Toilet      07/02/2020

Massage of the cervical collar area abducting newborns. Massage of the collar area in children. Massage at home

In the very early age the child begins to learn the world. By this time, he already holds his head quite well. In this position, the baby lies on his stomach, leaning on outstretched arms or forearms. Over time, fatigue sets in, especially in the neck and collar area. Since this condition occurs quite often, massage of the collar area is simply necessary for children.

The need for massage of the cervical-collar area

It is caused by a large number of receptors located in this area. Direct action on these receptors can reduce or eliminate unpleasant painful sensations. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, and also contributes to the treatment of diseases such as and. After the procedures, the mobility of the neck joints, back and shoulders increases.

There are certain contraindications to this type of massage. If a child has diathesis, a rash may appear in the neck area. In such cases, massage can be done only with minor redness, in order to avoid injury to the skin. In advanced forms of diathesis, the procedure is not recommended.

Basic massage techniques

The principles of massaging the collar area are generally the same as for the whole body. This includes rubbing, stroking, as well as warming up and vibration.

As a rule, massage of the collar area for children is carried out simultaneously with massaging the back. Stroking is done in the direction from the head to the lower back. If necessary, the baby should be supported with one hand and massaged with the other hand.

After performing a back massage, you can gradually move on to the collar area. In this area of ​​the body, stroking is performed in a so-called herringbone pattern in the direction from the shoulders to the spine. Rubbing is performed with fingertips, spiral, circular and zigzag movements. When massaging the collar area, the beginning and end of the procedure must be accompanied by stroking. Thus, the muscles relax not only in the collar area, but throughout the body.

This type of massage should be carried out after mandatory consultation with the pediatrician. After examining the child, he will be able to prescribe the exact number of procedures and determine their frequency. If you have certain skills, you can perform massage yourself. However, if you lack experience, you should invite a specialist.

Classic neck-collar massage

Massage of the cervical-collar area for children, as well as for adults, is useful and necessary. The collar zone, which includes the neck, shoulder girdle and the back of the head, is one of the reflexogenic zones of the human body, where most of receptors. Massage of the cervical-collar area (the video below explains why this procedure is so useful for a newborn) is recommended by pediatricians starting from the time the baby begins to hold his head up. For schoolchildren, this procedure is also necessary, because it is no secret that a child who sits for a long time at lessons gets tired very quickly and often gets sick. Massage of the collar area allows you to relieve tension and improve well-being, prevent postural disorders and scoliosis. Therefore, experts strongly recommend periodically performing a massage of the cervical-collar area (the video confirms the effectiveness of this procedure), which has a beneficial effect on the fragile child’s body.

Indications for massage of the collar area

Massage on the cervical-collar area is indicated for children who have:

  • compensated torticollis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pain in the neck;
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx and ears;
  • enlarged tonsils and submandibular glands;
  • It is also used to prevent scoliosis, relieve tension and strengthen the muscles of the cervical-collar area.

Features of the procedure for children

Massage for children (the video below demonstrates the technique), especially preschool and primary school age, is carried out in a friendly environment. The child should sit comfortably on the couch or sit on a chair and trust the specialist. Massage of the collar area for children (the video will help you familiarize yourself with the process) lasts about 15-30 minutes and lasts 10-20 sessions, which are recommended to be repeated after a few months in order to consolidate the achieved result. In the process of massage of the cervical-collar area (a video of children being massaged by an experienced specialist is presented below), classical techniques and methods are used.

How to massage the cervical-collar area

The massage technique for the cervical-collar area (the video is provided for those who want to master this technique on their own) consists of several stages:

  • Stroking from the lower edge of the thoracic region to the axillary region, moving to the neck, shoulder girdle and joints.
  • The back area is massaged with both hands alternately.
  • Longitudinal rubbing of the back is performed with the fingertips along the spine to the shoulder girdle, first on one side, then on the other. Rubbing takes about 30 seconds, then stroking is done again. This technique is carried out in such a way that the skin is displaced due to the rapid pace of movements.
  • Rubbing is performed using the ribs of the palms and the pads; you can combine both. This takes about 20 seconds and is completed this stage stroking.
  • From the spine to the shoulder blades, along the shoulder area and on the surface of the neck, perform a spiral kneading with the fingers from the spine and back. This technique will take about 1 minute, and at the end of the technique, stroking again.
  • Spiral kneading is performed in the paravertebral zone. The long back muscles need to be lightly pressed against the bone bed, after which they move. The interscapular region requires special attention, because in young children it is the most vulnerable. The technique is performed on both sides of the spine for 1 minute.
  • It takes 30 seconds to knead the shoulders. At the end of the session, you can perform shaking and light tapping.

