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What color to decorate the Christmas tree. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year: the best original decorations and amazing decor ideas How to decorate a Christmas tree

New Year- This is, first of all, a Christmas tree. Without this attribute, it is simply impossible to imagine this wonderful holiday! The forest beauty brings magic and a sense of a fairy tale to our home and measured lifestyle! And so that the whole next new year 2017 also passes like a kind fairy tale with the fulfillment of your desires, you must try to appease the owner of the new year - the Fire Rooster, by decorating the Christmas tree and the whole apartment correctly. The rooster is a rather peculiar bird, combining imposingness along with a share of selfishness, vanity and pedantry. It is necessary to appease such a difficult symbol of the year not only with different pickles on the table, but also with excellent decor for the house and the New Year tree.

Color range 2017

To decorate the forest beauty this year, you need to choose all shades of yellow, red, orange and gold. The Rooster will especially like the combination of gold and red - after all, these are the colors of prosperity and wealth. So feel free to use these colors when decorating your Christmas tree.

In addition to these colors, you can use orange, brown, purple, beige, gray and white in the decor.

Toys for decoration are required not bulky, but multi-colored, bright. The rooster will love the glitter, chic and bright colors. It's great to hang candies in shiny foil, slices of dried fruit or toys that you made yourself on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree decoration

The color scheme for decorating the spruce is chosen - it is red, white, orange and beige. Decorations on the Christmas tree should be harmonious in relation to each other, you should not make any very bright accents, everything should be evenly distributed throughout the tree.

Try to make the spruce decor look harmonious with the overall decoration of the apartment. To dilute bright red-orange colors take toys and decorations in beige and light brown. Toys decorated with satin fabric will look very advantageous in the decor of the apartment and the New Year's tree.

First of all, the spruce should be very well fixed, this rule is especially true for those who have small children or nimble pets at home, otherwise you risk finding your New Year's beauty upside down. After installing the tree, it must first be decorated with garlands. Try to choose garlands of red and yellow flowers. It is best to distribute the garlands in a spiral, but do not forget to measure it right away so that it calmly reaches the outlet so that you do not have to decorate the fir tree again or move it later.

After the festive illumination, you can start decorating the Christmas tree with tinsel and rain. Purple and red threads will look beautiful. Such decor will give the tree not only bright colors, but also additional volume.

And finally, the stage of decoration comes, when you can start hanging christmas toys. They need to carefully fill the free space, where there are no garlands and tinsel. Toys should be distributed evenly, not close to each other. The heaviest toys are placed on the lower branches of the tree, and those that are lighter and more elegant are hung higher. The finishing touch of the decoration of the Christmas tree will be the decoration of the crown. You can put a beautiful shiny bow or star there.

Shortly before December 31, every family begins to prepare for the celebration of the New Year. And, perhaps, the most important ritual in the preparation of the celebration is the decoration of the Christmas tree. Many from year to year come up with the most various styles for the forest beauty, so that every time she pleases the household with her original outfits. We will tell you about the New Year trends for 2016-2017.

Before proceeding to the story of fashionable decorations of the year, let's start with general traditions and recommendations for decorating the Christmas tree.

It is best to start decorating a Christmas tree with a garland.

There are several ways to locate it:

In a spiral - this arrangement will be the most comfortable and successful, since one garland is enough for you to completely cover the Christmas tree from below to the top of the head. It is worth noting that if you lay out the garland in a spiral, then the toys should be arranged in the same way.

Vertically - if you decide to hang the garland in this way, then the toys should be located longitudinally on the tree.

In a circle - the ring method of winding a garland in circles provides for the location of toys in exactly the same position. Here it is important to observe next rule: the more you climb to the top of the tree, the smaller the balls should be. It is best to use only balls to decorate the Christmas tree with the ring method, because the style will be done so well and the Christmas tree will look very elegant.

When choosing a decoration method, rely on the length of the garland, its size and the number of lights - it is possible that you will need several garlands at the same time to fully decorate the Christmas tree.

Get ready to decorate the Christmas tree in advance. A few weeks before the New Year Pull out your stock of toys and decide what you'll need this year and what's left for next year. Decide on a style. If necessary, you will have time to buy the desired decor items.

