Toilet      02/25/2019

Toilet seat: how to choose a comfortable one? How to choose the right toilet seat size

We can clearly and confidently say that not every person has wondered how to choose a toilet seat. And this is definitely not an easy choice, on which the comfort of the whole family depends. On this moment Manufacturers offer a huge number of products, which clearly differ in price, quality and convenience. These include soft seats and micro-lift technology, as well as chairs with steps for children.

A rational approach is the key to ensuring that your purchase will serve you for a long period of time.

Toilet with seat

For example, previously you could easily choose a seat made of plastic or soft material, but now manufacturers and designers amaze with a rich assortment, from which buyers are simply lost. The toilet seat now differs in material, price, quality, but also in its functionality.

Materials for the seat


The most popular seats are those made of plastic. They are distinguished by comfort and durability, and their most important feature is efficiency. To create such a toilet seat, materials such as PVC or polypropylene are used. Such chairs have a fairly low price, and this is precisely why they attract potential buyers. But, if you buy the cheapest option, the service life of the product will be short, and you will have to buy the toilet seat again. If the seat is made of low quality plastic, then soon scratches and small cracks will be visible on it. To extend their service life, seats must be used extremely carefully.

Plastic toilet seat

However, not only a low price can attract a buyer. An important advantage is ease of cleaning. It is easy to clean and install on the toilet.

Foam layer

Also popular are soft seats, which compete strongly with plastic ones. A layer of foam rubber is laid on a solid base, which is finally wrapped with film. This filler gives the toilet seat maximum comfort, softness and convenience. The disadvantage of this product is its short service life. A few months will pass and the seat will deteriorate.

Seats with a foam layer are available for both adults and children


Some manufacturers find an alternative to film in the form of fabric. But we must remember that such material requires special care and this can be difficult. If you liked the soft fabric seat, then you can buy a cover. Its cost is low, and so is its service life, but you won’t mind throwing it away. You just need to put on a new one. You can purchase a higher quality cover that is washable. This cover can be used further.

Fabric Toilet Seat Cover


Products made from Duroplast are most famous. The material belongs to plastic, but is distinguished by its strength and neat appearance. Duroplast is similar to ceramics, but it is significantly lighter in weight and is not susceptible to mechanical damage. Often these types of toilet seats are treated with antiseptics, which makes them more hygienic.

Seats made of this material are quite expensive compared to analogues made of ordinary plastic. Their virtues are noticeable to everyone, and they will become ideal solution for people who value practicality in everything.

Duroplast toilet seat Roca

Popular among others are the Roca toilet seats. It is possible to find wood products in stores. They look sophisticated and expensive. The wood is not susceptible to any damage and is easy to clean. Although this product has advantages, there are few fans. Their price is significantly high, and the disadvantage is their weight. If you use the toilet seat carelessly, you can damage the toilet. Typically, such options are in demand among people whose bathrooms are designed in an ecological style.

Toilet tank and lid
made of wood for toilets for bathrooms designed in an eco-friendly style

Form and design features

In most cases, the toilet seat has a standard oval shape with a lid attached to it. But the top of the seat is already a riot of imagination and decorator ideas. Lids can be either multifunctional or model. They are sometimes sold separately, making it easy to find the top you need.

A common problem is that the lid and seat do not match in shape. Basically, the bottom of the toilet seat is oval, but as for the lid, their variety of shapes is amazing: rectangular, round, triangular and so on. The original covers are made in the shape of a musical instrument or an animal. Modern stores are distinguished by a rich selection, which will allow even the most extraordinary person to choose something at their discretion.

Huge variety of toilet seats with lid

Universal seats

If you have the desire and money, you can buy a toilet seat with additional functions. Previously, a toilet seat was installed in order to maintain hygiene in the toilet, but now they are equipped with many necessary (and vice versa) features.

The most well-known option is the microlift. This feature is ideal for those who hate the rattling noise that the toilet seat sometimes makes. The microlift function automatically opens and closes the lid, doing it slowly and gradually. For the device to start working, you just need to touch the lid with your hand. Seat models from the manufacturer Cersanit are extremely famous.

Chairs with a heating function are also known. People who have poor memory should purchase a seat with an infrared beam. This function allows you not to close the lid yourself, since it will close automatically when the device detects that there is no one in the toilet. A seat with this function rises automatically when a person enters the room.

