In a private house      06/23/2020

Affordable luxury: Venetian plaster, photo application and application technique. Venetian Plasters Venetian Plaster Design

make stylish, unusual design or you can simply diversify the interior not only with the help of unique items, but also simply by finishing surfaces with non-standard materials.

One of them is Venetian decorative plaster. With its help, it is possible to realize interesting ideas, to create an individual image of an ordinary room.

Application of Venetian decorative plaster

Ability decorative plaster visually repeating the structure of marble makes it possible to significantly save on finishing materials while obtaining a rich look.

With the help of Venetian plaster, you can not only complete the walls, but also create separate accents on various surfaces.

The decoration will be truly luxurious. Deep color transitions are able to reveal the special aristocracy of the room.

The technology of applying the material has a number of features, so the work must be leisurely and thorough. It is better to entrust this manipulation to a professional, because the presence of skill will allow you to get the desired result without errors and unnecessary expenses.

The appearance of the final result depends on the number of layers laid on the wall. For the minimum allowable visual effect, 3 applications are sufficient.

The best examples, decorated in this technique, have up to 8 layers. Their number will affect not only the visual perception, but also entail additional costs, both material, labor and time.

With the help of Venetian decorative plaster, you can not only achieve an imitation of natural material, but also apply an interesting pattern to the surface, give the room volume, and achieve a shimmering effect. Surfaces decorated with this material look very neat and presentable.

Such plaster is a favorite way of decorating chic interiors of country houses.

The presence of surfaces made in this technique make the room a real palace. Even decorating a small fragment of the wall with this material, it will turn out to give the room a respectable look and raise the status of the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Like any other material, Venetian decorative plaster has a number of features that make it possible to highlight its positive and negative sides. Among the advantages indicate:

  • the surface treated with the material is not afraid of moisture, temperature changes, is resistant to cracks and deformations;
  • if there is a need for a complete or partial repair, this is easily feasible.

The disadvantages of Venetian decorative plaster include:

  • relatively high cost of material and work on its laying;
  • large expenditures of time and physical strength;
  • the need for careful surface preparation before application.

When choosing such plaster as a wall decoration material, it is necessary to focus not only on the beauty of the appearance of the final coating, but also on the intended interior.

For optimal effect, a combination general style premises, furnishings and decorative textures.

Application of decorative plaster

Self-production of Venetian plaster is a complex process and few people dare to produce it on their own. The central element of the composition is stone dust.

Lime is used to bind components. The dye will give the material the desired color. Water will help to achieve the desired consistency. It is best to purchase a ready-made packaged product.

There are two options for such plaster:

  • matte;
  • glossy.

The first is a pure product, applied using a certain technology in several layers. The second option involves waxing, final styling.

Venetian plaster can be applied to almost any surface:

  • concrete;
  • tree;
  • drywall.

The material fits perfectly and retains its performance characteristics. The main thing is that the initial surface is pre-prepared.

Absence various defects, moisture - mandatory conditions. A quartz primer with the addition of a basic dye will be the best base.

Each layer of plaster is applied according to its own technology. The work must be fast and skillful. After fixing each layer, it needs to dry, after which it is polished.

Work is carried out with the help of special tools (trowel, roller, trowel). It is quite difficult to carry out the application on your own, but the specialists cope quickly and efficiently.

Creating a unique atmosphere in your home is not at all difficult. It is enough to make a special finish or create an accent with the help of Venetian decorative plaster. The interior will be unusual and stylish.

Photo of Venetian plaster in the interior

If you have not yet decided which one to use indoors, then pay attention to Venetian plaster. This material first appeared in the days of the Roman Empire. Using right technology you can achieve magnificent, impressive beauty and luxury.

So, let's figure out what Venetian plaster is. Photo different designs With unusual finish in large numbers will be presented below. must be carried out taking into account certain rules, features of the treated surface and even climatic conditions. That's why given material requires a responsible and careful approach.

Read in the article

What is Venetian plaster in the interior: photos of interesting interiors

For the manufacture of plaster, malachite, limestone, quartz, onyx and grant are used as fillers. Depending on the constituent components, the mixture can be natural or synthetic.

