Toilet      06/17/2019

Indoor tangerine leaves turn yellow. Mistakes when growing and breeding citrus plants (lemon, tangerine), proper care. Household citrus plants, soil composition, nutrition, feeding, fertilizers

Indoor citrus plants require maintaining a microclimate similar to the natural one. If the rules of care are not followed, the trees begin to hurt. It is important to figure out why the tangerine leaves are falling off and take action, otherwise the plant may die.

Physiological features

In late autumn, the tangerine enters the dormant stage. This period lasts until the end of winter or the beginning of spring. If at this time you do not provide optimal temperature And correct mode watering, the plant will begin to shed its leaves.

To prevent this problem, the pot with the tree is moved to a cooler place (temperature +14-17 °C). Watering is reduced, because citrus without leaves does not need large quantities water. Stop feeding completely.

Incorrect conditions of detention

If it’s summer outside and the tangerine is dropping its leaves, the reason may be that the habitat is not suitable for the crop.


Under natural conditions, tangerine grows in warm countries, so it’s worth providing it with a comfortable environment at home. temperature regime. Indicators should be at +20-25 °C. When the crop begins to form buds, the temperature is maintained at about +20 °C.


Tangerines can shed their leaves if the air is too dry. This situation is often observed in summer in the heat or in winter in heating season. For supporting optimal humidity Place a container of water near the plant and spray it regularly (morning or evening). You can also increase humidity by using indoor fountain, aquarium or humidifier.

A humidifier installed in the room has a beneficial effect on tangerine


Lack of light is one of the most common factors in leaf fall. Sometimes the plant does not have enough light after rearranging the furniture or during the cold season.

Actions in this case:

  • install the tangerine tree in a place with high level natural light: balcony, loggia, window sill of a south or south-east window;
  • add light using phytolamps or daylight lamps with short daylight hours.

The plant is protected from direct sunlight by shading it. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned, become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats and does not consume moisture well, which also affects the condition of the tree.

Improper care

The tangerine leaves turn yellow and then wither, including due to improper care behind the plant.


Excess moisture is indicated by dry leaves along the edges with a brown crust. An abundance of moisture often provokes rotting of the roots. To check, the plant is carefully removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. If the root system is sick, you should replant the citrus and remove the rotten parts. The soil is changed and drainage is arranged.

If the tangerine has dried up from lack of water, you can try to revive it:

  • water at room temperature is taken into the basin;
  • place the plant in it so that the liquid is at the level of the edge of the pot;
  • watering is carried out from above until bubbles stop forming in the soil;
  • remove, allow excess liquid to drain;
  • The tangerine tree is treated with the stimulating agent “Epin” (1 ml per 2 liters of water) 2 times a week.

If the tangerine has dried out from lack of water, the drug "Epin" will help.

At home, citrus is watered 1-2 times a day in the warm season. Deviations in one direction or another lead to bad consequences. The top layer of soil should dry out between waterings.

Top dressing

Yellowing and falling leaves are often associated with a lack of nutrients in the soil:

  1. Nitrogen - first the lower leaves change color, then the upper ones. To eliminate the problem, nitrogen-containing substances are added: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.
  2. Gland - a disease called chlorosis develops. Young leaves become light yellow, after a while the old ones are also affected. To prevent the problem, the crop is treated with iron chelate once a month.
  3. Potassium - leaves begin to fall. In this case, potassium nitrate must be added according to the attached instructions.
  4. Phosphorus - leaf blades become small and narrow, lose their gloss, tangerine does not bloom. It is good to fertilize with complex mineral products.

Excess fertilizer is also harmful to tangerines. Store-bought preparations for citrus must be used strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the phases of plant development. It is important to use boiled and settled water for irrigation, otherwise calcium accumulates in the soil (this is evidenced by a white coating on its surface), which prevents the tree from absorbing nutrients.

Mandarin oranges should only be watered with settled water.


If after transplantation the plant begins to lose leaves, the process was performed incorrectly. You need to repeat the procedure, taking into account the recommendations:

  1. The soil must have a certain composition: turf soil (50%), equal parts leaf soil, humus, sand.
  2. Drainage should be laid at the bottom.
  3. The pot must match the size of the root system. Growing citrus in a container that is too small or large will cause the leaves to fall off. The container size is increased gradually.

