Toilet      06/17/2019

Pear diseases after winter. Bacterial pear burn: treatment. Pear disease. Treatment of trees with copper preparations

Due to diseases of the leaves, root or bark, the pear may completely cease to bear fruit. The causative agents are various fungi, viruses, bacteria.

Various pear diseases can very quickly destroy even an adult tree, leaving the gardener not only without a crop, but sometimes without a plant at all.

It is best to plant pear varieties resistant to various diseases and pests on the site. In addition, you need to know how and with what you can save a tree from diseases.

Fungal and viral diseases can affect not only the leaves and fruits of the plant, but also the trunk and root system.

The main ways to combat diseases are the right way to care for regular spraying for prevention. Proper and timely treatment with detected symptoms of the disease will help prevent the death of the fetus.

And in order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to know the symptoms - this will help in treating the plant and saving the crop.

Most often, one infected tree in the garden becomes a breeding ground for the disease for other trees. Having found a pathogen on any tree, all trees will have to be treated for preventive purposes.

Scab, or the fungus Fusicladium pirinum, can equally affect pear and other fruit plants.

sheet plate with reverse side when affected by scab, it becomes covered with spots. They are dark green in color and covered with a coating on top.

This raid is a colony of mushrooms. Developing, the disease spreads to ripening fruits. Scab-affected pears are dotted with black spots. Over time, the peel on them begins to crack, and the flesh in the affected areas becomes hard.

The best prevention is treatment with Bordeaux liquid. For this purpose, the pear is processed three times. The first time - with the appearance of the first greenery on the tree. The next time - as soon as the buds turn pink, and the third time - spray the plant after flowering.

Fresh air, getting to the trunk, is also the prevention of such a disease in trees. Too dense crown at the pear prevents the flow of air. It is necessary to regularly thin out the crown, cutting off excess branches. Places of cut after thinning must be treated with garden pitch.

Roots also need air. To do this, carefully loosen the soil near the trunk circle. Do not neglect sanitary cleaning, regularly collect fallen fruits and leaves.

At the end of the season, it is better to burn all the collected garbage away from the trees. Scab-infected trees with the advent of autumn should be treated with Nitrafen or Dnok paste.

Scab-resistant varieties of pears: Muratovskaya, Yanvarskaya.

If the pear leaves turn black, then this is most likely a plant damage by a sooty fungus. The black coating that may appear on the leaves in mid-summer looks like soot.

The sooty fungus waits out the winter under the bark of a plant or among fallen leaves, and with the advent of spring it begins to look for new victims.

Leaves turn black on a pear, video:

Control and prevention:

Insecticide "Calypso" - used to prevent blackening of pear leaves, it destroys insects and vectors. To curb the spread of the fungus in the complex, the Fitover fungicide is used.

Resistant variety: "Cathedral".

Powdery mildew is carried by marsupials. The manifestations of the disease are very characteristic, not similar to other diseases. The appearance of powdery mildew in the form of a white powdery coating can be seen with the appearance of young leaves on the trees.

After white coating begins to acquire a red color, and soon the diseased leaves and inflorescences dry up and fall off.

For young shoots, this is a real disaster, they are attacked by entire colonies of these mushrooms.

Prevention and methods of struggle:

Dried and diseased branches and leaves are immediately removed and then burned so as not to spread the infection. It is very effective to periodically use the preparations "Fundazol" and "Sulfite".

There are also folk ways control of powdery mildew on pear.

To treat trees from powdery mildew, a special solution is prepared. For 10 liters of water add 50 grams of soda ash and 10 grams of liquid soap.

It is also possible to use a weak, 1% solution of potassium permanganate, which is sprayed on trees.

Pear varieties "Moskvichka" and "Duhmyanaya" are considered resistant to powdery mildew disease. The variety "January" is also good.

Leaf rust is a disease so serious that it can even kill a pear. Rust is caused by the fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae.

It is very curious that this mushroom uses two plants for life and reproduction: a pear and a juniper. Mushrooms wait out the winter in a juniper bush, and with the advent of spring they settle on a pear tree.

Colonies of these mushrooms will easily destroy the entire pear crop. Rust must be dealt with immediately.