Spruces look most spectacular when decorating which 2-3 colors were used. Overloading with decorations will completely hide fluffy green branches from you and the New Year's beauty will simply be lost.

When choosing this year's main Christmas balls, remember that the ones next to the lights will be the most noticeable, as they will be illuminated.

About trends

The 2017 Christmas tree should have a lot of color, glitter and lights. by the most perfect colors for toys this season are considered - red, white, brown, gold, green and yellow - the colors most corresponding to the color of the future symbol of the year.

It is worth remembering that each color carries certain value. So, red will add perseverance and determination, white will become a source of openness and unity, gold will give wisdom, green will bring stability and prosperity in business, yellow promises to give originality, fun and freedom.

It is very important this year that the toys are perfectly combined with each other and there is no randomness and diversity. good color combinations for the year of the Rooster are: white - gold, white - red, red - yellow, red - green - yellow.

It will be interesting prepare with the children snowflakes not only white color but also in various shades. You can make them from paper, cardboard, fabric and even foil. The main thing is that your creativity brings you joy!

If this year you want to create a special style at home, without relying on the available stocks of jewelry and regardless of style features when meeting the year of the Rooster, then you can decorate Christmas tree in Provence.

For Provencal style characters of knitted decorations, pastel balls, snowmen, snowflakes and delicate flower decorations. The main thing is to create coziness, without highlighting the Christmas tree with shiny, bright accents. White, cream or blue-tinted balls, pale pink bows and angels are perfect for this style. Do not forget about the thread of white, pearl thin beads.

Looks no less original on the Christmas tree country style. It is also perfect for meeting the year of the Rooster, because this bird is domestic, rustic. For country-style decoration, it is important to use only figurines and toys - no balls. It is better if the decorations are wooden or stylized as a tree. On such a Christmas tree, you can also hang sweets in a wrapper, which is also desirable not to stand out in bright colors. The main thing in country style is to exclude shiny details. Everything should be decorated not flashy, but at the same time unusual.

Look very elegant Christmas trees in natural style. Natural cones, fruits, dried orange or lemon peel, cinnamon sticks, gingerbread and candied berries are suitable for this style. You can safely use the child's crafts from cones, twigs and other natural material here. The main thing is naturalness.

still relevant and retro style. Decorate the Christmas tree with vintage toys, cut out flags from newspapers and magazines, and make beautiful garlands out of them. You can also hang photos on the Christmas tree - with or without frames.

Do Christmas tree in children's style , because who, if not little fidgets, knows how best to dress up a forest beauty. Make toys with your baby with your own hands, hang drawings, crafts, your favorite little dolls, soldiers or cars. Such a tree will certainly look very unusual.

Decorating a Christmas tree should be fun. Moreover, you and your family should definitely like the results, because it doesn’t matter if you stick to fashion trends when choosing an outfit for a Christmas tree, the main thing is that it pleases you with its charm.

Someone is limited in the design of only a few compositions, someone hangs a wreath from spruce branches, someone simply decorates the window with snowflakes, and someone adheres to the good old tradition of installing a Christmas tree. We have selected for you interesting and creative ideas Christmas tree decorations and decorations for the New Year 2020, as well as tips to help you choose the right decorative elements in connection with the symbol of the year.

For many centuries, spruce has been the main symbol of the New Year and Christmas. But have you ever wondered why they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? Everyone knows this tradition since childhood, but why did it happen that few people are versed in this.

An old legend tells that on the day the baby Jesus was born, all the plants of the earth came to bow to him and brought their gifts. Spruce came last and for a long time did not dare to approach the baby, being afraid to prick him. She had nothing to bring as a gift, except for sticky resin and hard cones. Then the trees and plants shared their gifts with the timid spruce, and it shone with bright balls, rang bells and approached Jesus. The baby smiled, and the Star of Bethlehem shone over the top of the fir tree. That is why, according to this legend, it is the Christmas tree that is decorated for the New Year.

Concerning historical facts, then the first mention of the Christmas tree is found in Germany. It was from here that the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year with colored ribbons, toys and sweets spread throughout Europe.

In Russia, celebrations were introduced by Peter I in 1700. The emperor ordered to start the year on January 1, to walk all night, congratulate each other, set off fireworks or burn bonfires and, of course, dress up a coniferous tree. This tradition still lives on in every family.