There are some features in the application of Venetian plaster:

  • stone dust in the composition of the material may have a different degree of grinding. The coarser the grind, the coarser the pattern will be;
  • Venetian plaster in the interior has a natural sheen. At the same time, the effect of glow from the inside can be in a material with mineral fillers;
  • high-quality plaster can both give it away, so the material is characterized by excellent strength;
  • depending on the type of finish, the surface can be smooth, artistic or.

When creating a smooth plaster, marble and dust are used, which are bound with lime. With the help of embossed material, you can achieve original design. It is easier to work with such a composition, since it contains large marble components.

Composition of Venetian plaster

Similar material was used in Italy to create frescoes. Many craftsmen prepared plaster according to their own recipes. But basically it was something like this:

  • lime was used to bind the components. She was bred from egg white or casein. Crushed pumice or even milk could be added to the composition;
  • several layers of soil were laid under the fresco. Crushed, straw and sand were added to it, which protected the material from cracking;
  • organic paints were used. They were applied with an adhesive solution.

What do they look like different variants coverage can now be viewed at. Technologies do not stand still and at present all kinds of additives and resins are added to the composition of the elite material, which make it possible to improve mechanical properties screeds.

For your information! Adding different dyes allows you to create any shade and pattern with a certain color saturation. Even phosphorescent elements are used, which are made with the addition of luminescent paint.

Making Venetian Plaster: Helpful Tips

Knowing the composition of the material, you can knead the Venetian. Numerous videos on YouTube will tell you in detail how to do this.

  • dry mix and water must be mixed in the ratio indicated on the package;
  • mix the composition well with a drill;
  • the mixture should stand, and then repeat the procedure again, but with the addition of dyes.

Before using the material, take care of high-quality surface preparation. Walls should be even and smooth. Bases made of, or stone must be primed. Here's how it's done:

  • surface is processed . In this case, the irregularities are polished. The composition must dry during the day;
  • then the walls are treated with a covering primer option, which will improve the adhesion of the surface. You can add a special dye to the primer. This will make the layer of plaster colored.

It is important to properly prepare the surface, otherwise cracks and irregularities will be clearly visible. The material can be applied to any surface. In this case, the color palette can be any. Especially popular is the option of Venetian marbled plaster. A pigment of a certain shade is added before using the composition.

After carrying out the correct finishing, an excellent coating is obtained, which has such properties as moisture resistance, hardness and vapor permeability. After application, an unusual composition begins to absorb carbon oxides from the air, which starts the carbonization process. In this case, a solid film with high performance properties is formed.

You can choose the textured structure of the coating to any interior and decor.

Related article:

Video, photo, features of different mixtures, how to apply with detailed instructions, an overview of prices and manufacturers, additional tips and tricks are in this article.

Pros and cons of Venetian plaster

Unusual coverage is still popular, thanks to the following advantages:

  • durability and wear resistance. The material is designed for 20 years of service. At the same time, it does not lose its brilliance and operational characteristics;
  • environmental friendliness. beautiful coverage completely safe for health, as it does not emit toxic components;
  • simple care. The cover is easy to clean. You can use not only dry, but also wet cleaning. If necessary, a detergent is applied;
  • glow effect. The coating after drying remarkably reflects light;
  • tinting possibilities. You can get any shade by adding coloring pigments;
  • wax protection. Allows you to make the coating resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • a large assortment colors and textures.

There are also certain disadvantages. For example, the high price of Venetian plaster and complex preparation before applying the material, consisting of several stages.

The main types of Venetian plaster

You can use luxurious material not only for. Venetian plaster on the ceiling looks good, especially since there is more than one type of such coating to create a design.

Consider what varieties exist:

  • craquelure is an "antique" finish. Suitable for any interiors and even for. To create a special effect, varnish is applied when top coat. When it dries, it tightens the coating, due to which an unusual look is obtained;

  • carrara marble can be done by a true master. Indeed, for such a coating, not only a specialized composition is used, but a large number of layers from 8 to 12. In this case, it turns out to achieve beautiful game overflows and colors;

  • Marseille wax- a kind of decorative plaster with the addition of special wax. This component improves specifications material and provides a glossy surface. The material can be used for rooms with high level humidity;

  • veneto- This technique allows you to create an imitation of polished marble. This material is easy to care for. It can be washed with sponge and water;

  • marbello- with this option you can create a matte surface with glossy blotches.

