In a private house      11/26/2020

Turnout surpassed previous presidential elections

High level The appearances at the CEC were explained by several reasons. As deputy chairman of the commission Nikolai Bulaev told RBC, the turnout, in particular, increased due to the fact that young people actively voted in these elections, which the CEC managed to attract to the polls. How many representatives of the "youth" voted, Bulaev did not specify. In addition, Bulaev noted, the turnout was high due to the fact that “both the executive and legislative authorities showed maximum respect for the voter and tried to convince him that his vote is important,” besides, now, according to the deputy chairman of the commission, “people have begun to think more about your future"; Bulaev did not name the reasons for this.

The highest turnout was recorded in the first presidential elections on June 12, 1991. Then 79,498,240 people took part in the voting - 74.66% of the total number of citizens eligible to vote. The least activity was observed in the presidential elections of 2004, when the turnout was 69,572,177 people (64.38%).

In 2018, the number of voters in Russia amounted to 107.2 million people, including 1.5 million Russians who are abroad. Most voters - 109.8 million - were listed in the 2012 elections, the least - 106.4 million - in 1991.

In these elections, for the first time, residents of Crimea, which became part of Russia in March 2014, voted. The turnout in Crimea by 18:00 was 63.86%, in Sevastopol - 65.69%. Previously, Crimeans voted only in the elections of the State Duma deputies in 2016: then, by 18:00, the turnout on the peninsula was 42.37%. In the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2010, the turnout in Crimea was 63.3%.

Judging by the data on the turnout of the CEC at 18:00 Moscow time, the most active voters were in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (84.86%), Tyva (83.36%) and Chechnya (78.11%).

In the presidential elections in 2012, as of 18:00, the highest turnout was recorded in Chechnya - 94.89% of voters. Then the turnout of more than 80% was recorded in two more regions - in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (85.29%) and in Karachay-Cherkessia (80.85%). In eight more regions, more than 70% of residents voted by 18:00 - in Tyva, Mordovia, Chukotka, Dagestan, Ingushetia, the Tyumen region, Tatarstan and the Kemerovo region. The lowest turnout in 2012 was recorded in the Astrakhan region (47.14%), in the Stavropol region (47.47%) and in the Vladimir region (47.79%).

Turnout in the capitals

Cities with a population of over a million have traditionally shown turnout below the national average. The chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Committee, Valentin Gorbunov, said that the turnout in the capital during the whole day was 4-6% higher than the results of the previous presidential elections for the same periods of time: as of 18:00, the turnout in the capital was 52.91%.

In the presidential elections of 2012, the final turnout in the elections in Moscow was 58.34%. The capital took 75th place among the regions in terms of voter activity. 3.75% of Moscow voters voted at home, and 3.97% voted by absentee ballot. As of 18:00 March 4, 2012, the turnout in the capital was 49.12%, the smallest turnout was in three districts: Presnensky (44.3%), Beskudnikovsky (44.44%) and Vnukovo (45.01% ).

In St. Petersburg, by 18:00, the turnout reached 55.47% (in the last presidential election, 62.27% of voters voted there), according to this indicator, the city ranked 49th in the country. There were 6.02% of home-workers, and 2.45% at the place of residence.

An increase in turnout was also recorded at polling stations abroad. In total, the CEC registered over 1.5 million voters, of which 35,000 voted early. Voting was organized at 394 polling stations in 144 countries.

In the presidential elections in Russia, held in 2012, 1.79 million people had the right to vote abroad, and then 25.24% took part in them (442 thousand, TASS data with reference to the CEC).

“In some polling stations, voter turnout has doubled. But the most characteristic increase in turnout is 12-15%,” said CEC member Vasily Likhachev on March 18 (quoted by Interfax).

An increase in turnout was recorded in many countries. Thus, over 5.5 thousand people voted in Uzbekistan, Sputnik Uzbekistan reported. The turnout doubled compared to the results in the 2012 elections and five times compared to the figure that was recorded in the 2016 State Duma elections, the embassy told the agency.

In the United States and Great Britain, countries with which relations with Russia are in crisis, the vote also took place. In the middle of the day, there was a line at the entrance to the polling station at the embassy in London, Interfax reported. It contained up to 300 people. Opposite the embassy, ​​a demonstration was held throughout the day, organized by businessman Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who called for a boycott of the elections (he reported on the course of the action on Instagram).

In Ukraine, Russian citizens were not able to take part in the Russian presidential elections. On Friday, March 16, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine announced that it would not allow citizens to enter the polling stations organized at the embassy in Kiev, as well as at consulates in Lviv, Kharkov and Odessa.

As the Kremlin wanted

Sources of RBC, close to the Kremlin, RBC, that a good turnout at the end of the elections in the presidential administration will consider an indicator of 65% - no lower than in 2012. Judging by how the turnout grew throughout the voting day, its final results should satisfy the Kremlin, political consultant Dmitry Fetisov believes.

The high turnout is due to the politicization of society, he is sure. Active information about the elections, together with international scandals, convinced the Russians of the importance of the elections. Particularly striking in this sense were the scandals with the International Olympic Committee, which banned the Russian team from participating in the Olympics, and the attempted murder of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal in the UK; British authorities believe that Moscow may be behind the assassination. “At the same time, each of the groups of the population found its own motive: supporters of Vladimir Putin heard the thesis about the importance of turnout as a criterion for the legitimacy of elections, while opponents of the incumbent president got the opportunity to protest him by voting for Pavel Grudinin [the candidate from the Communist Party] and Ksenia Sobchak [the candidate from party “Civil Initiative”],” Fetisov said.

The main reason for the high turnout is the very active work of the authorities to inform citizens, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov believes. “If not for the organizational work, the turnout would not have exceeded 50%. Still, the elections were uninteresting in terms of content,” he told RBC. There was no intrigue in the election campaign and the elections themselves, the political scientist says: the candidates did not offer anything essentially new and non-standard, and the winner of the elections was known in advance. “Usually, such things have a strong impact on turnout,” Gallyamov noted.

According to Fetisov, the “image of an external enemy” that the government has been creating in recent months, declaring interference in Russian state sovereignty, also spurred Russians to go to the polls. Political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko agrees with this: however, he considered the image of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny, who called for a boycott of the elections, to be an external enemy necessary for the presidential campaign. His activity and heated conflict with the West led to an increase in turnout, Minchenko is convinced.

Election 2012 in Russia
March 4, 2012

Holy instructions to voters,
but without any pre-election recommendations

March 4 on the great democratic holy Rus'
national elections for the President of the Russian Federation
piously true believer and the Covenants of Christ sacredly observing,
truly righteous and charitable Orthodox layman V.V. Putin

The full text approved at the XII Congress of the popularly beloved All-Russian political party "United Russia" with the inspired nomination of their party founder and leader, forever truly approved by the Russian Orthodox Church, always and in everything the righteous and pious All-Russian servant of God Vladimir Putin as a candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

Now, under the pressure of the just anger of the people, who do not want to be further trampled and robbed endlessly, the thieves' vertical of power built by Putin has staggered.
Therefore, all over Rus' now there is a mighty mobilization of all natural slaves from the peripheral factory hard workers to protect the powerful interests of the gentleman.
Helpful serfs believe that the more they grovel at the demonstrations organized by the authorities, the more the gentleman will bestow them. Due to the natural weakness of the mind, they cannot figure out that the serfs are always needed by the master, not for the master's gifts, but for all-round robbed. And if the master suddenly now gives the servant a ruble, then the steward will rip off later. After the election of Putin, the people are provided with a terrible rise in all prices, taxes and extortions.
But if the Lord punished the Russian poor fellows with bruised unreason for grave sins, nothing can be done - a lackey is not a monkey, a person cannot come from him.

The upcoming elections will show what is more among the current Russian people - the human mind or the eternal mass servile stupidity in Rus'.

Although our Russia is great, there is no one to choose.

The opposition contenders for power are crooks no less than the current rulers, perhaps even more bad ones with their brains turned in different directions (that's why they stick out on the political sidelines).
Those who are not familiar with it vote for the current opposition, and those who know the opposition better do not take it seriously.
Today, in our great democratic holy Rus', every Russian is honest, as long as he has nothing to steal. At the first opportunity, everyone steals and robs their neighbors - from locksmiths, cleaners and ordinary policemen to prosecutors, generals and the most important ministers. You choose anyone - first, for show off, he will ride a tram a couple of times with the people, and then he will again go with flashing lights and begin to steal more than ever.
Before the elections, everyone, waving flags, promises a lot, after the elections, they steal a lot. And no matter what promising personalities you choose to power, you will still steal without measure.
Therefore, the current elections among various Russian "parties" are similar to the fussy choice of citizens of the Russian Federation in the early 1990s, to which "investment fund" to hand over their unfortunate fraudulent voucher for greater profitability. Since those vouchers handed over to various "investment funds", no one has received any return. Those who organized these "investment funds" successfully plundered everything handed over by the people, becoming billionaires.
Today, no matter who you give your vote to or don’t go to the polls at all, the common people, for the most part also slanderous to the marrow of their bones, will not break anything from power ...

Asking Santa Claus is easy.
But where can Santa Claus find a decent president in today's great democratic holy Rus'?
Yes, and on a sweet couple of these Russian "deer" you will not go far, and all the children in the world will remain in New Year no gifts.
Therefore, the tandem will be elected again, and ordinary Russians will have to finally give up all hopes for improving life in Russia.
In Rus', the ongoing rapid extinction of the people (now 1.2 million per year) and the mass flight abroad of the most intelligent (in last years 2.5 million per year), the replacement of native Russians by more and more numerous visitors, and in a few years Russia will also collapse into 6-8 independent parts.

Estimated map of Russia after its collapse until 2021 (probably in 2016)
(according to the forecast of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after M.V. Keldysh)

A map of the former Russian Federation in 2016, according to smart, pragmatic Russian analysts who recently successfully fled abroad with well-filled pockets.

Estimated map of the territory of Russia in 2020 according to true Russian jingoistic patriots from the gateway.

As a true player, try to tell fortunes on these three cards.
If you can correctly guess the right card, it will be easier for you to figure out what is the wiser thing to do next in the Russian card game with the current cheaters, so as not to be left in the cold.

Putin and Medvedev know the correct card, but they keep it up their sleeves and they won’t tell you - you will have to guess only on your own.
However, try to find a clue in

Opposition communist madhouse,
supported a large number Russians:
The indestructible holy unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a guarantee of the great spiritual future of the people of Russia

The unity of the ideology of the ROC and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, their common faith in the One God, the piety of their holy prayers raised to the Lord strengthens the unity of the Russian people in the democratic struggle for the right to work, to the Russian Orthodox faith, for life according to the Testaments of Christ and according to the holy institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

By the grace of God and with the persistent joint work of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Communists to revive Russia, in concert with all the people of our country, the sliding of our Motherland into the abyss of crisis and lawlessness will be pushed back.
For this, the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the communists of Russia and all Orthodox citizens of the country pray every day and call on the Powers of Heaven to help the people complete the 20-year cycle of senseless and lost years.

To gain irresistible heavenly grace in the struggle for the rights of the Russian people, Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, visited the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and kissed the relic of the Orthodox world - the Belt of the Virgin, delivered to Moscow from Athos.

When Gennady Andreyevich touched the Orthodox relic, those around him with delight and awe beheld the miracle of the holy transformation of the leader of the Communist Party and the descent of the blessed Heavenly Forces on him by the will of the Mother of God.

With the acquisition of grace from the Orthodox relic, Gennady Zyuganov, as the leader of the country's largest opposition party - the party of all the people of Holy Rus' - was filled with holy Christian forces with faith, fasting and prayers to decisively end the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and fulfill the election promises of the party, all the people's patriotic forces to the voters , citizens of the country.

With the heavenly help of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the intercessor and patroness of Russia - the single and indivisible sacred bloc of the ROC-KPRF will always steadfastly fight for the democratic rights of the Russian people for the happiness of life in holy faith, labors and prayers, as Christ bequeathed to us, as the Russian Orthodox Church teaches us .

SAINTS from the Communist Party
In November 2011, before the elections to the State Duma, the Ministry of Internal Affairs again found dozens of people with a criminal past on the pre-election party lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - these are fraudsters, robbers using their official position, kidnappers involved in murders, even the owner of a brothel using the labor of underage girls and others similar. And, of course, many millionaires. In general, it would be difficult to find a payroll worse than that of the Russian communists.

The Communist Party recently set another record.
When they arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison the thief in law, the head of the Far Eastern thieves' common fund, personally Zyuganov and all 72 State Duma deputies from the Communist Party filed their deputy requests to the Supreme Court to mitigate the punishment of the convict. Until then, in the history of the State Duma, it has never happened that so many deputies were busy with the fate of a thief in law.
It is clear that they would not have been in share - they would not have bothered so much for an inveterate criminal. Apparently, with this arrest, the leadership of the Communist Party lost a valuable ally and a lot of money.

The greatness of modern great democratic holy Rus'
in its structure in the image and likeness of the Heavenly Kingdom of God
And no enemies of Russia are allowed to violate this greatness.

Andrei Rublev. Trinity.

The Orthodox Lord gave the most holy trinity of truly pious spirit-bearing ascetics to the God-bearing people of Rus' from Heaven.
The truly Orthodox supreme leadership now sent by God to the people of holy Rus', sacredly honoring the commandments of Christ and bearing the Lord’s Heavenly Holiness to the common people:
senior godlike spiritual Father, junior godlike spiritual Son
and the earthly almighty of the Powers of Heaven, the God-like Holy Spirit,
spending time in great cares and prayers for the good of Rus'.

Our Russian God always has an "administrative resource", i.e. the possibility of forgery and falsification of election results in order to illegally criminally seize and hold state power in the hands of our most holy God-sent Russian Trinity.

