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How to make a Christmas tree from natural materials. DIY Christmas trees: ideas for every taste. Christmas trees from cones

Especially for those who feel sorry for buying a real live Christmas tree for the New Year, we share a chic idea of ​​how a creative Christmas tree can look like with your own hands. At the same time, it is also real, because it is made of natural material.

In order to make unusual Christmas trees with your own hands on New Year you will only need a few wooden sticks, which you can easily find in the park or in the yard. With their help, we will create unusual Christmas trees with our own hands. and very quickly. Such a Christmas tree looks great on the wall and can decorate any home, be it a chic country house, be it a small room.

The main thing is to put your own sense of style into this craft and make something really creative!

DIY Christmas trees for the New Year on the wall

In order for you to have a Christmas tree on the wall with your own hands, you will need:

  • about 10-20 wooden sticks of different lengths;
  • small saw, hatchet or jigsaw;
  • twine, twine or any natural rope;
  • sharp scissors;
  • electric Christmas garland;
  • Christmas decorations.

How to make decorative Christmas trees with your own hands

First, clean the sticks from small knots, debris and dry them. Arrange along the length from the longest to the shortest, so that the figure looks like a Christmas tree in shape.

If necessary, cut off an extra few centimeters with an electric jigsaw from the prepared sticks.

New Year with snow, elegant green beauty and tangerines - beautiful and fun party, but why not make it truly unusual? A Christmas tree made of eco-friendly materials will decorate the house with a barely noticeable haze of invigorating and spicy aroma, and will also create the right festive mood. The creative workshop "BARABASHKA" is happy to share its ideas and secrets with you in this simple master class on creating New Year's decor with your own hands.

To create a New Year's decor with your own hands, we need:

  • foam cone
  • wooden planter
  • wire
  • alabaster + water
  • glue gun+ 3-5 sticks of glue
  • white paint in a can
  • sisal (we had 2 colors: white and brown, you can have one)
  • jute twine
  • walnuts
  • acorns
  • cinnamon
  • star anise
  • peppercorns
  • decorative elements (roses, beads, twigs, ribbons)
  • improvised means - a knife, scissors, rags

Making a Christmas tree from eco-materials

Manufacturing Christmas tree made of natural materials, according to its principles, it is very close to technology, however, it has its own, author's nuances.

We make the base for the Christmas tree.

We take a foam cone and wire.

We make a hole in the cone, carefully insert the wire into it and twist the tip for stability.

Turn on the glue gun. While it is heating up, we take out the sisal (we have it white, the same color as the cone) and straighten it so that it can be wrapped around the foam.

When the gun is ready for use, carefully begin to glue the sisal from the tip of the cone to the bottom. It should turn out as you see in the photo.

The next step is to fix the tree in a pot.

We take a small amount of alabaster (aka building gypsum) and dilute it with water. We quickly pour it into our prepared pots, insert our “Christmas tree” into it and align it. Everything must be done carefully and not delayed, because. alabaster hardens rather quickly.

As a result, we get a nice base for our eco-Christmas tree.

Now we are preparing materials for the Christmas tree. I suggest starting with sisal balls.

We take a brown sisal, tear off a small amount and roll it in the palms in the form of a ball. The size should be about the size of a walnut. This is done quickly, because. it takes the shape we need well.

At the end we get such a nice pile.

Then we take walnuts, split them into even halves with a knife.

We clean the cores (they can be eaten later), because for the Christmas tree we only need the shell.

Unfortunately, the beanies fall off the base when you bring them home, so we glue them back to their rightful place to restore their original look.

Usually cinnamon sticks are sold in 10 cm sizes, because. this is a lot for the Christmas tree, we cut them in half with scissors.

So, we got such natural blanks for the Christmas tree:

  • walnut shell
  • acorns
  • sisal balls
  • small cinnamon sticks
  • star anise

We begin to glue everything on the prepared base.

Using a glue gun, we alternately glue everything that we prepared earlier.

So let's start at the top...

And slowly moving down.

We try to keep everything as close as possible.

The voids that we have formed are closed with the help of allspice.

Now we take white paint in a spray can, go out into the fresh air and paint some nuts white.

So we give our Christmas tree a snowy look.

So that there are no strong contrasts, we wipe some nuts a little with a cotton swab moistened with nail polish remover.

