Milk and fermented milk products should be low-fat or have minimal fat content. It is better to choose non-acidic varieties of berries and fruits. It is useful to eat liquid jelly and drink decoctions of choleretic herbs and compotes. It is allowed to add honey to food.

An important condition for the speedy recovery of the body after surgery is to do everything so as not to cause irritation to the digestive tract. To do this, you need to mainly eat protein foods, which tend to dilute bile. If recovery after surgery is going well and the patient feels normal, does not experience pain or any unpleasant discomfort, then you can diversify your diet. However, this does not apply to prohibited products; they must be excluded forever. As for soups, they should be vegetable or lean broth. There is no need to fry onions and carrots for soup. To make the taste more rich, at the end of cooking you can add a teaspoon of melted butter or olive oil to the first dish.

You can eat tender, lean meat. You should avoid frying at all times, so you will need to get used to eating boiled or steamed food. Carrots, zucchini, pumpkins will help diversify the menu, cauliflower, beets and squash. Greens will help improve the taste of dishes. Since the evening meal should be as light as possible, you can cook boiled or stewed fish for dinner - for example, cod or catfish. You can add a little oil when cooking. As a side dish, you can boil potatoes, it is better if they are young or at least just boiled potatoes.

Alternatively, you can prepare a dish " Jellied fish" But instead of concentrated broth, you should make a vegetable decoction, which will harden thanks to gelatin. Squid, mussels and shrimp, which need to be boiled, are good as easily digestible protein. For dinner, you can also eat low-fat or low-calorie cottage cheese; it is better to make casseroles from it. Thanks to the consumption of protein foods, the bile is diluted, which will contribute to good health during the recovery period after surgery. As a dessert, you should indulge in baked apples, and you can also indulge in marmalade and apple marshmallow.

Over time, you can add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, but you should choose non-acidic options, for example, soft berries - strawberries and raspberries. Watermelons are very healthy, but as for melon, you should not eat it, since it is a difficult product to digest, which at first will be too difficult for the digestive system to process. The diet after removal of the gallbladder after 3 months is based on the same principle.

Simple recipes: diet after removal of gallstones

Vegetable soufflé

You need to grate carrots or beets on a fine grater, simmer them with a small amount of beaten egg white and bake in the oven for a third of an hour.

Vegetable soup with milk

Milk should be diluted in half with water, after boiling, add carrots, chopped rice, chopped onions, potatoes and some greens. Next, cook until done and thick. You should add a pinch of salt and a quarter teaspoon of melted butter.

Veal in whey

Soak fresh veal meat in whey and leave overnight. The next day, cut into pieces and cook in the oven or in a dry frying pan, without using oil, over low heat so that it does not burn or turn brown.

Breaded cabbage

Cauliflower or white cabbage should be stewed without oil or baked in the microwave. After that, sprinkle with crushed white breadcrumbs and add butter to the plate. The crackers will absorb it, and the taste of the resulting dish will be indistinguishable from cabbage prepared by frying and breading.

Cream soup

To prepare the puree soup, you need to take cauliflower and peel it, then divide it into inflorescences and throw them into boiling water. By the way, before doing this, the cabbage should be soaked in salted water for about an hour. Cook the cabbage over high heat for about five minutes, then turn down the heat and cook for another ten minutes.

After cooking, take the cabbage out of the water and grind it - you can use a blender to get a homogeneous consistency, and then put it back into the pan with the broth.

Now add a tablespoon of dried, sifted and diluted wheat flour with water. The resulting mixture should be cooked for a few more minutes over low heat. At the end, add butter and a little chopped dill to the puree soup.

Steamed meatballs

To prepare steamed meatballs, you need to take turkey or chicken fillet - about 300 grams, one carrot, onion, zucchini and some greens. All ingredients must be thoroughly crushed with a blender or meat grinder and mixed, salt to taste. Then we make meatballs out of them and steam them in a double boiler or slow cooker for 25 minutes.

During recovery after cholecystectomy, the patient must follow the diet prescribed by the surgeon following the operation. It is based on gentle food in stewed, boiled and steamed form.

More about the diet

Despite the absence of a gallbladder, the liver continues to produce bile. When the gallbladder is working, it enters the intestines periodically, as needed. During cholecystectomy, bile flows continuously, without being able to accumulate in the gallbladder.

The diet afterward is an integral part of therapy. It is prescribed in postoperative period, has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, reduces the secretion of bile and prevents congestion.

Otherwise, after the first removal of the stones, a second operation will be required. Cholecystectomy involves constant adherence to diet No. 5. After surgery, a balanced diet is necessary to lower cholesterol in the blood and normalize bile secretion.

Table No. 5 has additional modifications:

  • 5A - option with mechanically and chemically gentle treatment for the digestive organs. Prescribed on the 9-10th day after surgery.
  • 5 V (anti-inflammatory) - recommended for the digestive tract during inflammatory processes.
  • 5 SC (sparing) - required for postcholecystectomy syndrome (diseases that arose or worsened after removal of the gallbladder).
  • 5 P - intended for patients with acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of the chronic form.
  • 5 L/F (lipotropic-fatty) - prescribed to stimulate intestinal motility.

If the rehabilitation period passes without complications, the functions of the bile ducts are taken over by the intrahepatic and bile ducts. This allows the patient to switch from a strict diet to a normal diet with some restrictions.