Symptoms of the disease:

Settling on juniper, rust affects literally all parts of the plant. Most often, this disease for juniper is chronic. Lesions on the bush appear in the form of wounds and swellings. And the large jelly-like orange shoots are the mycelium that has settled on the plant.

With the arrival of spring warmth, in wet weather, the spores of this fungus move to the pear. The infection spreads quite quickly and infects foliage and fruits.

On pear leaves, rust appears as rounded red spots. Spots appear shortly after pear blossoms, usually in late April.

Gradually spreading, by mid-summer the disease can affect almost all foliage. Then black dots appear on the spots themselves. The disease reaches its greatest development by autumn, when the red spots swell, and processes crawl out on them.

It is in these processes that spores of fungi live, which then look for another juniper bush for themselves in order to repeat the whole circle again with the beginning of spring.


The main way to prevent this disease on a pear is to eliminate the source of infection. To do this, cut and destroy the diseased parts of the juniper.

How to deal with rust

First, all infected parts of the plant must be removed. It is necessary to cut the branches alive, 10 centimeters below the sore spot.

The affected areas must be cleaned with a knife to healthy wood.

Wounds are carefully treated with a 5% solution blue vitriol for disinfection.

After that, the cutting site is treated with garden pitch.

Secondly, with the beginning of spring, spraying with Bordeaux liquid, a 1% solution, is carried out. Copper chloride can be used instead.

The second spraying is carried out at the beginning of flowering, and after a week the spraying is repeated. Ten days later, the last, fourth spraying is carried out.

You can also spray with a solution of copper sulfate instead of Bordeaux liquid. Count on 10 liters of water 50 milliliters of the drug.

Rust-resistant pear varieties: Nanasiri, Sunyani, Chizhovka.

Bacterial pear blight

Most often, the cause of the formation of black leaves in a pear is a bacterial pome burn. The disease is very dangerous for such trees.

You can get rid of the disease only with an integrated approach. The pathogenic bacterium is carried by insects, spreads with gusts of wind and rain through the air.

Symptoms of the disease:

The first signs of the disease can be seen when the pear begins to bloom. The flowers wither, change their color, and the leaves turn black and curl.

Then the inflorescences rapidly lose their appearance, become brown and shriveled. The tree's bark begins to flake and die.

Bacterial burn is spreading rapidly. Weakened and young trees can quickly die. Stronger and healthier

plants will not be able to bear fruit for several years, and only then their functions will be restored.

How to treat

Affected branches should be amputated immediately. You will have to cut it off alive, taking about another 20 centimeters of living tissue.

Folk recipes

Some gardeners use the following treatment method: lubricate the wounds on the pear with an antibiotic solution. To do this, 2.5 tablets of rifampicin or gentamicin are diluted in a liter of water and the wounds are carefully treated.

The remaining medicine is used to spray the entire plant. In the spring, all the trees in the garden are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

For the entire growing season, 8-9 sprays should be carried out.

Tree cuts can be treated with fungicides. For this, 1% copper sulfate and 0.7% iron sulfate are suitable.

I do not like to spray the garden from pests, apply chemistry, breathe it and eat. However. sometimes it can't be avoided. I once again encountered pear diseases recently when I took up vaccination. The stalk took root well, the leaves blossomed in the spring, then closer to the middle of summer they began to become covered with dark brown dots. Moreover, only the leaves on the grafted stalk fell ill - I realized that the disease came along with the grafting stalk and it was necessary to carry out treatment. Apparently, pathogens appeared on the sent cuttings - spores of some
or a type of fungus.


Here's what she looks like in the photo:

Scab is mushroom disease. In the middle of summer, black-brown spots with a fungal coating appear on the leaves. Gradually, the leaves dry out.

On fruits, scab manifests itself in the formation of cracks, black-brown spots. Pouring pears and apples stops.

To prevent the disease, it is necessary to spray in the spring when the leaves bloom. It is necessary to use copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate, 0.1% solution. That is, dilute 1 gram of vitriol in 1 liter of water.

You can apply "Skor" (one ampoule per 10 liters) or "Oxyx" (20 grams - a bucket).

Spraying is repeated on young ovaries.

