Toilet      06/26/2020

How to make slime. Basic manufacturing methods. How to make slime without glue and sodium Do-it-yourself transparent slime without glue

Slime is a successful toy if it does not contain harmful ingredients. It helps to develop fine motor skills and creative imagination. In order to prepare a toy without glue and tetraborate, you can use various components.


  • toothpaste;
  • starch;
  • soap;
  • plasticine;
  • shampoo.

These ingredients are available to everyone, so making your own slime without glue or borax is inexpensive and easy. The finished toy will not cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

Made from lightweight plasticine

This material is in every home with children. Plasticine is suitable for quickly making slime. To improve the plasticity and pliability of the slime, food gelatin is added.

Preparation procedure:

  1. pour a tablespoon of gelatin powder into a glass cold water;
  2. after the gelatin swells, place the dishes on low heat and bring to a boil;
  3. prepare five bars of plasticine, knead it and mix it;
  4. the mass is filled with water and heated slightly;
  5. the gelatin solution is combined with plasticine;
  6. The resulting mass is mixed well until smooth.

Slime, prepared without the use of glue and tetraborate, holds its shape well and has the necessary plasticity.

From toothpaste and shampoo

Slime can be made from shampoo and toothpaste. The recipe is easy to follow. You will need the following ingredients:

  • thick shampoo;
  • regular toothpaste;
  • dye of any shade.
  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of shampoo into a bowl and squeeze out a little paste.
  2. Mix everything well and add a few drops of dye until the desired color is obtained.
  3. If the mixture turns out to be too liquid, add more toothpaste.
  4. Once the required consistency is obtained, the slime is put in the refrigerator.
  5. The finished slime is stored in airtight packaging.

From liquid soap

This recipe is based on liquid soap. You will also need the following ingredients:

  • Equal amount of shampoo.
  • A tablespoon of food coloring. You can use brilliant green, carrot or beet juice.

Cooking method:

  1. shampoo is poured into a special container;
  2. add an equal amount of liquid soap;
  3. drip food coloring and mix everything well;
  4. cover the container with a lid on top;
  5. put in the freezer for a day;
  6. After this time, the slime is removed from the refrigerator.

The slime will be ready to use. After games it is stored in a cool place.

From baking soda and detergent

This method of making slime is the fastest. It is enough to have in your arsenal:

Preparation procedure:

  1. dishwashing liquid is poured into the prepared container;
  2. add soda in parts until a thick mass is obtained;
  3. add a few drops of dye;
  4. Stir everything until a homogeneous substance is obtained.

There is no exact indication of the amount of ingredients, since the detergent differs in consistency and viscosity. If necessary, adjust the amount of ingredients during the cooking process. The finished slime does not melt at high temperatures, holds its shape well and does not fall apart.

From soap and salt

Even a beginner can repeat this recipe. The main thing is to do everything according to the instructions and use high-quality ingredients.

For the recipe take:

  • liquid soap of thick consistency;
  • table salt;
  • soda
  1. Prepare a special container and pour liquid soap into it.
  2. Add salt and soda to the liquid while stirring.
  3. All components are mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. The resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator and left there for a day.
  5. After this time, the slime will be ready.

Over time, it may dry out; to prevent this, store the toy in a cool place.

Sugar based

This recipe also does not require glue or sodium tetraborate to make slime. They are replaced by other ingredients with similar functions. To make slime you will need:

  • 30 ml of liquid soap and shampoo;
  • a teaspoon of powdered sugar.

If powder is not available, you can easily prepare it by grinding granulated sugar in a coffee grinder. Sugar in uncrushed form is used only as a last resort.


  1. Mix liquid ingredients and color.
  2. The mass is brought to a homogeneous state and left for several hours at room temperature.
  3. After this, the mixture is put in the refrigerator for an hour.

You shouldn't skimp on powdered sugar. If there is insufficient quantity of it, the slimes turn out liquid.

From flour

Slime made from flour is the safest toy option. It is suitable for very young children to play with, especially if you use natural dye.

You will need the following:

  • flour;
  • warm water;
  • dye.


  1. sift two glasses of flour through a sieve and pour a little cold water into it;
  2. then add the same amount of hot water;
  3. the mixture is stirred until homogeneous;
  4. if desired, the slime can be colored;
  5. to complete the formation of the slime, it is removed for two hours freezer;
  6. After the toy has completely hardened, you can play with it.

Starch based

This recipe is also safe. This is achieved by eliminating hazardous chemicals. The technology for making slime consists of simple steps.