If the root system is damaged, it is washed and treated with heteroauxin or another antiseptic. The plant is placed in a smaller pot with improved drainage.

Replant young healthy tree follows every year. Starting from 7 years of age - 2 times a year. Be sure to replant after purchase, because store-bought tangerines are planted in peat, in which the supply of nutrients is minimal.

Incorrect reproduction

Inexperienced gardeners can graft healthy citrus onto trifoliate. Then the plant will definitely shed its leaves, since a deciduous tree was chosen as a rootstock. The tangerine may even die.

Trifoliata with scion has different biorhythms. In winter, it requires complete rest, while cultivated citrus carries out vital processes in indoor conditions, although at a slower rate. Trifoliate is suitable for vaccination at home only when the temperature environment lower to +5-10 °C.


To find out the reason why tangerine leaves turn yellow, you should carefully examine the plant for the presence of pests:

  1. Spider mite. You can only see it under a magnifying glass. The insect is recognized by the web that forms on the leaves. The mite sucks the juices from the plant.
  2. Shield. It resembles aphids, but poses a great danger to the plant. As a result of the lesion, dark spots appear on the leaves, and over time, sticky discharge.

To combat mites, the plant is placed under warm shower. The remaining pests are neutralized soap solution using a sponge, wiping the stems and leaf blades with it. The next day, the culture is again placed under the shower - this way the remaining soap is removed.

To completely destroy insects, about 3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 2-3 days. You also need to thoroughly wash the place where the flowerpot stands. Insecticides that are bought in flower shops are used against pests.


Often tangerine leaves fall under the influence of several factors at once. This fact should be taken into account when diagnosing the disease and choosing a method to combat it.

Measures must be taken immediately, because the plant feeds and breathes with the help of leaves. It is worth making sure that the crop is not exposed to drafts, which adversely affect the health of the tree.

Tangerine leaves often fall off in late autumn. Why? In the period from the end of October to the beginning of February, in indoor conditions, the plant begins a dormant period. This is caused by shortening daylight hours.

Although citrus fruits do not naturally defoliate during the winter, when home growing a period of rest is simply necessary. Without winter rest it may die mature plant, whose age exceeds 3-4 years. What to do? If the tangerine leaves fall in the fall, it is transferred to a cool room where the air temperature does not exceed +18 degrees. Here additional lighting is organized using fluorescent lamp at 20-40 watts, it will provide 12 hours of daylight. Watering is reduced, since a plant without leaves consumes little moisture. Fertilizers are not applied to the soil until the period of intensive growth begins (late February - early March).

If it's summer outside, then why do the tangerine leaves fall? Leaf fall is often a reaction to unfavorable growing conditions. Often this is the result of waterlogging or dryness of the soil, perhaps these two factors alternate. For tangerine, regular watering with uniform moistening of the earthen clod is important. In summer, it is watered 2 times a week after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced significantly, as citrus fruits go into retirement. When over-watered and over-dried, the root system suffers. That is why in both cases it is necessary to place the tangerine in a greenhouse. This plastic bag, which does not touch the leaves of the flower. Watering under the greenhouse is reduced and sprayed more. Epine is added to the water for spraying, and for watering - root once a week. There should be moist air under the greenhouse. It is ventilated every day for 15 minutes. The greenhouse can be removed for a longer period of time, thus accustoming the flower to room conditions, if the leaves no longer fall and new ones appear.

Leaves fall off if indoor tangerine was transplanted incorrectly. In this case, we are talking about violating the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. It is correct if the tangerine is transferred into a pot, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, without violating the integrity of the earthen lump. If still homemade tangerine replanted and its leaves fall off 1-2 weeks after replanting, it is necessary to place the flower under a greenhouse (how to do it is described in the previous paragraph), reduce watering (in order to reduce the load on the root system), and pay more attention to spraying.

The tangerine sheds its leaves if the pot size has been greatly increased as a result of replanting.. Here we are talking about waterlogging the susstratum in the pot. The root system of the plant has not yet occupied the entire volume of soil provided to it. An excess of moisture will accumulate here, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, watering should be reduced, wait until the soil dries, and then water moderately; you need to add root to the water once a week. Regular spraying with epin will not hurt, do not fertilize, provide the flower with proper lighting, in winter it should be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

If a tangerine has lost all its leaves, can it be saved? In this case, you need to find out whether its root system has rotted or dried out. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, and the roots are examined. They should be elastic and have a light cut. Otherwise, the flower cannot be helped. Next, the plant is returned to the pot and placed under a greenhouse. You cannot water it without leaves. The soil can be kept slightly moist, but it should be dry on top. Next, the plant is placed under a greenhouse and sprayed, be sure to use Epin.

