In a private house      07/02/2020

The most interesting topics for conversation. How to talk to a girl without being boring. What not to talk about with a guy

All topics for conversation have run out, and you don’t know what to talk about with the guy you like? When meeting, how to find a topic that will be of interest to both? In fact, finding common ground with a stranger is easy! And we will tell you how to do it. In addition, you will find here a list of universal topics for talking with any guy at the first meeting, and you will learn how to properly maintain a conversation and what is better to keep silent about.

How often have you seen girls who are able to practically maintain a conversation with a completely unfamiliar man, able to listen, ask the right questions? There are few of them, because the ability to conduct a conversation is a complex art, which can be learned throughout life. A newbie has a lot of questions. What to talk about with guys? What topics to choose? What is not worth discussing?

The first thing to think about is the topic of the conversation. But how to choose it if you are practically not familiar with the interlocutor? A great chance to learn more about a guy is to ask him directly about his hobbies. Perhaps your passions will match.

Here is what you should unobtrusively find out from him at the first meeting:

  1. what he does in his spare time, his hobbies, hobbies;
  2. favorite movie, book;
  3. how he spends his time more often - hanging out at clubs with friends, or prefers relaxing holiday at home;
  4. What are your plans for the future;
  5. you can ask if he ever did crazy, thoughtless things;
  6. where he likes to spend his holidays/holidays.

It is possible that already at this stage you will find several points of convergence of interests.

Universal topics for conversation with any guy

If there is no intersection of interests - do not be discouraged, there are several win-win topics of conversation that are suitable for communicating with any guys. Here are the topics:

  1. Sport. What sport does he do? Does the gym, fitness club, swimming pool visit? Does it lead healthy lifestyle life?
  2. His family, relatives and friends. Are there brothers and sisters? Favorite uncles and aunts? Who does he get along with the most? Perhaps he will tell you a few interesting stories from your childhood. You can tell something about your childhood. It brings together very well.
  3. Animals. Does he have pets? If not, does he dream of having someone?
  4. Technique. Many guys are fond of technology, well versed in electronic innovations. You can ask for advice, help in choosing a new phone, setting up a computer, etc.
  5. gastronomic preferences. All guys love to eat, and this can and should be enjoyed.

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Another inexhaustible topic for conversation with any guy - last news and events in your city. Here are some examples:

  • new films;
  • theatrical premieres;
  • concerts held in your city;
  • music festivals;
  • sport events.
  • last news;
  • discussion of interesting places you have visited;
  • trendy nightclubs;
  • beaches;
  • parties.

In a conversation with a guy, do not forget about the ability to listen to the interlocutor. You should not exclaim after each phrase: “It can’t be”, “Wow!”, “Cool!”. Such "patterned" cries often sound feigned. Try to listen calmly and very carefully to the interlocutor, you can ask relevant questions.

This should be avoided

Obviously, you can not continue the conversation on a topic if you see that it is not interesting to a man.

In addition, there are so-called "forbidden topics". Their discussion is undesirable if the guy is not your friend. Here are the topics:

  1. His and his past relationships. The main danger of such conversations is the comparison of past and current relationships, which leaves an unpleasant aftertaste and hurts pride. You should not touch on this topic, especially if you practically do not know your interlocutor;
  2. His failures. Guys take any troubles very hard: failures at work, losses in sports competitions are perceived by them very painfully. Talking about past troubles affects self-esteem. In such a situation, it is better to switch his attention to something positive;
  3. Bad habits, weaknesses. If you begin to discuss in a negative way, his bad habits, he will perceive this as a gross interference in his life. This topic should not be raised at the very beginning of a relationship. In the future, when you get closer, you can return to this.
In addition, unsuccessful topics are:
  • Policy
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Your views on these topics may differ significantly, so these topics should be avoided at first.

In general, if you're on a first date with a guy, it's best to talk about something fun and positive. Too serious topics for conversation are best left for later.

There are a few more in this video useful tips:

Finding an interesting common topic for conversation is half the battle, the conversation still needs to be skillfully conducted. Here are some helpful tips for keeping the conversation going:

Many girls make mistakes in communicating with guys. Here are the most common ones:

  • Talk about several things at the same time. Do not quickly and often "jump" from topic to topic. This will tire the interlocutor. Focus on one thing.
  • Interruption. This mistake is made by many girls, trying to make the conversation more "alive", but guys perceive this behavior as aggression. You need to learn to listen.
  • Conversation in hints. This is a "feminine" way to carry on a conversation. If you want to make a good impression, be direct. Hints are perceived as a way of manipulation.
  • Don't complain. No need to immediately complain about a bad life, lack of finances, bad friends, neighbors. This behavior can be embarrassing. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a positive person. Focus on your accomplishments and successes.