The following is required:

  • 100 grams of potato starch;
  • 80 milliliters of warm water;
  • a small amount of dye.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. starch is poured into a container;
  2. add dye to it and mix well;
  3. slowly pour in water, stirring constantly;
  4. At first, the slime resembles jelly, but with constant stirring it acquires the state of an elastic mass.

After this, the toy can be given to the child. But this slime is not durable; after a couple of days it loses its properties.

How to make a toy from PVA?

PVA glue is the most suitable base for creating slimes. This foundation is quite thick and has a light shade. The toys are soft and elastic.

With Persil washing gel

To prepare slime you will need:

  • 100 grams of PVA glue;
  • Persil washing gel.


  1. Prepare the dishes and pour glue into them.
  2. Then add the desired shade of dye there.
  3. After thorough stirring, begin to add Persil. The mass is mixed at all stages of preparation.
  4. The gel is added until the mixture becomes dense and homogeneous.
  5. After this, take out the slime and knead it until the desired condition is obtained.

If the finished slime turns out to be too liquid, then add more washing gel. If the slime breaks, then you have added too much Persil and there is no way to fix it.

Flour and adhesive

This slime recipe is universal.

  1. You need to take 100 ml of PVA glue, lens storage liquid and two tablespoons of wheat flour. You can use other glue for this method.
  2. Mix the flour so that there are no lumps in the mixture. It is more convenient to do this with a special whisk.
  3. Using dye, the mass is given the desired shade.
  4. With constant stirring, the lens storage solution is introduced.
  5. If the toy turns out to be too liquid, you can add a little more flour. If the slime turns out to be dense, then add a little more glue.

Fragrant slime

To create such a toy you will need:

  • 100 ml glue;
  • 50 ml perfume.

You can also use old ones that are not suitable for use. But this scented water will work well. Making slime is easy.

  1. Pour glue into the bowl and add perfume, stirring vigorously.
  2. After obtaining a dense lump, it is washed with warm water.

This slime is usually obtained immediately, if you do not violate the ratio of ingredients.

No added water

For such a toy you will need thick shower gel, flour and dye of the desired shade.


  1. dye is added to the gel;
  2. pour flour;
  3. mix everything well.
  4. If the mixture does not thicken, add more flour.

With peroxide

This method allows you to create a great toy without using borax.

You will need:

  • 40 ml PVA glue;
  • half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide;
  • You can add coloring if you wish.

First, paint the glue in the desired color, then add hydrogen peroxide and quickly mix the liquid. The mixture should thicken within 3 minutes.

Using a refrigerator

You will need to prepare the toy:

  • PVA glue;
  • some toothpaste.
  1. 4 tablespoons of glue are poured into the bowl and mixed with the paste. There should be no clots in the mixture.
  2. Cover the container with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Slime prepared in this way does not withstand heat. It is stored in the refrigerator.

How to choose a working adhesive mass?

PVA glue is well suited for creating slimes, since this material has a light shade and thick texture. When choosing glue, pay attention to its freshness. It must not be expired. The material should not be too liquid and there should be no flakes in it. Otherwise, the toy may not work.

When creating slime without glue and sodium tetraborate, you must follow some rules:

  • if it is necessary to heat the mixture on the stove, then do this only over low heat, this will allow the mixture to warm up evenly and get a high-quality toy;
  • dyes are always added in small quantities, it is enough to start with one drop;
  • it is imperative to comply with the prescribed proportions;
  • Ready-made slimes are stored in a container or bag.

It's not difficult to make a toy. It is enough just to observe the proportions and order of actions. Such a toy proper storage long time will make the child happy.

Slime is a toy that came into fashion at the end of the last century. This event was preceded by the premiere of an animated film about Ghostbusters. Among the main characters of the cartoon was Lizun, a spreading, stretching and shape-changing creature. In this article I will tell you how to make slime at home without and with sodium tetraborate.

The consistency of the toy, which was given the name handgam, resembles jelly, but does not melt in your hands. And although more than a dozen years have passed since its appearance, it is still popular among children and teenagers.

You can buy slime at any toy store, but the factory product contains chemical components, the contact of which with the baby’s skin does not cause delight among caring parents. That's why many people are interested in technology homemade, because homemade slime is safer. This toy also relieves stress and has a positive effect on work. nervous system, develops fine motor skills and creativity.

In this article I will look at popular ways of creating slime from scrap materials. They differ in duration of execution, composition of ingredients, consistency and quality. finished product, level of difficulty.

Recipe for transparent slime without sodium tetraborate and PVA

Since the toy is intended for children, safety comes first. To create a slime, I recommend using a flour-based recipe. It is simple and allows you to create handgams in minutes.


  • Flour.
  • Hot water.
  • Cold water.
  • Set of food colorings.


