In a private house      06/26/2020

Saffron seasoning application to what kind of dishes. Saffron - useful properties and use of seasoning. Medicinal properties of saffron

When we talk about saffron, the East immediately appears with its subtle luxury, abundance of spices and unusual tastes. Saffron seasoning was sung in verses and legends, its beneficial properties were noted by Hippocrates. In the East, you can hear that once upon a time there lived a beautiful young man, Saffron, who somehow did not please the gods, and they turned him into a beautiful flower.

The spice saffron is indeed obtained from the stigmas of flowers, however, we call them crocuses. This product is used not only to give food a special taste, but also as a dye: archaeologists often find drawings made with saffron.

What is the benefit of saffron?

The stigmas of flowers are one of the most nutrient-rich parts of plants. Saffron is quite high in calories, but given that it is used in very small quantities, this can be neglected. By the way, this spice cannot be abused also because it is quite poisonous: sometimes just half a gram can cause irreparable harm to health. But we have nothing to fear: the amount that we add to food is measured in hundredths of a gram. But they give us a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals, saturate with flavonoids and antioxidants. Scientists have noticed that people who use saffron are easier to cope with even the most serious diseases.

Saffron seasoning: where to add?

Crocus pollen thanks to high content biologically active and coloring substances are used in many industries - medicine, cosmetology, even industry. But first of all, saffron is a seasoning, its use in cooking is very wide. It will give a rich golden hue and excellent taste to any dishes. The most common option is to cook rice with saffron, then this simple cereal will sparkle with new colors, so it will be difficult to do without this spice. Golden seasoning goes well with vegetables, especially beans, zucchini and eggplant. Saffron is used in cooking both for taste and as a dye: it is added to muffins and cookies and fruit creams. Often they even bake bread with it.

In some countries, saffron is so popular that it is added to coffee or tea.

How to use saffron?

Natural saffron is sold in the form of specific veins. Choose carefully: dark saffron, dark red or even red-brown has the richest taste. You can often find saffron in ready-made powder form, but it's too easy to fake, so it's not worth the risk of wasting money. As for the application, the veins can be immediately added to the dish, but it is better to prepare the seasoning in advance: the veins should be slightly dried in a frying pan without oil, ground into a fine powder and then dissolved in a small amount of water, milk or alcohol. So the spice will be preserved for a long time, and will completely give its taste to the dish. For baking, saffron is added to the dough already at the beginning of kneading, but in hot dishes - not earlier than five minutes before readiness. The dosage of saffron is very small. No more than five veins are placed in one serving of this or that dish, and the weight of each of them is so small that it is difficult to imagine: 1/400 g.

The cost of saffron has always been comparable to gold, and even now, when pepper and salt are almost worth nothing, Golden seasoning is still not very affordable. Therefore, in India, they have long found something to replace saffron with. It is now used only for special occasions, and in everyday meals use turmeric. Its taste is not so bright, it is a bit like pepper and orange, but turmeric also gives the products an appetizing golden hue. You need to add it a little, at the tip of a knife for one serving.

What makes a dish especially tasty and fragrant? Of course, seasonings! Not a single preparation is complete without them, whether it be simple vegetable salad or complex pastries. Seasonings take pride of place in the kitchen of those who love to cook, and housewives know that you need to be careful with the amount of herbs, peppers and other spices - because if you overdo it, the dish will change its taste beyond recognition, to the point that it will be impossible to eat.

Eminent chefs from all over the world have their own secrets regarding spices. And they, like many cooking lovers, dearly love saffron and consider it the king of all seasonings. We will learn together about what saffron (seasoning) is, where to add it to make the dish exquisitely tasty, and where to buy this royal spice.

priceless flower

The spice saffron is nothing more than the stigma of the sowing plant (in Latin Crocus sativus), which belongs to the iris family. The plant itself is interesting in that it does not have a stem: the flower and leaves develop directly from the top of the bulb. From one tuber, no more than three appear, which vary from pale lilac to deep purple. Crocus blooms for only 3 days at the beginning of autumn, and the most expensive seasoning - saffron - is a crocus pistil, which consists of 3 long thin tubes of bright In order for the saffron spice to be of high quality, crocus flowers must be collected on the day of flowering, otherwise they quickly wither.


By the way, blooming crocus is harvested the old fashioned way - by hand, as this delicate plant does not tolerate brute force and the touch of any technique. The harvested crop is laid out on the table and the stigmas are plucked from the flowers (again by hand). Then they are dried at a temperature of 50 degrees in a special dryer for 13-15 minutes. Dried stigmas are dipped into water - this is how the spices are sorted. The stigmas that have sunk to the bottom are considered the highest quality, respectively, the price for them is very high. The same stigmas that remained floating on the surface are third grade and cost a little less.

For its weight in gold

By the way, to get just 1 gram of this spice, you need to pick about 150 flowers, and 1 kilogram of dry saffron is obtained after processing about 150 thousand. From 1 hectare of a saffron plantation, you can get up to 20 kilograms of finished spice. Mind-boggling, isn't it? It is not surprising that the price of this truly royal seasoning is so high: a wholesale batch of saffron costs about 3,000 euros, while retail 1 gram of this spice will cost $ 10!