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow? How to treat the disease?

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if it stands under straight lines. sun rays without shading. In this case, not only the crown of the flower suffers, but also its root system.

Leaves get burned in direct sunlight. In this case, the tangerine leaves become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats under the sun and therefore does not absorb moisture well. This affects the crown. It turns yellow again and falls off. You should also not spray the flower in hot weather. It is better to do this either in the morning or late in the evening. If the room where the tangerine grows is very hot in the summer, then they organize it in the room good ventilation air and definitely shade the flower. In winter, tangerines cannot be grown at high temperature. This depletes the plant and it needs a period of rest. So, if a flower turns yellow, then it must be shaded, the earthen coma is not allowed to overheat, and it is watered so that the top layer of soil has time to dry out. Here you can use root. Spraying is required, epin is added here.

The leaves of indoor mandarin turn yellow if it lacks microelements. In this case we are talking about chlorosis. Lemon leaves turn yellow, but the veins on them remain green. The flower can be cured by regular feeding, which contains microelements such as iron, zinc, sulfur, manganese and magnesium.

If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, young leaves of tangerines may turn yellow. They lose their gloss and develop narrow and long. In such conditions, tangerine does not bloom. What to do? It is necessary to feed the plant regularly complex fertilizers. Important!!! Mandarins can only be watered with boiled, settled water. Otherwise, calcium accumulates in the soil (looks like white plaque on top layer soil). It prevents the roots from absorbing nutrients.

• Mistakes when growing and breeding citrus plants (lemon, tangerine), proper care

Mistakes when growing and breeding citrus plants (lemon, tangerine), proper care

Many people grow citrus plants in their rooms, but rarely do anyone get the chance to try their fruits. Therefore, today we will talk about what mistakes gardeners usually make and how to avoid them.

What citrus plants are afraid of, mistakes in care, biological characteristics of citrus plants

First of all, we must take into account biological features citrus plants. In winter they need relative rest. From October to February, the room temperature should be no more than 12°C. However, this time coincides with the heating season, and high temperatures lead to untimely growth and depletion of plants, which will subsequently affect fruiting.

Early spring is also a critical period, when warm days suddenly give way to a sharp cold snap. At the same time, the growth that has begun slows down sharply, the leaves become deformed, and the buds and ovaries fall off. To avoid this, it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at 14-16°C.

Sometimes in the summer, gardeners take plants out onto the balcony or even transport them to the dacha, but it is better not to do this, since citrus fruits react painfully to any changes and adapt very slowly to new conditions. Overdrying and excessive moisture of the earthen coma- also a very common mistake. In the first case, active roots die, leaves curl and fall off along with flowers and fruits. With excessive watering, the roots rot and the leaves turn yellow.

It is best to pour water into the pan - then the substrate is evenly saturated with moisture and nutrients are not washed out. The most moisture-loving citrus fruit is lemon, the most drought-resistant is orange. Plants are often watered warm water(40°C), which causes the roots to die. You can't go to extremes. When watering cold water The roots dry out and the plants also die. The water temperature should be 2-3°C, and during fruiting 5-10°C above room temperature.

Remember that citrus roots are located in the top layer of soil, so you have to loosen it carefully, and water frequently, but in small doses.

For successful cultivation Light mode is also very important. Heavy shading leads to the formation of large, dark green leaves and depleted plants. Direct sunlight causes leaves to turn pale, burn fruits and ovaries, and cause them to drop. Lemon is the most shade-tolerant, orange is light-loving and heat-resistant.

They love citrus fruits diffused sunlight, it is best to place them on a window facing the southeast or southwest. And remember: the higher the temperature in the room, the more intense the lighting should be. Dry citrus trees cause great suffering. room air- the tips of the leaves dry out, the buds, ovaries and fruits fall off. To avoid this, wash and spray your plants regularly. If the pot is located near the battery, then place a container of water on it, which will saturate the air with moisture as it evaporates.

