Well      06/17/2019

Almond ornamental shrub: planting and care. decorative almond plant bush almond

A huge number of people from all over the world come to Japan to see the amazing cherry blossoms. But there is another beautiful fabulous plant, blooming in spring and exuding an amazing, dizzying aroma. This is an almond. In fact, almonds and sakura (serrate cherry) are quite close relatives, and they represent the genus of plums.

From our article you can learn some interesting information concerning this amazing plant: where you can see the almond blossom, when it blooms, etc.


The birthplace of almonds is Asia (Middle and Front) and the Mediterranean. This culture arose many centuries ago BC.

Today, the most numerous plantations of almonds are found in the Mediterranean, USA (California), China, Central Asia, Western Tien Shan, Kopetdag, the Caucasus and the Crimea. In Tajikistan, there is even a beautiful "city of almonds" - Kanibadam. Also, this plant is grown in some areas and South Moravia.

Types of almonds in Russia

Before we look at the flowering almond itself (description just below), we will determine what varieties of it grow in Russia. Here, 3 types of this plant are mainly grown:

  • ordinary almond;
  • beaver, steppe;
  • three-blade.

The last two species are forms that do not produce edible fruits, but are decorative. They grow in the territories of central Russia. Their flowers open up to the full blooming of the leaves, almost on bare branches. They are very beautiful, from white to rich Pink colour, have a great strong aroma that attracts many bees.

The fruits give the common almond and the almond tree. The first species is a large plant that can reach a height of up to 5 meters.

Blooming almonds: photo, description

In spring, almond gardens are strewn with delicate, almost airy ones. There are also flowers decorated in the middle with bright purple veins. They bloom, as noted above, almost on bare branches. It seems that the trees are covered with an airy whitish-pink veil. All the air over long distances around is filled with the most delicate pleasant aroma of flowering almonds.

Amazing, striking beauty has this flowering plant. Such splendor attracts many people to admire the extraordinary colors of awakening nature. Blossoming almonds - a real miracle!

Vincent van Gogh on almond blossoms

Van Gogh (a Dutch artist), who has a rather sad fate, can be said to have earned great respect from people, customers and colleagues throughout his short life, although he remained not entirely in demand until the end of his days. Only after his death did he earn real fame and recognition throughout the world as an impressionist, although he himself rejected this direction more than once.

The painting entitled "Blossoming branches of almonds" is one of his last works. It was written in 1890 after the birth of the artist's nephew (the son of his brother Theo). The blossoming almond, depicted in a magnificent picture, is a symbol that carries a certain connotation. Almond blossoms early and, probably, according to the author's own intention, it means the beginning of a new life.

The peculiarity and remarkableness of this picture is that it was made in a style not characteristic of the artist. Yes and color solution limited. The turquoise sky looks bright and carefree, and not a single cloud overshadows the amazingly bright spring day. Blooming almonds in his painting are a harbinger of warmth and joy of life.


Absolutely all varieties of almonds are self-fertile. To get fruits, you also need to plant a variety of pollinating tree. You can propagate almonds with seedlings, seeds, or even just graft a plum or cherry plum onto a turn. However, in order to successfully grow varietal almonds, it is best for the garden to purchase a seedling in a fruit nursery and do not forget that you must also choose a pollinator variety for the selected variety.

This plant is unpretentious to the soil, but it is advisable to choose the most illuminated place and protected from the wind. Worth planting this magnificent tree to always in spring period to see indescribable beauty blooming almonds.

Landing and care

It should be noted that the distance from one tree to another should be approximately 5-7 meters. It all depends on the type of plant. A landing pit measuring 60 by 60 cm is being prepared. Its bottom is mulched with a mixture consisting of leaf soil, humus and sand. The seedling is placed on the bottom of the pit, covered, and the earth is compacted. If necessary, the plant can be tied to a peg, also installed in the pit before being sprinkled with soil. The seedling is carefully watered with a bucket of water.

The first fruiting occurs at 3-5 years. Almonds should be trimmed annually and fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. The age of the plant can reach up to 100-130 years, and the maximum yield occurs at the age of 18-20.