  1. Pour two cups of sifted flour into a small container, add 0.25 cups of cool water and a little hot water, but not boiling water.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency. Make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Add a few drops of food coloring to the homogeneous mass and stir until the mixture acquires a uniform color.
  4. Place the sticky mixture in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Remove the cooled mixture from the refrigerator and knead it thoroughly with your hands. Lizun is ready.

Video recipe

Since working with flour often leads to dirty clothes, I recommend making slime in an apron. As for me, creating a knitted toy is a great activity for those who don’t know what to do when they’re bored.

How to make slime from shampoo and water

Every bathroom has several bottles of shampoo that help people take care of their hair. But some craftsmen have found another use for this tool and use it to create handgams. Indeed, from shampoo and water you can make homemade slime in a matter of minutes.


  • Shampoo – 100 ml.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Starch – 200 g.


  1. In a small container, combine starch, water and shampoo, mix thoroughly.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After the time has passed, the toy is ready.

Video experience

The shelf life when stored in a closed container in the refrigerator is one month. If you want the toy to have a more viscous consistency, replace the starch with Titan glue.

The easiest way at home

There are many ways to create slime. The simplest option is to use baking soda and dishwashing detergent. And since it contains household chemicals, supervise your child while playing and wash your hands afterwards.


  • Soda.
  • Water.
  • Dishwashing liquid.
  • Food coloring.


  1. Pour some dish liquid into a small container. Since there is no specific dosage, add water or household chemicals to thin mucus.
  2. Add baking soda to the dishwashing liquid and stir. If the composition turns out to be thick, dilute with water and stir. To achieve the desired color, use appropriate food coloring.

You may not succeed the first time, but with practice you will learn how to create wonderful slimes at home from baking soda and dish soap. These skills will come in handy. For example, you can give a gift to a friend for her birthday and cheer her up a little.

DIY slime made from soap and toothpaste

Do you want to become the owner of a slime? Make it yourself using toothpaste and liquid soap as the main ingredients. Such a toy will diversify your life and provide an opportunity to realize your creative potential.


  • Liquid soap – 20 ml.
  • Toothpaste – 20 ml.
  • Flour – 5 teaspoons.


  1. Squeeze toothpaste into a small metal container, add liquid soap and stir until smooth.
  2. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture. First, mix the mixture with a spoon, then complete the procedure with your hands.
  3. At the very end, lightly moisten the slime with water and remember a little more with your hands.

As you can see, making a toy that is popular all over the world from hygiene products is not difficult. It will help in the development and realization of fantasy. This is also an excellent replacement for store-bought plasticine.

Making slime from starch and hydrogen peroxide

This method is incredibly popular because it does not involve large financial costs. The result is a solid toy that bounces beautifully. So don't be upset if this slime doesn't live up to your expectations.


  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Starch – 100 g.
  • PVA glue – 100 g.
  • Food coloring.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.


  1. In a small container, mix water and starch. The end result should be a mixture that resembles jelly in consistency. Add glue and mix.
  2. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and a little food coloring to the resulting mixture and mix. If the mass turns out thick, I advise you to add a little water.

Handgam made using this technology turns out light and airy. This is thanks to hydrogen peroxide. As for the ingredients used, they are really affordable and will help you save money.

Slime made from plasticine, water and gelatin

Not every home has PVA glue, starch or sodium tetraborate (borax). But these components are not needed to create slime, because it can be made from ordinary plasticine. If there are schoolchildren or preschoolers in the house, this viscous mass will definitely be found.


  • Plasticine – 100 g.
  • Edible gelatin – 15 g.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Metal container, plastic bowl, stick.


  1. Soak the gelatin in cool water. To do this, pour gelatin into a metal container and add 200 ml of water. When the gelatin swells, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, then remove.
  2. Take the plasticine in your hand and knead it until it becomes warm and soft. Place the softened piece of plasticine in a plastic container and add the remaining water. Stir well with a plastic spatula.
  3. Connect the two components. Add the slightly cooled gelatin to the mixture of water and plasticine and stir. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the toy is ready.

Video experience

A toy made according to this recipe is famous for its enviable durability. Just make sure that the kids don’t touch the wallpaper with the slime while playing. It is extremely difficult to remove traces left by handgam.

How to make slime from sodium tetraborate and glue

Made from sodium tetraborate (Borax), the toy is practically no different from the store-bought version, but since the composition contains chemical components, we are not talking about safety. Therefore, I advise you to play with such slime carefully.


  • Borax – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Stationery glue – 30 g.
  • Yellow and green food coloring.
  • Water.


