Water pipes      12.02.2019

How to connect the central sewer to a private house. How to conduct a central water supply to a private house

During the construction of a private house, one of key points there is a question of connection to the sewerage and networks of water supply. However, enough time will pass so that you can become a full-fledged subscriber of the city water utility. Indeed, without the collection of documents and the procedure for concluding a contract for the use of this type of service, one cannot do without it.

The initial stage - where to apply for documents

Before you connect the water supply, you need to find out the future connection point, the laying pattern and the pipe material. The necessary data can be crossed out from the “Conditions for connecting to sewerage and water supply networks” issued in those. water utility department. But before you get them, you need to collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the documents establishing your ownership of the land plot, house or building;
  • a copy of the passport of the citizen who owns the house or plot;
  • a copy of the extract from the city plan.


With these documents, you should then go to the accounting department and write an application with a request to receive the connection conditions. Two weeks later, after reviewing the papers by the specialists of the technical department, you will be given the conditions. Based on the received documents project is ordered in the relevant design organization. Then you him coordinate in the technical department and start laying pipes on your own or with the participation of a construction company. Pipes are laid from the house to the designated connection point, observing all the conditions of these works. According to the current rules, a metering device (meter) is installed in a residential building at the water supply inlet in a room accessible for inspection.

How to connect the water supply when the pipes have already been laid and the metering unit has been installed? You again go to the accounting department of the water utility with copies of your passport and connection conditions and write new plumbing application to an existing network. The cost of the tie-in depends on the complexity of the work and for each individual determined individually. Based on your application, a tie-in contract is prepared and an invoice for payment is provided, after which the tie-in is made within 15 days.

The next step is sealing

Counter sealing produced by a water company. An appointment contract is signed with you Wastewater and water release. In this case, you definitely need to have a passport for the installed meter.

At the final stage of the epic "how to connect the water supply" in the subscriber department of the city water utility, an agreement is concluded for the use of the relevant utilities.

Prepare documents according to the list:

  • Copy of pages (2, 3, 5) of the passport house owner.
  • Application with a description of all objects connected to sewerage and water supply systems.
  • Specifications(issued in the city technical department) for connection to water and sewer networks.
  • Documents confirming your ownership of objects real estate connected to sewerage and water supply networks.
  • executive documentation on newly constructed water supply and sewerage networks.
  • Home Book(perhaps another document), which confirms the number of citizens registered as living in the house.

Now you just have to enjoy comfortable conditions in your home and share with others the experience gained on how to connect the water supply.

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Any residential or non-residential buildings must be connected to the water supply. In order to do this, it is necessary to perform a number of actions, including the creation of a technical task.

There are some rules for the design of technical documentation of such a plan, which must be strictly followed. All actions are regulated by regulations and legislation. We will consider all these nuances later in the article.

To connect a building object to central water supply you can contact special services that know all the nuances of these issues. They will help with the collection of documents and tell you where to go and what to do in each case. Thus, you can save time, since not every person is familiar with the sequence in which such actions are carried out and what is needed for this.

What are technical conditions for connection to water supply networks?

Technical condition - these are the requirements that are imposed on the performer of the technical task, the fulfillment of which is mandatory. Connection to water supply networks should be carried out only after the coordination of all work and issues with the service that is the supplier of water, that is, with the water utility.

A technical condition is a list of conditions under which connection work must be carried out. engineering networks to the central water supply. This is a document that has a validity period, usually it is 2 years., that is, during this period of time, all the conditions described in the document are valid. The normative document describes the technical data necessary for correct connection networks.

The climatic conditions under which the work should be carried out are indicated, at what point the water mains are to be cut, what parameters some components should have.

How and where are they issued?

In order to obtain a technical condition, you must contact the water utility with an application. This service is paid and it will take some time to process it, usually approximately 2 weeks.

The customer must independently contact the water utility with a list of documents, which we will consider below:

  1. Application, which is written according to the established pattern.
  2. Documents for the object - if it is a private house or an apartment, then this is a contract of sale, donation or inheritance.
  3. Technical documentation, which has a detailed site plan indicating the location of all objects on it. The scale of the plan should be 1:500.
  4. Questionnaire, which must be filled in by the company that made the project documentation and by the customer himself.