An improvement in the child’s condition is observed after the first sessions.

The collar area is a stationary area of ​​the human body, and therefore swelling and salt deposits often appear in this place.

This leads to pain in the back, neck and shoulders, and frequent headaches.

Massage of the collar area improves blood circulation and nutrition of cells in this area.

Staying in a sitting position for a long time (especially for school-age children) leads to congestion due to DC voltage collar area.

This is accompanied by fatigue, headaches, and back pain. If adults do not pay enough attention to this problem, the child will have poor posture and scoliosis will begin to develop. What is the right way?

Massage of the collar area helps prevent the development of postural disorders in children.

This procedure has a positive effect on the autonomic centers of the child’s brain, since there are many receptors in the collar area.

It is for this reason that it is often prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia which is very difficult to deal with. The collar zone is connected to the heart, lungs, and stomach.

Massaging certain points allows you to increase the flow of blood, nutrients, and oxygen to these organs.

The neck massage procedure is an excellent way to influence the endocrine system. Hormonal levels are normalized and the balance of sex hormones is restored. This is especially true for children going through puberty.

Indications for massage

This massage is prescribed for the following problems:

  • Muscle fatigue after prolonged exercise.
  • Feeling of discomfort and tension after physical activity on the collar area or shoulders.
  • Mental fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Hypertension.
  • Neurasthenia (hypersthenic, hyposthenic form).
  • Conditions after a stroke.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Osteochondrosis, etc.

Technique of the procedure in children

Before starting the session, the patient must be correctly positioned. If the procedure is carried out at home, the child must be seated on a stool (the back of the chair will be an obstacle for the massage therapist).

During the massage, movements should always be performed from top to bottom and do not seek to massage the spinal column directly. This is strictly contraindicated.

The stool should be placed in front of the high table. A pillow is placed on the table, on which the head of the person being massaged rests. The patient should try to relax as much as possible.

The massage begins with light stroking from the surface of the neck to the sides. It is necessary to move from top to bottom from the spinal column and in the lateral direction. The pressure should be gradually increased, turning into rubbing and squeezing.

This is best done with the proximal phalanges of the fingers, which are clenched into a fist. This makes it possible to maximize the impact on the muscles.

After squeezing, they move on to kneading. It is performed with three fingers of both hands: index, middle and thumb. Knead mainly the trapezius muscle.

This technique can be painful if the muscle is tense. It is important to consider the patient's reaction. If he feels severe pain in the muscle, which means it is necessary to reduce the pressure and try to relax it as much as possible.

The massage ends with rubbing and kneading movements along the upper back and shoulder joints. The duration of one session is approximately 15-25 minutes.

Below is a useful video about how to prevent torticollis in children in order to avoid this and more serious diseases in this area of ​​the spine in the future.

Features of massage for children

Children's massage has a number of features and requires special attention and skill. For each age category of children, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  1. Children under one year old can only have a massage when they reach the age of 7 weeks. In the first month of life, only stroking the collar area, like the rest of the body, is allowed. After six months, in addition to stroking, rubbing can be done.
  2. The trapezius muscles need to be stroked from top to bottom and avoid putting pressure on the spine.
    Children from two to six years old move a lot. You can add kneading and vibration to the massage. If a child has a curvature, it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe a course of treatment.
  3. Children from seven to fifteen years old spend a lot of time at their desks and doing homework in a sitting position. At this age, the collar area is particularly tense. Swelling, pinched vertebrae, and salt deposits may occur. These processes often lead to scoliosis, osteochondrosis and headaches. Massage of the collar area helps prevent these problems from occurring.

So, massage of the collar area allows you to avoid scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other health problems in children. Taking a massage course is much easier than treating posture problems in the future. What else do children have?

Modern children move much less than their peers 15-20 years ago. Studying at school is associated with a long static position of the body in a sitting position; at home the child continues to sit - at the computer or in front of the TV. Few people prefer playing outside to playing an exciting video game. The cervical spine suffers the most from this lifestyle. In this material we will tell you how to properly massage your child’s neck and collar area, and what problems it can help you cope with.

Why is this necessary?