In addition to history, many are interested in when to decorate the Christmas tree at home. Usually, decorate festive tree starts on the 20th of December. It is not recommended to arrange earlier so that the tree does not lose its beauty.

Someone prefers to decorate the Christmas tree as early as possible in order to enjoy its beauty to the fullest. And someone likes to decorate in the last days of December, just before the holiday. In any case, you yourself must decide on what date you need to do this.

Features of decorating the Christmas tree for 2020 of the White Metal Rat

The coming year will be symbolized White metal rat therefore, the actual color is white and all close to it: gray, silver, golden, black, metallic shade of any color.

Metal will be the main material. So the trend of decorating and decorating the New Year tree 2020 is looming: balls, beads, bows and toys in metallic colors (gray, gold, blue and any other color), or just white, gray, silver, black products. Metal toys are also welcome.

Let's look at the options for decorating the Christmas tree in 2020.

White Metal Rat Toys

The main symbol must be present in the design. Christmas tree decoration in the form of the main symbol can be sew from felt, from the remnants of different fabrics. And here a white rat can be cut out of thick cardboard and painted with paints, tied. Try asking your child to draw an animal and sew or knit a holiday symbol based on the sketch.

Photo of decorations for the 2020 New Year tree in the form of a Rat:

wood jewelry

Wood is the exact opposite of metal, and of course, it is not at all symbolic for the White Rat. However, wooden toys and crafts can give a New Year and festive mood, they look beautiful and appropriate on the Christmas tree at any time,

Can do wooden crafts and toys with your own hands, using blanks, or you can buy already finished goods. In any case, they will all look harmoniously on the Christmas tree!

Photos of examples of decorating Christmas trees:

From natural materials

To decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year in an interesting way, you can create entertaining Christmas tree accessories from natural materials: cones, acorns, chestnuts, twigs, twigs, wooden clothespins and toothpicks. Even from ordinary corks and twigs, anyone is quite able to create creative toys.

Basic styles in which you can decorate

There are several generally accepted and current styles of decorating the Christmas tree. Therefore, you can decorate a festive tree without being tied to a specific symbol of the year, but by choosing one of the well-known styles and adhering to the characteristics of this direction.

There are the following styles of Christmas tree decorations:

  1. Classical.
  2. Modern.
  3. Vintage.
  4. Minimalism.

How to decorate the 2020 New Year Tree in each of these design areas will be discussed in more detail below.

Classic style

The classic (traditional) style, despite some pomposity, allows you to decorate the tree quite restrainedly. Commonly used balls the same size and shade (gold, silver), bows to match the balls, cardboard figures, glass bells.

However, do not overload the Christmas tree with an abundance of shades and decor. In addition, for decoration coniferous beauty in the classical way, you can use beads.

The classic style has not lost its relevance for many decades! And for the New Year 2020, you can beautifully and stylishly decorate the Christmas tree in a traditional way.


Modern means something modern, catchy, memorable, extraordinary. If you want to decorate the Christmas tree in an interesting and unusual way for the New Year, then you should choose Art Nouveau.

Take at least the usual glass balls that can hang next to decorative elements V steampunk style, bright candies and garlands unusual shape . It could be New Year's Christmas tree in one color, for example, all decorated in silver or golden, white. Can you make an impromptu a tree created from pillows, computer disks, books, branches, sticks.

Photos of Christmas trees made and decorated in Art Nouveau style:


Vintage is characterized by the use of elements that took place in past eras. And then you choose which era you would like to display. In any case, to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, plan muted pastel shades, wooden figurines, aged glass balls, vintage postcards, garlands with large balls.

Advice! For a vintage look, get out your oldest toys. Use heavy tape or a regular paper clip to secure them to the branches.


Spruce in the style of minimalism always looks fresh and does not go out of fashion. A minimum of balls, a minimum of tones and tinsel are used. Sometimes it is launched only one garland so as not to "drown out" the charm of green branches with other accessories.

For minimalism are often taken Christmas tree solid toys. White or silver look especially noble:

If you want to stylishly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020, then you should opt for minimalism! Minimalism will look amazing in any room. It is only necessary to harmoniously select and hang decoration items.

The combination of colors on the New Year tree in 2020

According to the advice experienced designers When decorating a Christmas tree, you must adhere to the correct color combinations. ition. If we take into account the color of the upcoming 2020, then this white, grey, silver, gold, grey, black and other metallic colors.