I managed to defeat the disease by washing the leaves with a tetracycline solution - stir two tablets in a glass of water.


It looks like grayish-white spots with a brown or yellow border.

Infection with the fungus occurs mainly after flowering, and visually manifests itself in the second half of summer, when black dots of spores appear in the center of the spots.

The septoria fungus spends autumn and winter on fallen leaves, therefore, in the spring, the trunk circle and the whole tree are treated with the same means as in the case of scab disease, but 3-4 treatments are done.

powdery mildew

This fungal disease spreads to buds, leaves, young shoots, and then flowers.

The photo shows a white velvety coating, it destroys the inflorescences, and the fungus remains on the branches. In early spring when the buds begin to bloom, "Topaz" or "Skor" will help - one ampoule is dissolved in a bucket of water.

After the pear blossoms, use "Hom", 40 grams are bred in 10 liters. After harvesting, it is recommended to spray with a solution of copper sulfate: 50 grams per 5 liters of water.


This is a fungal disease. The fungus causes drying and death of buds, leaves, ovaries, fruits. They look like they're on fire. therefore, another name for the disease is monilial burn.

Affected fruits rot right on the branches and remain there until spring. The spores of the fungus spend the winter on the affected parts of the plant.

Moniliosis of pear fruits is called fruit rot.

Measures to combat moniliosis as with rust.


Photo of the affected foliage:

Fungal disease. Many brown spots appear on the outer side of the leaves.

Before and after the buds bloom, the trees are sprayed with solutions of the preparations Hom (40 grams per 5 liters of water) or Oksihom (20 grams in a bucket of water).


A fungal disease that causes drying of areas of the bark. Red-brown ulcers form on it, which grow rapidly. This usually occurs in places from frost holes on the trunks and branches of a tree. Often this is accompanied by the death of individual branches, sections of the trunk. The bark with cytosporosis does not exfoliate, but urinate.

To treat the disease, it is necessary to clean frostbite and burns to healthy wood, wipe with a solution of vitriol (copper, one percent), brilliant green, or treat with Hom, Oxyx preparations. Next, the wound is covered oil paint or liquid garden pitch.

If the damage is very strong, treat the wound with the following composition: clay + mullein + ash; wrap for a while with a rag. In this composition for better overgrowth, you can add one tablet of heteroauxin.

Bacterial burn

Dangerous viral disease. In the second half of summer, for no apparent reason, annual growths wither, the leaves turn black. The whole tree may die.

Vectors can be rodents, insect pests, as well as infected planting material or grafting and pruning tools.

Unfortunately, in general, only prevention of the disease is effective, not treatment. Usually the tree is destroyed, and the place where it grew is treated with a solution of copper sulfate (3 tablespoons per bucket of water); there is no landing there for a year or two. Let's hope that our pets will avoid such a fate.

Black cancer or anthracnose

The causative agent of this pear disease is a fungus that can settle only in places where the tree is damaged.

This means that it is necessary to monitor cracks in the bark, frost cracks, burns and treat them in a timely manner: first disinfect, and then cover with a composition of clay, mullein and ash. On half a bucket of watery clay, I put a liter bucket of mullein and a glass of sifted ash.

This composition is very helpful for the treatment of large wounds on the trunk and branches. The following year, the bark grows again. I tested it on my pear.

From all the above material it is clear that the pear has many diseases, but there is nothing to be afraid of them. It is only necessary that our wards have good immunity in the gardens. This requires timely feeding and preventive measures .. Microelements and “non-chemical” preparations, such as Fitosporin, Zircon, Epin-extra, Ecoberin, Fitoverm, will help us with this.

A small addition. How to treat trees damaged by hares

Recently I was in my garden after a long winter break. It turned out that in some places the bark of young trees was damaged. It was the rabbits who came. They were not in our gardens for a very long time, about 25 years. What made them appear again? Somebody knows?

Many years ago, my dad saved the trunks and lower branches by wrapping them in old elastic stockings for the winter.

I immediately cleaned the wounds with a sharp knife, smeared with the composition indicated above. Soon the wounds will heal.

You can not rush to remove the nourishing therapeutic compress, it is advisable to do this for the next season.

