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Zircon is one of the best plant growth stimulants. Zircon fertilizer instructions for use How often to use zircon after a flower transplant

Zircon is a drug that allows you to regulate root formation, flowering, growth and fruiting. With its help, the orchid (and other indoor and garden flowers) more easily tolerates stress when exposed to biological, chemical and physical nature. When applied, an increase in disease resistance of the culture is noted.

It has a wide spectrum of activity. It is used to solve the problems that arise with seedlings of one and perennials. It contributes to their better rooting. It is useful for flower growers who grow conifers in their garden. With its help, they achieve their best adaptation, quick rooting and germination from seeds.

Fertilizer is at hand for lovers of indoor flowers, as it increases their resistance to stress and restores immunity after being damaged by pests from the list below.

  1. Powdery mildew.
  2. Rot.
  3. Fusarium, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Applying, note:

  • Reducing rooting time.
  • Stimulation of the formation of roots and flowers.
  • Contributing to the easy transfer of drought, cold, lack of light and excess moisture.
  • Product quality improvement.
  • An increase in yield by forty to sixty percent.
  • Reducing the level of accumulation of heavy metals in fruits.
  • Contribute to the rapid ripening of fruits.

(The last four points should be adopted by lovers of fruit and berry crops).

Important! The fertilizer has a significant disadvantage: in case of an overdose, the leaves of the orchid will become gigantic.

How to store?

Zircon is stored in a dark dry place. The packaging with it is removed to the basement or pantry, where the temperature does not rise above + 25⁰С. It is desirable that children and animals do not have access to these premises. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of issue.

Safety rules for use

The bioregulator is a low-hazard substance. Scientists assigned him the fourth class of danger to humans, warm-blooded animals. It is harmless to bees and others. beneficial insects. It is devoid of phytotoxicity. It is not able to accumulate in the ground and does not pollute surface water bodies and ground water.

Although Zircon does not pose a threat to human life, precautions are taken when working with it. Work with the chemical wearing special clothing, a mask / respirator, rubber gloves, headgear and goggles. After processing, the clothes are washed, the mouth is rinsed, the shower is taken and the face and hands are washed with soap. Do not eat, drink or smoke during the procedure. The solution is prepared in a container from which they do not eat and which is not used in cooking.

When hit on skin covering wash it off with plenty of tap water. In case of contact with eyes, wash them with a prepared solution. baking soda(1 tsp per 200 grams of water), and then washed under the tap, keeping them as open as possible. Once in the stomach, the drug harms the most. The flower grower should drink 2-3 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Activated charcoal helps prevent toxicity.

Zircon is a fertilizer that helps when transplanting orchids. Even using a method such as transshipment, fragile underground and aerial roots are sometimes damaged. Although some flower growers dilute one or two drops of a biostimulant in 0.5 liters of boiled water and then use it for spraying, but this is undesirable. There may be stains on the leaves that are difficult to wash off even in the shower. You can do it differently: wipe them with a damp cloth, wait until it dries completely, and then spray.

What dosage to choose?

The dosage depends on what the grower wants to achieve with the treatment. Diluting eight drops in a liter of water, support the orchid during active growth. Diluting four drops in the same amount of liquid, they help her during the formation of buds.

Important! Although the working solution of Zircon can be stored for 3 days, they try to use it on the first day. Putting away for storage in a dark place, add citric acid to it - 0.2 grams. Without an additive, it will be absolutely useless the very next day.

How to breed?

Fertilizer is diluted clearly according to the instructions with boiled water at room temperature.

  • Cuttings of orchids / restoration of immunity / prevention. To do this, prepare a solution in which the cuttings are kept for 12 hours. The flower grower dilutes 0.25 ml of the drug in a liter of water (1/4 of the content of one ampoule or ten drops, which are measured with a pipette).
  • Picking seedlings at seed cultivation in order to increase resilience. It is carried out after the appearance of 2-3 pairs of leaves. To do this, prepare a solution by diluting one ampoule in 10 liters of water. If such a volume is useless, then reduce it in proportion to the required amount.
  • Foliar processing of an adult orchid during the growing season improves decorative properties, stimulates the laying of buds, the growth of peduncles and roots. The solution is diluted in the same way as when picking, and it is watered with it every 15-20 days.
  • Processing an orchid after an illness and pest attack. One and a half ampoules of the product are diluted in ten liters of water. It is carried out every 10 days until complete recovery.

Biostimulator is suitable for root and above-ground processing. It is absorbed by all parts of the flower in the shortest possible time. It spreads quickly over them and acts instantly. It is produced in ampoules of 1 ml. They contain a concentrated substance that is diluted correctly, observing all precautions and not allowing overdose.

  1. Thoroughly water the orchid before processing with Zircon.
  2. The most efficient irrigation is submersible, i.e. a flower pot is placed in a basin of hot water.
  3. After watering, the solution is diluted at its discretion and, starting from what they want to achieve.
  4. Water the plant with the solution.
  5. Waiting for the water to drain.
  6. Return the pot to its place on the windowsill.

Attention! Zircon is used with by special means pest control. It is not necessary to wait for their complete destruction in order to restore the immunity of the orchid.

How many minutes to keep in solution?

When cutting orchids, dilute 10-20 drops of the drug in a liter of water, and keep the cuttings in the resulting solution for 18-24 hours. He, but in a different concentration (30-40 drops / 1 liter), is useful to those who propagate it by seeds. They are kept in it for 6-8 hours.

How often to repeat the procedure?

The frequency of the procedure depends on the purpose of using Zircon.