Heated toilet lid

Our century is a time of rapidly developing technologies. This is reflected in all spheres of human life. Progress has not spared toilet seats either. They independently rise and fall, drain water, spray air freshener, adjust in height and even play music. This means that the client can easily choose the right seat for himself, based on his financial capabilities and taste.

Seats for children

If there are children in the house, then it is advisable to buy a special child seat for the toilet. This will make it possible to speed up the child’s weaning from the potty and give him greater independence in this matter. Stores offer wide choose chairs designed specifically for children. They are similar in shape to adult specimens, but their dimensions are smaller.

Not long ago, child seats with steps were in great demand. They are great for your baby and give him the opportunity to go to the toilet on his own. As is customary, children's seats are decorated in bright and rich colors. It is the coloring that attracts their attention, which will only be an advantage, since if the child does not like it, then he will not sit on it.

Children's toilet. Baby seat

Family-type chairs have a special level of comfort. They are represented by a range of seats of different parameters. Upon entering the room, each household member will be able to choose a toilet seat that is suitable for him and use it exclusively.

Disposable Toilet Seat

These devices are rarely used at home. Their main purpose is a public toilet. Although there are people who buy such seats for home toilet, although this is considered a waste of money. A public toilet seat carries a lot of danger due to the fact that it is very dirty, and by sitting on it, you can become infected with various dangerous diseases. A home toilet seat is not dangerous, which means that there is no need for disposable seats.

As a rule, disposable seat covers are made from special paper or other materials. They are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, not emitting harmful substances.

Typically, such seats are sold in rolls, that is, in the form toilet paper or paper towels. Sometimes the kit comes with disposable gloves, which allows you to cover the toilet seat without touching.

Disposable toilet seat covers can be found in every pharmacy.

Disposable pads are made from different materials. They look like a napkin that needs to be placed on top of the toilet seat. There is also a polyethylene version and pads with a soft coating.

Instructions for choosing a toilet seat

To buy a truly worthy thing that will last quite a long time and be the most convenient, you need to pay maximum attention to the quality of the product itself. It is recommended not to save cash on the toilet seat, since saving will still force you, after a while, to spend money on a new toilet seat. The best option is to turn your attention to seats with antibacterial protection, produced by a world-famous brand.

Santek toilet seats are very popular. This is one of a number of popular manufacturers of sanitary equipment in the vast Russian Federation. You can also read numerous positive reviews of products from such well-known companies as Cersanit and Roca.

The toilet seat must clearly match the toilet itself and be comfortable for each family member. Do not forget that the oval of the toilet seat can protrude beyond the edges of the toilet by no more than half a centimeter. If we discuss the additional capabilities of the seats, then there is no particular need for them. But, if you prefer an increased level of comfort, then pay attention to a toilet seat with many additional functions. But do not forget that this product will have a fairly high cost.

You can also find out how to choose a toilet seat in a short video

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Manufacturers of toilet seats offer consumers a variety of device models that differ in shape, overall dimensions and additional functions. Selecting a toilet seat is quite easy on one side, but very difficult on the other. What aspects are recommended to be taken into account when choosing a product, and how to notice the device yourself, read on.

Basic criteria for choosing a seat

  • functionality;
  • material of manufacture;
  • shape and dimensions.

Types of seats depending on functionality

All family members use the toilet seat, which is why it is important to pay attention when choosing Special attention device functionality.

Modern seats are divided into the following types:

  1. standard seat. It is a semicircle of a certain size, complemented by a lid. The toilet seat cover, which is most often made of soft fabric, can increase comfort during use;

Usage soft case leads to the proliferation of bacteria that can cause various diseases. The problem can be solved by increasing the frequency of cleaning the sanitary ware.

  1. child seat. The child seat comes in the form of a pad that is attached to a standard device. The pad can be supplemented with handles and steps, allowing the child not only to use it independently, but also to feel quite comfortable and safe. Child seat steps and handles can be purchased separately or as a set;

  1. seat for people with disabilities (often also used by older people). A distinctive feature is the presence of handles that allow a person to sit down and stand up independently.