  1. Pour a glass of warm water into a small bowl and add sodium tetraborate. Mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.
  2. In a second container, combine half a glass of water, 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green dye and glue. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Add the sodium tetraborate solution in a thin stream, stirring, into the adhesive mass. As a result, the resulting mass will become viscous and suitable for play.

Store the slime made according to this recipe in a closed container, as it is sensitive to fresh air. Do not allow your child to put the toy in his mouth.

Homemade slime made from pencil glue

Many of us are very familiar with glue sticks. IN kindergarten and at school it is used to create collages and appliqués. It was also used in office work. It also makes a good slime. Read the cooking technology below.


  • Glue pencil – 4 pcs.
  • Boron (sodium tetraborate) – 1 teaspoon.
  • Flour.
  • Food coloring.


  1. Take a glue stick, remove the sticks and place them in a glass container. Keep them in the microwave or oven until a viscous mixture forms. Add a little dye to the mixture and mix.
  2. Dilute a teaspoon of boron in a small amount of water. Pour a small amount of the resulting liquid into the glue and mix. Add sodium tetraborate until you reach the desired consistency.

You have learned popular ways to make slime at home. Some of them are as simple as possible, others are based on the use of purchased components. It is difficult to say which recipe is better; only practice will help determine this.

In conclusion, I will share a few tips for creating and storing that will help extend the life of your handgam.

  1. To store the slime, use a jar with a tight-fitting lid, otherwise it will dry out. Keep the jelly-like product away from sunlight and heating radiators.
  2. Try not to let the slime come into contact with the fleecy surface while playing. Otherwise, hairs will stick to it, which will lead to loss of its original structure and smoothness.
  3. Some manufacturing methods involve the use of glue and other materials with a pronounced odor. To eliminate them and add flavor to the slime, I advise you to add a few drops to the composition. essential oil or food flavoring.
  4. If you want to make a glow-in-the-dark slime, use fluorescent paint. Today it is not difficult to buy it.
  5. Experiment with the composition of the mixture. To make the slime stick better, add a few drops of vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide will make the toy airy and not sticky, and glycerin will make it slippery.

On this note, I end the article about making slime. If you know other ways, please share in the comments. I hope that with the information described, you will create a safe and educational toy that will fill your life with joy. Good luck!

From this article you will learn how to make your own slime without glue or thickener.

Slime has been popular for playing with for quite some time now. Everyone likes them, both children and adults, because few people can resist crushing this interesting substance. There are a huge number of recipes that allow you to make good slime. Let's figure out how they can be made without glue and tetrabotarat.

How to make slime without PVA glue and without sodium tetraborate?

To make your own slime without glue or thickener, it is important to carefully follow all the proportions in the recipes. If this is your first time making such a toy, then look especially carefully at the proportions. There is no need to invent something if you have not yet gained experience in this matter. To get good slime, use several recipes below.

Plasticine slime

Not everyone knows that plasticine can also be used to create good slime. If you have all the necessary components, then you should definitely try to create it.

So, to prepare, take the following:

  • Any plasticine you like - 100 g. There are no requirements for color, it can be any
  • A packet of gelatin. 15 g is enough for cooking
  • Glass of water

As you can see, the components are not too complicated and often every home has them. Making slime is simple. Follow the following instructions:

  • Take a metal bowl and soak the gelatin in it. Don't use the whole glass, just leave a little. The mixture must sit for an hour to allow the gelatin to swell.
  • Next, put the bowl on the fire. In order for the mass to heat up evenly, the fire should be low. Stir the mixture constantly and wait until it begins to boil. After this, immediately remove the finished mixture from the stove.
  • Leave the gelatin for now to cool and work on the plasticine. Knead it in your hands until it becomes soft and pliable.
  • Now it can be added to gelatin with the remaining water.

Mix very carefully because all components must be combined. After completing the procedure, leave the slime in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes and you can play with it.

In this case, starch will be used instead of a thickener. You won't need glue either; we'll use shampoo instead. If you don’t have starch, it doesn’t matter, because it is freely sold in stores.

The ratio of components should be as follows:

  • 120 ml shampoo. Liquid is not suitable for cooking; it is better to use thick
  • For decoration, take some glitter or dye. By quantity, take as much as you think is necessary
  • 280 g cornstarch
  • Glass of water

Preparation of slime is as follows:

  • First, in a bowl, mix the shampoo with jewelry, if you took it for decoration.
  • Next add cornstarch

If after the first two steps you are satisfied with how the slime turned out, then it is ready.

  • If you want the toy to be softer, then slowly add a small spoonful of water to the mixture.

Always knead the mixture with your hands to understand when there is enough water.