  • For prevention- one watering every one to one and a half months is enough.
  • After stress (recent transplant, disease, pest infestation) spray the orchid once a week until a visible result appears.

Misuse and dealing with the consequences

With an overdose, the leaves of orchids grow to gigantic sizes. Can't fix it unpleasant consequence.

Zircon is a lifesaver for novice flower growers who, out of ignorance and indiscretion, approached the care of an orchid irresponsibly.

With its help, correct the consequences improper care. That's why it is strictly forbidden to water a healthy plant with a solution every week just. If you do this, then only for preventive purposes - once a month and a half to strengthen immunity.


Another biostimulant for orchids is Augustine. It has a similar effect to Zircon. It is considered a natural growth regulator, immunostimulant and anti-stress drug. Flower growers use it to improve survival after transplantation, to enhance root formation and promote flowering.


Zircon is a fertilizer that is used experienced growers orchid lovers. With its help, they regulate flowering, root formation and growth. It is also an indispensable tool for restoring immunity after an illness or pest damage.

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Zircon is a drug that stimulates the growth and development of more than 65 types of plant cultures. Zircon has a lot positive qualities, but the main thing is that it is made on the basis of natural components that have a beneficial effect on fruiting and the development of the root system. For plants to be resistant to diseases and pests, experienced gardeners using zircon.

It has a positive effect on the growth of healthy strong seedlings any vegetable crops, as well as its positive properties affect coniferous plants. It has been observed that zircon has a positive effect on the rooting and adaptation of plants to transplants.

Agronomists recommend using zircon before planting seeds or seedlings. In addition, for plants, zircon contributes to an increase in the adaptive processes of the plant to increase or decrease temperature regime both outdoor and indoor microclimates.

Advantages of a biostimulator

The drug does not have a detrimental effect on pests and pathogens of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. Such a tool improves immunity and stimulates growth processes in the roots, which has a positive effect on germination, rooting of cuttings and the appearance of seedlings.

The use of a biostimulator provides an effective effect of the drug on tissue cells, and thereby there is a decrease in transpiration processes and an increase in the absorption of water and nutrients by the roots.

Zircon obtained from biological material plant origin, and in composition it is an alcohol solution of hydroxycinnamic acids in a proportion of 0.1 grams per 1 liter. Accelerates emergence of shoots and effectively influences germination.

Fertilizer accelerates flowering, growth and development of plants. The product reduces the harmful effects of direct sunlight.

Fertilizer has an effect on cellular level and helps to adapt in critical conditions (drought, waterlogging). Zircon increases plant resistance to the following diseases: fusarium, bacteriosis, rot, powdery mildew, scab, late blight, etc. The fertilizer has a set of positive qualities in use:

  1. Improving the quality of fruits and ground parts of plants.
  2. Acceleration of growth processes, about a week earlier they begin to bear fruit.
  3. Yield increase by 50%.
  4. Stimulation of root formation and fruiting.
  5. Improvement palatability berries, vegetables and reducing the content of heavy metals.
  6. Rapid adaptation and rooting.
  7. Ease in transferring temperature changes (light, moisture).

Action spectrum

  • seeds, its effect provokes the penetration of liquid through a hard shell, resulting in healthy and strong sprouts, which are subsequently used for planting in the ground;
  • cuttings treated with fertilizer develop a strong root system, which is very important for root formation. Zircon has a positive effect on the formation of roots in cuttings of sakura, almonds, lilacs, barberries, horses, arborvitae, cypress, currants. As you know, the stalk is a segment of the shoot of any plant, that is, for further development, it must form roots;
  • a positive effect on the development of flower ovaries, that is, the number of flowers on plants treated with a biostimulant increases several times.

Important! Zircon has a positive effect only in cases of decent plant care. That is, if flowers or vegetables grow unkempt, then zircon will not solve all problems.

Fertilizer is beneficial at all stages of the growing season, but only with systematic watering and other plant care measures.

Composition of components

The drug mainly consists of components of plant origin, such as caffeic, chicory and chlorogenic acids. These acids are produced in the plant - Echinacea purpurea.

Thus, the composition of zircon does not contain chemical elements and allows you to get the fruits of vegetables and fruit crops with satisfactory taste.

Vegetable and fruit fruits grown with regular treatments of the drug are optimally suited for the processing and production of baby and diet food. Plants can be used in pharmaceuticals to obtain drugs.

On sale, zircon is presented in the form of ampoules, with a volume of 1 milliliter, sometimes in plastic bottles volume of 1, 5, 10 and 20 liters. The biostimulant smells of alcohol, when diluted with water, foam appears, as a result, the solution acquires a yellowish-green color.

For effective exposure, it is recommended to spray this solution early in the morning or in the evening. The fertilizer does not contain hazardous substances for living organisms. If rain is planned, then processing should be postponed until better times.

Dosage of use

The biological growth stimulator retains its properties during the day after its dilution and it is best to use it in a day. The mixed solution in the right proportion can be stored for two days in a dark place (cellar).

To preserve the quality components, 1 gram of lemon per five liters of the dissolved substrate is added to the solution. When dissolving the drug, it should be borne in mind that 1 milliliter of liquid is 40 drops.

The solution can be used for early stages vegetation process of the plant, the optimal doses of application are - 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. When using zircon, the following terms should be observed:

  • for root crops and bulbs, soak for a day;
  • cuttings and layering for 12 hours;
  • seed material of vegetable crops - 15 hours.

