Shower      04/12/2019

Home care for echmea: we grow a beautiful tropical plant. Ehmeya - motley tropical beauty

Aechmea comes from Brazil, and its natural habitat is forests. Ehmeya sprouts in the voids that have formed in the trees.

Its leaves are rich in color and have a specific shape. At the base, they twist, thereby forming a funnel where water collects during rain.

Ehmeya striped: optimal conditions for growing

In order for the striped echmea to actively develop and grow well, it is important to know how to care for it and provide comfortable conditions within the premises where you plan to settle it.


Keeping in mind that in nature this plant lives in the tropics, the need to provide a large amount of light for echmea is natural. You can place the flower pot on windowsill west or east side of the house.

If the south side was chosen, then you will have to shade the flower during the highest activity of the sun, protecting the leaves of the plant from direct burning rays. It is better not to choose the north side at all, since the lack of lighting will make the color of the leaves blurry and indistinct, which will significantly reduce the attractiveness of the striped echmea, and you can forget about flowering altogether.


Ehmeya striped loves warm rooms, But can't stand the heat. Therefore, it should provide a temperature regime within +20...+27 °С in summer and +17...+19 °С in winter. Under such conditions, the plant will develop and grow steadily, and the differences in night and day temperatures will stimulate flowering in echmea.

Important! The temperature in the room where the striped echmea grows should not fall below +16°C .

Like many other domestic green pets, echmea needs an influx clean air, so do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, but at the same time, drafts should not be allowed to form.

Ehmeya striped: home care

Ehmeya striped is not a capricious plant, and feels quite good in conditions or at home. But in order for you to admire not only the beautiful leaves, but also the flowering of the plant, you should still know some of the requirements and rules for caring for it.

Watering and humidity

Echmea striped naturally requires regular watering. But the method of moisturizing is somewhat different from caring for other plants. So how to water echmea?

Concerning containers, then you should choose a relatively low, but wide pot. We must not forget about, in order to prevent stagnation of water and, accordingly, rotting of the root system.

Speaking of echmea fertilizer, it is worth remembering the special dressings from the store for bromeliad plants, or for. These fertilizers are available in liquid form and are ideal for. Simply place the liquid in a spray bottle and spread the solution over the entire surface of the echmea leaves.

Precautionary measures

When planning to plant echmea at home, flower growers are often interested in whether it is or not. It should be reported that the juice of the leaves can indeed become cause of skin irritation. In this regard, when working with the plant, always use gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure.
But you don’t need to be afraid to keep this flower at home, because pets are unlikely to want to feast on its hard leaves, and you can protect it from a pet by placing it in an inaccessible place. As flower growers sometimes joke, the main thing is not to chop the plant into a salad, in other cases it is practically not dangerous.

Transfer: when and how

Echmea transplantation will need to be carried out every year if possible. Doing this is recommended.

In the period when echmea blooms, transplant it in no case it is forbidden. The pot for the plant is selected low, but wide. If the previous echmee pot was cramped, choose a larger container, always with holes for water to drain. You will also need a wide pallet under the flowerpot.

Half of the prepared substrate is poured into a new pot. Then, the leaves of the echmea are very carefully collected in a bunch (at the very roots) and the plant is removed from the old container, after which it is placed in a new one.
Echmea striped does not hold on to the soil with its roots, so it will not be difficult at all to extract it without damaging the plant itself. In a new pot, echmea roots are sprinkled with fresh substrate and placed on permanent place stay.

Important! In order for the striped echmea to be able to quickly adapt to the new soil, it should not be watered for 2-3 days, and it is also recommended to protect it from direct exposure. sun rays.

Ehmeya striped: reproduction by children

Fans of striped echmea will certainly be interested in the method of its reproduction. You can perform the procedure by separating and transplanting children, who at that time should grow up to 10-20 cm in height and have their own developed roots.

To propagate ehmeya through transplanting children, you need to carefully cut them off from the main plant, and sprinkle the cut itself with powdered wood charcoal, dry it a little and plant it in a separate pot. A young plant will be able to bloom in about a year and a half. Echmea striped is able to reproduce and seeds. True, only special enthusiasts undertake this process. A plant that has been grown by sowing seeds will bloom only after three or even four years.

It is important to know that this plant blooms only once, so when wondering why your striped echmea does not bloom, try it first. transplant her in a new pot and this issue will certainly be resolved.

Did you know? The name "ehmeya" comes from Greek word"Ahme", which literally means "spike tip". Most likely, this is due to the pointed bract of the plant.

Pest and disease control

Diseases can affect a flower as a result of not proper care.

Too low temperatures and excessive watering often cause rotting of the leafy rosette, and even the peduncle itself. If the temperature, on the contrary, is very high, and the air is extremely dry, then the plant will burn and wrinkle. To avoid such problems, it is enough just to provide suitable, comfortable conditions for echmea, and soon she will begin to please the grower's eye with her appearance, without any manifestations of disease.