Since ancient times, saffron has been considered a cure for literally all ailments. During excavations carried out on one of the Aegean islands in 2014, researchers found ancient frescoes that are more than 3,500 years old. They depicted a deity who healed the afflicted with the help of saffron. Scientists also found that in ancient Iran, saffron was originally used not as a medicinal panacea and seasoning, but as a dye for fabrics.

Jewel from India

Indian saffron is considered the best in all respects. The seasoning of unsurpassed quality is produced in Indian Kashmir and is a dried long stigma of juicy red, almost burgundy color, with a rich and persistent aroma. Kashmiri saffron is quite difficult to grow, so it is produced in very small quantities and is incredibly expensive. Indian saffron is a spice that only very expensive restaurants and very wealthy people can afford to use.

Treasure from Spain

The second quality is Spanish saffron, which is grown in La Mancha. Harvesting begins in the second half of October: at this time, work on the plantations is in full swing for 20 hours a day. The main feature of Spanish saffron is that after the spice threads are removed from them, they are dried over an open fire. This technique launches a special chemical reaction, thanks to which the saffron seasoning, the use of which is so common in restaurants and houses in Spain, acquires an incredible, amazing aroma.

saffron paradise

In addition to India and Spain, saffron is produced in Iran. It is Iran that is the largest producer of this unique spice. Plantations of Iranian saffron extend over 20 thousand hectares in the province of Khorasan, they grow up to 250 tons of this unsurpassed spice. Therefore, it is not surprising that Iran is the world leader in the export of saffron.

Beware, fake!

Unfortunately, many unscrupulous sellers sell various fakes under the guise of saffron, and it’s good if it is ordinary turmeric, and not cut tinted paper! By the way, a hundred years ago in Iran, for selling a fake of this spice to sinful merchants, they chopped off their hands, and their goods and all their property were simply burned!

Fake from Turkey

Most often, fake spice under the guise of saffron is sold at the spice market in Turkey. Red-orange slides are positioned by sellers as seasoning. Turkish saffron attracts an inexperienced buyer with an affordable price and strong aroma. It is quite natural that a common person is unlikely to be able to determine the truth of the spice by color, exuded aroma and taste - for this you need to be a connoisseur of this spice. Under the guise of Turkish saffron, either crushed turmeric root or dried safflower flowers (called Mexican saffron) are often hidden. It is these products that are a budget substitute for real spices. The so-called Turkish saffron is a spice, the use of which is widespread throughout: in Turkey, the Caucasus, France, Poland, Italy and in the territories of countries that were once part of the USSR.

In search of true saffron

In order not to be deceived and not to buy a fake, you should know what saffron seasoning looks like in its true form. A real spice can be calculated for sure only after it has been tested in a chemical laboratory. The buyer, on the other hand, has to focus on the minimum three indicators: color, taste, smell, and, of course, you should not buy this spice in ground form. Real saffron can only be bought in specialized stores! At the same time, it is sold in sealed boxes, on which the manufacturer and grade must be indicated. Remember that true spice can't be cheap!

Natural saffron is a tangled long dark red stigma, soft and delicate, almost weightless, with a characteristic, somewhat medicinal aroma and a delicate bitter-sweet taste.

The main thing is to know the measure!

So, now you know what saffron (seasoning) is. Where to add it, so as not to spoil the dish and not transfer the products? After all, you see, it will be very disappointing if, after several hours spent in the kitchen in the name of a culinary masterpiece, the dish is spoiled by incorrectly selected seasonings. Remember: saffron seasoning, the use of which can turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece, is never added in large quantities, otherwise it will give the dish an unbearable smell and excessive bitterness.

The Secret of Taste

Saffron is a seasoning, the use of which in cooking is very, very diverse and at the same time universal. It is used in the preparation of soups, meat and fish dishes, as well as in all kinds of pastries and various desserts. In addition to its delicate taste and delicate aroma, this spice gives dishes

The cabbage turns...

By the way, saffron perfectly complements vegetables, whether it's a simple salad or ratatouille. Cabbage with saffron is especially tasty. spicy salad recipe white cabbage simple and sure to appeal to all lovers of gourmet cuisine.

To prepare this dish you will need:

1. My cabbage, separate the top sheets and chop coarsely. Pour the chopped vegetable with hot (not boiling) water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. We put a frying pan on the fire, heat it in it vegetable oil. Cut the peeled onion into large cubes and fry together with red pepper over low heat until golden brown.

3. While the onion is fried, prepare the marinade: bring a liter of water to a boil and add sugar, vinegar, peppers, salt, raisins or barberries. Garlic and saffron (seasoning) are also sent there. Where to add fried onions? In a saucepan with marinade, after which we mix the contents and let it simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes. While the marinade is languishing, rub the carrots.

5. We throw the cabbage into a colander and put it in a separate pan. Add carrots there and mix everything thoroughly.

6. Pour the cabbage with carrots with the prepared marinade, cover tightly with a lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.

A day later, a spicy, spicy and surprisingly tasty salad is ready! It can be eaten with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, with meat, chicken, noodles, rice and just as an independent dish.

On this delicious note, our acquaintance with such a culinary miracle as saffron (seasoning) ends. Where to add it, how to choose and not run into a fake, now you know. The point is small - to buy true saffron and enjoy its unsurpassed qualities.

Saffron sativa (or crocus sativa) is a corm perennial, which belongs to the Iris (or Kasatikov) family. In the East, it is commonly called the "royal spice". This is due to his chemical composition and useful features. The plant is widely used in medicine, cooking, cosmetics, etc. Saffron seasoning is one of the most expensive spices in the world.