General rules and principles of diet

The energy value of the diet must correspond to the physiological norm. Calorie content, depending on the diet option, ranges from 2000 to 2800 kcal.

The purpose of the diet prescribed for is to stimulate the outflow of bile and prevent the appearance of new stones in the biliary tract.

Basic principles:

  • number of meals 5-6 per day;
  • moderate portions of food (up to 200 g);
  • limiting fried foods;
  • consumption of indigestible carbohydrates - fruits, berries, vegetables, bran;
  • It is undesirable to eat cold food (ice cream, fermented milk drinks from the refrigerator);
  • It is advisable to chop the products (cutlets, mashed potatoes, grated vegetables);
  • limiting easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, jam, honey, etc.).

There is a mashed version of the 5th table, mechanically sparing the digestive organs, and an unmashed version. A diet with complete starvation is prohibited. Constantly flowing bile eats away at the inner lining of the intestines if there is nothing to digest there.

In the first days

The patient should not drink anything for four hours after waking up from anesthesia. After 5-6 hours, you are allowed to rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs. Nutrition in the first days after removal of the gallbladder is practically excluded.

After a day, you can drink a few sips of water. On the 2nd day, compote without added sugar, weakly brewed tea, and low-fat kefir are allowed. Half a glass of liquid is consumed approximately once every 3 hours.

On the third to fifth day

A daily diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy is prescribed from the third day. The patient is sent home with instructions from a gastroenterologist. During this period you will need:

  • Regular drinking (1.5 l). Non-acidic vegetable juices with pulp, a decoction of rose hips are suitable; it must be drunk through a straw so as not to spoil the tooth enamel, and still mineral water.
  • Small meals 6-7 times a day. Plan the menu so that portions are small but frequent.
  • The diet includes boiled, ground meat, fish, and vegetable dishes.
  • All food must be room temperature.

On the fifth to seventh day

You can add fermented milk drinks, dry crackers and biscuits, semi-liquid vegetables, and grated cottage cheese to your daily diet. It is allowed to eat a dried slice of wheat loaf and boiled chopped meat. The volume of liquid is brought to 2 liters: drink rosehip decoction, weakly brewed tea drink, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices diluted with water.

Rose hip

From 8 days to 2 months

If the disease proceeds without complications, the patient is prescribed postoperative diet No. 5A. This diet is not suitable for all patients; some experience diarrhea, bloating and flatulence.

A complication is the pathology resulting from the operation. Then an even more delicate and gentle 5Sh diet is prescribed.

What is allowed one month after gallbladder removal:

  • cooked dishes, meat or fish, with a semi-liquid consistency;
  • egg white omelettes;
  • smooth vegetable puree soups;
  • steamed curd puddings;
  • viscous porridge with low-fat milk;
  • boiled grated vegetables.

Fermented milk drinks are especially important for normalizing intestinal microflora and changing the bile reaction to the alkaline side. It is recommended to refrain from eating fatty cottage cheese. Excluded: rye bread, vegetables and fruits that have not been cooked.

From 2 months to a year

At this time, the patient is instructed to adhere to the basic principles of table No. 5. Spicy, salty, sour, fatty and fried foods are not allowed. Dishes do not have to be ground; food can be baked or stewed. The diet allows the consumption of boiled potatoes, cereals and pasta. You need to drink fermented milk drinks every day. Fruits that can be eaten after removal of the gallbladder should be sweet; do not eat citrus fruits.

The diet includes vegetables and berries: carrots, zucchini, watermelons. After three months of the diet after cholecystectomy, sweets are allowed for the first time - a little honey and dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).

From what you can eat six months after removal of the gallbladder, it is easy to create a physiologically complete, varied diet.

From one to two years

The body is recovering after the operation, adaptation has occurred, and the diet is already relaxed. Nutrition one year after removal of the gallbladder is based on table No. 5 or its variants prescribed by the attending physician. Sweets are allowed in moderation. You need to be careful with animal fats, eggs and milk.

Two years later

After 2 years, the patient gradually returns to a standard diet with some restrictions. It must be remembered that the patient is at risk and violation of dietary recommendations is fraught with the appearance of new stones in the biliary tract.

The list of prohibited products is still current; alcohol is almost completely excluded.

A person leading an active lifestyle needs animal proteins in their diet. Fish, cereals, and honey are useful for a mental worker. An elderly patient requires a simple and easily digestible diet - soups with vegetable broth, porridge, fermented milk products.

Indications for dietary nutrition

Treatment table 5

The diet was developed by the founder of Soviet dietetics M.I. Pevzner. Behind last years The methodology has changed and been refined, but the basic principles remain the same. The use of the diet provides chemical sparing of the liver with a balanced, complete diet.

All versions of diet number 5 limit quickly digestible carbohydrates (refined sugar, fructose, buns and cakes). Food must be boiled, baked, stewed, steamed or in a convection oven. Salt is consumed moderately (7-8 g).

The difference between diet No. 5A is the reduced amount of fat in the daily diet. Lamb, pork and beef fats, butter and vegetable oils are excluded. Food is thoroughly ground to reduce the mechanical impact on the digestive organs.

Table No. 5B suggests lower caloric content compared to others. As in the previous modification of the diet, food is prepared with a semi-liquid consistency and ground.

