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In m Korsun. The significance of the activities of V. M. Korsunskaya in the development of methods for teaching general biology. Faith-trust and faith-certainty

What is the contribution of M Korsunskaya in the development of methods of teaching biology?

Vera Mikhailovna Blagovidova-Korsunskaya (1900-1991)

Curriculum vitae and stages of professional development

Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya was born in Samara in the family of a teacher.

In the early 1920s, she came to Leningrad and entered the Leningrad Agricultural Institute to study. After graduating from the institute, starting in 1926, Vera Mikhailovna worked as a biology teacher in Leningrad.

She created an exemplary biology classroom, organized a corner of wildlife, a school site. The experience of her work was disseminated among Leningrad teachers. Since 1944, V. M. Korsunskaya worked at the Leningrad State Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, since 1948 - a senior researcher at the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics of the RSFSR.

In 1959, Vera Mikhailovna was appointed director of the Institute of Evening Schools, later renamed the Research Institute for Adult Education, where she worked together with the well-known methodologists-biologists Nikolai Mikhailovich Verzilin and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rykov. Together they were engaged in research in the field of problems of methods of teaching biology. Later, from 1967, scientific activity brought them together at the Department of Methods of Teaching Natural Science of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. As a methodologist-biologist, Vera Mikhailovna brilliantly lectured to students, conducted classes at advanced training courses for teachers high school(pedagogical universities and universities) at the department.

Scientific interests of Vera Mikhailovna covered the problems of methods of teaching biology in secondary school, especially topical and not developed in those years, the problems of teaching the foundations of Darwinism (later - the foundations of evolutionary teaching). V. M. Korsunskaya left behind a rich pedagogical heritage. She is the author of more than 200 scientific and methodical works in the field of biology teaching methods.

Vera Mikhailovna Special attention devoted to the selection of educational content and the development of an effective methodology for teaching general biology. Her

The idea of ​​high ideological significance of biological education is a contribution to the development of methods of teaching biology and is still relevant today.

In her methodological works, V. M. Korsunskaya paid much attention to the theory and methodology of the development of biological concepts, teaching methods, and the problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. She was looking for ways to improve the quality of students' knowledge, defining a system of forms of teaching biology, including research work students.

Vera Mikhailovna considered it necessary to familiarize students with the basics of scientific research, paying special attention to the organization of students' independent activities in field and laboratory conditions.

Vera Mikhailovna paid no less attention to the issues of visualization of training. Being one of the authors of the first in our country textbook "General Biology", she provided for the inclusion of drawings illustrating the content of the material being studied, thought out an apparatus that would facilitate better assimilation of knowledge. For example, when studying the Fundamentals of Genetics, considering the issues of heredity and variability, tasks were developed that promote the development of observation.

Vera Mikhailovna attached great educational and educational significance to excursions into nature. It has developed specific guidelines organizing and conducting excursions. She believed that "and late autumn, and even in winter, you can conduct excursions into nature, the materials of which should be used to complete the course. For teachers, Vera Mikhailovna developed a methodology for conducting excursions to study the diversity and adaptability of organisms, to study questions about the struggle for existence and natural selection, about the diversity of varieties cultivated plants and breeds of domestic animals.

Vera Mikhailovna is known not only as a methodologist-biologist, but also as a children's writer, author of popular science literature. Together with N. M. Verzilin, she worked on popular science and educational publications. In an expressive literary language, she wrote books for schoolchildren: “Three Great Lives”, “Carl Linnaeus”, “V. I. Vernadsky", "Reader in General Biology", "From the Life of Plants", "Adventures of Fruits and Seeds", "Forest and Life".

For her contribution to the development of the theory and methods of teaching biology, Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the medal. K. D. Ushinsky.

2Petrosova r., Goloe V.P., Sivoglazov vl. Methods of teaching natural science and environmental education in elementary school. - m., 1999. - p. 73-74.

With the help of collapsible models, children can get acquainted with the internal content of the object. These can be models from the course of human anatomy (eye, ear) or a collapsible model "Formation of a ravine".

The non-separable model is globe. He very clearly conveys the Idea of ​​the shape of the Earth, the location of the earth's axis, the equator, the poles, the distribution of land and the World Ocean. With the help of a globe in elementary school, the shape and movement of the Earth, the change of day and night and the seasons are studied.

The class should have one large globe (about 50 cm in diameter) for demonstration and several small ones (about 15 cm in diameter) that are distributed to desks during practical work.

Dummies (casts) - these are life-size models of the object accurately conveying it external signs(color, shape), but without the inner content. Models of mushrooms, vegetables and fruits were produced for elementary school.

Students can make their own models of natural objects from plasticine, papier-mâché or clay.

Volumetric and relief visual aids are close. These grants are one-sided. These include the respiratory system, circulatory system, skin structure, etc.

planar manuals reproduce natural objects or their iconic substitutes using a two-dimensional image.