A regular (standard) toilet seat can be equipped with additional functions:

  • microlift. The seat with microlift smoothly lowers itself after using the toilet, which avoids chips on the toilet and unnecessary noise;

  • bidet. A seat with a bidet function increases the level of personal hygiene of users. When installing a multifunctional cover, there is no need to use additional devices.

A separate category includes disposable seats, which are used for personal hygiene in public toilets. Disposable seats are made of paper and are stored in a compact package that fits into a pocket or handbag.

Materials used for making seats

Once the type of seat has been determined, it is necessary to select the most optimal material, used to make the device. Seats can be made:

  • made of plastic. A plastic seat is the cheapest option. However, using such a device requires extreme caution, since the material is exposed to temperature, chemical environment, mechanical damage. All of these factors lead to a reduction in the service life of the seat;
  • from duroplast. The material is a type of plastic, but has more reliable characteristics. Duroplast is not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage. Quite often, a special composition is added to the base material to prevent the growth of microbes (antibacterial seat). Duroplast can also be distinguished visually from ordinary plastic. Duroplast is more like ceramic. The only drawback is the high cost of the products compared to conventional plastic;

  • made of wood (MDF, chipboard, plywood). Wood is an environmentally friendly material and is comparable in cost to a Duroplast seat. A negative feature is the large weight of the product, which, if used carelessly, can lead to the toilet splitting.

  • made of soft PVC. The soft seat is easy to use and has a short service life (no more than 1 - 3 years).

Selection of shape and overall dimensions

The next stage is the selection of the shape and size of the seat. To make it easier to determine the parameters, it is recommended to make a special pattern on which to indicate the following dimensions:

  1. maximum width ;
  2. the length of the toilet, defined as the distance from the edge of the toilet to the center line of the fasteners;
  3. internal dimensions of the bowl;
  4. location of fastening elements.

When determining the shape, it is important to consider the design of the toilet room:

  • for a classic room, it is best to install a toilet with a white seat;
  • For other types of designs, you can use seats in different colors, complemented by patterns.

Installing the seat yourself

To attach the seat to the toilet, you need to:

  1. prepare fasteners. Most often, fasteners are included with the cover, but you may need to purchase them separately. For example, if the kit comes with plastic fasteners and you want to install metal elements;

  1. the seat is installed on the toilet bowl and secured with bolts through special holes;
  2. With reverse side The bowls are equipped with fixing “lambs”.

How to assemble and install a toilet seat complete with a bidet, watch the video.

The variety of types, shapes and colors of toilet seats makes it difficult to choose a device. In order to independently cope with the task and choose not just a “chair” for the toilet, but a truly comfortable and functional seat, you need to determine in advance all the main parameters presented in the article.

In this article we will analyze what kind of seats can be found in plumbing stores. In addition, we will tell you how to choose a toilet seat and not miss the size.

Let's first determine what we can find in stores.


What are the seats made of?

  • Plastic. Most often it is polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene. The seat, as a rule, is not solid: the upper surface is rounded, and inside there are ribs that provide rigidity.
    The toilet seat is supported by plastic protrusions or rubber inserts.

Advantage: cheap. Disadvantages: fragility; rapid appearance of scratches.

  • Duroplast. This is also, strictly speaking, plastic. However, a set of properties makes it stand out. It has a hard, scratch-resistant surface that looks more like ceramic.
    Ultraviolet radiation and weak acids are safe for Duroplast. In addition, antibacterial additives make using the seat safer in terms of the spread of germs.

Advantages: beauty and durability. Disadvantage: the cost is noticeably higher.

  • Plywood. A good old toilet seat in the spirit of the middle of the last century. Rubber pads are glued or screwed to the bottom.
    Advantages: cheap and very durable. It is almost impossible to break such a seat. Flaw: appearance somewhere between disgusting and terrible.

Please note: the seats are made from plywood. The cover is not included in the package of such products.

  • Plastic seat with foam pad, covered polymer fabric. Like other products, they can be beautiful and tacky; the second type of such seats is much more common.
    Advantages: the loin part is soft, and you can comfortably delve into reading the inscriptions on the air freshener. Disadvantage: breaks quickly. If there is a cat in the house, then very quickly. If the cat is used to using the toilet, then immediately.
  • Wood, chipboard and MDF. Appearance depends on the quality of workmanship. There are also frankly rude products, and there are also very attractive ones.