Smooth cereal soups and viscous porridges with the addition of milk, but without butter, are possible. Vegetable, meat and fish purees, omelettes, low-fat cottage cheese, crackers. You are allowed to drink infusions of dried fruits, natural vegetable and fruit diluted juices.

Diet number 5P designed to inhibit the process of bile secretion. This table is prescribed for postcholecystectomy syndrome.

After surgery on the gallbladder, acid-containing bile flows down the ducts of the duodenum, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes. The consequence will be pain, impaired digestion and intestinal upset.

Dishes are prepared in pureed form or with a semi-liquid consistency. Avoid any hard-melting animal fats and vegetable oils, raw fruits and vegetables, and strong broths.

Diet No. 5SH involves reducing bile secretion, sparing the liver and digestive system, reducing body weight and normalizing fat metabolism.

Vegetable fats and coarse fiber are excluded. Dishes are steamed, boiled, and served in semi-liquid pureed form. The diet provides for one fasting day per week.

Diet No. 5L/F. This is a lipotropic fat table. Goal: strengthening peristalsis in the intestine with stimulation of bile secretion. Lipotropic protein products are used (this includes dishes with lean meat and fish, cottage cheese), the fat content is increased (up to 50% comes from sunflower oil).

Treatment table 9

Prescribed to patients with diabetes mellitus(SD). The diet is aimed at normalizing metabolism in the body. Energy value at standard weight the patient is 2400-2500 kcal, with excess body weight - 1700 kcal.

Nutrient ratio: 100 g protein / 80 g fat / 350-400 g carbohydrates. If you have diabetes, anything containing sugar is prohibited. Cookies, sweets, bakery products, pasta, and sweet fruits are excluded. Limit foods with a high glycemic index - potatoes, boiled carrots, tomatoes and beets.

Treatment table 6

Designed for patients with diseases such as gout and urolithiasis. Goal: normalize purine metabolism, minimize the synthesis of uric acid and salt.

Daily caloric intake varies in nominal values ​​from 2400 to 2600 kcal (90 g protein/90 g fat/400 g carbohydrates). Third permissible norm for fats – vegetable oils. Salt no more than 10 g, drinking norm 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

Products containing oxalic acid are prohibited. Foods containing purines - liver, lungs and other by-products - should be excluded. Alcohol and beer are prohibited.

Proteins and refractory fats are limited. When cooking meat, fish or poultry, boil them; broth is prohibited. Eat at least 4 times a day, be sure to drink between meals.

Authorized Products

The permissible list is quite large and makes it possible to create a complete, balanced diet. The following are allowed:

  • lean meat (poultry, beef, veal, rabbit, game);
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • butter;
  • buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, pasta;
  • non-acidic fruits (except citrus fruits);
  • vegetables after heat treatment;
  • melon, watermelon, berries (undesirable sour ones - cranberries, lingonberries);
  • dairy and fermented milk products with low fat content (including mild cheese);
  • eggs;
  • unsweetened natural juices from vegetables and fruits;
  • dry flour products (crackers, biscuits);
  • tea, herbal and rose hip decoctions, compotes, still mineral water;
  • “healthy” sweets - marshmallows, marshmallows, jelly, honey, jam;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins).

Sweets are limited within reasonable limits.

Prohibited Products


  • most flour products;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty meat and fish, caviar;
  • dishes with the addition of hot spices and seasonings;
  • smoked meats, canned food, marinades, sausages (except boiled diet), frankfurters, sausages;
  • solid animal fats (lard, cooking fats);
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils);
  • mushrooms;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, sorrel, spinach;
  • cold dishes, ice cream, popsicles;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • products containing cocoa (chocolate, candies, desserts, confectionery);
  • dairy products with a high fat content (whole milk, cream, full-fat sour cream and cottage cheese).

Alcohol after gallbladder removal

Alcoholic drinks are not something you can drink after gallbladder removal. In the first year it should not be consumed in any form. As an exception, a little dry or semi-dry wine is allowed. Strong drinks are completely excluded.

Festive table after surgery

Russian events are characterized by an abundance of fatty, spicy and high-calorie dishes. During the year after cholecystectomy, you should not risk your health by consuming prohibited foods.

Festive dishes such as mild soup with shrimp, boiled meat soufflé, steamed cottage cheese soufflé, and boiled fish dumplings are possible. For dessert, baked apples with dried fruits, pear salad with nuts and honey, and pancakes are suitable.

Regularity and fractionation of meals

This is one of the most important principles of Diet #5. Frequent meals are the best remedy against bile stagnation. You should eat every 3-4 hours. Portions should be small. Due to the removal of the gallbladder, the bile in the intestines will be less concentrated than expected. The body can cope with a moderate amount of food, but it is difficult for it to digest large portions of food. It is advisable to eat at the same time, if the daily routine allows this possibility.

Prevention of congestion in the bile ducts is physical activity. One month after surgery, daily walking is recommended. In the future - physical therapy and swimming.

Drinking regimen

Taking liquid reduces the concentration of bile, protecting the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of tea or compote per day. Special attention give to water. It is advisable to drink at least 1.5 liters. Drink about 200 ml of drink at a time.

Sample menu for the week

The habit of creating the right diet is useful because you can balance it by alternating protein and carbohydrate dishes.