Holy Church Ordinances
about the proper attitude of Russian commoners
to any power over them

The Holy Scripture says:

From the Epistle to the Romans of the Holy Apostle Paul
Chapter 13

1 Let every soul be submissive to the higher powers, for there is no power except from God; the existing authorities are established by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists God's ordinance. And those who oppose themselves will bring condemnation upon themselves.
3 For those who are in authority are not terrible to good works, but to evil ones. Do you want to not be afraid of power? Do good and you will receive praise from her,
4 For the leader is God's servant, it's good for you. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain: he is God's servant, the avenger in punishment for the one who does evil.
5 And therefore it is necessary to obey, not only out of fear of punishment, but also according to conscience.
6 For this, you pay taxes, for they are God's servants, constantly busy with this.
7 Therefore give to everyone what is due: to whom to give, to give; to whom dues, dues; to whom fear, fear; to whom honor, honor.

Always following these holy Lord's Establishments, approved and sanctified by the most holy Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, true believers of the Orthodox people of the people treat all authorities with reverent respect and in granting them God-given authorities always rely on the great things that are happening in Heaven. providence of God.
For the weak mind of common people from the low taxable estates is incapable of understanding the high, wise thoughts of the elite church and secular authorities bestowed by the Lord Himself.
The truly Orthodox are always in splendid joy and admiration for any power that God deemed it necessary to bestow upon them.
In great gratitude to the Lord, ordinary Russians always strive with their pious, well-behaved helpfulness and all-round expressions of admiration to earn the highest approval of the God-sent authorities.
And seeing these sincere efforts of the people, the Lord each time sends the Russians into the power of more and more wise and charitable ruling persons. And although every time it seems to the people that it cannot be better and wiser than what already exists, the next ruling master always turns out to be even better and even dearer to the people.

For whatever God does for the Russians, all to the endless Russian hopes for the best.
With these bright hopes for the efforts of God, people in Rus' live from generation to generation, from century to century. And to realize that a good future does not grow out of a bad present, not according to the mind that God has given them.

“Then God looked at everything that He had created and saw that it was all very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31)

There is nothing more beautiful than the world of God, about which the Lord himself said that it was good.
And our holy Rus' is the most precious and most perfect God-loved pearl in the crown of God's Creation.

If in our great democratic holy Rus' one of the doubting sinners tries to see imaginary Russian “imperfections” and “injustices” around him, it is only due to the immaturity of the mind and the lack of true faith.
For the spiritual admonition of these unreasonable apostates in Rus', the holy Russian Orthodox Church, the valiant police and the wise riot police are rigorously acting.

There will be no descent for any disgruntled enemies of Russia:

For any insidious subversive elements - these agents of influence paid by the hostile West and their accomplices from among the homegrown, badly educated, incorrigible disaffected, who are trying in vain to shake the age-old foundations of our great democratic holy Rus', the true patriots of Russia will always have a worthy answer:

Pious reading for affirmation in true Orthodox patriotism:

Putin's website -
Letter to Putin

We write and send a letter to the great national leader,
true and permanent President of the Russian Federation
Lord of All Rus', Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

As always, the most reasonable election poster belongs to United Russia.
Indeed, in Russia, the whole state is for a person ... Well, perhaps for several people.

Before sending an e-mail to God-sent from the Holy Heavens, the object of popular worship, the greatest of the great and the wisest of the wise, truly charitable and forever indispensable leader of the great democratic holy Russia, until the end of the century, the permanent President of the Russian Federation, dear Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN, you must first read and give your consent to comply with the following User Agreement on his personal campaign website:

Terms of use
Putin's election site,
where you can submit your offer
Putin's personal election site PUTIN2012.RU
cost Russian taxpayers 1.1 million rubles,
therefore observe due respect for the spent folk funds.
The domain name PUTIN2012.RU was registered in 2008 together with the domain name PUTIN2018.RU - i.e. even then it was planned to extend the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation to 6 years.

* * * * *


From an excess of feelings, you can finally send your letter
to the current Acting President of the Russian Federation Medvedev:

Watch, listen and be inspired in every possible way for the upcoming
March 4 to the election of the great PUTIN, whom the Lord himself gave us,
and the great Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill tirelessly irrigates with holy water to increase the germination of democratic ideas!

When watching the video, all the true serfs of all Rus' enthusiastically sing along with joyful applause, turning into an enthusiastic ovation!

Come on, Vladimir Putin! VIDEO:

The change of power in Russia is subject to a rigid pattern
Using this pattern, the list of Russian powerful persons can be continued further into the historical perspective.

Of course, the future is unpredictable, but what it will be and whom the people will elect in the elections - this was timely informed the people on September 24, 2011 for a full and unconditional unanimous vote.

The Acting President is immensely proud and happy that he managed to at least somehow make it to the end of his appointed term.
This junior tandemist, in 2007, by order of the ruling elite, was appointed to be elected Acting President until the end of the vacation of the true President of the Russian Federation set by the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Medvedev himself let slip about this in the fall of 2011), liked to criticize all sorts of Russian shortcomings in his speeches for the people, but was unable to change anything, tk. did not receive the approval of the powerful persons who put him in office. Something like the position of King Yagupop came out of V. Gubarev's children's fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".
And all public criticisms of the Acting President remained at the level of the notes of a visiting foreign tourist, who noted with surprise the multiple shortcomings in the area.
But now the old guard has no reason to be happy - in 2012 it will again have to return to heavy slave plowing in the powerful galleys, and immediately for 12 years.
How and for whom the people will vote does not matter, because. the outcome of the elections is a decided matter, and a new term for exile to the galleys is secured for the slave.

With the aim of at least minimal amusement of the public, unknown people who have not yet been caught secretly hang humorous warning signs on poles in Moscow.
But these clown tricks are no longer fun for anyone, because. The Russian people understand more and more clearly that they will have to fully and progressively enjoy the further fruits of their valiant labors in organizing their own country with all their own bodily parts - both frontal and rear (as they say in the Navy, to receive an oar on the forehead and an anchor on the chest). ne).

Putin's election confessions

Finally, Putin admitted that under his long leadership, Russia was finally plundered

The attractiveness of Russia for long-term investment remains unsatisfactory due to systemic corruption, said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a presidential candidate.

Putin, who held the highest state post in 2000-2008 and was the real leader of Russia in 2008-2011, is again running for president in the March 4, 2012 elections.

“The business climate in the country, its attractiveness for long-term investment of capital is still unsatisfactory. Over the past few years, at the initiative of President Medvedev, we have launched a series of reforms aimed at improving the business climate. But there have been no noticeable shifts so far,” the prime minister said in an article published on Monday in the Vedomosti newspaper.

Russia loses in the "competition of jurisdictions" - businesses operating in Russia often prefer to register property and transactions abroad. And the point, Putin notes, is not in the tax regime - it is generally competitive, and not in the absence of legislation that meets modern requirements - it still needs to be improved, since it is still not flexible enough and does not provide the entire set of tools for business.

“The main problem is the lack of transparency and accountability to society in the work of state representatives - from customs and tax services to the judicial and law enforcement systems. If you call a spade a spade, we are talking about systemic corruption,” Putin states.

“Business costs can fluctuate - you can pay more or less depending on the “degree of favor” of certain people within the state mechanism. Rational behavior for an entrepreneur in this case is not to comply with the law, but to find patrons, to agree. But such an “agreed” business, in turn, will try to suppress competitors, clear a place for itself in the market, using the capabilities of affiliated officials of the tax, law enforcement, and judicial systems, instead of increasing the economic efficiency of their enterprises,” the article says.

According to Putin, low investment attractiveness and a significant outflow of capital are largely “a consequence of our actions in the late 1990s and early 2000s.” The fight then went on between those who appropriated the main cash flows from the sale of raw materials and energy in the 90s, and those who wanted to return them to the state and use them for the benefit of the whole society, the prime minister noted.

“I think that we then did the right thing by increasing the influence of the state in the raw materials industries. And not only because some of the oligarchs tried to continue to directly “buy politics”. At the very beginning of my first term, we were faced with persistent attempts to sell key assets abroad. The preservation of the country's strategic resources in the private hands of a few people for the next five to ten years meant that control over our economy would be carried out from outside," Putin writes.

The Prime Minister notes that we are not talking about some kind of conspiracy against Russia.
“The matter is completely different. Look at how international capital behaves in an environment of instability, turbulence, a sense of an imminent crisis: in order to save the national core of its business, it does not hesitate to withdraw funds from “emerging markets” - and Russia, in their opinion, belongs to them, and even more so at the beginning last decade,” Putin explained.

According to him, the sustainability of the country's development is due not only to macroeconomic indicators.

“The stability of the country is also based on the fact that the majority of people who own capital and make investment decisions live in this country, associate the future of their children with it, correlate their long-term interests with its development,” the head of government believes.

[Of course, not a single reasonable one connects his future with the current thieves' Russia - everyone who can diligently transfers their funds abroad; about 2.5 million of the brightest Russians flee from Russia every year. The future of the plundered and dying Russia has only one thing - a further collapse in the coming years into 6-8 parts. - approx. website]

Timely intelligently faded to the West
Russian writer-prophet predicted from behind a hillock

Los Angeles, January 23, 2012

Putin will last no more than 2 years, if at all, due to the stupidity of the people, he can be elected, - Vladimir Voinovich believes.

In 1986, Russian writer Vladimir Voinovich published Moscow 2042, a novel describing how post-Soviet Russia would be ruled by a former KGB spy who worked in Germany, which later happened to Vladimir Putin. In an interview with The Los Angeles Times, Voinovich noted that he then felt how Soviet authority was drowning in her own old age and infirmity, and that it was time for the KGB to take control of the situation. Now the writer anticipates the end of the Putin era.

Presidential Election - 1991

On June 12, 1991, presidential elections were held in the RSFSR. It was the only election in which citizens voted for president and vice president in the same column, following the American model. Many candidates for the post of head of state were nominated, but in reality only 10 couples submitted documents to the CEC. Boris Gromov, who later went "number two" under Nikolai Ryzhkov, initially ran for the main position, as did Albert Makashov's "partner" - Alexei Sergeev.

Pairs of candidates had to submit 100,000 signatures to the CEC. Everyone did it, except for Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who took advantage of a legitimate opportunity and asked for the support of people's deputies. In order for Zhirinovsky to become a candidate, at least 20% of the elect had to support him.


for president - Boris Yeltsin, 60 years old, chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR; vice-president - Alexander Rutskoi, 43 years old, chairman of the committee of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, colonel - non-partisan, with the support of democratic forces;

for president - Nikolai Ryzhkov, 62, former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR; vice-president - Boris Gromov, 47, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR, Colonel General, - Communist Party of the RSFSR;

for president - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 45 years old, politician; vice-president - Andrei Zavidia, 38 years old, president of the Galand concern, - LDPSS;

for president - Aman Tuleev, 47, chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, people's deputy of the RSFSR; vice-presidents - Viktor Bocharov, 57 years old, head of the Kuzbassshakhtostroy plant, people's deputy of the RSFSR, - non-party;

for the presidency - Albert Makashov, 53, commander of the Volga-Urals military district, people's deputy of the USSR, colonel general; vice-president - Aleksey Sergeev, 60 years old, head of the department of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, - Communist Party of the RSFSR;

for president - Vadim Bakatin, 53, former Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR; for vice-president - Ramazan Abdulatipov, 44 years old, chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, - non-party.

Elections were held according to the majority system of an absolute majority.

Turnout was 74.70%.

On July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became president of the RSFSR, and Alexander Rutskoi took over as vice president.

Presidential Election - 1996

The first round took place on June 16. The CEC has registered 78 initiative groups for the nomination of presidential candidates. 16 groups were able to collect the one million signatures required by law. As a result, the Central Electoral Commission registered nine candidates, seven were rejected. Six of them appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, which eventually ruled that two more be registered. One of the candidates was Aman Tuleev. On the eve of the elections, he withdrew his candidacy and called on his supporters to vote for Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov.


Boris Yeltsin, 65, current president of Russia;

Gennady Zyuganov, 51, Communist Party;

Alexander Lebed, 46, Congress of Russian Communities;

Grigory Yavlinsky, 44, Yabloko party;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 50 years old, Liberal Democratic Party;

Svyatoslav Fedorov, 68, ophthalmologist, Workers' Self-Government Party;

Mikhail Gorbachev, 65, former president of the USSR;

Martin Shukkum, 44, Socialist People's Party;

Yuri Vlasov, 60 years old, weightlifter, ex-deputy of the State Duma;

Vladimir Bryntsalov, 59, businessman, Russian Socialist Party.

The turnout in the first round was 69.81%.

To win in the first round, a candidate had to get 50% of the votes. Since none of them could do this, a second round was announced, which took place on July 3, 1996.

During the second there, the turnout was 68.88%.

Boris Yeltsin was re-elected President of Russia for a second term.

Presidential Election - 2000

December 31, 1999, on New Year's Eve, Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation, half a year before the end of his presidential term. In accordance with the law, in this case, early elections were to be held within three months. On January 5, 2000, the Federation Council scheduled the vote for March 26. The CEC registered 28 initiative groups that nominated candidates for the post of head of state. Another five were nominated by electoral associations. The number of required signatures due to the tight deadlines for filing documents was halved - from a million to 500,000 signatures. 15 headquarters were able to present them. As a result, the CEC registered 12 people. Five days before the election, one of the contenders, Yevgeny Sevastyanov, withdrew his candidacy in favor of Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky.