Static allowances do not convey the movement, the development of natural objects. These are educational tables, pictures, photographs, slides, geographical maps, which are widely used in teaching. initial course natural sciences. They help to form ideas about those natural objects and phenomena that are inaccessible to direct perception.

Study tables are used in almost every lesson to form generalized images of natural bodies or landscapes in younger students such as “tree”, “shrub”, “herbaceous plant”, “plain”, “mountain”, “tundra”, “forest”, “steppe” , desert, etc.

Tables for elementary grades must meet the following requirements:

    any table is a monographic image, so it should contain one object, process or phenomenon;

    the objects depicted on the table must be large enough, their proportions are kept on the same scale;

    drawings, text and digital designations are arranged in a certain didactic sequence so that the table is “readable”;

    the table must meet aesthetic requirements (according to V.M. Pakulova).

A series of laminated tables with methodological instructions for their use was published at the course of natural history.

If the tables are paper, then they should be pasted on cardboard or laminated. The board must have devices for hanging tables during the demonstration.

Tables are stored vertically in the cabinet. They should be numbered and arranged according to the topics of the course. A list of tables with numbers is placed on the inside of the cabinet door.

Geographic Maps form children's spatial ideas about the size of various parts of the earth's surface and the placement of natural objects on it. Geographical objects on the map are indicated using certain iconic symbols, i.e. have a high degree of abstraction.

The first acquaintance of children with the map begins in the 2nd grade. First of all, the teacher should introduce the children to the rules for working with the map.

Towards the end elementary school students must learn to navigate on the map, know the names and be able to show the continents and oceans, use the scale. Younger students receive initial knowledge about the map of Russia (borders, seas, main rivers, plains, mountains), the ability to show the natural areas of our country.

Children should get acquainted with the physical map of their region. Be able to show borders, main cities, landforms, minerals, rivers and lakes on it. In elementary school, they begin to use contour maps of their region. Schoolchildren must learn to find the necessary objects on the contour map and sign the corresponding names. The teacher should draw the attention of the children to how they sign geographical names on the contour map:

    The inscriptions are small, clear, beautiful.

    The inscriptions of the rivers are located parallel to the direction of the rivers. Inscriptions of mountain ranges, elongated bays, and seas were also made.

3. Inscriptions of cities everywhere run parallel to the parallels. Islands and lakes are also inscribed 1 .

On contour maps, students apply landforms, conventional signs minerals of their region and the names of the largest rivers and lakes. Children learn to work with colored pencils. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of conditional colors adopted on the maps (waters are blue, lowlands are green, etc.); achieve clarity, accuracy and beauty in coloring.

These skills are basic for the subsequent study of the geography course.

In the initial natural science courses, wall-mounted physical maps of the hemispheres, the Russian Federation, and their region are used; natural map zones of Russia, plan of the area, as well as geographical atlases for elementary school. There are maps in all natural science textbooks and textbooks-notebooks.

Requirements for school geographical maps were formulated by A.A. Polovinkin in his textbook "Methodology of Physical Geography".

School maps differ from others in that they are adapted to the age and developmental level of students. This is achieved by simplifying the maps, increasing their clarity, emphasizing their specificity, and reducing the load to limits close to those provided for in the programs.

Wall maps are considered by the whole class from afar, so they must have the appropriate size. Maps less than one meter cannot serve as wall maps. Students look at the wall map from a distance of 5-6 m or more. From such a distance, coastlines and rivers can only be seen if they are depicted thicker, if their outlines are simplified, if details are discarded. On maps for elementary school, this simplification is most pronounced.

The largest specialist in the field of teaching methods for a course in general biology, as well as general problems of natural science education in general and biological education, in particular (substantiation of the theory of the formation and development of concepts, development of the content of methods and teaching aids, education of a scientific worldview, activation of independent thinking).

(Methodological ideas of V.M. Korsunskaya and their development in modern theory and methodology of teaching biology and ecology. - St. Petersburg, 2005. P. 3-5)

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"Korsunskaya, Vera Mikhailovna" in books


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NOVO-KORSUNSKAYA At about 10 am we heard shots. Nikitin ordered to saddle up, zamunichivat, and the battery left the village of Novo-Korsunskaya and went to the south. Riding towards us was Captain Aglaimov, an Akhtyr hussar, a blond Tartar. He wore a showy uniform

Vera Mikhailovna

From the book Direct Fire on the Enemy author Kobylyansky Isaak Grigorievich

Vera Mikhailovna The captain of the medical service, Muscovite Vera Penkina, an attractive girl of about twenty-five, behaved in a peculiar way when she arrived at the regiment. Possessing a fairly high military rank and a strong character, she kept herself independent and began by saying that on the move

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Korsun Icon of the Mother of God Tenderness Icon of the Moscow school of the 16th century, 26x19.5 cm


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1. FAITH-TRUST AND FAITH-RELIABILITY What is to be understood by "faith"? What is the difference between "faith" and "unbelief" or "believer" from "non-believer"?