Other documents may also be required, their list in each case may vary slightly. What additional documents may be required? This is determined depending on the initial data, such as the type of object (residential, non-residential), where it is located, climatic conditions, and others.

After the technical condition has already been received, you can proceed to the design of the connection to the water supply.

What do they include?

Specifications include a list of technical requirements. The following conditions may be specified:

  • water pipe diameter;
  • point of connection;
  • where to connect it;
  • connection requirements;
  • to develop a project, contact a specialized company;
  • what documents to be guided by during the connection operation;
  • based on what reasoning to select a counter;
  • use additional accessories;
  • how should the metering station be located;
  • with which organizations to coordinate the commissioning of the device;
  • who should seal the meter;
  • what pressure should be in the network at the time of its commissioning;
  • term of the technical condition.

Each situation has its own characteristics, so the requirements and conditions may change.

How to get technical conditions for water supply?

To obtain a technical condition, you must contact the water utility with the above list of documents; it also does not hurt to familiarize yourself with the requirements that the services impose on additional documents. If necessary, you can apply in writing or electronically.

Preliminary work takes most time. After receiving specifications you can start a water supply project. Such issues should be dealt with by specialized firms that know all the nuances of each issue.

In order to obtain a technical condition for an object of which you are the owner, you must provide supporting documents for the building.

Connection algorithm

If it is necessary to carry out work with the involvement of a departmental organization to connect water supply and sanitation, then its permission will also be required in the water utility.

In order to better understand how the process of connecting an object to water supply and sanitation takes place, consider the algorithm of actions, in what sequence it is necessary to take the steps:

  1. The first step is to get the specification.
  2. The second step - the customer submits an application for connection to the water utility with a list of all necessary documents.
  3. The third step is the conclusion of an agreement between the customer and the contractor, who will carry out the connection process.
  4. Then the contractor issues a permit to the customer to connect the water supply.
  5. The customer makes the connection process in accordance with all requirements for it.
  6. The contractor must check the correctness of the work performed.
  7. The process of connecting highways to the central water supply is being carried out with the signing of the relevant act.
  8. The requirements for the water supply process must be met.

It is also very important to know and understand that all actions must be guided by regulations and legislation. All illegal actions are punishable by law.

If inconsistencies are noticed in the documentation, the project can be sent for revision. After eliminating all errors and shortcomings, it can be accepted for work. Only strict observance of all requirements will allow the commissioning of a working network.

When purchasing a plot of land and building a private house from scratch, all people are faced with the task of conducting communications in housing. Not the last role is played by whether there will be water in the house. Agree, running to the nearest well with buckets or, say, bringing water in tubs from a spring is rather inconvenient. Better when the water will flow from the tap.

Therefore, you need to know how to bring water into your home, how much this “pleasure” will cost, and whether it is possible to do the work without intermediaries, that is, with your own hands.

How can I bring water to a private house

There are three known ways to solve the problem:

  • connect to the central water supply;
  • draw water from a well;
  • drill an artesian well.

All three of these methods apply directly to each situation in different ways. That is, it all depends on whether there is a central highway in your area, a well or there is no central water supply. Next, we will consider each of these methods separately.

If all three methods are available, then you need to choose which is preferable.

The easiest way is to conduct water from the central water supply, since almost all the work will be done for you by the water utility - it is the workers who do this. You just need to contact the office in your area with a statement about the desire to connect to the central highway. Without permission, and even more so without the knowledge of this service, nothing can be done - it is prohibited. When all project documentation is ready, the water will be installed.

But if you still decide to go in a roundabout way, make sure that all issues related to these works are settled. Because water, as a rule, is worth its weight in gold in every area, so you can get a huge fine for unauthorized tapping into the central water supply. That is, you need to negotiate with many services - from the instructions of the architect, ending with the local authorities. In exchange for all signed documents, the water utility will issue a permit for the planned work (the so-called - TU). If the paperwork procedure is not carried out at all, then in the end you will spend almost 4 times more on the central water supply than was originally planned.