What is saffron. General description. Appearance

Crocus sowing - plant photo

Spicy spice was brought to Europe from the East several centuries ago. The main countries that export it are Iran, India, China. The plant was learned to grow in Spain, Italy, Greece, etc. Growing crocus flowers requires large plantations, optimal weather conditions for planting and harvesting, and manual labor.

Saffron has been valued since ancient times: it was used as a medicinal and cosmetic product, a gourmet seasoning, its aromatic properties were used, etc. The spice is a tangled long “threads” (which are dried stigmas), saffron color is reddish brown or dark red. Seasoning has a specific original taste and aroma.

Sold in specialized stores whole line spices that have an orange-red color. Saffron and turmeric have different pricing, taste and appearance.

Other similar seasonings include: marigolds (Imeretian) and safflower (Mexican). Sometimes these spices are given out in the markets for the original seasoning, selling them at an expensive price. Therefore, before buying a spice, you should study its external properties (appearance and aroma) so as not to acquire a fake.

Collection and cultivation

Harvesting and harvesting a plant is hard physical work. a large number of people

Saffron is a perennial herbaceous plant having spherical scaly bulbs with fibrous roots. It does not have a stem: the flower grows directly from the bulb (no more than 3 buds from 1 seed). The hue of the bud can be from light lilac to deep purple or from yellow to orange, depending on the variety and type of plant.

Growing saffron is a labor-intensive process, which is why the finished seasoning is so expensive. Buds bloom once a year, bloom for 15 days (1 flower - within 3 days), are collected by hand in calm and dry weather. In the north of India (the states of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh), Kashmiri saffron is made, which is highly valued among spice lovers. The plant has a dark red color with long stigmas. This Indian spice is rarely found on the shelves and is expensive.

The second place in terms of quality is occupied by Spanish saffron: it is presented on the market in 2 types. Only the tops of red saffron stigmas are used in the Coupe seasoning, which are selected by hand. The Superior variety uses the whole stigma. The collected flowers are dried in special ovens.

More than 80% of all spices are supplied to the world market by Iran. The quality of their seasoning is not inferior in properties to spices from India and Spain. Iranian saffron is an inexpensive condiment due to its large harvest: the country has special farms for growing and harvesting the flower. The export of seasoning is one of the main items of the country's income. A feature of the spice is the ability long time preserve taste and useful properties.

Indian saffron is a variety of turmeric. Turmeric is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ginger family, so it has nothing to do with real saffron.

Where to buy saffron and how much does it cost

Harvest the plant by hand, separating the upper parts of the stigma

The most expensive cost of the spice is due to labor-intensive production (flowers are grown and harvested by hand in the presence of special weather and other conditions). The average price that is presented on the market is $ 10 per 1 year (the cost depends on the variety and place where the crocus grows).

In Russia, seasoning from Iran can be purchased from 500 rubles / 1 g, from India - from 650 rubles / 1 g. Saffron seeds and ready-made spices can be ordered in online stores that have good feedback. It is worth purchasing goods only from trusted manufacturers with appropriate quality certificates.

You can buy seasoning in specialized stores in Asian countries while traveling (India, China, Thailand, etc.). It is worth buying spice carefully, because. often saffron is counterfeited, selling other similar spices instead at a high price. Therefore, it is advisable to study the aromatic and external properties of the original plant in advance. You should not buy ground spice in open markets, because. it is often mixed with other substances to increase weight.

How to choose quality saffron

Quality spice has a deep dark red (or red-brown) color with yellow patches (at the end of the stigmas); spice strands are soft to the touch. The aroma of saffron is characterized as metallic-honey with hints of fresh hay. The smell will also be felt through the sealed packaging in which the spice is sold. The stigmas should be intertwined. Their size is 3-5 cm in length.

Arabic ground saffron is sold in hermetic packages of 100 gr., It has a high quality and a pronounced aroma

In order not to make a mistake when choosing high-quality saffron, you should not buy a cheap product (the original is expensive, so most likely this product is a fake). It is better to purchase seasoning in stigmas (not ground). The original spice is sold only in sealed packages.

How to distinguish real saffron from a fake

Careful examination of the spice's crocus stigmas reveals whether it's real or not. What does saffron look like?

  • the stigma looks like an open tubule (1-3 mm) with a serrated upper edge and a tapering lower part;
  • the length of 1 pistil is 3-5 cm, the lower part should be about 1 cm, it is lighter, saffron-yellow in color.

What does a fake fake look like?

  • no yellowish tips on individual stigmas;
  • flower pistils - tetrahedral, the same along the entire length (no tapering tips) and different in width (in comparison with other stigmas);
  • on the pistils there may be an obvious dye powder in the form of "pollen".

Thus, real saffron does have characteristic distinctive properties, which can be detected by careful comparison with other spices. If it is not possible to understand whether this seasoning is real or fake, you can ask the seller for a quality confirmation certificate.

What is the smell and taste of saffron

More often, the spice is sold in transparent sealed packages, through which the seasoning smells of a bitter-spicy aroma. If you take 1-2 strands of spice in your mouth, the tongue will turn orange-yellow (the food coloring will remain on your fingertips). The taste of saffron resembles honey with a metallic undertone that is bitter-floral and spicy-sharp at the same time.