The main drawback is its considerable weight compared to its plastic competitors. If the seat falls, the chances of breaking the toilet are no longer slim.


If you are interested in how to choose a toilet lid that best suits your white friend, take a closer look at the variety of shapes.

The most common covers and seats are in the shape of a semi-oval. However, in stores you can also find chopped, rectangular-shaped products. The edges are slightly rounded to prevent injury or tearing of clothing.

Lids are somewhat less common original design. If the manufacturer decides to make the seat with a lid exclusive, his imagination knows no bounds: there are ducks, guitars, frogs, and folk musical instruments... Frankly, it all looks very tasteless; however, since it is on sale, it means there is demand.

Child seats are special. How to choose a toilet lid if you have a small child? Pay attention to those seats that, in addition to the regular seat and cover, also have an intermediate liner with a smaller hole.

If you want your toddler to wean off the potty habit, it is advisable not to start with bathing in the toilet. And this is almost inevitable when trying to use an adult-sized toilet seat.


Pleasant additions include a variety of devices designed to increase the comfort of using the water closet. Manufacturers' attempts to convince you to perform an act of defecation in an atmosphere of progress, surrounded by technical innovations, are very touching, sweet and sometimes even insanity, although before installing high-tech things, make sure that your plumbing is in working order and, for example, .

The toilet cistern is not leaking.

What is the cost of one intestinal gas composition analyzer built into the seat! What about radios? What about audio systems that imitate the sounds of flowing water and are intended for those who are embarrassed by the idea of ​​doing their simple task in silence?

However, these devices also find their buyers.

When deciding how to choose a toilet seat, pay attention to two simple devices from this area, and at the same time think about the plumbing fixtures.

Unlike most toilet gadgets, they can actually be handy.

  • The microlift slowly lowers the lid. Surely this situation is familiar to you: after visiting a secret room at night, you let go of the lid, and with its roar it wakes up everyone in the house.
  • Seat heating system Suitable for sybarites and owners of cold toilet rooms.

Let's go to the store

So, we decided to buy.

In the store we see, to put it mildly, more than one toilet seat - how to choose the right one?

  1. Decide in advance how much you are willing to part with. Decide whether you need the notorious goodies and whether you are willing to pay for them. Many high-quality seats with a microlift alone exceed 10 thousand rubles.
  2. How to choose a toilet seat the desired shape? It's as simple as that: look at your toilet. On an angular toilet, an oval seat will look strange and be used without any convenience. The opposite is also true.
  3. In advance, looking at the walls and plumbing, decide on the color. It is much more difficult to imagine a combination of flowers on a seat with grass on the wallpaper in a store.

Tip: it is believed that if there are more than three colors in a room, it is perceived as overly colorful.

At the same time, white and black colors are universal: they fit into any design without visually overloading it. This is why, by the way, plumbing and Appliances most often white.

  1. To avoid making a mistake with the size, it is usually recommended to make a seat template. In general, it’s enough just to film your toilet from above using your phone’s camera and record the overall dimensions and the distance between the mounting holes.
    Do not forget that ideally the seat should protrude slightly, literally a few millimeters, beyond the edges of the toilet.
  2. Regardless of what material you choose, carefully inspect the seat. There should be no burrs, cracks or visible irregularities.


We hope that the product you purchase will be comfortable and will serve you for a long time. And if at the same time you decide to replace the plumbing, then see:. Good luck and have a comfortable... um, rest :)

Most people pay little attention to choosing a comfortable toilet seat. And in vain, because modern technologies transform this product from an ordinary toilet seat into a rather interesting device, with which the toilet lid has only external similarities. Along with ordinary lids, there are bidet lids, automatic lids, heated seats and even so-called smart toilet lids. In this article, together with the website, we will talk about all the varieties of these products, learn about their features and capabilities and answer the question, how to choose a convenient and practical toilet lid?

Criteria for choosing a toilet seat

Toilet lid: what types of seats are there?

Today, there are more than a dozen varieties of all kinds of toilet seats - at first glance they may seem the same, but if you look in more detail, there can be a huge difference between them. We will not look at all of these devices, but will study only the most common ones, about which people have already formed their opinion.