Only when all of the above is resolved will you have the legal right to dig a trench:

  1. You can use an excavator or manual labor, it all depends on how far the central waterway is from you.
  2. When the trench is ready, it must be sprinkled with sand or wooden boxes should be built, similar to concrete trays.
  3. Also, thermal insulation must be wound on the pipeline, especially if the equipment is metal. For this, weldable roofing material and cotton rolls are suitable. Attach them with wire.
  4. Next, on the finished pipeline should be installed stop valves- it should be in the manhole and the house.
  5. Now you need to decide: which water tank to install? It is necessary to provide pressure. Typically, such tanks are installed in the attic and insulated, since sub-zero temperatures can disable everything, without the right to restore.

There are other ways to connect to the central highway. Attention! If you have never done such work, it is better to entrust everything to professionals so that you do not have to redo minor holes or, even worse, face an unsolvable situation where the entire system will fail and there will be no way to restore it.

Other ways to conduct water

Often, water in private homes is preferred to be taken from a well or well, especially since there is not always a central water supply in the area.

To begin with, let's compare where we "draw" water from - from a well or a well:

  1. As a rule, it is easier to “deal” with a well, since it has a diameter much larger than that of a well, so in this case you can carry out water with your own hands.
  2. To take water from their wells, electrical equipment is not needed, while a vacuum pumping station must be purchased for the well and installed strictly according to the instructions.
  3. Running water from a well is much cheaper, which is another benefit.
  4. However, using a well, it is more likely that the water will be contaminated from the outside, since the pipe in this case has a smaller diameter.
  5. Again, due to the diameter it is possible to generate enough great pressure water in the plumbing.
  6. The water in the well is much cleaner, as it is located at a greater depth and, thanks to pumping equipment, rises to the top. Naturally, in sufficient quantity, rather than in a well, where water is filled as it empties and, as a rule, does not pass any filtration.

Basically, it's up to you. There is one more thing: it is possible to punch a well right away, even at the stage of building a house, thereby reducing the cost of the water supply system. Moreover, the water level in the well periodically changes, and it may simply not be enough for all your needs. And it is sorely lacking in the summer, when all private traders begin to fill home pools or water gardens.

In general, if the financial situation allows, it is better to choose a well, just keep in mind that the cost of drilling it will be much more expensive than if you prefer a well.

Today it is very popular pumping stations. Long gone are the days of using simple pumps. This equipment is quite compact and does not occupy large areas. Moreover, it is absolutely automated, during its operation you need to either open or close the mixer, which is located directly in the house.

Its work is quite clear: opening the mixer, water begins to come directly from the place where the liquid is taken from. Naturally, if you close the mixer, the pump no longer pumps water.

And most importantly, the installation of this equipment is very simple: it can be installed both in the house and in any technical room. That is, the only thing that you have to decide in this case is how to conduct water from the source directly to the pumping station.


During the construction and connection of communications to a private house, the question arises of the optimal organization of water supply. There are two ways to solve this problem: connecting to a central sewer or drilling a well. Connecting the sewerage of a private house to the central water supply has a number of advantages. First, water costs are significantly reduced. Secondly, access to high-quality water that meets all basic standards.

Water supply options

Central city sewer, available for connection anywhere with good infrastructure. But taking into account the rather old sewer pipes, there are questions about the quality of the water supplied and the likelihood of outages. Since the water supply system was carried out quite a long time ago, it is difficult to realistically assess the degree of wear of pipes, the presence of destruction and pollution, respectively, frequent repairs are possible.

But, the presence of a central water supply greatly simplifies the life of homeowners. This is the maximum convenience minimal cost. The only serious obstacle to connecting to the central water supply is its absence within reach.

To connect to the central water supply, it is necessary to issue a work permit and contact the specialists for tie-in. Alternative for own house, is the presence autonomous water supply. This method of conducting water in the private sector requires rather large financial costs at the initial stage of construction, but it provides the opportunity for complete autonomy from the centralized system.

Connection methods

The way in which the connection to the central system will be made depends on what type of sewerage is located near the house. There are two types of connection:

  • If it is necessary to separately connect household and storm sewer, the separate connection method is used;
  • If the nearby sewer is a mixed type system, and there is no need to cut two separate pipes, a mixed connection is used.

When connecting a private house to a separate water supply system, there is the possibility of additional stormwater drainage, and connecting it to a common system. You can also use rain water. For these cases, a canister for collecting precipitation is installed on the adjacent plot, the pump is immersed and the collected water is used for household needs. If you additionally apply filters, this water can not only water flowers, but also wash, wash dishes, etc.

