Toilet      03/07/2020

The curtains are dark gray. Gray curtains in the living room interior: what can they be combined with? Stylish gray living room

Black, white and gray between them are three achromatic natural colors that differ from each other in brightness.

White is absolutely light, black has zero brightness, gray has an infinite number of shades from almost black to off-white.

Being between two contrasting colors, it is unfairly considered a boring and inexpressive color.

The Pantone Institute annually announces leading colors for designers to use. The top ten modern interior colors for 2017 included two varieties gray.

Pantone 16-1318 – natural, taupe. Combined with brown, neutral colors completely get along with other colors. This shade of earthy tones conveys confidence and suggests permanence. It adds natural harmony and a deep sense of calm to rooms.

Pantone 17-3914 – shark skin. Laconic medium gray copies the rainy sky, foggy sea, wet city asphalt. In combination with other colors it creates pathos and inspiration.

The use of such shades of gray imbues the decoration of the premises with a sense of serenity and permanence. It is absolutely not necessary to make repairs every year, repaint the walls and change furniture to create a fashionable interior.

For 2017 fashion, it’s enough to simply hang new gray curtains in your apartment. Achromatic color is an excellent partner for interior items; gray ash-colored curtains will not steal all the attention.

If several generations of relatives live in an apartment, thick gray curtains together with a snow-white veil will help create a traditional, calm atmosphere in any common room. When choosing design options, be guided by photos of gray curtains from the gallery of our website.

The design of gray curtains can be any. Whatever style you choose, gray curtains in the interior will only add additional elegance. The technological style prefers silver curtains with a metallic sheen; the Bauhaus style prefers horizontal blinds or curtains and screens of medium gray color.

For the Baroque style, luxurious velvet curtains with lambrequins and garters are suitable.

Draperies of platinum-gray fabric, gently falling to the floor, in combination with purple, ruby, and wine inserts will look dynamic and emotional.

Gray curtains decorating the living room will allow you to modify the space: transparent pearl and mother-of-pearl shades will create a feeling of spaciousness and freshness, asphalt and slate tones will deepen the space and emotions.

In the bedroom

Gray curtains in the bedroom will help create a harmonious and relaxed mood. Dark gray curtains give visible depth to the space; in the bedroom, such curtains will create a sensual atmosphere.

A relaxation room in light beige colors with pearl curtains will be peaceful and relaxing.

In the nursery

Light gray curtains in the nursery will help create a calming room for active children.

The use of a combination of blue and gray, pink and gray is perfect for decorating children's rooms.

In the office

Shades of gray when creating the design of an office or library create a strict business atmosphere.

Bright lighting of the workspace, furniture made of natural wood, classic tabletop or and easy chair will allow you to work tirelessly.

Classic curtains in gray platinum tones will not distract from your studies, and your eyes will not get tired in such an environment.

In the kitchen

Stylish and beautiful kitchen becomes the favorite place of all household members. Using the right color combinations will create the perfect family interior.

Curtains in the kitchen gray tones always look very fresh, in combination with yellow or orange - cheerful. The combination of silver, blue and white will make the atmosphere in the kitchen cool and calm.


  • Asphalt, charcoal and other dark shades of curtain fabric require contrasting inserts or frames when sewing curtains.
  • The elegance of gray shades will be fully manifested only with sufficient and uniform lighting of living spaces.

Gray color is the central part between white and black, balances these two poles, holds the world around it.

Photo of gray curtain design

Without curtains, the room will seem unfinished, but with beautiful draperies on the windows, the interior will immediately acquire its own unique style! You need to be especially careful when choosing curtains for the living room, since this room is intended for receiving guests, everything in it should be perfect, from elegant wallpaper on the walls to beautiful curtains on the window. Among the variety of textures and shades of materials, it is not difficult to get confused, but be that as it may, the curtains are selected based on the general tint style of the room. Today we will tell you specifically about gray curtains in the interior of the living room, and also clearly demonstrate how they will look in a particular interior.

Advantages of gray curtains.

  1. They look stylish and expensive;
  2. Form an unobtrusive general background in the room;
  3. They won’t get bored quickly;
  4. Suitable for families with small children, as traces of unwashed hands are less visible on them;
  5. Universal, suitable for both a simple living room and a kitchen-living room or living-dining room.

What interior style will gray curtains fit into?

  • Baggy curtains will perfectly complement the Eco interior style;
  • Curtains with floral patterns will highlight the Vintage style;
  • Will fit perfectly into a fashionable Scandinavian style, as they look harmonious against the background of white walls or furniture;
  • Curtains with a chic lambrequin can be hung in a Baroque interior;
  • Plain gray curtains seem to be created for the Minimalist style;
  • The Chalet style can be complemented with curtains made of soft, plain gray fabric.

Gray curtains in the living room interior, photo.

What to combine gray curtains with in the living room.

Curtains with a shiny effect will look harmonious against walls with wallpaper in a matte gray tone and a shiny chrome print. As for furniture, to create a stylish and impressive interior, we recommend taking a closer look at white glossy furniture. In white, you can look at a slide in the living room with chrome handles, as well as a silver sofa with shiny legs.

