Well      07/07/2019

Central water supply of a private house pipe diameter. Systems of water purification and preparation of water. Water supply from a well

Making plumbing in a private house is a difficult and responsible job, but doable. By choosing the right materials and wiring diagram, you can do all the plumbing work with your own hands, without involving employees. But for beginners who do not have relevant experience, it is advisable to enlist the help of a professional.

Where to start installing plumbing?

At the heart of the installation of any water supply is the selected wiring diagram. Only after its preparation, you can begin the selection of materials and proceed directly to the installation. Also at the planning stage, it is decided how many water points (or users) will be in the house. It will depend on which system to prefer - collector or tee.

Terraces, their advantage has long been fashionable to use not only large private homeowners - this pastime in the "culprit" is often quite normal for installation and garden bungalows, where their owners do not always allow time continuously and closer to the central part, located in private houses and even small apartment buildings where the inhabitants of the ground floor of the terrace-shop even without the possibility of their apartments or enter directly.

According to Do-It-Yourself proponents, a person who dares to try himself can say that he cannot, does not have or does not have a calling for this or that activity. Three basic terrace styles are often used: symmetrical for the house, asymmetrical house, and unusual shapes, style fusion. Non-traditional terraces are very popular, such solutions visually attract the eye, being outside the terrace.

Which scheme is better - collector or tee?

The tee wiring diagram for water pipes implies their serial connection to a common riser. So, one pipe is connected to the pipes of cold and hot water. With the help of tees, additional pipes are diverted to individual users, and the pipe itself ends with the connection of the last draw-off point.

Since the patio is like a long-term dwelling, you should pay attention to its architecture and interior and make sure everything is compatible. For example, a larger house will be as spacious and spacious as possible, while a smaller one will be beautiful with a small terrace. It is best to install it on the southeast or southwest side. The place should be sunny, so you can use the terrace from spring to autumn, decorate it with many plants.

The size of the terrace depends on the destination. If the terrace is partially glazed, with handrails or wooden walls, protecting the wind, it, in particular, will reduce its space. Experts do not recommend enclosing small terraces to the fence, it is better to make a flower garden in accordance with their perimeter and plant perennial perennials, roses or leave plain green grass.

The advantages of such a solution:

  • ease of installation - no special knowledge is required when connecting additional elements;
  • low cost - half as many pipes are used;
  • compactness - tees are connected directly near the draw-off points.

But there are also disadvantages - when all users are turned on at the same time, the pressure in the system drops dramatically, and connecting a new point is quite problematic (you will have to embed another tee).

Climbing plants are very suitable for planting terraces as well as beautifully designed rosewood fencing. You can choose from different flowers, different blooming flowers that will be admired throughout the season. The composition of perennial, bell-shaped peoples planted with them perfectly shows the beauty of the terrace. Another attractive option is a tall green plant wall. Looks like blooming fat, fat, relaxed, quiet, terrazzo boards.

Are your windows or the windows in your home worn out so much that they are no longer worth repairing? Will you build new house or renovate an apartment and you need new windows? There is a question, where to start, how to choose correct windows? Some advice on how to behave and what to do in such a situation.

Collector plumbing system is different parallel connection users, when a special splitter - a collector is connected to the pipes for discharging cold and hot water from the riser. And already each point of water intake is connected to this collector.

Advantages of the collector system:

  • convenience - all connection points are collected in one place;
  • reliability - one pipe goes to each user, which minimizes the risk of leaks;
  • pressure stability - in the collector, the same pressure is supplied to each point, so even turning on all the taps at the same time will not lead to a loss of pressure.

The disadvantages include the high cost due to the increased consumption of materials and the need to allocate space for connecting collectors.

An extremely high supply of plastic windows and doors often disrupts the work of the consumer. Often, due to the lack of information about their technical data and capabilities, it is difficult to choose the optimal purchase price for quality. When choosing to change windows, it is a good idea to collect as much information as possible, which may determine which choice to make. In this case, it is recommended to contact the specialists, look at the main characteristics of the window: the number of profile chambers, glass packaging, furniture, etc. this will allow you to evaluate how the windows you plan to build will look like in a few or more years.