Related article:

The composition and types of coatings, manufacturers, examples of the use of decorative mixtures, how to prepare it yourself, application instructions are in this material.

Imitation wallpaper under Venetian plaster

To complete the finish without noise and dust, you can buy wallpaper for Venetian plaster. Such material is a real Venetian, but applied more in a simple way. It is worth considering the following materials:

  • canvases can last up to 10 years proper care;
  • designed to serve for 25-30 years.

Even with relief areas, such canvases are not difficult to wash. They tolerate wet conditions well and can be used on or in.

Venetian plaster has many advantages:

  • the cost is less than decorative plaster;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • allows you to mask joints and seams, which creates a solid surface;
  • does not lose decorative properties During a long time.

Venetian plaster: photo in the interior

Venetian plaster allows you to make any interior original and unlike other design options. The indisputable advantage of this material is that it can be used not only in any living rooms but also in rooms with high humidity.

Living room

For the living room, the choice of material is practically unlimited, except for the preferences of the owners. For this room, it is not necessary to select moisture-resistant material, and there are no special restrictions on, as, for example, for or. The interior can be relaxing or more bright and rich. Bright examples of Venetian plaster make an excellent backdrop for a spacious living room, but it requires good lighting rooms.

Venetian plaster in the kitchen: design photo

Decorative plaster is also suitable for, since when added to the composition of special components, it meets all the requirements for this room:

  • does not absorb foreign odors;
  • perfectly tolerates washing and does not lose its original decorative appearance;
  • shows resistance to temperature fluctuations.

But, even considering these factors, you should not use material for. In this case, more suitable.

For your information! You can combine the original plaster with wood trim or wallpaper. In this case, you should also choose a suitable furniture set.


You can decorate wonderfully with the help of Venetian plaster. If the corridor is not fenced, then the material can also be used in a combined room.

Not all walls have to be the same. IN different rooms can be applied separate fragments Images.

For your information! The popularity of this coating is due to such expressive means as highlights, matte strokes and overflows.


If decorative plaster is used for, then the surface should be smooth and even. But even on a perfectly flat surface, it is necessary to apply a protective layer of enamel, wax or varnish. For decoration, it is worth choosing simpler solutions that will not clutter up the space. Embossed coating is more suitable for a spacious room.

Preparation and application of Venetian plaster: application video tutorials

How to properly make and apply plaster can be viewed in the video, which is widely distributed on the Internet. Consider some milestones painting procedures.

Before you get started, you need to be well prepared. Here's what you'll need:

  • plaster mixture;
  • wax and primer;
  • suede leather;
  • putty and special trowel;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • electric drill with a special nozzle-mixer;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • rags and sponges.

The following surface preparation works are also carried out:

  • the old coating is removed and the surface is cleaned;
  • potholes and cracks are closed cement-sand mortar, and minor defects are corrected with putty;
  • roughness should be removed with sandpaper, and the protrusions are removed by the grinder;
  • then surface and then finish;
  • after that, the surfaces must be treated with a primer to increase adhesion.

Application technology can be seen in the video:


Required before work. A composition is prepared from a white base and various dyes. This process is called tinting. Here are the steps in the procedure:

  • using a tinting fan, select the desired shade;
  • needed for coloring Blank sheet, a set of dyes and a narrow spatula;
  • prepare some plaster and selected dyes;
  • take a container of dye and add it to the base. Stir the mixture until smooth;
  • using a narrow spatula, apply a strip of plaster mixed with the base component to the sheet. Match it with the desired color on the fan. Gradually adding dye, you can get the desired shade;
  • you can also add a second shade.

To give a shade close to natural stone, you can drip a little black tint. This will also reduce the brightness a little.

How tinting is performed can be seen in the video below:

For your information! After drying, the painted surface will become lighter by two tones.

Impregnation technique

An important step is the application of impregnation. This can be done with a sprayer, brush or roller. In this case, the composition in the package should be pre-mixed.

Impregnation should be applied at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees. Such a layer will dry in 40 minutes.

Priming technique

To use the primer, you need to dilute the purchased soil in water. It's better if it's drinkable. The composition must be applied with a sprayer. The wall can be checked in an hour.