Vladimir Putin, 47, Prime Minister of Russia, self-nominated;

Gennady Zyuganov, 55 years old, Communist Party;

Grigory Yavlinsky, 47, Yabloko party;

Aman Tuleev, 55, Governor of the Kemerovo Region, self-nominated;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 53, Liberal Democratic Party;

Konstantin Titov, 55, Governor of the Samara Region, Russian Party of Social Democracy, Union of Right Forces;

Ella Pamfilova, 46, socio-political movement "For Civil Dignity";

Stanislav Govorukhin, 64, film director, Fatherland - All Russia party;

Yuri Skuratov, 47, former Russian Prosecutor General;

Aleksey Podberezkin, 47 years old, socio-political movement "Spiritual Heritage";

Umar Dzhabrailov, 41, businessman.

On March 26, 2000, the elections took place. Vladimir Putin, having overcome the 50% barrier, was elected President of the Russian Federation.

The turnout was 68.64%.

Presidential Election - 2004

A feature of the 2004 presidential elections was that the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party, Gennady Zyuganov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, did not participate in them. Instead, the parties nominated "newcomers": Nikolai Kharitonov and Oleg Malyshkin. Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky also did not run. As a result, the CEC registered six candidates. Another six failed to register: multimillionaire, chairman public organization"All-Russian Party of the People" Anzori Aksentiev-Kikalishvili; businessman Vladimir Bryntsalov; ex-head of the Central Bank, nominated by the Party of Russian Regions (now A Just Russia), Viktor Gerashchenko; public figure Ivan Rybkin; Chairman of the public movement "For Social Justice" Igor Smykov and odious businessman German Sterligov.


Vladimir Putin, 51, acting president of Russia, self-nominated;

Nikolai Kharitonov, 55 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Sergei Glazyev, 43, self-nominated;

Irina Khakamada, 49 years old, Union of Right Forces, Our Choice;

Oleg Malyshkin, 52, LDPR;

Sergei Mironov, 51, Chairman of the Federation Council, nominated by the Russian Party of Life.

The turnout was 64.38%.

Presidential Election - 2008

According to the Russian Constitution, Vladimir Putin could no longer run for the presidency of the country. He officially supported the nomination of the United Russia candidate, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, for the post of head of state. This choice was supported by the parties "Fair Russia", "Civil Force", "Agrarian Party" and "Greens". The CEC has registered four presidential candidates. Refusals were received by 14 people, including the leader of the Russian People's Democratic Union and the party "People for Democracy and Justice" Mikhail Kasyanov. Marriage in signature sheets, which he submitted to the CEC, amounted to 13.36% instead of the allowable level of 5%. Garry Kasparov, one of the leaders of the Other Russia coalition, was also not registered. The congress of the initiative group nominating him did not take place.


Dmitry Medvedev, 42, First Deputy Prime Minister, United Russia Party;

Gennady Zyuganov, 63 years old, Communist Party;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 61, LDPR;

Andrey Bogdanov, 38, self-nominated, supported by the Democratic Party of Russia;

According to PACE representatives, the results of the 2008 elections reflect the will of the people. “The people of Russia have voted for the stability and continuity that is associated with the incumbent president and the candidate he supports. The elected president will have a solid mandate from the majority of Russians,” observers from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe stated.

Turnout was 69.6%.

Presidential Election - 2012

March 4, 2012 held regular presidential elections in Russia. Dmitry Medvedev decided not to participate in the elections, Vladimir Putin became the main candidate for the post of head of state. In total, the Central Electoral Commission registered five candidates. Refusals due to violations of the procedure received, among others, the leader of the unregistered party "Other Russia" Eduard Limonov and a member of the political committee of "Yabloko" Grigory Yavlinsky.


Vladimir Putin, 59, non-partisan, nominated by United Russia;

Gennady Zyuganov, 67 years old, Communist Party;

Mikhail Prokhorov, 46, businessman, self-nominated;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 65, Liberal Democratic Party;

Sergei Mironov, 59, A Just Russia.

In all subjects of Russia, Vladimir Putin took first place. Moreover, in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and several other regions, he received more than 90% of the vote. Only in Moscow did Putin fail to overcome the 50% barrier, gaining 46.95%.

The election results were announced on 5 March. On the same day, President-elect Vladimir Putin was congratulated by the leaders of Syria and Iran, Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. On March 10, the head of state received congratulations from the owner of the White House, Barack Obama. On May 7, 2012, the president officially took office.

Decree of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation on the appointment of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation for March 18, 2018. From that moment on, the election campaign begins in Russia. The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared material on the history of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the post of president was established in 1991. Since then, elections have been held six times: in 1991, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. In the only case - in 1996 - a second round of voting was required to determine the winner. In 1991, the president was elected for five years. In 1993, the term of office of the head of state was reduced to four years (new rules came into effect with the 1996 elections). In accordance with the amendments to the Basic Law, which entered into force on December 31, 2008, since 2012 the President of the Russian Federation has been elected for a six-year period.

Elections of the President of the RSFSR June 12, 1991

First in recent history The presidential elections in Russia were held on June 12, 1991. 106 million 484 thousand 518 people were included in the electoral lists, the voter turnout was 74.66%. The Central Election Commission for the Presidential Elections of the RSFSR (Central Election Commission) registered six pairs of candidates (for the posts of President and Vice President of the RSFSR).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union (LDPSS; since 1992 - LDPR), was the first to register, and Andrei Zavidia, head of the Galand concern, ran for vice president with him. Zhirinovsky was nominated by his own party. In addition, the Central Election Commission registered:

Vadim Bakatin, member of the USSR Security Council, former Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR (paired with the Chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Ramazan Abdulatipov);

Boris Yeltsin, Chairman of the Supreme Council (SC) of the RSFSR (with the Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, leader of the Communists for Democracy faction, Colonel Alexander Rutskoi);

Albert Makashov, Colonel General, Commander of the Volga-Urals Military District, People's Deputy of the USSR (with Alexei Sergeev, Head of the Department of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations);

Nikolai Ryzhkov, People's Deputy of the USSR, former Prime Minister of the USSR (with First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR, Colonel General Boris Gromov);

Aman Tuleev, Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, People's Deputy of the RSFSR (with the head of the Kuzbassshakhtostroy plant, People's Deputy of the RSFSR Viktor Bocharov).

In support of all candidates, except for the leader of the LDPSS, the required number of voter signatures (100,000) was collected. Zhirinovsky's candidacy, as a party nominee, had to be approved by "not less than one-fifth of the people's deputies of the RSFSR." On May 22, 1991, at the IV Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, 477 deputies voted for the inclusion of his candidacy on the ballot, 417 were against, 36 abstained (the total number of those present at the meeting was 930).

Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the RSFSR, who received 57.30% (45 million 552 thousand 41) of the votes. The second place with a score of 16.85% (13 million 359 thousand 335) was taken by Nikolai Ryzhkov, the third - Vladimir Zhirinovsky (7.81%, 6 million 211 thousand 7). 1.92% of voters (1 million 525 thousand 410) voted against all candidates, 2.16% of ballots (1 million 716 thousand 757) were declared invalid. 155 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the elections.

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation June 16 - July 3, 1996

On June 16, 1996, regular elections of the President of the Russian Federation took place. The number of voters was 108 million 495 thousand 23 people, of which 69.81% took part in the voting. Initially, the Central Election Commission registered 11 candidates. However, on June 13, 1996, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, Aman Tuleyev, withdrew his candidacy in favor of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov. His name was crossed out from the already printed ballots. And the ballots in which voters marked his name during the voting were considered invalid. As a result, 10 candidates took part in the elections:

Vladimir Bryntsalov, deputy of the State Duma, president of the pharmaceutical company "Ferein";

Yuri Vlasov, former weightlifter, writer and public figure;

Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Gorbachev Foundation, former General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and President of the USSR;

Boris Yeltsin, current President of the Russian Federation;

Alexander Lebed, State Duma deputy;

Svyatoslav Fedorov, State Duma deputy, director of the Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Complex "Eye Microsurgery";

Martin Shakkum, Director General of the International Fund for Economic and Social Reforms;

Grigory Yavlinsky, chairman of the Yabloko party.

Eight candidates were nominated by initiative groups of citizens, two - Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Grigory Yavlinsky - by political parties.

Boris Yeltsin received the largest number of votes - 35.28% (26 million 665 thousand 495) in the first round of elections, Gennady Zyuganov won the second place with 32.03% (24 million 211 thousand 686). Alexander Lebed had the third result - 14.52% (10 million 974 thousand 736).

On July 3, 1996, the second round of voting took place, appointed due to the fact that none of the candidates received more than half of the votes in the first round. 108 million 589 thousand 50 people were included in the voter lists, the turnout was 68.88%. The current head of state Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation, who received 53.82% (40 million 202 thousand 349) of the votes, Gennady Zyuganov scored 40.31% (30 million 104 thousand 589). 4.82% of voters voted against all candidates (3 million 603 thousand 760). 780,592 (1.05%) ballots were declared invalid.

The cost of the election campaign, according to the report of the Central Election Commission, amounted to 950.1 billion rubles.

Early elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2000

The next presidential elections in the Russian Federation were to be held on July 9, 2000. However, on December 31, 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin announced his voluntary resignation. On January 5, 2000, the Federation Council scheduled early presidential elections for March 26. The names of 109 million 372 thousand 46 people were entered in the voter lists before the voting, the turnout was 68.70%. 11 candidates took part in the elections:

Stanislav Govorukhin, State Duma deputy;

Umar Dzhabrailov, entrepreneur, president of the Plaza Group company;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party;

Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party;

Ella Pamfilova, Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian Public Association "For Civil Dignity";

Aleksey Podberezkin, leader of the socio-political movement "Spiritual Heritage";

Vladimir Putin, I. O. the President of the Russian Federation;

Yuri Skuratov, Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

Konstantin Titov, Governor of the Samara Region;

Aman Tuleev, Governor of the Kemerovo Region;

Grigory Yavlinsky, chairman of the Yabloko association.

Most of the candidates were nominated by initiative groups of voters, two - by parties and social movements. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was nominated by the Liberal Democratic Party, Ella Pamfilova - by the association "For Civil Dignity".

I won the election on March 26, 2000. O. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who received 52.94% (39 million 740 thousand 467) of the votes. Second place was taken by Gennady Zyuganov with a score of 29.21% (21 million 928 thousand 468), the third - Grigory Yavlinsky, who received 5.80% (4 million 351 thousand 450). 1.88% of voters (1 million 414 thousand 673) voted against all candidates, 701 thousand 16 (0.93%) ballots were declared invalid.

According to the CEC of Russia, 1 billion 420 million rubles were spent from the state budget on the preparation and holding of the presidential elections.

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 14, 2004

On December 10, 2003, the Federation Council adopted a resolution on setting the date of the next presidential election for March 14, 2004. The number of voters included in the lists amounted to 108 million 64 thousand 281 people, of which 64.38% took part in the elections. The ballot included the names of six candidates:

Sergei Glazyev, head of the Motherland faction in the State Duma;

Oleg Malyshkin, State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party;

Vladimir Putin, current President of the Russian Federation;

Sergei Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council;

Irina Khakamada, co-chairman of the Union of Right Forces party in 2000-2003;

Nikolai Kharitonov, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party.

Three candidates were self-nominated - Sergey Glazyev, Irina Khakamada and Vladimir Putin. The remaining contenders for the post of head of state were nominated by political parties. Nikolai Kharitonov went to the polls from the Communist Party, Sergei Mironov - from the Russian Party "Life", Oleg Malyshkin - from the Liberal Democratic Party.

As a result of voting on March 14, 2004, Vladimir Putin was elected head of state, receiving 71.31% (49 million 558 thousand 328) of the votes. Second place with a score of 13.69% (9 million 514 thousand 554) was taken by Nikolai Kharitonov, third - Sergey Glazyev, who scored 4.10% (2 million 850 thousand 610). 3.45% of voters (2 million 397 thousand 140) voted against all of them, 578 thousand 847 (0.83%) ballots were declared invalid.

According to the report of the CEC of the Russian Federation, budget expenditures for the presidential elections amounted to 2 billion 564 million rubles.

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 2, 2008

On November 26, 2007, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation approved the date of the presidential elections - March 2, 2008. 107 million 222 thousand 16 voters were included in the voting lists, the turnout was 69.81%. Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the country's constitution, did not have the right to run for office for the third time in a row.

Four candidates took part in the elections:

Andrei Bogdanov, leader of the Democratic Party of Russia;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party;

Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party;

Dmitry Medvedev, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Three candidates were nominated by political parties: Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR), Gennady Zyuganov (KPRF) and Dmitry Medvedev (United Russia). Andrei Bogdanov became the only self-nominated candidate who collected the required number of signatures in his support and was registered with the Central Election Commission.

On March 2, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev was elected President of the Russian Federation, receiving 70.28% (52 million 530 thousand 712) of the votes. Second place with a score of 17.72% (13 million 243 thousand 550) was taken by Gennady Zyuganov, third - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who scored 9.35% (6 million 988 thousand 510).

Invalid ballots - 1.36% (1 million 15 thousand 533). On July 12, 2006, amendments were made to the electoral legislation, according to which the column "against all" in the ballots was abolished.

The total expenditures of the federal budget for the elections amounted to 4 billion 939 million rubles.

Elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 4, 2012

On November 25, 2011, the Federation Council appointed the election of the President of the Russian Federation on a single voting day on March 4, 2012.

The Central Election Commission has registered five presidential candidates:

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party;

Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party;

Sergei Mironov, chairman of the Just Russia faction in the State Duma;

Mikhail Prokhorov, entrepreneur, president of Onexim Group LLC;

Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Four candidates ran from parliamentary parties Mikhail Prokhorov went to the polls as an independent candidate.

On March 4, 2012, Vladimir Putin was elected President of the Russian Federation, receiving 63.60% (45 million 602 thousand 75) of the votes. The second place was taken by Gennady Zyuganov (17.18%, 12 million 318 thousand 353), the third - by Mikhail Prokhorov (7.98%, 5 million 722 thousand 508). 836,691 ballots (1.17%) were declared invalid.

