Well      06/07/2019

How to cover up cracks in plastic windows. How to close the mounting foam outside the window? Windows insulation according to Swedish technology

Since plastic windows are the most common due to their qualities, it is quite rare to find houses where they are not. A very common problem that occurs after installing plastic windows is the appearance of cracks between the frame and the slopes.

They may arise from different reasons and can cause both aesthetic problems, and through such cracks it can blow through, dust, dirt can get in, windows can leak. Of course, such a problem must be solved, otherwise the quality of life in such a room is significantly deteriorating.

1. Causes of cracks between the frame and the slope

Reasons for occurrence cracks between the plastic window frame and the slope There are quite a few, but the main ones are the following:

  • Poor-quality installation of plastic windows. The thing is that when installing windows, the gaps between the frame and the wall are usually sealed with mounting foam. It often happens that installers save on this, as a result of which, due to lack of insulation, a gap may occur.
  • Over time, the mounting foam tends to crumble under the influence of various factors, for example, sun rays. For this reason, when the foam becomes insufficient, a gap is formed between the window and the wall, and as a result, it begins to strongly blow from a crack in the slope of a plastic window.
  • plastered or plasterboard slopes almost always give cracks between the frame and the window due to the properties of the material. This occurs due to the temperature difference between the street and the room.

2. Elimination of a crack near the window frame

How to close the crack between the frame and the slope? In some cases, if the cardinal solution to the problem does not suit or there is not enough money and time, and you need to update the surface, then you must do the following:

In the case of a cardinal and complete elimination of the crack, it is necessary first of all to open the gap and see how well the gaps between the window and the wall were blown out with the help of mounting foam. In most cases, it is not enough and therefore it is necessary to clean the gap from the remnants of the old foam, and then blow it out in a new way in sufficient quantities. When the mounting foam has dried, the remnants must be removed and the slopes should be finished.

The global solution to the problem is best done in the warm season, when the walls of the house will be warm to the full depth.

3. Slope options

There are several ways to finish slopes:

Thus, the most the best option finishing slopes is the use of plastic panels. This is explained by:

  1. The surface of the slopes will be of the same type, and they will look harmonious with plastic windows.
  2. No risk of occurrence cracks in the slope of the plastic window, which is most important after the appearance of the gap and its repair.
  3. Plastic panels allow you to additionally insulate the slope, which prevents it from freezing. This prevents the formation of condensation and the accumulation of moisture, and as a result, mold and fungus will not form on the window.
  4. Plastic panels are easy to maintain and do not require painting. It is enough to wipe them from dust, just like a plastic window.

4. Filling a crack with plastic slopes

In order to finish the slopes with plastic panels. You need to do the following:

  • Prepare the surface for fixing the panels. To do this, excess foam after sealing cracks must be cut off with a clerical knife. After that, the slope surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Guide profile installation. To do this, it is best to use a U-shaped profile of the required width. It must be cut into the desired sections, after which the profile is fixed along the outer edge window frame using screws "bugs" with a gap of 20 cm. At the top, the profile must be fixed for the entire length, and on the sides from the window sill to the top rail.
  • Lathing installation. For this, they are used wooden slats 20x40 mm. They need to be fixed with dowel-nails in increments of 30-50 cm at the corner of the slope farthest from the window at the top and sides.
  • Top slope installation. It is necessary to measure the desired length of the panel and cut it off. Then PVC panel must be inserted into the upper guide profile and secured with self-tapping screws.
  • Installing side panels. Installing the side panels is no different from installing the top slope. The space between the panel and the wall can be filled using mounting foam, only this must be done very carefully so that the foam does not bend the panel. When the foam filling is completed, the panel must be fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • Casing installation. For this, an F-profile is usually used. They need to be cut desired length, then insert along the edge of the panels. Where they come into contact with self-tapping screws, it is necessary to make cuts on inner wall corner.
  • Sealing panel joints. Joints are sealed with white sealant. To do this, it must be applied to all joints and pushed with a finger.

Conclusion, conclusion

In conclusion, it should be noted that when performing slopes with plaster or drywall, the chance of a crack is very high. To eliminate it, you can use a sealant, but so that it does not arise again in the future, you need to solve the problem more radically, and it is best to redo the slopes using plastic panels.