Silver curtains should be hung on a steel-colored curtain rail, and in general, the interior should be decorated with simple details - a silver chandelier, a steel-colored floor carpet. Glass will fit perfectly into such an interior. coffee table and a snow-white sofa.

The gray color of the curtains in the most neutral tone in combination with bright furniture and other accessories of the same color will bring a dose of exclusivity to the room. For example, one of the walls can be highlighted with clinker tiles terracotta color, and against its background put a gray sofa with bright orange pillows. Lay a combined carpet with a gray background and an orange pattern on the floor.

Don’t be afraid to combine a cool palette of shades with warm tones, but so that each tone does not stand out from the overall picture. For example, choose gray wallpaper with a beige print, buy gray curtains, and place a beige sofa with gray pillows against their background.

The pearl shade of the curtains itself looks incredibly stylish, and if the room contains furniture in non-standard colors, the curtains will sparkle with new colors. For example, a mother-of-pearl sofa upholstery with a green print against a background of approximately similar curtains will look very harmonious.

A combination of slate-colored curtains with black and white furniture and bright red, yellow or orange accessories (vases, photo frames, etc.) looks stylish.

Gray colors (meaning with gray furniture and wallpaper) should still be more fresh in color, for example, white with a gray figured ornament, yellow with a pleasant gray pattern, or pollen stripes with the obligatory presence of a strict gray color.

Gray curtains for the living room can be selected based solely on the shade of the walls, for example, light curtains will look harmonious against the background of wallpaper that is even lighter in tone, but dark ones, in turn, can be combined both with light walls, for example snow-white, and dark - slate gray, deep blue or bright green.

Gray curtains in the living room, photo:

Stylish gray living room:

Gray curtains in the living room interior create that same unobtrusive effect that is sometimes lacking in modern premises. This color looks not only noble, but also stylish, expensive and even luxurious. It is also impossible not to note the ability of gray to coexist with brighter and even opposite in perception - warm tones, which allows the room decorator to freely play with contrasts.

To some, even the very phrase “gray curtains” may seem dull and sad, and there are few people who will immediately agree with the design idea of ​​decorating the interior with just such curtains. However, we want to dispel such preconceptions about this color scheme.

The main advantage of gray curtains- versatility. They are perfect for decorating an office, living room, bedroom or nursery. In fact, they open up the broadest potential for implementation design ideas, as they serve as an excellent background and at the same time look beautiful, elegant and very rich. They add notes of restraint and elegance to the overall atmosphere, while allowing other elements to play a “solo” role in the interior against their background.
Gray curtains have an advantageous neutrality. This is precisely why designers love them so much - their neutrality allows them to become an ideal backdrop for bright elements in the interior. However, they are no less relevant for a room made in gray shades - in this case, the color of the curtains should be selected a couple of tones lighter than the wallpaper and pieces of furniture. For example, light silver curtains will look great. Wherein great idea there may be an abundance of glass, crystal and chrome decorative elements- this will allow you to create a stylish modern interior.

They will look no less impressive ash curtains. They can add elegant formality and harmony to a room. However, this does not mean that they can be used exclusively when decorating an office - ash curtains will look great in the living room, in the hall, and in the nursery. With their help, a feeling of calm and comfort is created in the room. They seem to spread their mutedness and softness throughout the entire space. If your idea is to create a harmonious and calm interior in the room, then ash curtains in combination with other neutral shades or white wallpaper would be an ideal option.

in the interior

It should immediately be noted that today the gray palette is represented quite widely, and there are many dark and light shades. However, when choosing dark gray curtains, some care must be taken to avoid creating a gloomy atmosphere in the room. With light shades everything is much simpler and they are more versatile, so they fit perfectly into any interior. As for the combinations of light gray curtains with other colors, they harmonize perfectly with blue, light green and even such rich colors as crimson and bright red.

When selecting color combinations, It should be remembered that contact with cold shades gives greater warmth to the gray color. But the combination with warm colors makes gray colder. Therefore, depending on what notes you want to give to the room, you should select color combinations. In addition, if you choose silver gray, then remember that any other shade, when placed next to it, will look just as shinier.
Sometimes, in the interior you want to combine modernity with classic elegance. For these purposes, you can use a combination of ash curtains with cream and gold shades in the wall decoration. This is undoubtedly a modern approach to interior design, which allows you to make the interior both ultra-fashionable and exquisitely luxurious.

The optimal combination is gray curtains with neutral shades, white, black and noble brown. At the same time, if we are talking about the participation of active colors (red, orange, crimson), then smoky gray curtains are perfect.

in the interior - photo

Despite all its versatility and attractiveness, gray color is quite difficult for the interior, as it requires sophisticated taste and even professional flair when used. If you choose the wrong shade of gray curtains, you can make the room look conservative and boring, so every detail and color combination should be thought through very carefully.

Gray is often considered a dull and unattractive color. But gray has dozens of shades: ash, steel, silver, even mother-of-pearl...

A variety of shades suit almost any style, and any color or furniture looks stunning against it. Stylish design in gray tones has always been a sign of excellent taste, elegant nobility and harmony.