If you have a desire, then you can decorate it with your favorite decorative elements that are lying around in your bins. We dressed her up in a garland of beads and refreshed her with white roses. A New Year's ribbon wrapped in jute twine was glued onto the trunk.

Christmas tree made of eco-materials is ready.

The eco-theme is very pleasant and interesting, so you don’t have to stop at the Christmas tree, it’s better to create a whole New Year’s composition in the interior or on the festive table!

Happy holidays everyone!

Table Christmas composition. Christmas tree from cineraria. Master class with step by step photos

"Christmas tree" made of natural material.

Orekhova Vera Alexandrovna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten general developmental species No. 125", Voronezh
Description: This master class is for children. school age, teachers additional education, educators and just creative people. You can make a Christmas tree with children preparatory group with a teacher or parents.
Purpose: interior decoration for the New Year, a gift, crafts for the competition.
Making a Christmas tree from cineraria.
To teach how to use natural material to make interesting things for decoration;
Cultivate the desire to do beautiful thing with your own hands;
Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, bringing the work started to logical conclusion;
Build confidence in your skills
Develop fine motor skills hands;
Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy;
Develop compositional skills and aesthetic feelings;
Cultivate the desire to do something pleasant for family and friends.

A little interesting information about the cineraria plant

Well, of course, cineraria is impossible not to love. Its openwork silver-white pubescent leaves are unrivaled. Against their background, any flowers look brighter and more interesting.

And this is cineraria, which we raised with the guys on our site in kindergarten.

Cineraria was discovered by travelers in the 16th century. The original plant immediately attracted European gardeners and became widely used in the arrangement of botanical gardens in Italy, France, and England.
The flower was brought to Russia only under Peter I, who, as you know, was a progressive politician and loved all sorts of innovations. landscape design was no exception. And although the fan of ships understood little in botany, he still liked unusual flower, which was transported to Russia and adapted to our harsh conditions.

The local peoples of Madagascar had such a belief in the appearance of cineraria. Long ago, a beautiful princess lived on Earth. And how beautiful she was, so arrogant. She adored the worship of the courtiers, expensive gifts, arranged wild fun. For this she was called bloody. And once a kind, brave young man fell in love with the princess. As far as the princess was arrogant, so he is pure in heart and strong in spirit. But the love of the beauty broke him. He began to seek meetings with her and was ready for any madness. But the girl did not notice him, or rather ... pretended not to notice, because she was not used to showing her feelings, she expected that he would spread like a carpet in front of her endlessly. But, having decided that the love of a heartbreaker cannot be achieved, the young man went to war, where he laid down his head. The princess found out about what had happened and ran to the high slope of the mountain. So strong was her despair that the girl turned into a scattering of beautiful blood-colored flowers. After some time, another plant appeared nearby - a harsh silvery hue, as if dressed in Knight armour. This is how, according to the myths of the natives of Madagascar, the bloody and silvery cineraria appeared.
Beautiful, but a little sad.

Materials needed for work:
1.Sheet white thick paper or cardboard;
2. Thick wire;
3. Newspaper;
4. Sisal;
5. Cineraria;
6. A glass or a small bowl;
7. Burlap;
9. Glue moment "Crystal" or glue gun;
10. Decorative ornaments.

Step by step workflow:

We take a sheet of thick paper. There are many options for making a cone, but I went the easy way.
We turn the sheet into a bag and equalize in a circle.

We take a small piece of thick wire, bend a little from one end.

We insert it into the top of the base, fix it with glue and teip tape.

We fill the void of the base with the newspaper. Cover the last layer with white paper.

We take a stick and insert it into the base, it turns out the trunk of a Christmas tree.

We glue the base of the Christmas tree with sisal.

We close the bottom, and wrap the top of the Christmas tree.

We take a glass and burlap. We decorate the glass with burlap.

We pour alabaster, "plant" our Christmas tree. We wait until the mixture hardens.

Let's get down to the most interesting and basic work! We glue the base of our Christmas tree in a circle with cineraria leaves.

We paint over the alabaster with white gouache, glue the braid along the edge of the cup.

We decorate. We glue half beads, a bump.

We glue the star, decorate the Christmas tree with beads.

Add glitter.

Our Christmas tree is ready and will be a wonderful decoration for any interior for the New Year holiday.