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The signs of a man and a woman are called. Complete encyclopedia of symbols. From ancient times to the present day

All Zodiac signs in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. It denotes the energetic feature of representatives of two different zodiac groups and describes their life strategy. Find out which group your Zodiac Sign belongs to and how it characterizes you.

Male Zodiac Signs

Male Zodiac Signs include: Aries, Gemini, Leo Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This zodiac group is also called active or positive. Male Zodiac Signs are more focused on creation, on the outside world and actions in society. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs have the energy inherent in men: independence, individualism, openness, ambition, leadership, large-scale thinking and action, love of freedom, and enterprise.

Very often, male Zodiac Signs suffer from an excess of energy, which is why they need to monitor their health, since this often causes them to develop various diseases with pronounced symptoms. Male Zodiac Signs have an inherent desire to change the world, make it their own, and influence the people around them. These are extroverts with a practical type of thinking.

Female Zodiac Signs

Female Zodiac Signs in the horoscope are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Representatives of these constellations belong to the passive group of Zodiac Signs. They tend to conserve their energy, to consume rather than create. Female Zodiac Signs very often have no control over the circumstances of their own lives. More precisely, they do not tend to struggle with the flow of problems and obstacles in their path. They are looking for a person stronger than themselves. Very often they are attracted specifically to the male Zodiac Signs, since they will be able to give what they need.

Representatives of this group of Zodiac Signs have a defensive life strategy. These are introverts, for the most part. Receptivity, ignorance and lack of initiative makes them weak. Despite this, representatives of these constellations are constantly ready to work on themselves, improve and achieve new knowledge, skills and experience. Although they are slowly, they are moving towards their goal.

The manifestation of masculine and feminine in the Zodiac Signs can be seen in life. Take a close look at your friends: there are probably women in your environment with a masculine Zodiac Sign, in whom there is a pronounced male character. Find among your friends men with a female Zodiac Sign. As a rule, there is a lot of feminine in them. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.10.2014 09:21

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Symbol"Venus" and symbol"Mars" denote a woman and a man and have their roots in the history of Roman and Greek mythology.

Symbol of "Venus" is a female symbol, which is depicted as a circle with a cross pointing down. In its own way appearance this sign somewhat resembles the mirror of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and also personifies femininity.

Mars symbol is a male symbol that consists of a circle representing arrows and a shield symbolizing a spear. The circle in which the arrow is inscribed was usually depicted in such a way that the arrow would be directed towards 2 hours on the dial and denoted the courageous hero of the god of war Mars (Arrest).

The combination of these symbols represents multiple meanings and performances.
This sign Mars + Venus represents a heterosexual symbol and means love between two opposites, namely between a woman and a man.
IN Lately this symbol has gained immense popularity.

Another execution is when two male symbols unite Mars + Mars which are intended to show homosexual relationships between men.
Sign Venus + Venus denote love between two women However, no certainty has emerged with this kind of connection; confusion often arises, since this type of connection can mean both homosexual relationships and friendship between representatives of the same sex.

In order to indicate bisexual relationship There are several interpretations, but they have not settled on anything specific.
Bisexuality is usually denoted by the combination of several symbols of the masculine and feminine principles in different sequences and quantities.

U transsexuals Unlike bisexuals There are two strictly defined signs, equally popular and having the same meaning.
First sign It looks like two symbols of Mars and Venus are superimposed on each other, that is, one ring with a cross and a spear is drawn in the image.
Second sign does not use drawings of Venus and Mars, but their role is played by the symbol of Mercury.

The Ancient Greeks had an interesting tale about the origin of the sign of Mercury. When the god Hermes and Aphrodite had a child, they decided to give him a name by combining their two into one, thus their child began to be called Hermaphrodite. Then the gods ordered the body of Hermaphrodite to be merged with the body of a beautiful nymph. Therefore, Hermaphroditus began to have characteristics of both sexes. This strange creature was assigned its own special sign, the symbol of Mercury.
If you try to analyze the image of the Mercury symbol, you will notice that it contains crescent signifying masculinity, as well as the mirror of Venus symbolizing the feminine.

