Toilet      06/12/2019

The cold water pipe sweats a lot. How to get rid of moisture on pipes? Why does condensation appear on cold water pipes?

Many people are interested in how to eliminate condensation on a pipe cold water. Because this problem is encountered very often.

At first glance, damp pipes for supplying cold water are a source of dampness in the kitchen or bathroom. This phenomenon can also cause mold to appear.

These factors will shorten the period between system repairs in a wet area. Why condensation occurs and how to counteract it will be discussed further.

Most often, condensation in cold water pipes appears due to insufficient ventilation in the room. It is for these reasons that moisture collects in droplets in a system transporting cold water.

This is fully aided by moist air. For these reasons, before installing cold water pipe products, it is recommended to create a thermal insulation layer that will prevent any temperature changes on the top of the pipe.

This problem also occurs when the cold and cold pipes are located close together. hot water.

If there is such a problem in a bathroom or bathroom, it is recommended to check the functioning of the ventilation at the very beginning.

Behind long time it could get clogged. Problems in the ventilation network are clearly visible when closed windows if there are plastic windows in the room. This can be checked very easily.

ADVICE! If you take a sheet of paper and apply it to the hood with the plastic windows, and then do the same with open windows, the difference will be visually noticeable. If there is no ventilation, it will be visible immediately.

And one more feature in the bathroom is the layout of pipes with cold and hot water. They are often carried out in close proximity, without laying thermal insulation.

It is not surprising that in the place where water is supplied to the plumbing, the pipes begin to “cry”. On open wiring it is easier to eliminate condensation.

But, in a situation where the network is hidden in a wall, resolving the issue entails more complex work. This will also include repair activities, because the geometry of the structure will most quickly have to be changed.

When considering the causes of condensation in cold water pipes in a bathroom or bathroom, it should be noted that in general the situation is similar to the one described above, but one “BUT” arises.

In these rooms there are an order of magnitude more pipes, and the space, as a rule, is smaller. And here, even at the installation stage, it is necessary to resolve the issue of thermal insulation of pipes.

How to solve this problem

And she deserves special attention. You can purchase special material that can be easily purchased at any hardware store for little money.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have this at hand, you can use improvised means. Polyurethane foam and corrugation can save the situation.

The volume of corrugation should slightly exceed the volume of pipe products laid in the network. The process of action itself is simple to the point of banality.

The corrugation is pre-cut into the required pieces, and they are put on the pipes. The empty space is filled with polyurethane foam. At this point the mission is considered completed.


There is another very simple method that will help eliminate the appearance of water droplets on pipes. To work you need to prepare:

  1. sanding paper;
  2. phosphoric acid;
  3. thick thread;
  4. strips of old fabric;
  5. putty knife;
  6. acetone.


  • Any pieces of unnecessary fabric are cut into strips no more than 7 cm wide, which are rolled up. It is recommended to prepare them in reserve so as not to be distracted while working.
  • The pipe is plastered, otherwise the material will not adhere firmly to it. Then it is degreased with acetone.
  • At this stage, a rust converter is applied, and when the pipes are dry, putty is applied to them. This material hardens instantly, for this reason, you will have to act quickly.
  • The prepared pipes are wrapped with fabric strips, so that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one. The final coup is tightly tied with a cord.
  • Thus, the fabric strip insulation is applied in several layers.
  • The procedure is completed by applying an epoxy layer. When it is completely dry, the pipe products are sanded and paint of the selected shade is applied.

How to get rid of condensation on plastic pipes

A common cause of condensation is leaks in plumbing fixtures. If the workpiece supplying water to sanitary fixtures gets wet, then breakdowns may occur in the tap, in shower mixer, in the inlet valve of the toilet tank. A wet riser may indicate that there are leaks in the neighboring apartments above.

If the pipe network is made of plastic, then the problem of how to eliminate condensation on plastic pipes is solved as follows:

  • The hoods are checked and the ventilation grille is replaced with a compact fan.
  • The network is insulated using special pipes with a cut. These products are offered in every hardware store. They are made from energyflex and foamed polyethylene. This is a very simple method, only before starting insulation, you need to thoroughly dry the pipes.
  • Complete insulation of plastic pipes can be ensured by the use of fabric strips and plastering. Above there is detailed description how it is done.

Features of metal water pipeline


The problem of how to eliminate condensation on metal water pipes is no less acute than in previous situations.

If metal water pipes are constantly exposed to drops of water, they will quickly be damaged by corrosion.