How to properly store saffron

The spice should not be stored in direct sunlight: it is better to put it in a kitchen cabinet or table (dark and cool place). It is not recommended to put seasoning next to the stove. High humidity adversely affects taste and useful qualities spices, so a container with a tight-fitting lid is required to store it. Often, the seasoning is sold in tight sealed packaging so that the crocus stigmas do not collapse and retain their original appearance.

spice making method

To obtain high-quality seasoning, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its preparation.

The pistil of the plant is 3 tubular orange-red stigmas that are used to make a seasoning. Flowers are harvested on the first day of flowering (the whole plant blooms for 3 days) by hand in dry sunny weather. The stigmas are plucked from the collected flowers, dried and placed in a sealed package.

Ground saffron is added to food during stewing or cooking dishes. The stigmas are soaked before use (2-3 pieces are poured with boiling water or milk (30 ml) and allowed to stand for 5 minutes). The resulting consistency is added to the dish.

Another way to prepare a dish with saffron spice is to fry the stigmas in a dry frying pan. Then you need to grind the pestles into powder and pour for half an hour.

For 1 dish, no more than 2-3 stigmas are used (excessive use of seasoning can be detrimental to health, cause poisoning or be fatal). It is not allowed to use a spoonful of saffron at a time: add seasoning carefully. Food with a lot of spices has a bitter, nasty taste.

Most often, seasoning is used in the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products (cookies, pastries, desserts, ice cream, sweet sauces, etc.), meat and chicken dishes, etc.

Thus, when asked how many grams of saffron should be added to a dish, the answer is less than 1 g at a time (the dose is measured in small pinches).

Nutritional value and calories

Saffron has a lot of beneficial properties on the human body.

The stigmas of the plant are a strong spicy spice, so 1 g of seasoning is enough for the hostess for a long time. Its calorie content is 310 kcal per 100 g of product. It consists of: proteins (13.83%), fats (7.08%), carbohydrates (79.09%). Seasoning also contains a large number of B vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The properties of saffron have been studied since ancient times. It was used in hot baths, tinctures and decoctions were made with its content, etc. The plant has a beneficial effect on human health. Use of dishes with this spice:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • allows you to keep the body in good shape;
  • strengthens the heart, liver, lungs, nervous system;
  • helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Due to its properties, the plant is widely used in medicine and cooking, for the treatment of oncological diseases, the prevention of cataract development, etc.

The correct composition and useful properties

Saffron has a unique chemical composition that helps maintain human health.

Parts of saffron stigmas contain essential and fatty oils, vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, C, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, etc.), flavonoids, aldehydes, sugars, copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, sodium, etc. The presence of a coloring property is explained by the presence of carotenoids, alpha and beta-carotene.

Saffron has beneficial properties and applications due to the rich chemical composition of the spice. It is used as an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, diuretic, choleretic and other remedy.

Useful properties of spices:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver, kidneys, respiratory organs;
  • has a positive effect on the body in the presence of viral infectious diseases.

Saffron has a positive effect on the nervous system:

  • increases efficiency;
  • has a calming effect, relieves stress, depression;
  • lifts the mood.

In addition, the plant helps to purify the blood, improve general condition organism, etc.

Harm and contraindications

Ground saffron has a lot of useful properties, as well as contraindications for use.

Saffron can be harmful to health, provided that a person eats too much of the spice (the annual norm is no more than 1 g, excessive consumption can cause poisoning and death). Therefore, it is recommended to use it in limited quantities, add to dishes in small portions.

The use of saffron is unacceptable during pregnancy: the spice increases the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage. It is not recommended to use the spice in the presence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

If a person develops symptoms such as nosebleeds, yellowing of the eyes, vomiting or diarrhea after consuming the seasoning, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Physiological role

The plant is used as a seasoning, tea, decoctions and an oil extract are prepared on its basis.

The benefits of saffron are explained by its chemical properties: its positive effect in small doses on the body has been proven. You can use the plant as a seasoning for dishes, make decoctions from it or buy ready-made medicines based on it. Tea with a pinch of spices is popular. In medicine, saffron is used in the composition medications for the treatment of more than 100 diseases. These include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases, cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol addiction, etc.

Based on it, antioxidant and tonic preparations have been developed. Infusions of the plant with honey help to remove toxins from the body, help crush kidney stones, weaken the effects of radiation, etc.

Medicinal properties of saffron. What is useful plant. Traditional medicine recipes

The beneficial properties of saffron are explained by the fact that the plant contains vitamins, minerals, oils, etc. It is part of more than 300 medical preparations, mainly made in Asian countries, and is used for headaches, insomnia, etc.

Tinctures containing saffron are used to treat severe coughs, bronchitis and colds. It is used as an external remedy for the treatment of burns and skin diseases. It is used to make eye drops as a treatment for cataracts.

The plant is part of many cosmetics: this cream nourishes skin cells, improves its appearance, slows down the aging process, etc.

Milk with a pinch of saffron acts as a medicinal drink (for the treatment of chest pains and bronchitis). medicinal tea with spice strengthens the internal organs and nervous system. The recipe for making tea with saffron: a pinch of seasoning is added to 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infusion drink 1 glass half an hour before meals (no more than 3 times a day).