How to properly apply wax

It is worth understanding the features of applying wax. This composition should be distributed using a Japanese or flexible spatula. There are two ways to apply wax to plaster:

  • with a flexible spatula. Wax will level the surface and slightly smooth it and fill in small depressions;
  • with a sponge. To make the surface of the walls textured, you need to process it with a foam sponge. In this case, the wax will not fill the recesses.

How to apply wax can be seen in the video below:

For your information! To make the finish more luxurious, it is recommended to mix the wax composition with a toner, which allows you to get a golden or pearlescent effect.

Venetian plaster: price per job m²

If you are not, then you will need to find a specialist. Before agreeing with the master, you need to know what is included in the price for work on 1m² of Venetian plaster.

One of the costly components is the purchase of materials. You can choose the material covered with enamel or wax. This will affect the cost of Venetian plaster.

The wax option is more expensive, as it is natural.

The choice of color also matters. If you have to buy additional colors, then this will increase the cost part.

The price of decorative Venetian plaster depends on the manufacturer and the specific store. Special formulations that increase the durability of the material can also affect the price. Such impurities protect against pathogenic microorganisms.

The following factors can also affect the price:

  • solution technique. A cheaper option with a textured structure;
  • reproduction of a specific shade also complicates the task;
  • number of layers. Each coverage is not only an additional cost, but also a waste of time and labor.

So, let's look at some prices depending on the type of work presented in the table.

Services Price, rub/sq. m
Working with Venetian plaster to create a relief texture600
antique design700
Traditional technique800
Plaster to create a glossy surface780
Author's works1300

Venetian plaster: price per kg

Before you buy Venetian plaster, let's look at some prices for it.

Photo Variants and manufacturers Characteristics Price, rub

Travertino15 kg. Imitation of natural stone.2970

PrestigeFraction №4 4. Weight 14 kg.1523

Koroliteacrylic base. 30 kg.2016

Modena15 kg. Turkish marble chips are used as a filler.3150

It's also worth checking out the reviews.

Review of Tanya, Lipetsk: Decorative plaster UNIS Bark beetle - Durable coating, can be painted. For internal and external works

Advantages: Does not scratch, tolerates temperature changes. moisture resistant, can be painted repeatedly.

Cons: none

IN country house we are doing repairs and there is an unheated walk-through veranda. Designed to undress, undress. Create air cushion between the street and the heated room. We decided to finish with decorative bark beetle plaster. It is designed for indoor and outdoor work. Before applying it, the walls were leveled ordinary plaster, because the bark beetle is already a fine finish

More on Otzovik:

Maliakisa, Yekaterinburg: Decorative plaster Derufa - PRESENTABLE, effective

Advantages: durable, sophisticated look, environmentally friendly, masks wall irregularities

Cons: price

I am a designer. All new interesting solutions for the interior, I try to test it in my apartment before offering it to the customer. So I first applied decorative plaster to the walls in my bathroom, and after that I began to include it in design projects for the client. The choice in favor of this material fell due to the fact that it is very practical.

More on Otzovik:


To date, abundance in the market building materials allows you to embody the most daring design ideas. To create more refined interior try using decorative Venetian plaster. Elegant surface finish a natural stone will become a real highlight of your home.

The history of the invention of Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster is a thick paste for beautiful finishes various surfaces. Even in ancient Rome, builders added quarry waste to the finishing mixture, and the walls processed by it subsequently resembled marble.

Most popular this technology acquired at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries in Venice (hence the name). At that time, the mixture was made from natural primer, putty, oils, wax, and marble powder. Instead of expensive marble slabs, walls, ceilings and columns in palaces were finished with original plaster.

True, the cost of Venetian plaster was also significant, and not everyone could afford this decor. But due to its characteristics and aesthetic beauty, the new product quickly became in demand.

Form of production

Currently, Venetian plaster is produced in the form of a ready-made dry mix, which includes marble or other stone chips, binders and dyes.

With the desire and time, you can make the product yourself, although this is a rather laborious process.

Material Advantages

From the numerous photos of Venetian plaster on the Internet, it is easy to see what a stunning visual effect it creates in the interior.