10 billion 375 million rubles were spent from the federal budget for holding presidential elections in the Russian Federation.

Yesterday at 00:00 Moscow time, the first polling stations in the presidential elections in Russia opened. Residents of Kamchatka and Chukotka have started voting in the elections, which will end after polling stations in the westernmost region of the country, the Kaliningrad region, are closed.

The first voting results from the Central Election Commission and the results of the poll at the exit from the polling stations will appear no earlier than today at 21:00 Moscow time, when the last polling station in Kaliningrad closes. Until the closing of the last polling stations, it is prohibited to announce the preliminary results of the elections.

20. 15 Ufa - the last wave of mass removals of observers and journalists

Before the closure of polling stations in Ufa, the last wave of removals of journalists, observers and members of the PEC with the right to consultative vote took place. First of all, the journalists of the opposition media, the newspapers "Civil Voice" and "Yabloko Rossii" are removed.

Dmitry Chuvilin and Amir Kurbanov, observers from the Most Honest Observer group, were removed from polling station No. 33. A member of the last PEC knocked out a mobile phone from the hands of the last member.

Two journalists from Ren TV Ufa were removed from polling station No. 388 just before the closure.

Two correspondents of the newspaper "Civil Voice" were removed from polling station No. 142 due to "improper execution of editorial documents."

According to the "Honest Election Campaign" movement, the journalists of Ren TV Ufa, "Vesti-24", the radio station "Police wave" were removed from the PECs No. 243, 261, 260, 404, 356, 270, 357, 353, 232, 262, 47, 100.
The removal of observers and members of the PEC with the right to consultative vote occurred at polling stations No. 291, 118, 68, 291, 119, 261, 304, 67.

The YABLOKO party announced that correspondents of the Yabloko Rossii newspaper were removed from polling stations nos. 28, 166, 383, 880 (the latter in the Arkhangelsk district of Bashkiria).

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation also announces the removal of a number of its observers and correspondents of the Kommunist Bashkortostan newspaper. Even members of the PEC with the right to vote are removed and removed from work, as happened at polling station No. 243.

"Fair Russia" announced the removal of its observer from polling station No. 404. According to the head of the local branch of the "Socialist-Revolutionaries" Konstantin Shagimuratov, the removal occurred immediately after the discovery of a difference of 900 ballots between the number of ballots issued to voters and those found during the vote count. Three policemen threw out first the observer and then his clothes.

Artur Asafiev - especially for Novaya, Ufa.

Chechnya. Polling station No. 394 in the center of Grozny

From 8.30. in the morning, students and teachers (the instruction was given long ago) gathered in the Main building of the Grozny Oil Institute, and then the authorities began to distribute the people: some were sent by buses, cars, gazelles to city sites. The time of arrival and stay at the designated area was agreed in advance. In principle, this is a variant of the "carousel", but people do not vote, but portray extras on camera. Moreover, women were recommended to take with them different shawls, scarves, to change them. Several people were sent to the polling station to pretend to be observers from various parties. People came to the polling station from 9 o'clock, obviously not real voters, but extras. The turnout of employees of various offices was also noted by their leaders under personal signature. People don't live in this area, but vote here.

In a private conversation, it turned out that they were forced to come to the city center and brought to the polling station under threat of dismissal. And two weeks before the elections, meetings of collectives and gatherings of citizens were held in the republic, at which they were called to vote "you know for whom." Parliament of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Labor, Pension Fund, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and others - each employee was obliged to bring 10 people to the site under the threat of dismissal, and the employees called, asked relatives, friends, neighbors to help them out. At the named polling station, at half past eleven, a large crowd of people formed, who lined up supposedly for voting. But no one checked the documents, they let them in freely and then, pretending to be extras, they left. Before that, the mayor of Grozny Khuchiev was at the site, and help in the form of a carousel was received immediately in several gazelles. This is where the pandemonium happened. A concert and dances were organized in front of the site.

At about 12 o'clock a group of "carousels" arrived in 3 minibuses, some of whom were indignant and said that this was already the fifth polling station where they had been brought to vote in the morning.

Inc. Inf.

19.15 In the Omsk region, the voter turnout was 63%

In Omsk and the region, the elections of the president and deputies of the city council ended. According to preliminary data, their turnout was significantly higher than in the December elections to the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly. Then 47% of voters voted in the city - now 56%, in rural areas - 53.7% and 67%, respectively.

The regional election commission, according to its secretary Alexander Khristolyubov, did not receive a single significant complaint: "all issues were resolved in a regular manner." The City Electoral Committee registered 9 appeals about violations: in the most meaningful speech is about illegal agitation on the day of silence. In particular, representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party accused the governor of the Omsk region Polezhaev, who, leaving the polling station in the presence of the media, said that he had voted for the current political government.

18.25 Omsk. 53-year-old voter dies in the voting booth from a heart attack

A 53-year-old man died in the line of duty at polling station No. 463 in the city center. He had a heart attack in the voting booth - he did not have time to mark the ballot and put it in the ballot box.

Upon the death of a voter, the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation conducts an inspection. According to his press secretary Larisa Boldinova, this man "suffered from a chronic heart disease, suffered two heart attacks and was discharged from the hospital only on March 2."

In the comments to this news, Omsk residents write on websites about the disgusting conditions in which they had to vote today: “It’s stuffy there, and healthy people can’t stand it, the queues are like in a mausoleum, no organization”, “in our polling station No. reached for the stairs, I felt bad. As if everything was done on purpose so that people would leave without voting…”, “F…c full! a bunch of people in a 3x3 room, heat, old women, grandfathers ate alive somehow somehow reach ... healthy, not everyone can stand it, and even more so a person with a disease!

The same tragedy happened in Omsk during the elections on December 4: then, at polling station No. 372, a 67-year-old voter died after leaving the voting booth.

Georgy Borodyansky, staff correspondent. New newspaper Omsk

18:08 In Vladivostok, at polling station No. 258, a young man freely dropped about 20 ballots into electronic ballot boxes. The criminal offense was recorded by a video camera installed in the PEC. These shots also clearly show that the work of the "colleague" is carefully monitored by three young people. One of which is possibly a polling station employee (a badge on his chest). The ballot box is in the field of view of the election commission, but the criminal slowly puts eight ballots into one electronic ballot box. And then, just as calmly, he stuffs seven more ballots into the next one.

Mikhail Blokhin

18.06. Tula. Polling station No. 961. The staff of the PEC did not allow the observers to accompany them in the mobile voting at home. The observers were simply not allowed in when they said they would go too. Among these observers was a representative from the media (Yabloko Rossii newspaper) Mikhail Shestakov. He and his fellow observers drove in their car to pick up the PEC officers. At some point, they managed to block two cars of the PEC officers, one of which was a Toyota Camry 333. The deputy of the Tula City Duma from the "United Russia" Sukhanov got out of the car. He knocked Shestakov off his feet, took away his video camera and pulled out a flash card from it.

Currently, Shestakov is giving evidence to the police and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the fact of the incident.

Elena Kostyuchenko

17.52 Khimki, section 3011.

Without informing the observers and non-voting members of the commission, a voting member of the commission and an observer from Putin left for an on-site vote in one of the branches of the Khimki Central Clinical Hospital. The number of ballots was not known, we were not allowed to get acquainted with the register.

After filing a written complaint, the observers were told that there were 386 voters in the register. It seems to me that there are not so many places in the hospital at all.

The register itself was refused to be provided “for a technical reason”, at 16.30 the members of the commission returned with a full box of ballots.

At the neighboring polling station 3010, observers were generally forbidden to go to field voting, the commission refuses to accept complaints.

UPD 20.00 Blogger Oleg Kozyrev said that employees of the "E" center arrived at polling stations 3010 and 3011

Oleg, observer from candidate Prokhorov (surname at the disposal of the editors) at polling station 3011 in Khimki.

17.31 Moscow. At polling stations in the South Administrative District, “carousels” vote in a continuous stream. These are gas workers, builders, traders from the nearest Zamoskvoretsky market. They vote several times - by polling stations - in particular - No. 1951, No. 1961, No. 1966, etc. - they are transported by buses. Approximately 100-150 people take part in the "carousel" in the South Administrative District. Moreover, what is most outrageous is that all these people do not have Moscow registration, without which it is impossible to vote according to the law. The chairmen of the PECs and the police, who are required by the observers to take action, turn a blind eye to this and kick the observers in every possible way. And, of course, they refuse to check the carousels for registration.

The carousels themselves are not talkative on camera. They say the standard - they say, the employer obliges them to work even on weekends and therefore there was no time to take absenteeism, but they want to vote so much that they decided to do it on the basis of personal statements (which, in principle, is not forbidden by law). However, some let out the same cameras: they collected them all on buses near the Park Kultury metro station, you had to say a code word and you got access to the bus.

17.28 GIK St. Petersburg:“By 17:00, 9 complaints were received, there were no serious violations”

Only at about 4 p.m. did the first complaints begin to arrive at the City Election Commission, - Alexander Gnetov, chairman of the State Electoral Commission, said at a briefing. - By 17 o'clock we have considered 9 appeals, two of them submitted to the commission. Members of TEC No. 17 complained to us that the documents were not submitted for review. The commission recognized the actions of the chairman as illegal. In addition, in the same TEC No. 17, members from Yabloko were not included in the commission members. Having considered the motivational part, the City Electoral Commission considered the actions of the TEC illegal, ordered the TEC to make changes and include Yabloko members in the commission.

No other serious violations, according to Gnetov, were recorded.

If complaints continue to be received, the City Electoral Committee will deal with them, - said the chairman of the State Electoral Commission.

17.17 In Izhevsk, observers from candidate Vladimir Putin do not consider it necessary to sit at polling stations all day

Activists of the movement "For Fair Elections" report that some observers from the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin, having checked in at the polling stations in the morning, left them - probably before the evening.

So, they left without observation the Izhevsk sections 3/59, 2/22 and 2/24.

Apparently, the supporters of this candidate believe that the desired result will be achieved without close monitoring.

And the coordinator of the movement "For Fair Elections" Andrei Konoval believes that the matter is in the low level of organizational training and insufficient motivation of the representatives of Putin's headquarters.

Boris Bronstein, staff correspondent of Novaya Gazeta, Udmurtia

16.54 Voter turnout in the presidential elections in St. Petersburg reached 32.95% by 15:00.

As a whole across Russia, as the chairman of the City Electoral Committee Alexander Gnetov reported, the turnout by three o'clock in the afternoon exceeded 41%.

Recall that in the elections to the State Duma in 2011 by 15.00 25.49% of voters managed to vote.

In total, 3.48 million voters were registered in St. Petersburg.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

At 18:00, about 52% of voters voted in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The head of the regional election committee Konstantin Bocharov told about this before the closing of the polling stations. The turnout is traditionally higher than in the Duma elections, but lower than in the previous presidential elections. Most of the people (70%) voted in the Severo-Yenisei and Dzerzhinsky districts. In seven more rural and taiga districts, more than 60% of voters came to the polling stations. In Krasnoyarsk turnout is 47-48%, in Kansk - 46%.

16.44 In Kirov, several polling stations received ballots much more than they have voters

A large number of "reserve" ballots were found at three polling stations in Kirov.

Thus, polling station No. 311, where 418 voters are on the lists, received 600 ballots from the territorial election commission. Polling station No. 312, where there are 163 voters, has 230 ballots. And at polling station No. 316, where 71 voters are on the list, the stock of ballots is 200 pieces, that is, there are three ballots per voter.

The headquarters of A Just Russia believe that extra ballots create an opportunity for stuffing. On this occasion, complaints were filed with the Oblizbirkom, the city election commission, and the district election commission.

16.41 France. At the polling station 5289 in Marseilles, the chairman of the commission presented to the observers a document sent to the PECs dated February 27 of this year, signed by the surname "Sizykh". According to it, Russians abroad can only vote with a foreign passport, except in a number of cases, such as loss of a foreign passport, expired foreign passport, or surrender of a passport for a visa. All this must be proven by certificates.

Election observers from the Association of Russian Voters in France contacted the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, they turned to the TEC.
The TEC for foreign sections called Marseille and explained that this decision was not in accordance with the law. Not a single voter was denied the right to vote due to lack of a passport.

Polina Myakinchenko

16.36 Petersburg. Observers from the media (including Novaya Gazeta) traveling as part of a mobile group around the polling stations of the Vyborgsky district are not allowed into PECs without proof of registration of the media they represent. What is illegal - from observers the right to ask only the task of the editorial office and the identity of the journalist. Due to the fact that not all observers had media registration certificates with them, they had to spend time not on observation at the polling stations, but on obtaining copies of these certificates.

The same observers, who did not encounter such difficulties, recorded many false observers at a number of polling stations. In particular, it was possible to find several observers allegedly from candidate Prokhorov at the same polling station at once, while more than one observer from the party could not be present at the polling station by law. The “observers from Prokhorov” had clearly false documents.

Alexander Malkov, St. Petersburg

16.30 Petersburg. According to unofficial data, there are six times more violations than according to official ones.

According to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, by 16:00 in the city and the region, the police had registered 45 complaints about election violations. For comparison: by 3 p.m., the association "Observers of St. Petersburg" counted 264 violations only at polling stations in the northern capital.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Sergey Umnov, told reporters:
- There were no signs of serious violations of the electoral process. In total, about 45 reports of incidents related to elections were registered. They mainly concern the electoral legislation: these are complaints about the removal of observers, about other actions of PEC employees that citizens consider unlawful. There were no complaints about the actions of the police officers.