Household citrus plants, soil composition, nutrition, feeding, fertilizers

Very Citrus fruits, especially lemons, are demanding in terms of nutrition. It is no coincidence that in the plant kingdom they are called gluttons. Feed the plants all year round, excluding the period from October to February, when they are given only a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil. The rest of the time fertilizing is carried out alternating organic fertilizers with mineral, once every 7-10 days. This increases the sugar content of the fruit and reduces its bitterness. Recommended fertilizer mixtures: foscamide, Darina, ideal, agrovit-cor.

Citrus fruits are highly adaptable to soil conditions. They just cannot tolerate very acidic soils and the presence of peat. Usually they make up a mixture of turf and leaf soil, humus, sand (2:1:1:1). Citrus fruits should not be placed in the same room with strong-smelling plants, as they do not like other people's odors. They don't like smokers either.: They may even shed their leaves in protest.

Transplantation is also a crucial point. The most common mistakes: replanting plants with flowers and fruits, which causes them to fall off, as well as destruction of the earthen clod, severe pruning of roots. Both deep and shallow planting can cause a lack of fruit. The root collar should be slightly above soil level.

Household citrus plants, winter diseases, how to form a crown

Citrus fruits cause the most problems for their owners in winter, when they shed their leaves. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: light starvation, a combination of insufficient illumination with high temperature and low air humidity; the difference in the temperature of the above-ground part and the root system of the plant, when the pot is blown with cold air from the window, and the crown is in favorable room conditions; lack or excess of nutrition. And other problems

Some beginning citrus growers have no idea about the correct crown formation. And this is the main reason for the lack of fruiting and loss of decorativeness.

Without human intervention, the plant will not be able to form a crown in a short time. Thanks to pruning, shoots of the 4th and 5th orders of branching, on which fruits are formed, develop faster.

At the tangerine The crown tends to thicken, so frequent thinning is necessary. orange tree rapidly stretches upward, therefore, it is necessary to limit its growth. Lemon has very little branching, so the plant undergoes heavy pruning to force it to bloom and bear fruit.

One adult plant in our apartment can produce up to 30 fruits annually.

Domestic citrus plants, artificial flower pollination, fruiting, rejuvenation

Artificial pollination of flowers. When pollinating flowers, pollen is applied with a soft brush, increasing fruit set.

In the rooms you observe a large shedding of ovaries. To avoid this, during fruit formation more often water the plants and spray them warm water. Don't forget about fruit rationing. The first flowers on young plants must be removed. Only 2-3 fruits are left on a three-year-old plant. In subsequent years, they proceed from the following ratio: one fruit should be fed from 10-15 leaves, and, of course, they take into account the well-being of the plant itself so that the first harvest does not turn out to be its last.

If a young and healthy tree has weak fruiting, then it can be strengthened. For example, tie the main branches with a tourniquet (this technique will cause the accumulation of plastic substances and the formation of flower buds); Regularly feed the plant with superphosphate. You can grow a seedling and graft it into the crown of a fruit-bearing tree, or graft an eye from the upper part of the plant into its lower part.

If citrus lives with you for a very long time and bears little fruit, it can be rejuvenated. To do this, all large branches are cut into 3-4 eyes, and their branches are cut into a ring. The rejuvenated plant is transplanted into nutritious soil, shortening the roots by one third.

That, perhaps, is all the wisdom of caring for citrus fruits.

T. Zavyalova, candidate of agricultural sciences sciences

A tropical plant that has long since turned from exotic to native - tangerine - when grown at home, requires even more careful care than in the natural environment. But even with the highest quality care, many owners are perplexed why the tangerine leaves fall off, although they do everything right. To find the reason, you should study all the features of keeping citrus trees.

Homemade tangerine leaves may begin to dry out and fall off

Causes of tangerine leaves falling

In the southern regions, gardeners often grow tangerines outside. In most of Russia it is impossible to do this, so dwarf tangerine trees grow indoors. Often their owners do not hope to harvest, but receive aesthetic pleasure from contemplation flowering plant. But you won’t be able to wait for this spectacle if the leaves fall. The reasons for this phenomenon are not always obvious, but it is necessary to understand them in order to protect the tree from death.

State of rest

It is necessary to study the lifestyle indoor tangerine. If leaf fall occurs in the fall, this means that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It lasts from late autumn until the end of winter. At this time, the daylight hours are short and there is not enough sun for citrus. It is necessary to change the conditions of its detention. First of all, the pot must be placed in a room where the average temperature is 15°C. Light must be added using phytolamps. You need to water less and stop applying fertilizers until spring.