As for, then the main enemies of the striped echmea are bromeliad

The echmea flower is now quietly cultivated by many lovers indoor plants on the windowsill, while a couple of decades ago it could only be seen in tropical areas. At home, caring for him is not very difficult, but it involves following some important rules.

Echmea varieties

Ehmeya is a perennial herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family, which has over 300 varieties. They belong to the type of elitist, because they form shoots both in the ground and on the bark and in the roots of trees. Not all types of echmea are suitable for growing in an apartment. Those worth paying attention to include:

  1. Aechmea Weilbach. A flower from the tropical thickets of Brazil blooms in large racemes with red or lilac-blue petals.
  2. Echmea curved. She has narrow and long leaves, fused into one tube and flowers of a bright red hue.
  3. Echmea is shaggy. Long, finely toothed leaves really stick out in different directions and resemble an untidy mane of hair.
  4. This kind of flower has large leaves with thick skin and white stripes and blue-red flowers.

How to care for echmea at home?

It is not difficult to create suitable conditions for an indoor flower, given the characteristics of the bromeliad family. Echmea plant care is recommended to be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Placing a pot on a western or eastern window is more advantageous than on a southern window, because in the latter case shading is required.
  2. Bromeliads can be fed with any fertilizer for flowering plants in a half dose every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer, and in winter - once a month.
  3. To strengthen the flower, pruning of weak shoots with secateurs is carried out every six months.

Soil for echmea

Before transplanting or planting a plant for the first time, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance with the desired composition. It should be loose, soft and fertile, without loam. The soil is enriched with a mixture of leafy humus, sand and peat with inclusion in the mixture. If the plant is sick or rotten, the soil for echmea is mixed with chopped moss, sand and broken shards to increase immunity and facilitate air access to the roots.

How to water ehmeya?

The most important part of caring for this plant is proper watering. Since under natural conditions it blooms in the tropics, it would be logical to think that it simply needs in large numbers water and high humidity. From mid-April to September, echmea is watered 3 times a week, in all other months - as the soil dries, but not more than 1 time in 10-12 days. It is important to consider such features as:

  1. Water before moistening the soil is defended for 2-3 days and changed every 7-10 days.
  2. When watering, the flower socket is first filled to a level of about 2.5 cm, and then the remaining water is poured under the roots.
  3. In winter, the liquid is poured only into the outlet, not onto the soil.
  4. In dry weather, a regular fine leaf spray will help create the illusion of tropical humidity.

How to transplant echmea at home?

Bromeliads do not need frequent transplant, since the root system of the flower gives the trunk only a small part of the nutrients. This postulate can be violated if we are talking about cuttings recently transferred to another container. Until the first flowering, they are transplanted every year, but with one condition - if they seem too big for the pot. This process has three steps

  1. The choice of a wide and shallow container into which enriched soil will be poured for transplanting echmea.
  2. Drainage the bottom of the pot with small stones or broken bricks.
  3. Transferring the cutting and creating it comfortable conditions for 2-3 days: place the container in a dark, cool place without watering.

How to propagate echmea at home?

Plants of the bromeliad family die off after 2-3 years regular flowering, so the issue of reproduction will be relevant for any amateur grower. give echmea new life can be done in two ways:

  1. Seeds. They fall off after each flowering, but before planting they need to be shaken off the remnants of the soil and dried. Seeds are germinated in a mini-greenhouse, creating a warm and humid microclimate using polyethylene film. The seedlings will hatch in 2-3 weeks, and when they have 3-4 leaves, the seedlings will need to dive and plant in other pots. The echmea flower, obtained from seeds, will bloom for 3-4 years.
  2. Branches. Cuttings (they are called children) are separated from an adult plant after the flowering period is over, and planted in a nutrient substrate. The main sign when caring for echmea at home, signaling that it is time to propagate by shoots, is the death of the main stem. It is possible to separate them from the mother individual when the length of the cuttings is at least half the length of the plant.

Ehmeya - flowering at home

From dropping off children in new ground before the first flowering takes at least 1-1.5 years. You can speed up this process with the simplest stimulation: this plant loves ethylene, which contributes to the rapid ripening of buds. It is necessary to cover the pot with transparent echmea flower for 1-2 weeks plastic bag along with a few ripe apples or lemons, gas-producing fruits. The timing of the planned appearance of ovaries depends on the specific variety to which it belongs. indoor flower echmea:

  1. From April to May, buds appear on the echmea of ​​Weilbach, curved, bracts, Chantin and Luddemann;
  2. Mid-summer is the time of flowering of golostalk and striped plants;
  3. Winter buds are characteristic of ehmea shaggy, sky blue and Orlanda.

