In a private house      05/30/2019

How to get a shashel out of a tree. Shashel beetle. Terrible wood pest. How to get rid, destroy beetles? Ways to deal with shashel. If all efforts are in vain

Houses made of wooden beams attract many people with their environmental safety, as well as the fact that they have a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Furniture, dishes, wood crafts decorate the interior of any home and create a calm and comfortable mood in the house. However, during the construction of buildings and the production of furniture, additional processing of wood from pests is not always carried out, which leads to their premature destruction.

Shashel - the main enemy of wood

One of the most dangerous pests, settling in a tree, is a shashel. It is a delusion to think that this pest can live in cereals or in other food products. This woodborer beetle is black or dark brown in color. small size(its length is 3-4 mm), it can even be confused with flies. But in order to be sure whether this pest has started in the house, it is advisable to know what the shashel looks like, photo below.

The beetle often chooses wood with a 5-6-year service life and spoils it very quickly, after a year the result of his actions is noticeable to everyone. When the shashel beetle gets on wooden surface, he instantly begins to bite into it in order to create passages and lay eggs in them.

Shashel larvae also threaten the integrity of the wood, they gnaw long tunnels and clog them tightly with overcooked pulp and their own excrement. Then they try to find in the tree the most comfortable place, in relation to temperature, where they pupate. This pest beetle breeds with great activity. Females lay about 80 eggs in their nest, from which larvae emerge.

The larva can live in wood for up to 7 years (in some cases up to 15 years) and drill about 40 km of passages during its stay. It is considered the main culprit of damage to timber.

The main reasons for the appearance of shashel in the house

Shashel may appear in the house due to:

  • the use of contaminated wood during construction or renovation;
  • improper storage of lumber and firewood;
  • purchasing furniture infected with a beetle from unscrupulous manufacturers;
  • excessive moisture content of the wood.

So that you do not have to worry about how to get rid of the shashel in wooden house, try to inspect everything more often wooden details and the structure of your home, and if even minor damage is found, treat them with special means. Also, make sure that there are no high humidity, and at the construction stage, pay attention to the quality of building materials. It is important that only new and bark-free wood is used in the construction of the structure.

Ways to effectively deal with shashel

Before you get rid of the shashel, you need to find out in what places it lives. To this end, you need to carefully examine the walls, beams and partitions, pay attention wooden floor. In addition, furniture (upholstered and wooden) should also be the object of your research. The pest can be found on wooden frames and other wood elements.

You can get rid of shashel with the help of both industrial preparations and folk remedies. The most famous and popular means for destroying shashel:

  • Antishashelin- the drug is intended for the destruction of any kind of wood-boring beetle in boards and wood, it perfectly penetrates into the deep layers of young and old wood.
  • Antizhuk- an antiseptic agent that has an effective effect on adults and larvae of all pests. It is recommended for use both to combat the beetle and to prevent its occurrence.
  • Drevotex- the drug is known for excellent results in the fight against shashel, its effect lasts another 6 months after application. With the help of a syringe, the passages laid by the pest beetle are filled with the drug, and then the holes are clogged with petroleum jelly or paraffin.
  • Empire 20- the drug is slightly toxic to humans and is effective even with a large number of insect colonies.
  • Lignofix- a non-toxic antiseptic that can only kill a shashel, but not harm a person. The drug has a prolonged action for 10 years.

Regardless of the choice of remedy for shashel in the house, it is important that the insecticide penetrates deeply into the wood during processing. To do this, you need to apply it in at least 2 layers with an interval of 2-3 days!

The fight against shashel folk remedies

If you prefer to get rid of pests with folk remedies and are concerned about how to get the shashel out, pay attention to the following recipes.

  1. to 10 liters hot water 250 g of sodium fluoride solution is added. After mixing, the mixture is applied to wooden surfaces using a household spray gun.
  2. For 3 liters of turpentine, 1 liter of kerosene is taken. After mixing, this solution is processed wooden crafts.
  3. For this composition, you need to take 10 liters of turpentine, 300 g of creolin, 500 g of wax and 500 g of paraffin. Everything is mixed and the resulting homogeneous mass is processed.

