Water pipes      07/02/2020

I eat after 3 only fruits and vegetables. This is what will happen to the body if you eat only vegetables and fruits. Benefits of vegetables for weight loss

Weight loss up to 8 kg in 14 days.
The average daily calorie content is 690 kcal.

Vegetable diet is a useful and effective method of figure transformation. If during the season of vegetables you want to get rid of excess fat ballast on your body, then it is best, as many experts note, to turn to this particular method. There are many methods of losing weight on vegetables (both in terms of duration and variety of diet). Choose the one that is right for you so that weight loss is easy, enjoyable and effective.

Let's focus today on the most popular options for vegetable transformation of the figure, designed for 3, 7, 14 days and one month.

vegetable diet requirements

We offer to start acquaintance with the types of vegetable diets from the shortest - three-day- option. If at the festive feasts they went over with calories, great solution will work on the figure with the help of this diet. On it, experts suggest consuming up to 1.8 kilograms of vegetables (any, except potatoes) daily. You need to eat them raw, as well as boiled and baked. You can also prepare salads by adding a little vegetable oil. You can fill them with low-calorie mayonnaise. But for a more noticeable result of losing weight, it would be wise to choose yogurt or kefir for salad dressing. In addition, this product is clearly more useful. The daily ration should be divided into about 5 servings and eat when a feeling of hunger appears. Drinking in any version of the vegetable diet is allowed clean water and unsweetened tea (preferably green). If you want to arrange a mini-unloading and just give a rest to the gastrointestinal tract, spend one day on vegetables.

A slightly longer method of losing weight is seven-day vegetable diet. Now it is not necessary to eat only vegetables. They can be accompanied by some fruits (you will learn more in the diet menu), low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, berries, and legumes. It is recommended to eat 4 times (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner). But if you are visited by a feeling of hunger and between breakfast and lunch, it is permissible to arrange a light vegetable snack (for example, eat a cucumber). Listen to your body to avoid relapse.

The basis of vegetable fortnightly diets are vegetable salads and fruits. As a seasoning for salads, use vegetable oils and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Also in this diet option is not allowed a large number of dried fruits and nuts. Four meals a day are promoted with no food in the next 3 hours before going to bed.

The longest-running vegetable diet option continues month. If you noticeably lose weight earlier, you can stop. There should be a place in the diet for a sufficient amount of vegetables: pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and green onions, various herbs, green peas, etc. Cook from these products fresh salads, vegetable soups and stews. Now the company of vegetables can be made up of protein products. Some meat is allowed in the diet, good choice there will be boiled beef or chicken. You can also enter some dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir) into the menu. Nutrition should be distributed in such a way that there are at least five daily meals, and maybe 6. A strict portion size is not prescribed. But, given the frequency of meals, it is easy to guess that they should not be massive. They froze the worm and expect the next meal. Of course, one meal should not be equal to the size of a saucer, but, of course, it is also not worth making it out of three dishes. Listen to your body and don't overeat. Salads can be seasoned with vegetable oil. Salt is okay, but in moderation.

vegetable diet menu

An approximate version of the vegetable diet for 3 days

Breakfast: vegetable salad(we use tomato, cucumber and bell pepper), sprinkled with olive oil and lemon juice.
Snack: a few carrots whole or chopped with a grater.
Lunch: make a salad by mixing finely chopped white cabbage with slices of fresh cucumbers.
Afternoon snack: boiled beets.
Dinner: baked eggplant stuffed peppers.

An approximate version of the vegetable diet for 7 days

Day 1
Breakfast: cabbage salad with apples; a glass of berry compote.
Lunch: a bowl of vegetable soup; green tea.
Snack: Grate carrots and drizzle with olive oil.
Dinner: stuff peppers with eggplant and tomatoes and bake; berry juice or compote.