Umnov also stressed that all law enforcement officers serving today will have the opportunity to vote. According to Glavka, more than 30,000 police officers are involved in the presidential elections in St. Petersburg and the region, of which 18,000 work directly at polling stations.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

16:12 Ufa. Witnesses of falsifications and carousels are removed from the polling stations

According to sources of the YABLOKO party, a command was passed in the Oktyabrsky and Kirovsky districts of Ufa - to remove from the polling stations all observers and correspondents who continuously film what is happening at the polling station using video recorders, webcams, etc.

At polling station No. 23 in the Demsky district, voters not included in the list vote without absentee ballots. The commission explains this by the lack of certificates and the permission of the CEC of the Republic of Belarus.

A correspondent of the newspaper "Civil Voice" was not allowed to enter polling station No. 301.

An observer from Prokhorov was removed from polling station No. 200, on the grounds that his referral had been signed not by the chief of the regional headquarters, but by his deputy.

At polling station No. 381 in the Sovetsky district of Ufa, Alexei Gromov, a member of the PEC with an advisory vote from Prokhorov, noticed a "carousel". The persons who ensured the functioning of the carousel ran to the chairman of the commission. Soon a lawyer from Prokhorov's regional headquarters arrived and brought a piece of paper about Gromov's recall from the precinct (!) Without any explanation!

In the Soviet district of Ufa, a number of "carousels" were carried out. According to the head of the mobile group of the Most Honest Observer movement, Dmitry Chuvilin, at least two groups of members of the Young Guard of United Russia were identified, traveling by bus around the district and dropping ballots. According to Chuvilin, the stuffing was carried out in favor of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and candidates for deputies of the Ufa City Council from the United Russia party. Presumably, the carouselers visited polling stations Nos. 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 493, 494. According to Chuvilin, a paper clip on the 7th page of the carouselers’ passport, a paper clip on the badge of a member of the PEC , or a bottle of Fanta drink standing in front of him on the table.

According to the member of the TEC of the Sovetsky district of Ufa with a decisive vote from the YABLOKO party, A.T. Khusainov, at a meeting of the TEC, the head of the district administration, S.A. Bakhtiyarov, instructed the commission to print an additional circulation of ballots for the election of the President of the Russian Federation in the amount of about 2000 pieces. According to A.T.Khusainov, the commission decided not to follow this instruction. Representatives of the YABLOKO party and the Liberal Democratic Party sent a statement to the CEC of the Republic of Belarus about the incident.

M.A. Shestakova, correspondent of the Fatherland newspaper, was removed from polling station No. 25 under the pretext of improper execution of the editorial task.

According to observers of the YABLOKO party at polling station No. 365, citizen Nigmatzyanov, who intended to vote by absentee ballot, was tried by a voting member of the PEC to hand over a ballot with a mark already marked in favor of V.V. Putin.

In the city of Neftekamsk, almost all correspondents of the Yabloko Rossii newspaper, who had not been allowed to go to the polls before, were reinstated in their rights after 14:00. In two cases, the YABLOKO party had to go to court.
However, after 4:00 p.m., the 2nd wave of removals of Yabloko followed - at the time of the press release, correspondents of the Yabloko Rossii newspaper were again removed from polling stations Nos. 465, 474, 482, 483 under the pretext of improper execution of the editorial task , 486, 489.

Artur Asafiev - especially for Novaya, Ufa

16.10 Moscow. Prechistenka, 12. Deputy Ilya Ponomarev, the leader of the "Left Front" Sergei Udaltsov and other members of the public were unable to conduct an alternative count of ballots in the premises rented in advance. When they arrived at the appointed time at the building at Prechistenka 12, they saw a large number of police and dogs. The police said the building was "under threat of explosion."

Julia Polukhina

16.05 Omsk. Observers of two city polling stations forced Senator Aleksey Sokin to leave them

Aleksey Sokin, a member of the Council of Federations from the Omsk Region, who is nominated for the city council in urban district No. 8, visited two of its polling stations to explain to voters who they should vote for: the youngest senator in the country (he will turn 33 in May) called with childish spontaneity citizens to vote for him, promising them for this a sharp improvement in their socio-economic situation.

Illegal campaigning was stopped by observers: at their request, the senator was forced to leave the voting premises. Observers wrote complaints about his unworthy behavior to the Terizbirkom.

Georgy Borodyansky, staff correspondent. Novaya Gazeta Omsk

15.55 Headquarters of the Communist Party

By Sunday afternoon, the central headquarters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation had already received several hundred complaints of violations from observers. Complaints are accepted by a State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin and Deputy Head of the Legal Service of the Communists Andrey Klychkov. Rashkin draws up deputy requests on their basis and immediately sends them by courier to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Central Election Commission. Copies are given to journalists. I already have about a kilogram on my hands. Just received a complaint from an observer from Dagestan Derbent. There, a bus takes students from a local college to the sites. Accompanying the carousel is a police patrol.

Member of the Commission No. 5201 Tikhoretska Koryakina with a voting right, as well as her friend Markelova with an advisory vote, report that they cannot leave their homes. Since the front doors are boarded up with nails, and the windows are wrapped with tape.

IN Bryansk region the head of the Krasnogorsk region, Rezunov, threatened with reprisal the observer Alexander Kucha.

And here is a complaint from Moscow Medvedkov, polling station No. 3177. Almost a hundred citizens with absentee certificates were brought here - also by buses. Lawyer Klychkov immediately displays the picture from the webcams on the monitor. On the video - pandemonium of people.

What, Medvedkov's carousel? - heard the familiar voice of the leader. - I've seen it already.

Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov appeared at the headquarters with security guards as if out of nowhere. But he already knew everything.

The task is to track down violations as detailed as possible and report them to the media,” Zyuganov gave instructions to his comrades and again left somewhere.

And we bought gifts by March 8th. Where are they? I want one here ... - Gennady Andreevich said to the assistant at the exit from the headquarters.

Oh, now, - said the assistant.

Complaints continued to flow to headquarters.

But by 3:00 p.m., the on-duty employee of the reception of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation told the CPRF couriers that he would no longer accept complaints - "there is no one to process them."

Moscow, on site No. 1927 Tsaritsyno a citizen was detained who tried to vote using someone else's absentee ballot. An act was drawn up, video filming, data was recorded, detained by the police.

Tula. Polling stations open the software for webcams. At the same time, the chairmen of the PECs refer to the corresponding instruction of the governor. In some areas, the cameras do not work at all. On some - cameras film the ceiling

Tambov. Plot No. 802. Ballot box blocked from webcam ornamental shrub, and the members of the commission hid from the camera, sitting in front of the light.

Pavel Kanygin, working at the headquarters of the Communist Party

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

Plot No. 1830, Nagatinsky backwater. Observers record many violations here.

So, employees of the Zamoskvoretsky market came to this site today. The director of the market explained the mass character as follows: the market, they say, has a “continuous cycle of work”, employees could not take absentee ballots ahead of time and therefore they will vote “based on personal statements”. And they voted.

In addition, servicemen of one of the units came to this polling station today and voted ... without any absentee or personal statements at all. Also, employees of this polling station went to the homes of voters and collected 50 ballots in two hours. Although it is unrealistic to collect such a number of ballots in two hours - on average, 8-10 minutes, or even more, are spent per voter at home ...

In connection with all the facts of violations at this site, the observers called the police. But neither the police nor the chairman of the TEC "found" any violations.

Irina Gordienko, working as part of a team of mobile observers from the Citizen Observer organization

According to observers from Yabloko, who partially work outside the polling stations, mass deliveries of carousels have been recorded in the capital

Thus, young people who could not explain their presence at the polling station were brought to vote at polling station No. Employees of Perspektiva Tushino LLC were brought to polling station No. 2773, and employees of the Mostotrest organization were brought to polling station No. 2968. Employees of the Ostankinskaya hotel are brought by bus to vote at polling station No. 653, where the chairman of the commission issues absentee ballots to people, - Yabloko observers report. - And also to polling station No. 3188, in the same buses they bring voters without Moscow registration, where they vote on additional lists and without absentee ballots.

Managed to fix license plates of some Vehicle"Carousels". Namely, people were brought to polling station No. 2857 on a Mercedes bus, license plate number T050OM177, and to polling station No. 2199, buses of the Volkswagen brand, license plate number E671 SO and Gazelle, license plate number B428 R were brought to vote by builders. The same "Gazelle" for the second time brings people to vote at polling station No. 1767.

The observers called the police. They are waiting for help.

Mikhail Blokhin

Voting has been suspended at polling station No. 70 in the Meshchansky district of Moscow. According to members of the commission, due to a major violation, it is not clear which one. In the morning there voted by absentee ballots. Judging by the video, the area is restless.

At polling station No. 1731, the chairman of the commission, Alla Oreshko, drew up an act and is going to remove the observer from the polling station, since he did not stand upright when the Russian anthem was played.

At polling station No. 1466, members of the commission draw up lists of elderly people. It was explained to the observer that this was being done because a tea party would be organized after the vote. Immediately after the opening, about 100 Mosvodokanal employees arrived at polling station No. 77, voting by absentee ballots. At polling station No. 1770, 52 employees of Gormost were included in the lists. In PEC No. 3174, employees of Mosgortrans are voting en masse. At polling station No. 1711, the commission is going to add 700 students to an additional list using their passport data, student cards and a letter from students. 150 students lined up at PEC 104. At the same time, observers do not have the opportunity to control the issuance of ballots, the chairman of the commission refuses to show the documents. At the Vympel plant (PEC 1172), today is declared a working day and employees are asked to vote for a certain candidate for a triple day off. The same people vote at polling stations No. 2164 and 2166, besides, cadets from a military school were brought there. Students of the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, not related to section 500, nevertheless, were attached to the main lists. At polling station No. 2009, 144 people voted according to the list without absentee ballots. A bus with workers who had previously voted at other polling stations arrived at polling station No. 2841. At polling station No. 2586, older people are voting en masse with absentee ballots. Most of them are registered at one table.

According to the message and "New Region".

14.30 I sit in the Moscow PEC 539 as a member of the commission with an advisory vote. Briefly, our name is PSG, and only two - me (formally from Just Russia) and Andrey from the communists. We are also helped by the candidate Gunkov, who is running from the Socialist-Revolutionaries in the municipal elections. And as an observer there is another girl Katya from the presidential candidate V. Putin.

So far, I cannot report any sensations about violations, except for the regular jambs in the work of the commission. The secretary of the commission, Tatyana Alekseevna, attacked me immediately, as soon as I offered to get acquainted, she was supported by other members of the commission: "How much we have been working, this has never happened, we managed normally and without observers"! Well, of course they tried to forbid watching the lists of voters, filming the polling station on video. But the chairman, Ivan Iosifovich, stood up for my right. The chairman of the commission generally gives the impression of a normal man. He's the assistant director of the college for some sort of issue. They have a non-working Monday, and tomorrow, when our aunts from the commission have a rest from election day, oh, they will probably suit him for being liberal with us!

They tried to expel Andrei from the commission for some incorrectly executed piece of paper, the PSG from the communists, but the same claims were made against Katya from the GDP. So everything is in balance.

Sitting with us, of course, is the curator from the administration, a deeply pregnant girl, who answered my question "in what capacity are you here"? She answered - "yes, I don't know myself, they sent me, and I'm sitting." I asked the chairman why the girl was here, the chairman muttered something doomed, after which it turned out that all the documents were issued for the girl from some municipal candidate. And she's a PSG, just like me. Only then did the secretary Tatyana Alekseevna include her in the list of those present at the site.

A leftist registration was found in someone's apartment, even the chairman of Tika came to get it. But this is all, I think, trifles. Our main sensation is that now, at 14-00, about half of the payroll has already voted. Such a commission has not seen since Soviet times, probably! Candidate Gunkov stated: because the people got it!

Olga Bobrova

15:50 At polling station No. 364 in Surgut, several people immediately discovered that someone had already voted for them.

Our observers called the prosecutor's office to verify the personal data and signatures of the alleged "voters", - explained the head of the mobile group of Prokhorov's headquarters, Sergei Voropaev. - During the check, the chairman of the Electoral Commission explained this by the fact that the voters allegedly left the polling station at the end of February.

The victims say they did nothing of the sort. Write statements to the prosecutor.

Mikhail Blokhin

15.50 "Yabloko" names the most common election violations in St. Petersburg

The observers of the Yabloko party are also counting the violations. According to their information at 15:00, the most common violations at polling stations in St. Petersburg:

Removal of observers, non-voting members of commissions and journalists (PEC no. 1082, 547, 598, 39, 96, 205, 1875, 1540, 1641, 531, 797)

Refusals to register as observers, members of commissions with an advisory vote and journalists (PECs No. 191, 369, 370, 8, 6, 1434, 749)

Requiring voting members of commissions to sign an empty protocol of voting results (PEC no. 176)

Lack of copies of the protocol (PEC no. 424)

Violations in the work with voter lists (PECs No. 1226, 277, 1818)

Restrict the work of observers and journalists in PECs No. 1625, 1540

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

15.50 By 18:00 (local time), 51.52% of voters voted in Sakhalin and the Kuriles in the presidential elections in Russia, the regional election committee reported

The chairman of the regional election commission, Lyudmila Vetrova, at her press conference, recalled the overall results of voter turnout in the last presidential elections: in 2000 - 60.49 percent, in 2004 - 54.86 percent, in 2008 - 54.89 percent. 49.09 percent of the total number of island voters came to the elections to the State Duma 3 months ago.

So people got active.

As always, Kurilians are in the lead in turnout - Severo-Kurilsky district - 61.27%, South Kurilsky district - 61.17% Kurilsky district - 59.54%

The lowest turnout was in the cities of South Sakhalin - Dolinsk, Aniva, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - about 50%.