Unsuccessful curtain colors can be “erased” great design, therefore it is important to correctly integrate window design into the overall concept.

Gray textile

Always a win-win choice - gray curtains in any room. They will emphasize the sophistication of the interior if the wallpaper on the walls is gray.

On a universally neutral light gray background, other objects will stand out more clearly. But there are nuances to gray interior wasn't gloomy:

  • gray curtains should be chosen 2-3 shades lighter than the general color of the furniture and walls;
  • paired with a gray shade, pastels, all neutral shades or white are ideal;
  • the silver tint will add a beautiful shine to adjacent surfaces;
  • for dark gray curtains, you need to carefully consider bright lighting, a large number of products made of chrome, glass, crystal, dishes, beautiful vases;
  • Ash curtains will add peace and calm harmony;
  • in combination with hot pink, blue, or turquoise flowers, light gray looks great, giving an elegant luxury.

Gray color in different styles

Gray looks noble in classic style. Gray curtains in the interior, plain or with discreet patterns, will be a good background for gray-beige upholstered furniture and a striped rug on the floor. It is better to decorate the walls in pastel colors.

A sophisticated airy design will be created by gray-blue wallpaper; it is ideal with gray curtains. A bright turquoise sofa with pillows will dilute the interior; the floor can be decorated with a rich gray carpet with a turquoise pattern.

Style " old England"looks good with beige and gray formal curtains in a gray living room. Several shades of the same scale can be played out in an unusual way. Classic curtains and Roman blinders are suitable.

IN modern interior Gray curtains look great paired with pale blue lambrequins and inserts. Snow-white tulle emphasizes the sophisticated design.

The room has pastel tones, light wood floors and a two-tone ceiling, matching the floor perfectly. Blue ottomans, vases and interior details will complete the look. You can choose a fluffy white (white-gray or white-blue) carpet for the floor.

Kitchens with gray details

If your kitchen is only gray, it will look like a government home. Winning designs are characterized by well-composed color combinations.

In the kitchen, where there is a lot sunlight you can choose “cool” tones: blue, shades of green, gray-blue or gray-lilac.

IN dark kitchens Where there is little natural light, curtains in gray tones should be combined with warm colors. It could be a bright cheerful orange facade kitchen set, candy pink, yellow, red shades. Please note that bright colors increase appetite; those who struggle with weight should choose more muted shades of a “warm” range.

Bedroom in gray tones

Ash, pearl or mother-of-pearl colors miraculously transform the atmosphere of the bedroom. The mysterious haze of a romantic setting - perfect option for harmony and relaxation.

If you like fun, you can add rich colors: bright terracotta (brick, turquoise, blue, light brown, etc.) pillows and bedspread. Bed linen can be beautifully combined with the pattern of the surrounding interior.

If you are against a gray bedroom decoration, you can leave only gray curtains in the bedroom; they will add a touch of peace.

Use your imagination, don’t be afraid to experiment, our numerous photos of gray curtains in original designs will convince anyone that gray is a symbol of balance and pleasant harmony.

Photo of gray curtains

Against the background of this color, various interior items will look great.

The use of gray curtains in the interior will give the living room a touch of good taste, personifying harmony and moderation. They will add elegance to any design, especially when using wallpaper of the same shade.

As wall decoration, any bright objects will do, as they will stand out as much as possible against this background.

Gray curtains are the ideal background, thanks to which you can create a luxurious interior design. Designers consider it an absolutely win-win option.

The benefits of gray

Don't be afraid of this color. Thanks to its versatility, it is able to diversify any living space.

Juicy colors look great against the background of gray textiles: red, blue and black. Before choosing curtains there are some details to consider:

  • gray curtains should be several tones lighter than the color palette of furniture and decorative items;
  • they go perfectly with white and pastel interior colors;
  • It is best to choose textured fabrics. Textiles can be made from natural fabrics or with synthetic components. Curtains may contain shiny threads that help achieve a shimmering effect;
  • a dark shade of gray, needs additional lighting to help it open up fully. To do this, you can use spot lighting or lamp light;
  • In order not to burden the interior space, it is recommended to choose light shades of gray curtains; they help make the room beautiful and stylish.

This color of textile can be used in any space, from the reception area to the bedroom.

Color combination in the interior

In order to create a delicate design, it is better to use light colors such as:

  • pink;
  • blue;
  • beige;

Gray curtains against this background help add luxury. In this case, the furniture should be white or milky.

Creative people prefer to combine bright colors on a background of gray textile. The most popular are:

  • burgundy;
  • red;
  • black;
  • violet.

The gray color of the textile in this case neutralizes these rich colors. Thanks to this, the interior looks harmonious and elegant. If the room has a sufficient amount of sunlight, then in this case it is better to choose more dark color curtains

In order to create stylish interior, it is important to combine correctly color palette. As a result of correctly selected shades, you can get unique design who can please others.

Today there is a sufficient amount of material that can help turn your ideas into reality. In the photo of gray curtains, you can see all the beauty of the color in the design.

Photo of gray curtains in the interior