The right plan is the key to success

In order not to have to redo half of the water supply system due to the fact that several key elements were forgotten during installation, it is very important to correctly draw up the wiring diagram. It should include all draw-off points, passage elements and valves. The diagram shows the pipe diameters, the location of the water heater and the pump (if the water comes from a well or well).

Knowing General characteristics plastic windows, you can choose which windows to choose. We will discuss these possibilities more broadly. When changing windows apartment building the following simplified rule should be observed: the thermal properties of your apartment should not be less than those of your neighbors. If the system central heating installed, you will always be warmer than the adjacent window with a window.

Health is perhaps the most important thing in the life of every person. In the absence of health, this is disgusting, a person makes life very difficult for both him and his relatives. Proper medical care is important for good health. And this must be done very carefully. Sometimes various diseases can be caused by such simple things that you can't even think about. As for just one of them, we'll talk and find out how to protect it. So, one of the seemingly harmless things, but very dangerous for health, is an excessive concentration of moisture in the house.

By resolving all controversial issues at the planning stage, you can avoid annoying mistakes in the future. This will also allow you to pre-calculate the required length of pipes and the number of all fittings and tees.

Too much moisture collector in a living space or workplace often causes problems for us, but rarely do we think that it can be very dangerous both for ourselves and for the very house you live in. First of all, if there is excessive humidity in the room for a long time, then on the walls or in the floor slots, over time you will grow a flower. This will not only damage the structures of the house, but also harm the health of you and your loved ones. Living in such an area can lead to respiratory illnesses, fungal infections, and infections of many infections.

At the same time, it works effectively even when connected to a centralized water supply. For example, if the water is turned off, there will still be 200 liters of water left in the storage tank, which is enough for domestic needs. And even with a power outage, a tank located 4 m above the water consumers will provide a pressure of 0.4 atm., Which is quite enough for water from the mixers to flow by gravity.

To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure that the air is as dry as possible. This is best for desiccants. Of course, you can try to ventilate the room and so on, but this will only be a temporary solution to the problem. When the moisture absorber is absorbed, the situation will change significantly. The weather in the house will dry out, make breathing easier, but most importantly, avoid malicious diseases.

There is no easy way to collect moisture

But everything is not so simple. Even when purchasing a dehumidifier, it is very important to choose one that is right for you and your home. The choice of such devices is very wide, so you really need to find correct option for you. In doing so, you need to pay attention to a few things. First of all, you need to know exactly which room or room you will be storing and using the dehumidifier. If you're damp all over your house, you can buy some small absorbents and distribute them under the rooms.

The scheme is quite simple:

  1. To the main water pipe connects storage tank. If water comes from central water supply pipes with variable pressure, you will have to install at the inlet additional pump which will provide constant water pressure.
  2. To protect the pump from burnout in the absence of water, a dry-running sensor is installed that turns off the power.
  3. If water comes from a well, only a pumping station is installed after the tank - to ensure a constant pressure at the points of water intake. It is advisable to choose stations with burnout protection already installed. Otherwise, you must also install a dry running sensor - to turn off the station when the tank runs out of water.
  4. It is important to provide overflow protection in the storage tank - for example, a float switch.
  5. The piping from the tank is often tee, as this option is chosen for houses with a maximum of 5 users (shower, washbasin, toilet, washing machine and a sink in the kitchen).

Pipe selection - their size material

For plumbing pipes are used from:

Thus, the benefits will be immediate. However, if you live in small house or an apartment, then you will have the best of one and a little bit of moisture absorption. When buying, it is important to consider other things, including quality, price, noise, warranty, power, and others. However, one thing is clear, if the humidity of the house is damp, a moisture absorber is needed.

Building and installing a house requires a lot of knowledge. Naturally, we do not prepare the project for ourselves, and we do not perform certain specific works, such as casting the foundation. According to experts, this work should rather be entrusted to experts. They will select the most suitable grounds considering the characteristics of the site, characteristics and choose the most economical and one-stop solution in a particular case. True, the types of foundations are determined by both the primer and the structure of the house. If the primer is not sandy, if there are no underground water flows, and the soil is not washed out, two types of foundation can be applied.