The sequence of connection to the central sewer

Required Documents and Actions

When organizing the process of connecting to the water supply system on your own, you first need to prepare certain documents:

  • It is necessary to order from a company engaged in geodetic examinations, calculations and a scheme for laying a pipeline. Then this scheme should be transferred to site plan and house plan.
  • The sewer service provider order the development of specifications future connection.
  • From a specialist designer order a tie-in project in a centralized sewer system . To prepare this document, it is necessary to have a situational plan and technical conditions.
  • All completed documents and the prepared project should be certified by the water utility. It also requires certification from the Architectural Management.
  • At the same time, it should take care of company approval, which you will trust to connect the new branch.

It is very important that the residents of neighboring areas are not against the ongoing work, because the noisy measures of digging a trench and installing a pipe will be carried out near their homes. Having interviewed the neighbors in advance, you should prepare papers and enlist the signatures of the neighbors. In the case of laying the pipe through sections where electrical or thermal communications are located, or the pipeline will pass under the roadway, in addition to the listed papers, additional permits from the necessary organizations will need to be collected. Collecting all the necessary papers and obtaining permits is a rather costly process, however, it must be remembered that a large fine is provided for unauthorized tie-in.

Main stages of work

If desired, you can do all the work yourself or contact a company that will connect using any method of drainage. If the owner of the house is going to conduct plumbing on his own, then a certain sequence of actions should be followed:

  • Appeal to the specialists of a geodetic company to develop all possible connection schemes. These organizations provide paid services. You can minimize costs at this stage by using a collective appeal together with the owners of neighboring houses.
  • Handling the prepared package of documents to the organization serving this central water supply system. Here all the work that will be carried out will be certified.
  • This is followed by the coordination of the connection scheme and technical conditions with city architects.
  • Additional permission is required from other organizations, networks that are located within the pipeline route. This may be a traffic police (passing across the road), a heating or electrical network.
  • Holding preparatory work to the point of insertion of the pipe into the central water supply.
  • Connecting a private house to the central water supply with the help of specialists.
  • Notification of the organization servicing the central system about the tie-in and the conclusion of a service contract.

Preliminary work

All work performed on connecting to the central water supply system is regulated. They contain all the parameters that must be observed during the work, taking into account numerous factors that affect the quality of the connection result. So, the depth of laying the pipe depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding and the depth of soil freezing.

In the northern part of our country, the depth should be at least three meters, and in the southern part, two meters is enough. The influence of groundwater is also taken into account. The minimum allowable depth of the pipe is 0.5 meters. When digging a trench, the slope of the pipe is also taken into account. To prevent clogging and slow draining of wastewater, you need to calculate the optimal slope of the pipe. According to SNiP data, for one running meter a slope of one to two centimeters is allowed. Also, there should not be any turns along the water route. If it is impossible to lead a direct path to the central sewerage from a private house, it is necessary to equip revision wells at the turning points and prevent 90-degree turns. The width and length of the trench to be dug must take into account the diameter of the pipe and the ability to place all the necessary parts.

The final stage of connecting to the central system

At this stage, the preparatory work has been completed. This is followed by the connection of a new branch to the central sewer. Only employees of the water utility are allowed to carry out these works. They confirm the correctness of all the work carried out and compliance with the norms of the depth of the pipe. After the tie-in, the company should be notified of the completion of work and the readiness to connect to a new branch to the city sewer. A service contract is also drawn up. This document establishes the rate of water consumption and the cost of services provided.

Anyone, even old country house, can significantly raise the level of its comfort when conducting water supply in it. The water supply system will ensure the normal operation of the sewage system, and will enable the heating to function efficiently. But here the question arises - how to conduct water supply to a private house with your own hands?

In principle, such work is not too difficult. With all the difficulties you can easily cope even without great skills. And in more detail about how to conduct water to a private house from the central water supply system will be described in this article.

To create a water supply system in a private house, the very first issue that needs to be addressed is choice of water source. Here you can use different options. Some pump water from a well, others use wells. But if there is a normally working central water supply in the village, then it is better to connect to it.