Improper care

The tangerine sheds its leaves when it gets hot. The room must be at the ideal temperature for it. If the air is dry due to the high temperature outside the window, then it should be humidified by spraying it with a spray bottle at least 2 times a day. Special attention need to be given to the crown of the tree. To increase the effect, you can place a container of water next to the pot, this will increase the humidity in the room. You can give a tree a shower. The problem of dry air for tangerines is relevant not only in summer, but also in winter in heavily heated rooms.

Leaves also fall when cold winds penetrate the room.

Another typical maintenance mistake is excessive watering; the plant does not have time to absorb moisture. In summer you need to water it 1 to 2 times a day, in winter no more than 1 time a week. The crop needs liquid when the top layer of soil becomes dry.

Optimal light level - important condition normal development of mandarin. It is best to place the pot on an elevated place - a window sill or balcony that faces south or east. Artificial lighting in the cold season is necessary for this tropical plant. Its leaves fall off when the temperature is disrupted. In the warm season, the average value should be 25°C. In winter, the temperature should be 10°C lower.

Errors in planting and replanting can also cause leaf fall. It may be due to the fact that the tree is in a pot that is too big for it. The size of the pot should be related to the parameters of the root system; when replanting, you should treat it with care. If damaged, treat with special means.

Young tangerines need to be replanted annually. But this cannot be done often with an adult tree. Once every 2 years is enough. Tangerine roots cannot grow in a small pot.

When replanting, you should not deepen the root collar too much; this will lead to premature leaf fall. This may also be a consequence of improper soil composition. It should include:

  • turf, humus, sand in equal proportions;
  • There must be drainage at the bottom.

The tangerine tree also sheds its leaves if it is not fed properly, when it lacks certain substances. First of all, we are talking about potassium. Its deficiency can be compensated by adding potassium nitrate. This must be done strictly according to the instructions at certain periods, so as not to cause oversaturation with potassium, which manifests itself in a white coating on the top layer of soil.

Pest attack

The cause of fallen leaves may also be due to damage from harmful insects - spider mites, scale insects. You can see them with a magnifying glass. The leaves do not fall immediately. The first sign of a tick is a spider web. The scale insect can be judged by dark spots on the leaves. Having discovered pests, you should immediately get rid of them by thoroughly treating the leaf blades with soap and insecticides, and placing the plant under the shower.

Reproduction errors

When grafting, it is necessary to carefully select the rootstock and scion; it is desirable that both of them are citrus fruits and have similar characteristics. The entire grafting procedure must be carefully followed, otherwise the tree will be damaged and will shed its leaves.

Restoring a tangerine with fallen leaves

There can often be several reasons why a tree’s leaves fall; they need to be eliminated together. It is possible to completely bring a tree back to life if the root system is preserved. In this case, the plant must be removed from the pot and inspected. Watering is contraindicated for him. It is necessary to spray and cover with film, creating a microclimate.

The roots of the diseased plant should be examined.

Causes of yellow leaves

Gardeners get very scared when they notice that tangerine tree the leaves turn yellow. You should pay attention to this phenomenon, but do not despair, but try to help the tree.

Substance imbalance

To understand why tangerine leaves turn yellow, it is necessary to find out the level of substances contained in the plant. It needs:

  • gland, the deficiency of which provokes chlorosis, this is indicated yellow leaves, it can be prevented by using iron chelate;
  • nitrogen, which is added to the soil in the form of organic and inorganic fertilizers throughout the year;
  • phosphorus, if it is not there, then not only the leaves turn yellow, but flowering does not occur;
  • zinc and manganese, the deficiency of which can be replenished by regular application of a complex of fertilizers.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow even when it settles on them. spider mite- quite a noticeable insect. First, place the tree under running warm water, then thoroughly wipe all the leaves with the solution. laundry soap. You can repeat this procedure until the yellowness disappears.

Spider mites are visible to the naked eye

Other reasons

Tangerine leaves turn yellow if they get too much sunlight, this is fraught with burns. This happens most of the time in the summer. Then you need to place the pot in the shade, moisten the plant, increase the watering rate and ventilate the air.