What methods of treatment for pear diseases do you use - write in the comments.

The goal of all gardeners is a rich harvest of fruits. However, for its cultivation, you need to constantly take care of fruit trees, deal with the prevention and treatment of diseases. And the dangers that lie in wait for trees are many. A pear can be affected by several ailments. After reading this article, you will learn about the most common pear diseases, methods for their prevention and treatment.

Have you ever noticed dark brown or black lesions on the foliage, branches and trunks of your trees? These are signs of an infectious disease called bacterial burn. It often affects fruit plants. Erwinia amylovora bacteria provoke the disease, they are spread by insects, wind, rain.

Did you know? Cases of bacterial burns have been documented as far back as the 18th century. And now, for two and a half centuries, this disease has caused great inconvenience to gardeners around the world.

Bacterial pear burn is very dangerous. It is capable of spreading at lightning speed healthy trees and even lead to the saddest consequences - the final death of the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to start dealing with a burn already at the initial stage.

Treatment. If a disease is detected at the initial stage, the affected branches should be removed, the cut should be treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 l of water) or a 0.7% solution of iron sulfate (70 g per 10 water). Treatment with a 5% solution of Azophos is also effective, antibiotics: chloramphenicol, rifampicin, streptomycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid and kanamycin at a dosage of 1-2 tablets / ampoules per 5 liters of water (enough for 8-10 trees). Trees are best processed in May-June. When inflorescences appear and during flowering, treatment with 1% Bordeaux liquid can also be effective. With a significant lesion, diseased pears and trees located at a distance of 5 m are recommended to be uprooted and burned.

Important! Bacterial burn most often affects such types of pears as Lykashovka, Conference, Favoritka, Bere Gardi. The Moscow, January and Muratov pears have proven themselves to be the most persistent.

The first signs of damage to your trees by brown spotting can be observed in late spring - early summer. The leaves are covered with brown spots. Their number is rapidly increasing every day, and soon the entire leaf turns brown, and then falls off. Massively pears become infected in July-August. Treatment. When this disease is detected in trees, fallen leaves should be carefully removed. Since this is a fungal disease, treatment must be carried out with antifungal agents - fungicides with copper in the composition. At the same time, please note that spraying should be stopped immediately after the start of fruit growth.

Important! Bere, Cure, Ardanion, Klappa are resistant to brown spotting.

Often pears get sick with a disease called scab. The causative agent of scab - the fungus Fusicladium pirinum - affects fruits, leaves, shoots. The main symptoms of the disease: olive-colored spots with a velvety coating on the underside of the leaf, leaf fall, cracking of the fruit and hardening of their pulp. Dark lesions with a light rim and a brown coating become noticeable on the fruits. The pear is covered with cracks, the fruit is deformed, acquires an irregular, asymmetrical shape.
Treatment. If the scab affects young shoots, then the only way to deal with the sore is to remove them. Treatment with 1% Bordeaux mixture, copper chloride in three stages is recommended: the first - during the appearance of buds; the second - immediately after flowering; the third - 15 days after the second.

Important! Resistant to scab Muratovskaya, Rusanovskaya, January pears.

Fruit rot (moniliosis)

If brown spots on pear fruits caught your attention, then most likely the fungus Monilia fructigena, which causes fruit rot or pear moniliosis, has made its way into your garden. The disease develops rapidly - in a week the fetus can become completely brown. Later, white growths can be observed on the fruits. The pulp becomes loose and tasteless. Sick pears fall, some may dry out and remain on the branches for up to two years. If the disease is not treated in time, then it will provoke growths on the pear branches. The spread of rot is observed from mid-July to August, especially during hot and humid summers.
Treatment. Sick fruits and branches should be destroyed. Cutting branches must be done both in spring and autumn. It is recommended to spray pears with fungicides and strengthen their immunity with the help of root feeding from a biococktail (Aktofit, Ecoberin, Healthy Garden, Baikal).

Important! High immunity to moniliosis in pears Cheremshin, Autumn Dream, Honey. Completely resistant species to fruit rot have not yet been bred.

mosaic disease

Mosaic disease is most dangerous for pears. Characteristic symptoms- angular light yellow or pale green spots on young leaves. You can infect a tree with a virus during grafting.