This recipe uses toothpaste and soap. The preparation itself is simple, but, again, not without its peculiarities.

So, take 1.5 tbsp. toothpaste. It turns out that this is approximately 25 g. On each tube it is written how many grams of paste it contains. Visually divide it and squeeze out as much as you need.

Exactly the same amount of soap is used to make slime. Flour will be needed for thickening. Take 5 teaspoons of it.

You can form a slime as follows:

  • So, squeeze the required amount of paste into a metal bowl and pour soap
  • Mix the liquid base well, and then add the flour in parts.
  • Use a spoon at first, and when the mixture thickens, knead it with your hands.
  • Your slime is almost ready. Wet it a little with water and knead it with your hands

You can make slime very quickly with your own hands without glue and with dishwashing liquid. It turns out to be quite an impressive toy, especially if you use dye to give it color.

The preparation is as follows:

  • Pour some dishwashing liquid into the container
  • Slowly add soda. This way it will mix better
  • Dilute the thick mixture with water
  • To color your slime, add a few drops of food coloring.
  • Mix the mixture until smooth

Depending on what components you use, the slime will vary in consistency and appearance. The last recipe doesn't have specific recommendations on how much detergent to add specifically because it tends to suds.

Video: Lizun from water. Slime without glue

An entertaining item called slime is often found on sale. Children really like it, it allows them to relieve stress and relax.

With its help, the child learns to concentrate and think.

However, all products that the market offers contain chemical substances(sodium tetraborate, PVA glue), which have Negative influence on health status.

You can make slime yourself from available ingredients that will be harmless to the baby’s health.

It can be made from shampoo, soap, thickener, plasticine, starch and other ingredients.

But when making slime with your own hands, you should follow all important recommendations and recipe features.

Slime has an original name - slime or handgam. This is a mass that does not stick to your hands and stretches well.

If desired, it can be given shape, but the structure does not tear or fall apart. Children really like the substance.

Interesting! The product acquired its name back in the 90s of the last century after the appearance of the cartoon “Ghostbusters”.

It featured a character that was very Slime-like - he was green in color and could penetrate walls with ease.

Slime is useful thing for children, it is considered anti-stress. It helps to relax the baby and occupy his attention.

The toy has a positive effect on memory, vision, and development motor activity and motor skills.

Cooking methods without glue

At home, you can easily make slime without glue and sodium tetraborate.

Before making it, you should select the components in advance; it must be safe for the child, because during play he will want to taste it.

Sometimes the consistency of a toy is not the same as the original, if the preparation procedure and all proportions of the constituent components are followed correctly.

The reason may be the quality of the products - they may be too low or high temperature, be overdue.

The table below contains recipes for slime without glue and sodium tetraborate:

Name of ingredients Description
From shampoo, shower gel or liquid soap We combine the components in a cup in equal proportions and put them in the cold overnight, preferably in the freezer. During this time the mass will become thick
From shampoo, starch and water You will need 200 grams of starch, 100 ml of shampoo and the same amount of water.

After playing, you should put it in a jar, close it and put it away. refrigerator. Shelf life: 30 days

Made from baking soda and dish detergent The quantity depends on the brands of products used.

Pour detergent into a cup and add water until the mixture becomes liquid.

Gets enough sleep baking soda– 2 teaspoons. Mix everything, add water if necessary

From flour You need to sift 2 cups of flour into a bowl. She's pouring cold water, and then slightly hot (50 ml each).

Everything is mixed well until smooth. Dye is added to the resulting mixture and salt and sugar are added to taste.

Mix the dough until the color is uniform. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

It is taken out and kneaded by hand. Transparent slime ready from flour

Recipes at home

You can make slime at home from different ingredients. The preparation is simple, even children can handle it.

In addition, it does not require large financial investments; the ingredients are available at home.

The result will simply surprise you - the slime will turn out no worse than store-bought slime.

For preparation, you can use proven products - detergents (Persil, Fairy), plasticine, starch, toothpaste, shaving foam (you can make the famous fluffy slime from it).

Airy slime made from soap and paste

How to make airy and light slime without using boric acid and office glue?

It’s simple, first you need to prepare the required components:

  • 25 grams of toothpaste – 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • One and a half tablespoons of liquid soap.
  • Wheat flour – 5 teaspoons.

Once the ingredients are prepared, you can start preparing the slime:

  • You need to squeeze toothpaste into the bottom of a metal bowl.
  • Add liquid soap and stir.
  • Piece by piece, add flour to the liquid base and stir immediately.
  • At first, you can stir the mass with a spoon, and as it becomes thick, you can knead it with your hands.