As a rule, the replacement of any windows leads to the destruction of the adjacent section of the wall. The question arises: what to do to make the window structure look beautiful and reliably protect from noise, wind and other troubles of the street? The answer is simple: in this case, without repair work not enough. Exist various options patching slopes, and here to choose desired option, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

About slopes

Sections of the wall adjacent to window block are called slopes. They are internal and external. Strict requirements apply to the internal areas.

The following functions are assigned to slopes:

  • giving the window design an aesthetic and attractive look. Is it possible to imagine quality window, which is docked with a broken wall;
  • improvement of sound and thermal insulation. window structures, which do not have high-quality slopes, do not have sufficient tightness;
  • protection of mounting elements and seams from impact environment. A high-quality slope not only protects fasteners from corrosion, but also reduces the likelihood of fogging and freezing of windows.

Thus, the repair of slopes is a list of works aimed not only at restoring damaged sections of the wall, but also at creating additional insulation.

Basically, one of the following repair options is selected:

For any repair of slopes, first of all, high-quality surface preparation is necessary.

Window opening preparation

Restoration of slopes is started after their surface is prepared. Preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

In order not to destroy the restored slopes, the window sill is installed before the start of the repair.

To protect against contamination and knocked down elements, the window and window sill are protected with paper or polyethylene. And also the protection of the window handle and the battery under the windowsill will not interfere.

The protective film on the window is removed only after all work is completed.

  1. Slope surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Large dangling fragments are attached to the solution.

Slope plastering

This option for repairing slopes is low cost. For sealing, it is enough to have: a finishing mixture, a set simple tools and water-thinnable paint.

The option also has disadvantages:

  • to get very flat surface requires a lot of effort and a lot of time. An experienced installer performs such work much faster;
  • cracks often appear after plastering. This may be due to the single-layer coating of the surface, when a thick layer slides down. In addition, cracks appear due to changes in humidity or poor quality of the mixture;
  • lack of adhesion to the plastic from which the window is made.

It is believed that for internal slopes plaster looks more aesthetically pleasing than plastic and drywall.

Plastering starts with right choice and preparation of the mixture. In this case, the location of the slope must be taken into account.

  • External slopes - located in special conditions: precipitation, wind, temperature fluctuations. It is recommended to use cement and heat-insulating mixtures with a water-repellent effect. This may be a Knauf product or a conventional mixture of cement and sand.
  • Internal slopes - must have an aesthetic appearance. To make the surface smooth, gypsum mixtures are suitable. Very common starting and finishing putties firm "Ceresite".

In any case, the drying time of the solution is taken into account, since further decoration work continues after it dries.

1. Do not breed a large number of solution. This is due to the economy - the undeveloped solution dries quickly.

2. The solution is applied in several layers. The next layer is laid after the previous one has dried.

The repair sequence is as follows:

Sheathing slopes with plastic

As noted earlier, plastic is in demand due to easy installation and low cost. In addition, there are other advantages:

  • the material goes well with the window profile. The slope and profile have the same expansion, so there is no tension between them;
  • performance is maintained up to 20 years;
  • withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • there is a protective layer that does not burn or melt;
  • simple care. Dust and dirt are removed with a damp cloth.

The following sequence is selected for work:

Cladding with sandwich panels

When choosing this option, please note that the minimum panel thickness is 20 mm.

Without auxiliary profiles the slope is sewn up within a few hours. The plating order is as follows:

  1. Panels are cut to size.
  1. "Liquid nails" are applied to the panel, and it is tightly pressed against the surface of the slope.
  1. The gaps between the frame and the panels are sealed.
  1. From the outside, corners are installed on the glue.

Lining and sandwich panels cannot be repaired. As a rule, when damaged, they change. In this case, the choice of shade is of great importance, as it differs in different batches of material.

Drywall installation

Drywall sheet is construction material, in which gypsum is placed between the layers of cardboard. Material indispensable for hiding various defects walls, so it is recommended for slopes.

Its advantages include:

  • wide range of use. Suitable for windows of all types;
  • can be used for finishing slopes of any size;
  • low price;
  • fast installation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • dyed in different colors.

There are also disadvantages:

  • low strength. Traces remain from any mechanical impact;
  • destruction at high humidity;
  • rapid wear, requiring additional painting;
  • inconvenient installation. When cutting, it is necessary to use protective equipment, since gypsum dust is harmful to health.