For pre-sowing treatment (seed soaking), the stimulant is used in the following proportions:

  • Cucumber seeds - five drops per liter of water for 7 hours;
  • Vegetable seeds - 10 drops per 1 liter for 7 hours;
  • For flowers - 35 drops per 1 liter - 7 hours;
  • Potatoes - 20 drops per liter of water, one liter of solution is used per 100 kilograms of tubers;
  • Bulb flowers - 20 drops per liter for 24 hours;
  • Processing cuttings - 1 milliliter per liter of water for 12 hours.

Zircon has an effective effect throughout the growing season of plants, for this they are sprayed in the morning and evening hours in calm weather, before the onset of heat. Can be processed once every 10 days. Zircon is used during stressful situations:

  • transfer;
  • rooting;
  • the presence of pathogenic fungi and pests;
  • lack of moisture and temperature changes.

Doses during the growing season:

  • for cucumbers, it is necessary to dissolve 4 drops of the stimulant in a liter of liquid and spray during the formation of 3 leaves;
  • for tomatoes - 4 drops per 1 liter, treated during planting seedlings in the ground and during flowering;
  • for eggplant and peppers, also 4 drops per liter are applied after sowing and at the time of bud formation;
  • for root crops, the composition is used: 8 drops per 10 liters and applied after germination;
  • for cauliflower and white cabbage 14 drops of the drug per 10 liters, spraying occurs during the setting period;
  • potatoes 14 drops per 10 liters during the formation of buds;
  • for conifers, apple trees and pears - 4 drops per 1 liter, processing occurs at the end of flowering;
  • cherries and cherries - 10 drops per 1 liter are processed at the initial stage of budding and 2 weeks after flowering;
  • berry crops (currants, raspberries) - 15 drops per 10 liters, processed in the bud formation phase.

Before using zircon, you need to inspect the solution, if it exfoliates or precipitates, it must be shaken until a homogeneous solution is formed. The resulting liquid should be stored at a temperature of 20-24 degrees Celsius.

The drug is used in the following agrotechnical activities:

  1. Feeding.
  2. Soaking seed.
  3. Spraying.

Important! Seedlings are best sprayed at the stage of formation of three or four leaves. Zircon has a positive effect on picking and plants quickly adapt to new conditions.

Spraying is carried out to enhance adaptation processes during a cold snap, an increase in soil and air moisture, or during transplantation.

Features of the use of zircon

  1. The biostimulant is quickly absorbed by the plant, so it can be used 1 time in 3 days.
  2. Doses and instructions for use should be strictly observed; with frequent use, the concentration should be reduced.
  3. Zircon fertilizer should be used in the morning or evening in calm weather.
  4. In cases of exceeding doses, dropping of leaves, buds and flowers is observed.
  5. Do not use on violets and plants with pubescent leaves.
  6. Add half a teaspoon to the finished composition. citric acid.
  7. Using various kinds stimulants need to make intervals between treatments.

The drug goes well with drugs:

  • "Aktelik";
  • "Decis";
  • "Ditan M - 45";
  • "Intavir";
  • "Polyram";
  • "Ridomil Gold MC";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Fufnon";
  • "Epin Extra".

Using a houseplant stimulant

The drug has a wide range of uses, for indoor and country crops. Zircon is not a fertilizer and therefore goes well with organic and mineral substances.

It is noted that the addition of the drug to a vase with cut flowers preserves and prolongs the lifespan. Active substances disinfect water, rejuvenate flowers and stimulate vitality.

Zircon has a positive effect on the seed plant material of indoor flowers, for this, 2 drops of the drug are dissolved in 300 grams of water, then the solution is left for 12 hours and soaked, after putting the seeds in a fabric bag.

Important! Vegetable seeds should be soaked in a weak solution of drugs. In general, when using zircon, you must very carefully follow the instructions for use indicated on the package.

For regular watering, prepare the following solution: 1 ampoule of the drug per 10 liters of water or 5 drops per liter. Such proportions are suitable for watering all indoor plants in vases.

Fertilizer "zircon" is considered a completely harmless drug and effectively affects the rooting and inhibition of stress during transplantation.

Compatibility with other fertilizers

This fertilizer can be mixed with all common insecticides, fungicides and other fertilizers.

It is forbidden to combine zircon with preparations, when interacting with which a reaction occurs with the release of alkali. To check compatibility, you need to mix a small amount of zircon with another preparation and add water, if a precipitate appears, then these preparations do not need to be mixed.

Sometimes zircon is used as an adhesive solution, that is, after treating plants with it, the remaining fungicides and insecticides are perfectly fixed on the leaf plates of plants.

Precautionary measures

During the use of the stimulant, reviews say - no undesirable situations were noted, however, like any other fertilizer, it requires some precautions. According to the class of harmfulness, zircon has the fourth class, and does not pose a danger to the life of living organisms.

Still, the basis of zircon is biological materials, therefore, it also does not pose a danger to reservoirs and soil.

For living organisms (humans, animals) during work, it is necessary to avoid trouble and adhere to protective measures and perform work in camouflage (gloves, mask).

Upon completion of work, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and it is advisable to take a shower and change clothes.

First aid

Zircon does not cause danger and does not cause diseases, but still, people have different susceptibility and it’s okay for someone, but for someone there are complex consequences. If the fertilizer gets on the skin, then be sure to rinse this place with running warm water.

In cases where the solution gets into the eyes, it is urgent to rinse them with a weak solution of baking soda, and then rinse with water, trying to keep the eyelids open.

After the solution enters the gastrointestinal tract, an urgent need to drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate and artificially induce vomiting. Reviews of experts claim that negative impact zircon does not render.