Day 2
Breakfast: low-fat homemade yogurt or kefir; fresh berries.
Lunch: salad of bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers; some cheese and olives; a glass of fruit jelly.
Afternoon snack: medium-sized baked apple.
Dinner: a serving of cabbage broth.

Day 3
Breakfast: radish salad with herbs; green tea.
Lunch: a few baked potatoes without oil; sauerkraut; tea.
Afternoon snack: bake turnips.
Dinner: vegetable stew (without potatoes); a glass of dried fruit compote.

Day 4
Breakfast: cabbage broth and green tea.
Lunch: low-fat soup made from non-starchy vegetables.
Snack: a salad of boiled beets and a small amount of prunes.
Dinner: a salad of non-starchy vegetables plus a glass of low-fat yogurt.

Day 5
Breakfast: 1 banana and a glass of low-fat plain yogurt.
Lunch: vegetable stew; green tea.
Afternoon snack: raw or baked apple.
Dinner: vegetable broth and unsweetened compote cooked with dried fruits.

Day 6
Breakfast: a glass of vegetable broth and berry compote.
Lunch: low-fat soup cooked in cabbage broth.
Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad.
Dinner: bake the pumpkin until golden brown without any additives; green tea.

Day 7
Breakfast: a salad of various fruits, preferably a non-starchy type.
Lunch: pea porridge without oil and green tea.
Snack: Grate carrots and drizzle with olive oil.
Dinner: stewed zucchini plus a glass of low-fat kefir.

An approximate version of the vegetable diet for 2 weeks

Breakfast: orange and lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed); any citrus.
Lunch: vegetable salad of any non-starchy vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a few prunes and dates.
Dinner: a salad of raw vegetables or boiled products of this type (turnip, spinach, cauliflower, carrot); any non-starchy fruit or nuts as a dessert.

Note. This diet of the 14-day diet is not unchanged. You can make a menu at your discretion, taking into account the basic dietary recommendations.

An approximate version of the vegetable diet for 1 month

Breakfast: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Snack: grated carrots drizzled with olive oil.
Lunch: boiled beef; lettuce leaves and vegetable of your choice (non-starchy type).
Afternoon snack: a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: baked pumpkin; a glass of fat-free kefir.

Vegetable diet contraindications

  • You can not adhere to such a diet in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  • Also, in a strict form, pregnant women, during breastfeeding, children, the elderly and allergic to any of the products proposed in the diet should not sit on the vegetable method.

Benefits of a vegetable diet

  1. The indisputable advantages of vegetable weight loss include the beneficial properties of the main diet products - vegetables. If the consumption of other foods in large quantities can cause negative consequences, then vegetables, on the contrary, will enrich the body with many substances it needs.
  2. The process of losing weight, with a reasonable approach, will become an easy and enjoyable pastime, in which you will feel rainbow changes, both in the figure and in appearance.
  3. Also, the advantages of vegetable nutrition include the low cost of these products, especially in their season. Without purchasing, say, meat and fish products, you can significantly save.
  4. Just ideal option this diet is for people who have their own garden or country cottage area on which these healthy goodies grow.
  5. Vegetables have a mild cleansing effect on the body, contribute to the natural normalization of the digestive process, increase immunity, giving strength to the body to fight viral diseases.
  6. Also, vegetable products are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, resists the occurrence of edema and the formation of kidney stones, reduces the risk of meeting diabetes and joint diseases (rheumatism and arthritis).
  7. The abundance of vitamins and nutrients found in vegetables has a positive effect on our appearance, strengthening nails, hair, making skin healthier and smoother. And in the future, do not minimize the amount of vegetable products in your diet, regardless of whether you are going to lose weight.
  8. Many who have transformed their body with the help of vegetables happily state the fact that with a smooth exit from the diet, the result is preserved for a long time.
  9. In diet time, the body quickly gives off extra pounds due to the low calorie content of the proposed diet.
  10. The presence of complex carbohydrates helps regulate blood sugar.
  11. And a varied diet will not make the process of losing weight the same type and boring and will not push you to the desire to quit everything as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of a vegetable diet