And what is the advantage of using such a source of water:

But the very connection of a private house to the central water supply system will require some effort from you. The process of wiring water to the house takes place in several stages:

  • The first step is to contact the owner or service company of the central water supply. You need to get permission from them. As a rule, they do not mind, because they have a new client. But if the pressure is small, then they may refuse;
  • Next, find out if there are any other underground utilities on the way from the water supply to your site. If this is the case, then permission must also be obtained from their owner;
  • The water utility must draw up a connection project. Also, its specialists make a sidebar. It is prohibited to perform these works independently;
  • After that, you can start digging a trench from your private house to the tie-in point in the central water supply;
  • Next, all pipes are connected and laid.

The greatest difficulties can arise when passing all bureaucratic procedures. Officials like to show their importance. But in Lately this made it easier. Today there is always an opportunity (through various Internet receptions) to file a complaint about the delay that has arisen.

Material selection

After obtaining all permits, you can select and purchase the necessary material. In addition to the pipes themselves, you will need insulation, a meter, mixers and other valves.

Pipes can be considered the most important element of the future plumbing of a private house. Choice similar products pretty big. Can be purchased pipes from the following materials:

When choosing pipes for the water supply of a private house, one should not forget about such a characteristic as their diameter. The pressure in your system will depend on this parameter. Much will depend from working pressure and pipe section in the central water supply. In this regard, it is better to get advice from the specialists of the water utility.

outdoor work

After preparation of all documentation and procurement required material you can start creating a water pipe in a private house. The first stage includes outdoor work. First of all, decide on the point of insertion into the central system. This data can be obtained from project documentation issued by the water utility.

A trench is dug to the connection point. Its depth should be below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, the pipes will freeze in winter, and with the onset of heat, you will have to start all the work again.

Digging trenches can be done with your own hands, provided that the distance to the central communications is not too large. Otherwise, you will have to hire special equipment. If the soil is uncomplicated (no clay and stones), then you can do without a continuous trench. It is enough to dig a few holes and use a hose through which water is supplied under pressure. The jet will wash the soil and make pipe passage. This method significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of creating a water pipe in a private house.

Some owners of private houses do not dig such deep trenches. This happens either because of heavy soil, or because of too much depth. In this case, they can help thermal insulation materials. Today on the market you can find modern heaters that are put on the pipe in the form of a "shell". Such material is able to reliably protect your plumbing from the winter cold. But still, you will have to deepen the pipes at least a meter into the ground.

When insulating plumbing Special attention it is worth giving the entry point of the system into the house. If you have a basement, then there should be no problems. In this case, the pipes will be in the ground and will not freeze. Another thing is if there is no basement, and when approaching the house, communications rise to the surface. It is at this point that pipes most often freeze. So here communications insulate especially carefully.

Before laying pipes in a trench, it is necessary to make a pillow. For this, crushed stone and sand are used. Such additional protection help divert ground water from your communications, and thereby prevent them from freezing.

At the point of insertion into the central water supply, it is desirable to install a well. In this case, you will have the opportunity to block communications for repairs. In addition, the water utility will definitely force you to install a meter (today this rule applies everywhere). Moreover, the device should be located as close as possible to the tie-in to the central water supply.

Internal work

Before the beginning internal works costs think of a plan. It indicates all the points of installation of plumbing units and places of water intake. After that, it will be easier for you to outline the locations of the internal piping.

Inside the house, plumbing is done mainly using pipes made of polymeric materials. Plastic, metal-plastic and other varieties of similar products are great for these purposes.

If your heating boiler has one circuit(only for heating), then do not forget to install a water heater. It will provide your home with warm water.

Some experts recommend installing a water tank in the attic. Such a device will allow you to use the water supply system even when the central water supply is not working. In addition, the water tank will allow you to maintain pressure, when it falls into common system(required for it to work) washing machine or some other Appliances). But it is worth remembering that such a container must be carefully served, because ideal conditions are created here for the reproduction of bacteria.


Plumbing in a private house is one of the components of comfort. Therefore, the owners think about its arrangement in one of the first stages. Many choose as a source of water central water supply locality, of course, if available. This method solves many problems. First, it reduces the cost of all work. Secondly, the supplied water is of the required quality.

When connecting to the central water supply, it is necessary to go through some bureaucratic procedures. It is required to obtain permission from the water utility and make a project. After that, you can start working. There shouldn't be any big problems. All work can be done independently. A little effort and water will come to your private house, which means that its comfort will increase.