Storage features

Zircon should be stored in a dry place at room temperature (approximately 23 degrees Celsius). Do not store near food or medicine. Biostimulant can be stored for 2 years.

Storage areas must be kept out of the reach of children and pets.


Many lovers of cottages and gardens are wondering: "What is zircon and how to use it?". Zircon is a preparation of plant origin and effectively helps to grow high yields of vegetables and fruits.

Positive qualities of zircon:

  • accelerates the appearance of sprouts;
  • accelerates the appearance of fruits and berries for a week;
  • yield increases by 50 percent of what is actually expected.

Summer residents call zircon a savior, sometimes they give up and many do not know how to help the plant, it is in these cases that this fertilizer works wonders.

Soaking seeds in solutions of biologically active substances, in particular, epin, humate, zircon, and for some seeds in aloe juice, has certain advantages over soaking in clean water. Currently, more than fifty growth stimulants are known, but the above drugs were not chosen by chance. Epin, humate and zircon are not just environmentally friendly substances, they are useful and healing for both plants and humans. "Zircon" - due to its complex nature of action, is at the same time a regulator of growth, generative and root formation processes, an inducer of disease resistance and a stress adaptogen. In our article we will tell you how to soak seeds in a zircon solution.

How to properly prepare seed

How not to waste precious time on reseeding crops that have not sprouted? What are the basic rules for preparing seeds for sowing?

What criteria should be followed in pre-sowing seed treatment? In practice, there are many ways.

The main ones include 12-13 ways:

  • sorting of high-grade seeds in saline water solution;
  • manual calibration, including the use of sieves;
  • etching in chemical solutions;
  • hot water treatment
  • treatment with bioactive substances;
  • calcination in the sun;
  • bubbling;
  • soaking, germination;
  • hardening.

But the use of all of these methods can destroy the seeds. Therefore, it is worth making the optimal set for each culture individually.

Achieve maximum seed germination and development from them quality seedlings possible by pre-sorting and comprehensive preparation. direct method there is no selection of seeds according to yield properties, because these properties are determined by the complex hereditary and biochemical characteristics of each seed individually. Therefore, the selection of high-yielding seeds can for the time being be only indirect, but it must be well suited to the goal set.

Despite the existence of many methods for separating seeds by large size, none of them gives an answer to a simple production question - what seeds and how much should be selected during sorting in order for the seeds to be really high-yielding. This is especially important for the seeds of the elite, which to a certain extent predetermine the subsequent harvest on the farm fields. Initially, an external analysis is carried out for integrity, the absence of deformations of the shell and core. As a rule, the key to obtaining powerful shoots is the genetic predisposition of a well-formed seed.

After a visual analysis, the seeds are selected for quality by soaking in a saline solution. For its preparation, it is necessary to completely dissolve 30 g of table salt in 1 liter of water. Selected seeds are immersed in it, which are kept for several minutes. Seeds that have settled to the bottom during this time are considered suitable for sowing. They are removed and washed running water. Then they undergo a series of treatments.

What is zircon

Strictly speaking, zircon is not a fertilizer in the literal sense of the word: it does not introduce useful mineral and organic compounds into the soil. Zircon is a useful supplement that helps plants grow and develop at an accelerated pace at the cellular level. It is sold in containers of 1, 5, 10 and 20 liters, has a light yellow or yellow-green color and a characteristic alcohol smell, and foams a little when diluted in water. Zircon is completely safe and consists of plant components, the main of which is purple echinacea, and the active ingredient is hydroxycinnamic acids. It helps to enhance the growth and development of sprouts and roots, protects plants from stress and disease. It can be used in combination with a variety of vitamins and supplements for both horticultural crops and houseplants.

How Zircon works

Zircon is based on hydroxycinnamic acid obtained from echinacea extract and diluted in alcohol. In fact, it is an antioxidant for plants. By absorbing free radicals, it helps the plant to survive.

So, why is Zircon so good:

  • the action of the biostimulator is determined at the cell level, does not stress the plant and does not suppress its growth;
  • from the inside protects cultures from the influence of heavy metal compounds and radionuclides;
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in green tissues;
  • more economical for top dressing - works well even at low doses;
  • helps the plant cope with bacterial and fungal diseases, move away faster after the destruction of pests;
  • perfectly restores plants in stressful circumstances - frost, drought, waterlogging - these are negative factors.

Dosage of zircon when soaking seeds

The biological growth stimulator retains its properties during the day after its dilution and it is best to use it in a day. The mixed solution in the right proportion can be stored for two days in a dark place (cellar). When diluting Zircon, water with an alkaline reaction cannot be used, so you can add a little citric acid to the water, 0.2 g of citric acid per 1 liter. When dissolved in water, Zircon foams slightly.

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To prepare the working solution, use plastic, enameled or glassware(do not use galvanized). Pour 1/3 of the required amount of water into the dishes, add the drug, mix. Then add water to the calculated amount, mix thoroughly again and process. Use the entire working solution on the day of preparation. 1 ml contains 40 drops, 0.1 ml - 4 drops.

  • Vegetable seeds are soaked in Zircon solution (1-2, maximum 3 drops per 300 ml of water) for 8-18 hours at room temperature.
  • Seeds of ornamental crops are soaked in Zircon solution (maximum 4 drops per 300 ml of water) for 8-18 hours at room temperature.
  • Bulbs and corms of flower crops are soaked for 20-22 hours before planting in a solution of Zircon (0.5 ml of Zircon per 1 liter of water).

