Toilet      03/05/2020

Variant of the device for opening screw caps. Device for unscrewing lids from jars Device for opening lids of jars

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  • Screw-on canning jars have become very popular these days. They are very convenient, easy to use, and save time and effort compared to seaming machines. But here’s the problem: screwing such a jar is as easy as shelling pears, but opening it is often very difficult. Why this happens and how to cope with such a nuisance - we’ll talk about this in today’s article.

    Why don't they open?

    Twist-off screw caps reusable Very convenient for canning. The principle of their operation is quite simple: when heated hot water or steam polymer coating inside The lid becomes softer, allowing the jar to close tightly. After this, the lid begins to cool, its top retracts, creating a vacuum effect. In this case, a strip of polymer acts as a sealing gasket.

    Glass jars with screw-on lids are the most popular today for storing a variety of pickles and preserves.

    To reuse the cap, you need to unscrew it carefully. To do this, you can use a special key or open the jar with your hands very carefully, if, of course, you have enough strength. But more often than not, it is precisely these strengths that the hostess lacks, and a strong, muscular man is not always nearby. The reasons why the jar is difficult to open may be the following:

    • slippery hands or jar surface;
    • the lid fits tightly to the neck of the jar, simply sticking to it; this problem usually happens with jars of honey or jam;
    • The pressure in the jar is below atmospheric, causing the lid to retract more than necessary.

    Note! It is very important to know correctly which way to turn the lid. It closes clockwise and unscrews in the opposite direction.

    Before you start unscrewing the lid, take a closer look at the entire jar: maybe you shouldn’t open it to serve the contents? If the lid is swollen, it means that the canned food has already spoiled. When unscrewed, the lid may even fly off the jar and hit you in the face, followed by the entire contents.

    If you find a crack on the surface of the jar, then you should not open it either. Air may have gotten inside, spoiling the food; even worse - micro-shards of glass.

    How to easily deal with a screw cap

    Most often, such jars open without much difficulty, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, nothing works. One of my friends constantly performs a funny trick: with the words “Open up, police!” taps the lid with his finger, and then unscrews it with a slight movement of his hand. I don’t understand how she does this, it doesn’t work for me. But fortunately, there are many other proven methods.

    1. Use a special key. It's good if you have kitchen drawer There is a special can opener for such lids. It works both for twisting and unscrewing, without damaging either the glass of the jar or the lid. Maybe it’s worth purchasing it, especially since it’s so inexpensive?
    2. Hit. The easiest way to open a jar without a key is to turn it over and, holding it suspended, slap the bottom, or, conversely, place it on your palm and hit the lid. It almost always works, except in very difficult cases when the problem is not the vacuum, but the fact that the lid is stuck.

      It’s worth knowing this secret: it’s better to twist the jar, not the lid.

    3. Increase hitch. If the cause of difficulty is your hands slipping, proceed as follows. The jar, lid and hands should be dry and grease-free. Put a rubber or silicone glove on your hand (regular gloves you use when washing dishes work well). In mild cases, you can get by with a kitchen towel. Increases the grip of the lid and hand very well polyethylene film. Sandpaper can also help. Place some kind of “gasket” on the lid and start unscrewing the jar from the lid, and not vice versa. True, you still have to apply considerable torque. And if your hands also hurt, then this method is definitely not for you.
    4. Use the laws of physics. Take a leather belt, thread it through the buckle. Throw the resulting loop over the lid and tighten it tightly, directing it counterclockwise. Then rotate so that the can goes clockwise and the lid goes counterclockwise.
    5. Knock. Gently tap the top and sides of the tight lid with something wooden or plastic - a spatula, the handle of a knife. Do this carefully so as not to damage the jar. If the reason is not that the lid is too worn in, after such manipulations the jar will open without difficulty.
    6. Take a ride. A simple method often helps: place the jar on its side, and roll the edge of the lid along the edge of the countertop several times back and forth, slightly pressing on top with your hand. The tightly pressed surface of the edge of the lid will relax a little, making a quiet pop, after which the jar will open quite easily.
    7. Heat. Fill a bowl with hot water and place the jar in it with the lid down. Leave it like this for 10 minutes, then remove and open. Running hot water will also work well if you place the illumination jar under an open tap. Under the influence of heat, the lid expands and is easier to unscrew. You can also put a very hot towel on the lid. And the fastest way to heat the lid is boiling water: just pour it over the sink directly from the kettle for a few seconds.

      Please use caution. If too hot water hits a very cold jar, the glass may crack.

    8. Depressurize. Is the problem that the cap has retracted too much under the vacuum? This means you need to ensure air access inside the can. Insert a table knife between the neck and the lid and carefully turn it a little, moving the edge of the lid to the side, away from the glass. A gap of 0.5 mm is enough for depressurization to occur.