Why doesn't echmea bloom at home?

The reason for the absence of inflorescences on a plant can only be a disease caused by a violation of lighting or dangerous pests. Even knowing how to care for an echmea flower, you can make mistakes, due to which the ovaries will stop forming. You can return this ability to him by eliminating several factors:

  1. Lack of lighting. With insufficient quantity sunlight the normal color of the leaves and the ability to throw out the bud are lost.
  2. Root rot. An important symptom of overflow is brown leaves and a rotting flower stem.
  3. > Infection of emei with pests like aphids, or root scale insects. You can get rid of them with the help of antibacterial drugs for decorative indoor plants.

Ehmeya (Aechmea)

Family: Bromeliads (Fam. Bromeliaceae)

In the period from mid-summer to the beginning of winter, adult echmea plants from a leaf rosette - a funnel - have an inflorescence about 15 cm long, which is given a bright pink color by prickly scales. Flowering lasts about 6 weeks after which the inflorescence fades and dies. At the same time, two or three small rosettes appear, which can be planted as separate plants, or you can cut off the old rosette, giving freedom to the young.

This plant of the bromeliad family comes from Brazil; grows wild on trees, in decorative indoor floriculture is grown as a terrestrial crop. Aechmea flower looks good when imitating it habitual conditions life - on a tree trunk.

Echmea care


Echmea needs a lot of light, but exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated. During the flowering period, the illumination is recommended to be reduced. The ideal temperature for development is 20-27°C in summer and 14-18°C in winter. Low temperatures in winter stimulate the formation of flower stalks.


When watering a plant, it should be borne in mind that with large accumulations of moisture, bromeliads are prone to rot. Water regularly into the funnel and soil in summer, reducing towards autumn and moderate in winter while keeping the funnel dry. Make sure that there is no stagnant water at the base of the plant. Since Aechmea is accustomed to humid environments, it is recommended to spray the leaves daily with water in the summer.

The soil

For landing it is recommended to choose flower pots small size, since this plant has a poorly developed root system. Use porous soil - it facilitates drainage. The ideal mixture is peat, moss and crushed fern roots. Top dressing is recommended in the summer - in small portions liquid fertilizer, making it directly into the leaf outlet or on the leaves.

Summer or late winter. Blooming is promoted by bright light. The flowers themselves are small, large pink bracts with spiky edges attract attention. Flowering can be stimulated by placing a plant with ripe apples in a transparent bag for one to two weeks, apples release ethylene gas, which contributes to faster ripening of flowers. After 4 months, the echmea will bloom.

Echmea reproduction

When the plant withers, shoots appear around it. Separate them from the mother when they reach about half the length of the latter, and transplant, trying to keep as many of the roots as possible intact during transplantation. Young plants bloom in a year or two. Plants grown from seeds bloom in 3-4 years.

Species and varieties

The following species are grown commercially: Aechmea chantinii with thin red leaves stretched upwards, the tips of which are colored yellow.

And Aechmea fulgens is smaller, with reddish inflorescences.

Aechmea cylindrata (Aechmea cylindrical) high above the rosette of leaves raises a flower arrow, in which the flowers are covered with decorative bracts.

Aechmea fasciata ‘Purpurea’ has pointed maroon leaves with silvery stripes; the grey-green leaves of ‘Variegata’ are edged with creamy yellow.

Echmea calyx (A. calyculata). The leaves are rigid linear green with small thorns along the edges. The peduncle is thin and straight. Inflorescence of dense spikelets with yellow petals. The fruit is a berry.

Echmea care problems

Rot at the base of the outlet: excess moisture. Drain the leaf socket if water has accumulated there, and let the soil dry out.

Dry and shriveled leaves: the room is too dry. Humidify regularly.

Small spots on yellowing leaves: bromeliad scale damage, spray the plant with an insecticide solution.

The leaves are sluggish and drooping: excessively low temperature.

Green spots on the silver surface of the leaves: mechanical damage layer of scales, try not to touch the leaves and protect them from mechanical damage.

Leaves brown: fungal infection, spray with fungicides.

White spots on leaves: damage by spider mites, wipe the leaves and treat with acaricidal preparations.

Growth slows down, leaves turn yellow: defeat mealybugs spray the plant with an insecticide solution.

Pests and diseases

Ehmeya is susceptible to infection by aphids, worms, scale insects. To get rid of the first, spray the plant with soapy water, remove the worm with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

This is interesting

Ehmea has hard tips of the sepals, hence the name of the genus (Greek aechme- "tip"). There are about one hundred and eighty species in the genus, but no more than 10 can be found in stores. The most popular is the striped Echmea (Aechmea Fasciata), whose wide leaves are about 1 m long. Distinctive feature Ehmei - a silvery coating on the leaves, because of which in English-speaking countries the plant is called the "silver vase". Plaque consists of numerous small scales that disappear when touched or in low light.