This small black insect is most often found in wooden houses, in wooden beams, ceilings and even furniture made of wood. A characteristic indicator of damage to wood by this insect are small holes that gnaw through the shashel.

Several types of beetle live in Russia: tree and furniture beetle, it can start not only in wood, but also in books, leather products. Often there is a shashel in the groats. It has an elongated black or dark brown body with a dense shell, which is clearly divided into a head and abdomen.

On the head there are long slightly twisted indirect antennae. In size, the bug does not exceed 5 mm, which allows it to go unnoticed for many months, or even years.

Important: the beetle does not pose a danger to human life and health. The only thing it affects is property.

Reasons for the appearance of shashel in cereals

Important: If you do not notice the appearance of beetles in time, they can move to other rooms where there is food.

  • entry from outside: purchase of affected cereals (especially if the sale is carried out by weight);
  • unsuitable bags and containers for storage: they need to be washed regularly and doused with boiling water, the most suitable for storing bulk products are glass jars with tight-fitting lids and plastic containers;
  • too high humidity in the room;
  • high or low temperature in the apartment, temperature fluctuations;
  • purchase a large number cereal together. Housewives are advised to buy no more than two packs of cereals, pasta, cookies and other flour products.

Tip: buy cereals in transparent bags or with transparent "windows" so that you can see the pest. Pay attention to the folds in the packages, carefully look through each package bought in the store. If you once noticed bugs in a package in a store, exclude the products of this company from your purchases and inform the store administrator.

Methods for removing beetles

Insects get into even those foods that are not eaten, so even they are then not ready for consumption. How to bring a shashel in the kitchen in cereals?

The fight against kitchen pests for many housewives sometimes takes weeks and months. No need to be lazy to wash all the furniture and process it.

In rare cases, you can save yourself from beetles with folk remedies: garlic, bay leaf and vinegar. If the shashel has spread throughout the kitchen, more serious measures must be taken.

During the construction of any building, wood is used for certain structures (doors, windows, window sills, floors, rafters). Very often, additional processing of the tree from pests is not carried out, which causes premature destruction. The main enemy of wood is the wood-boring beetle (shashel, house barbel).

If a specific unpleasant creak is heard in the house, and wood flour begins to pour from the tree, then a woodworm has appeared. Insect larvae are especially dangerous. They make huge moves in the boards and beams, gradually destroying the house. Therefore, as early as possible, you should start fighting the shashel in order to keep the home intact.

Description of the woodworm beetle

This is a flying insect of a dark brown or black color from the family of grinder beetles. Beetles are a few millimeters in size, they can be confused with small flies. Outwardly, they are quite harmless, but, eating wood, they bring a lot of problems.

Most of the time, pests are in the wood, making moves there. And they come out during the mating season. Shashels breed very actively. In gnawed tree burrows (2-6 cm deep), females build a nest and lay about 80 eggs there. As soon as larvae appear from them, they immediately begin to destroy the tree. The larva can live in wood for 6-7 years (sometimes up to 15). During this time, she drills about 40 km of moves. It is the larvae that cause damage to 99% of timber.

Reasons for the appearance

Carpenter beetles can appear in the house for several reasons:

  • Use of contaminated wood during the construction phase of a building.
  • Old neglected wood with cracks and crevices.

With improper storage of cut down trees (long stay in a humid environment), beetles begin to lay eggs in them. If the infected material is used in construction without processing, soon the larvae that appear will begin to destroy the wood.

In order not to have problems and not fight woodworm beetles, it is necessary to protect yourself in advance from their appearance in the house. To do this, you should responsibly approach the choice and operation of wood.

  • Once a year, conduct a thorough inspection of wooden structures for damage.
  • For construction, take only dry wood, peeled from bark. You can drop iodine on the surface. If it turns blue, the material is not dry enough.
  • Structures exposed to moisture are most affected by pests, they must be treated with protective agents. It is better to impregnate with pastes that will protect the wood for several years.
  • Cover all wood that is used for construction with antiseptics to prevent infection. They are not worth saving. The fight against the shashel will cost more.
  • During the reconstruction work, infected wooden elements it is better to destroy, replace them with new ones.