Diet table No. 5 after gallbladder removal

BreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snack
MonOatmeal with milk, tea, lemonLow-fat cottage cheese with crackers, rosehip decoctionChicken soup, meat cutlets with vegetable side dish, compoteNot sour fruitOmelette
TueCurd casserole, mineral waterBaked applesSlimy semolina soup, chicken casserole with vegetables, juiceYogurt, biscuitsSticky rice porridge
WedBuckwheat with milkVarenikiNoodle soup, lazy cabbage rolls, jellycarrot juiceBoiled lean fish
ThuCheesecakes, juicePearVegetable soup with semolina, steamed chicken cutletsRice puddingMinced chicken casserole with vegetables
FriGalette cookies with steamed protein omelet, tea with milkBananaRice soup with egg, steamed fish zrazy, berry juiceCurd dumplingsBoiled rice
SatBoiled beet salad with cheese, teaBaked appleBorsch, rice porridge with pumpkinGrated raw carrots with a spoon of sour creamVinaigrette, a piece of boiled chicken fillet, rosehip decoction
SunCheesecakes with dried apricots, a spoonful of sour cream, tea150 g sweet berriesBuckwheat soup, boiled meat with vegetable pureeFruit jelly, carrot juiceSteamed boiled meat soufflé, tea

Before going to bed, drink a glass of fermented milk product - yogurt, kefir, acidophilus.

Healthy recipes

The diet should be varied and tasty so that a person does not feel inferior in this area of ​​life. Allowed products make it possible to prepare many healthy dishes, among which the patient will find recipes to suit his taste.

Vegetable oat soup

Boil the broth, finely chop all the ingredients. Choose vegetables only from those that are allowed after removal of the gallbladder - potatoes, carrots, zucchini. Add oatmeal to taste and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Season with salt and add a small piece of butter. Decorate with greens.

Chicken cream soup

Boil white meat without skin. Boil vegetables (potatoes, carrots, broccoli, zucchini) in the resulting broth and add moderate salt. Blend in a blender to a puree consistency. Finely chop the chicken and add to a smooth paste. Serve with low-fat sour cream or low-fat yogurt dressing.

Steamed omelette

Boil lean meat, cool, and pass through a meat grinder. Beat eggs with milk in proportion to 1 egg 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cold milk, add a little salt and add to the minced meat. Grease the mold with butter and pour in the resulting mixture. Cook in a steam bath for several minutes.

Baked apples

Rinse the fruit thoroughly and cut out the core. Fill the hole with finely chopped dried apricots and prunes, sprinkle with cinnamon, add a spoonful of honey or sugar, and a small piece of butter. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Serve warm or cold, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Why is diet so important?

The patient ends up on the operating table for a reason. Cholecystectomy remains the main treatment for gallbladder inflammation due to cholelithiasis. With poor nutrition, the risk of the formation of new stones in the intrahepatic and bile ducts increases sharply.

Violation of the principle of fractional nutrition, excessive portions of food, consumption of foods containing cholesterol, causes stagnation of bile. This pathological condition leads to complications of the gastrointestinal tract, developing into more serious diseases.

According to medical statistics over the past 10-15 years, the number of patients who have undergone cholecystectomy, that is, surgery to remove the gallbladder, has increased significantly: in the United States alone, almost half a million people lose this organ every year. Therefore, the question of what diet after cholecystectomy is necessary for the normal functioning of the body does not lose its relevance.

It should be emphasized that the first meal after the operation is allowed only after 12 hours, and in the medical institution the patient will be offered pureed vegetable soup, liquid porridge with water (also ground), and jelly made from non-acidic berries. After 3-4 days, pureed vegetables and lean meat, boiled sea fish (low-fat, crushed), and low-fat cottage cheese are added to the diet. And then diet No. 5 is prescribed, which should be followed for three to four months after surgery.

Diet 5 after cholecystectomy

Any diet - including diet 5 after cholecystectomy - involves excluding certain foods from the daily diet, as well as split meals, that is, eating in smaller portions, but more often - 5-6 times during the day. In this case, all food should be as finely chopped as possible, not too hot or cold.

A natural question arises: what should you not eat after cholecystectomy? Compliance with diet No. 5 completely excludes the use of:

  • fatty (fatty meat and fish, rich broths, lard, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, etc.);
  • fried (all dishes need to be boiled, steamed or baked, sometimes stewed);
  • smoked and canned;
  • marinades and pickles (including home preserves);
  • hot seasonings and sauces (mustard, horseradish, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.);
  • offal (liver, kidneys, brains);
  • mushrooms, mushroom broths and sauces;
  • raw vegetables (including onions and green onions) and legumes;
  • rye and fresh white bread;
  • rich flour products, pies and pancakes, cakes and pastries with cream;
  • chocolate, cocoa and black coffee;
  • alcoholic beverages (including dry wine and beer).

Now let’s answer the question, what can you eat after cholecystectomy?

According to diet 5 after cholecystectomy, it is allowed to include in the diet:

  • lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit) and poultry (chicken, turkey) - boiled or baked;
  • lean fish (boiled or steamed);
  • porridges and vegetarian soups with vegetables and cereals (as well as various pasta);
  • vegetables - steamed or stewed;
  • low-fat dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese), but sour cream - only as a seasoning;
  • non-acidic fruits and berries (fresh, in the form of jelly, compotes, mousses or jellies);
  • yesterday's or specially dried white bread;
  • honey, jam, jams.