The following actions help eliminate condensation from metal pipes:

  1. The pipes are protected from rust, dried and opened with drying oil and oil paint.
  2. Cover with carbolate. This is a paste-like product for sealing cracks in walls and floors; it is applied in a layer of 0.5 cm. This composition should harden for 24 hours, and then the surface is sanded with fine sandpaper and painted with oil paint.
  3. Projector primers. They consist of zinc dust, which is diluted with drying oil. The line is opened with this composition, and then it is painted (with enamel).
  4. The toilet line can be treated with a product based on drying oil and red lead, or with special primers (for example: FL-031, FL-053).

Advice! In the bathroom, the cold water supply line can be painted with any type of enamel, and water pipes for hot water supply, it can only be coated with oil-resistant enamels.

How else do you deal with condensation?

Video: how to eliminate condensation on plastic water pipes

Eliminating condensation on pipes is not an easy task without determining the exact cause of this phenomenon.

Experts express this opinion on this matter.

  • Professional plumbers advise purchasing Corrugated. This is a special composition that can be bought at building materials stores. It is applied to the surface of the pipes and forms a strong and elastic film there, which prevents moisture from appearing.
  • Experts are also confident in the effectiveness liquid thermal insulation, which is applied to a dry and cleaned highway.
  • If all plumbing and pipework are in good condition, then condensation can accumulate due to the difference in temperature between the pipes and the air. In this situation, only insulating the system will help. The most suitable option For such insulation, professionals call foamed polyethylene or Merylon, which are not difficult to buy at any building materials store at a low cost. This insulating material is attached by placing it on the pipeline. Secure it with a clamp and wire.


IMPORTANT! Experts warn that it is possible to eliminate fogging of the water supply system supplying cold water. different methods. Which one to choose can only be decided after a thorough analysis of the situation.

The fact is that in addition to the main ones, there are also side effects that lead to the formation of condensation. The source of dampness is evaporation from the basement, poor waterproofing and insulation of the walls.

Because of this, condensation and frost appear. In such situations, there is only one way out - insulating the floors and walls in the house with high-quality material.

In addition to the reasons already listed that lead to “wet” troubles, there are others. For example, weather conditions. Frequent and prolonged rains, close location of a body of water, proximity groundwater also significantly increases the moisture level in the house.

You can reduce it by installing a moisture absorber or an air conditioner that has a dehumidifying function. Moisture absorbers available on the market today are an excellent method for eliminating moisture.


These are plastic boxes containing absorbent tablets. When using these devices, they not only get rid of fogging on pipe networks, but also eliminate humidity throughout the entire house.

Experts can advise you on how to eliminate condensation on a cold water pipe. If you entrust them with this task, you can be sure that they will quickly and effectively eliminate the causes that lead to dampness in the apartment. And in this case, you won’t have to worry about people’s health.

While I lived in the South, and even on the top floor, I did not know about such a problem as sweating cold water pipes. But now, after moving, I am faced with this problem.

It turns out that a sweating cold water pipe can produce a puddle with a total volume of up to 5-7 liters of water per day. This is completely unpleasant and unnecessary. What to do?! Let's find out!

The pipes are sweating, what to do? The answer is simple

Indeed, the answer is simple, but the solution must be complex and may have several options. Let's determine the reasons why pipes sweat, and then we'll talk about methods and materials that can be used to eliminate this problem. By the way, please note that perhaps due to old age, micro-holes have appeared in the pipes through which water leaks. but if there are no leaks, then read on.

Why do cold water pipes sweat?

The answer to this question lies in the 7th grade physics textbook, it seems. Condensation on pipes appears as a result big difference temperatures between the cold water pipe and the air temperature. Thus, moisture from the air condenses on the colder surface of the water. The more moisture in the air and the colder pipe, the more condensation there will be.

Of course, if the water in the pipe does not move (that is, no one uses it in the whole house), then the temperature of the pipe will approach room temperature and the amount of condensate may be reduced to zero. But the house is constantly drawing water, so the pipe is always cold.

That is, there are two reasons: air humidity and low temperature of the cold water supply pipe.

Now we have figured out why the cold water pipe sweats and we will fight this disease.

To prevent cold water pipes from sweating

  • It is necessary to insulate the pipes as much as possible
  • Find water leaks in your neighbors (a plumber from the management company will help you with this)
  • Improve indoor ventilation

The most important and simplest measure is the thermal insulation of the pipe. How can we insulate our cold water pipe? Firstly, I’ll immediately make a reservation that it doesn’t matter what material it is made of - metal, carbon fiber, polypropylene, metal plastic, gold, silver... your pipes are made, without thermal insulation they will sweat!