Treatment. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured. It is no longer possible to help seedlings and trees. They must be burned so that the virus does not move to the trees growing nearby.

Soot fungus is a type of pear leaf and shoot disease in which a black, soot-like coating covers the foliage.
Treatment. Spraying trees with a copper-soap solution (5 g of copper sulfate and 150 g of soap per 10 liters of water), a solution of Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride. Only one variety of pear, the Cathedral, is completely protected from sooty fungus.

Important! Strong immunity to powdery mildew Moskvichka, Duhmyanaya and Janvarskaya pears are famous.


Rust can affect all varieties of pear.

Root cancer occurs in young plants. It is caused by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Solid woody outgrowths form on the roots and root neck of seedlings. different sizes. In the case of planting diseased seedlings, root canker bacteria can live in the soil for several years.
Treatment. Before planting seedlings, they must be carefully diagnosed and infected with root cancer removed. Small growths on the lateral roots must be cut off, the roots must be disinfected for 5 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Important!Most sustainableto root cancervariety - Lemon.

Black cancer affects the bark of the trunk, skeletal branches and fruits. First, small cracks or wounds form on the cortex, which subsequently increase, which provokes ruptures of the cortex. Spots of bright brown color appear around the wounds.

Treatment. To prevent the appearance of pear cancer, fallen leaves are carefully removed and burned. Infected fruits and areas of the bark are removed, fresh wounds are smeared with copper sulphate, clay with mullein, or special lubricants. Restrain the development of black cancer and fungicides.

Important! High immunity to "Anton's fire" is observed in pear varieties Avgustovskaya dew and Samaryanka.

The cause of pear cytosporosis can be frost and sunburn. With cytosporosis, the pear bark turns red-brown and dries. In diseased areas, tubercles are formed - an accumulation of the causative agent of the disease: the fungus Cytospora leucostoma.
Treatment. The recipe for treating pear cytosporosis is identical to the methods for treating black cancer. This disease should not be afraid of the owners of the Muscovite and the January pear.

Cracks in the bark

Have cracks appeared on the bark of your pear? There can be many reasons for this - these are sudden changes in temperature (frost cracks, sunburn), and too deep planting of trees in the soil, and unsuccessful pruning, and excessive and untimely use of fertilizers.

The fruit garden requires all-season care, and it is better if it is prevention than the treatment of diseases and the destruction of pests. The gardener is especially annoyed by the diseases of pear and apple trees. Country 6 acres are breeding grounds for many diseases. It is worth tying the leaves on the tree of the neighbors, after a week all gardening is discussing the misfortune. Only common struggle with diseases and pests, it will preserve the harvest of sweet, juicy pears.

Problems when growing pears

What ailments lie in wait for a pear orchard and how to deal with them:

  • weather disasters weakening the tree;
  • fungal diseases of the crown and fruits;
  • bacterial and fungal diseases of trunks and root system;
  • viral diseases;
  • pest insects.

It is rare that a disease comes to a pear alone. On a weakened tree, misfortunes are poured in a complex. Agrotechnical measures for the care of the garden can eliminate many of the causes of disease.

Signs and treatment of the most common pear diseases

An unpleasant surprise is the appearance of scab in the garden. She strikes many fruit trees, but each plant has its own fungus - Fusicladium pirinum develops on a pear, affecting the entire green growth. If leaf diseases are noticed on the pear, as in the photo, treatment is started immediately. Following the leaves, the fruit will be covered with unpleasant scabs, crack and rot.

Treatment consists in the immediate removal of the affected shoots. The whole tree is treated three times with a 1% copper fungicide solution. During the budding period, after flowering, and again after 2 weeks. If the garden is heavily infested with pear scab, control measures include the treatment of the near-stem circle. In autumn, after harvesting and harvesting plant residues, the ground around the fruit tree should be moistened with ammonium nitrate of 10% strength. Do not spray on the barrel!