The carpenter beetle is one of the most dangerous pests in the house. It practically does not catch the eye, all the time it is in the wood, gradually destroying it. You can find out about the presence of beetles when the house is already dilapidated. To prevent this from happening, you need to check the materials for construction in advance, use protective equipment for processing, and properly operate wooden structures.

By what means and how to process wood against the woodworm beetle? Helpful Hints See the next video:

If there are wooden structures in your house, then for sure in the near future there will be a shashel - a woodworm beetle.

Shashel itself can be dangerous, but most of all, their larvae cause trouble, digging long passages in the boards of the floor, ceiling, window sills and other household items. Today on the agenda is the question of how to quickly get rid of the shishel in the house.

The first sign of the presence of a shashel in a dwelling is a subtle creak of a tree, after which wood dust appears. Many people, when buying a house or before starting construction, choose wood as the main material, as it is considered the most environmentally friendly.

Even if the main structures are made of synthetic materials, there are still wooden structures, furniture, various decorations that create a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort. For this reason, it becomes necessary to think about the invasion of pests. They are the beetle woodworm or shashel.


Belongs to the grinder family. The insect is very small in size. Its length reaches only a few millimeters (3-4), for this reason, the primary signs of their habitation in your home are invisible. Often they are confused with midges, as the insect can fly. The color of an adult insect is found from black to dark brown.

It has a pair of antennae and three pairs of legs, usually lighter in color than the body. Its shell is very dense, covered with small hairs. On the upper rigid elytra there are several distinct longitudinal furrows. The trunk has cylindrical shape with a small head.

The larva resembles a thick worm, the body of which is segmented. Has a yellow color. On the head Brown you can see very powerful jaws. You can observe the larva only after sawing the board or log. In life, she does not leave her hole.

Life cycle and reproduction

Characteristics such as wood species, color, shashel format are not of interest. For life, a five-year-old tree that has low humidity is suitable for him. Once on the surface of the board, the beetle quickly bites into it and begins to dig passages in order to lay eggs faster. The first signs of destruction are visible already 12 months after it entered the dwelling.

Reproduction in the beetle is very accelerated. One female lays up to 80 eggs at a time, after which they beneficially turn into larvae. The greatest harm brings a beetle in the larval stage. It is a known fact that one larva lives for about 7 years and breaks through tunnels over 40 km long.

The swarming passages of the larvae with waste material and fill them with their excrement.

After drying, this content spills out and spoils the aesthetic appearance of the tree. During travel, favorable conditions(dryness, fever, darkness) the larva is looking for a place where it subsequently turns into a chrysalis.

Shashel features:

  1. An adult exists only from a week to one month. It is necessary for the reproduction of the genus.
  2. The egg turns into a larva in 12-15 days.
  3. After the appearance of the larva, several molts occur. The last capsule reaches a size of about 4 mm. In this case, the beetle is 2 mm in size.
  4. All stages make up a time period of two years. The larval stage is considered the longest.

Only the larva of the shashel is capable of damaging more than half of all lumber.

How does the shashel get into the dwelling

The main reasons for the appearance of woodworm in the house can be:

  • Use of untested lumber in construction.
  • Using old wood that has cracks and crevices.
  • Improper storage of wood in warehouses, which become unsuitable for building and repair.
  • Bought furniture with shashel larvae.

The first signs of a pest, as a rule, are not visible, but after the onset of symptoms of his stay in the house, it becomes very difficult to cope with the insect. Therefore, if the house has already been built or there is homemade furniture from damaged material, try to carefully inspect the wood for holes and damage whenever you do a general cleaning.

Important! When choosing a forest for construction, inspect the woods. They should be without bark and visible holes, entrances for beetles.

To start fighting the enemy, you need to determine its location, for this you need to inspect wooden partitions on the ceiling, floor, window sills, doorways, all furniture made of wood.

Attention should be paid to upholstered furniture, the frame of which is also made of pressed sawdust or wooden beams. You can easily identify if you hear a sound that resembles a clock or light tapping. Such sounds are characteristic of adults during mating, which occurs on the surface.