The use of zircon for flowers

The drug is often used both for indoor or garden, and ornamental plants. Its effect on flowers is very favorable:

  • noticeably accelerates the onset of flowering;
  • has a preventive effect on shedding of ovaries;
  • prolongs the life of cut bouquets;
  • accelerates the formation of roots;

contributes to the fight against diseases such as powdery mildew and downy mildew.

Attention: When growing flowers, the concentration of Zircon should be slightly higher than in the solution prepared for processing vegetables.

Thus, this article discusses the use of zircon not only in seed soaking, but also its use in healthy plant growth.

Zircon fertilizer reviews

EPIN and Zircon (anti-stress, growth stimulation, immune support)

Epin, Epin-extra

About epin and epin-extra

Regulator and adaptogen of a wide spectrum of action, has a strong anti-stress effect, a synthesized analogue of a natural substance. Preparation of the NEST-M company, author Malevannaya N.N.

Epin - a solution of epibrassinolide in alcohol 0.25 g / l, its release has been discontinued.
Epin-extra - a solution of epibrassinolide in alcohol 0.025 g / l.

Although the concentration of epibrassinolide is an order of magnitude lower in epine-extra, it is argued that the effectiveness of the drug is not lower.

It is similar in action to plant phytoharmones - monitors the balance of substances in the plant (homeostasis), is an adaptogen - participates in the synthesis of anti-stress proteins.

- accelerated seed germination;
- rooting of seedlings during picking and transplanting;
- acceleration of ripening and increase in productivity;
- protection of plants from frosts and other unfavorable conditions;
- increasing resistance to late blight, perronosporosis, scab, bacteriosis and fusarium;
- revival of weakened and rejuvenation of old plants by stimulating lateral shoot formation;
- reduction in the amount of toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides, excess nitrates in the plant.
Especially indicated for:
- frosts,
- flooding,
- invasion of pests, etc.;
those. it is indicated in any stressful situations for plants, it is especially effective in early treatment of plants, for example, before transplanting seedlings.

- is destroyed in the light, so epin should be stored in the dark.
- decomposes in an alkaline environment, so use clean boiled water to obtain a solution or acidify it with a spoon boric acid or vinegar.
- well absorbed (assimilated) by the plant even with partial processing of the plant.
- disintegrates in the plant for about 14 days, so it is useless to carry out treatments more often.

About toxicity:
The natural substance epibrassinolide is non-toxic. It is possible to speak about the purity of the synthesized epibrassinolide, but it is more important to know that epibrassinolide is dissolved in industrial alcohol and mixed with shampoo (for better wetting of the leaves) - these are the components that provide it, so to speak, "harmful".

Using Epina-extra

usually 1 ml (1 ampoule) epina-extra per 5 liters of water

1 ampoule - 1 ml or about 40 drops

- Vegetable seeds soak in a solution of Epin-extra (1-2 drops per 100 ml of water for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants) for 18-20 hours at + 20C.
- Flower seeds 4 drops of Epina-extra per 100 ml of water for 18-20 hours.
- Flower bulbs and the cuttings are soaked before planting in a solution of Epin-extra (1 ml per 2 liters of water) for 24 and 12 hours, respectively.
- Potato tubers sprayed before planting (1 ml per 250 ml of water per 50 kg of potatoes).

1 ml of Epin-extra is dissolved in 5 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is used on the day of preparation. DO NOT allow alkaline environment!


Spraying with a solution of Epin-extra (5-6 drops per 0.5 l of water) in the phase of 2-3 true leaves and on the eve of transplantation;

Plant processing is carried out in the following phases:
- potatoes, tomatoes - budding - beginning of flowering;
- root crops - by seedlings;
- cucumbers - 2-3 real leaves with a repetition in the budding phase;
- peppers - at the beginning of budding with a repetition in the flowering phase;
- tulips - when buds appear;
- fruit and berry - in the budding phase with a repetition after 20 days; (Consumption is 2-5 liters of solution per young tree and 5-8 liters of solution per adult tree);

Under stressful growing conditions (lack of light, frost, onset of diseases, etc.), spraying is carried out every 7-10 days until the plants recover.

The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other beneficial insects. Does not pollute environment. Hazard class - III (technical ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent with the addition of shampoo for better wettability of the leaf surface).

Shelf life 3 years from the date of manufacture.


About zircon

(a.i. hydroxycinnamic acids) - an immunomodulator, root former, flowering inducer - a broad-spectrum drug with a strong fungicidal and anti-stress effect. Normalizes homeostasis (exchange) of plants, protects them from heavy metal pollution. It is made from natural raw materials - Echinacea purpurea. Preparation of the NEST-M company, author Malevannaya N.N.

Zircon is a solution of hydroxycinnamic acids in alcohol 0.1 g/l.

- a multifunctional drug,
- principle of action: not stimulation, but induction,
- there is no stress, there is a launch of the mechanism of work at the cellular level.

Peculiarity: works better at the lowest concentration (1 mg/ha)

The action of zircon

- when soaking seeds increases their germination energy and germination, activates growth processes and increases plant biomass, increases productivity, yield of mature seeds. Zircon increases the penetration of water through the shell of seeds with a strong shell by 2.5 times.
The result is high quality seedlings with a strong root system. However, it should be borne in mind that zircon acts more harshly than epin, so dosages should be minimal, they should not be exceeded.

- is a stimulant of root formation(and increases their volume up to 300%), can be used together with heteroauxin to root cuttings. Allows you to effectively root cuttings of sakura, almonds, lilacs, felted cherries, barberries, roses, clematis, conifers (conic spruce, thuja, cypress, juniper), currants, clone rootstocks. Accelerates the growth of roots and aerial parts of larch and pine seedlings.