  1. Soft toilet lid. This is an economical option, which has all possible and impossible disadvantages - the only good thing about this cover is that it is soft and comfortable to sit on. The main disadvantage of such a seat is its fragility - as a rule, such covers have to be changed regularly once a year, or even more often. Soft material covered with polyethylene, which simply breaks during use.
  2. Hard plastic toilet seat. This is a more durable product, the service life of which depends on the thickness of the plastic used for its manufacture. There is nothing special about these seats - a simple toilet seat that, if handled carefully, can last a couple of years. The weak point of such products is plastic - it is better to take this point into account when choosing and give preference to covers with metal fasteners.
  3. Cover with microlift. This is already something - the durability of such seats is due to the system of smooth lowering of the lid and the seat itself. Due to the comparative high cost similar products, they try to make them from quality materials. A disadvantage of a toilet seat with a microlift is the inability to manually lower the lid and seat, although in modern models a microlift shutdown system is used. If necessary, you can press a special button, and the lid will lower with the usual rumble. And if you forcefully try to close the lid with your hands, the microlift will simply break.

    How to choose a toilet lid

  4. Automatic electronic toilet lid. She is also called smart cover for the toilet - it is able to “sense” the presence of a person. When a person appears, the lid automatically rises, and when a person leaves the bathroom, it also closes automatically. The thing is, of course, convenient, but it costs almost twice as much as an ordinary one.
  5. Lid with bidet function. This unit has many advantages - in addition to the fact that it functions as an ordinary seat, it also has a built-in fountain for intimate hygiene. Moreover, many of similar devices are equipped with an autonomous water heater. Its main advantage is its ability to save square meters in the bathroom and install one device instead of two (this device is a complete replacement for a stationary bidet).

    Toilet lid with bidet function photo

  6. Heated toilet lid. More or less expensive models of toilet seats can be equipped with this function - with heating you can find both a regular seat cover and a bidet seat and even a seat with a microlift.
  7. Cover for children's toilet. In principle, it is practically no different from the lid for an adult toilet - the difference between them is the brighter color and smaller size. Such covers are used only in children's institutions due to the fact that children's toilets are practically not installed in houses and apartments. In most cases, adult baby caps, which have a smaller internal opening, are used at home.

    Children's toilet lid photo

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from, but these are not all the factors that can affect the choice of this device– for example, there are lids with antibacterial coating. You can see a similar toilet lid in the video.

How to choose a toilet lid: five points to pay attention to

You may ask, why choose a toilet lid if it is sold already equipped with this product? You should not think that the lid and the toilet bowl have the same service life - as a rule, the latter lasts a long time. But the lid can easily break due to careless handling; it can be damaged by a child while understanding the design of the toilet; in the end, you may want to buy a more convenient model of this product. That is why a person has to face the question of how to choose a toilet lid. And when choosing, it’s a good idea to take into account some nuances.

To conclude this topic, I will reveal a few secrets on how not to make a mistake with the size of a new lid. You're not going shopping with your old toilet seat, are you? All you need to avoid resorting to such drastic measures is to take and write down three sizes on paper:

  • the distance between the centers of the installation holes for the cover;
  • distance from the center of the installation hole to the front edge of the toilet;
  • the maximum width of the toilet from left to right edge.

With these measurements, you can safely go to the store and be sure that the new toilet lid will fit exactly in size.

Toilet seat - one of the items everyday life that everyone has to deal with more than once a day. This is the item that creates comfort in the toilet. The question of purchasing such an attribute may arise before many. The assortment is huge, it’s easy to get confused. In this article we will analyze what you should consider when choosing.

Let's start with the materials from which these products are made.

Plastic: familiar and not so familiar

Polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene - modern materials, from which toilet lids are made. Many people are familiar with comfortable seats with rounded shapes and stiffening ribs that are located “from the inside out.” The seat rests on the toilet with four special plastic protrusions with rubber shock absorber inserts. They are made from special chemical-resistant rubber.

The seat must withstand a uniformly distributed load of up to 120 kg without cracks or breakages. Some manufacturers claim a figure of 400 kg.

Plastic toilet seat cover is the most common type. This is explained at an affordable price, easy care behind it, ease of use. But plastic products cold to the touch, and the main disadvantage is their fragility. They are not resistant to mechanical damage; cracks and scratches may occur on them.