Save topics for a conversation with a girl, they will definitely come in handy. All topics for conversation have ended, are you shy or don't know what to talk about with a pretty girl? There are topics for conversation that will help not only not to get bored, but also bring you closer. 110 boring topics for a conversation with a girl.

Silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls do not like. What can you talk about with a girl to get closer and not get bored? There are many questions and ideas for conversation. Themes are suitable for a walk, a conversation in a cafe, alone or for any other place. These topics will show you as an extraordinary and interesting interlocutor. In any conversation, listening is more important than talking. Then the girl will be crazy about you.

1. What is the sexiest part of your body?

2. Describe yourself in three words?

3. Do you trust your head more or your heart?

4. What was your childhood like?

5. What cheers you up?

6. What are you proud of?

7. What makes you laugh the most?

8. What are you most interested in and what causes interest?

9. What are you talented at?

10. What sport attracts?

11. Which place or country do you want to go to?

12. What things would you take with you to a desert island?

13. What's the scariest thing you've ever done?

14. Who is yours best friend or girlfriend?

15. What is your favorite movie?

16. The best and most memorable trip?

17. Who is closest in the family?

18. Favorite alcoholic drink? And was she drunk as hell?

19. What are you most afraid of?

20. What do you remember most from childhood or the past?

21. What is your favorite smell and fragrance?

22. Where would you like to live the most?

23. What qualities are you looking for in your second half?

24. What stupid things have you done in your life?

26. Who is grateful to in life?

27. Which of the five senses would you agree to lose?

28. The most cardinal decision in life?

29. How did you spend the last 24 hours on earth?

30. What do people not know about you?

31. What do you like to do on weekends?

32. Do you like the sea, mountains or forests more?

33. What does the perfect date look like?

34. Are you a conflict person?

35. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

36. What do you want to change in yourself?

37. When do you feel vulnerable and what makes you feel vulnerable?

38. What time and under what civilization would you like to live?

39. Favorite memory?

40. Do you have a mentor and main adviser in life?

41. What is your favorite book, quote, joke, movie or song?

42. What is your zodiac sign?

43. What do you want to do before you die and what are your plans?

44. Biggest regret?

45. Would you be able to survive in prison and how would it be?

46. ​​How long do you dream of having children?

47. What do you want to fix in life?

48. What is your relationship with God?

49. Do you like to dance?

50. Favorite pet?

51. What do you like about men physically and psychologically?

52. How do you understand love?

53. When was the last time you cried?

54. What do you think your family will look like?

55. What do you do on a bad day and in a bad mood?

56. Do you believe and trust people?

57. Have you kissed like an adult with your girlfriends?

58. Favorite genre of books?

59. Do you believe in miracles or fate?

60. Where do you feel at home?

61. What are your goals and plans for life?

62. If you were a man for one day, what would you do?

63. What do people need to know before meeting you?

64. What did you dream of being when you were young?

65. What object from childhood is still with you?

66. What do you dislike the most in life?

67. What popular star would you marry?

68. What causes a smile and a good mood?

69. Do you like compliments, beauty?

70. Were there any problems with the law and what did the criminal do?

71. What are you still ashamed of?

72. What super power do you want to have?

73. Are you a lark or an owl?

74. How do you feel about politics and what is happening in the world?

75. What is the most important life lesson?

76. What have you never done, but really want to?

77. Favorite food, dish, drink, fruit, vegetable and sweet?

78. What lesson did you learn from past relationships?

79. Do you consider yourself smart?

80. Are you a member of any organizations or movements?

81. What name would you like to have?

83. What does a dream vacation look like if money is not taken into account?

84. How do your friends represent you?

85. Do you believe in love at first sight?

86. What profession would you choose if you returned to the past?

87. Who are your parents and how did you raise you?

88. Are you a follower or do you like to lead?

89. Does friendship exist between opposite sexes?

90. What style of clothing do you oppose?

91. What scares you in the future?

92. Favorite artists, writers, musicians?

93. Do you follow passions and emotions?

94. Favorite fictional character?

95. What is the most embarrassing thing in life and was there such a moment?

96. Biggest fear?

97. What animal can you compare yourself to?

98. What is the best life advice you have received from others?

99. Who do you most admire?

100. What do you think about death?

101. What do you pay attention to first of all when meeting?

102. Can you cook and what is best for you?

103. Do you consider yourself a strange person?

104. What turns you on and excites you?

105. Do you love yourself?

106. How would you spend a million dollars?

107. What is missing in your life?

108. What does your dream look like?

109. What makes you happy?

110. Will you kiss me now?

Save topics for a conversation with a girl, they will definitely come in handy.