Another formidable garden disease is carried from infected trees by insects and wind. The fungus Erwinia amylovora is just waiting for the spores to land on the paws of the insects. A sign is the appearance of black or brown leaves in the crown. This is a bacterial pear burn, the treatment of which should begin immediately. The fungus penetrates deep into, passes through the cambium and can destroy the tree. Therefore, first you need to cut out all the lesions to healthy tissue. Don't forget to sanitize your knife after every cut. If struck most of branches, it is better to uproot the tree in order to save neighbors from infection.

Spraying is carried out with fungicides at a concentration of 1% copper, 0.7% iron vitriol or antibiotics rifampicin, gentamicin and the like.

What to do if the leaves of a pear turn black under a raid of a sooty fungus? At first, the fungus settles on leaves affected by aphids, on its sweet secretions. But the pear itself is attractive to the fungus. It does not take root only in the Cathedral variety. Very soon, the affected area captures the entire crown, depriving the tree of photosynthesis. Must be diluted soap solution 0.5% copper sulfate or oxychloride. On a bucket of solution, you need to plan and bring to a homogeneous state 150 g of soap.

Every time when leaves and fruits turn black due to a disease of a pear, you need to find the cause of the disease and fight it.

No less damage to the garden is caused by rust, which cannot be confused with other lesions. Orange spots affect not only the leaves, but also the fruits. The fungus infects the plant at the beginning of summer, and by autumn, spores in papillae ripen on the back of the leaves. The tree is losing vitality. The fight against adversity consists in the removal of the affected parts, treatment with fungicides, ash infusion,. The mushroom is born coniferous trees, and then moves on to the orchard.

Pear cytosporosis disease can cause no less harm to trees. Cytosporosis is caused by the pathogen Cytospora leucostoma, a fungal disease. But the pathogen is introduced into the damaged bark of the tree. The root cause may be sunburn or frostbite. In this case, the bark dries up, exfoliates, acquires a red-brown color.

first forms a plaque, the leaves are, as it were, sprinkled with flour. Then the leaves turn red, fold along the middle strip and dry out. Young plants need to be monitored while they have a tender leaf blade. The fungus is eradicated by treatment with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics. Spraying with fresh, "from under the tail" mullein, and a solution helps well. soda ash with liquid soap.

Pear diseases described with a photo and their treatment are varied, but they all lead to death or a significant reduction in yield, tasteless fruits.

There are certain patterns for the appearance of fungal diseases. They are introduced in damp warm weather, or at times of sudden changes in temperature.

The appearance of abundant dew is the time when one should be especially vigilant. In the dense crown of trees, where moisture is stored for a long time, the mycelium of the fungus feels comfortable. In order not to understand why pear leaves turn black, how to treat, how to treat, you need to manage the garden correctly.

But pear wood, its bark, roots are the abode of diseases of another group.

Root cancer, a bacterial disease spread by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Appears on the site with infected planting material. It remains in the ground for several years. You can detect the beginnings of the disease with a careful examination of the root system. planting material. It is necessary to remove doubtful places before planting, disinfect the roots in blue vitriol.

A pear can become infected with black cancer when the trunk begins to crack and become overgrown with bright brown secretions. There are many reasons for bark cracking, even planting too deep. But each crack is a gateway for infectious and fungal diseases. And the struggle for the life of the tree knows no rest.

Pear pests

There are many hunters to eat pear leaves and fruits in the world of insects and arthropods. The gardener is forced to carry out preventive treatments of pears during the period of a mass invasion of pests. But quietly, gradually, imperceptibly, arthropods - ticks - are introduced into the green cover. For the most pear terrible pest is considered a pear, or gall mite.

A tiny creature up to 1 mm in size, with 4 legs, enters the garden with the wind, or on clothes and shoes, creates colonies. A gardener can populate a pest by planting plants inhabited by a tick.

If there are swellings on the leaf, then these tick colonies have begun their reproduction. Blisters are called galls, they are obtained by changing the cells of the leaf under the influence of poison. The pest sucks the juice from the leaf cells, the tissue dies, the leaf turns black and is shed.

Measures to combat the gall mite on a pear are:

  • in the systematic cleaning of fallen leaves with colonies of arachnids;
  • planting varieties resistant to pest colonization;
  • digging trunk circles autumn.