1. Drywall is the base that needs finishing.

2. It is better to choose a moisture-resistant version of the material that is not afraid of condensation on the windows.

There are several ways to sheathe slopes with drywall, but the simplest is the following installation on putty.

  1. The slope is measured from the wall to the frame. If the wall is uneven, then it is necessary to take measurements in several places.
  2. Measurements are transferred to drywall. For convenience, a pattern is made.
  3. The future slope is cut out of the sheet. The material is cut with a knife or sawn.
  4. Putty is applied along the edges and in the center of the workpiece.
  5. The workpiece is pressed tightly against the slope, and a spacer is installed. It takes a day to get a good grip.
  6. Very often, aluminum corners are installed to align the corners.
  7. The surface of the slope is puttied and, after drying, processed with sandpaper.
  8. The cladding is completed with a two-layer painting. At the same time, the window profile and the window sill are protected with masking tape.

In general, everyone independently chooses a method for repairing slopes. If the technology of work is not violated, then they will be beautiful and reliable.

Wooden windows are environmentally friendly structures, they create a comfortable microclimate in the room. For these qualities, many do not want to part with them. But over time, the tightness of the frame decreases and the window becomes a conductor of cold and draft.

You can solve the problem different ways. How to seal a window for the winter and insulate the gaps between the frame, frame and slopes depends on how durable the repair should be and how much time and money you are willing to spend on it. To varying degrees, both the old methods of insulation, which were used by our grandmothers, and modern ones, produced using technological materials, are effective.

We are looking for the cause of cold windows

In order for the insulation work not to be in vain, it is necessary to correctly determine the weak point of the window that lets through cold air. The reason may lie in different parts of the design:

  • Slopes (damaged or missing insulation);
  • Window sill (slits or bridges of cold may form in its lower part, which, at first glance, are invisible);
  • Glass (blowing occurs at the junction of glass to the frame, the putty that closes the joint deteriorates over several seasons and requires regular renewal);
  • Frame and sashes (shrinkage of the tree, subsidence of the sashes, movement of the soil under the house - all these circumstances lead to the formation of gaps between the frame and the window box).
Defects in a wooden window frame lead to heat loss in winter time

If a visual inspection failed to identify the cause, you can use some tricks. For example, wet your hand with water and bring it to different parts window. An even more sensitive way is a lit candle or a lighter. The flame reacts to any fluctuations in the air, and they will indicate the places of heat loss.

A very old window requires an integrated approach. To achieve good thermal insulation, it is necessary to eliminate all possible cold bridges.. It is enough to insulate structures in good condition around the perimeter of the frame and opening sashes in any way possible.

How to close gaps

The most common problem that owners of houses with wooden windows face is the appearance of gaps between parts of the structure. They are formed as a result of changing the geometry of the window and window opening. In some cases, it is enough to adjust the position of the valves by tightening the mounting loops. But most often the gaps have to be sealed. You can use a lot of improvised and specialized materials for this purpose.


Made from cellulose fibers good insulation. You can make it yourself from toilet paper or newspapers. To do this, crush the paper and fill it with water. When the mass softens, it is necessary to remove it and squeeze it well. To make the putty more durable, the same amount of clay and twice as much crushed chalk are added to the cellulose.

Sealing a window with paper is one of the most simple ways insulate your house for the winter

The mixture must be used immediately for its intended purpose. You can lay it inside the cracks with any handy tool, such as a knife or a sturdy ruler. It is advisable to seal the closed cracks with masking tape, soapy paper or cloth.

In this way, you can insulate windows for the whole winter. But it will not be easy to remove the composition from the slots and the frame, moreover, traces will remain on the surface, which can only be removed by painting.

cotton wool

Such a way to insulate wooden windows for the winter with cotton wool is perhaps the fastest and cheapest. It is necessary to tear off pieces of cotton wool and tightly lay them in the gaps in the window structure. To seal small gaps, it is recommended to use a screwdriver or a knife.

Cotton wool - the cheapest, but also the most short-lived insulation

The advantage of the method is that it is easy to remove cotton wool in the spring, while the window will not lose its appearance. Warming will be effective for one season, since from time to time and under the influence of moisture, cotton wool becomes caked and compacted, so the gaps will have to be filled annually.