Self-medication is prohibited. If there is a desire to use saffron systematically as a remedy, it is better to consult a specialist. A phytotherapeutist can prescribe a complex treatment after passing necessary analyzes. Treatment may include both tinctures / decoctions from the plant itself, and medical preparations containing it.

Saffron for weight loss

Saffron plays a big role in maintaining women's health and beauty

A special role is played by saffron for women. It helps to relieve pain on critical days and strengthen the female body, helps to normalize hormonal levels, etc. It is forbidden to use seasoning for pregnant women or those with diseases of the genital organs.

One of the beneficial properties of the plant is the ability to suppress appetite, i.e. a person, eating food with this seasoning, is quickly saturated. Thus, there is a gradual reduction in portions without significant changes in diet. Man is losing excess weight while improving his well-being.

Saffron oil. Benefits, properties, application

In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made saffron oil, which will have a positive effect on the entire human body.

Saffron oil is an adjuvant: it is added to a cream (tonic, shampoo, mask) for the face or body. It is forbidden to use pure oil. The substance gives additional healing properties to cosmetic care products, which is so appreciated by women. These include:

  • improving skin color, getting rid of problem areas (from spots, scars, acne and wrinkles on the skin);
  • rejuvenating, tonic, moisturizing effect;
  • therapeutic property (acts as aromatherapy in the composition of perfumes).

Saffron for hair is used as a tonic, provides them with strength and growth, gives shine and softness.

The oil of the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent. It is stored in a dark place with a tightly closed lid.

How is saffron used in cooking?

The plant is used in cooking as a seasoning - soups, meat and vegetable dishes.

Saffron is widely used in cooking by true gourmets. It gives the dish an amazing aroma, spicy taste with a touch of bitterness. Seasoning is combined with products such as:

  • rice (pilaf);
  • vegetables;
  • pea and bean soups;
  • Tea coffee;
  • bakery;
  • dairy products;
  • meat and fish dishes;
  • poultry meat, etc.

The saffron spice is not used simultaneously with other seasonings (an exception may be salt and black pepper), because. this spice interrupts their taste. The second reason is the self-sufficiency of this spice.

Properly infused saffron tea has a lot of therapeutic actions per person

Saffron tea is infused and drunk as a tonic and tonic drink. It is recommended to relieve depression, during stressful periods in life, etc.

What kind of food is saffron added to?

Where saffron is added: seasoning is used in the preparation of meat dishes, poultry, fish and seafood, pastries (pies, pies, cakes, etc.). In the East, it is added to pilaf, lamb broths, soups, salads, sauces, coffee, tea, and some alcoholic drinks. One of the delicacies of Asian countries is sherbet, which was added spice in ancient times.

Saffron adds an exquisite taste and aroma to dishes.

It can be added to dairy products, ice cream and yogurt. The spice can be consumed with warm milk as a general tonic and tonic. The seasoning goes well with a side dish and rice main dishes.

How to replace saffron in cooking

Saffron is the most expensive spice, due to the laborious work of making the seasoning. Not everyone can afford to use it when preparing homemade dishes. Some cooks feel that it is impossible to replace the seasoning with other herbs and replicate the taste of saffron in recipes.

However, if you can’t get an expensive spice, you can use similar, cheaper options. What can you substitute for saffron?

  • turmeric: helps to convey the color of the dish, as when using saffron;
  • safflower: colors the food and conveys some of the flavors of the original.

Thus, the plant, thanks to its healing properties it is widely used in many industrial areas: in medicine, cosmetology, cooking, etc. It has a positive effect on the body if you use the spice in small doses, for example, just a pinch is enough to add to a dish when cooking. A large dosage (more than 1 g per year) can lead to poisoning and death.

Before using the spice medicinal purposes you need to get a doctor's consultation, because. seasoning has contraindications.

"King of all spices" and "golden spice" are the most popular names for saffron. Knowing the beneficial properties of saffron and the rules for its use, many housewives buy or grow plants at home. Expensive seasoning is considered the oldest in the world. It was used in medicine and cooking about 4,600 years ago. The great scientists of the East have added the spice to the list effective means in the treatment of more than 100 different diseases.

The components that make up the plant have a tonic, rejuvenating and antioxidant effect. Therefore, the medicinal properties of saffron are so popular all over the world. The exorbitant cost of the seasoning and preparations based on it encourages many to explore how to properly use it.

About 300 tons of valuable raw materials are produced annually. In the first year of vegetation, plants from 1 ha of the site collect 6-10 kg of stigmas, in the second - 20 kg. To get 100 g of spice, you need to pick 8-10 thousand crocuses. Therefore, the cost of 1 kg of spice is from 460 to 30,000 US dollars, depending on the country of origin.

Acquaintance with the titled saffron

Crocus (Latin name) is a small flower 10-30 cm from the Iris family. Lilac or pale purple buds bloom on thick pedicels. Each flower has 3 stigmas (length 2-4 cm), which are plucked and then dried in special installations within 15 minutes. These golden-hued pistils are the valuable stuff from which the saffron seasoning is made. This event takes place in autumn, in October. Such a gentle extravaganza of colors on hilly plantations lasts only a few days.

Culture is growing in Asia, as well as in the Mediterranean countries. It belongs to the heat-loving varieties, so it calmly tolerates a hot climate. More than 80-97% of production falls on 3 countries:

When buying a spice, it is important to pay attention to its origin. The price of the product must always be very high. It is advisable not to purchase a product with a sweet aftertaste, because it is processed with glycerin, which is added to give weight.