In principle, voting is taking place more calmly than in previous elections to the State Duma. So far, as observers from the regional center have reported, there are only a few obvious violations. Thus, the 358th polling station of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk requested an additional 500 ballots. It turns out that it was “split in two”: the SIZO employees voted at one address with one ballot box, and the voters under investigation - at a different address, with another ballot box. Naturally, the observers could not split themselves and wrote a complaint to the election commission, and they are going to file a lawsuit with the city court tomorrow.

And at polling station No. 321 of the regional center, the observers were not given the voter book, referring to secret information - it was about voting in military unit No. 2067. The observers drew up a report, took it to the Territorial Electoral Commission... They confirmed that yes, the information about the composition of voters in the military unit is secret... Another lawsuit is being prepared.

In Severo-Kurilsk, the purchase of a vote in the mayoral elections was recorded - 5 thousand rubles.

So far, the results are only being calculated, but observers note that Putin is in the lead - with a margin of one and a half times from the rest of the contenders. We were surprised by the results of Prokhorov, who received more votes in many polling stations than Zhirinovsky and Mironov.

Olga Vasilyeva, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

15.27 According to the calculations of the "observers of St. Petersburg", the number of violations is already in the hundreds

264 violations of the electoral law, 141 removal or non-admission of observers, 6 stuffing of ballots (only one has been officially confirmed by law enforcement agencies), 8 "carousels" by 15 o'clock were counted by representatives of the association "Observers of St. Petersburg". They work today at many polling stations in the city and record all such cases. For each of them, a complaint is drawn up, which is then transferred to the City Election Committee.

So, at polling station No. 1299 at 21 Zverinskaya Street (economic professional lyceum), "Observers of St. Petersburg" recorded several stuffing at once.

In the PEC No. 1827 in the Central District, a "carousel" was recorded: a Ford Transit bus, number "B 686 XC 98", carries elderly women around the polling stations, "Observers of Petersburg" report. In the premises of PEC No. 1695 on Dimitrova Street, 10, bldg. 3 (school no. 205), the same young man voted twice, dressed in different clothes.

In addition, "Observers of St. Petersburg" suspect a carousel in PEC No. 340, which is located in school No. 137 on Vavilov Street, Building 8, Building 2. According to them, a red and green ruler is on the table of a member of the commission. In addition, a large stream of people is constantly drawn to this table.

And in PEC No. 818, the election commission gives gifts to young voters. To do this, in the main list, in front of some surnames, notes were made with a pencil: "present".

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

15.21 Omsk. Residents of hostels denied the right to elect deputies of the city council

At polling station No. 349 in the city of Omsk, human rights activist Valentin Kuznetsov, a member of the district commission, says that students and university staff living in dormitories are deprived of the opportunity to vote in the elections of deputies of the city council. In his opinion, this is a violation of the Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights", according to which the lists for voting in elections to local authorities include citizens not only registered in the territory of the municipality, but also registered at the place of residence.

On the same site, says Kuznetsov, the inhabitants of a number of apartment buildings on Yakovleva Street, 30th and 33rd Severnaya, the lists do not contain apartment numbers, which is also a violation of the electoral law.

Georgy Borodyansky, staff correspondent. New newspaper Omsk

15.15 In St. Petersburg at 12 noon voter turnout - 10.62%

This is about 3% higher than in the Duma elections last December.

At the Duma campaign by this time (12 o'clock on December 4) the turnout was 7.04%, - Dmitry Krasnyansky, deputy chairman of the City Election Committee, told Novaya Gazeta.

According to the City Electoral Committee, the voter turnout at polling stations at 10 am in the northern capital was 2.5%. As the head of the GIK, Alexander Gnetov, clarified to Novaya Gazeta, this is about 85,000 people.

On December 4, 2011 turnout in St. Petersburg at 10 am was 1.2 - 1.3 percent. On March 2, 2008, in the presidential elections in Russia, the voter turnout at that time was 3.14 percent.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

15.10 Omsk. Long queues line up for ballots

At many sites in the city, Omsk residents have to stand in long queues in order to fulfill their civic duty. The reason for this is not so much the rush turnout (although according to the Regional Electoral Committee it significantly exceeds the December one - about 40% of the inhabitants of the Omsk region voted at 3 pm), but the inexplicable closeness of the voting premises.

At polling station No. 349, as Valentin Kuznetsov, chairman of the regional human rights committee, who is a member of the district commission, told Novaya Gazeta, the elections “for some reason are driven into the smallest room, although spacious halls are empty in the same building of the construction college - assembly and sports ". Many citizens, according to Kuznetsov, after standing in line, leave without voting. The same picture, he says, in three more polling stations (Nos. 355, 356 and 357), and this is in only one constituency.

The same problem, we were told in the regional branch of the Communist Party, and in the Omsk suburbs: for example, in the village of Svetly, where cadets and officers of the OTII (Omsk Tank Institute) vote, civilians have to wait for access to the ballot boxes for about an hour.

According to the SuperOmsk website, the long line at the registration desk even had to be defended by the speaker of the city council, Sergei Alekseev, and his wife.

Georgy Borodyansky, staff correspondent. New newspaper Omsk

At 15:00 turnout in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was 39%. Mainly due to rural areas and military, closed towns, in large cities there is a low turnout. On the eve of the elections, Novaya Gazeta already wrote that the authorities began to work pointwise to reduce turnout in unreliable territories and entire estates. So, the Siberian Federal University was dismissed for a weekly unplanned vacation. The students dispersed to the districts of the region and thus could not vote: few people received absentee ballots, and there were simply not enough of them - a lot of people reported this. On March 4, the polling stations for students of the Siberian Technological University were also empty: as it turns out, they were also sent away from sin for a week-long vacation, the students went home.

At the 296th precinct, students with temporary registration, who nevertheless did not go home, were still not allowed to vote: referring to Churov's letter, they were required to provide student ID cards in addition to their passports. No one warned students about this innovation in advance. Student Natalya Tarasova, who had all the documents available, discovered that someone had already received a ballot for her and signed.

Alexey Tarasov, corr. "New", Krasnoyarsk

14.30. At the request of journalists and observers at polling station 3019, a count was made of entries in the book of those who voted by absentee ballots and the number of absentee ballots left by the commission. The number coincided - 144. However, according to the observer's calculations, about half of the 600 people voted by absentee ballot.

Evgeny Feldman

14.25 Omsk. The district was filled with agitation for the "poor" candidate

At the polling stations of one of the city districts, since morning and to this moment, there has been a stormy campaign for a candidate for the city council (independent, but supported by the Omsk mayor's office) Vyacheslav Vasiliev. It involves, as Andrey Alekhin, one of the leaders of the Omsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, told Novaya Gazeta, a huge number of vehicles, on the windows of which there are calls to vote for him. Cars, buses and Gazelles with these inscriptions are surrounded by all the polling stations of the district in which this candidate is running - probably very wealthy, although according to the declaration submitted by him to the election commission, his income for 2011 amounted to only 100 thousand rubles.

“In the morning we reported this violation to the City Electoral Committee,” says A. Alekhin, “after which the cars were driven away from the polling stations, but now they have appeared there again.”

In the same district, according to users of the Omsk forum, “obituaries” were pasted up at night, announcing the “sudden death” of one of Vasiliev’s main competitors in these elections.

Georgy Borodyansky

13.59 Severnoe Chertanovo, Kirovogradskaya st., 8, polling station at school No. 851. A group of "carousels" came here with a large number of absentee ballots. The same "carousels" voted at polling stations No. 1951, No. 1961, No. 1966
When a group of mobile observers spotted the stuffing at polling station No. 851, the carouselers immediately ran out into the street to their bus (T 432 AK 199th region).

Irina Gordienko, working as part of a team of mobile observers from the Citizen Observer organization

13.50 Observers from Yabloko are not allowed to polling stations

What already wrote Novaya Gazeta, on the eve of the presidential elections, information appeared that the head of the CEC sent an order to the election commissions to impede the work of observers from the Yabloko Rossii party newspaper.

The reason for this decision was the CEC's unexpected doubts about the right of the party chairman to sign the observers' editorial certificates. However, yesterday, having received clarifications from Roskomnadzor, CEC Deputy Chairman Leonid Ivlev admitted in an official letter addressed to Sergei Mitrokhin that the head of the party, as the founder of the publication, can act as an editor.

Despite this, this morning, IPCC Secretary Fayas Khalilulin sent a letter to the territorial election commissions, in which he invalidated the correspondent certificates signed by Yabloko party chairman Sergei Mitrokhin, party spokesman Igor Yakovlev explained. - Now the representative of the Yabloko party in the CEC, Elena Dubrovina, has already contacted the chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Committee, Valentin Gorbunov, and demanded not to interfere with the work of Yabloko observers. The final decision of the department is expected in the near future.

On March 4, at 11:00 am, experts from the GOLOS Association held a press conference on the first reports from polling stations. As Novaya Gazeta was told in the association itself, a significant part of the reports both from Moscow and from the regions are related to the organized transportation of voters to the polling stations and illegal absentee voting.

In just 24 hours, about 2,000 calls were received to the “Map of Violations” hotline phone alone. Information about violations is posted by operators on the project website According to the head of the election monitoring department of the GOLOS association Andrey Buzin, a large number of reports of violations are the result of civic activity, which appeared due to the fact that the state does not fulfill its functions of holding elections.

Before election day, there were many reports of pressure on voters to get absentee ballots and turn them in to leaders. “As a result, we see that absentee ballots are over in Moscow, the Far East and other regions,” said Lilia Shibanova, executive director of the GOLOS Association. - Even many members of the commissions could not get absentee ballots in order to vote at the polling stations where they will work throughout the day. This situation has developed despite the fact that the CEC printed more absentee ballots than in previous elections.”

By 11:00 am, the GOLOS association has so far received information from 10 regions: Kurgan, Perm, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk, Gorno-Altaisk and Ufa, where GOLOS correspondents record compliance with the procedures prescribed by law at the polling stations . In total, GOLOS will receive data from its correspondents from 45 regions.

Thus, at 7% of the polling stations, ballot boxes were not presented before the opening of the polling station. In 17% of cases, campaign materials are hung closer than 50 meters from polling stations. 22% of voters' lists were not bound. Collective transportation of voters was recorded at 19% of polling stations.

“People who are brought to the polling stations in an organized manner are the same supposedly freely voting citizens who either received absentee ballots in advance, or were simply included in the lists,” Andrei Buzin emphasized. - In addition, special sections are formed at enterprises. First, it is difficult for observers to get to these areas. Secondly, since people will vote at their place of work, it is likely that they will do so under the control of management.”

27% of violations are related to the compilation of lists for voting outside the premises. In addition, at 13% of polling stations, correspondents were denied presence at the exit voting. At 26% of polling stations, mobile voting boxes are located out of sight of observers, which is also a violation.

Also at the press conference, information was announced on the presence of observers from different candidates at the polling stations. According to GOLOS, observers from candidate Zhirinovsky are present at 30% of polling stations, from Zyuganov - at 79%, from Mironov - at 29%, from Prokhorov - at 56% of polling stations, from Putin - at 81%. Representatives of candidates for deputies for local elections make up about 22% of observers at polling stations.

13.40. The light and the Internet in the press center of the "VOICE" turned on again.

Ivan Zhilin

13.31 In the independent press center of GOLOS, the lights are turned off and the Internet is not working.

Ivan Zhilin

13:30 In St. Petersburg, the first fact of stuffing was officially recorded

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

13:20 In Kirov, simultaneously with the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, elections to the city duma are being held. From the very beginning of the voting, there have been numerous cases of outright bribery of voters.

Today, on the day of voting and the implementation of the "project", the police were called to one of the addresses in the 16th city district. Representatives of the parties Just Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation managed to intercept a list with the names of hundreds of people who should receive money on voting day. Police, representatives of the city election commission, investigators are working on the spot.

Moreover, for recording violations at the 426th polling station, a freelance correspondent for the Bloknot newspaper, Alexander Robotinsky, ended up in the police station. Robotinsky witnessed violations at polling station No. 426. Near the polling station, three young people put some stamps on the certificates of “people's observers” and told voters where to apply for money allegedly for work as an election observer. When the correspondent tried to draw the attention of official observers from political parties present at the polling station to this fact, he was detained by police officers. According to Alexander, who was taken to the police station, he was accused of campaigning against United Russia.

Boris Bronstein, correspondent of Novaya Gazeta, Kirov

13.25 Igor Okunev, head of the Ramenki district council, attacked Novaya correspondent Diana Khachatryan.

13.20 On the k856ka bus, about 20 people from Moscow were brought to Khimki, although the organizer of the trip said that the "carousel" would be in Noginsk. Three journalists also took part in the stuffing, including a photojournalist for Novaya Gazeta. No one controlled how they vote in PECs Nos. 3020 and 3019.

Upon returning to the bus, the organizer, who introduced himself as Mikhail, took away that part of the absentee ballots that would have to be used in the second round, in return the falsifiers received a thousand rubles each. The commission had more than a hundred absentee ballots. In the end, the organizer left along Molodezhnaya Street in a car with dirty, barely distinguishable license plates o323oo.

Apparently, Mikhail suspected that the information about the upcoming "carousel" and therefore there was no stuffing. However, he bought back a thousand rubles each for the second round.

In addition, two observers at PEC No. 3019 have their phones blocked, and they receive constant calls on their mobile phones.

Evgeny Feldman

Carousel organizer Mikhail

Organizer's car

13.30 In St. Petersburg, the first fact of stuffing was officially recorded

At polling station No. 118 - at the school on Nalichnaya Street, 32 building 2 - at about 12 o'clock the police recorded - and this is officially confirmed - the first stuffing of ballots. According to the observers, the woman (name and surname are not yet known) was able to drop a pack of 10-20 ballots into the ballot box. The stuffing was also noticed by employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

According to Arkady Vishnev, a member of the PEC with a decisive vote from the Just Russia party, the observer from Mikhail Prokhorov was the first to notice a suspicious woman who was holding a bundle of ballots in her hands. He did not have time to prevent the throw-in, but grabbed the stranger by the hand, but she escaped and rushed to the exit. There she was detained by the police and a prosecutor was summoned.