Russian Almond

Imported to Russia for a long time. In Krymskoye, for several decades, work has been carried out on the selection of its winter-hardy varieties. Despite the fact that these plants endure severe frosts (up to -25 degrees), early spring flowering in the presence of still severe frosts destroys leaves and flowers.

Frost-resistant varieties:

Varieties of the southern regions:

  • Rems.
  • Fragrant.
  • Yalta.
  • Almond Petunnikov.

Varieties of brittle almonds:

  • Dream.
  • Pink mist.
  • Anyuta.


Gorgeous almond blossoms. A photo of him or a picture with such an image will decorate any interior of the room and give it freshness and comfort. Any species that has taken root in the garden will become a real decoration and will lead to indescribable delight with wonderful flowering. And this season (early spring) is a celebration of the birth of life!

All plants in blooming form beautiful and when they give delicious fruits I really want to grow them. In almonds, the fruits are nuts, very healthy and tasty. The flowering is plentiful and beautiful, the bush seems to be enveloped in a pink haze, this is certainly an exotic garden. Flowering occurs no earlier than the end of April, subject to a warm spring. Looks spectacular in a single landing on the lawn or against the background.

Few are engaged in planting almonds, believing that this is all for nothing - it will freeze out in the very first winter. However, now breeders have brought out quite a lot frost-resistant varieties, which perfectly take root and grow in mid-latitudes.

Why don't almonds bear fruit? Because in the spring, flower buds, falling under return frosts, die. Therefore, when buying a seedling, always check where it was bred and whether it is adapted to your area.

IN middle lane grow such varieties of almonds: Nikitinsky, Primorsky, Petiole, Dessert, from decorative types of three-lobed almonds and Georgian. All of them are frost-resistant, prolific and very beautiful during the flowering period. Apart from decorative look they also plant "Chufu".

Place to land

Almonds are planted in a sunny elevated area, always protected from the wind. The south side is the best for this. Feels good in light partial shade. Loves liming, loam. Does not grow in acidic, waterlogged and drought-resistant soil.

Planting almonds - early March or November!

For high-quality pollination, always plant at least 2 trees different varieties because one seedling will not bear fruit. The distance between the planting pits is 2-4 m. The pits are 60 cm deep, 50x70 cm in diameter. When planting an almond orchard, the distance between the rows is 7 m.

Lay a drainage layer (20 cm) of broken brick or crushed stone, sprinkled with sand on top with a layer of 5-10 cm, set a seedling and fall asleep with a mixture of: manure (5-6 kg), superphosphate (0.5 kg), lime (300 g). Lime can be substituted dolomite flour. After planting, water abundantly and mulch with peat to retain moisture. Note that the root collar or grafting point must remain on the surface. After planting, the fragile seedling is temporarily tied to stakes.

Almond Care

In the first year after planting, water once every 2 weeks, loosen the trunk circle, ridding the tree of weeds. When watering, make sure that the root neck is not in the water, it can rot. With a lack of moisture, the flowering period is reduced. Due to such “capriciousness”, it is better to check the level of soil moisture ( upper layer soil 1-1.5 cm dry, which means you can trunk circle pour 10 liters of water).

Ripening of almond fruits occurs in August-September. It is better to use it raw, since after heat treatment all useful substances are lost.

Forming an almond bush I start 1 year after planting. In the spring, cut to a height of 80-100 cm, and side shoots up to a length of 40 cm, leaving only 4-5 of the strongest, from which the crown of the tree will form. By cutting annual shoots, it will be possible to form a compact crown. After 4-5 years, you can begin to make sanitary pruning. They are carried out after flowering, removing thickening, diseased, dry branches.

Feeding is important for fruiting. All growths are shortened to 60 cm. If the almonds are not cut, then fruit ovary is weakening.

Every 2 weeks, from spring to summer, nitrogen-potassium fertilizer is applied. Copper-containing fertilizer is added once in the spring.

In almonds, the ends of the shoots are subject to freezing, if they quickly become woody before frost, then frost resistance will appear. To do this, pinch the apical shoots already in early August. Standard forms are covered with lutrasil.