  • The disadvantages of a vegetable diet, perhaps, include its non-year-round. If you want weight loss to be not only effective for the figure, but also beneficial for health, it is worth doing it during the vegetable season. Otherwise, you will have to purchase products that are not only poor in useful substances, but also capable of harming the body due to the abundance of chemicals that are stuffed with them for long-term storage and an attractive appearance.
  • This technique may not be suitable for meat-eaters (an exception is a monthly diet). After all, vegetable diet options are not rich in this luxury. Although most people who lose weight note the easy tolerance of this diet, for people who are accustomed to constantly eating meat, this technique can become difficult to use. In this case, nutritionists recommend not torturing yourself and choosing a diet that is more acceptable to you, in which vegetables will also be involved, but there is also a place for meat (for example,). Also, not all nutritionists consider a vegetable diet to be completely balanced in terms of the content of nutrients and minerals.

Revisiting the vegetable diet

A three- or seven-day diet can be repeated once a month and a half. If you decide to lose weight within two weeks, you should not repeat this marathon for the next 1-1.5 months. But after a month of losing weight on a vegetable method, nutritionists ideally recommend waiting six months.

There is a diet in which only vegetables and fruits are eaten. But the method of preparation does not matter. They can be consumed raw, boiled or steamed. The very fact that the entire menu is based only on plant foods is important. Eating fruits and vegetables alone has its pros and cons. A short-term diet will benefit, and if you follow such a diet for a long time, it will negatively affect your health.

What happens if you only eat vegetables and fruits in the short term

The pluses include:

  • Helps to get rid of edema.
  • Has high efficiency.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Allows for delicious food.
  • Pairs well with yoga classes.
  • Prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer.
  • Improves well-being.
  • The skin becomes smooth.
  • Purifies the blood, liver and kidneys harmful substances.
  • Natural products are very beneficial for health.
  • Detoxification on cellular level.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • All dishes are easy to prepare.
  • With the right exit from the diet, the effect of losing weight is easy to maintain for a long time.
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

Important When dieting, you need to drink several liters of fluid per day. For example, water or fresh juices.


  • An unbalanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet.
  • The likelihood of getting helminthiasis due to rotten or poorly washed fruits.
  • The acids contained in fruits corrode the enamel of the teeth, the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach.
  • The list of allowed products is limited, so it is not very easy to create a menu and find recipes.
  • Monotonous dishes are boring, so the risk of breaking into forbidden food increases.
  • In the presence of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, such a diet is prohibited.
  • It is difficult to follow a diet outside the home, for example, at a party.
  • Dietary fiber can cause diarrhea.
  • Lack of vitamin D, which is needed for healthy bones, calcium metabolism, energy maintenance.
  • Lack of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for heart, eye, and brain health.
  • Insufficient protein intake.
  • Saturation lasts a short time.

Reference Vegetable and fruit diets are contraindicated for children and pregnant women.

Cons of a long-term diet on vegetables and fruits

Lack of minerals and vitamins

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber and carbohydrates, but they do not have all the necessary substances that are in meat and milk: protein, vitamins B, D, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron. The body also needs fats to function properly. Without them, the brain and psyche will not be healthy. Proteins and fats are necessary for effective cleansing of the body, strengthening immunity, good metabolism. If you eat only plant foods, then muscle mass is lost over time. May develop beriberi, dizziness, dry skin, headache, hair loss. Some vegetables, such as rhubarb, sorrel, spinach, artichoke, contain oxalic acid, which binds to minerals in the intestines. Molecules appear that prevent minerals from being absorbed into the blood.

Loss of energy

A man needs 2,700 calories a day, and women up to 2,000 calories. Plant foods are low in calories, so it is impossible to get enough calories. Without nuts, grains, seeds, vegetable oil, you cannot provide a sufficient level of energy. Even if you try to distribute the energy needs, when eating fruits and vegetables, there will be a lack of carbohydrates, which help to focus and be alert. There is also a lack of vitamin D, which is responsible for maintaining energy. A person has severe fatigue, weakness, irritability. Decreased productivity and concentration. The constant feeling of hunger will cause discomfort.