- is an inducer of flowering- accelerates flowering and counteracts shedding of ovaries. In chrysanthemums, I increased the number of open flower baskets by 2-3 times. At the rose, it accelerated the start of flowering by 10 days;

- zircon slows down the aging of cut flowers;

- effective against shedding of ovaries;

- exhibits anti-stress activity:
when transplanted: it reduces transpiration, increases the absorption of water and nutrients, increases the efficiency of photosynthesis, the survival rate and growth of transplanted plants after treatment with zircon is significantly higher than control ones. In drought conditions, it has an adaptogenic effect. in plants treated with zircon, the photosynthetic potential increases, the leaf surface and the total biomass increase.

- has fungicidal and partly antiviral properties, the drug is not addictive. Effective against powdery mildew, reduces infection with peronosporosis by 20-60%.

Differences between zircon and epin

- Zircon - root formation, flowering induction, protection against viruses;

Epin-extra - resistance to diseases and adverse conditions;

Unlike epin, an overdose of zircon should not be allowed, a lower dosage is better, but more often;

Unlike epin, zircon is absorbed and utilized by the plant in just 18 hours, and not 14 days, like epin;

Unlike epin, the whole plant must be carefully treated with zircon, since zircon moves slowly through the plant, and epin - quickly;

Unlike epin, zircon is absorbed by the roots, so you can water the ground or planting hole with its solution.

The use of zircon

Better less dosage but more frequent treatment. Do not overdose!

Usually 1 ml (1 ampoule) per 10 (or more) liters of water

1 capsule - 1 ml or about 40 drops

Application features
Although hydrocinnamic acids filter ultraviolet rays and are even used in sunscreens for humans, zircon is also unstable in the light, so store it in a dark place and spray plants only in the morning or evening.

Pre-sowing and pre-planting treatment

- Vegetable seeds soak in a solution of Zircon (1-2 drops per 300 ml of water) for 8-18 hours at room temperature.

- cuttings before planting, soak in a solution of Zircon (1 ml per 1 liter of water) for 14 hours. To increase the effectiveness of heteroauxin when rooting cuttings, plants are treated jointly with Zircon (1 ampoule per 1 liter of water) and heteroauxin (200 mg per 1 liter of water).

Soak for 20-22 hours before planting in a solution of Zircon (0.5-1 ml of Zircon per 1 liter of water).

Spraying vegetative plants

1 ml of Zircon is dissolved in 10 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. Spraying is carried out evenly wetting the leaves.

- For fruit crops spraying is carried out in the budding phase;

- For vegetable crops spraying is carried out before the formation of fruits;

- Potato: to prepare a working solution, 0.1 ml (4 drops) of Zircon is dissolved in 3 liters of water. Spraying of plants is carried out in the phase of full shoots and at the beginning of budding.

- Flower-decorative crops. To accelerate flowering, 1 ml of Zircon is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Spraying of plants is carried out before the formation of buds.

The drug is practically not dangerous for humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other beneficial insects. Does not pollute the environment. Hazard class - IV (ethyl alcohol is used as a solvent with the addition of shampoo for better wettability of the leaf surface).

Approximate scheme for using Epin and Zircon

Pre-sowing and pre-planting treatment

Zircon increases the penetration of water through the shell of seeds with a strong shell by 2.5 times.

- Vegetable seeds soak in a solution of Zircon (1-2, maximum 3 drops per 300 ml of water) for 8-18 hours at room temperature.

- Seeds of ornamental crops soak in Zircon solution (maximum 4 drops per 300 ml of water) for 8-18 hours at room temperature.

- Bulbs and corms of flower crops soak for 20-22 hours before planting in a solution of Zircon (0.5 ml of Zircon per 1 liter of water).


- spraying in the phase of 2-3 true leaves Epin-extra solution (5-6 drops per 0.5 l of water);

- fungal diseases of seedlings(black leg, etc.) - shed the earth (the roots absorb zircon) with a solution of zircon under the root (4 drops per 100 ml of water) and sprinkle the leaves (2 drops per 100 ml of water);

- before picking: spraying with a solution of Epin-extra (2-3 drops per 100 ml of boiled water) is carried out several hours before picking;

- disembarkation at open ground: spraying with a solution of ???zircon (2-3 drops per 1 liter of boiled water) 1 day before or after planting in the ground. For strong plants, you can use 4-5 drops of ???zircon per 1 liter of water.


- Potato tubers sprayed with epin-extra 1 day before planting - 7-8 drops per 250 ml of water, it is not necessary to turn the tubers over.

- During the budding period we use zircon as a flowering inducer 1 ml per 10 l of water spraying treatment of vegetative plants;

- In the flowering phase

- Frosts expected sprayed with epin-extra 1 ml per 5 liters of water;

- Resuscitation of plants zircon plus cytovit 1 ml per 10 liters of water;

- Cold drought, sunburn sprayed with zircon. Especially important for conifers, it protects conifers from ultraviolet rays - 1 ml per 10 liters of water. Used in the morning or evening. It should be repeated 4 times in 7-10 days. When the soil thaws, it is good to spill it with this solution.

Epin treatment (with cold weather) increases potato yield by 20%, zircon treatment in dry, hot weather increases potato yield by 68%.

fungal diseases

At the first sign, zircon is sprayed with 1.5 ml per 10 liters of water.