This product is sold in the form of threadlike fibers and also has a rich dark red hue. Ground product options are not recommended, because the powder is very similar to turmeric.

Useful properties of saffron and the use of spices in various areas of life

The calorie content of the product is 310 kcal. The seasoning contains a high percentage of potassium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, as well as a whole complex of B and A vitamins. It includes many other trace elements:

  • thiamine;
  • flavonoids;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • Riboflamin.

For centuries, it has been popular to use saffron for hair because it is very high in carotene. Some pharmaceutical companies produce shampoos, masks, balms and rinses with the addition of "golden" extract.

You can prepare a healing mask to restore the structure of the strands yourself:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • 1 tsp spices.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, rub into the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the curls. Wrap with cling film and then with a towel. Wash off after 30 minutes.
Together with these components, saffron oil is also successfully used, the properties of which are more regenerating than moisturizing.

Inexpensive varieties of spices are thin threads of dark red and bright yellow hues. They exude an intoxicating aroma. They are characterized by a bitter taste, which gives procrocin. Yet every gourmet will appreciate the unusually pronounced spicy notes.

Saffron for women: youth and freshness are back on the face

With a special face mask ancient egypt women struggled with wrinkles and age-related changes. Even then, the sages understood the beneficial properties of saffron and used it to preserve female beauty.

To prepare such a mixture you need:

  • take cosmetic clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • add 6 drops of lavender oil;
  • grind 2-4 strands of spice.

Dilute the mass warm water and bring to a paste-like consistency. Apply evenly on the skin, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. At the end, lubricate the face with a fat cream. In this way, the cells receive nutrients and refreshment, which helps them to rejuvenate. After 3-5 procedures, the skin color is evened out, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

The widespread use of saffron in cosmetology is due to its unique moisturizing effect. It saturates the cells with moisture, prevents their dehydration, and most importantly, saturates these "miniature factories" with a powerful supply of energy. As a result, the skin looks young and radiant.

The healing properties of saffron - the secrets of youth come from Asia

Golden spice is often used as a calming and strengthening agent for the nervous system. The components that make up the plant have a psychotropic effect. They affect the production of a sufficient amount of the hormone of joy - setonin.

With the help of infusions, teas and chemicals based on the spice, patients successfully struggle with:

  • insomnia;
  • overexcitation;
  • epilepsy;
  • convulsions;
  • fears;
  • hysteria.

Black pepper is also an indispensable "companion" of the spice. These ingredients maximize the medicinal properties of the seasoning.

World-famous clinics are constantly improving their methods of treatment and trying to understand how to apply the beneficial properties of saffron in complex diseases. Experts have noticed that ointments, as well as cosmetics, help relieve headache and ear pain.

Some doctors prescribe medicines with such a valuable ingredient to patients with leukemia or other blood diseases. Also, healing spice is used for:

  • cataracts and eye diseases (lotions, compresses);
  • cleaning the liver or blood vessels;
  • treatment of mastopathy (after all, the relevance of saffron for women was discovered a long time ago);
  • oncology;
  • urolithiasis (works great in combination with honey);
  • bronchitis (standard recipe for infusion and dosage);
  • hemorrhoidal inflammation (compresses).

You can also prepare a sedative drink for children, especially with frequent and prolonged tantrums. In addition, tinctures are used for dry cough, whooping cough and conjunctivitis. At the same time, many will be interested in how saffron is useful for women and how to use it in order to get an excellent result.

Crocus pistils have a tonic effect on the cells of the body and restore their structure, thus deserving the attention of millions. The chemical compounds of the plant nourish the tissues of the body, as well as purify the blood and break down the blood stasis that forms in the vessels.

be careful

Like many other crops, saffron has medicinal properties and contraindications that you should be aware of. Chemical compounds have a stimulating effect on the uterus. For this reason, pregnant women should not take infusions of crocus, so as not to provoke premature birth. Children under 2 years old should also not be given this spice. Suffering from diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to limit the use of saffron as a seasoning. Preparations with its components are used only under medical supervision.

Experts recommend chewing 5 strands of spice every day with water. The procedure is carried out with painful menstruation, as well as to normalize the menstrual cycle. Crocus has a positive effect on the hormonal background of a woman, so many attribute saffron to infertility. Nevertheless, without an experienced specialist, therapy will not give the desired result.

Male power is back in action

Modern men will be interested to learn about the benefits of saffron tea, as this drink is the golden key to increase potency. A miraculous infusion is prepared according to a simple recipe:

  • carefully grind 4-5 spice stigmas, 4 black peppercorns and 25 g of fresh ginger;
  • brew strong black tea (1.5 cups);
  • mix the ingredients;
  • pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil (on low heat);
  • filtered through a dense cloth.

Tea is recommended to be consumed immediately after preparation. However, do not expect an immediate effect or a solution to serious health problems. Without specialized doctors it is impossible to get rid of the disease.

Saffron tincture: 3 potion options for brave people

To feel the full benefits of this spice, you need to use it regularly both in cooking and in treatment. There are three ways to prepare a delicious saffron infusion:

  1. Water. For 150 ml of boiling water you will need 1 g of spice. Infuse the mixture for 30 to 60 minutes, strain. After that, it is added to dishes as a seasoning.
  2. Based on milk. Boil the liquid and add up to 4-5 filamentous formations. Cover with a lid, strain after an hour. The medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Powerful tincture of saffron on vodka. 10 g of spices are soaked in 100 ml of alcohol. Keep it in this state for 12 hours, and then regularly apply.