  • copper is an ideal choice, but quite expensive;
  • reinforced polypropylene (PP) – a special welding machine(it can even be rented by the day);
  • steel - corrosion and the need for threading makes such pipes unpopular;
  • metal-plastic - has an excellent value for money, but can only withstand temperatures up to 95 degrees (this must be taken into account when choosing a water heater and what outlet temperature it gives).

Copper pipes will "survive" even the foundation of the house, but if the budget is limited, you can stop at PP or metal-plastic. At the same time, only reinforced polypropylene is used for hot water - the central reinforcing layer is visible on the cut.

But in any case, it is also worth knowing the basic features of the foundation. As soon as plastic windows appeared, charm and doubts arose in Vilnius. Can a window really help keep as much heat in as a salesperson? Accepted with mild disbelief, plastic windows have captured all hearts and wallets, as it is a seemingly simple thing like changing a window to really improve a home and reduce the cost of extremely expensive heating.

Initially, energy efficiency was ignored, as the replacement of old wooden windows with new plastic ones, even the most simple windows let me feel the difference. In many houses wooden windows, which were built from the very beginning of the building, were stunned by the wind, every year when autumn came, it was necessary to use fantasy to attach a large number of holes and prepare for the winter frost, and still see the window from the inside of the coating itself with a frost layer. Meanwhile, plastic window tightly, it does not need to be overheated, which gives it a striking advantage over old windows.

This is much more reliable than compression fittings, which will have to be tightened annually, and still they will soon begin to leak.

However, starting to deepen not only the fundamental desire to replace old windows, but what is best to get, you should pay more attention to the energy efficiency of windows. Windows are not marked with special symbols, this is reflected in their documentation, and if they are used for marking, it will probably be what we now see on household appliances - a green sticker denoting the energy class. It is very important that when calculating the energy class it did not take into account which windows are used in climate zone, window configuration, window orientation, allowing you to effectively compare windows.

For laying street water pipes, both PP pipes and HDPE pipes can be used. The former are used if underground connection of pipe parts is necessary, while the latter are laid in a continuous piece.

On the pipe itself, there is always a marking (size, GOST) - pipes without inscriptions indicate their low quality.

Thermal conductivity - the higher the class, the lower the heat loss. However, you should not follow the rule that the higher the class, the better. High-quality windows and at the same time the most expensive ones will not necessarily be the best option for a particular case. First of all, you need to consider value for money and budget as much as possible. Another important nuance- what kind of house will build windows.

As already mentioned, energy classes A and A are most effectively used in passive houses where the whole house is designed to achieve the highest results. The biggest surprise here is why don't old-fashioned houses have class A windows?

  • incoming water pipe - 32 mm;
  • riser pipe - 25 mm;
  • branch pipes from the riser - 20 mm;
  • outlet pipes to devices - 16 mm.

But at the same time, the diameter of the device connection must be taken into account. So, often boilers have an inch pipe outlet (25 mm), this must be taken into account even at the stage of buying a boiler and accessories. Besides, instantaneous water heaters sensitive to pressure in the system, so it is desirable to bring pipes of 20 mm to them.

Features and benefits of such wiring

Of course, it is possible, but they will not give the desired effect. External walls of an old building, window spaces are conductive to heat, so not only the window space creates heat loss. The energy efficiency of windows is an extremely important criterion for window selection, so you don't have to ignore it and focus only on price. Expensive - not the best.

This is the traditional cleaning system Wastewater for private homes and holiday homes. As you can guess from the name of wastewater, it is cleaned in the soil. In this type of plant, the wastewater is first settled in a settling tank. This container removes floating and settling materials. Wastewater from the tank through the distribution well enters the treatment area. Depending on the type of wastewater, 3 types of treatment fields are installed.

Pump or pumping station?

If central water supply no, and water has to be taken from a well or a well, each owner is faced with the question of choosing a pump. Pumping station can raise water to a height of no more than 9 m (the horizontal length of the pipes does not matter). Therefore, it is suitable for most wells or shallow wells. Its advantages are the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a protective mechanism against burnout.