Foam rubber

Warming of old wooden windows can be produced using ordinary pieces of foam rubber or a special adhesive-backed foam tape. Due to the many air chambers in the pores, this material provides good thermal insulation, but does not save from street noise.

Window insulation with foam rubber

Pieces of foam rubber can be hammered into the gap between the frame and the box, or laid along the perimeter of the working sash and closed tightly. If necessary, insulation is very easy to remove.

Laying adhesive foam tape around the perimeter of the window frame

To apply adhesive tape around the perimeter of the window, you will need to remove the frame from the box. If the gaps are large, then apply the foam tape in several layers until a snug fit is achieved. In the same way, the sashes are insulated. The disadvantage of this method is that when the tape is removed, traces of glue may remain on the frame or pieces of paint may come off..

Rubber compressor

Adhesive tape made of rubber or polyurethane can last for more than one year. And insulate the window with it very quickly. The only drawback is that you will need to spend money on purchasing a tape.

The insulation is in the form of a tube with a cavity inside - this ensures that its shape is maintained even if the sash is actively used. Sealing cracks is not required - this is also a plus.

window thermal insulation Swedish technology- fast and reliable method insulation, but not cheap

Similar materials are used to insulate wooden windows using Swedish technology. But before installing the tape, recesses are made around the perimeter of the frame and sashes, into which the insulation is then inserted.

How to reduce heat loss through glass

Even double-glazed windows plastic windows always cold in winter. Through this part of the structure, the main heat loss occurs. In the case of wooden windows, the situation is especially difficult - the glass is simply inserted into the groove and does not fit tightly.


This method of window insulation partially solves the problem of glass fitting to the frame. But it lasts for 1-2 seasons. After that, the procedure must be repeated.

Putty ensures a tight fit of the glass to the frame

Special window putty or plasticine is suitable for sealing. These materials are equally ductile and adhere well to wood and glass. They are applied from the outside of the window to the joint between the glass and the frame. Before using a small piece of material, you need to knead it and evenly, slightly pressing it, cover the gap. The key disadvantage of the method is the destruction of the putty during freezing and the melting of plasticine in the sun.


The method of sealing the joint using silicone or acrylic sealant is more reliable and durable than the first. But at the same time more troublesome and expensive.

For work, it is recommended to purchase a composition of a transparent color. The sealant is applied to the seat of the glass, that is, in the groove. Therefore, the glass will have to be removed. The composition must be squeezed out with a uniform strip along the entire perimeter and immediately put the glass in place and again pass the sealant along the seam.

Sealing the joint between glass and frame with sealant

A small feature that should be remembered when choosing this method of insulation is that the sealant hardens, so it will not be possible to easily pull the glass out of the frame if necessary.


The heat-reflecting film, according to manufacturers, can reduce heat loss through glass by 30%. It sticks directly to the glass.

Heat reflective film can be glued to glass

In order to protect windows for the winter in this way, you need to clean the surface of dirt and degrease, then cut out a piece of film with a margin of 2 cm on each side. Tear off the bottom layer and attach to the glass. Glue it over the entire area with smoothing movements. If wrinkles have formed, you can warm them up a little with a hairdryer, cut off the excess with a clerical knife.

Insulation of the window sill, drainage and slopes

If there are no gaps on the frame, and the heat from the room still escapes, the problem may be the presence of cold bridges in the space under the window sill or inside the slopes. In this case, repair and insulation of wooden windows will be required at the same time.

Mounting foam

Universal insulation for windows - polyurethane foam. It can be used for sealing gaps and mounting slopes.

To exclude heat loss from under the window sill, it is necessary to clean the old fallen off plaster, crumbling foam, caked wool or other type of insulation that has become unusable from the space under it. Then install the foam bottle in the gun and blow the insulation into the slot. It is important to remember that the composition is expanding several times. Excess foam can be easily cut off with a knife after drying.

To seal large gaps under the window sill, it is better to use mounting foam

Also, the foam is blown into the seam between the frame and the wall and along the edges of the slope, then any insulation is laid and a slope made of drywall, plastic or sandwich board is installed. Temporarily it must be fixed on the wall with masking tape. All joints must be sealed with sealant.