Any girl loves courtesy, attention and, of course, an affectionate word from her interlocutor. And if we are talking about the first date, then it is decisive for a long-term relationship.

Young people need to be able to select the right topics for conversation in a direct meeting when walking with a girl 1 on 1, on the phone or on social networks. This can be learned.

Topics to talk about on a first date


In order to interest a girl in comfortable and easy communication, you need to captivate her with conversations about your hobbies.

This topic is useful for several reasons:

  • Firstly talking about interesting views classes, the girl learns more about her interlocutor after meeting, how he lives, how he breathes, and so on.
  • Secondly, you can captivate her with details and, perhaps, interest your hobbies so that you want to spend them together.
  • And thirdly, it may turn out that you are both passionate about the same activity, which greatly facilitates the entire subsequent conversation.


You can bring up the topic of spending free time. What did you do interesting in Lately Where did you go, what places did you visit?

It is possible that there will be common ground on this topic, which will greatly facilitate further conversation.

Reference! It may happen that the interlocutor wants to spend time as well as you, then the scenario of the second date will surely be ready.

Favorite films

A very relevant topic for today's young people. The scripts and genres of films are very diverse, so the conversation about the films you like will be rich and extensive.

First, you need to delicately inquire about your partner's tastes in films, and then tell about your preferences. In the course of the conversation, there will certainly be common interesting episodes and genres.

Reference! At the same time, you can arrange the next meeting at the cinema to view the upcoming bestseller.


Girls love athletic young people, so talking about your favorite and exciting sport will not leave her indifferent.

You can talk about your achievements, as well as discuss the records of famous athletes, evaluate their victory or loss.

  • During the conversation, you will learn about the preferences of your interlocutor, perhaps she herself is an athlete or a fan of a particular type of sports competition.
  • If both of you are avid athletes, then the next date you can plan a trip to the sports section or the gym.

City attractions

You can discuss the memorable places in your city and find out from the interlocutor her preferences in this regard. It is necessary to pick up such unexplored corners in which the girl has never been before. It is important to intrigue her and persuade her to spend a second date there.

Attention! If during the conversation you understand that the girl managed to go wherever you were, then you can go for a trick by saying that you have never, oddly enough, been to some place of interest.

This will be a great occasion and a hint for the girl to show you the unknown at the second meeting.


A good topic for continuing the conversation and for making a second date at the girl's favorite restaurant. You need to ask your partner about her taste preferences and talk about your unusual and delicious dishes.

If you know how to cook, then this will be an amazing bonus. You can surprise a girl with your unusual dishes and invite her home to taste them.


Conversations on musical theme always good on a first date. Everyone listens to music and many have individual preferences, which they are happy to share with their interlocutor.

Reference! You can discuss the positive and negative aspects of vocals, name your favorite performers and the genre of songs performed. There are bound to be points of contact.

List best themes for talking with a girl on a date is shown in the video:

By phone

A telephone conversation differs from a personal conversation in that telephone communication is limited only by auditory and verbal sociability. Partners do not see each other and cannot judge each other's appearance, mood.

During the conversation, you can touch on any topic, but it is important to monitor the reaction of the girl so that her voice is cheerful and she remains an active interlocutor.


Such topics develop the imagination well at a distance, so it is ideal for a conversation:

  1. Need to describe Beautiful places, sunny beaches and cultural monuments.
  2. Before talking, you need to read on the Internet about several places of interest and find out their positive aspects.
  3. If you have been able to travel the world, then personal experience will be most welcome.


On the phone, it's great to captivate a girl with funny anecdotes.

You just need to try to avoid vulgarity and cruelty.

The weaker sex is very vulnerable and sensitive, such barbs may not be forgivable, moreover, they can Negative influence for the rest of the conversation.


All young people have favorite works. These may be stories from the school curriculum, or they may be individually read works by little-known authors.

Important! During the conversation, you need to try to understand which directions in works of art fascinate the interlocutor, and try to adapt to her tastes. In this case, the conversation can develop very harmoniously and successfully.


There are no girls indifferent to animals. As a rule, many people have an affectionate cat, dog or the same bird at home.