After you managed to find an unpleasant neighbor, you need to start destroying them. The choice of method will depend on the capabilities of the tenants in terms of finances, time and effort.

Video: Fighting shashel in books, antiques


The proven and most popular broad-spectrum insecticides are used:

In any case, the choice is yours. If you find it difficult to choose an antiseptic or insecticide, you can ask for help from a consultant in the store.

Folk ways

Shashel can be mastered using recipes that have been invented and tested by peoples for a long time.

The most effective are:

  • In a ten-liter bucket of water, dilute 1 glass of sodium fluoride. With this solution, a wooden surface is treated with a spray gun. The advantage of the method is the processing of hard-to-reach places.
  • The next solution is prepared as follows: take 3 liters of turpentine and mix with 1 liter of kerosene or gasoline. Lubricate wooden partitions affected by shashel with paint brush. It is not necessary to process all boards and structures, only infected ones. This solution is very stinky and can harm human health. After complete absorption, the room should be well ventilated.
  • For 10 liters of turpentine, they take equal amounts (0.5 kg each) of creolin and paraffin. Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate the affected areas.

Important! All woodworking manipulations must be carried out with rubber gloves and a respirator.

Listed folk methods have unpleasant pungent odors, which, with greater contamination, are not suitable for treating residential premises, therefore they are appropriate for warehouses, livestock farms, poultry farms, vegetable stores, etc.


There are a lot of methods of dealing with shashel. In addition to those listed chemicals And folk solutions, hot steaming, fumigation, microwave destruction can be used.

But unfortunately, such methods are acceptable for specialized services, and they are usually very expensive.

Shashel is a wood-boring beetle whose larvae feed on wood. That is why the insect brings a lot of harm to the owners. country houses and cottages from natural wood. But if your housing is built of brick, this does not mean that you will never encounter a shashel, it can spoil wooden furniture. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of this annoying "neighbor".

First you need to make sure that the insect that spoils your furniture is really shashel. If you hear a characteristic tapping at night, similar to the ticking of a clock, you can safely say that a shashel lives next to you. An adult does not feed on a tree, dangerous for wooden houses only insect larvae. If during the construction of the house you find moves inside the timber, return the goods to the store. In just a few years, nothing will be left of the house but dust. If you find woodworm in furniture or garden trees use sodium fluoride. To prepare the solution, pour 250 g of the substance into a bucket with hot water. Stir the mixture, and after cooling, treat the surface of the wood with it. Use a spray bottle to process fruit trees. To kill the woodworm in furniture, wipe its surface with a prepared solution. Try to get the product into all the cracks. You can cope with the pest with the help of turpentine and creolin. To prepare the mixture, dissolve 50 g of wax in 1 liter of turpentine. It can be taken from an ordinary candle. After that, pour 50 g of creolin into the mixture. As a result, you will get a greasy to the touch solution. Treat all the furniture with the product, coat the cracks and recesses, and use a syringe without a needle to process the moves. Dial a little substance into it and fill it with a recess that the larva of the shashel has made. Apply the mixture to the fruit tree with a brush. There is one more effective remedy based on turpentine. To prepare the poison, heat 3 liters of turpentine and pour 1 liter of kerosene, gasoline and vaseline oil into it. Add 100 g of naphthalene and two bars of soap, previously ground on a grater, to the mixture. Wipe all furniture with this product. It has bad smell, so it is advisable to take the furniture outside or not close the windows in the house for several days. Apply the mixture to the wood with a brush.

After processing, melt the paraffin in a water bath and fill it with all the moves that you find. This tool will close the exit of the larva, which will soon lead to its death. After a week, treat the furniture with the mixture again and fill in the holes that the pest has made with wax. Repeat the manipulation once a week until no new moves stop appearing. After a while, you will not hear a characteristic sound at night.

You can not experiment and buy special agent V hardware store. Now in the trading network the most popular woodworm poisons are: anti-shashelin, anti-bug, Impralit. These substances are used not only to combat beetles, but also for the purpose of prevention. Apply these poisons once a year to woodwork and fruit trees and you will forever forget about shashel.