Almonds suffer from rust, leaf curl and gray rot, they are used in the fight Bordeaux liquid and removal of damaged parts. And of the pests that annoy (which can be fought in different ways), the leaflet and which go to the sticky substance secreted by aphids. The appearance of caterpillars must be monitored during the flowering period.

In the 7th year of life, the shoots begin to die off, they must be removed so that new, young ones appear.

propagate almonds different ways :

- root shoots (the easiest way to propagate). Separated from the mother bush in the second year, when the roots were formed;

- root cuttings. Also nothing complicated, but long. Select the lowest shoots and pin them to the ground with staples, spud. You can expect the appearance of new roots for a long time, for 2 years, but when they appear, do not rush to dig out, give another 1 year of rooting to form a strong root system;

- green cuttings. In July, cuttings of 15-20 cm are cut so that each has 2-3 knots, lowered for 12-15 hours into a growth stimulator, and then planted in seedlings with a sand-peat mixture (1: 1). One knot should remain on the surface of the soil. Roots appear after 3 weeks;

- Vaccination is carried out at the end of July.

decorative almond- This beautiful shrub with a large number of equivalent shoots with juicy dark green leaves and a huge number of flowers that in spring completely cover the bush with a white-pink color.

This type of almond is grown in the garden as a chic hedge, although it is not uncommon that a flowering bush can also be found as a single planting.

Original appearance almond makes it a welcome guest in any garden and courtyard. During its flowering - this is April, May, a huge number of delicate flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. The shrub will become a true decoration of the territory.

Decorative almond.

Decorative almonds are represented by a large number of varieties and species, but the following are the most popular among gardeners:

  • Georgian almond (height up to one meter, bright pink flowers, frost-resistant, flowering time - May);
  • ordinary almond (a shrub from which a tree can be formed is distinguished by a reddish tint of branches and flowers);
  • three-lobed almonds (subject to the rules of cultivation, it can be about three meters, a wide volumetric crown with flowers different shades dark pink to red).

All of the above species are a noble decoration. garden plot. Regardless of which of them grows in the courtyard, in order to obtain and preserve a full-fledged shrub, proper care must be organized for them, which will require a lot of effort.

Landing at home

Growing almonds in the garden is not difficult, provided that the basic requirements for planting and caring for it are met.

The shrub needs protection from gusts of wind and drafts, and it also needs a lot of light. Therefore, landing should be carried out taking into account these conditions. The best option- South side.

Now a few words and soil. Almonds grow well in any soil except clay. But the formation of a beautiful crown and profusion of flowering is achieved by adding a sufficient amount of compost to the soil.

Almond planting should be done in the fall, after the shrub has shed its leaves.

After choosing a place, you should prepare landing pit thirty centimeters deep. If you plan to plant several bushes at once, then the distance between them should be at least three meters. The pit itself for planting the plant must be fertilized with compost and mineral fertilizers, and only then plant a shrub in it.

At home, planting almonds is possible in two ways:

  • seedlings;
  • bones.

The most common planting seedlings. This method is simpler, but all young bushes require proper care to be organized.

As already indicated earlier, it is necessary to prepare pits for planting at the right distance (about three meters). For pollination and fruit formation, it is better to plant almonds at least in small groups of three or five bushes.

A small drainage in the form of pebbles mixed with river sand and a little dry lime is placed in the pits for seedlings. Then a shrub is planted, sprinkled with earth and well watered. For stability, the shrub must be tied to a support. Before the onset of winter cold, the plant will take root. Proper Care during this period is to regularly water the almonds.

Bone planting is rarely used at home. This is a rather long process. It will take at least three to five years to get a full-fledged flowering shrub. But if there is a desire to try, then the seed should be planted in the ground in the spring, when the earth warms up well and is constantly watered, so by the beginning of autumn shoots should appear that need to be fenced off from drafts and wind.


In order for the decorative almond in the garden to show itself in full and please the eye, it needs proper care. It includes the following items:

  • regular watering;
  • pruning and crown formation;
  • top dressing.

Water the plant as the soil around it dries out, about once a week, during the period summer heat you can do it more often. Irrigation water should be room temperature and soft.

As already indicated, almonds are distinguished by a special decorative crown. Using pruning, you can not only rejuvenate the bush, but also give it original shapes.