Ehmeya and Feng Shui

Ehmeya will be useful to indecisive and absent-minded people who have many plans and desires, but it does not come to action. A strong Mars plant develops independence. With loneliness, sparkling echmea will strengthen the soul and help to see the good sides.

Ehmeya is especially useful for men, because Mars is a masculine planet, it strengthens qualities in a person that are considered the property of a man. But echmea can make women rude, harsh and overly businesslike, especially if there are no other plants in the apartment besides echmea.

Aechmea sparkling

This plant does not like the greedy and boastful. It tries to neutralize and dispel such bad energy that disturbs sleep, excites nervous system, reduces performance. It is better not to put echmea in the bedroom, it is better to place it on the desktop in the office. The long presence of echmea in the apartment helps to increase the iron content in the blood of people, a person wakes up easily, drowsiness disappears, improves muscle condition and helps maintain physical tone.

Ehmeya is one of the few houseplants that has not only decorative leaves, but also magnificent flowers. Flower growers love her precisely for these qualities, despite the fact that she blooms only once. To admire a magnificent flower, you need to know and follow the rules of care at home.

Origin and appearance of the plant

The Bromeliad family can afford to boast of brightly flowering representatives, among which echmea occupies an honorable place. It's grassy perennial is a native of Central and South America. Echmea belongs to epiphytes, terrestrial species are less common. The distribution area of ​​this natural miracle is large - tropical rain and seasonal rain forests with sharp fluctuations in temperature. It prefers to grow on the trunks of old trees, snags, and is found among stones and rocks. The resulting vegetative shoots take root very easily.

There are up to 300 species of echmea, many of which are widely used in home floriculture.

The plant has a short stem and reaches a height of 50 cm. Echmea leaves distinguish it from other representatives of bromeliads. Leaf plates are elongated and wide, rigid, with a prickly edge. They are collected in a funnel that can retain moisture. There are species with soft leathery leaves. The color varies from solid green to grey-green, striped leaf blades.

The root system is underdeveloped and serves to keep the echmea on a support. It takes little part in the process of nutrition.

Inflorescences are distinguished by a variety of forms: spike-shaped, in the form of a head or panicle are found. The bracts are spiky (hence the name, translated as “spear tip”), painted in pink tones. Flowers, red, blue, purple, are located in the axils of the bracts. The fruit is a berry.

Caring for echmea in an apartment is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The plant adapts quite well to the room environment. And if some requirements are met, echmea will thank you with its luxurious appearance.

Species and varietal diversity - table

Name plant description
Epiphyte, but there are also plants growing on the ground. The leaf rosette is loose, widely spreading, sometimes reaching a meter diameter. The leaves are long and narrow, ending in a sharp point. The maximum length is 50 cm, and the width is 3 cm. The main color is green, the edges are covered with brown spikes. The bract is bright red, the flowers are purple.
The most unpretentious in the family. The leaves, similar to belts, are collected in a rosette. The length of the sheet is 40 cm, the width is 6 cm. Teeth protrude along the edge, the top ends with a rounding. The upper side of the leaf plate is even green in color, the lower side is painted in a purple-red hue. The inflorescence looks like a panicle. Bract Pink colour, the flowers are painted in a coral shade with a blue top.
Aechmea bearded, or
Rosette dense, consisting of bright green leaves. The peduncle is long, covered with a whitish coating. Inflorescence - panicle with yellow-golden flowers.
Echmea striped (fasciata) The leaves are belt-shaped, leathery. They form a high tubular rosette. The length of the sheet reaches 60 cm, the width is up to 5–6 cm. The sheet is painted in green color with white marble stripes, the edge is seated with small dark teeth. The peduncle is erect, it is covered with multiple scales. The inflorescence is very large and highly decorative, reaching a length of 30 cm. The shape is capitate-pyramidal. The leaves of the bract are pink, glossy. Flowers are blue-red. Leaves contain toxic substances causing skin irritation.
Leads a terrestrial or epiphytic lifestyle. The leaves are linear, narrow - up to 1.5 cm wide, and long - up to 40 cm. Spliced ​​from below, form a tubular rosette. edge green leaf studded. The inflorescence is capitate, 20 cm long. The bract is red.
It is a variety of echmea striped. Plant height up to 65 cm. The leaves are hard, dense, curved. Form a socket. The bract has a bright pink color, the flowers are red-purple.
The rosette is formed from linear-xiphoid, soft-skinned leaves. The color of the leaf plate is green, turning into copper-red at the base. Length up to 50 cm. The surface is smooth, has no spines along the edges. Peduncle tall, erect, up to 50 cm in height. Bracted leaves are red. The flowers are purple-blue.