Chemical treatment against gall mites consists in the use of sulfur and phosphate preparations. Of the ready-made insecticides, Vertimek is suitable. All of these drugs are hazardous to health, and they need to be used in protective equipment.

It is impossible to leave mummified leaves on trees in winter - this is the offspring of hawthorn. A butterfly resembling a cabbage one, with a favorable winter, leaves bare not only pear trees, but also hawthorn, bird cherry, and apple trees.

The pear sawfly, an insect up to 6 mm in size, waits for flower buds to open in order to lay one egg in each flower. The caterpillar during the development period damages 4 fruits. Control measures - digging, destruction of spider web cocoons, in which the future offspring is located.

It is impossible to list all the pests of pears in one article. But the implementation of preventive measures will help get rid of many problems.

Pear disease control - video

Any gardener, planting fruit trees on the site, dreams of getting a rich harvest every year. But there is always the possibility of disease, even with quality care. The pear is no exception. If you notice their first manifestations in a timely manner, then the treatment will take place with great effect. To do this, it is useful to assimilate the necessary information - forewarned, then armed. Photos and descriptions for them will help with this.

Pear tree died due to disease

Types of adversity

Pear diseases can be divided into several groups depending on the cause that caused them: bacterial, viral, infectious and non-infectious. It is important to correctly diagnose manifestations, and choose treatment.

It's all about the bacteria

Microorganisms have many types and get on the tree with water or insects. The time of manifestations is early spring, so they are easily confused with the action of low temperatures.

Pear bacteriosis can lead to death

Bacteriosis can be identified by dark edges on young leaves. Gradually, the disease spreads further to the stalk and stem, penetrating into the vascular system of the tree. The age of the pear does not matter.

A bacterial burn is primarily reflected in flowers that dry out. The disease poses a great danger to young plantings. Penetration occurs through any damage, sucking pests are considered carriers. In the middle of summer, a second outbreak can be observed, causing yellowing of the leaves and practically stopping the development of the plant.

If you do not take up treatment in time, then the tree is doomed.

Bacterial burn is the most dangerous pear disease

It is recommended to remove the lesion, capturing up to 20 cm of the healthy part and burn it. The instruments used are treated with an antiseptic. The section is treated with antibiotics. For these purposes, dissolve 3 tablets in a liter of water. It does not hurt to spray them all over the plant. A good effect is obtained by treatment with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It can be used up to 9 times. In case of an unfavorable development of events, the tree is destroyed, and the place is poured with a solution of copper sulfate (3 tablespoons per bucket of water). Planting new seedlings is allowed only after 2 years.

Dangerous viruses

Once inside the cell, viruses spread rapidly, destroying all living things. Or they can hide for a while, waiting for the right moment. Infection occurs under the influence of unicellular organisms, fungi, insect pests. They act as carriers. Viral pear diseases can be as follows.

Pear mosaic - a dangerous viral disease

Mosaic disease is most likely to appear after vaccination. Lighter spots are observed on the leaves.

The furrowing of wood, or otherwise thickening on the branches, affects trees that have reached two or three years of age. After cracks appear in the cortex, through which the infection penetrates, the development of the vascular system is disrupted. Branches twist. The exchange between the root and the upper part stops, which causes the death of the plant.

Trunk damage is an open path for infection

Viral proliferation is manifested in a sharp activity in the development of the kidneys. Such a load on the root system deprives the tree of the opportunity to bear fruit.

The fight against viruses is carried out by radical methods. Plants are cut down, their roots are removed. All material is to be burned and the landing site to be quarantined.

infectious diseases

Diseases are caused by spores of fungi that enter the organs of the plant and germinate inside.

Scab appears as dark spots on the leaves in the first 3 weeks, and then spreads to the fruit. Characteristic features are clearly visible in the photo. At risk are trees that are planted too tightly, which makes normal air exchange difficult.

Scab pears spoil and fruits too

Leaves and carrion are regularly collected and burned to prevent the spread of infection.

Black cancer begins with the appearance of brown spots, followed by the formation of growths and blackening of the bark. If no steps are taken, then surface layer cracking and crumbling. Flowers and fruits are also attacked. As a result, the former dry up, and the latter resemble a mummy.