Alcohol tinctures are forbidden to drink in their pure form. They are best added to other drinks. For medicinal purposes, they are repelled from the classical dose - 10 or 15 drops per ½ glass of water. Take the medicine 30 minutes before meals. However, the number of doses per day should be set by the doctor, who takes into account the characteristics of the body and the degree of complexity of the disease.

Especially popular is the use of saffron leaves, which are picked fresh. fragrant greens added to soups and vegetable dishes. Among other things, bright notes of intoxicating seasoning will give cottage cheese and soft cheese varieties an unusual piquancy.

The use of saffron in cooking is what restaurants get a Michelin star for

Each dish has an unsurpassed taste and unforgettable aroma. However, in order to enhance its taste, eminent chefs use a whole range of spices. As noted earlier, the king of spices is the delicious saffron. Nevertheless, it needs to be added only 5 minutes before readiness, because heat treatment destroys not only the medicinal properties of the spice, but also its delicious taste.

So, housewives can't wait to find out what dishes use saffron, because only in this way they will surprise and captivate friends and even enemies with their culinary art. You can achieve the desired goal if you add a few stigmas to:

  • fish, milk or vegetable soup;
  • liquor, wine and cognac;
  • pastries: rolls, buns and cookies.

Spice is beautiful in a single performance, because it has no equal. However, culinary gurus have noticed how different dishes “play” when it is diluted with cinnamon, thyme, basil or cilantro.

A detailed study of the beneficial properties of saffron and its use in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking will help all family members to be beautiful and healthy, and therefore happy.

This spice is difficult to confuse with something else, and its taste and aroma cannot be described. But those who have tried dishes and drinks with saffron will definitely remember this refined but rich taste forever. No wonder it is one of the most expensive spices. But what other qualities, besides the amazing aroma, does it have?

What is saffron?

Saffron is also known as crocus sativa. It is a bulbous, perennial herbaceous plant of the Kasatikov family, or Iris. The roots of the plant are several spherical scaly bulbs, collected in a tuber, from which fibrous roots diverge. The plant does not have a stem: the leaves and flowers grow directly from the bulb. The plant blooms for three days in either spring or September depending on the particular cultivar.

Saffron blooms one or three pretty large flowers, their color varies from pale lilac to deep purple. There are also pale yellow and orange flowers. Each flower is shaped like a funnel with six petals. And in the center of the bud there are three orange stigmas that make up the pistil. Saffron bears fruit in oblong boxes, inside of which the seeds are placed.

The homeland of this plant is unknown, but it is believed that it is Asia. It is known that Phoenician traders brought saffron to Greece and Turkey. The spice was also loved in Rome, but after the fall of the Roman Empire, the trade in saffron practically ceased. The expensive spice regained popularity only in the 9th-10th centuries. The Arabs began trading saffron in Europe, and it is their plant that is used throughout the world today. Zafran means "yellow" in Arabic. Apparently, the variety of this color was especially popular. The first saffron plantations appeared in Spain, and then the plant began to be cultivated in Italy and France. Today, saffron is grown in India, Iran, China, Pakistan, Japan, Portugal, Greece, Crimea and Transcaucasia. But in the wild, saffron is practically not found. The main suppliers of saffron to the spice market are India, Spain, Iran.

History and distribution of saffron

Saffron since ancient times it has been used as a spice, incense and medicine. His references are found in Chinese medical treatises (2600 BC), in Sumerian and Egyptian texts (dating back to 1500 BC), in the Old Testament. This plant was used as a tonic to enhance love desire and as an incense to eliminate bad odors. In addition, saffron was used to neutralize certain poisons and to treat cataracts. Since ancient times, it was available only to influential and wealthy people, it was presented as an exquisite gift.

In fact, saffron comes from the stamens of crocuses.

Saffron was an indispensable component for creating luxurious oriental perfume compositions. It was considered especially chic among the Russian nobility to wear shoes and clothes dyed with saffron. Moreover, this spice was a kind of "exclusive" from the East, a very expensive spice, for which they generously paid in gold. That is why enterprising, but dishonest merchants sold fake spices, calling dry marigold petals ground into flour “saffron”. Moreover, this method of forging a rare spice is used even today. But in the Middle Ages, unscrupulous merchants were severely punished: their houses were burned, sometimes along with the owners.

Features of harvesting saffron

The high price of saffron is explained simply: the spice is made from the pistil and pollen of crocus flowers, which blooms once a year. A developed plantation of 1 hectare is capable of bringing about 20 kilograms of spices.

To get the spice, you need to collect only blossoming flowers. At the same time, it is important that the weather is dry, calm and warm during harvesting, otherwise the raw material may deteriorate. The stigmas are manually plucked from the collected flowers and then dried. Drying takes place either on fire, or under the sun, or in special dryers. Then the resulting spice is crushed and stored in an airtight container. To obtain 1 kilogram of spice, about 200 saffron flowers are required. And there are those who are willing to pay 3,000 euros for this kilogram.