Polyethylene film

Insulation of windows wooden house can be done by other methods. A new and still insufficiently proven method is gluing a window opening with a completely transparent plastic wrap . The method is not entirely aesthetic, since it is difficult to glue the film absolutely evenly. It can only be partially leveled with a hair dryer. But, judging by the reviews, the method allows you to reduce the heat loss of the window to the level of a blank wall, which is much more effective than sealing or sealing gaps.

Sealing a window opening with a film significantly reduces heat loss, although it does not look very aesthetically pleasing

Fix the film in different ways:

  • double sided tape;
  • Furniture stapler;
  • Paint tape.

Such protection against cold is easy to install and dismantle. The same film can be used repeatedly.

Since there are many ways to insulate old wooden windows for the winter, it is best to use several at once to eliminate not only obvious problems, but also those that may arise in the cold.

Successful installation of a window is only part of the installation process, since the quality of the sealing of the structure directly affects the concentration of heat inside the room and the optimal level of comfort. In addition to practical indicators, the external design of the window opening will noticeably change. The ability to properly seal windows after installation will save not only from the penetration of cold air from the street, but also eliminate the formation of fungi, mold and bad smell dampness.

Preparation for outdoor termination

It is necessary to close the slopes both from the inside and from the outside in order to avoid the deplorable consequences of the flaw. Under the influence of environmental factors, the layer of polyurethane foam will undergo destruction and quickly lose its functionality. For this reason external work are given top priority and only after their completion are taken for interior decoration.

The finish serves as a protection for the mounting foam from destruction and an aesthetic appearance.

Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to determine the materials that will become the basis of the slope. As external elements, plastic panels or the plaster method are often used.. Similar materials are used for internal works, where the choice expands significantly, including sandwich panels, wood or drywall.

After installing the window block, all cracks and gaps are carefully sealed with foam

Before closing the window empty seats must be carefully filled with mounting foam. After that they impose waterproofing materials and allow the structure to dry and settle. Before proceeding with the termination work, put the installed structure in order and process antifungal drugs used during installation.

Covering windows with plaster

The plastering method is widespread both among experienced professionals and non-professional craftsmen. The popularity of plaster finishes is due to the low cost Supplies And good quality compared to other methods. There is also a small minus for this type of finish, which is a large time investment. To really get good results, the masters will have to sacrifice some amount of time. However, labor costs will turn into a successful seal.

Plastering of external slopes is carried out in 3 stages

By average standards plastering work on the outer slopes it will take from 2 to 3 days, since each of the applied layers of the mixture must dry well before applying the next one. Be sure the first and second layers are made with a heat-insulating composition, which you can buy in every specialized store. The layer is very important for keeping the heat in the house, which is especially important for regions with low temperatures. The third layer - the last one - is applied with a conventional plaster mixture. As soon as the sealed slopes dry out, you can safely engage in grinding and painting the surface in the desired colors.

Close up with plastic

Finishing slopes with plastic materials will become great option for achievement quick results decent quality. Universal plastic will help close small defects or errors made during the installation of the structure. Plastic slopes can be freely bought in almost every hardware store With wide choice color range. True, they will cost more than plaster.

Plastic panels are installed quickly and easily

To install such a panel, you first need to fit it by cutting it to fit. the right dimensions and attach mounting adhesive and fill the joints with silicone sealant. Easy Installation does not require knowledge of specialized skills, and the panels themselves have a high service life and do not require special care.

We close the internal slopes

Great attention should be paid to the interior decoration of windows, since not only the level of comfort and reliable protection from the external environment, but also the aesthetic component. Try to carry out the work with high accuracy so that the result pleases a presentable appearance.

Application of drywall

This material is one of the most affordable price options that meets the requirements of environmental friendliness. It does an excellent job of keeping the heat inside the room and looks attractive from the outside. The disadvantage is the difficulty in installation, since the formed joints will have to be sealed especially carefully. Installed drywall needs to be sanded and painted. When choosing this material as a finish, give preference to moisture resistant species. Before fixing the sheets, it is desirable to make a layer of glass wool in order to increase thermal insulation properties.

Installation of drywall is a laborious and complex process.