Cytoporosis manifests itself in places that have suffered from exposure external factors. The bark becomes black, the spores germinate inside causing the branches to dry out. Positive results in the fight can be achieved if the disease has not affected the cambium.

Cytosporosis is caused by frost damage

Rust affects pear leaves. This leads to a decrease in resistance, slowing down growth and processes. The color of the spots, as seen in the photo, resembles streaks of iron oxide (III). If you do not take action, then the disease affects the fetus.

Moniliosis develops well in cool and humid weather. The fruits are covered with brown spots with gray circles and fall off the tree. Those that remain on the branches dry out, but retain the pathogens. If the disease has affected the bark, then the infection spreads rapidly.

Powdery mildew appears in the form of a plaque of the same name on young leaves and branches. Greenery twists and dries, growth stops. The same fate befell the flowers.

The sooty fungus justifies its name with the appearance of a black coating. This happens as a result of settling on the tree of the pest - pear sucker. You can destroy it with ready-made fungicides. The size of the insect reaches 3 mm. They feed on the juice of young shoots. Pest waste looks like small balls gray color. Once in the buds and buds, they spread, impregnating them with a sticky composition. This causes the internal parts to stick together.

Sooty fungus on pear leaves

Milky shine is characterized by the presence of fragile light gray leaves, they can be easily recognized from the description and photo. The disease can be localized on several branches or capture the entire crown of a tree. This negatively affects the process of photosynthesis and can lead to the death of the plant.

Milky sheen greatly reduces yield

There are methods of control that effectively cope with infectious pathogens:

  • careful removal of parts of the tree that may contain the disease;
  • mandatory spraying in spring and autumn with a 1% solution Bordeaux mixture, 7%
  • a solution of urea or chloride of copper (II), a colloidal solution of sulfur;
  • carrying out sanitary pruning, processing cuts and other damage with garden pitch;
  • whitewashing of trunks;
  • digging the soil near the tree.

Noncommunicable diseases

Such diseases occur as a result of violations in the choice of planting site and the rules for caring for the plant. Increased risk with sudden changes temperature regime and unbalanced soil composition.

Chlorosis is a consequence of an insufficient amount of iron, manganese, magnesium, sulfur, nitrogen and an excess of carbonates in the soil. It can be determined by changing the color of the leaves at the top, slowing down growth, shedding of fruits.

Pear chlorosis - lack of nutrition

The hydrothermal burn is manifested due to weather conditions: an increased level of humidity, an excess of scorching sun and strong wind leads to blackening and loss of leaves already at the end of July.

Freeze burn is the death of branches due to rupture of the bark under the influence of sub-zero temperatures.

Proliferation can be caused not only by infection. Active development of buds and growth of shoots reduces the yield and quality of fruits.

insect pests

Pear disease is not the only problem. There are several types of insects that can cause trouble to gardeners.

The green aphid likes to feast on the juice of the leaves, and its secretions are the basis for the development of soot fungus. The solution will help get rid of pests laundry soap(1 piece per 10 liters of water).

Aphids on a pear destroy young shoots

Pear codling moth can spoil the pulp of the fruit. To prevent voracious caterpillars from appearing, spraying with special preparations is carried out.

An important point is the cleaning and burning of fallen leaves.

The pear mite hides in the bark of a tree during the cold season, and in the spring it attacks the leaves, which leads to their fall. For pest control, spraying with a solution of colloidal sulfur is carried out.

Pear gall mite

The leafworm feeds on leaves. As a result, they roll up into a tube. This prevents photosynthesis in the required volume.

Preventive actions

The best way to get rid of them is preventive measures. The fact is that some pear diseases are incurable in principle, so in order not to regret the missing trees, you should do the following:

  • buy seedlings in the nursery and carefully check their external condition;
  • plant trees according to density standards;
  • do not neglect care activities;
  • get rid of pests;
  • track changes in the state of the plant to take timely action.

Pear processing in spring - prevention of many diseases

Help to recognize diseases high quality photos on the Internet, as well as they can be found in specialized literature. When choosing seedlings, give preference to varieties that are resistant in your area. Listen to the advice of experienced neighbors. The whole set of measures taken will ensure high yield pear trees.bacterial-burn