Beautiful echmeas in the photo

Seasonal care conditions - table

Season Humidity Temperature Lighting
Spring The acceptable humidity level is 60%. It can tolerate dry air for some time, but spraying is necessary to maintain echmea in a normal state. On hot days, you need to moisten the leaves of echmea daily. You can place the flower on a pallet with wet pebbles. Spray with soft water, which is several degrees warmer than room temperature.The plant is thermophilic. Optimum temperature will be + 20 ... + 28 ° С.
The difference between the temperature of day and night is more likely to benefit the echmea. If the flower grows indoors, be sure to ventilate, but do not leave the echmea in a draft.
Ehmei can feel great being in bright light and hiding in the shade (in this case, do not wait for flowering). It will be more useful for its development to have bright diffused lighting, for example, when located on a western or eastern window. On the south window, the plant should be shaded during the hours of active sun. In summer, echmea likes to be on the balcony or in
garden. But it must be gradually accustomed to the open air. Best of all, bright light is tolerated by curved echmea, and sparkling echmea is the most shade-loving species.
Autumn When running central heating when the temperature is above 20 ° C, you need to spray the leaves in the morning. When the temperature drops below this, make sure that no water enters the funnel. It is very useful to wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth.The winter temperature norm is from +14 to +18 °С.Starting in October and ending in February, the plant can be left on the windowsill without shading.

Landing and transplant

What do you need for boarding?

Since echmea has a shallow root system, give preference to a shallow but wide pot with drainage holes. In volume, it should be slightly larger than the volume of the root system of the planted plant. Of the materials, give preference to plastic - it is not as cold as ceramics. And for echmea, which loves warmth, this is important. To give additional stability to a rather large plant, a pot with it can be installed in beautiful planter, which will also serve as an element of decor. In this case, you will need not to be lazy and every time after watering, remove water from the pots.

The soil mixture can be purchased at a specialty store for flowers. Of course, we stop the choice on the ground for bromeliads. The soil should pass air and water well, and also be distinguished by increased friability. The best option will be a home-made mixture, including:

    1 part pine bark;

    1 part chopped sphagnum;

    1 part coarse sand;

    peat and horn shavings - to improve the structure.

To prevent the earth from becoming moldy, add pieces of charcoal to the substrate.

Another option is also good:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

Before planting, be sure to sterilize the soil mixture by dousing with boiling water or roasting in the oven.

It is advisable to transplant echmea annually - in the spring.

Step by step process

    At the bottom of the pot we pour a thick layer of drainage. This is a prerequisite, since echmea does not like waterlogged soil.

    On top of the drainage, we fill up a layer of soil in almost half the volume of the pot.

    Having collected the leaves of echmea in a bunch at the very base, carefully remove the flower from the old pot.

    We lower the flower into a new container and fill up the remaining earth.

    We transfer the pot to a slightly shaded place. For the speedy adaptation of the roots, we do not water the echmea for 2-3 days.


Irrigation features - table

Season Irrigation Features
Spring Summer Watering is done systematically and plentifully, as soon as it dries upper layer soil in a pot. First, water is carefully poured into a rosette of leaves, and then the soil is moistened. The water in the funnel needs to be changed twice a month, not allowing it to stagnate. To do this, slightly tilt the plant, holding it tightly and allowing the liquid to drain. And you can blot the water with a napkin. Water for irrigation should be separated, soft. The temperature is several degrees above room temperature. Do not allow prolonged overdrying of the soil, as well as its watering.
Autumn During this period, watering is gradually reduced.
Winter Watering into the outlet is stopped if the temperature drops below +20 ° C. The earth is moistened gently, making sure that the soil dries well between waterings.

top dressing

In order for the echmea to fully develop, it needs food. Feeding starts in March and stops in October. You can use fertilizers for bromeliads or for decorative flowering plants, which are diluted with water 2 times the norm. Choose compositions that do not contain copper and boron - they are toxic to echmea.

Top dressing is applied immediately after watering foliarly. It can be used to spray foliage, as well as pour the solution into the outlet. Fertilize twice a month.

Some flower growers continue to feed echmea even during the dormant period, but at this time the frequency of fertilization is reduced to 1 time in 1.5 months.

flowering period

Echmea blooms can be observed from May to October. The plant blooms once, after which it begins to slowly fade. But during this period, children appear.

A plant grown from seeds blooms after 4 years, rooted children - after 3 years.

The flowering process lasts several months. Moreover, the flowers fade very quickly, and the bract lasts for several months. In order not to shorten the flowering period, when watering the plant, try not to wet the bract. After the peduncle dries, it is cut almost to the very base with a sharp pruner. Be sure to remove the water from the outlet, otherwise the process of decay will begin, which will destroy the plant.