Fluffy slime

It is worth noting! The name fluffy slime comes from the English fluffy slime - fluffy slime.

At home, this slime can be made from shaving foam and stationery PVA glue.

An easy way to make fluffy slime:

  • Place shaving foam and glue in equal proportions into a bowl.
  • Mixes well.
  • Then you need to add the dye and stir.
  • At the end, knead with your hands until a uniform color is obtained.

Many people don’t like slime because it sticks to their hands and leaves marks on the paper. But if you vigorously knead it with your hands, it will become elastic and pliable.

Made from plasticine, gelatin and water

To make slime with your own hands, you need to prepare the following elements:

  • 50 grams of gelatin.
  • Plasticine – 100 grams.
  • Water.

The preparation is simple:

  • Gelatin should be poured into a glass of cold water and left for 60 minutes.
  • Next, the swollen gelatin is placed in a water bath.
  • After boiling, the fire turns off immediately.
  • The plasticine softens and is filled with warm water (50 ml).
  • The swollen gelatin is poured into the plasticine mass.
  • Everything is mixed until a viscous substance is formed.
  • Next, the mass is placed in the refrigerator. It should be left there for a while to harden.

Preparing to make it yourself

Slime can be prepared at home quickly and easily. But it is still recommended to prepare for this process.

Of course, there are no requirements, but do not forget about some rules:

  • Cooking should be done in metal or glass containers.
  • You should wear gloves on your hands.
  • For children, natural ingredients should be used - flour, soda, gelatin, plasticine.
  • The ingredients must have good quality, they should not be expired.

Step-by-step instruction

At home, you can use a proven slime recipe, which requires the preparation of the following components:

  • Starch 75 grams, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2.
  • PVA glue – 60 ml.
  • Food coloring – 5-10 grams.
  • Essential oil or perfume - a few drops. This component will add additional flavor.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The diluted starch is placed in a bag.
  2. Glue is added to the starch.
  3. Dye and essential oil are added.
  4. The components are mixed.
  5. After this, the finished slime is removed from the bag.
  6. Additionally, you can add glitter to create a glowing slime.

Slime is a good toy for children and adults. As you can see from the recipes above, you can easily make it yourself.

The result may be real slime. different types– fluffy, airy, glassy or transparent, glowing. The main thing is to follow the recipe and proportions of the ingredients used.

Useful video

All kids love to play with slime. Not only does this mass, due to its plasticity and ductility, allow the child to do whatever he wants with it, but it also allows him to develop fine motor skills. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the baby’s intelligence. This product is also called slim or handgam.

If the baby wants such a toy, then there will be no problems buying it, because it is sold almost everywhere. But why spend extra money when you can make slime at home with your own hands. And for this you will need the most simple materials, which are also cheap.

How to make slime from PVA glue

In a house where there are small children, finding PVA glue is not a problem. But besides application, it is also useful for creating slime. The main thing is that it is not “stagnant”.


  • PVA glue – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • salt – 3 tsp;
  • glass container.

If you want to make colored slime, then you will also need food coloring (1/3 tsp) for these ingredients.

Preparation method:

  1. Poured into dishes hot water and add salt, after which everything is stirred well. It is best to use fine salt as it dissolves quickly and easily.
  2. Next, stirring the liquid, add dye to it. By the way, if you don’t have it on hand, you can use ordinary gouache (1 tsp).
  3. As soon as the water has cooled a little, pour all the glue into it without stirring and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the mass begins to be slowly kneaded with a tablespoon. This process will cause the glue to gradually separate from the water, while its consistency will begin to take on the desired appearance.
  5. As soon as all the substance has gathered around the spoon, you can pick it up.

The proposed version of the slime will have a somewhat hard consistency. But if you want to make a softer version of slim, then you should use the following recipe.

How to make slime from sodium tetraborate at home

This substance can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. It is also called burat, which allows you to soften the toy. To create slime required:

  • 1/2 tsp. sodium tetraborate;
  • 30 g PVA glue (it is recommended to use transparent);
  • 2 containers;
  • 300 ml warm water;
  • optional cooking coloring.

All the process looks like this:

  1. A glass of water is poured into one of the containers, into which the burat is gradually poured, stirring constantly.
  2. Pour 1/2 cup of water into the second container and add glue.
  3. If dye is used in production, it is added to the diluted glue. For intense color, it is recommended to use 5-7 drops. You can also experiment with the range, for example adding 3 drops of green and 4 drops of yellow.
  4. As soon as the glue and dye acquire a homogeneous mass, add the first container. This should be done in a thin stream, while stirring constantly.
  5. As soon as the desired consistency is achieved, the slime is removed from the container. The toy is ready!