Rapid weight loss

With such a diet, you can quickly lose weight, but this will not happen due to the fat layer, but due to muscle mass. Outwardly, it looks unaesthetic, because the skin does not have time to adapt to new body volumes, which leads to a loss of elasticity, resulting in stretch marks, wrinkles and sagging. Also, after a diet, many return to high-calorie foods, which leads to the return of weight in double size. The body will be under great stress. Women may experience hormonal disorders, malfunctions of the endocrine system, cessation of the menstrual cycle, which is dangerous for reproductive function. There will be an earthy tone of the skin of the face, bruises under the eyes.

When consuming vegetables and fruits, a large amount of gas is formed in the stomach. With prolonged consumption of some carbohydrates, the stomach begins to swell. A person feels heartburn, nausea, colic in the stomach and intestines. This is how poorly digested food manifests itself. Food in the body is a heavy burden, contributing to the development of flatulence. The main reason is high content fiber in vegetables and sucrose in fruits. With a large consumption of fruits and vegetables, undigested fructose and fiber in the lower intestines become a breeding ground for bacterial microflora, as a result of which the enzyme system is disturbed.

A sharp decrease in cholesterol

A diet low in fat but high in carbohydrates dramatically lowers blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that when switching to a plant-based diet, cholesterol levels are reduced by 35 percent. The state becomes unstable. Depression, nervousness, aggressiveness or apathy begin. There is an increased load on the kidneys, liver, brain and lungs. pathologies develop. The likelihood of developing malignant tumors increases. There may be hormonal disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes second type. Sensitivity decreases, reflex inhibition occurs.

Decreased resistance to inflammation

Proteins and vitamins most strongly affect the strengthening of immunity. Without these components, the protective function of the body against the development of inflammatory processes is reduced.

Reference Large amounts of fructose cause inflammation in the endothelial cells that line blood vessels.

An unbalanced diet disrupts the digestion process, causes an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, where cells of the immune system accumulate. When immunity is weakened, resistance to pathogenic bacteria is lost. One feels malaise, fatigue, drowsiness. Frequent colds and viral diseases are observed. Chronic diseases are on the rise. There is an increase in lymph nodes. Wounds do not heal well, fungal infections may appear on the skin. Decreased protection against cancer. The body cannot resist diseases because the immune system does not work as it should.

How much weight can you lose in a month if you eat only vegetables and fruits.

Due to the low calorie content herbal products and a high content of fiber, which is not broken down in the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety, you can lose weight well. Depending on the initial weight, in a month of such a diet it is really possible to lose 10-15 kg. So that the weight does not return, you need to get out of it correctly and not return to eating junk food.

To improve health, you can switch to a fruit and vegetable diet. As a result, weight will be noticeably reduced. But sticking to such a diet should not be long. Otherwise, the opposite effect will occur and all body systems will suffer. Dangerous diseases may appear. Also, before such a diet, even a short-term one, it is better to consult a specialist. Nutrition should be balanced and include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Since childhood, we all hear that it is necessary to eat fruits and vegetables, as they are very useful. Medical experts from all over the world also insist on this: they believe that a person's daily diet should contain at least 500 g of vegetables and fruits, preferably seasonal ones.

But what do we really know about the gifts of nature, besides the fact that they are full of vitamins? It turns out that there is far from one reason to eat as many different fruits as possible. What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables, we tell in today's article.

Protect from disease

Scientist Colin Campbell spent 20 years looking for the relationship between disease and nutrition: he studied the diet of millions of people and found that fruits and vegetables help in the prevention of various diseases.