Also, diet 5 after cholecystectomy introduces restrictions on butter (no more than 45-50 g per day) and vegetable oil (no more than 60-70 g per day). The daily norm of bread is 200 g, sugar - 25-30 g. And the urgent advice of nutritionists is to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night.

In addition, you can drink weak tea, non-acidic juice diluted with water, coffee with milk, compotes and rosehip infusion. By the way, about drinking regime after cholecystectomy. Some nutritionists recommend drinking up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day; others - no more than 2 liters; still others claim that the limit of fluid intake is 1.5 liters (in order to prevent excessive secretion of bile)…

Over time, unprocessed meat and fish, as well as raw vegetables, are gradually included in therapeutic nutrition. In principle, diet 5 after cholecystectomy is followed for about two years.

Diet menu after cholecystectomy

Despite limiting the consumption of many foods, the diet menu after cholecystectomy can be varied and quite nutritious, that is, balanced in calorie content. It will be much healthier for your liver if you replace rich pork borscht with vegetable soup with weak chicken broth or vegetable broth. Here are examples of dietary menus recommended by gastroenterologists and nutritionists in accordance with diet 5 after cholecystectomy.

Menu option I

For breakfast: milk oatmeal, steamed cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.

Lunch: cottage cheese, baked apple sugarless.

Lunch: pureed rice soup with vegetables, steamed chicken cutlets with carrot and pumpkin puree, jelly.

Afternoon snack: a glass of juice.

Dinner: boiled lean fish with steamed vegetables, tea.

Menu option II

For breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, pureed buckwheat with butter, tea with milk.

Lunch: fruit puree.

Lunch: vegetable puree soup, boiled chicken breast with vegetables, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: fresh fruit mousse.

Dinner: boiled fish with mashed potatoes, cottage cheese soufflé with raisins, tea.

Menu option III

For breakfast: pureed rice porridge with milk, tea with white bread croutons.

Lunch: baked apple with sugar.

Lunch: pureed cereal soup with vegetables, steamed lean beef cutlet with vegetable puree, jelly.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: steamed fish meatballs with mashed potatoes, cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin, tea.

Diet recipes after cholecystectomy

Most diet dishes after cholecystectomy are easy to prepare.

For example, for a tasty and healthy vegetable puree soup, just take small size cauliflower (recommended by all nutritionists), peel it, divide it into inflorescences and place in cold salted water for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the cabbage and place in boiling water (add some salt).

The pan does not need to be covered with a lid; it should be cooked over high heat for about 5 minutes, and then over low heat for 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove the finished cabbage from the broth, chop it into a homogeneous mass and return it to the pan. Dry a tablespoon of wheat flour in a frying pan (without oil) and dilute it in water at room temperature, stir well (so that there are no lumps) and pour into the pan. Cook for a few more minutes over low heat, season with a teaspoon of butter. In a bowl, sprinkle the soup with finely chopped parsley or dill.

And here is a recipe for steamed chicken or turkey meatballs with the addition of vegetables. You will need 300 g poultry fillet, 1 carrot, a small head onions, 150 g zucchini, a bunch of dill and salt.

Minced meat and vegetables are prepared (they are chopped separately and then combined), meatballs are formed from the minced meat and cooked in a double boiler for about 25 minutes.

The diet after cholecystectomy has the main goal of giving the liver, which has lost its “companion” - the gallbladder, and the entire digestive system time to adapt to new operating conditions. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctors, and everything will get better over time.

Diet after removal of the gallbladder is a prerequisite for treatment.

Since after the removal of this organ, the digestive process is reconstructed due to the fact that chemical composition digestive juice changes.

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The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

A diet with a removed gallbladder is a prerequisite for maintaining the digestive organs in a healthy state.

Nutritional features and diet after cholecystectomy

The doctor decides to remove the organ if the entire digestive system may be harmed.

The liver continues to function, producing bile, even after the bladder is removed.

Only now the bile immediately enters the intestines. This disruption leads to the fact that unprocessed bile can cause inflammatory diseases in the bile ducts and in the intestine itself.

The breakdown of fats in the intestines is disrupted due to a decrease in the production of enzymes.

Nutrition after surgery has its own rules, which depend on the time from the day of organ removal:

  • Immediately after the operation itself, on the first day, eating and drinking water is prohibited.
  • In the following days, you can gradually increase your fluid intake. You can drink water, tea with sugar, compotes, jelly, kefir. Decoctions of rose hips, chamomile, chicory, and milk thistle will be useful during this period.
  • On the third day, you can introduce more solid foods: liquid mashed potatoes, pureed soup, omelette without yolks. You can drink juices, preferably if they are homemade. Portions should be small.
  • Flour products without baking (crackers, dry cookies) and porridge can be introduced on the fifth or sixth day. It is advisable that the porridge be ground. You can already boil meat and fish dishes.
  • Already from the eighth day, you can gradually introduce other foods: stewed vegetables, liquid milk porridge, meatballs.

During the first 2 months, completely eliminate fatty, fried, and salty foods from your diet. Do not consume products containing preservatives and dyes. Alcohol is also prohibited. This diet should be followed throughout your life.

3 rules of diet after cholecystectomy

The diet after cholecystectomy is followed both in the postoperative period and for the rest of your life.