Another version of tetraborate slime

There is another recipe based on sodium tetraborate. But in this case, you still need polyvinyl alcohol powder. The whole job is as follows:

  1. Powdered alcohol is boiled over fire for 40 minutes. On the label there is detailed instructions about its preparation (it may differ slightly for each manufacturer). The main thing is to constantly stir the mixture in order to form a homogeneous mass and prevent it from burning.
  2. 2 tbsp. sodium tetraborate is mixed with 250 ml of warm water. The mixture is stirred until the powder is completely dissolved. Next, it is filtered through fine gauze.
  3. The purified solution is slowly poured into the alcohol mixture and stirred thoroughly. The mass will gradually thicken.
  4. At this stage, add 5 drops of dye to give the slime a bright color. But gouache will not give an intense shade, so it is better to use food coloring.

Important! Sodium tetraborate is quite toxic. That's why the main task parents - to control that the baby does not put the handgam in his mouth. If this happens, then you need to rinse the child’s mouth and it is advisable to cleanse the stomach. And also urgently seek advice from a doctor!

Slime made from tetraborate is more suitable for children aged 4-5 years, as it is easier for them to explain the safety of using the toy.

Starch slime

If you can’t buy sodium tetraborate or just want to make a safer version of slime, then a recipe with starch easily solves this problem. Perhaps every mother has in her kitchen:

  • 100-200 g starch.
  • Water.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. To make starch dissolve more easily, it is recommended to use warm, but not hot, water. Otherwise, the starch will begin to coagulate strongly, which will disrupt the correctness of the substance.
  2. To make the consistency elastic, the powder is added gradually.
  3. For altering, it is convenient to use an ordinary spoon or skewer. Thus, the entire mass will wrap around the object, after which it will be easy to remove.

To add color to the slime, you can add food coloring, gouache or even brilliant green to the water.

Shampoo slime recipe

Handgam can also be prepared from shampoo. It's even more convenient, because modern means They not only have a pleasant smell, but also different colors. This means you can save on food coloring.

  1. To create a small toy, take 75 g of shampoo and detergent, which are used to clean dishes (or liquid soap). It is desirable that they match in color.
  2. The components mix well until smooth. But! The main thing here is not to foam them, so all movements should be slow.
  3. The resulting mass is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for a day.
  4. After the specified time, the slime is ready for use.

Recipe for slime made from shampoo and salt

There is another way to prepare slime, but here the detergent is replaced with a pinch of fine salt. All ingredients are mixed in a container and placed in the refrigerator.

But unlike the above option, it will only take half an hour for the slime to “harden”. Judging objectively, such a toy is more suitable as an anti-stress. Or even for warming up your fingers, as it has increased stickiness.

Important! This option Although it is simple to manufacture, it requires certain operating and storage conditions.

  • Firstly, after games you need to put it back in the refrigerator, otherwise it will “melt”.
  • Secondly, it is not suitable for long-term games, since at elevated temperatures it begins to lose its plasticity.
  • Thirdly, we must not forget what the slim is made of, that is, after each game, the baby must wash his hands.

And this is not to mention the fact that parents should make sure that he does not put the toy in his mouth. Well, if the slime has collected a lot of garbage, then you won’t be able to clean it - it’s better to throw it away and start making a new toy.

Homemade toothpaste slime

In this case, the main ingredients will be half a tube (about 50-70g) of toothpaste and PVA glue (1 tbsp).

It’s worth saying right away that at first the slime will have a smell, but it will dissipate quickly enough, so mom doesn’t have to worry too much about it.

Place both ingredients in a container and mix well. If the consistency is not plastic enough, then add a little more glue to the container. Then the mass is placed in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

This slim performs two roles:

  • if you play with it when it is warm (at room temperature), then it will be a slime;
  • As long as the product remains cold, an adult can use it as an anti-stress.

There are also two more ways to make slime from toothpaste:

Method 1: Water bath. Place the paste in a saucepan (the amount depends on the desired volume of the toy) and place it on a container of boiling water. After this, reduce the heat to low and begin stirring. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes.

As moisture leaves the paste, it will acquire a looser consistency. Before taking the substance in your hands, they are lubricated with ordinary sunflower oil. The mass must be kneaded well until the product acquires the desired appearance.

Method 2: In the microwave. Again, required amount The pastes are placed in a container. But in this case it is better to use glass or ceramic dishes. The timer is set for 2 minutes.

After which the paste is taken out and mixed well, then the mass is placed again in the microwave, but for 3 minutes. The final stage the same as in the previous one: with pre-oiled hands, knead the mass until completely cooked.