This finish also has mass useful properties, among which are:

  • Strength and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Resistant to any temperature extremes, high fire resistance.
  • Long service life (about twenty years). At the same time, thanks to the protective wax coating, the colors of the pattern will remain unchanged.
  • Versatility - Venetian plaster finish is widely used for internal surfaces not only in residential, but also commercial, office premises.
  • Waterproof - this coating can be used even in bathrooms or baths.
  • Ease of maintenance - Venetian plaster easily tolerates wet and dry cleaning.
  • The use of environmentally friendly components (Venetian plaster does not contain any toxic substances that can be harmful to health).
  • variety of materials, color palette and application technique, which allows you to create truly exclusive design elements.

Using this finish, you can easily imitate both rare rocks and wooden, and even silk surfaces.

Disadvantages of using Venetian plaster

It is necessary to say about the cons unusual material, These include:

Despite its strength and stability, this material cannot be used for outdoor surfaces. Under the influence of environmental factors, the finish will quickly begin to collapse.

Before applying Venetian plaster, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface - if it is not perfectly even and smooth, all imperfections will be clearly visible.

Expensive material and difficult working methods. It is necessary to apply plaster in several layers, and sometimes professional skills are required to create this or that effect, this significantly increases the amount of expenses and the complexity of the finish.

However, everything is known in comparison - it will not be so expensive and difficult to use the same Venetian marbled stucco in your decor than natural stone.

To decorate the interior of a living room of rare beauty and uniqueness, you need to use high-quality and expensive finishing materials. For example, Venetian plaster in the interior of the living room will look gorgeous. Wallpaper and paint to recreate a special atmosphere will not work. In this case, designers suggest using Venetian plaster. In another way, it is called "Venetian". Consider why she is valued and what is the secret of her unique beauty and popularity.

Venetian plaster in the interior of the living room with marble imitation

Types of decorative plaster for interior wall decoration

As you know, plaster consists of natural materials and synthetic fibers various fillers on which the drawing depends. To date, there are four main types of plaster:

  1. Mineral. The basis is cement (lime). Applies anywhere. This is the cheapest type of decorative plaster, which constantly experiences vibrations and can crack.
  2. silicate. This type is also sensitive to vibrations, but the surface does not attract dust and dirt. It has good performance in terms of steam and water resistance. After its application, mold does not appear.
  3. Acrylic on resins. This type of plaster is not afraid of temperature changes. The surface dries quickly and is easy to clean.
  4. Silicone. Based on binder polymers. Plastic plaster with low water absorption and excellent vapor resistance. Of all the above types, this plaster is the most expensive.

Pedigree of Venetian plaster for living room interior decoration

Classical Venetian plaster has been actively used since the Renaissance. Ancient Rome is considered the birthplace of such an interesting and unique wall covering.

Venetian plaster in the interior of the modern living room

In those distant times, Venetian plaster adorned the walls of rich houses of nobles. The process of preparation and the composition of the decorative mixture were kept a strict secret. The cover turned out very nice. It could mimic:

  • marble;
  • granite;
  • onyx;
  • jasper;
  • malachite.

Bas-relief from decorative plaster in the design of the living room

The surface of the walls at the discretion of the owners could be glossy or matte. The finished surface is durable. Since then, some wall samples have been preserved that prove this.

Venetian plaster imitating light marble

Advantages of Venetian plaster in living room design

in front of others finishing materials plaster has its undoubted advantages:

  • easy application to the surface;
  • before applying the wall must be primed, additional Finishing work no longer needed;
  • easily masks imperfections on the wall;
  • prevents the appearance of mold;
  • resistant to moisture and temperature changes;
  • able to imitate stone, wood, silk, marble, granite;
  • you can make patterns and drawings;
  • Venetian is an environmentally friendly material.

The composition of Venetian plaster for finishing the living room

The main components of Venetian plaster are the following products:

  • slaked lime, it can be replaced with an acrylic base;
  • stone dust;
  • colored pigments.

Graphite stucco in a modern living room

These same components were part of the medieval Venetian. In addition to the plaster itself, a layer is necessarily applied, which consists entirely of natural beeswax.

Part of the wall in the interior of the living room is finished with a Venetian

Advice! To get a smoother wall after plastering, all particles in the composition must be small.