If ehmeya is naughty, does not want to bloom, she can be helped. To do this, remember the lessons of chemistry. Citrus fruits and apple fruits release a gas called ethylene, which stimulates the formation of flowers. Place a pot with a plant in a large plastic bag and put 2-3 apples or oranges in the same place. Tie, but not too tight. The experiment should last no more than 2 weeks. After this, the echmea should bloom within 4 months. And one more important aspect: a suitable temperature for the stimulating effect of ethylene should be at the level of +22 °C.

rest period

Ehmeya rests in winter. At this time, her future peduncle is laid. The temperature should be in the range from 17 to 19 ° C and not fall below 16. Watering is very accurate. In winter, spraying will be useful for echmea, but make sure that water does not get into the leaf outlet.

Common errors and how to fix them - table

Leaving error Cause elimination
The leaf blade has become lethargic.Insufficient hydration.Moisten the plant as soon as the top layer of the soil dries out. Do not allow prolonged drying of the earthy coma.
The tips of the leaves dry.Humidity dropped to a minimum.Do not neglect spraying, especially on hot days and heating periods.
The color of the leaves becomes brown.The room became cold.The temperature regime in the room must be maintained depending on the season.
Light brown spots appeared on the leaves.Traces of sunburn.Be sure to shade the plant from the midday sun.
The leaves lose their brightness, become monophonic.Excess or lack of light.Choose a place for the plant with bright but diffused light.
The plant's leaves are turning yellow.Wrong watering.Water echmea, adhering to the rules.
Echmea leaves begin to rot at the base.The combination of low temperature with excessive watering.Moisten the plant after the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, drain the water from the funnel, watering with extreme caution.
Ehmeya does not want to bloom.Insufficient lighting.If the plant is in the shade, move it closer to the window, providing maximum light.

Diseases and pests

Improper care weakens the plant, which contributes to the development of fungal or viral diseases. In addition, echmea should be regularly inspected in order to detect pests in time and take action.

Ways to combat diseases and pests - table

Diseases andpests Symptoms Control measures Prevention
leaf spot The surface of the leaf is covered with small round blisters, sometimes filled with liquid. After some time, dark brown stripes and spores of the fungus form in their place.Triple treatment with a fungicide (for example, Fundazol, diluted according to the specified standards). Leave a week interval between treatments. If the plant is heavily infected, it is best to destroy it.
  • Do not exceed the permissible humidity.
  • Ventilate the room well.
  • Don't keep the plant in the shade good lighting is one of the main preventive measures.
Fusarium The roots and leaves at the base of the outlet begin to rot. A neglected form will lead to the death of the plant.
  • stick temperature standards and follow the rules of watering.
  • Before planting, it is better to disinfect the ground.
Shchitovka The adult pest is under a brownish-gray shell. Located in the axils of the leaves. The larvae take over the plant very quickly.You can fight pests with the help of Aktara or Confidor. The rate of preparation of the solution and the frequency of its use are indicated on the label.
When infected with a root scale, the soil must be processed.
  • Spraying with soap and tobacco solution - prevention of the appearance of young larvae.
  • Adult insects are removed with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of soap or alcohol.
root bug Due to damage to the root system, the plant stops growing. The leaves first turn pale, then wrinkle and dry.
  • Before planting, the ground is disinfected.
  • When transplanting, carefully inspect the root, remove damaged areas.
  • In spring or autumn, water the soil in which echmea grows with Aktara's solution.
Aphid An aphid colony can kill a plant by sucking juices out of it. If measures are not taken in time, aphids can multiply very quickly.
  • Control the room temperature. At high temperature aphids spread very quickly.
  • With a small number of insects, it is easy to wash them off under a warm shower.

Leaf spot is a common disease among houseplants.

Reproduction of echmea at home

Ehmeya can be propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds and planting daughter shoots.

Child shoots

This is the lightest and most effective method. The faded echmea begins to actively form daughter shoots. Don't be in a hurry to drop them. The baby should grow up, her height should be half the size mother plant or at least be more than 15 cm, it must also acquire its own root system. Then the breeding process, which is carried out in March, will pass without difficulty.

  1. Carefully remove the mother plant with children from the pot.
  2. Separate with a sharp knife lateral processes along with the roots. Sprinkle the cut with crushed activated carbon and dry.
  3. Prepare containers with a diameter of 7-9 cm and fill them with a mixture of 2 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of coarse sand.
  4. We plant the baby and cover it with a transparent bag to create the effect of a greenhouse.
  5. We put the pots in a bright and warm place.
  6. After rooting, we transfer the young echmea into a slightly larger pot and take care of it like an adult plant.

If for some reason you separated the baby without roots, she has little chance of taking root. But you can try to root it in the bark, creating conditions, as for the rest of the processes.

How to transplant echmea babies - video


This is the less popular and more time consuming method. Plants grown from seeds may lose varietal characteristics.