It is generally accepted that best grade saffron - Kashmiri, grown in northern India. This variety of plant blooms with dark red buds, with a strong, rich aroma. The pistils of flowers are harvested in the height of summer under the scorching sun, then rubbed, dipping harvested crop in water. The highest grade spices are those flower stigmas that have gone to the bottom. The first variety of this saffron is called Shahi, the second is Mogra, and the third is Lachha. But even the "lower" grade of Kashmiri saffron is very expensive. After all, this type of plant is grown in small plantations, and it is rarely found in the markets.

The best variety of Spanish saffron is called Coupe: only the top, most saturated in color and aromas of crocus stigmas go into this spice. The Spanish variety Superior is more common, for the manufacture of which whole stigmas are used, with the base of the pistil. This variety is less aromatic and rich in taste, but also very good. In Spain, saffron is harvested in special ovens.

And the most accessible and inexpensive variety of saffron is produced in Iran, and it makes up 81% of the harvest from around the world. There are more than 30 factories in Iran that produce spices from saffron raw materials. And the most profitable articles of this state is the export of this spice.

The composition and useful properties of saffron

Fresh crocus stigmas contain saffronol, pinene, pineol, cineole, thiamine, riboflavin, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins, gum, fatty oils, sugar, phosphorus and calcium salts. And colors saffron due to the presence of carotenoids, lycopene, crocin glycoside, alpha and beta-carotene.

To obtain saffron, crocuses are harvested by hand.

This spice has long been used to increase appetite and improve digestion. Therefore, saffron is recommended for malnutrition, anorexia, decreased appetite and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes the work of the heart, liver, stomach, respiratory organs. It is used to cleanse the kidneys and stimulate their work. Saffron has a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic effect, and it can and should be used for acute respiratory viral infections, gallbladder dysfunction and inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Separately, it is worth noting the beneficial effect of this spice on the nervous system: saffron calms, tones, increases efficiency and concentration. Incense with the aroma of saffron is used to elevate mood, relieve nervous tension and stress, and increase libido.

Found saffron application and in folk medicine. Lotions with its addition help get rid of headaches, otitis, insomnia. Tinctures with this seasoning are used to treat coughs, bronchitis, colds and flu. In addition, a pinch of saffron can be added to a homemade face mask: the spice tones the skin cells, slows down the aging process and provides enhanced nutrition for the epidermal cells. It has found application in pharmacology and is part of more than 300 medicines of Oriental medicine. In addition, saffron is one of the components of many eye drops and helps in the treatment of cataracts.

How to choose saffron

Saffron is forged today. Moreover, there are many ways: cut paper is added to the spice, grated leaves and petals of other plants, the spice is impregnated with glycerin to increase volume and weight. Still often, ground root is given out for saffron. Therefore, you should not buy ground saffron: the spice may turn out to be fake or a mixture of herbs and the spice itself. Genuine, high quality, pure spice saffron is dark red or Brown, similar to tangled threads, in which thin flower stigmas are distinguishable. And, of course, a strong, persistent, intoxicating aroma should come from the spice. You should not take a pale or not too “sweet” spice: it was transported and stored incorrectly, because of which it lost its qualities.

How to use saffron

It is a very strong spice with a strong persistent aroma and a bitter taste. It is often used to give drinks a reddish tint, and two unground spice stigmas are enough to color 2 liters of water. To cook a truly delicious dish, you need to know how to use saffron. Usually saffron is not mixed with other spices - its taste is so harmonious and original. But this spice pairs well with cilantro, cinnamon, thyme, and thyme. To add flavor and aroma, just add a few crocus stigmas or a couple of pinches of powder. You should not add this spice to any dish with teaspoons - the taste of the dish will be bitter and oversaturated.

Saffron gives dishes a yellowish-orange hue and exquisite aroma, which is why they love to add it to pilaf.

When cooking, the aroma of the spice is not immediately revealed, but it does not disappear even with long heat treatment. A few crocus stigmas can be soaked in warm milk or water, wine, and then added to the finished dish as a gourmet sauce. The aroma of saffron does not open immediately and does not disappear with prolonged cooking. I add spice to cereals, meat, poultry, fish and seafood, as well as pastries. Moreover, flour products become more fragrant if they are allowed to stand for several hours before serving.

To quickly reveal the aroma of the spice, you can fry the spice for several minutes in a dry frying pan, and then pour it with water or wine. Don't forget that seasoning saffron perfectly complements the taste of dairy products, creams, ice cream, jellies and mousses. To make the custard golden and delicately fragrant, just add 5-9 crocus stigmas or a couple of pinches of ground spice to it.

In the East, crocus seasoning is always added to pilaf. Moreover, this dish acquires a special note if you add raisins and almonds to the dish. Saffron is added to broths and soups, cheese and butter, salads, flavoring alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee and milk.

Saffron: contraindications

Saffron should not be consumed during pregnancy: the spice can provoke premature birth or miscarriage. Seasoning saffron contraindicated in patients with hypertension diabetes and some diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Excessive use of this spice can cause nervous excitement and even lead to death.

And did you know that…

  • Saffron has been considered a valuable product since ancient times. Cleopatra herself loved to take baths with saffron before a romantic date.
  • In 1649, the European herbalist Culpepper stated that too much saffron consumption can cause death, which will cause wild laughter that occurs under the influence of this spice.
  • Saffron comes in in the world.
  • Saffron is used in cooking.