Tangerine leaves often fall off in late autumn. Why? In the period from the end of October to the beginning of February, in indoor conditions, the plant begins a dormant period. This is caused by shortening daylight hours.

Although citrus fruits in their natural environment do not defoliate during the winter, when grown at home, a dormant period is simply necessary. Without winter dormancy, an adult plant older than 3-4 years may die. What to do? If the tangerine leaves fall in the fall, it is transferred to a cool room where the air temperature does not exceed +18 degrees. Here they organize additional lighting using a 20-40 Watt fluorescent lamp; it will provide a 12-hour daylight hours. Watering is reduced, since a plant without leaves consumes little moisture. Fertilizers are not applied to the soil until the period of intensive growth begins (late February - early March).

If it's summer outside, then why do the tangerine leaves fall? Leaf fall is often a reaction to unfavorable growing conditions. Often this is the result of waterlogging or dryness of the soil, perhaps these two factors alternate. For tangerine, regular watering with uniform moistening of the earthen clod is important. In summer, it is watered 2 times a week after the top layer of soil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced significantly, as citrus fruits go into retirement. When over-watered and over-dried, the root system suffers. That is why in both cases it is necessary to place the tangerine in a greenhouse. This is a plastic bag that does not touch the leaves of the flower. Watering under the greenhouse is reduced and sprayed more. Epine is added to the water for spraying, and for watering - root once a week. There should be moist air under the greenhouse. It is ventilated every day for 15 minutes. The greenhouse can be removed for a longer period of time, thus accustoming the flower to indoor conditions, if the leaves no longer fall off and new ones appear.

Leaves fall off if indoor tangerine was transplanted incorrectly. In this case, we are talking about violating the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. It is correct if the tangerine is transferred into a pot, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, without violating the integrity of the earthen lump. If, nevertheless, a home tangerine has been transplanted and its leaves fall off 1-2 weeks after transplantation, it is necessary to place the flower under a greenhouse (how to do it is described in the previous paragraph), reduce watering (in order to reduce the load on the root system), and pay more attention to spraying.

The tangerine sheds its leaves if the pot size has been greatly increased as a result of replanting.. Here we are talking about waterlogging the susstratum in the pot. The root system of the plant has not yet occupied the entire volume of soil provided to it. An excess of moisture will accumulate here, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, watering should be reduced, wait until the soil dries, and then water moderately; you need to add root to the water once a week. Regular spraying with epin will not hurt, do not fertilize, provide the flower with proper lighting, in winter it should be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

If a tangerine has lost all its leaves, can it be saved? In this case, you need to find out whether its root system has rotted or dried out. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball, and the roots are examined. They should be elastic and have a light cut. Otherwise, the flower cannot be helped. Next, the plant is returned to the pot and placed under a greenhouse. You cannot water it without leaves. The soil can be kept slightly moist, but it should be dry on top. Next, the plant is placed under a greenhouse and sprayed, be sure to use Epin.

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow? How to treat the disease?

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if it is exposed to direct sunlight without shading.. In this case, not only the crown of the flower suffers, but also its root system.

Leaves get burned in direct sunlight. In this case, the tangerine leaves become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system overheats under the sun and therefore does not absorb moisture well. This affects the crown. It turns yellow again and falls off. You should also not spray the flower in hot weather. It is better to do this either in the morning or late in the evening. If the room where the tangerine grows is very hot in the summer, then organize good air ventilation in the room and be sure to shade the flower. In winter, tangerines cannot be grown at high temperatures. This depletes the plant and it needs a period of rest. So, if a flower turns yellow, then it must be shaded, the earthen coma is not allowed to overheat, and it is watered so that the top layer of soil has time to dry out. Here you can use root. Spraying is required, epin is added here.

The leaves of indoor mandarin turn yellow if it lacks microelements. In this case we are talking about chlorosis. Lemon leaves turn yellow, but the veins on them remain green. The flower can be cured by regular feeding, which contains microelements such as iron, zinc, sulfur, manganese and magnesium.

If there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil, young leaves of tangerines may turn yellow. They lose their gloss and develop narrow and long. In such conditions, tangerine does not bloom. What to do? It is necessary to regularly feed the plant with complex fertilizers. Important!!! Mandarins can only be watered with boiled, settled water. Otherwise, calcium accumulates in the soil (it looks like a white coating on the top layer of soil). It prevents the roots from absorbing nutrients.