Crown care also includes the removal of dried, damaged twigs and faded shoots.

timely and correct pruning favorably affects the shrub. Such manipulations stimulate the growth of new shoots and strengthen the plant.

The almond bush also needs timely feeding with nutrients. Unlike many others garden plants, almonds are fertilized once a year in the middle of summer. To do this, use superphosphate (30 g diluted in 10 liters of water), which is added to the roots.

Also, caring for almonds includes periodically loosening the soil around, removing weeds.

Garden almonds are susceptible to attack by aphids, ants, caterpillars. These pests damage leaves, buds. They need to be controlled with insecticides. They must be used according to the dosage indicated in the instructions.


Almonds have a good ability to reproduce. The following methods of breeding shrubs are used:

  • division of the bush;
  • root growth;
  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • budding.

After carrying out a sufficiently voluminous pruning of an almond bush, a a large number of root growth. From autumn, you need to leave a few of these branches until next year, and cut down the rest. On the remaining shoots, strong roots suitable for transplantation will form by next autumn.

Layers are long and thin shoots that are bent to the ground and at the point of bud growth and sprinkled with soil. Be sure to monitor soil moisture for rooting cuttings. This method of reproduction is quite long. The formation of roots and the appearance of young shoots occurs no earlier than a year later. Then you need to give the almonds time to strengthen the root system. Exactly one year later, the bush will grow up and be ready for transplanting.

Cuttings are a propagation process that must be started as early as July. First prepare cuttings with two or three knots. Then the planting soil is prepared from two parts of peat and part of sand. It is in such a substrate that the cuttings are planted, so that only one kidney remains on the surface. After they take root, they are transplanted into the soil for growing. At the same time, the cuttings must be protected from wind and cold, in winter time they are covered with straw or dry leaves. The coating layer must be at least fifteen centimeters.

Almond budding is carried out from late July to early August. Most often it is used in the propagation of terry almonds. For this, plum trees are used as a rootstock. A young shoot with developed buds is cut off from the almond bush and all leaves are removed from it at a distance of one centimeter from the stem. The rootstock is cleaned of dirt and with a special knife a little above the root neck, a cut is made in the bark in the shape of the letter T. The bark needs to be slightly turned to the side. Then, on the shoot obtained from the almond bush, an oblique cut is made so that a little bark with a kidney and wood remains on it, after which it is placed in a T-shaped cut on the plum and wrapped in bark. The stalk grafted in this way is firmly fixed special tape so that the kidney remains free and is left in this form until spring. For the winter, the scion is dug in the ground. With the advent of spring, the grafted cutting is freed from both the ground and the fixing tape.

And finally, the division of the bush. A heavily overgrown bush, during transplantation, can be divided into parts, while maintaining growth points in each of them.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties either in breeding or growing almonds. Compliance with the rules and conditions for keeping a shrub will allow you to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

When there is still snow in Moscow, you can see blossoming almonds in Crimea. The plant is valued not only for external beauty but also for tasty and healthy fruits. But before planting, it is worth noting one feature of the plant - it is thermophilic, this should definitely be taken into account.

Almond is a deciduous shrub or small tree with pink or white flowers, rounded drupes. The plant is undemanding, tolerates urban conditions. Almonds grow quite quickly.

Features of planting an ornamental tree of pink almonds

If you still decide to plant seeds, it is better to do it in the spring. When planting in the fall, the bones will simply be eaten by rodents.

Planting seedlings also implies a number of features:

  • it is better to plant 2-3 plants, otherwise the almonds will not bear fruit - pollination is necessary
  • dig holes 30 cm deep.
  • distance between landings - 3 meters
  • almonds love sunny, well-protected places from the wind
  • watering occurs as the soil dries up
  • it is recommended to place supports near each seedling

Sand and gravel can be poured into the bottom of the pit before planting, lime is added to the soil. So flowering almonds will feel much better.

Proper plant care at low temperatures in Siberia

  • Immediately after planting in the spring, the plant must be shortened. Its height should be approximately 120 cm. At the same time, 40 cm is allocated to the crown. The branches are cut so that a ring is obtained.
  • For 4 years, a crown should be formed in the form of a bowl. Pruning consists in thinning the branches.
  • The soil needs to be loosened and watered.
  • It is important to fertilize in time: in the fall - organic ( bird droppings, manure, compost), potash and phosphorus salts, until June - fertilizers with nitrogen content.