Welding of polypropylene pipes

  • Infiltrated into the ground - in the presence of good soil permeability.
  • Profiled through a layer of sand and gravel - in poorly primed soil.
  • It is filtered through special biopackets.
Thus, the soil is natural process wastewater treatment by digesting bacteria in the organic matter of wastewater.

The filtration field is set when the primer is poorly watered, for example. on clay soils. Ground water can be no more than 25 cm before the seepage field bed in the sump drainage tank is drained into the sand and gravel ditch. Drainage through a layer of sand from the drainage bottom through a pre- assembled pipe through a submersible well merges into the channel. Scheme of installation of the filtration field.

If the depth of the aquifer is below 9 meters, there is only one way out - submersible pump. It provides a stable and strong water pressure, but you will have to install automatics that protect against burnout and a storage tank yourself. The latter is optional, but increases the life of the pump.

Plumbing installation

The installation of the plumbing itself is not particularly difficult:

The principle of working with polypropylene pipes, their soldering and installation, are shown in detail in the video:

Laying a water pipe with your own hands will significantly save your money and increase the level of comfort throughout the site. You can make it yourself both in the old and in the private house under construction or in the country. So, in this article we will consider all the stages of work on laying a water pipe.

Source selection

Before you start choosing a source of water supply, you will need to decide on the amount of water to be consumed. The calculation of water consumption includes not only the consumption of water by each member of the family, but also all water-consuming objects: a pool, a bathhouse, a sauna, watering the site.

With the exception of natural reservoirs, which may be polluted, the choice of a water supply source is limited to two options: a well or a well.

If the water flow is small, then the most best option- This is a mine well. It is easy to build and relatively inexpensive. Such a well is fed from groundwater, which lies from 4 to 15 m deep.

Arrangement of a mine well

A cap is installed above the ground, and reinforced concrete rings 25 cm thick are laid underground. You can also use instead of rings wooden beam the same thickness.

The mine is deepened into aquifer by 3-4 meters. Sand, gravel and crushed stone are poured into the bottom of the well in this sequence. Each of all layers must be at least 25 cm thick. These layers will act as a natural filter for purifying the water entering the well.

You can make several holes directly in concrete rings so that water comes in from the sides. After all work, a submersible pump is installed at the bottom of the well.

To roughly calculate the amount of water that a well can produce, you need to measure the initial volume of water that spontaneously entered the well, and then pump out all the water with a pump. After that, the time is measured during which the well will again spontaneously fill with water.

Well construction

If the depth of the aquifer is more than 15 meters, then a well is drilled. Drilling is carried out in two ways:

  • on the sand
  • on limestone

Drilling a well in the sand

This type of drilling is the easiest, so any beginner can cope with such a task. To work, you will need a pump, a casing steel pipe (diameter 125-133 mm) and a filter mesh. The drilling process itself will take about two days. Such a well will produce one cubic meter of water per hour.

The main disadvantage in sand drilling is not very pure water. As a result, the well will quickly become covered with silt, and its service life will be about 4-5 years.

Well drilling for limestone

This type of drilling is the most expensive, but such a well will last from 30 to 80 years, since it is artesian. It produces from 5 to 100 cubic meters of water per hour at a well depth of 30 meters.

The casing pipe will be laid down to a layer of clay or limestone. Then the lime layer is exposed and drilled with an “open hole” to the aquifer. In order to avoid damage to the rock, through which surface water can penetrate, grouting is used. It consists in filling cement-sand mortar through steel pipe upon reaching the limestone.

Thus, there is a filling of cracks in the rock, through which artesian water dirty surface water could get in.

Drilling an artesian well on your own without the proper equipment will not work, so you will have to call in specialists. Please note that in order to drill into limestone, the company must have all the appropriate licenses and permits.

Water rise

When there is a well or well, it is necessary to raise water to the surface. For mine well using a surface pump. For wells with ground water already use other types of pumps: ejector or submersible well. But for artesian wells, a submersible borehole pump is suitable.