Once the bladder is removed, there is no reservoir left in the body in which bile can accumulate. You need to eat so that bile does not stagnate in the bile ducts.

The main rule that must be followed is to eat food at least 5 times a day. This will completely eliminate stagnation of bile in the ducts, since only during meals does bile enter the intestines.

The second rule that must be followed is the exclusion of animal fats (lard, beef fat) from the diet. The gallbladder produces enzymes that help break down these fats.

Once removed, they will not be digested. Fats contained in dairy and plant products, on the contrary, will contribute to the normal outflow of bile.

The third rule is that all food must be steamed, stewed or boiled. Fried foods should be completely excluded from your diet. It contains many enzymes that promote increased secretion of gastric juice, which has a bad effect on the gastric mucosa.

In the first few days after surgery, after the doctor’s permission, you can eat liquid food, then switch to a diet that you need to follow for the rest of your life.

Nutrition after stone removal

The formation of stones in the bladder can occur as a result of hormonal imbalance and a sedentary lifestyle.

Heredity plays an important role. The stones may increase in size over several years. May be accompanied by blunt and sharp pains throughout the abdomen or in the right hypochondrium.

To prevent the recurrence of stones (stones can also form in biliary tract), you should stick to fractional meals. Food should be chewed slowly, without haste.

  • The diet should contain proteins.
  • Complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals).
  • Vegetable fats only.
  • Limit your intake of sweet foods, it is better to replace them with dried fruits.

Diet after surgery one year

Over a long period after surgery, you can determine which foods cause discomfort and which you can eat safely.

In addition to the main list of prohibited and permitted products, there are also operating features internal organs. For example, fermented milk products may be suitable for some, while the other half of patients may experience an unpleasant sensation from the internal organs.

If a lot of time has passed since cholecystectomy, the diet includes the same restrictions and rules.

  • As before, soups with meat broth should be replaced with vegetable ones. Meat and fish are best consumed stewed.
  • Avoid fatty and smoked foods.
  • Consume more fermented milk products and cottage cheese.
  • Reduce consumption of strong tea and coffee. They irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • Avoid drinking too hot or cold drinks.
  • In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to include a second breakfast and afternoon snack. You need to eat in small portions. This will allow the stomach and intestines to process food faster.
  • The process of chewing food should be slow and thorough.

It is prohibited to go on any diet. If you stick to proper nutrition, That excess weight he will leave on his own. It is useful to move more, visit the pool, and do exercises.


List of approved products

Diet 5 after cholecystectomy is the most adapted foods recommended after surgery:

  • Soups with vegetable broth.
  • Beef is allowed.
  • Low-fat fish (cod, navaga, hake, haddock).
  • All types of porridges. They can be boiled in milk, slightly diluted with water.
  • The cookies are not rich. As a dessert, you can make sour cream, or eat a piece of biscuit.
  • Kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Vegetables and fruits. But they need to be eaten with caution. In some patients they are absorbed well, while in others they cause abdominal discomfort and disruption of intestinal function.
  • Apple juice.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • The bread is better than yesterday's bread.

List of prohibited products

After cholecystectomy, you will have to face restrictions on taking certain foods.

You will have to completely avoid these products:

  • You cannot eat pork and lamb. Limit beef consumption.
  • Marinated preparations with a high content of vinegar and pickles.
  • Canned foods.
  • Smoked products (sausage, fish).
  • Do not add hot seasonings to dishes.
  • Confectionery: cakes, buns.
  • Chocolate.
  • Onion garlic.
  • Alcohol.
  • Peas and beans. High fiber content has a bad effect on intestinal function.
  • Cold dishes: ice cream, jellied meat. These products cause spasm of the biliary tract.

Popular dishes or fifth table

The diet menu after cholecystectomy, or table 5, is:

  • Stewed and boiled vegetables (colored and White cabbage, beets, zucchini, carrots).
  • Baked fruits: apples, pears.
  • Curd paste. Cottage cheese, sour cream and sugar are mixed. If this is a dessert, then you can also add, for example, raisins.
  • Compotes: apple, pear.
  • Cutlets and meatballs. They can be made from both fish and beef.
  • Vegetable soups. Finely chop the vegetables (carrots, celery, parsnips, potatoes), add vegetable broth and cook until tender. Add pre-cooked piece of chicken. You can use fresh herbs.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Fish can be baked in the oven, boiled or stewed.
  • Cereal porridge.
  • Protein omelettes. You need to beat the whites of several eggs, add a little milk, salt and cook over low heat.

Sample menu for the week

The menu should be different, the dishes should be fresh and properly prepared.