With phytophthora, epin-extra 1 ml per 5 liters of water is more indicated;

It should be remembered that zircon is absorbed and utilized by the plant in just 18 hours, while epin takes 14 days.


soaking in zircon is used, for different cultures the maximum efficiency is achieved for a concentration of 0.1 ml (4 drops) per 1 liter to 1.0 ml per 1 liter of water. You can not exceed the concentration, otherwise the zircon will not work;

You can add heteroauxin 200 mg per 1 liter of water. Kornevin or indoleacetic acid with zircon cannot be used!

landing, transfer

When planting, especially conifers, soak the roots in a mash with a solution of zircon plus cytovit 1 ml per 10 liters of water and sprinkle the crown with a solution; when planting a seedling of 2-3-year-olds, pour a solution of zircon (1.5 ml per 10-12 liters of water) into the planting pit.

It is better to do less concentration, but to process more often;

After a week, sprinkle epinom-extra 1 ml per 5 liters of water;


Epinom-extra or zircon are used, although zircon is preferable, because. is a flowering inducer, used before the bud formation phase.

Roses can be sprinkled late autumn(November) zircon in a very low concentration: 1 ml per 25 liters of water.

Protection against viruses - zircon;

Green crops

Presowing treatment - zircon;
- budding phase - zircon 1 ml per 10 l of water

Harvest storage

Use zircon 1 ml per 10 liters of water;

cut flowers

Use zircon 0.5 ml per 1 liter of water;


Detailed instructions and description of how to use a biostimulant, which is considered a fertilizer. How does it affect plants, including indoor flowers.

Zircon contains the following components: hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA) and alcohol. The latter, as in drugs, acts as a preservative and stabilizer of substances dissolved in it. The concentration of HCA in the preparation is 0.1 g/l. HCAs themselves, and these are mainly chicory, caftaric and chlorogenic acids, are produced from plant materials such as Echinacea purpurea, a flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Zircon, of course, smells like alcohol, and its color is light yellow or yellow with a slight tint of green.

Fertilizer zircon

When the drug is diluted, foam appears. The active components of the fertilizer decompose in the light and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The work of the drug consists in a stimulating effect on the plant's own phytohormones - the so-called auxins, which are responsible for growth and many other important processes. As a result, any plant culture responds in a complex way, activating and launching whole line various internal mechanisms - protective, ensuring the acceleration of development. In plants, growth, root formation and generative processes are activated (for which many attribute the drug to fertilizers), as well as resistance to diseases, various negative factors and stresses.

Moreover, the drug has such an effect on plant crops at all stages of their development - from preparation for sowing or planting to harvesting. As can be seen from the composition, as well as the method of exposure to the plant, Zirconis not a fertilizer at all. This drug is nothing more than a biostimulant and immunomodulator. Zircon compatible, that is, it can be mixed or used simultaneously, almost with drugs for pests and diseases, as well as other growth regulators and phytohormones. The only exceptions are products that have an alkaline reaction. How to identify incompatible drugs is discussed below in the instructions.

The joint use of Zircon with other means enhances the effect of the latter and neutralizes the negative side effects from them. Due to the fact that Zircon is made from natural ingredients and does not contain any chemical substances, he himself is safe for plants, people and animals, and the resulting products are environmentally friendly and have high commercial and taste qualities.

This biostimulator is designed Russian company, which since 2001 has been called NNPP "NEST M". Since the development of Zircon, this enterprise has been its sole manufacturer until now. The drug, presented on the shelves on behalf of other companies, is only packaged and sold by the latter. Basically, Zircon enters the distribution network in plastic ampoules with a preparation volume of 1 ml (that is, 40 drops), which are closed with a lid and packed in a bag containing reverse side detailed instructions by application. Also on sale are plastic cans and bottles with a capacity of 1, 5, 10 and even 20 liters.

Zircon must be stored in a dark and dry place, with a temperature not exceeding +25 °C. In addition, storage should be carried out separately from medicines and food, and away from animals and children. The shelf life of the drug set by the manufacturer is 3 years.

Methods of using the drug - what does the treatment of plants give?

In its pure form, this biostimulant is not used. Based on it, an aqueous working solution is made, which can be used in different ways. Seeds and cuttings are soaked in it, plants are sprayed with it and even watered. Treatment with this biostimulant provides:

  • improvement and acceleration of seed germination (this is especially noticeable on seed expired), as well as faster germination of seedlings;
  • stimulation of the formation and development of the root system of cuttings;
  • acceleration of development and growth of seedlings - the period of formation of viable seedlings ready for planting in unprotected soil is reduced by an average of 5–10 days;
  • increasing the resistance of seedlings to a number of diseases (including blackleg), insufficient light and humidity, and return frosts;
  • reduction of the rooting period by about a week, both cuttings and transplanted adult plants;
  • activation of the formation of roots, shoots, ovaries and fruits;
  • prevention against fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as faster and effective fight plants with them and recovery after pest control measures;
  • reducing the time for the appearance of flowers and counteracting their shedding and ovaries;
  • increasing the yield of all crops by 30–60%;
  • the onset of maturation is 5-10 days earlier than in untreated plants.

In addition, Zircon provides protection and excellent recovery of crops from stresses caused by drought and waterlogging, heat and frost, lack of lighting and ultraviolet radiation, as well as the use of chemicals (fertilizers and) and changes in soil composition. And as a fertilizer, this biostimulant is much more economical than all known top dressings, which really are.

The preparation of the working solution of Zircon should be carried out immediately before use, since it is not subject to long-term storage. A ready-made mixture that has stood idle for too long will lose all its beneficial features, and it can be simply poured. It is allowed to store the working solution, and in a room with room temperature starting from the moment of preparation:

  • a maximum of 3 days, but on condition that storage is carried out in a dark place, and if in the light, then during preparation the water must be acidified by adding citric acid - 1 g is required per 5 l;
  • no more than 24 hours if stored in the light and without acidification.