Substitution of concepts (faith in general and religious faith in particular)

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Velichkina Vera Mikhailovna

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Inber Vera Mikhailovna

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e. Conclusion: Abraham's Faith and Our Faith (23-25) In conclusion, Paul teaches his readers the lesson of Abraham's faith. He says that the words of the Bible ... were imputed to him were not written in relation to him alone (23), but also in relation to us today. The whole history of Abraham, like all

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Korsunskaya According to legend, the Ephesian, or Korsunskaya, icon of the Mother of God, was painted by St. the Apostle Luke and even during her lifetime, the Most Holy Theotokos, seeing her image, said: “The grace of the one born of me and Mine be with this icon.” On October 22, 988, a list from this icon was

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God

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Icon of the Mother of God of Korsun Holy Mother of God. On the same day, fervent prayer was performed in front of this shrine.

(1900-1991) Among the major Methodists of the second half of the 20th century, Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya occupies a prominent place. She not only trained and educated an entire army of teachers, but also wrote for them. a large number of methodological aids.

For Vera Mikhailovna, as a teacher-methodologist, it is characteristic that her works cover many aspects of the methodology of teaching biology, and at the same time are subject to the main problem - the unity of education and upbringing.

Of great importance for methodological science and school practice are the results of Vera Mikhailovna's research in the field of general and particular methods of teaching biology. The main attention in the works is paid to clarifying the conditions that ensure the strength of students' knowledge, highlighting general biological concepts that need to be developed in schoolchildren in a certain system, starting from the course of botany and ending with the course of general biology.

The continuity of knowledge, the development of concepts are associated by Vera Mikhailovna with the selection of teaching methods and techniques that contribute to the activation of the mental activity of students.

Perennial creative work on the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the classroom and outside led to theoretical generalizations and the creation of an effective teaching methodology. Korsunskaya's book "Activation of teaching methods in biology lessons" gives a classification of methods according to the source of knowledge and learning activities of the teacher and students in the learning process.

In collaboration with Yu.I. Polyansky, N.M. Verzilin and other prominent biologists and methodologists V.M. Korsunskaya took part in the creation of a textbook for the course of general biology (grades 9-10). In collaboration with other methodologists, Vera Mikhailovna prepared methodological manuals to help teachers "How to teach general biology", "Lessons in general biology", "Reader in general biology", etc. The third edition of the textbook for students of pedagogical universities " General methodology teaching biology”, written jointly with N.M. Verzilin. Korsunskaya created a series of tables on evolutionary teaching for 9th grade students.

Vera Mikhailovna wrote popular science books for schoolchildren: "From the Life of Plants", "The Adventure of Fruits and Seeds", "The Great Naturalist Charles Darwin", "The Chevalier de Lamarck's Feat of Life", "Carl Linnaeus", etc.

Through all these books V.M. Korsunskaya passes the idea of ​​pedagogical influence, aimed primarily at educating young readers of interest and desire for the knowledge of nature, the study of the history of biology.

Teaching aids and children's books have been widely accepted. They are a significant contribution to the theory and practice of biology teaching methods, and can also be an example of a pedagogically thoughtful solution to the issues of popularization of scientific knowledge.

Source: Hygiene and Sanitation, 1996, No. 5

The scientific heritage of Professor M. I. Korsunskaya and its significance for the development of hygiene of children and adolescents in Russia

At the Department of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents of the RMA of Postgraduate Education, the personal archive of M. I. Korsunskaya, transferred in 1970 to the department by her brother M. I. Korsunsky, is kept.

It has been 25 years since the death of Maria Iosifovna on April 14, and this publication is dedicated to her memory.

M. I. Korsunskaya belonged to the generation of specialists who participated in the formation of domestic children's health care, its preventive direction. She was diversified, in 1914 she graduated from the Higher Pedagogical Institute, in 1924 - the medical faculty of the 2nd State University. In 1925-1929. under the guidance of prof. A. V. Molkova Maria Iosifovna completed postgraduate studies at the Department of Hygiene of Education (now the Department of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the RMA of Postgraduate Education), defended her Ph.D. thesis there and then began to teach.

Teacher M. I. Korsunskaya A. V. Molkov occupies a leading place in the history of domestic hygiene as a scientist, teacher and public figure. He was the initiator of the creation and the first head of the departments of hygiene education at the medical faculties of the 2nd State University (1924) and the 1st State University (1926), as well as the department of school hygiene at the Institute for the Improvement of Doctors (1934). He managed to unite young talented hygienists around himself, who later became scientists and organizers of healthcare - P. M. Ivanovsky, S. M. Grombakh, L. A. Syrkin, A. G. Zeitlin, M. V. Antropova , L. N. Zaglukhinskaya and others. It was they who made up the Molkov school, and M. I. Korsunskaya also belongs to this school.