Thermal insulation of cold water pipes

The simplest option is to wrap thermal insulation material:

  • Thermal insulation flex
  • K-Flex ST
  • Thermal insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene
  • Thermal insulation cylinder
  • Thermal insulation "Energoflex"

This list can be continued for a long time, but the point is to wrap the pipe with heat-insulating material from floor to ceiling or from start to finish in several layers. The minimum thickness of the thermal insulation layer should ultimately be at least 3 centimeters, and preferably five.

It is very important that the thermal insulation fits tightly to the pipe and is securely wrapped with tape. In places where aesthetics are required, you can wrap it with tape with metal foil.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to wrap the pipe tightly and completely on bends, as well as on shut-off valves! It is also not always possible to do such a trick in hard-to-reach places.

Warming (heat-insulating) paint for pipes to prevent them from “sweating”

In this case, you can use a more expensive but convenient method.

There are paints for thermal insulation of surfaces and pipes, among others. To insulate a cold water pipe, you need to wipe it free of moisture and apply 4-5 layers of heat-insulating paint to the pipe. Each layer must dry, after which the condensation on the pipe is wiped off again and the next layer is applied.

The third method can be combined, that is, paint the pipes first heat-insulating paint, and then put it in foam insulation.

As I already said, sweat and metal pipes and plastic (polypropylene, metal-plastic), so all types of pipes need to be coated.

But! Before applying thermal insulation to a pipe, you must carefully check whether there is a micro-hole somewhere in the pipe from which water is oozing drop by drop. Especially often, such a trick lies in metal pipes. If condensation forms over the years, the metal pipe rots at an amazing rate, resulting in the formation of micro-holes and micro-leaks. Therefore, be careful so that you don’t have to redo it later! Most often, such micro-holes form in places near the floor or ceiling (in these places the most favorable conditions for corrosion of metal pipes).

After correct measures for thermal insulation of condensate pipes, you can say goodbye. And if you did it wrong or there is a leak in the pipe, then there will be less condensation, but it will not disappear.

My advice to everyone, do not skimp on thermal insulation. It’s better to get confused once than to suffer every day from dampness (which is harmful to health), mold, odors and just constant puddles..

Why does condensation appear on cold water pipes, what to do in this case? Condensation is a common problem, and it can appear on both metal and plastic pipelines. At first glance, the problem is insignificant, but over time it causes a lot of trouble in the form of rust, mold and unpleasant odor. That is, you still need to get rid of condensation. To do this, you need to find out the reasons for its appearance. Why do pipes sweat?

Why does condensation appear on cold water pipes?

Most often you can see condensation on the pipes in the toilet. One of the reasons is a water leak in the tank. The water is constantly changing and does not have time to warm up, hence the humidity. We get rid of the leak in the tank - this reason will disappear.

Sometimes puddles appear near the riser due to excessive humidity. This means that the neighbors living above have a leak in the tank. At night, listen to the gurgling of water in the sewer, and you will immediately understand everything.

Condensation also forms due to high humidity and temperature changes. To avoid condensation, you need good ventilation. To start, simply leave the toilet door open overnight; you may find a dry pipe in the morning.

The reason is obvious - the ventilation pipeline is clogged. Unscrew the grille to ventilation duct and clean everything very well. A draft should appear in the ventilation duct.

If there is ventilation, but it does not cope with the problem, you can install exhaust fan. It attaches in place of the vent and you turn it on as needed.

The choice of fans in modern construction supermarkets is huge, for every taste and at any price. IN Lately The installation of such fans in toilets and bathrooms is very common.

How to fix the condensation problem

How to get rid of condensation on pipes in the bathroom? The pipes in the bathroom also sweat. The reason may be similar. Condensation on the riser means problems with the neighbors' plumbing. The pipeline supplying water to your plumbing becomes wet; the faucet is not working properly. The absence of a hood, as in the first case, aggravates the problem.
If hot and cold water systems are very close to each other, fogging cannot be avoided.

It is necessary to insulate the pipes; this is an excellent protection that will remove condensation.

Often condensation forms on the pipes in the bathroom due to a faulty faucet. Leakage of water helps to cool them. There is only one way out - faucet repair!