There must be breakfast, then, a few hours later, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

An approximate menu for a patient after cholecystectomy looks like this:


  • Buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled eggs, bread, green tea.
  • Cottage cheese, juice.
  • Vegetable soup (you can add as seasoning Bay leaf), boiled chicken breast, puree of any vegetables, bread, weak tea.
  • Mashed potatoes, bread, biscuits (up to 4 pieces), jelly.
  • Cottage cheese casserole, baked apples, kefir.
  • Omelette made from egg whites, millet porridge, maybe weak coffee.
  • Cottage cheese, compote from any berries.
  • Soup from any vegetables, pilaf with small pieces of beef, rosehip infusion.
  • Vegetable salad (carrots, beets), compote.
  • Vegetable puree (zucchini, pumpkin) with fish, tea.
  • Oatmeal, cottage cheese casserole, coffee.
  • Oven baked fruits, jelly, crackers.
  • Soup with the addition of any cereal, squash puree with cutlet, berry compote.
  • Banana and apple salad, compote.
  • Stewed cauliflower with boiled fish, fermented baked milk.
  • Semolina porridge, curd pudding, fruit juice, bread with cheese.
  • Baked fruits (pear or apple), low-fat cottage cheese, jelly.
  • Milk soup with noodles, cabbage rolls, berry mousse.
  • Homemade white bread crackers, juice, banana.
  • Vegetable stew, fish, juice.
  • Buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with raisins, tea.
  • Yogurt, fresh vegetables (tomatoes or cucumbers), compote.
  • Soup with meatballs, stewed white cabbage with cutlet, jelly.
  • Dried fruits, bread, juice.
  • Fish cutlet, apple and pumpkin casserole, tea.
  • Corn porridge, bread, cheese, coffee.
  • Fresh vegetables, bread, tea.
  • Borscht, fresh vegetable salad with boiled beef, compote.
  • Cheesecakes with sour cream, compote.
  • Fish and potatoes, kefir.


  • Rice porridge, vinaigrette, bread with curd mass, tea.
  • Yogurt, fruit, compote.
  • Chicken soup with vegetables, pasta with cutlet, compote.
  • Rice casserole, crackers, fruit drink.
  • Vegetable stew, apple, jelly.

The calorie content and volume of food depends on the person’s weight and main type of activity; physical activity during the working day is taken into account.

During the week you need to alternate meat and fish. Portions should be moderate. If you do not follow the diet, complications arise. The main ones are pancreatitis and the formation of stones in the bile ducts. It is easier to prevent a new disorder and disease than to be treated and suffer from pain later.

Positively effective herbal infusions and decoctions

Cholecystectomy is carried out mainly when stones are detected in the designated organ; there are a number of other signs by which one can judge the need to remove the bladder.

But the outcome is always the same - a person is left without this small, but not significant, organ. During the postoperative period, the body is deprived of a small assistant, the central function of which is to collect bile secreted by the liver, and a number of side symptoms may form.

These are: colic in the right hypochondrium, nausea, a feeling of bile or fat, dry mouth, involuntary release of food just eaten. To get rid of these negative symptoms, it is necessary to resort to medicinal infusions or herbal teas that help the body adapt to the modifications that have occurred.

Herbs, decoctions and teas are considered the most effective in this regard:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of dry corn silk with a glass of boiling water, let it sit for 2 hours and take one tablespoon about five times daily.
  2. Take one tablespoon of chicory and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, distribute the resulting volume into 4 servings and take during the day before eating. The same manipulations can be carried out with rose hips, chamomile, and elecampane root.
  3. Pour anise and mint herbs in a volume of half a teaspoon with three hundred milliliters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink a warm infusion before meals.
  4. Wild strawberries along with rhizomes in an amount of 2 are brewed in a teapot like ordinary tea and allowed to stand for half an hour, drink the drink in the mornings and evenings.
  5. Grind the seed of spotted milk thistle in the amount of 2 tablespoons in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder consistency, pour in two and a half cups of water, and boil over low heat so that some of the liquid evaporates. Filter and take one tablespoon every hour daily.
  6. Pour a glass of boiling water over birch leaves and buds in a 2:1 ratio and leave for an hour. Filter and take half a glass four times a day before meals.

The presented infusions have a number of beneficial effects on the body’s performance, for example, they help the balanced secretion of bile, rid the body of toxins, cleanse the bile ducts, have an anti-inflammatory effect and normalize metabolic processes.

Traditional methods in the postoperative period

Folk remedies for combating various diseases are made from natural ingredients, so they cannot cause harm to health unless there is a specific reaction of the body to one or another element included in the medicinal products.

There are several famous recipes to help cope with the side effects of cholecystectomy:

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of dried immortelle flowers with two hundred milliliters of boiling water and heat additionally in a water bath for half an hour so that some of the volume evaporates. Add boiled water to the original amount of liquid. Take half a glass warmed three times a day ten to fifteen minutes before meals.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of dried agrimony herb, thoroughly grind in a mortar or coffee grinder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and drink the infusion throughout the day.
  3. Mix yarrow herb, immortelle flowers, and elecampane roots in a ratio of 5:3:2, respectively. One part - one tbsp. spoon. Pour one cup of boiling water over the resulting mixture, leave for about half an hour, strain and drink in the evening.
  4. Combine in ratios - 2 parts chicory, 2 parts immortelle flowers, 2 parts corn silk, one part chamomile flowers and one part cudweed. Grind and mix all ingredients well, take one tbsp. spoon the resulting mixture and brew a cup of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, filter, take one third of a glass before each meal.
  5. 5 parts rose hips, 2 parts nettle herb, one part each horsetail, tansy flowers, knotweed. Prepare the infusion exactly as before.
  6. Combine 3 parts of birch leaves, 2 parts each of rose hips, immortelle, hop cones, one part each of elecampane roots, chicory and agrimony. The method of reception and production is identical to the 2 extreme recipes.