In any case, when choosing colors, see if they harmonize well together. Also, consider a few simple tips:

  • Almost all colors are combined with white, but it goes especially well with bright colors: with red, blue, black, yellow, golden.
  • Use a technique such as gradation. So, the top can start with white balls, which will gradually turn, for example, into purple, and those into dark purple.
  • If you have an artificial white Christmas tree, then it is recommended to decorate it for the New Year with white, silver and golden balls. Just what you need for 2020! Festive, stylish and symbolic!

  • Consider the overall gamut of the room. If the room is too bright, then it is not forbidden to use more muted tones, and if the room is pale, then decorate the tree with bright balls. For example, against the background of furniture from dark rocks trees look good burgundy balls and ribbons.

  • Rain and beads should overlap in shade with balls. For example, if the balls are golden, then it is better to hang beads and rain a tone darker or lighter.
  • Sometimes a monochromatic garland looks much more luxurious than with bright multi-colored lights.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: options and ideas

There are many ways to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. Christmas tree glass balls, rain and electric garland . And these accessories still hold the lead, but, in addition, There are many other interesting ones:

  • garlands of cones;
  • felt toys;
  • postcards;
  • wreaths;
  • candies;
  • wood crafts;
  • bells;
  • bows;
  • tapes;
  • Christmas tree beads.

You can use any one of the listed options to decorate the Christmas tree, or combine several. It all depends on your tastes and preferences!

Important! It is advisable not to combine all types of decoration at once - it will look overloaded. Let's say Christmas balls look good with satin ribbons and bows, wooden Toys can be combined with a garland made of natural materials, and combine vintage glass with Christmas tree beads.

The photo below is a great example of how you can beautifully decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year (a combination of white and red without frills):

Get creative with your tree. For example, a Christmas tree can be completely dressed up with sweets or fruits, fortune cookies, wish cards, surprise balloons.

Be sure to place the figure of the White Metal Rat somewhere in a conspicuous place. The little animal can be planted under a tree instead of the traditional Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. You can decorate with salt dough crafts.

Interesting decor ideas

If we take a standard classic live or artificial Christmas tree, then there are a lot of options for decorating for the New Year. In particular, a very creative way is to dress her up with everything that is in the house and can fall under the concept of a “Christmas accessory”.

These are knitted mittens, snowflakes, postcards, hair accessories, artificial flowers, dried rose petals, burlap.

You can become a designer of decorations for Christmas trees by making them yourself!

Walk around the house, look in lockers and drawers, sort out your accessories. Now they need to be sorted by tone or size, and then proceed to design.

Below you can see the photos original design. Maybe they can help you decide how you want to decorate your Christmas tree for 2020:

Traditional Santas can be original and sparkle with new colors if you choose products of non-standard shapes and designs.

Openwork and elegant snowmen they will do their job too!

artificial and live Christmas tree for the New Year it's not a sin to decorate the usual burlap or decorative mesh, which is sold in specialized stores in rolls.

Will also look good wooden crafts, crafts made of cardboard and twine.

A Christmas tree decorated with decorations will look very cute and funny. bows. You can use bows of any size and color. Translucent bows will look stylish (as in the photo below).


The spruce will turn out to be original and very elegant if it is dressed up with crafts using the quilling technique (the technique is also called paper rolling). Just a few workouts and you can create Christmas tree decorations using paper, glue, pens and your imagination.

The undoubted advantage of such Christmas tree decorations is the fact that you can make them yourself!

Photo of crafts using quilling technique:


They are associated with warmth, spring and summer. It would seem that they do not fit in with the winter holidays. But it was not there! New Year's tree decorated with flowers- truly original and nice solution. For decoration, you can either buy flowers or make them yourself.

As for the last handmade, then artificial flowers for Christmas tree decoration are recommended to be made from a variety of materials: paper, fabric (for example, organza, linen), corrugated, satin ribbons.

Christmas tree without a Christmas tree

But if you want something truly original, then initially you need to be original. A do-it-yourself Christmas tree will help to decorate the room quite colorfully for the New Year. It could be construction from books, pillows, from plastic bottles, from clothes, disposable tableware and other items. We invite you to enjoy the creativity that was already created by someone and be inspired by an exclusive version.