How to get rid of condensation? Pipe insulation will completely eliminate fogging of pipes. It is necessary to isolate cold water pipes from interaction with the external environment. There are special thermal insulation materials, using which you will rid the pipes of condensation. You just need to buy such material and insulate the pipelines. The abundance of such materials in the construction materials market is very large.

If you prefer a budget option To eliminate moisture on pipes, and you do not plan to purchase expensive thermal insulation material, you can use other ways. You need to purchase a cylinder polyurethane foam And plastic pipe or corrugation, the diameter of which exceeds the diameter of the pipe with condensate. The corrugation or pipe is cut into pieces so that they can be put on the problem pipe, then they are put on and the voids are filled with foam.

There is another budget option for getting rid of condensation. You will need sandpaper to remove rust and acetone, so that after this it is good to degrease the problem surface. It is best to treat the pipeline phosphoric acid and then apply a layer of epoxy putty on it so that it does not drip.

Then immediately wrap the pipeline with previously prepared strips of fabric so that the material is saturated with putty. You can use an old sheet by cutting it into bandage-like pieces. The putty and fabric will harden quickly.

You can do this several times in the same way. The work ends with the application of finishing putty. It will look aesthetically pleasing if the putty is sanded and coated water-based paint the color you need.

In most cases, insulating pipes can solve the problem of condensation, but sometimes the level of humidity in a house or apartment is so high that waterproofing the floors and walls is necessary.

Essentially, condensation is considered to be the result of the accumulation of excess moisture on any surfaces whose temperature is lower than the ambient temperature. Condensation mainly appears on pipes and containers in which cold water flows or appears in rooms where there is a source of high humidity levels. Such premises include: toilet, boiler room, basements, laundries and bathrooms.

In addition to its aesthetic appearance, condensate on pipes can be quite dangerous consequences, so it’s best to get rid of it.

Why is condensation on pipes dangerous?

Condensation on water pipes is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. I explain why it is better to get rid of condensate on pipes. If you have metal pipes, then condensation may cause corrosion, which leads to destruction. And for people, this will be reflected in the source of respiratory and allergic diseases. All this will happen due to the fact that mold will begin to appear on the pipes. Mold is a type of fungus that is quite harmful to humans. It has the power to cause serious illness in people. I would especially like to mention bronchial asthma and a noticeable decrease in immunity. In my opinion, I have presented sufficient arguments to convince you to get rid of condensate on the pipes. And to put it in everyday language, make sure that the pipes do not sweat.

Why do pipes sweat?

Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of condensation on pipes. The main reasons include the following:

  • poor ventilation,
  • low level of thermal insulation of sewerage and water supply pipes,

It can be noted here that sources with high levels of humidity include the following reasons:

  • terrain features,
  • defects in the operation of technological communications,
  • construction defects of buildings,
  • external weather conditions, climate.
How to get rid of condensation?

Now let's look at how to get rid of condensation that appears on pipes.

  • If there is a high level of humidity in the room, then first of all you need to eliminate the occurrence of high humidity. For example, it is best to hang wet laundry in another ventilated area, or you can use airtight lids to cover containers with water.
  • The next step in how to get rid of condensation on pipes is to provide ventilation. In this case, you can set ventilation window with a grid that will help remove excess moisture outside your room. In order to make such ventilation, you will need to drill a hole using a hammer drill and a crown-shaped drill. Then insert the ventilation grille and secure it using self-tapping screws or construction adhesive.
  • If all this is not enough to correct the situation in the room and get rid of condensation on the pipes, then you will need to do active ventilation.

Active ventilation looks like an exhaust fan that can be mounted on the exhaust vent, and it operates in two modes, namely: manual and forced. The forced option is considered more preferable, and the manual mode is used for limited temporary actions. In manual mode, you will need to attach a timer, or a special humidity sensor, which will help drive the fan into action. Forced ventilation will be inappropriate if your room has high humidity levels.

  • If the humidity in the room is very high, it is best for you to insulate the pipes using special thermal insulation materials to get rid of condensation on the pipes. All heat-insulating materials are made in the form of mats, which consist of metal heat-reflecting foil and mineral wool. They can also be made in the form of pipes, the inner diameter of which will coincide with the outer diameter of the pipe. Such thermal insulation materials are made from different materials, and they take not only rubber, but also various polystyrenes and foam plastics. The pipes must be carefully wrapped with this material and secured.

If you take heat-insulating tubular material, then you will need to cut it along its entire length. After this, you will need to wipe the pipe dry and put heat-insulating material on it so that it is completely sealed. If you make a mistake, you will not be able to get rid of condensation on the pipes; it will begin to appear again, and the work will be done down the drain.

