Toilet      04.03.2020

Very beautiful photos of tulip flowers. The most beautiful tulips in the world: varieties and many photos. Multi-flowering simple early

The middle of spring, the end of April, is always associated with the wonderful flowering of plantations of amazing beauty - bright and colorful tulips. Many consider Holland to be their homeland, however, tulips owe their origin to Iran and the Tien Shan, where they appeared many, many centuries ago. Most beautiful tulips, a photo of a small part of which you will see below, began to be cultivated much later, around the 11th century, in the countries of the Middle East, where a proud flower was considered a symbol of calm and peace.

In the 15th-16th centuries, tulips began to be planted in Europe. At first it was the privilege of exclusively aristocratic persons from the upper class, but gradually the passion for unusually beautiful flowers passed to people who, with their work, were able to reach the heights of life. The demand for tulip bulbs was so high that it exceeded the supply. This caused an incredible increase in their prices. History knows the fact when a French miller gave his mill for one bulb of a tulip! Very often at that time, the rich dowry of the bride was measured by the number of tulip flower bulbs.

And today tulips have become the favorite and most popular flowers in the world. Currently, the sale of tulips makes up a significant part of the Netherlands' annual income, and more and more of them are grown commercially in Israel and China. Millions of people around the world truly revere this amazing flower admiring its beauty and diversity.

Currently, breeders know more than 1800 species of tulips. As a rule, they have a cup-shaped flower of the most bright colors and a straight green stem with elongated leaves.

The color range of tulips is infinitely rich. They can be , , , , lilac, , , , purple, pink, cream and even with several shades of different colors in one bud. Conventionally, they are divided into 15 categories, including early and late, terry and simple, parrot and triumph, lily-colored and fringed!

The most beautiful tulips. Photo

One of the most popular and beautiful tulips are terry early flowers with pinkish delicate petals, more like peonies - Angelika, Pink Miracle Christmas, Dream Double, Dior, Belisia. These are lush, slightly ruffled flowers from dark pink to the lightest shades. Their stems grow quite high, up to 45 centimeters in height, and therefore are valued for their special elegance, unique flower shape and color.

Purple and lilac tulips

With a traditional conical shape, they attract the eye with unusual colors, such as the Zurel tulip, which is characterized by a mixture of beetroot and cream color with a characteristic pattern reminiscent of flames. It also has a strong stem and beautiful foliage.

green-flowered tulips

lily-colored tulips

fringed tulips

wild tulips

A very delicate and beautiful tulip that still grows in the wild. It can be found at an altitude of 1500-3000 meters in the mountains of the Himalayas. He loves the loneliness of the mountain peaks, combining the elevation white color with red stripes on the outer petals.

Exquisitely beautiful tulips

In the language of flowers, a bouquet of tulips symbolizes the purity of feelings for a loved one with whom you want to share happiness, live in harmony, experiencing pleasure and pride at the same time.

If you are presented with colorful tulips, this will mean that life is beautiful in its diversity, and you deserve to be proud of you. You - sunlight and a bright ray for those who give you yellow tulips. If you are presented with red buds, be sure that they are in love with you and wish you great happiness.

Be always beautiful and gentle, like flowers!

More big photo you can see the most beautiful tulips on the page. And do not forget to subscribe to her updates so that you can always enjoy the incredible beauty of these magnificent flowers.

The tulip plant (lat. Tulipa) belongs to Liliaceae (lat. Liliaceae), is one of the most popular ornamental plants and is found in almost every garden and greenhouse.

The tulip originated from Far Asia, and acquired its name from the word "turban", because outwardly it is very similar to it.

A triumph for breeders was the creation of a black tulip. In 17 st. a dark purple tulip of the Harlem variety was bred, and it was highlighted in art the time of that time.

An absolutely black tulip was created in the winter of 1986 by the Danish breeder Gert Hageman and was considered at a meeting at the Institute of Floristry of the Netherlands. Four hundred thousand dollars and three centuries went into research.

Tulip - morphological features

This flower belongs to perennials of the bulbous genus. The tulip grows in length from 15-20 to 50-95 cm.

Root: represented by adventitious roots that come from the bottom of the bulb. Before the first flowering, each bulb contains shoots (stolons) that grow either sideways or vertically down; there is also a daughter bulb on the bottom.

Cutting: there are 3 forms, such as a side shoot (stolon), a bottom and a main generative shoot. Straight, cylindrical stem 20-80 cm in height.

Leaf: has an arc venation, lanceolate, green or gray-green. The leaves clasp the stem and are arranged alternately from each other.

In a fully developed plant, there are from 2 to 4-5 leaves, which are located at the bottom of the stem, and in young ones, there is only one that develops before the growing season.