Venetian gray stucco in the design of the living-dining room

Living room decoration with Venetian plaster: application technique

Usually only specialists with rich experience work with a Venetian. But knowing the features of the plaster and the basics of the application technique, you can finish the wall with your own hands.

Venetian plaster close-up orange-red shade

Steps for applying Venetian plaster:

  1. Preparatory work. The walls are leveled, puttied and polished. This will help to get rid of bumps that can affect the appearance of the finished wall. For convenience, you can mark the location of the Venetian. At the end, be sure to prime the surface.
  2. Basic finish. This step is only taken after preparatory stage was completed successfully. The application technology is divided into several stages. The first is the main one: it is applied using a wide trowel with flat surface or rounded corners. The plaster is applied in a thin layer in all directions. After each application, the spatula must be cleaned with a damp cloth. After complete drying, the surface must be cleaned.
  3. Next, a second layer is applied. The plaster is applied in separate strokes and with a flexible spatula. Then several more layers are applied with strokes. At the same time, in front of each of them, the wall is well leveled. The Venetian is superimposed until the spotting passes and the transitions are visually smoothed out. To create a spectacular look, each layer of plaster may differ in tone from each other. The diluted mixture dries quickly, so it is recommended to process a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall. After drying of all layers, the surface is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  4. To protect the wall, you can use beeswax or a special varnish. This agent is applied 6-8 hours after the plaster has dried. These products have water-repellent properties that will extend the life of the decorative coating.

As you can see, using Venetian plaster on your own is not so difficult. First, be sure to practice on a small section of the wall. Otherwise, you may ruin expensive material. If you are afraid to take on such plaster, then it is advisable to turn to professionals.

A niche in the wall is decorated with shiny Venetian plaster in a classic living room

A variety of Venetian plaster for living room renovation

The most common and popular type of Venetian is imitation marbled. This is the most classic look. On sale you can find other variations of Venetian plaster:

  • silver;
  • gold;
  • nacre;
  • jasper;
  • malachite;
  • granite.

Light blue Venetian in the interior of the living room

There are several types of Venetian plaster:

  • Veneto;
  • Trevignano;
  • Marbello;
  • Ensousto.

Let's consider each type in more detail.

Venetian plaster imitating the effect of wet silk

Venetian plaster "Veneto" in the living room

This is a common type of Venetian with the effect of polished matte marble. It has several main advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • easy and simple to apply;
  • not demanding in operation and maintenance.

Venetian plaster in the interior of the living room minimalism

Venetian plaster "Trevignano" in the living room

This decorative coating looks original and amazing on the wall. It seems to be illuminated from within. In the interior of the living room, it will look like a mirrored marble wall. Appearance this Venetian resembles travertine rock.

With the help of plaster, you can make wall murals and paintings.

Plaster "Trevignano" is distinguished by the presence of translucent layers and a large number of color shades which give an amazing visual effect. This plaster can be used in the following styles:

  • classic;
  • baroque;
  • vintage.

Be sure to complement such a wall with aristocratic frescoes.

Blue Venetian plaster in the interior of the living room

Venetian plaster "Marbello" in the living room

The appearance of this Venetian plaster is reminiscent of roughly worked marble. Equip your living room with the right lighting and enjoy the play of light. Visually, the wall on which such plaster is applied looks velvety with glossy polished veins.

Light purple Venetian in the interior of a modern living room

Venetian plaster "Ensausto" for the living room

The appearance of the Venetian resembles granite. The surface becomes semi-matt. Small inclusions characteristic of granite are visible.

Light plaster in the design of the living room minimalism

Disadvantages of Venetian plaster for interior decoration of the living room

Among the shortcomings, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

  • high price;
  • the application process must be prepared carefully;
  • self-application is a painstaking task, therefore it is recommended to contact specialists, and their services are also expensive.

Light gray Venetian with granite imitation

Panels and frescoes can be made from Venetian plaster. This will give the living room a special atmosphere.

Venetian plaster pattern resembles sea wolves

In what style can you use Venetian plaster

The Venetian will transform any space. With its help, you can make a real royal residence. Plaster harmoniously fits into the following styles:

  • classic;
  • empire;
  • baroque;
  • rococo;
  • Art Deco;
  • high tech.