The interlocutor with pleasure herself will tell about her pet, about his character, disposition, taste preferences, habits, grievances. You should only support the words of tenderness and delight.

And if you also have a favorite animal, then your partner will be happy to listen to amazing stories about a hamster, a parrot or a turtle.

Important! In a telephone conversation, it is very important to avoid awkward silence. Moreover, the young man should always keep the course for continuing the conversation. You can interrupt the silence with a gentle smile with a call to the phone and pleasant words to the subscriber.

How and what to talk to a girl on the phone is described in the video:

Correspondence in social networks on the example of VKontakte

Reference! It is important to be able to correctly express your thoughts, since when communicating on the Internet there is no emotional component and a written phrase can be regarded differently.

What can a young man start a conversation about in such a popular social network like VKontakte:

  • emotional themes. You can talk about everything that particularly impressed you in Last year. It should be borne in mind that girls love pleasant and bright themes. You should not start a conversation about cars and other equipment, few of the fair sex really like this topic.
  • Talk about interesting videos on the net. You can share with your partner links to amazing stories, stories about UFOs and other impressive topics.
  • Holidays. Discussing the holidays is always exciting and joyful. Tell about your favorite traditions in your family, with friends. You can attach supporting photos from an important family event to the message. Perhaps in the photographs the girl will see mutual acquaintances and your conversation will take on a more relaxed direction.

Reference! The advantage of a social network is that there is no need to limit yourself to words. It is always possible to attach an interesting link to a video or music video to a message. This creates a double interest on both sides. Thus, the horizon of people's communication automatically expands.

VKontakte has a lot of opportunities to express your emotions.

It would seem that a simple emoticon inserted in the right place can cause a romantic mood in a girl and make her fall in love with her person, no matter how trite it may sound.

What shouldn't be talked about?

Communication with the girl you like should be easy and fun, you can talk on any conceivable and inconceivable topics, but still worth it. avoid some topical conversations:

  1. Policy. This area should not be affected at all, at least on the first three dates. The fair sex rarely follows the political events in the country on such a vast scale as young people, and she will be bored and bleak to listen to your opinion on this matter. Moreover, questions addressed to her along the political line in general can lead the interlocutor to discouragement.
  2. Religion. The topic is almost intimate. It is so vague in terms of understanding the world of each individual that such conversations can end in scandal and unpleasant feelings from the meeting. Religious points should be excluded from the conversation unequivocally and always.
  3. Former. Not every girl will agree to tell you about her former hobbies and intrigues. In addition, this area of ​​\u200b\u200bcommunication is hardly pleasant for her, since she is now sitting in front of you in search of a new hobby. Never discuss your ex-lovers with her. It is not delicate and not to the liking of any girl.
  4. Age. Do not ask about the age of the interlocutor, as well as report on your preferences in this matter. This topic should become a taboo for discussion. Women of all ages are very sensitive to the treasure called "age period". For them, it turns out to be insulting any hint by chance in this vein.
  5. Crime. Girls are not very fond of action movies and horrors, so they are unlikely to like talking about this topic. In addition, a date with a young man for the fairer sex is always something bright, fabulous and magical, you should not darken this light with such “dark colors”.

Five forbidden topics when talking with a girl are described in the video:

In order to make a lasting impression on the girl you like, you need to be able to delicately conduct a conversation with her.

Girls love with their ears - a famous proverb that reveals the essence of female nature.

It depends on how and what the guy says, whether he likes his partner or not. The ability to keep up the conversation in the right thematic direction is important for a guy and almost the most important trump card for attracting a girl to a second date.

It will be about topics of conversation not only on dates, but also in Everyday life, because very often we communicate at work, on the street or on the Internet. Before you start studying the right topics, you need to familiarize yourself with the phrases that kill your beauty and attractiveness in the eyes of other people.

Topics to Avoid

Personal life. Even if you've already been on several dates, don't ask a man about his exes. Leave it in case the topic of conversation goes into this direction on its own. On a first date or when meeting, it is generally forbidden to find out, because it will scare a man away.

Job. Even if you are at work, you should not talk to the man you like about the tasks ahead of you and how you can increase productivity. Of course, if you do not want to make a positive impression on a man, you can talk about it, but this will not make him interested in you.

Other men. If you start praising another member of the stronger sex in a personal conversation with a man, then you can not expect anything good. Men love it when the conversation concerns only them.

Everyday details of your life. Telling some boring facts about how you unsuccessfully plucked your eyebrows last week - bad idea. Did your friend betray you? - it is also better to keep silent about this if you are not familiar with it.