  1. The planting container is filled with peat or sphagnum moss, finely crushed.
  2. Seeds are buried deep into the soil.
  3. Top with a bag or a piece of glass.
  4. They put the container in a place protected from direct sunlight, regularly moisten the soil mixture and ventilate the greenhouse.
  5. The temperature should not fall below +22…+24 °С.
  6. After 3 months, the emerging shoots dive using leafy and heather soil, mixing them in equal amounts. Seedlings are kept at a temperature of + 20 ... + 22 ° C, not forgetting to moisten the ground and spray the plants.
  7. A year later, the grown plants are transplanted into the soil mixture for adult flowers.

The exotic echmea flower belongs to perennial herbaceous crops of the Bromeliad family. There are about 300 varieties. Native to Central and South America. The name in Greek means "spearhead". Florists associate it with the pointed structure of the bracts. Differs in unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to any conditions. Growing such an ascetic is within the power of even a beginner. Valued not only for its amazing decorative leaves, but also bright inflorescences. Despite the fact that for the entire life cycle it forms buds only once. Let us consider in more detail how to properly care for a flower at home.

The flower does not need special conditions.


Ehmeya is not very demanding on the place of cultivation. Grows well in full sun and partial shade. If you are afraid of harming a flower, it is quite easy to determine its need for light. Take a closer look at the structure of the leaf plate. Aechmea subspecies with hard leaves develops best with prolonged exposure to sunlight. The optimal place indoors is the southern window sills. In summer, move the flower to the balcony.

Soft-leaved varieties prefer darkened rooms. You can also support diffused lighting.


Remember to water the plant regularly. It is important to keep the substrate moist. Initially, pour some water into the outlet, and then into the ground. Use settled liquid room temperature.

In early September, the frequency of watering should be reduced. In winter, water as needed. But keep in mind that prolonged drought will harm echmea.

Temperature and humidity of the environment

Maintain the temperature in the room around + 20- + 25 degrees. A native of tropical and subtropical climates, it prefers warm conditions. IN winter time year, you need to lower the thermometer to +18 degrees.

Ehmeya, unlike most representatives of the flora, responds favorably to temperature changes at night and during the day. Regularly ventilate the room in which the flower is located. Fresh air contributes to the decorativeness of the plant.

Does not put forward special conditions for the humidity of the environment. Excellent resistance to dry air. But still it is better to keep the level of the psychrometric hygrometer above 50%. If you do not have a humidifier, improvised means will do.

Prepare the pebbles and place them in the tray. Then pour water. The roots of the plant should not come into contact with the liquid. You can also spray the flower every day. Use water at room temperature. The procedure also needs to be continued in the cold season. Especially if the plant is located near the radiators.

Transplant procedure

You will need to change the substrate and pot for echmea every year. As the root system grows, choose a container larger diameter. Depth doesn't really matter. But flower growers are still advised to use small, wide containers. Please note that the flowerpot must support the echmea in an upright position.

After changing the substrate and the pot, the plant will have a recovery period. Place the pot in a dark room and do not water for about 3 days.

Cutting technology

Ehmeya does not need periodic pruning. It is enough to clean the plant from fading inflorescences and dried leaves, shoots.

Outdoor cultivation

A flowerpot with echmea at the end of spring can be taken out into the street. Make sure your flower variety likes full sun. For example, a curved echmea develops well under direct rays. Sparkling is best kept in a semi-shaded room. For on-site cultivation, light tolerance can also be tested according to leaf structure using the method above.

Container culture technology

soil mixture

For successful breeding of echmea indoors, it is important to choose correct composition substrate. Mix peat, humus, leafy and soddy soil in equal parts. You can also add clean, medium-grain river sand. If you plan to keep the flower in the summer open area, prepare the following components:

  1. Leaf soil.
  2. Compost.
  3. Crushed moss.
  4. Crushed shards.
  5. Sand.

If you don't want to take the time to prepare the right potting mix, stores and garden centers sell standard bromeliad potting soil. Also make sure that there is a good drain of excess liquid in the container. Lay out a thick drainage layer at the bottom.

top dressing

Despite its unpretentiousness, echmea still needs growth stimulation. Fertilizers should be applied to the substrate in spring and summer. The procedure should be carried out twice a month.

Choose liquid bromeliad fertilizers. It is also allowed to use other preparations for flowering houseplants. But in this case, the concentration must be halved.

How to care for echmea at home, you can learn from the video:

Typical plant diseases and problems

As a rule, all problems are associated with excessive watering, and as a result, waterlogging of the substrate. You need to remove the water from the sockets. If the central part of the leaves is constantly wet, the echmea will begin to rot. You can easily determine this by the brown areas of the plant.

But keep in mind that dark spots can also indicate a cold temperature. environment. Sluggish leaves appear from lack of moisture. Too dry air causes dry leaf tips.