In the alchemical tradition, the symbol of Mars is a graphic image of a circle with an arrow located at an angle of 45 degrees. The “symbol of Mars” meant iron, which in medieval esotericism was inextricably linked with the “red planet” and the element of Fire. At the same time, Mars originally embodied strength, aggression and belligerence (in fact, Mars is the name of the ancient Roman god of war), that is, purely “male” characteristics. That is why, over time, the symbol of Mars became a gender designation for the male sex (in a similar way, the symbol of Venus, which also came from medieval alchemy, and came into it from ancient mythology, began to be used to designate the female sex).

Thus, the symbols of Venus and Mars moved from the alchemical environment into the category of universal gender emblems, which, in fact, is not surprising, given character traits, attributed to the images of these planets. However, the mythological background of the symbols of Venus and Mars is much more significant than it might seem. In particular, the symbol of Mars in its statutory outline has its own characteristic name - “shield and spear of Mars.” And here we literally mean the legendary weapon of the ancient Roman god of war.

However, in the concept of “shield and spear of Mars” the mythological meaning is emphasized only by the concept of “shield”. That is, Mars (in the sense of god) was depicted with a spear (unlike, for example, the Greek Ares, who was sometimes armed with a sword). However, the spear here acted as an absolutely abstract male and military symbol, in which it is easy to see a phallic image. And there is no information that Mars had any special spear that could be classified as a magical artifact.

But the shield of Mars is a completely different image, which is sometimes called (with good reason) the symbol of Rome. The shield of Mars, called the ankylus, according to legend, fell from the sky and fell directly into the hands of King Numa Pompilius at a time when his people were suffering from a pestilence epidemic. Pompilius claimed that the fall of the ankylus was accompanied by a loud voice that told the king that Rome would rule the world as long as the shield of Mars was in the hands of a Roman. Actually, at the official level, the shield of Mars was never a symbol of Rome, however, this myth was widely known at all times, therefore in traditional Roman architecture there are often bas-reliefs and statues that include a characteristic element - the ankylos, the shield of Mars (its image given above).

There are two interesting points in this tradition associated with the shield of Mars. Firstly, the etymology of the word “ankil” itself is not known. Secondly, by order of Pompilius, 11 copies were made original shield and once a year, on the holiday of the god of war, the servants of the cult of Mars carried these shields through the streets of Rome.

It is not known exactly when the formulation “spear and shield of Mars” appeared (although, for example, the origin of the concept “mirror of Venus”, denoting the female gender sign, is beyond doubt). At the same time, taking into account the courteous features of the image of the god Mars in the form of statues and bas-reliefs (with an ankylos and a spear), this combination looks quite logical. It is no less logical to correlate the desired symbol with the planet of the same name and the masculine principle as such.

Thus, the symbol of Mars, which arose in deep antiquity, experienced a “rebirth” in the Middle Ages on the pages of alchemical treatises, and in the 20th century it became a generally accepted “male” sign. And it is very important that today we know well the true origin of this truly ancient and profound image. After all, if a culture uses emblems the essence of which it does not understand, then such a culture is worthless.

The usual explanation for the signs symbolically representing men and women is that they were supposedly derived from Greek mythology: namely, the Shield of Mars and the Mirror of Venus, objects traditionally associated with the male and female genders respectively.

However, there is little evidence linking these specific objects to current symbols, and the real history is much more complex.

In ancient astrology and alchemy, various celestial objects were associated with various metals of the Earth. The Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn - gold, silver, iron, mercury, copper, tin and lead were correspondingly written to them.

This was a recognition system proposed by an 18th century botanist. Its author, Carl Linnaeus, was born before the development modern system chemical designation. At that time, they had not yet thought of using the letters of the Greek or Latin alphabets as the names of the elements. Such a system was developed only in 1814.

Before this, chemists often used the same symbols that medieval alchemists used. Linnaeus decided to study the chemical system and botanical records - in a crude form of shorthand.

He first used symbols, formally in 1756, while writing a dissertation on hybrid plants, and later used the same notation in his work Species Plantarum.

He used the old astrological and alchemical symbols of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun to represent woody perennial herbaceous and annual plants.

The symbols of Mars, Venus and Mercury to represent the Boy, Girl and Hermaphrodite were conventional. Soon other botanists and zoologists adopted the use of these symbols, as they were convenient and easy to remember.