So, rutin (vitamin P), contained in citrus fruits, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Eggplant and zucchini reduce blood pressure. The work of the thyroid gland is improved by thyrokinins contained in carrots, cabbage, lettuce. Beets are rich in betaine, which prevents the aging of liver cells. Apples, rich in pectin, help to eliminate bad cholesterol.

The list is endless: each plant has not one, but a number of useful properties. It has also been proven that regular consumption of vegetables reduces the risk of cancer by as much as 30 percent.

Cheer up

Research scientists have proven that people who eat more fruits and vegetables are less prone to depression. And all thanks to the presence of antioxidants in the fruits, as well as folic acid and selenium - substances that enhance the production of the good mood hormone serotonin. Among the most effective natural “antidepressants” are beans, citrus fruits, spinach, romaine lettuce, bananas and apples.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables is especially beneficial, according to experts from the University of Otago in New Zealand. During the study, they found that the subjects who ate the fruit raw had more high level psychological well-being than those who consumed boiled vegetables and fruits.

Make smarter

Food for thought is not only good books. Very useful for the brain and various vegetables and fruits. This is especially important for those who are engaged in mental work, as well as for the elderly. Antioxidants in the composition of the fruit prevent damage to brain cells and serve as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Doctors consider apples, pears and apricots to be the best “helpers” of the brain (they are rich in iron, which helps to saturate the brain with oxygen necessary for normal functioning), carrots, saturated with luteolin (a compound that reduces age-related memory deficit and the risk of developing inflammatory brain diseases), beets (it contains a lot of iodine, iron and glucose), as well as cabbage and spinach (they supply brain cells with iron, vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid).

Improve vision

Who does not know the famous joke about rabbits and glasses. However, the benefits of carrots for the eyes are no joke: the beta-carotene contained in the bright root vegetable fights macular degeneration of the retina and cataracts. Fruits rich in vitamin C - for example, bell peppers, citrus fruits, watermelons, tomatoes - protect the retina from damage. Pumpkin, cabbage and spinach - champions in the amount of lutein - help improve vision, while avocados and other plants rich in vitamin E - excellent tool for the prevention of cataracts.

Provide vitamins

No matter how much scientists try to create a replacement for vitamins from plant foods, the fact remains that useful substances are best absorbed from natural vegetables and fruits. In addition, they are much tastier than any vitamin complexes, “enclosed” in tablets and capsules.

To maximize the benefits, try to eat seasonal local products: they will provide you with exactly those beneficial substances which are important in given time of the year. In addition, local fruits and vegetables are less likely to be treated with harmful compounds than overseas “aliens”. It is also important to cook food properly: for example, cooking contributes to the destruction of vitamins - much more benefit is stored in steamed vegetables.

Written by Natalia from Minsk

I decided to write my weight loss story! Of course, I did not lose 50 kg, but 28 is also an achievement, at least for me.

My little story goes like this. I've always been fairly slim. With a height of 175 cm, my weight was 58 - 60 kilograms, I wore the 46th clothing size. During the period of the first pregnancy (at 18 years old) I gained about 25 kilograms, then, after the birth of the baby, for the first year - another 15. I can’t say that I ate little: I ate as much as I wanted. In addition, there were problems with the thyroid gland. As a result, the arrow of the scales showed the number 97! I tried to lose weight, but all diets led to the same result: I lost 5 kilograms - I gained 7! Exactly 5 years later, the period of waiting for the second baby began, our joy knew no bounds, but I was worried about my weight. I think many mothers will understand me! As a result, for the entire pregnancy, I gained only two kilograms. The baby grew and developed, and I lost weight! I lost weight not because I was on diets, but because my diet was dominated by foods such as meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, I tried not to eat after 18.00. As a result, after the second birth, my weight was 87 kilograms (minus 10 kilograms). But the joy did not last long: within 6 months of breastfeeding, my weight returned to 97 kilograms. Again I tried to lose weight, again on diets - and again with zero results.