Since this slime will be slightly greasy, the mother should control how the baby plays. Otherwise, there will be a lot of washing and cleaning.

How to make slime from shaving foam

And this option is great for creative fathers. The main advantage of the method is that air foam for shaving allows you to create large-volume slims.

Required components:

  • shaving foam (as much as dad cares about);
  • borax – 1.5 tsp;
  • office glue;
  • water – 50 ml.


  1. First, the burate powder is completely dissolved in warm water so that the crystals are no longer visible.
  2. After this, place the foam in a separate bowl and mix with 1 tbsp. glue.
  3. Now the first solution is gradually poured into the resulting mass. The mass will gradually begin to thicken, due to which it will lag behind the walls of the container.
  4. As soon as the slime stops sticking, including to your hands, it can be considered ready.

Advice! The borax is gradually poured into the foam, since it is difficult to say what quality the foam itself is. It is quite possible that more solution will be needed to thicken it, or dad will simply not spare his money for the baby. Therefore, during preparation, it is best to keep borax on hand in order to have time to prepare another portion of the solution.

Making slime at home from detergent

A recipe has already been presented above, which included a detergent. But there is another way to use this ingredient in making slime.


  • detergent – ​​1 tbsp;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • hand cream – 1/2 tbsp;
  • optional food coloring of the desired color.


  1. Pour detergent into a glass container and add soda, after which everything is thoroughly mixed. Stir until the mixture does not foam, but gradually acquires a thicker consistency. If it feels too thick, then dilute it with water - pour in a teaspoon at a time.
  2. Next, add the cream to the container and mix again until smooth.
  3. Next comes the selected dye - 5-7 drops.
  4. The solution will be thick, but for better plasticity, it is recommended to pour it into a bag and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

It’s worth saying right away that as the mass cools, the color of the slime may change slightly.

How to make a simple slime from salt

Salt can be used not only in cooking, but also in making homemade toys. A striking example of this is not only dough-plasticine, but also slime. For such work, in addition to salt, you will also need a little liquid soap and dye.

The creation steps are as follows:

  • liquid soap (3-4 tsp) is mixed with dye;
  • add a pinch of salt to the resulting mass and stir;
  • the substance is placed in the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  • After the specified time has passed, another stirring is carried out.

In this case, salt does not act as the main ingredient, but as a thickener. Therefore, you need to be careful with its quantity so as not to get rubber.

How to make your own slime from sugar

Sugar, like salt, can be found in any home. The following method will create a transparent slime. True, provided that no dye is used.

Two main ingredients - 2 tsp. sugar for 5 tbsp. l. thick shampoo. If you want to get a clear slime, then you should choose a shampoo of a similar color.

Preparation is very simple:

  1. The two main ingredients are mixed well in a cup.
  2. After which it is tightly closed, for which you can use cellophane and an elastic band.
  3. The container is placed in the refrigerator for 48 hours.
  4. Once they pass, the toy will become ready for use.

Slim, made from sugar, is also temperature sensitive, so it is best stored in the refrigerator.

Homemade soda slime

There is another recipe for making slime at home, which will use soda. Liquid soap or dish soap is added to it, and the amount of the last ingredient directly depends on the desired volume of the slime.

  1. Pour detergent (soap) into a saucepan and mix with soda.
  2. Next, one or several dyes are added.
  3. Knead until the mixture becomes thick enough and ready to use.

How to make slime from flour yourself

This option is suitable for the youngest children, since the slime recipe does not include anything hazardous to health. If the baby tastes the slim, the mother won’t worry too much. Although, for the sake of fairness, it is worth saying: a flour toy does not remain plastic for long.

To make slime from flour you will need:

  • wheat flour (it is not necessary to take the most best variety) – 400 g;
  • hot and cold water – 50 ml each;
  • dye.

Advice. If you want to make a completely natural slime, then you can use boiled onion peels, beetroot or carrot juice, or spinach for coloring.

Preparation has several main stages:

  1. Initially, the flour is sifted into a separate container.
  2. Next, they add cold water to it in turn, and then warm water. In order not to suffer from lumps, it is best to pour in the liquid in a thin stream, constantly stirring the resulting mass.
  3. Now add coloring or juice. The amount of paint directly affects the color intensity.
  4. Then the mass is allowed to cool for 4 hours. It's best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  5. When the cooling time is over, the slime is taken out of the container. If the product is a little sticky, lightly dust it with flour or grease it with sunflower oil.

The finished slim retains its elasticity for 1-2 days, and if stored in a bag, it will last a couple more days. But, despite such a short period of time, this slime is the safest for the baby, since it does not contain any chemicals.