      You can do this with a can opener, or in general with any one that you don’t mind, but if you plan to use this jar with a lid further, it is better to take a table knife with a blunt rounded end - it will not damage the glass or scratch the lid.

    9. Lubricate the thread. For jars with honey and jam, this method is suitable: place the jar upside down, and drop a little vegetable oil in several places between the neck and the lid. Leave for 15–20 minutes. This time should be enough for the oil to penetrate into the cracks, lubricate the surfaces and make it easier to unscrew the lid.

      By the way, this “oiling” also has a pleasant bonus: the oiled thread will not stick for a long time in the future. You just need to make sure that the oil does not get inside the product itself.

    Photo gallery: Helpers for opening screw-on glass jars

    Screw cap wrenches work on the principle of minimizing your effort to unscrew Take a knife with a thick round tip to avoid chips and scratches, and pry the lid, letting air under it Try opening a screw-top jar while wearing household gloves. Vegetable oil perfectly lubricates the threads of a screw-on can and facilitates unscrewing The belt method is very old, but effective. Hot water perfectly heats the lid and the air inside the jar, after which opening it is not difficult

    Video: The fastest and safest method to open a screw top jar

    Video: several methods for unscrewing caps

    Video: impact method of opening a jar with a tightly tightened lid

    I pour boiling water onto the lid. When it heats up and expands, it opens easily.


    I bought two different openers at a hardware store, one cheap and one expensive. Both of them crumple the lids. My husband and I now open jars like this: I hold the jar with both hands and he opens the lid with both hands.,8441.0.html?SESSID=n30fgq8l326veas10i3f314je7

    By the way, I accidentally found out that it is much easier to open cans while wearing rubberized construction gloves. Mine are made from Auchan, white thread, and the palm and fingers are covered in green rubber. That's great, your hands don't slip on the glass, the can doesn't break out of your hands.,8441.20.html

    most the right way- use a knife or any other object to tap around the circle of the lid, along the edges. Will open immediately.


    Surely you have encountered the problem of unscrewing the lids of cans of preserved food, which means our tips will help you. Maybe you know of any other simple methods? Tell us about them in the comments. Good luck and easy work!

    Canned food is very popular in our country. This is especially true for various pickles. Their modern packaging is designed to be more convenient, but it doesn't always work. Probably many, having bought tomato paste or other products in glass containers, tried to unscrew the locking cap, it is not always so easy. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of effort. And all because of the special lid - twist-off. The can is sealed with just one twisting motion. This is much simpler than the conservation procedures that were used before.

    To ensure that you don’t have any difficulties in the future when opening cans with twist-off lids, you can make a very simple but effective device.

    Necessary materials

    Everything we need is quite easy to find:

    • Wood block small size(section 20×30mm);
    • Empty water bottle (volume 3 or 5 liters);
    • Several wood screws with a large head (press washer);
    • An ordinary ice cream stick (for example, a popsicle).

    Required Tools

    A minimum set of tools will be required:

    • Hammer;
    • Hacksaw for metal;
    • Stationery knife;
    • Curly screwdriver;
    • Scissors.

    Work process

    Since the main element of our future adaptation is wooden block, then we’ll start working with it. For greater convenience, it is recommended to use a carpenter's vice.

    It is necessary to measure a 12cm segment from the block and saw it off. This will be the handle of our device. Now you need to cut one edge of the workpiece at an angle of 45°. Places of cuts, process sandpaper or a file. On our future pen, with reverse side, perpendicular to the upper corner of the cut made, it is necessary to make a cut to the middle of the block.

    We insert the strip from the bottle into the cut on the block so that we get a loop (the size of the lid) and wedge it with an ice cream stick. We cut off the excess protruding parts using scissors. We fasten the edges of the strip on both sides of the cut with screws. It is recommended to pre-drill the holes with a 3mm drill bit.

    Now our device for facilitating the opening of twist-off lids is ready. You can conduct tests.

    Hello to all DIY lovers!

    I must say that this article aroused great interest among readers. Some people liked this method, some wrote in the comments that they have been using this method for a long time, but others, on the contrary, did not like this method.

    But most importantly, this topic caused almost a whole discussion. At the same time, many readers shared other folk ways, with which you can open jars with screw caps, for which I am very grateful to them. It must be honestly noted that I myself did not know about some of these methods before.

    However, since this topic almost never loses its relevance, today I want to continue it by describing how to make a very simple screw cap opener.

    This idea came to me almost by accident, when I came across this long M12 bolt with a nut and wide washers.

    It was from this that I decided to make a simple opener, and it took literally a couple of minutes.

    Materials and tools

    So, to make this opener I needed:

    Materials and fasteners

    • M12 bolt, 160 mm long, with a nut and two wide washers.
    • A small piece of dense and thick rubber.
    • Electrical tape or suitable heat shrink tubing.
    • Powerful scissors (you can use metal scissors).
    • Utility knife or scissors (optional).