MOTIVE. The motive has always been there. I can’t say that my health bothered me, just a sort of 25-year-old aunt looked out of the mirror, in the store she bought not what she liked, but what fit! Wore 54 - 56 clothing size! It was especially difficult to find something fashionable from outerwear! Here is such a motive!

HOW I LOST. Again I began to follow diets - and again with zero results! Then I came up with my own method of losing weight! Arriving on vacation with my parents for two months (the vacation is long), I decided to urgently lose weight! Tough but effective! I ate only vegetables and fruits, drank green tea, did not eat after 18.00, ran 1.5 kilometers in the evenings, pumped the press 50 times in the morning and evening. The result - minus 14 kilograms in two months! My delight knew no bounds! This may be a lot for two months, but the more weight, the easier it is to lose it! My weight was 83 kilograms. I bought myself a new suit already in the 50th size, spurred on by the admiration of relatives and friends. I also studied many different weight loss publications, read articles on the Internet and scooped up a new one for myself. useful information. I admired the achievements of many women - and this spurred me on even more. I told myself that I could! And she did! Then I went to work and continued to lose weight further. I ate 5 times a day, but excluded bakery products, potatoes, pasta, cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, etc.) from my diet, because I don’t like them at all. But I can't live without sweets! I love chocolate very much! Therefore, coffee with milk and chocolate (I try to replace chocolate with marshmallows) is included in my daily diet!

Naatalya: "I wish everyone good luck and endurance, as well as great patience, motivation and willpower! You need to understand that harmony is not a diet, but a way of life!"


8.00 - coffee with milk and 20 grams of chocolate (or one piece of marshmallow);

11.00 - seasonal vegetable salad and protein (meat, chicken), green tea;

14.00 - seasonal vegetable salad and fish, 1 marshmallow, green tea;

17.00 - cottage cheese and tea.

If I was hungry, I allowed myself a glass of kefir at 18.00. I ate fruits - apples and oranges. As a result, in another 7 months, the weight decreased by another 14 kilograms, while I did not starve, did not go on diets, but ate what I love, but adhering to my principles! Although I can’t say that everything went very smoothly: there were gatherings and barbecues with friends, but I tried to control myself. I ate what I wanted, but until 18.00 and in limited quantities.

MY RESULT. In general, I lost 28 kilograms in 9 months! Clothing size - 46 - 48. At 31, I look much better than in the period from 19 to 27 years old. Sometimes the eldest son is mistaken for a younger brother, nice! I also admire my husband, who has always supported me in everything!

HOW DO I MAINTAIN WEIGHT. I lost weight in 2009, so the weight is kept at the level of 69 - 70 kilograms for three years, this pleases. After all, everyone knows that it is not so difficult to lose weight as to keep it! In terms of nutrition, I adhere to the same principles as in the second half of losing weight. I give myself a little slack: sometimes I eat cake, ice cream, holidays and barbecues also happen, but everything is moderate and limited. Sometimes I arrange fasting days on cottage cheese or kefir. I want to lose weight up to 63 kilograms, I will try very hard. But to be honest, it was easier to lose 28 kilograms than the remaining 6-7 kilograms.

ADVICE. I wish you all good luck and endurance, as well as great patience, motivation and willpower! You need to understand that harmony is not a diet, but a lifestyle! Tea is very tasty without sugar, you can drink it on its own, and not as a bite with a bun or a piece of cake, pie, to reward yourself for any achievements you need not something tasty, but going to a concert, cinema or theater, just a walk on the street ! If possible, go to work on foot, walk more with your children! GREAT PATIENCE AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

I am 31 years old, height - 175, weight - 69 - 70 (weight before losing weight - 97 kg.)

In anticipation of spring and the upcoming beach season, are you determined to get rid of excess fat accumulations? Among the numerous dietary nutrition systems that can help with this, many choose diets that include only berry-fruit and vegetable bases. The so-called fruit and vegetable diet. It excludes even the consumption of cereals and legumes. How effective and harmless are these diets for health and weight loss?