It often happens that fasteners or the toilet seat itself break or crack. The reasons are different: they stood on top of the seat, something heavy fell on it, they pulled the lid sharply, etc.

A seat with cracks can be dangerous: you can get hurt or scratched. Cracks and chips are difficult to clean properly; E. coli and other various microbes will soon appear on the fractures. Conclusion: throw it away and buy a new one!

IN special cases You can try to repair it, there are several ways:

  • glue with superglue, which glues plastic (the product contains cyanoacrylate);
  • There are a lot of plastics that acetone dissolves. It must be applied to the edges of the fractures, connected and, without moving them, allowed to dry;
  • Polyethylene and polypropylene need to be welded; gluing products from them is unlikely to work. To do this, the edges are slightly melted and joined. Once the seam has hardened, it can be carefully sanded.

On plastic base a foam rubber pad is glued on, and they are covered with polymer fabric. Soft, comfortable, beautiful, but not durable! The coating breaks quickly. If there is a cat in the house, it will break very quickly!

This is also plastic, only more advanced. It is resistant to scratches and mechanical damage. In appearance it resembles high-quality ceramics.

Some manufacturers add antibacterial additives to the composition. The Duroplast toilet seat is durable, practical and beautiful. Now is the most best option among these products! The downside is the high cost. It costs much more than the usual plastic counterpart.

Wooden lids: more “against” than “for”

Wooden toilet seats have been used since the middle of the last century. Just a couple of decades ago, in the toilet of a communal apartment, you could see a row of wooden seats hanging on nails on the wall. Rubber pads were glued to the bottom of each for convenient use: thanks to them, the seat lay firmly and did not slip on the toilet. Today their appearance will seem terrible to many. And then they didn’t know any others, everyone was happy with these - strong, reliable, durable and affordable. They were without lids.

In fact, GOST 15062-83, according to which seat covers for toilets are manufactured, has not been canceled. According to the standard, only birch plywood can be used as a material for wooden toilet seats. And they were produced without lids.

Consumers are now more often offered seats with covers. But they are mostly imported. But a foreign manufacturer has no business with GOST. Manufacturers are often guided by specifications - technical specifications, which are agreed with the wholesale customer (size, type, strength, etc.).

Nowadays, wooden seats with covers are in fashion. Although modern research convinces of the harmfulness of these:

  • The varnish that is used to cover wood is toxic. Possible skin dermatitis;
  • microbes and fungi grow in wood, a humid environment contributes to this;
  • wood absorbs phenol and formaldehyde, which are found in many cleaning products. And then the seat turns into a source of substances harmful to humans.

Variety of shapes and sizes

The most common seat shape is, of course, the classic “O”. But there are round, square, rectangular, hearts, chopped shapes, etc. Lids in the form musical instruments, animals, birds or flowers are the fruits of the designers’ imagination; they can be matched to the design of the bathroom. If you like one, before you buy, think about its ease of use and care.

You can choose a toilet seat that matches the color of the walls and ceiling of the room.

Toilet seat sizes vary, just like the toilets themselves vary.

The seat must match the width of the toilet itself or protrude no more than 1 cm. For the right choice measure the distances on the toilet:

  • between holes for fasteners;
  • from the holes to the front edge of the toilet;
  • between the outer edges of the toilet at its widest point.

Which seat to choose for wall hung toilet? See. It is better to choose a toilet seat immediately when purchasing a toilet. What to pay attention to, read this article.

Choose by price and features

The price of a toilet seat depends on:

  • material;
  • forms;
  • additional functions;
  • manufacturing company.

Additional functions

An additional feature is additional amenities, which often cost a lot of money:

  1. Cover with microlift. Forget about noise - the lid will smoothly lower to the seat itself.
  2. The electronic toilet lid “senses” the presence of a person. It will rise when greeting a visitor and will lower itself after the visitor leaves.
  3. A lid with a bidet function will replace a stationary bidet: it is equipped with a fountain for intimate hygiene.
  4. Heated lid. The heated seat can be a regular seat, a bidet seat or with a microlift.

All products have pros and cons. In many respects, Duroplast is the leader. Those who are afraid of the price choose hard plastic: cheap, practical and durable.