Sandwich panels for embedding

Sandwich panels consist of two PVC sheets, the filling of which contains polyurethane foam with a high thermal insulation function. The material is characterized by an increased level of comfort with excellent heat retention.. Installation of sandwich panels is carried out using profiles, under which an isover is laid. The technology is in many ways reminiscent of the installation of plastic slopes and is simple to implement. The thickness of the structure is 10 mm, and the material itself has a long service life.

Sandwich panels have high thermal insulation properties

Plastic variant

The demand for plastic embedding is explained by the harmonious execution due to the ability to choose the same color and structure of materials similar to color scheme window opening. The panel is easily mounted on a special glue, but first the surface must be laid out with an isover. Upon completion of the work, the openings are carefully sealed with silicone sealant.

Technology for sealing windows with plastic slopes

Because the plastic slopes are very popular due to the simplicity and availability of execution, we will consider in more detail the scope of work and the principle of installation of the structure.

Interior decoration windows most often perform plastic panels

First you need to remove the remnants of the mounting foam from working surface, treat the openings with an antifungal agent and lay a layer of waterproofing. Pay attention to closing the window under the windowsill: the free space must be carefully filled with foam to prevent future blowing.

The space under the windowsill is carefully sealed with foam

The starting profile must be attached around the perimeter of the window frame, and a rail should be placed on the outside. This is an important mounting part on which the profiles for slopes are mounted.. You can do it with staples construction stapler. Be sure to check the thickness of the rail: if there are slight deviations, apply a thin lining.

Next, the panels must be placed between the prepared profiles. You need to start work on the upper side of the window box, moving to the lower ones. First, the plastic is introduced into the starting profile and well fixed, after which you can use the sealant.

Silicone sealant used to seal joints

Before you start fixing the second side of the plastic, a layer of mineral wool. Such a step will improve the function of sound and heat insulation. Having successfully attached the slopes along the top of the window, you can install the side panels in a similar way. At the end of the work, the joints and the connection strip with the window sill are covered with a thin layer liquid plastic and the excess is carefully removed.

Even an inexperienced master can close windows after installation, since the methods are easy to perform and do not require high labor costs. Ready-made structures made of plastic or using plaster will delight you with a neat appearance and reliability. It is only important to follow the technology and stock up on knowledge on how to correctly and efficiently seal the window.

With the onset of cold weather, a zealous owner seeks to escape from the cold without causing significant damage to the family budget. Let's figure out how to seal old wooden windows for the winter. All methods are focused on doing it at home with your own hands using improvised means and inexpensive heaters.

According to thermal images of houses, a significant part of the heat leaves the premises through walls, windows, doors, and roofs. The insulation of these nodes allows you to increase the heat-saving properties of the house. However, complete insulation is an expensive task, plus, it is far from always possible to do it yourself.

But sealing windows for the winter is a relatively simple and easy-to-implement event that everyone can do, and the effect is confirmed by an increase in the temperature in the room by 2-4 ° C, depending on the chosen method of insulation.

10 ways to seal windows for the winter

Summarizing the experience of previous generations, you can write a whole encyclopedia on the topic: how to seal windows so as not to blow.

Consider tested and available ways insulation, for ease of comparison, placing them in the form of a rating, in ascending order of the cost of the work:

1. Paper for pasting windows

More like paper putty. This is the cheapest of the methods, since all you need to seal the windows is a selection of old newspapers and water. To increase the effectiveness of the putty, you can add 2 parts of crushed chalk or 1 part of clay to it. The resulting mass is highly plastic, which makes it easy to seal even the smallest cracks. The window is easily washed from the putty during operation (as long as it remains wet). Window insulation with paper effective method, but only for one season, in addition, the glued window makes it impossible to open the sashes in the winter. With warming, the putty is removed from the cracks, and the window is washed out.

Price: 0 rub.

pros: free and easy.

Minuses: the need for annual repetition of work, there is no way to open a sealed window, it is not aesthetically pleasing and the presence of additional decor in the form of gluing paper or fabric strips.

2. Paper tape or fabric strip

Most fast way eliminate draft. You can’t count on significant insulation, but the work can be done quickly and at minimal cost.

approximate price: 100-130 rubles / roll, strips of fabric (used material).

Advantages A: cheap, high speed;

Flaws: minimum efficiency, peeling off adhesive tape in a draft.