Dilution of fertilizer

For cooking, you should use water and Zircon itself, having a temperature not lower than room temperature - in the range of 18–23 ° C. If the drug in the ampoule or other container in which it was purchased has stratified, then it must be thoroughly mixed before preparing the working solution until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. To do this, Zircon must be shaken directly in the ampoule or its other "native" container.

The working solution should be prepared in enameled, glass or plastic utensils. Other types of containers are not recommended, and galvanized ones are prohibited. The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Pour water into the dishes in the amount of 1/3 of the total required volume.
  2. Add zircon.
  3. If we fully use the ampoule, then we wash the container from under the preparation with water, which after washing is poured into the dish with the prepared solution.
  4. Add to the required volume in the water used for cooking.
  5. We mix everything thoroughly.

Zircon must be used very carefully and strictly in a certain dosage for each specific purpose. There are only 2 basic rules. The first is the inadmissibility of an overdose under any circumstances, it is better to treat the plants with a solution with a lower concentration than necessary, but more often. Second - the solution is best used on the day of its preparation, and its temperature should be at room temperature.

For pre-sowing and pre-planting preparation (soaking of seed material and cuttings), the duration of its implementation and the content of the drug in the solution are as follows:

Vegetating plants are sprayed with Zircon solution. This type of treatment should be carried out without fail only in calm, dry weather and in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen high.

Zircon in the package

In case of stress in any crop (planting, transplanting, frost, drought, the use of pesticides, damage by pests and diseases), it must be sprayed every 5–7 days until the plant is fully adapted or recovered. The composition of the working solution should be as follows: 1 ml of biostimulant per 10 liters of water (4 drops per 1 liter).

In all other cases (in the absence of stressful situations), spraying of plants during the growing season is carried out according to the following scheme:

cultivated crop

Dosage of the drug, consumption of Zircon / water

Phase (time period) of plant treatment and features of the application of the solution

Decorative and floral

When shoots and leaves begin to grow

When budding

When 2-3 true leaves have grown, and then again when budding

After planting seedlings, and then 2 more times: when flowering, the 1st and 3-4 brushes

eggplant and pepper

After planting seedlings and during budding

Cauliflower and canned

12 to 14 drops/10 l

When the head begins to tie


13 drops/10 l

When full shoots appear, and then at the beginning of budding

Zucchini, melon and watermelon

When 2-3 true leaves grow, and then when budding

Root vegetables (any)

6 to 8 drops/10 l

Spray seedlings as they appear

Pear and apple tree

When budding, and then 2 weeks after flowering

Solution consumption per 1 tree: 5–10 l

Cherry plum, sweet cherry, cherry and other fruit

2 to 2.5 ml/10 L

Berry: strawberries, wild strawberries and others

12 to 16 drops/10 l

When budding

coniferous plants

Seedlings first, then seedlings, then mature plants as needed

In addition, the solution can be used for irrigation. This will provide the plants with constant bio-stimulation, allowing them to be at the peak of their vegetative potential at all times, as well as providing continuous prevention and protection against stress, pests and diseases. The rate of dilution of Zircon for irrigation is 1 mg (that is, an ampoule) per 10 liters of water.

Another important rule on use refers to use in conjunction with other drugs and refers to compatibility issues. Before mixing or using at the same time (within one day) the working solution of this biostimulant with other fertilizers or other compounds, you should check them for this very compatibility. To do this, mix in small quantities (a few drops) Zircon and another drug . If a precipitate appears, then these two compounds are incompatible, and they should only be used separately.

This biostimulant has long been used by many flower growers for growing not only, but also home flowers. Impressions from the use of the drug are only positive. Zircon seems to be specially designed for home flowers. But all those effects of the biostimulant that are described above for any plant crops also apply to them. It’s just that the effect of using Zircon when growing home flowers at first strikes many, because it:

  • accelerates root formation in cuttings and transplanted plants;
  • brings the flowering period closer;
  • stimulates the protective forces of indoor flowers in case of damage by pests and diseases;
  • prevents under unfavorable conditions from shedding of still unblown buds;
  • greatly slows down the wilting of cut flowers, prolonging their freshness.

Indoor rose after fertilization

Prepare a working solution for indoor plants in accordance with the instructions above. In the tables, you need to look at the columns for flower crops, as well as “bulbs, corms” and “cuttings of other crops”. To prepare a working solution, it is better to take cooled boiled water. In the absence of stress and without disease prevention, grown sprouts and young and adult plants that have already settled in a new place are usually treated 2 times a year - in spring and at the time of budding, in order to speed up this process, get more flowers and prolong flowering.

This drug is not chemically active and belongs to the hazard class 4 - that is, to low-hazard substances. It does not pose a serious threat to human health. For him, it is of low toxicity. And also it is practically not dangerous for all warm-blooded animals, fish, bees and other insects, does not pollute both surface and ground waters, does not accumulate in soils and is not phytotoxic.

Working with fertilizers with gloves

However, when working with this biostimulant, it is required to follow a number of simple standard safety precautions for handling chemicals:

  • wear work clothes that fully protect the skin, gloves, boots, a headgear and a mask or goggles with a respirator;
  • Do not drink, eat or smoke until the end of work.

In addition, no food utensils can be used to prepare a working solution based on Zircon. Upon completion of work, you should take a shower, while thoroughly washing everything with soap and water. open areas body and then change clothes. Also be sure to rinse your mouth.