Photo gallery

Planting perennial almond bushes (video)

Dangerous pests

Because almonds are flowering plant, it is susceptible to attack by aphids. Insects damage the leaves and inhibit the development of buds. Aphids also secrete a special sticky substance that attracts ants. Biological enemies - ladybugs. You can control pests with pesticides.

The harm and benefits of almonds

Beneficial features almond nuts are recognized all over the world. But at the same time, it is worth noting that it is necessary to use the product in moderation. The benefits and harms depend mainly on the form in which you consume almonds. A roasted nut won't do any good. Useful material found only in the raw product.


  • positive effect on hair, skin and nails due to the content of vitamins B and E;
  • milk and almond oil soften the skin;
  • nuts purify the blood, calm the nerves;
  • remove bile, increase potency;
  • high content fats and proteins;
  • rich chemical composition;
  • the product has been proven to stimulate the brain. In view of this, you should definitely include it in your diet if you are engaged in mental work.


  • do not eat unripe almonds. They contain hydrocyanic acid;
  • excessive use of the product also negatively affects the body, dizziness may occur;
  • almonds can provoke an allergic reaction;
  • if you are prone to weight gain, you should not consume a large amount of sweet and fatty nuts - they are high in calories;
  • the use of almonds in large volumes is contraindicated for people with heart disease;
  • fruits are difficult to digest, so people with a weakened intestine should not get involved in them.

Decorative terry shrub (photo)

Mostly for gardens, these types of almonds are used, such as:

  • Short
  • Gessler
  • White-flowered

Deciduous almonds are usually planted in hedges - high or low. great labor in order to grow a shrub, it is not required, but you will have to be patient.

Almonds are also used landscape compositions with medium-sized red-leaved species.

According to one version, the name of this plant comes from the Greek "amygdalos", which means " beautiful tree". Indeed, flowering almonds look very impressive, because during this period its branches are densely strewn with large double flowers of white, pink, red and purple.

Since ancient times, this crop has been planted not only to obtain seeds of high palatability but also for decoration personal plot. Today this shrub is used in landscape design. Branches are used in the preparation of spring bouquets. The tree looks most advantageous against the background and large stones. There are about 40 varieties in total, differing in height, shape and flowering characteristics.

When almonds bloom: flowering and color in the photo

Almond flowers (their photo is shown below) appear on the tree before the leaves. In countries with a warm climate, flowering begins in January, lasts until the end of March. The shape of the flower and the color of the petals depends on the type and variety of the crop. In Russia, 3 types of almonds are common: ordinary, three-lobed, steppe.

The common almond flower has a goblet-shaped cup, a pink corolla and red-tinted petals. Its diameter is 3-4 cm. Flowering continues from April to May.

See above in the photo - the color of the steppe almond petals is bright pink. The flowers are 2.5 cm in diameter. They bloom in May at the same time as the leaves. Flowering lasts 10-12 days.

Three-lobed almond flowers of crimson hue, reminiscent of roses in shape and color. Their diameter is 3-3.5 cm. The bush blooms at the end of April. The duration of this period is 30 - 40 days.

Blossoming almond branches - a famous painting by Vincent van Gogh

“Blossoming Almond Branches” is the name of the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh, written in 1890.

This painting, as conceived by the painter, meant the beginning of a new life and was painted for the birth of his younger brother. The branches of this plant, which begin to bloom very early and very plentifully, are chosen as the plot.

Looking at the canvas, the viewer sees a part of the tree, while it seems that the branches covered with white flowers are floating in a pure blue sky.

They take most paintings and stand out against the general background due to the fact that they are underlined by a dark, sharp outline.

This work by Van Gogh is exhibited in the Museum of Amsterdam.

Many peoples who grow this shrub have legends and beliefs associated with it. So, among the ancient Egyptians, it was a symbol of wakefulness, and was also used in magical rituals. For the Chinese, the almond blossom symbolized feminine beauty. For the ancient Romans, the tree was a symbol of fertility.