Ideal topics for a conversation with a man

1. Movies and books. Everyone watches movies, so you can talk about them forever. This is a great way to find a common theme. The same goes for books.

2. Gossip. For many reasons, people love gossip and gossip, but this is not the case for everyone. Great care is required here: if a man does not like to talk about others, such a topic will definitely not impress him.

3. Cars. If you don’t know a man well, then you can talk about cars without any problems. The main thing is to be savvy so as not to look stupid. This is the main problem with this topic.

4. Music. Everyone listens to music. This is another versatile theme that promises you an easy dialogue. The main thing is that your tastes at least partially coincide.

5. His virtues and achievements. If you have heard or know about his achievements, then you can mention them in passing. This will have a beneficial effect on his attitude towards you, because men really like it when women notice their strengths.

Tip one: try to find out what a man likes the most. You can try to talk to him about his hobby, to create the appearance that you like it, that you are also interested in it.

Tip two: do not criticize him and do not belittle his dignity. Criticism should be constructive, so always think twice before you say anything. A man should not feel like you are his mother.

Tip three: smile. Just not like the Joker from the Batman movies. Smile softly and slightly noticeable when you talk to him. Make eye contact 60-80 percent of the time. This will help set up correct contact and show him that you like him.

Absolutely anyone can be liked in a couple of minutes. We have two of the most important tips for novice seducers and seductresses. Study a man to know what topics delight him, do not take risks in vain. Let us know in the comments which themes you think are the best, and don't forget to click the buttons and

Do not know what topics to talk about during a conversation with a girl or a guy? These 25 conversation topics will help you get a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you don't know what to talk about next, whether it's talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone, almost every third person faces this. Everything is learned in the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

Finding topics for communication with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You have known each other for a certain amount of time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about a relationship that started recently, then there may be a barrier in communication, just because you don’t know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend yet. In this moment the best option is to reveal as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you may remember interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. There is a chance that your soulmate also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. For the first time it will be a good start.

If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already used to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that lasts for a long time can be quite normal.

No matter how long you've been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your significant other, and just get closer.

25 topics for communication

All these themes you can use on a daily basis.

1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure and rest, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will be looking forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in subject matter to (for Ukraine) and (for Russia) will help you keep track of events that take place in your city.

2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities you love is an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but will also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. To be interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how your working day or day at school went, whether he or she was tired for the whole day, whether something worries - all this makes it possible to feel care from close person, which is important in a relationship.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a large number of his time - work (study). Things happen at work every day. Conflicts and all sorts of situations often arise in the workplace. Also, by talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game by uncovering one secret in turn. It's exciting and a lot of fun.

6. Movies, entertainment programs, shows. There are more and more films every year. If we are not at the TV screens, as we used to be, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing some new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

7. Food, cooking. Who doesn't love delicious food? Especially interesting when it comes to co-cooking. Even if your loved one or loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn how to cook together. You can learn together about your favorite and least favorite dishes, share cooking experiences.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion not feasible, your loved one or loved one will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan a vacation together for a couple of days, a week or a month. Holidays together will be the highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have daily hobbies? Share your hobbies, most likely your significant other may have several hobbies that you enjoy.

11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask a loved one or loved ones moments in life that they can be proud of. These can be personal achievements (at work, school, in any sport, etc.), which will be nice to remember and talk about.

13. Offer for help. If you can help in any way, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

14. Plans for the future. Does your future plans say how you see yourself in a few years? Shared goals always make relationships stronger and give you the opportunity to achieve them together.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you work together to be the best for each other, relationships become stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal qualities of character or get rid of bad habits, talk about a previous quarrel, review your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Your every step towards improvement will be appreciated by your significant other.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not introduced your beloved or loved one to your parents, she or he will certainly be interested in knowing about your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in bed, don't debug them. At some point, they will return anyway, so it’s better to solve them right away. If your loved one is not fully enjoying it, you should sit down and talk about how you can work it out together.

18. Talk about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive areas erogenous zones, positions that you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and everything that turns you on in bed.

19. Health. Taking care and asking about the health of a loved one or loved one is no less important than taking care of everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, any business at work, daily personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. better not to touch.

22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intelligent conversations that can help you get your significant other's opinion about life and activities that are important to them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it can be conversations about the little things in life that can drag on for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time, preferences change, and the more you know about current preferences, the more you know about your loved one or loved one.

25. Memories. It is always a pleasant topic to remember the first hugs, the first kiss, the first words “I love you”, the places you have been together, funny stories that have happened to you.