Fruit and vegetable diet: the pros

Among the advantages of fruit and vegetable diets, we note the following:

  1. A large amount of ballast substances (fiber), after modifying part of it by the microflora of the stomach and small intestine, turns into substances that can reduce the level of bad cholesterol. This value can reach as much as 35%, which with a "normal" diet is possible only with the help of special medications.
  2. Fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of water. It, together with fiber, is very voluminous. A quickly full stomach sends signals to the brain - stop, I'm full. There is a feeling of satiety. But with a large volume, most vegetables and fruits have few calories. Therefore, the body draws energy from other sources, and the person loses weight. However, while on a carbohydrate diet, you should not count on losing 6-7 kg per week, as promoted on some "women's" sites, but minus 3-3.5 kg is an achievable result for losing weight.
  3. All the same fiber and liquid help the large intestine to be released quickly and without problems.
  4. A fruit and vegetable diet allows you to quickly restore the liver and muscle glycogen spent during training, reduce the height of the pain syndrome of krepatura and its duration.

If you decide to eat only vegetables and fruits for a while, remember that WHO recommends limiting the amount of simple sugars to 10%, and, therefore, the remaining 90% must be distributed between complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and traces of fats.

Vegetable-fruit diet: cons

Let's start with the fact that since the late 80s of the last century, instead of a system of balanced eating behavior, nutritionists have been actively promoting the postulates of adequate nutrition. Among them there is a point about what and how to eat depending on the temperature. environment and region of residence. Based on this, it is advised to adhere to diets, the basis of which (and not the entire diet!), Consists of vegetables, berries and fruits, they are recommended not in the winter-spring, but in the summer-autumn period. And this advice is not based on saving money.

Food, consisting of almost nothing but carbohydrates, covers the energy, but not the plastic needs of the body. To lose weight, you will lose weight, but this will happen due to a decrease in muscle mass. There will simply be no need for fat to be split, because there will be more than enough energy source, but there will simply be nothing to maintain the volume of old and produce new muscle cells. Therefore, the disappeared kilograms will return quite quickly. As soon as proteins begin to enter the body, the muscles will begin to recover.

Vegetable-fruit diet and its unconditional disadvantages:

  1. After a meal that contains a large amount of vegetable and fruit fiber, you will experience a quick return of hunger. Especially if you managed to stretch your stomach. Ballast substances rather quickly go into the duodenum, where the body begins to feel deception - the absence of proteins and fats. In addition, the stomach begins to send impulses to the brain, asking it to fill up. As a result, sucks in the spoon, the number of meals increases. In the future, to get rid of such consequences, considerable time and willpower will be required.
  2. The absence of fat in food leads to a decrease not only in bad (low density), but also in good, high-density cholesterol, which is essential for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. A carbohydrate diet unequivocally and strongly hits the pancreas, kidneys and liver. In some cases, it can cause purulent acne.
  4. Passion for sour fruits and berries can cause gastritis.
  5. The exclusion from the diet of proteins, especially animals, leads to protein-free edema. And here are tips on daily limiting salt to 2 mg or less - a dead poultice. It can only get worse. NaCl is an essential mineral nutrient that is extensively lost during training through sweat and requires recovery, if not complete.
  6. Carbohydrate-containing "silage" is no less effective in the production of intestinal gases than legumes or meat.
  7. Lack of proteins and fats creates a deficiency:
  • hormone-like substances necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, which by the way produces more hormones than all other endocrine glands and adipose tissue combined;

  • c-reactive protein, precursors and neurotransmitters themselves, as well as some amino acids of unique functional significance, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • minerals - calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, chromium;
  • vitamins - D, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, lipoic acid.

And in conclusion, we want to advise you to lose weight after all on a diet that limits carbohydrates and fats. Let it be a fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss as an addition. Leave fruit or vegetable days for low-calorie unloading days necessary for the body to prolong life.