Photo of living rooms with Venetian plaster

In decorating walls, a lot of techniques and materials are used, among which the most spectacular is Venetian plaster. It is the marble flour in its composition that creates a magnificent picture on the surface of the walls.

They knew about the Venetian even in Ancient Rome. At the present time, it has acquired somewhat different features - there are different shades, improved methods of use. Let's talk about this in more detail.


Venetian plaster consists of the remaining waste after processing marble or materials such as malachite, granite, quartz, etc. The substance of such plaster is different sizes particles, and the smaller they are, the smoother the surface will turn out.

In parallel with raw materials is bought special agent For finishing and protective layer. As such, beeswax is most often used, and cheaper analogues are also allowed. A beeswax finish will create a stunning gloss effect.


To get the expected effect, you need to correctly approach the process. Marble plaster is a rather expensive material, which differs in some subtleties and nuances of use. In this case, the services of a master are not cheap, so many prefer to do the work on their own. But if everything is done according to the rules, then you can create a finish that is indistinguishable from the work of a professional.

Tools and materials

To decorate the interior with Venetian plaster, you will need:

  • primer, which includes a quartz filler (to prepare the surface);
  • water to set the solution;
  • plaster mixture;
  • colors to create different shades;
  • fine-grained sandpaper for grinding and grouting;
  • paste or liquid wax to protect against dirt and dust, as well as to obtain a glossy effect;
  • roller or spatula for primer;
  • trowel for distributing the mixture;
  • rubber spatula for wax;
  • rags for wiping tools, floors, etc.;
  • containers for liquids and mixtures.

Applying Venetian plaster

The preparatory processes will depend on the type and composition of the panel. When brickwork you need to pre-process it - align and grind it well. If you plan to decorate drywall construction, you can get by with just a starting putty.

Make sure that the surface on which the marble base is laid is as smooth and even as possible, otherwise the flaws will show through the coating.

The next step is the primer. It must contain quartz. From water and a primer in a separate container, it is necessary to prepare a 20% solution, and then apply it to the wall with a roller or spatula. Let the surface dry properly.

Next is the turn of the mixture itself. Dilute the mixture with water, according to the proportions indicated on the package. To give the surfaces any shade, it is at this moment that you need to add color. When choosing a color, remember that marble - natural material, so give preference to more natural tones.

Application should be done in 4 steps:

  1. The base must be solid and even, applied with a trowel or roller. The first layer must dry completely. As a rule, this takes about 8 hours.
  2. The texture is applied with free strokes, then smoothed. This layer also needs to dry.
  3. The result depends on the quality of the final layer. At this stage, you need to be very careful. As you know, marble has stains and veins. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, use a solution of the same color, but different (preferably two) shades. His trowel is smeared on surfaces. It is important not to spoil the decor. The third layer should be applied in strokes or wavy movements, but not continuous. Wait until everything dries (at least a day). When there is not a single wet spot, use fine-grained emery to sand all the flaws.
  4. The final stage is the application of wax, which will give the Venetian gloss. It is applied in a continuous layer with rubber spatula, then rub woolen cloth. It is enough to do it once.

Features of Venetian plaster

Like any other material, Venetian plaster has its pros and cons. The disadvantages include a fairly high price and complexity in the process of performing work. But all this is leveled by positive qualities:

  • safety - such plaster has high environmental performance. It contains exclusively natural components, so the Venetian does not cause allergies and is not toxic;
  • durability - the service life of the coating is more than 15 years. Over time, only the wax layer can be updated;
  • aesthetics - the magnificent effect that marble powder creates is beautiful in interior design. Due to its multi-layered plaster manifests itself in a special way, ennobles any interior.

Venetian plaster in the interior

Venetian, unlike marble itself, can only be used for interior design interiors. At the same time, such plaster cannot be used in bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity.

Marble chips ennoble any interior, it looks great both in the living room and in the hallway or bedroom. As far as style is concerned, it is very important that decorative panel not conceptually contradictory overall design. Such decoration can often be found not only in residential premises, but also in the design of hotels, offices, cafes.

When decorating the interior, Venetian plaster, in addition to wall decoration, designers like to use to decorate individual details of the room - columns, cornices and others. It is desirable that artificial or natural light fall on an object with a similar coating to create the effect of a charming play of light. You can appreciate this decor only by seeing all this beauty with your own eyes.