Flower: most often one, but there are other varieties that have more than 2 flowers. Yellow, red and white tulips are common tulips.

The color range of varietal (pedigreed) tulips is lavender, purple, pink, as well as a mixture of two or more colors. Depending on the variety, there are lilac, goblet, star-shaped, fringed, terry forms. Size - varies from 5 to 11 cm.

Fruit: green trihedral box with flat seeds.

You can learn more about the structure of the plant by looking at the photo description of tulips.

Planting tulips in the ground and the specifics of growing

So that the seedling grows and turns into beautiful flower, proper care is needed, and for this you need to familiarize yourself with some agrotechnical rules for growing this representative of Lileiny:

  • During the growing season ( active growth) period, it is required to feed the tulips at least 3 times.
  • Looking at appearance, you can understand what the plant will require: the leaves have become lethargic and narrowed, then it needs nitrogen. When blue spots appear along the edge of the leaves, it is necessary to enrich the soil with potassium and phosphorus.
  • In early spring, old and diseased flowers are removed along with the bulb, and a hot solution of potassium permanganate is poured into the hole formed.
  • In order for the plant to please you with a large and lush color next year, cut off faded and crumbling flowers before the formation of a box.
  • Do not fertilize with manure, as this will cause the fungus to infect the tulip bulbs and cause them to rot soon.
  • When you cut the stems, save two leaves for normal bulb nutrition.
  • In a flower bed chosen for tulips, they should not grow until 3 years old.

Beginning gardeners often ask themselves the question: “What time is the right time to plant tulips?”. After all, it is very difficult to determine the right time.

Usually the bulbs are planted in September and given up to a month for their rooting. Those planted too late will have stunted growth during the flowering period, will produce small bulbs and their color will not be as elegant.

To know for sure that it is time to plant these wonderful flowers, dig a hole 10 cm deep and when the soil temperature becomes about +10 ºC, then the time has come.

When planting bulbs in the fall, it is necessary to discard the wounded and diseased bulbs before planting so that they do not infect healthy plants and the ground. Keep the bulbs in a 5% potassium permanganate solution for up to half an hour.

Then plant large bulbs at a depth of 10 cm, and small bulbs - 6 cm, lightly press them into the ground with your fingers, sprinkle with soil and level with a rake. Sprinkle leaves, hay or sawdust on top so that the bulbs do not freeze in winter.

Features of plant care

At the beginning of spring, when tulip sprouts begin to appear from under the ground, gardeners are faced with the task of proper care for tulips.

Firstly, in order to ensure the health of plants, it is necessary to get rid of unsprouted and diseased flowers.

Secondly, one of the main requirements is frequent watering of the bulbs, but do not overwater them, as the bulbs will begin to rot. To keep the moisture of the earth, it must be periodically loosened.

Third, important condition active growth is the timely "feeding" of tulips. The first time you need to revive them in early spring, as soon as young stems begin to be seen, dry phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium (2: 2: 1) are scattered on top of the soil in accordance with 50 g per 1 m².

The second time, tulips are fed when the budding period occurs, only in this moment it is more competent to apply a solution of the above dobrev (nitrogen - 1 part, phosphorus and potassium - 2 parts).

And the last - the third feeding, occurs when the tulips have blossomed, only for feeding I use phosphorus and potassium (1: 1), counting up to 35 g per 1 m². For better growth additional (daughter) bulbs, zinc and boron are mixed into the solution.

Varieties of tulip varieties

Tulips are conventionally divided into IV groups and 15 classes. But the most common are the first 6 classes.

Class I (early simple tulips) includes such varieties as Demeter, Golden Olga. This class is distinguished by short but persistent pedicels (20-40 cm). The shape of the flower is goblet and cup-shaped, the color is yellow and red.

Class II (double simple tulips) - Madame Testu, Shunord. Peduncles 30 cm long, yellow and red double flowers, up to 9 cm in diameter, have a long flowering period.

III class (triumph tulips) - Snowstar, Crater. Stems up to 60 cm, flowers are large, goblet-shaped, the color scheme is diverse: from light to dark tones.

Class IV (Darwin hybrids) includes Apeldoorn, Vivex. The sprouts reach a height of 80 cm. The flowers are up to 12 cm in diameter, have an intense red tint, there are other shades of red, as well as two-color specimens. Frost is not afraid.

Class V (Bacchus, Georgette - simple late tulips) have strong and long (80 cm) pedicels. The goblet-shaped flowers and large sizes. Large variety of colors, there are two-tone species.

Class VI - Gizella, Red Shine (lily-colored). A goblet-shaped flower, with characteristically deflected and pointed petals, multicolored color. Stem up to 50 cm.

photo of tulips