For the system to be fully automated, ideal option will be the acquisition of CAB (system autonomous water supply). True, it won't be cheap.

Plumbing scheme

Drawing up a plumbing scheme is very milestone. Such a scheme should take into account all the elements: pumps, filters, collectors, water consumers, boilers.

It is advisable to put on the diagram all the distances and paths for laying pipes. This will make it easier to calculate required amount water pipes.

The pipeline layout can be done in two ways:

  1. Serial connection of all consumers.
  2. collector connection.

Serial connection

It is only suitable for small house with few water users. For example, for two people. The serial connection is as follows: water from the well goes through the pipeline, and other pipelines are connected to it using tees for each of the plumbing fixtures. The big disadvantage of such a scheme is the reduced pressure at the remote connection points of the devices and the inability to block individual devices. The advantage is significant savings on the use of fewer pipes.

Figure A.

  1. Distribution corner.
  2. Tee.
  3. Reverse closing valve.
  4. Counter on hot water.
  5. Cold water meter.
  6. Water pressure regulator.
  7. Filter for water purification.
  8. Valve.
  9. Pipeline.

Collector wiring

The wiring from all plumbing fixtures goes to the distributor (collector) to the pipeline. Thus, each device has its own pipeline. Minus collector wiring is that there is a large consumption of pipes during installation. Of the pluses, it can be noted that the loss of water pressure is minimal and it is possible to turn off each plumbing fixture individually.

Figure B.

  1. Water outlet for washing machine.
  2. Water outlet for washbasin faucet.
  3. Water outlet for the faucet in the bathroom.
  4. Distributor cold water.
  5. Hot water distributor.
  6. Reverse closing valve.
  7. Hot water meter.
  8. Cold water meter.
  9. Water pressure regulator.
  10. Filter for water purification.
  11. Valve.
  12. Pipeline.

But still, any scheme for connecting the water supply of a private house will consist of the following mandatory elements:

  1. Water source (well, well).
  2. A pumping station, which consists of a pump and a pipe connected to it from a well or well. The pipe must have check valve so that the water does not return in the opposite direction.
  3. A hydraulic accumulator into which water is pumped.
  4. Tee with stopcock.
  5. Water treatment and purification system.
  6. Tee for hot and cold water.
  7. A cold water pipe that connects to a cold water manifold. Shut-off valves are installed on each line.
  8. Hot water pipe connected to the water heater.
  9. The hot water pipe after the water heater goes to the hot water collector, after which the pipes diverge throughout the house.

There may be others in the diagram. additional elements, but this is what a typical diagram will look like.

Plumbing installation

The most difficult and dusty work in the installation of water supply is associated with drilling holes in the floor and walls. Cutting pipes, connecting them, connecting to water consumers and a collector, installing a pump and filter systems will take a lot of time, but will not require much physical effort.

The choice of material for pipes

There is a fairly large selection of pipes for plumbing on the building products market. What to choose?

Copper pipes

They are undoubtedly the best option, but very expensive. Four types are available copper pipes: hard (not annealed), semi-hard, soft (annealed) and annealed in a polyethylene sheath.


  • do not give in to corrosion;
  • not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • indifferent to microorganisms;
  • hold high pressure well;
  • do not react in any way to temperature changes in the surrounding space;
  • have excellent heat dissipation;
  • are not destroyed by harmful impurities;
  • durable (service life more than 40 years).


  • high price;
  • design disposability. This means that if a marriage appears during installation, then there will be no possibility of disassembly and rework. Such a section is cut out and reassembled.

Metal-plastic pipes

These pipes consist of three layers: a thin aluminum tube covered from below and from above with layers of polyethylene.


  • the inner smooth polyethylene surface prevents rust from accumulating on the pipe walls;
  • the outer layer of polyethylene protects the pipe from the formation of condensate and the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • excellent level of flexibility;
  • there is the possibility of fastening to the walls with clips;
  • fittings can be used several times if there is no damage;


  • at high temperatures(more than 95 ° C) such pipes are deformed;
  • there is sensitivity to freezing of water inside the pipe;
  • the high cost of the fittings themselves;
  • several times a year it is necessary to check the tightness of all connections;
  • damage to pipes as a result of water hammer;
  • pipes with fittings must not be bent.