The absence of inflorescences, as a rule, is associated with insufficient lighting. According to the observations of flower growers, varieties with a variegated leaf structure have such a weakness. A short duration of daylight hours can lead to a loss of the original shade.

If you notice the first signs of leaf or root rot, you need to urgently change your watering schedule. This condition is associated with excess moisture, especially in the funnel of the leaves.

Pest infestation

Several pests can infect a plant. After the appearance of aphids and scale insects, you will notice the curling of the leaves. Also, yellow spots will appear on the plate. Cultural development will slow down.

Small colonies can be removed with a damp cloth. Prepare the weak soap solution or soak a sponge in alcohol. If the echmea is badly damaged, you will need chemicals. Perfectly cope with the task of "Karbofos". Wipe the leaf plates on both sides with the product.

On the left secretions, spores multiply. Leaf plates are covered with a film. Difficulty in uptake by plants useful substances from the environment. You can get rid of pests in the same way as from scale insects.

The root bug damages the roots of the echmea. The decay begins. At the initial stage, the plant can be saved. Treat the flower with Karbofos. It is also desirable to transplant the culture into a decontaminated container and substrate.

Spider mites cause no less trouble. The pest is able to multiply rapidly. Already a few days after the appearance of the insect, the plant may be covered with cobwebs. Recognizing a tiny insect without a magnifying glass is quite difficult. You can distinguish the pest infestation by the characteristic brown spots on both sides of the leaves.

As a rule, the vegetative organs located in the lower part of the plant are initially damaged. If you do nothing, the leaves will dry out and begin to fall off. It is necessary to clean the plant from damaged areas and wash off the pest with a solution of soapy water. Then treat the echmea with an insecticide. Further spray the flower warm water. After all, the main reason for the appearance spider mite- dry air.

Echmea leaves form a funnel.

Features of flowering

Ehmeya blooms from late May to mid-autumn. Each funnel can bloom only once. After flowering, you need to remove the inflorescences. Soon babies will be born. When they get stronger (the size will be about half of the mother culture), it is necessary to plant them in a separate container.

Ehmeya is included in the list of safe crops. But there is one exception. Echmea striped contains a small amount of poison. harmful substance located in the leaves. Avoid casual contact. Be sure to wear protective equipment for handling. Otherwise, an inflammatory reaction may occur. skin. Treat the affected area with an antihistamine and seek medical attention.

Breeding technique

Echmea can be distributed in several ways. Use rudiments or processes. Keep in mind that plants obtained from babies will form buds in an average of 2 years. Echmea from seeds can long time no inflorescences - about 4 years.

Spreading the flower by children

Carry out the procedure in March. Children need to have their own roots. Look also at the leaves. The plant must produce a sufficient number of vegetative organs.

Treat the affected areas at the cut site with a disinfectant. Perfectly pounded wood ash. After that, the area should be slightly dried.

Echmea from seeds

Loose peat substrate can be used for sowing the primordia. In addition to the standard mixture, the plant will also quickly germinate in crushed fern roots. Place the bowl in a darkened room. Provide high level humidity and warm air temperature - about +5 degrees. To create a greenhouse effect, you can cover the sprouts with polyethylene.

Under the right conditions, already after 3 months, mature sprouts can be transplanted into containers with a special mixture. It must necessarily include leafy and heather soil.

During the next year, provide the young plants with proper care. Maintain the temperature of the environment above +22 degrees and regularly spray settled water at room temperature on the flower. After a year, you can change the container and substrate, as for an adult culture. In the future, take care of the echmea according to the standard method.

Flowering stimulation

In the absence of inflorescences, it is necessary to reconsider the conditions for keeping the flower. Also consider the method of reproduction. If all the recommendations are followed, and the buds are not formed, use the favorite method of experienced flower growers.

Prepare fresh apples or bananas. Keep in mind that apples can ripen and go rancid in a closed environment in ten days. Therefore, you need to regularly monitor the process. Use only a transparent plastic bag. After all, most bromeliads are capable of independently under appropriate conditions (with the optimal length of daylight hours, temperature regime and irrigation) to produce ethylene. There will be a low concentration of lighting in a matte or color package. Therefore, all efforts may be in vain.

If you are afraid of harming the flower, increase the air temperature to 30 degrees and humidity to 60%. So you increase the chances of flowering without possible negative consequences. Just don't overdo it. Caring flower growers often take out a flower for open air. A temperature of about +40 degrees in the sun leads to burns.

planting material

The grown sparkling echmea is sold in specialized stores in a container with a diameter of 12 cm. The average cost is 1000 rubles.

Do not try to save the plant after flowering. From the old echmea, you can easily get several young children. Observe simple recommendations care, and the flower will delight you with its decorative look for a long time.