The detainee is currently being interrogated. The woman has already admitted that she made a stuffing for a fee - 1 thousand rubles. The initiator of the stuffing is now being installed.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

13.20 In Kirov, simultaneously with the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, elections to the city duma are held. From the very beginning of the voting, there have been numerous cases of outright bribery of voters.

As the press service of the regional branch of Just Russia told Novaya Gazeta, the United Russia party is implementing a kind of project called People's Observer. During the pre-election period, citizens were offered to conclude an agreement on the basis of which they become people's observers. At the same time, they explained that they would not have to conduct observations, but simply come to the polling stations on March 4, vote for the desired candidate and get a mark from the duty officer on the certificate of the people's observer, which was issued to them. After that, get 500 rubles.

Today, on the day of voting and the implementation of the "project", the police were called to one of the addresses in the 16th city district. Representatives of the parties Just Russia and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation managed to intercept a list with the names of hundreds of people who should receive money on voting day (photo). Police, representatives of the city election commission, investigators are working on the spot.

In a number of other cases, the police refused to go to the places of violations.

Boris Bronstein, Correspondent of Novaya Gazeta, Kirov

“So many normal guys got into trouble because of this”

Buying absentee ballots in Yaroslavl failed due to price dumping

The order for the purchase of absentee ballots arrived in Yaroslavl two weeks before the election. As contractors for the execution of the order, networkers were chosen - people involved in near-political network marketing.

Networkers are enterprising and completely apolitical young managers from the plow. They negotiate with customers and organize foremen - less enterprising, but very sociable young people who live in student dormitories, hang out in a fan environment or “just go to bars” and are ready to pull a dozen or two of their friends to the right thing. It is this shaky structure during the pre-election period that reliably provides people for posting ads and collecting signatures, for going door-to-door and for rallies.

So, for each absentee vote, networkers were promised 1300-1400 rubles. “The networker keeps 600 rubles for himself, the foremen - the middle link - went down, respectively, already 700-800 rubles, and how much the electorate got - as you agree. From Tutaev (a city near Yaroslavl - E.K.) Some people even sold their absentee ballots by the hundreds. But this is rare. Now everyone is literate, so on average they asked for 500-600 for anyone. It turned out a chain - the person selling his vote knew only the foreman, the foreman - the network manager, the network manager - the customer.

Customer - attention! - represented by Nasraddin Alekperov and Artem Kozlov. Alekperov is the commissioner of the Nashi movement. Kozlov until the summer of last year headed the Yaroslavl branch of the Stal movement (another Seliger project - E.K.), however, being at the center of a media scandal, he was forced to formally resign from his post, in fact remaining the head. Negotiations with networkers were conducted by activists of these movements. They were given an attractive price.

“In short, a gold rush has really begun in the city,” say networkers. - Everyone understood that it is possible to raise money very quickly. The guys tore the veins, these absentee balls were taken out of the air. Echoes of this "absentee hysteria" reached Novaya long before the climax of the story itself. Thus, students of the Yaroslavl Pedagogical University complained that the curators of the groups (part-time - foremen) are forced to take absentee balls almost by force.

For ten days, "networkers" collected more than three thousand absentee ballots. However, on March 1, when the payment was to be made, Alekperov and Kozlov announced that the price of the certificate had fallen to 600 rubles. Networkers are sure that the idea of ​​dumping belonged to Kozlov, and Alekperov only supported an enterprising comrade. “Either it's a thirst for profit, or they were told from the center that prices should be reduced,” say the networkers, leaning, of course, towards the first - automatic and therefore almost innocent theft. The most competent networkers to describe the situation that untied the hands of Nashi, use the term monopsony - the monopoly of the buyer.

“That is, they calculated everything correctly,” the networkers explain. - Certificates have already been collected, already in our hands, we have nowhere to go. Sell ​​at the new price." “The uniform mess has begun. One says - 600, the other says - 700. And it is clear that in four days no one will need these absentee ballots for free.

“And it turns out that networkers and foremen worked generally for free. Some even went negative. You can't explain to every electorate what the calculation will be later. I had to invest my money."

But the Nashi movement underestimated the inner pride of the vote-buyers. Rejecting the shameful dumping, the networkers returned absentee ballots to the brigadiers, who honestly returned the unused votes to the electorate. In the calculation, of course, to get your investment back. The electorate returned part of the money, squeezed part, and the financial losses of the networkers amounted to forty thousand per nose.

“But the worst thing is that relations in the established network have deteriorated. So many normal guys got into trouble because of this. The electorate made claims to the foremen, they - to us, networkers. Everything is based on personal relationships, on trust. And here - such a set-up.

Ordinary Nashists, who acted as negotiators, now move through the streets with caution. One has already kicked - in the truest sense of the word.

Artem Kozlov, who, according to networkers, owned the idea of ​​dumping, unfortunately could not be contacted - in connection with recent events, he changed his phone number. But on the eve of the elections, we called Nassradin Alekperov and introduced ourselves as students of the pedagogue, who were returned the unsold absentee ballots. We were interested in whether it was possible to drive 600 around the foreman.

Nassradin sadly explained that absentee ballots are no longer needed, and networkers are to blame for this: “Unfortunately, it so happened that the guys who did this with you - foremen, and so on - they broke the price, they increased it so much and waited for them to pay that price. And the buyer, accordingly, wanted to buy cheaper. They didn’t want to give it away cheaper, and then it turned out that that was it, the topic was over.” But even when talking with the abandoned students, the commissar could not resist a typical Nashist trick: “The only thing I can offer you is to go to a concert in Moscow for free. We are going at eight, leaving at half past eight, then there will be an entertainment event in connection with the end of the elections and with a continuation in the form of a concert - and in the evening we will return back.

“But Yaroslavl turns out to be the cleanest city - we will not participate in carousels,” the networkers sum up sadly. They, in turn, of course, would like to declare that they will no longer deal with the Nashi movement. But it doesn't work. “Well, let's take this world seriously. Not the Socialist-Revolutionaries, after the elections, will come to waste money. And where did they get it from. Monopsony is such a thing. Merciless."


P.S. According to local politicians, the purchase was ordered from the federal center and they tried to carry it out SECRETLY from the local EdRa. Because the Yaroslavl United Russia did not want to vote - they had to calmly choose a mayor, and an absentee vote deprives a person of the right to vote in regional elections. Confusion and vacillation, such things.

13.05 The conflict occurred at the 294th polling station of the Oktyabrsky district of Krasnoyarsk

A convoy of servicemen arrived to vote, and they tried to issue them with an additional list that was not numbered, stitched, or stamped. At the same time, the representative of the military unit, as observers report, undertook to "steer" the situation instead of the chairman of the election commission. During the proceedings, the soldiers were either removed from the station, or brought back, and it turned out that this method of voting has been practiced for 20 years, and no one noticed anything criminal in this. Some other oddities were noticed at the same polling station, which, however, raise questions not so much for the election commissions as for the district administration and the Federal Migration Service: residents of a small collapsed hut (14 Volochaevskaya St.) come to vote one after another - it turned out that 296 people are registered there , even more, 316, are registered in a non-existent house number 16 on Partizanskaya street. At the neighboring polling station, 295th, the picture is reversed: people who have been living for several years in houses No. 41 on Chkalova Street, No. 28 on Dachnaya Street, did not find themselves in the voter lists.

At many polling stations, observers were forbidden to take pictures, and - this is almost everywhere - they were separated from the commissions so far that they could not really observe the course of the elections.

According to the head of the regional election committee Konstantin Bocharov, the chairman of one of the territorial election commissions was taken to the hospital with a heart attack. According to our information, this happened in Shushenskoye.

Alexey Tarasov, corr. "New", Krasnoyarsk

12.45 Moscow, Strogino, section No. 2913. Citizens have been brought to the site every now and then by buses since the very morning. On this moment Observers have already counted 22 such buses. The chairman of the precinct does not respond to the complaints of observers.

Note that this polling station has been on the so-called "black list" since the December elections - a large number of ballot stuffing was recorded here.

Polina Privalova and Anastasia Antipova, working as part of a mobile team of observers from the Citizen Observer organization.

12.37 ER observer in St. Petersburg provokes a fight at the polling station

At the polling stations in St. Petersburg, the first fights began. This is reported by Novaya's own correspondents, who are now at school No. 98 - on the territory of PEC No. 350 (Grazhdansky Prospekt, house 92, building 3). According to observers, the United Russia observer provokes the use of force by representatives of other parties and independent observers filming. The man deliberately shows his face in close-up to the lens, then shouts that his rights have been violated and starts a fight.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

12.30 Workers are brought to polling station No. 213 (Kochnovsky proezd, Aeroport metro station) on children's buses, they go to vote in groups. From which company they refuse to speak. They only told the observers that no one is forcing them to vote, they were simply brought from another city in an organized manner. More than 140 people have already arrived. There was a very poor turnout in this precinct in the last election. Andrey Grechka, an observer from the Yabloko Rossii newspaper, told Novaya Gazeta.

Olga Osipova

12.12 Krasnodar Territory. Fake claims and illegal lists

At the site number 20 50 in Krasnodar, falsification of applications is possible. Irina Sergeeva, a voting member of the PEC with the right to vote, is part of the home voting group. She said the following: “We came to the address Platanovy Boulevard, 9, because the precinct election commission gave us this address. Allegedly, people there wanted to vote at home. It turned out that the residents did not know that they wanted to vote. Then where did their statement come from?

In Belorechensk, people entered on a separate list go to polling station No. 06 10. Moreover, according to observers from Yabloko, this list consists of separate sheets without a heading. The sheets are filled in personally by the chairman of the PEC Tatyana Goncharenko.

At polling station No. 42 12, which is located in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, a large number of students who do not have temporary registration were noticed. According to the Yabloko party, their names are included in additional voter lists, which is a violation of the law.

Sergey Serpokrylov, a representative of the Slavyanskaya TEC, said that everything was being done in accordance with the law: “This polling station is intended specifically for student voting. Their names, as required by law, were included in the lists three days before the vote.”

However, Deputy Andrei Filimonov, chairman of the regional branch of the Yabloko party, clarified: “They are talking about the main lists. It might actually be legal. But we know that surnames are included in additional lists. And this is a violation that can be used for falsification.”

12.12 Tula From polling station No. 965, ballot boxes for voting at home were taken out. Observers, however, members of the electoral committee were not allowed to go with them. They tried to follow them. However, a black Range Rover with the number a777km blocked their way. A man stepped out of it and pierced the wheels of the observers' car with a knife.

Elena Kostyuchenko

12.10. A mobile detachment of observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation fixes violations in Moscow and in the regions.

Violations on the sites of Moscow
4 buses with citizens wishing to vote by absentee ballot arrived at polling station No. 2935.

Section No. 213 - mass bus transportation of workers in the field of E&C.

Section No. 2841 - transportation by bus (A891AC region 190) of citizens with absentee ballots.

Violations in the regions
Khabarovsk. At polling station No. 177, voters were given 50 ballots with a mark already marked for candidate Putin

Derbent (Dagestan). Students are transported to the polling stations accompanied by the police.

Pavel Kanygin, working as part of a mobile brigade of observers from the Communist Party.

12.07 Turnout in St. Petersburg at 10 a.m. was 2.5%

According to the City Electoral Committee, in the northern capital, the voter turnout at polling stations at 10 am was 2.5%. As Alexander Gnetov, the head of the State Electoral Commission, told Novaya Gazeta, these data correspond to the turnout in the December 4 elections. Petersburgers vote most actively in the Nevsky and Kronstadt districts. More passive than others - in the Vyborgsky and Frunzensky districts of the city. Alexandra Gnetov also noted that there were many complaints about problems with the admission of observers to the polling stations.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

12.05 Moscow. Strogino, polling station No. 3185. The deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin urgently sent a request to the Prosecutor General Chaika and the head of the CEC Churov due to the fact that 1.5 thousand people who were brought by bus are voting at polling station No. 3185 right now. The area is currently full.

Deputy Razhkin immediately sent requests to Chaika and Churov with a request to immediately intervene in the situation. Oleg Mitvol, ex-prefect of the Northern District of Moscow, has already left for this site.

Pavel Kanygin, working as part of a mobile brigade of observers from the Communist Party

11.59 Krasnodar. Unnumbered lists and video ban

According to the Krasnodar regional branch of the Yabloko party, violations were committed in the Kuban district of Krasnodar. At polling station No. 22 44, a correspondent of the Yabloko Kuban newspaper was banned from filming. Despite this, the journalist made a video, but at the moment the members of the PEC are demanding that it be removed.

Such a case is provided for by Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "Obstruction of the legitimate professional activities of journalists." The crime is punishable by imprisonment for up to two years.

A violation was also recorded at polling station No. 22 45. Additional voter lists are on separate sheets, they are not stitched or numbered. The correspondent of the Yabloko Kuban newspaper pointed out this violation to the chairman of the PEC, but there was no reaction.

« New Newspaper” contacted the TEC “Prikubanskaya”, on the territory of which these sites are located. However, Deputy Chairman Galina Tikhonenko could not explain anything, referring to employment.

Evgeny Titov, correspondent of Novaya in the Southern Federal District

11.45 Chita. "Carousel" with the participation of railway workers

As Novaya Gazeta was told at the Trans-Baikal Human Rights Center, in the city of Chita, according to members of the Observation-2012 project, several signs of falsification at polling stations have already been recorded in the first half of the day.