Steel pipes

Conventionally, they are divided into galvanized pipes and uncoated pipes.


  • high degree of rigidity and strength;
  • long service life.


  • careful sealing of all connecting seams will be required;
  • there is a high probability of rust and growths;
  • complex installation due to the use of welding and manual threading.

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are in fact ordinary plastic pipes which are made of polypropylene. They are produced in two types: standard and foil (intended for hot water).


  • have optimal performance;
  • inexpensive;
  • inside the pipes, rust and growths do not form;
  • they can be attached to the walls with clips;
  • do not oxidize;
  • easy to install;
  • durable (service life of about 50 years);
  • connections polypropylene pipes do not require frequent inspection, which makes it possible to hide them under plaster.


  • an electric welding machine is required to connect pipes;
  • it is impossible to redo the marriage during the work, that is, the defective section is completely cut out and reassembled.

If you want to use polypropylene pipes for hot water, then you should choose reinforced pipes (aluminum, fiberglass or composite).

So, when choosing pipes for plumbing, be guided by your budget, since you will need a lot of pipes.

Polypropylene pipe welding technology

If you decide to choose polypropylene pipes for laying water pipes, then you should know how to properly connect them to each other.

Thus, an even perpendicular connection is obtained. If the result does not suit you, then cut off the section along with the connection and repeat all the procedures again.

Selection of pipe diameter

Choose correct diameter just as important as the choice of pipe material. For example, a small pipe diameter can create turbulence in the water flow, as a result of which water will move noisily through the pipes, leaving on the walls lime deposits. Accordingly, the service life will be significantly reduced.

The maximum water velocity in the pipe must not exceed 2 m/s.

The choice of pipe diameter will also be influenced by its length:

  • for a pipeline less than 30 meters long, choose a pipe with a diameter of 2.5 cm;
  • for a pipeline longer than 30 meters, choose a pipe with a diameter of 3.2 cm;
  • for a pipeline less than 10 meters long, choose a pipe with a diameter of 2 cm.

It is also very important to choose the diameter of the collector. Some simple calculations are needed here. If one tap passes 5-6 l / min, then it is necessary to take into account the number of water consumers that can be turned on in the house at the same time:

  • a pipe with a diameter of 2.5 cm passes 30 l / min;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 3.2 cm passes 50 l / min;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 3.8 cm passes 75 l / min.

If the family is small, and water consumption is very active, then the calculation is made as follows: water consumption is calculated at all points of water intake, and then the resulting number is reduced by 40%. This will be the approximate consumption of water.

If the family is large, and there are few water points, then there will often be a situation when all plumbing fixtures are turned on at the same time. Therefore, here you need to sum up the water consumption from all appliances per minute.

Pipe laying

After connecting the pipes, you can proceed to their laying and wiring inside the house. It is best to start from the consumer of water.

First we cut threaded connection on the pipe, and then we connect it to the consumer using an adapter. Between the tap hose and the adapter, be sure to install ball valve. It is needed in order to shut off the water in case of emergency. We lay the pipe in the direction of the collector.

Here are some simple rules which will help to cope with this task easily and competently:

  • It is better if the pipes do not pass through partitions and walls. If this cannot be avoided in any way, then make a special glass in the wall in which the pipe will be enclosed.
  • In order to have access to the pipes, it makes sense to place them at a distance of at least 20 cm from the walls.
  • Mount drain taps at an angle that is directed towards the tap itself.
  • If the pipe bends outer corner wall, place it at a distance of 1.5 cm from it. If it bends inner corner, then make a gap of 3-4 cm.
  • Pipes are attached to the walls with clips. Fix them in every corner, as well as on straight sections with a step of 1.5-2 meters.
  • When polypropylene pipes are connected at an angle, use special tees and fittings with equal transition diameters.
  • The fewer corners and turns in the line, the less pressure loss in the pipes will be.
  • When connecting to the collector, it is imperative to install a shut-off valve.

Finally - video instructions for welding polypropylene pipes and fittings.