    Making a bottle opener

    In fact, we already have almost everything we need to make a bottle opener. The only thing we're missing is two rubber washers to prevent damage to the lid when opening, and also to make the lid's grip on the opener better and more reliable.

    Therefore, we will make two rubber washers.
    To begin with, I cut out two squares of rubber suitable for the size of the washers.

    Then, in the center of each square, I used scissors to cut out holes for the bolt.

    Moreover, these holes do not have to be made even. The main thing is that the bolt fits freely into the holes of the rubber washers, but the holes themselves may be uneven and crooked.

    Now all that remains is to cut the rubber washers to the diameter of the steel washers, making them more or less round.

    Well, now, we can finally assemble our opener by placing the washers on the bolt and then screwing the nut onto it.

    To prevent the tip of the bolt, which will serve as a handle, from cutting your hands when opening the lids, you can wrap it with electrical tape.

    And now our opener is ready!

    Opener tests

    Now let's check our opener in action.

    First, open a jar with a screw cap large diameter. To do this, we place our opener on top of the lid and compress it with washers, tightly tightening the nut.

    After this, applying some force to the handle of our opener, we turn the lid and remove it.

    In this case, the lid can be easily removed and remains sandwiched between the washers of the opener.

    By the way, it should be noted here that when you clamp the lid before opening it, the washers on the bolt are slightly distorted, but this does not affect the result at all.

    Likewise, I opened the lids larger diameter on the other two banks. The lids also opened without any problems.

    Disadvantages of an opener and how to fix them

    In general, this opener turned out to be quite functional, however, during the testing process, two small shortcomings emerged, which, however, can be easily corrected.

    Little hand

    Firstly, the handle of this opener turned out to be too short, which especially affects when opening lids of large diameter.

    But this shortcoming can be easily corrected b, if you take a longer bolt or even use a piece of threaded rod, approximately 200 mm long.

    Using the correct nut

    Secondly, when clamping the lid before opening it, it is quite inconvenient to use a hex nut, since the clamping force created by your fingers is clearly not enough.

    This problem can also be easily corrected by using a wing nut instead of a hex nut. I simply didn’t have one on hand, although you can easily buy it at a hardware store (or you can try making your own).

    Well, in general, such an opener can be used. Its great advantage is that it can be made very easily and quickly. In addition, if this opener is no longer needed, it can be quickly disassembled, and the bolt with nut and washers can be used for another purpose (in other homemade products or in construction work in an apartment or in a country house).

    Well, that's all for me! Bye everyone and good luck with your homemade crafts!

    Everyone uses canned food these days. Their modern version is glass jar, closed with a twist-off tin lid. Anyone who has ever opened such canned food knows that it is not easy to do it manually. This is due to the small edges protruding from the back of the lids. They are screwed onto a jar, the neck of which is equipped with a large thread. When closing, the lid seems to be screwed into the jar.

    This method of sealing has replaced the labor-intensive classic sealing lids. Agree that it is much simpler. After all, in order to tightly and hermetically close the jar, it is enough to turn the lid on the jar with a suitable thread until it stops. No seaming machines, everything is done by hand.

    On the other hand, not many people manage to open such a lid manually without damaging its edges. Today’s homemade product will help solve this problem - an opener for twist-off caps.

    Materials, tools

    For our miracle invention we will need:
    • A small piece of wooden block with a cross-section of 20x30 mm;
    • Used 3 or 5 L PET canister;
    • Wooden ice cream stick;
    • Several screws with a wide head for wood (press washer).
    You need very few tools for the job - a hacksaw, a paint knife, a screwdriver, a pencil and scissors. And let's not forget about the most main tool in the workshop - a hammer! (Where would we be without him).

    Let's start tinkering

    The main element of our opener is a wooden block. He will work with him from the very beginning. For ease of processing, the author used a vice, as shown in the photo.

    We clamp the block in a vice and cut off a 10-12 cm fragment from it for the handle. To make the cut cleaner, it is advisable to do this with a hacksaw for metal with a fine-toothed blade.

    Next, cut one end of the finished handle at an angle of 35-45 degrees. We clean the end with a small file or needle file.

    It should turn out exactly like this.

    From the side of the trimmed plane, mark a perpendicular line. We use a needle file as a ruler and a marker for marking.

    We make a cut with a hacksaw to the middle of the block. If the groove is too narrow. It is necessary to flare it with the same hacksaw blade or a painting knife, and finish it with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Cut from plastic canister a strip of width equal to our bar. Using a painting knife, this work can be done as carefully as possible.

    It's time to use the secret weapon - an ice cream stick))

    With it we wedge plastic tape, inserted into the slot made with a hacksaw. We tap it lightly with a hammer for reliability, trying not to split the block. Protruding remains wooden stick cut with scissors on both sides.