As usual, the course of prevention and treatment with herbal infusions lasts up to 2 months and is carried out once a year. Determining the exact duration of treatment with decoctions is easy only for the attending physician, so before you start taking any folk remedy, you should consult your doctor.

Results of non-compliance with the prescribed dietary intake

The gallbladder is a bridge between the liver, which secretes bile, and the duodenum, where it enters in the required volume during the digestion of food. If the connecting element, the gallbladder, is excluded from this link, the work of the entire harmonious system is disrupted. After removal of this organ, a person is prescribed diets that must be followed throughout his life; they help normal digestion and normalize disturbed digestive processes.

The need for dietary nutrition is due to the fact that the body should be given time to become imbued with its new diet and the modifications that have occurred in it.

Due to the fact that after cholecystectomy the ability to digest rough and heavy food decreases, the following is removed from the diet:

  • Fatty, high-calorie and fried foods;
  • Duck and pork meat;
  • Salo;
  • Sausages and semi-finished products;
  • Smoked products;
  • Canned goods;
  • Baking;
  • Strong alcoholic drinks;
  • Hot, too spicy foods.

If you do not adhere to the rules of the diet and consume a list of foods, then serious complications may develop, which include the formation of stones in the bile ducts, which occur in situations where bile stagnates in them, and improper nutrition is to blame.

If you deviate from the dietary intake, an imbalance of the intestinal microflora may occur, which is expressed in flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and nausea. Cholecystectomy can lead to a number of infectious diseases that may have been noticed earlier.

Preventive nutrition against calculous cholecystitis

Calculous cholecystitis is a disease in which stone-like neoplasms are observed in the gallbladder.

To avoid the appearance of pathology, adhere to following rules nutrition, a taboo is imposed on:

  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Animal fat;
  • Flour and confectionery products;
  • Smoked products, canned food;
  • Carbonated drinks, fast food, chips, crackers.;
  • Sugar and salt in significant quantities;
  • Lots of seasonings.

Meals should be fractional, the food should be divided into 5 meals, and a nutrition schedule should be drawn up, which should be the same every day. Portions should be small, and the calorie content of foods consumed per day should not exceed 2 thousand kilocalories.

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Normally, bile is produced in the liver, enters the gallbladder, accumulates there, becoming more concentrated, and when eating food is thrown into the duodenum. After surgery, bile is sent to the intestines directly from the liver, so its concentration is lower - it is only sufficient to digest small portions of food. If a person eats a lot, heaviness in the stomach and nausea occur.

In addition, removal of the gallbladder leads to a decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes.

How to avoid?

Take care . In the first months after surgery, choose boiled and steamed dishes, preferably pureed. Everything fried, fatty, spicy, and salty will have to be temporarily banned, as will alcohol. This will allow the digestive system to adapt to new conditions. After six months, the diet can be expanded to include in the menu fresh fruits and vegetables (except for onions, garlic, radishes, lemons), fish and meat in pieces. In a year and a half - return to your usual diet. But it is better to abstain from highly melting fats (for example, lamb or lard) and overly spicy foods for the rest of your life.

Chew slowly. The gradual intake of food into the stomach allows you to “wake up” the enzymes and gives the liver time to start working.

Take enzymes. Afterwards, people often need medications to replace some of the missing enzymes. Contact a specialist and select the right product.

Danger: new stones

The absence of a gallbladder does not at all guarantee that a person will never have gallstones. Their formation is caused either by changes in the composition of bile or by its stagnation (at ). Alas, the operation does not change the composition of bile. And stagnation can occur again, only now in the bile ducts.

How to avoid?

Eat little and often. Each meal stimulates the secretion of bile, and the more often this happens, the less likely stagnation is. Perfect option- 5-7 times a day. But if a person sits down at the table only 2-3 times a day and his meals are plentiful, bile retention is very likely.

Reduce your cholesterol intake. It is from this that stones are formed. Eat less fatty meat, butter (about 20 g per day), choose low-fat dairy products.

Move. 1.5-2 months after the operation, it is advisable to start walking - 30-40 minutes daily. Walking prevents bile stagnation. Swimming works in a similar way: the water provides a gentle massage to the abdominal cavity. You can sign up for the pool six months to a year after your gallbladder is removed. Morning exercise is also useful - you can start it at the same time as walking. But you can strain your abdominal muscles no earlier than after a year.

Danger: Gut Riot

In some cases, after removal of the gallbladder, people complain of flatulence, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. The reason for this is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome.

Concentrated bile from the gallbladder not only promotes better digestion, but also destroys some of the harmful microbes that live in duodenum. The bactericidal effect of bile from the liver is much weaker. Therefore, microbes do not die and multiply, leading to an imbalance in the microflora.

How to avoid?

Change your diet. Sweets promote the development of microbes. Replace them with berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or chokeberries. They have a bactericidal effect - this will help maintain the normal state of microflora. Cinnamon and cloves have the same effect - try to add them to your dishes in moderation.

Support microflora. You need probiotics with bifido-and, as well as prebiotics - preparations containing dietary fiber, which serves as food for beneficial microflora.

See your doctor. Today, there are effective regimens for getting rid of bacterial overgrowth syndrome. They include antibacterial drugs or intestinal antiseptics, which act directly on the microbes inside the intestine and are practically not absorbed into the blood. Of course, only a gastroenterologist can choose the right medications.