According to the coordinator of the project "Observation-2012" Marina Savvateeva, at 8 o'clock in the morning at polling station No. 3 in school No. 5, a line of 25 people lined up with absentee ballots for voting was found. A bus with license plate C768AK was waiting for them outside. The driver admitted that the bus belongs to the management of the Trans-Baikal Railway, all the people who came on it are employees of the management. “This is a gross violation of paragraph 16 of Article 69 of the Law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation”. We sent a complaint with photographs to the Regional Electoral Commission,” Marina Savateeva explained.

On March 2, the Trans-Baikal Human Rights Center distributed to the media a copy of a telegram signed by the deputy head of the ZabZhD Anatoly Mishin, demanding that all subordinate structures of the railway take strict control over the turnout of railway workers at polling stations.

According to Marina Savvateeva, the second case, indicating signs of election fraud, was recorded in Chita at about one in the afternoon. A member of the territorial commission with an advisory vote toured the polling stations and found about 100 servicemen under the command of an officer near one of them, who were brought in an organized manner by truck to vote. Listening to the conversation between the commander and his subordinates, the TEC member realized that they had already voted in another polling station. The member of the commission followed the truck in his car to find out which section the servicemen had gone to. But he was stopped by plainclothes officers who accused him of acting suspiciously. While the observer was explaining himself and showing his TEC member ID, the truck disappeared. According to Marina Savvateeva, this situation suggests that elections are being rigged in the city based on the lists of military personnel who vote at several polling stations under the guise of special services.

In addition, at about 11 am in Chita, at the intersection of Babushkina and Verkholenskaya streets, road inspectors detained Yulia Funtikova, the driver of the mobile group of candidate Prokhorov's public reception office. The reason for the detention was a sticker with the candidate's portrait and the words "We demand more" placed on the car window. The police escorted Funtikova to the Magistrate's Court to bring her to administrative responsibility. “This mobile group does not work at the polling stations, but is responsible for communication with the press. According to the law, all campaigning placed at a distance of at least 50 meters from the polling station before the voting day can remain in place,” Savvateeva, the project coordinator, explained. The detained Funtikova was provided with a lawyer to protect her interests in court.

The Observation 2012 project involves the Golos Association, the League of Voters and the Citizen Observer organization.

11.37 PEC No. 2853, Sokol district. This morning, three buses arrived at polling station No. 2853 in Moscow by state employees. All of them voted at this site and left on the same buses. The voters themselves told the correspondents of Novaya Gazeta that they were builders by profession. Correspondents of Novaya Gazeta asked police officer Motylev, who was on duty at the polling station, to check the documents of the voters. He refused and in every possible way played for time until the last of the state employees left the site. A complaint has been filed against Mr. Motylev on the hotline at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

As for the chairman of this TEC, he did not react to what was happening, moreover, he tried to drive the Novaya correspondents out of the polling station. However, soon the chairman of the TEC, Anatoly Gutman, said that he himself had “suspicions that so many people had come,” but assured that he checked all the data in the passports with absentee ballots and did not find any violations. “I did everything I could,” Mr. Gutman said.

Anastasia Antipova, Polina Privalova, now working as part of a mobile team of observers from the Citizen Observer organization

11.32 In St. Petersburg, Yabloko observers are suspended from work and Prokhorov’s observers are denied registration

On Sunday morning in St. Petersburg, members of precinct election commissions from the Yabloko party were given orders to remove them from work. The protocols are dated today - March 4. On this occasion, Yabloko has already filed a complaint with the City Election Commission.

Kirill Strakhov, a member of the bureau of the regional branch of the party, told Novaya Gazeta that its representatives were refused entry into the territory of precincts No. 481, 482 and 483.

Polling station No. 481 is located in Kresty (Arsenalnaya Embankment, 7), PEC No. 482 - in SIZO No. 4 (Akademika Lebedev Street, 39), election commission No. 483 - in SIZO No. 5 (Arsenalnaya Street, 11). According to Strakhov, members of the commission with the right to vote from the Yabloko party were supposed to be on duty there today. The chairmen of the PECs explained the refusal to let Yabloko to work by the fact that they were allegedly not included in the commission.

The TEC told us that the party did not agree on the list of its representatives with the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, - says Kirill Strakhov. - Meanwhile, we have all the necessary approvals. Although, according to the law, we should not make such approvals at all - this is the responsibility of the TEC. But a month ago, the party wrote a letter to the Federal Penitentiary Service, in which they indicated the names and passport details of their representatives. On March 2, a response came signed by the head of the department, Major General Igor Potapenko, who confirmed that on election day, party representatives would be freely admitted to pre-trial detention centers.

In addition, as Nikolai Rybakov, head of the headquarters of Yabloko observers, told Novaya Gazeta, at polling station No. 332 in the Kalininsky district, a so-called “fighting” was set up for observers. "Pale of Settlement" (it is forbidden to move around the premises of the polling station), which cannot be crossed.

Also, in St. Petersburg, observers from candidate Mikhail Prokhorov were previously denied registration. As a result, many "Prokhorovtsy" today are forced to work from "Yabloko".

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

11.32 From polling station No. 962, cars with 4 exit ballot boxes left, but the election commissioners did not let the observers with them. The police blocked their car and checked their documents.

22% of them are due to the fact that the voter lists are not bound. 7% of polling stations in the Far East and Siberia have an average of 4 observers per polling station.

During the press conference, a call was received that about 200 people had been brought to PEC No. 3177 in Moscow by bus.

11.26 At one of the polling stations in the south of Moscow, communist observers detained a carousel driver who, with an absentee certificate, tried to vote in someone else's name.

As part of a mobile group of communist observers, the leader of the Left Front, Sergei Udaltsov, is now also traveling around the Moscow districts. As he told Novaya Gazeta, he has not yet recorded major violations, with the exception of the fact that the chairmen of the TECs limit the work of observers in most cases: they ask them to sit in one place, not to move around the polling station, etc. Udaltsov points out to the chairmen of the commissions that such actions are illegal, and they, in his words, are "corrected."

Pavel Kanygin, currently working as part of a mobile detachment of observers from the Communist Party

10.57 Tula. In PECs No. 961, 964, 965, 966, instead of observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and members of the election commission, unknown people registered at each polling station. In this regard, representatives of the Communist Party came to the 964th polling station. Irina Fateeva, secretary of the railway station district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Irina, believes that some kind of scout has been found. Since the forms on the hands of figureheads are valid. But the signatures are not real. We found some kind of scout. 66.65 - thrown out.

Elena Kostyuchenko

10.42 All absentee ballots handed out in St. Petersburg

As Novaya Gazeta was confirmed by the City Electoral Committee, the 80,000 absentee ballots allocated by the CEC for St. Petersburg were sold out. All PECs (district electoral commissions) of the city reported by Saturday that they had issued all coupons for remote voting to citizens at their disposal.

At the end of February, when it became clear that the certificates were selling like hot cakes, the City Electoral Committee ordered an additional 1,500 coupons, - Adel Suvorova, a member of the city election commission, told Novaya Gazeta. - We would have ordered more, but we didn’t get our bearings right away, and this procedure takes time. If people had taken care in advance that they would not be able to vote at the place of registration on March 4, then we would have asked the CEC for another additional batch of coupons. However, many citizens went to the polls for absentee ballots only in the middle of this week.

Let us recall that Moscow allocated 90,000 absentee ballots to St. Petersburg for the Duma elections. According to the GAS "Vybory" system, 48,592 coupons were issued. 36,387 people voted for them.

Nina Petlyanova, staff correspondent of Novaya in St. Petersburg

10.34 Krasnodar. Flesh-colored identification marks are used to deceive video cameras

One of the carousel participants, on condition of anonymity, told Novaya Gazeta the details of the falsification. If the information is of interest to law enforcement agencies, we can provide a video recording of the interview.

“I was offered to take a pack of absentee ballots and go around the polling stations with them and vote. They give two thousand rubles for this,” our source said.

According to him, falsifications take place in the Prikubansky regional district of Krasnodar. When a group of nine people gathers, each receives 40 certificates. People are put into cars and taken to the polling stations in an organized manner. After passing 10 sections, the group rests a bit and then rides through the same sections again. That is, it makes a circle. It is supposed to do 4 laps per day.

Thus, each member of the group must vote 40 times a day. This means that one group should give 360 ​​votes per day. A member of the group has a flesh-colored elastic band wrapped around his finger. This is a sign by which employees of precinct election commissions identify falsifiers. It is impossible to consider these gum from a distance. Moreover, the video camera does not see them. Also note that the members of the group were instructed to wear dark or gray clothes.

To confirm or deny this information, Novaya Gazeta turned to Lyudmila But, the chairman of the Prikubanskaya territorial election commission. However, she could not comment on anything.

Evgeny Titov, correspondent of Novaya in the Southern Federal District

10.10 Moscow. Voter lists were sealed at polling station 3165 in the Obruchevsky District an hour after the start of voting, Mikhail Rankov from Citizen Observer told Novaya Gazeta. In addition, residents of other cities come in large groups to vote by absentee ballot.

10.10 Moscow. Observers from PECs 1800 and 3180 received 3 complaints about carousels at polling stations, Anatoly Chicherin, a member of the TEC with advisory voting rights, told Novaya Gazeta.

10.02 Tula. Unknown people registered as observers and members of election commissions from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In PECs 964 and 961, instead of observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and members of the election commission, unknown people registered at each polling station. At polling station 964, members of the election commission told Novaya Gazeta that a total of 1,968 voters were assigned to polling stations 964. The secretary of the election commission added that about 450 people will vote outside the territory of the PEC. However, nothing can be said for sure yet, since the list is not numbered. The PEC also refused to look at the register, referring to the law on the protection of the rights of voters. A little later, at the same polling station, the chairman of the election commission opened a safe with webcam equipment.

Elena Kostyuchenko

08.02 Ufa. First of all, journalists are expelled from polling stations

The main violations during the first two hours after the opening of polling stations in Ufa are related to the mass exclusion of media representatives from polling stations and prohibitions on video filming.

Polling station No. 28, Kalininsky district of Ufa - they do not allow correspondents of the Yabloko Rossii newspaper, Ren TV Ufa, Vsya Ufa channels, and the Police Wave radio - they require permission from the city election commission. They forbid video filming - allegedly, there is some kind of court decision on this matter. There is no "court decision".

Precinct No. 304 - they do not allow a correspondent of the newspaper "Civil Voice", they demand that they be sent to this particular precinct.

Section 210 - removed a member of the PEC with the right to consultative vote from the candidate Prokhorov - Oleg Osipov. 3 members of the PEC from Prokhorov immediately came to this site - either they have a complete mess, or dummy people. The YABLOKO party gave Osipov a referral from the Yabloko Rossii newspaper, but they still didn't let him in. The day before, this observer had seen on a webcam a training session of the ballot box stuffing commission during the counting of votes.

Station 148 - the editorial assignment and a certified copy of the registration of the newspaper were taken away from the correspondent of "Civil Voice" on the grounds that the commission needed the originals of these documents.

At polling stations 24 and 25 in the Kirovsky district of Ufa, media correspondents are prohibited from filming.

Artur Asafiev

The last region of Russia - the Kaliningrad region - joined the election marathon at 9 am. In the east of the country, voting began when it was still night in Moscow. At 8 am, polling stations opened in Moscow, and in Kamchatka and Chukotka, which had the highest turnout, almost half of the voters had already voted by that hour.

A feature of the current elections is the large number of observers. In Moscow alone, more than half a million Russian and almost 700 international observers follow the voting process.

The publication of voting data is prohibited until 21:00 Moscow time, when polling stations close in the Kaliningrad region. By this time, the election headquarters of the candidates will start working, the central TV channels will launch their live broadcasts about the election results. The peculiarity of online broadcasts from polling stations is also connected with this: after the closing of polling stations in each region, the picture “freezes” until 21:00 Moscow time, and then continues from the same frame where it stopped. In any case, this is how Rostelecom, which implemented the project, is assured, reports.

As news agencies note, another distinguishing feature of the current elections is that Russians do not go to the polls everywhere more actively than they did four years ago, when Dmitry Medvedev became president as a result of the elections.

For most regions of Russia, there are already data on voter turnout. Thus, the East of the country voted more actively than in the last presidential elections, but many regions of Siberia did not.

Chukotka. Voter turnout as of 15:00 local time (07:00 Moscow time) was 67.34%, Oksana Talyzina, deputy chairman of the election commission of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, told RIA Novosti During the 2008 presidential elections in the Russian Federation, data on turnout at 15:00 local time was not recorded, but current figures can be compared with data on turnout in the previous presidential elections by 14:00, when 63.77% of voters voted in Chukotka.

Magadan Region. The voter turnout in the current presidential elections is 7% higher than in the presidential elections in 2008, by 15:00 local time 40.88% of voters had already voted.

Khabarovsk region. As of 15:00 local time (8:00 Moscow time), more than 44% of voters voted, no violations were registered at polling stations, Oyars Mashkov, secretary of the regional election commission, told RIA Novosti.

Khakassia. By 12:00, 17.7% of voters (66.8 thousand people) had voted, Alexander Chumanin, head of the election commission of Khakassia, told ITAR-TASS to journalists: “This is slightly less than at the Duma elections in December 2011 and in previous presidential elections.

Tuva. By 10 am local time, about 16% of voters came to the polling stations. This is more than it was in the last Duma elections and presidential elections in the Russian Federation four years ago.

Sverdlovsk region. Turnout, as of 10:00 Moscow time, was 4.8%. This is lower than in the presidential elections in 2008 (6.8%).

Kurgan region. The turnout in the elections in the first two hours of voting was 7.87%, which is 2.73% less than in 2008, Interfax was told in the regional election commission.

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Turnout, according to data at 10:00 local time (8:00 Moscow time), was 8.68%. The election committee notes that this is much higher than in the elections to the State Duma in December.

Bashkiria. 6.40% of voters voted in the first two hours of polling stations.