Most often, the formation of condensation on cold water pipes is associated with poor ventilation in the room. Condensation on pipes occurs as a result of a large temperature difference between the cold water pipe and the air temperature. 2014 All about plumbing and pipes.© All rights reserved. For example, like this paint against condensation on pipes.

Warm, moist indoor air surrounds the surface of the pipe, which is at a much lower temperature, resulting in condensation. You can use liquid insulation "Corundum", which is applied to the surface of the pipe in the same way as ordinary paint, using an ordinary paint brush. The only thing to remember is that before using any insulation, a pipe that sweats must be dried.

It looks like a thick-walled pipe with a longitudinal section. This insulation is placed on the cold water pipe. Due to this, sudden temperature changes disappear and condensation does not form. In short, you need to make a thermos for the pipe. Yes, and do not forget to dry it before insulating the pipe.

Leave the toilet door open at night, and if there is no condensation in the morning, then the problem is precisely high humidity with insufficient ventilation. Well, if you do it “as for yourself,” you will have to insulate the pipe to prevent condensation.

Why does the cold water pipe sweat?

Each issue contains a link to a FREE download of one of the books in the “Bonus” section. While I lived in the South, and even on the top floor, I did not know about such a problem as sweating cold water pipes. But now, after moving, I am faced with this problem. Let's determine the reasons why pipes sweat, and then we'll talk about methods and materials that can be used to eliminate this problem.

This list can be continued for a long time, but the point is to wrap the pipe with heat-insulating material from floor to ceiling or from start to finish in several layers. It is very important that the thermal insulation fits tightly to the pipe and is securely wrapped with tape.

“Fogging” of pipes in the bathroom

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to wrap the pipe tightly and completely around bends, as well as around shut-off valves! The third method can be combined, that is, first paint the pipes with heat-insulating paint, and then cover them with foam heat insulator.

After proper insulation of condensate pipes, you can say goodbye. And if you did it wrong or there is a leak in the pipe, then there will be less condensation, but it will not disappear. There are actually not so many reasons that cause moisture to settle on the surface of a pipe, but each of them has several variations, which significantly complicates the process of finding the root cause.

Fighting condensation on pipes in the toilet

It consists of foamed polyethylene in the form of long and hollow inside covers. The formation of tiny water droplets on pipes, both in apartments and in private housing, is a common phenomenon.

Excess moisture on pipes causes unpleasant odors and dampness in kitchens, toilets and bathrooms, which contributes to the development of fungus and mold. Most often, the appearance of moisture on pipes is caused by the temperature difference between the surface of the pipes and the room.

Condensation formation: why pipes get wet

Due to humid air, sewer risers and pipes carrying cold liquid are prone to drip evaporation. The answer to the question of why condensation drizzle forms on bathroom pipes lies in the same reasons as on toilet pipes. The most simple method To eliminate condensation, simply cover the pipe with special heat-insulating materials (paint), purchased at hardware stores.

How to remove condensation from pipes

These pipes are available in various sizes. Before using it, wipe the surface of the pipe from condensation. If it is impossible to purchase an insulating pipe, it is allowed to use polyurethane foam, which is the best remedy in the fight against condensation.

Warming (heat-insulating) paint for pipes

It is necessary to monitor the thermal condition of the pipes: they should be warm, not cold. His unpopularity is due to corruption appearance pipes and the entire bathroom. An important reason for the occurrence of moisture in pipes is the presence of cold floors, poor foundations, uninsulated walls and basement fumes. Condensation on pipes can cause the development of mold, as well as reduce the time period between repair work in wet areas.

That's why on sewer riser or pipes supplying cold water, droplet moisture is formed: moist air fully contributes to this process. If this was the reason, then a craving should appear, the presence of which can be checked using a lit match. Another point is the peculiarities of the distribution of cold and hot water in the bathroom.

It is not surprising that at the point where water is supplied to the plumbing equipment (simply, the mixer), the cold water pipe “cries”. If it goes in the wall, the solution suggests itself and is associated with more complex work, including repairs. Often the cause of condensation on bathroom pipes is a faulty faucet. The situation is similar to that described above, with only one “but” - there are much more pipes in the toilet, and they are all laid in a small space.

Now you know what to do if condensation forms on the pipes in your apartment! Condensation accumulates on the pipes due to temperature changes. The pipe cools even more and becomes covered with condensate droplets. The simplest and effective method To combat condensation on cold water pipes, they are wrapped with rags.