At school and before school age The load on the neck is high. As a result of prolonged sitting, and not always in the correct position, the child’s neck becomes stiff, memory is impaired, learning ability decreases, and unpleasant symptoms appear. Massage of the collar area helps relieve headaches and relieve the child from dizziness. It restores blood circulation to the brain and relieves back pain.

A child’s complaints about fatigue should not be regarded as a sign of laziness; it is quite possible that these are the first symptoms of disorders in cervical spine spine. Massage of the cervical area allows you to relax the muscles that hold the vertebrae in correct position. The vertebrae gradually take the correct position.

Massage of the collar area is beneficial for the health of the heart, lungs, and endocrine system. Precise and correctly performed massage improves blood supply and transmission of nerve impulses to the parts of the cerebral cortex responsible for vision and hearing.

Neck massage for babies is useful for developing the muscles of the back, neck, and shoulder groups. It strengthens the central nervous system, allows the baby to quickly learn new motor skills, and relieves hypertension. Massaging the cervical-collar area is also useful for children from one and a half years old, especially those experiencing difficulties with communication and speech - sessions help stimulate speech centers with established SRD (delayed speech development).

Indications for this type of massage are considered to be osteochondrosis, increased physical activity, back pain, scoliosis and neurasthenia.

Massaging technique

Children's massage of the cervical and collar areas should be performed carefully, strictly following the rules and techniques for such treatment. There are different massage techniques for different age groups of children. Let's talk about them in more detail.


The mother should place the baby on a flat, hard surface on his tummy. The baby's legs should be directed towards the mother. If the child is still very small, he is no more than two months old, the neck can only be massaged while lying on his back with one hand; with the other, the mother should support the little one’s legs. The massage itself for babies up to two months of age should be limited to only superficial stroking.

The techniques used for baby massage are classic; there is nothing exotic or overly complicated about them. Start the session by stroking the neck and shoulders, do this with soft circular and arched movements, without pressure. At the second stage, you can increase the pressure a little and rub the baby’s neck and shoulders with your palms. The next stage is kneading. It improves blood circulation in deep muscle fibers. Complete the massage with light tapping movements using your fingertips.

When moving your hands from head to back, try to touch with your palms, and when moving upward in the opposite direction, try to touch with the backs of your hands. When rubbing, you can “write out” with your fingertips any geometric figures, the main thing is that the movements have one direction - from the head to the back, and not vice versa.

When kneading, you can use pinching techniques, but you just need to very carefully monitor the child’s behavior and well-being. If the little one begins to cry or worry, reduce the intensity and strength of the impact; if this does not help, stop the massage and return to it when the child is in a good mood.

Only massage warm hands. Cold touches will be unpleasant for the child. Use massage oil or cream, this will make it easier for your hands to glide when performing technical techniques and protect the baby’s delicate skin from microtrauma. Finish the session with gentle stroking.

A neck massage for a baby should last no longer than 10 minutes. Start with 2-3 minutes and gradually increase the duration of the session to the specified time. Avoid pressure and rubbing of the vertebral area.

Schoolchildren and preschoolers

It is important to position the child correctly in space. You can massage a child who is lying down and stretches his arms along his body, or you can massage him in a sitting position. You should not choose chairs with backs for the second option, they will not provide correct location muscle groups of the cervical-collar area. It's better to use a stool.

In front of a sitting child there should be a table of such a height that the child can rest his head on it while sitting. Place a small pillow under your head. If there is no stool, use a chair with high back, seating the child facing the back. Then he will be able to put his hands and head on it, opening up sufficient space for the massage therapist to act.

Massage techniques, as in the case of infants, are classic and are performed according to the same scheme: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It is important to avoid massaging the vertebrae directly, and all movements should be performed strictly from top to bottom - from the hair growth area to the shoulders. Try not to grab the shoulder blade area.

The directions of movements are as follows: from the edge of hair growth along the spine down, along an arc to the shoulders, shoulder muscles, shoulder joints. It is quite difficult to convince a preschooler to completely relax, and therefore it is better for children under 7 years old to have a massage while lying on their stomach. From 8-10 years old it is quite possible to conduct sessions in a sitting position.

Stroking at the first stage should be done with your fingers and palm, moving from the head down and from the head to the shoulders. Rubbing is performed with hands clenched into fists. Kneading should be done with your fingers, carefully grasping the muscles of the collar area. Vibrating tapping at the final stage of the massage session is complemented by light “shaking” of the captured muscle. Avoid moving too quickly from stage to stage - “unwarmed” muscles are easily injured.