How to seal windows with soap and paper (toilet) - video

3. Cotton wool or foam rubber for windows

Technical cotton wool is cheaper, but it is sold in large quantities.

With the help of cotton wool or foam rubber, large gaps can be sealed, for example, between window sashes or a sash and a wall, a window sill. Cotton wool / foam rubber must be sealed on top with paper tape or special adhesive tape, because. cotton wool is difficult to seal small cracks. In this case paper tape will perform a function not only decorative, but also increase the efficiency of insulation.

average cost: cotton wool (50 rubles / 200 gr.), foam rubber (30-35 rubles / skein).

Dignity: simplicity and lack of wet work.

Flaws: the cost of insulation increases (+ the price of wool or foam rubber), additional finishing of the insulated seam is required. In addition: cotton wool and foam rubber absorb moisture, work must be repeated annually, and a sealed window cannot be opened for ventilation.

How to seal windows for the winter with a newspaper - video

4. Self-adhesive window foam

A more technological way to seal windows and fight drafts. This method is good because it allows you to do without sealing the cracks with paper or fabric strips. Due to the presence of a sticky (adhesive) tape on the foam rubber insulation, it can be stuck on inside window sashes.

approximate cost: 60-75 rub./roll.

pros: The window can be used as usual.

Minuses: after gluing, the insulation may prevent the window from closing, the foam rubber insulation is non-hygroscopic and is not protected by anything. With a snug fit of the sashes to the frame, you need to either cut (cut, adjust) part of the wood, or choose other methods of insulation. If the gaps are large, you will have to decide how to seal wooden windows in addition to this material.

5. Self-adhesive window seal

Most owners of old wooden windows prefer this particular type because of the optimal combination of price / effect achieved. The rubber seal is glued to the inside of the window sash. Due to the fact that the seal is hollow, it does not create problems when closing the sash. It adheres well to the frame due to the adhesive strip that opens when glued. The sealant lasts 1-2 years.

average price: 84-100 rubles / roll.

Dignity: more long term operation, the operating mode of the window is not violated, aesthetics.

Flaws: cost, labor intensity, you can install a low-quality seal (many fakes), the likelihood of the seal peeling off the frame.

6. Building putty for windows

Allows you to seal the glass seat. First you need to remove the old putty or glazing bead, apply a new composition, level and paint or close with a glazing bead and paint. In this case, the putty is applied in a thinner layer, which reduces its effectiveness.

approximate cost: 30 rubles / pack.

Dignity: relative cheap putty, hygroscopicity.

Flaws: the complexity of the work, the need to periodically renew the putty. It does not allow to protect against blowing between the frame and the sash.

7. Window Sealant

This method involves the application of sealant at the junction of glass to seat. Before starting work, the window must be washed and degreased. When applying, try to squeeze out the sealant with the same pressure to ensure a beautiful sealed seam.

average cost: 200 rubles / pack.

Dignity: the speed of the method.

Flaws: the cost of insulation increases due to the cost of the sealant and the gun for it, does not eliminate blowing through the frame.

8. Paraffin for window insulation

A budget way to eliminate blowing through the pores in wood. For processing, paraffin must be melted and applied to the surface of the window frames.

approximate cost: 139 rub./kg.

Dignity: eliminates heat loss through the frame wood.

Flaws: laborious, does not protect against blowing through the perimeter of the frame and glass.

9. Thermal window film

The energy-saving film allows you to close the junction of the glass to the frame, and also reflects thermal radiation in the infrared range. Due to this, part of the heat remains inside the room.

average price: 270-550 rub./sq.m. mainly sold in rolls 1.52x30 m.p. (45.6 sq.m.).

Dignity: efficiency.

Flaws: the high price of the film, there are drafts between the sash and the frame.

How to tighten a window with a film - video

10. Windows insulation using Swedish technology

An effective type of window insulation according to Swedish technology using Eurostrip sealant. It consists in the fact that the sealant is not glued to the surface of the sash, but is inserted into a specially made groove. The configuration of the seal also matters. The herringbone holder contributes to the secure fixation of the seal in the groove and ensures it long term services.

Theoretically, all of the above methods are suitable for both wooden and plastic windows. But as the reviews testify, the most popular are insulation using Swedish technology and pasting a heat-saving film.