Various attempts to associate the symbols with pictograms, runes, and Babylonian astrological symbols were unsuccessful. It is largely believed that the symbols originate from Greek writing. The female symbol comes from the goddess associated with the planet Venus, but not from the Roman goddess, and the male symbol from the planet Thouros (the planet Mars, but not from the Roman god).

As a result, we have signs of gender (biological sex), which are borrowed from astronomical symbols.

Which has a rich history and is even used today to denote masculine and feminine principles.

From ancient times to the present day

For a long time, people have tried to reflect the feminine and masculine essence with the help of special symbols. It is worth noting that such images conveyed the distinctive features of the sexes, as well as their unity. The most common signs of the masculine and feminine principles include “Yin and Yang”, as well as the symbolism of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history and designation.

The sign “Woman and Man” is an emblem of two completely opposite principles: this is the Moon, water and earth for the feminine essence, and the Sun, heat, fire for the masculine. The masculine symbolizes the creative, social and active principle, and the feminine symbol is the personification of soft, passive power connected with nature.

Male and female signs

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared during the times of ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Well-known and recognizable signs were taken from astrology, and they gained popular scientific fame thanks to the botanist Carl Linnaeus. Of course, he used them to indicate the sex of plants. Almost from that moment on, the symbol of a man and a woman began to be used as a sign of the sexes.

The symbols of masculine and feminine principles are absolutely opposite, however, they have similar features. At their core, they in some way resemble opposite types, such as life and death, up and down, moon and sun, earth and water, right and left, etc. They can be collected into a single whole and characterize the masculine principle as the south or east, the Sun and the landowner. Also suitable for this definition are the following concepts: day, house, elder, strong, male. But the female essence will be the complete opposite - west and north, female, younger, weaker, Moon, etc.

Mars and Venus

The Venus symbol is displayed as a closed circle with a cross pointing downwards. Sometimes another name is found - “mirror of Venus”. This name was given to the symbol because of its external similarity. This sign represents beauty, femininity, warmth, care and love.

The male sign - the symbol of Mars - is the same closed circle, but with an arrow pointing upward. If you imagine a dial, the hand should point to two o'clock - this is characteristic of the god of war. “Shield and Spear of Mars” is another name for the male sign.

The combination of these two signs has several interpretations. First of all, it is worth noting one of the most common interpretations is the embodiment of heterosexuality, that is, love between representatives of different sexes. It is worth noting that this symbolism is also used to denote bisexuality, only in this case the signs can be positioned differently (today there is no single designation).

Interesting fact: transsexuals also have their own symbols - a male and female sign overlaps each other, forming a circle with a cross and an arrow. Connection between masculine and female sign does not have a clearly defined interpretation. So, this symbol can mean love, friendship, strong affection and passion.

Masculine and feminine principles in the Yin-Yang symbol

It says: almost everything in the world happens under the influence of the feminine and masculine principles. "Yin" is a feminine symbol that represents passivity and submission. The male sign - “Yang”, in turn, acts from the position of intensive development and activity. Laws can describe any phenomenon or event in nature, an object or an action, from the point of view of the masculine and feminine principles. All living beings on planet Earth, as well as the heavenly bodies, are subject to the Yin-Yang laws. For example, zodiac signs begin with a male symbol, and then they alternate.

Gender in the modern world

Most representatives of the strong and weak half of humanity fully share the ideas of Chinese philosophy. For example, almost every man likes to demonstrate his superiority, remarkable strength, and even the smallest victory in the form of a repaired stool. Women, in turn, are distinguished by their gentleness and well-developed intuition. However, in the modern world there are more and more women who have a strong and strong-willed character, that is, they have masculine characteristics. Or, conversely, a man’s character is characterized by excessive softness and even cowardice. This is, of course, individual characteristics, which were formed under the influence psychological traits character and life circumstances. Nevertheless, the most successful and lasting union is considered to be the one in which the sign “Woman and Man” is harmoniously combined.

Gender symbols

The symbols are masculine and have varied interpretations in different religions and cultures. Moreover, there are some not very common theories that offer a completely different interpretation of universally recognizable signs. However, circles with an arrow and a cross still remain characteristic and the most famous. The sign “Woman and Man” is the simultaneous embodiment of difference and unity between representatives of the opposite sex and a sign of their immediate essence. Gender symbols are simple signs that hide a very deep meaning of male and female essence.