The duration of a treatment session for a child of preschool and school age is 15-25 minutes. The most painful part of the session is kneading. If the child already has spinal disorders, the neck muscles may be very tense. In this case, you need to focus on the individual reaction - if it hurts, you should reduce the force of impact.

If the muscle is stiff, go back a little and do the rubbing and warming step again. Gradually, the muscles will become softer, systematic exposure will help relieve tone and improve blood circulation.


Massage of the cervical area is contraindicated if the child has tumors and neoplasms, or if there are wounds or abrasions on the neck. This type of massage is also contraindicated for children with heart disease.

If a child has any illnesses in the acute stage, especially those associated with fever, the session should be canceled until recovery. Teenage girls are not given massage of the collar area during menstruation.

Massage of the collar zone is not performed for children with disorders of the central nervous system. nervous system. In case of cerebral palsy, exceptions are made, but massage has a number of specific features, which are difficult for a non-professional to master at home.

Massage of the neck and collar areas is strictly prohibited for children with tuberculosis and HIV infection.

Despite the apparent simplicity of neck massage techniques, parents who have never learned this can make a mistake, and this mistake can cost the baby dearly. Therefore, it would be completely useful to visit a massage room in a clinic or private clinic with your child at least once, or call a massage therapist at home. This will be enough to see how professionals act. Do not hesitate to ask a specialist what, why, why and how he does. After this, taking into account the technique described above, you can safely begin massaging yourself.

Self-medical massage is prohibited only in exceptional cases, for example, with short neck syndrome in an infant, or with damage to the vertebrae in the cervical region as a result of injury or a congenital disease. This type of massage should be performed by a specialist, and the course of treatment should be supervised by a neurologist.

Before self-massage, a mother or other adult who is going to conduct such sessions for a child should watch at least one video course that will help to visualize the features of the technique.

The technique of performing a neck and collar area massage for a child can be seen in the following video.

Massage plays very well important role for a growing organism, this is due to the fact that the child’s bones are constantly growing. Therefore, it is very important to pay Special attention relaxation of the muscles that are responsible for maintaining the skeleton. Collar massage for a child one of the most effective means relaxing muscles and improving blood flow to the brain.

At school age, this period accelerates several times, so it is especially important to pay attention to the health of the spine during this period. During school, a child has to sit in one position for quite a long time during lessons. Most often, this position is characterized by tilting the head down, because of this the collar area is under tension. In turn, this can lead to congestion in the neck area.

Such phenomena may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

These include:

  • Fatigue.

Regular collar area massage will help avoid stagnation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Why do you need a massage in this area?

This zone is literally a map of active points that are responsible for various body functions. Experts especially emphasize that massage of this area has a positive effect on the brain. Since with active influence on this area, blood circulation improves and more oxygen enters the brain.

It is because of this feature that such massage is one of the main methods of treating vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Moreover, these types of massage have a beneficial effect on the child’s entire endocrine system. Helps normalize hormonal levels.

This area is also directly connected to the heart and lungs. That is why collar area massage improves the flow of nutrients and oxygen to these organs.

How to give a collar massage to a child?

The massage should be gentle, since the result depends on the level of impact on the body. It is best to massage your child in a sitting position. To do this, he needs to be seated on a chair with his hands at his sides.

In general, massage can be divided into several stages:

  1. Start. The first stage of the massage is stroking.

It is best to start stroking from the back, this will improve the outflow of lymph. In the neck area, these strokes should be performed from the sides from top to bottom.

  1. Massage movements. Variable movements of the arms in the back area.

These movements are relaxing. It is best to perform them 8-10 times. If the massage is soothing, then the number of these movements can be increased several times.

  1. Rubbing your back with your palms.

The essence of this movement is to rub the back along the spine. From the spine the movements should diverge in different sides. Experts recommend performing this movement for 30 seconds, then finishing it with light strokes.

  1. Rubbing the back with the ribs of the hands.

The technique for performing this movement is similar to the previous one. However, the time of its repetitions must be reduced to 20 seconds. You also need to finish this movement with stroking.

  1. Spiral.

This movement resembles a spiral. It must be done starting from chest to the trapezoid. The spiral should also cover the shoulder blades, shoulders and the front of the neck. You need to repeat this movement for a minute. The movement should be completed by stroking.

  1. Shoulder warm-up.

This is one of the most effective movements. It should be completed within 30 seconds. This movement helps relieve tension and fatigue.

  1. End of the massage. Stroking.

You also need to finish the massage with stroking. They need to be performed softly and smoothly for a minute.