There are no limits for fantasy, even the most ordinary pillows have the opportunity to become a real solemn decoration of the house.

The procedure for decorating the Christmas tree

Although we have been decorating a tree on holidays almost since childhood, it is not always clear how to properly decorate a Christmas tree in stages. However, there are a few unspoken rules that will help you decorate the tree beautifully and make it the most attractive item in the whole house.

Here are the rules and procedures for decorating a Christmas tree:

  • To harmoniously decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, you need choose the right place for her O. Don't put the fluffy beauty in small room, and too small a Christmas tree - in a large room.
  • Fix it securely. If there are small children and mischievous animals in the house, then it is better not to use glass products.
  • Choose beautiful garland with faceted light bulbs, a beautiful lampshade.
  • The garland is hung at the very beginning, in front of all the toys, then she will not obscure them, but, on the contrary, beautifully set off.
  • Use multiple garlands. For example, one can wrap the trunk itself, and the other - the branches of a tree.
  • Decorate the tree with the included garland. In this case, it will be better to see where which light will fall, and what it will highlight.

  • For big spruce choose large balls, small on it will look ridiculous.
  • Hang large parts first, evenly distributing around the entire perimeter (it is advisable to decorate the bottom of the Christmas tree with large elements). Then smaller toys, filling the empty space and preparing the Christmas tree for the New Year.

  • Desirable do not place the same toys next to each other, if not intended by the concept.
  • The final step will be tinsel, beads, rain, sequins.
  • There are several ways of decorating with balloons: vertical, horizontal, chaotic.
  • You can put boxes underneath, edged with paper to match the entire decor.

By the way! Serpentine or even ordinary confetti would be appropriate to show off.

Christmas tree decoration

It's great if you have a Christmas tree growing on the street (at least in the courtyard of a private house or in the country). In this case, you can decorate the yard and turn it into a real fairy tale.

Choosing Christmas decoration on a street tree, you need to focus on two things:

  1. Safety. This mainly concerns the use of a garland. Only use appliances designed for outdoor use. Also, do not leave the device turned on unattended.
  2. Sustainability. Try to fasten the “outfit” as tightly as possible so that during snow, rain and wind they cannot fall or damage your tree.

Christmas decorations for a street tree can be purchased or handmade. In general, all the recommendations and tips listed above apply to the street beauty. The only thing - crafts made of fabric, paper are not suitable(there is a risk that they will deteriorate due to precipitation, wind).

Advice! You cannot cope with such a difficult task alone (especially if the tree is rather big). So, invite guests, relatives, kids to decorate and create a beautiful and original composition for the New Year together.

In many families, decorating the New Year tree is a whole tradition, a ritual, a warning that the holidays will begin soon, that the New Year 2020 will soon be celebrated. This is especially pleasing to the kids, who love to help decorate the green beauty, hang balloons on her, pull sweets. It's fun and brings the family together. I hope these tips and tricks will help you decorate your Christmas tree in a fun and beautiful way!

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We have already managed to taste the first delights of winter, which hurried to immediately please us with both fluffy snow and hard frost. Watching such beauty, we, even without wanting to, plunge into the festive atmosphere, anticipating New Year's fun and gifts.

It would seem that the holiday is still far away, but in order to avoid the pre-holiday fuss, in which everything that is bad is swept off the shelves, you need to think through every detail in advance that will make our holiday truly memorable. The first thing to start with is one of the main attributes - our christmas tree. We will try to answer all the questions that you may have, from the features of the choice, to how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2017, the year of the rooster. So, let's begin.

Subtleties of choice

None of us can calmly pass by the Christmas tree markets, the aromas of fresh pine needles are so impressive there. The choice of a forest beauty is no less difficult, because you want the holiday to last as long as possible and not be spoiled by crumbling small and prickly needles. In fact, avoiding this trouble is quite simple, the main thing is to choose a freshly cut tree. How to recognize him among dozens of others? Here is what you need to pay attention to in this case:

  1. Color. The needles of a recently felled tree will always differ from those that have already lain down, primarily in their rich and uniform color. There should not be any yellowed or faded tips, because when it hits warm room they crumble instantly.
  2. Aroma. Of course, it is impossible to smell a particular tree among dozens of others, but if you take needles and rub them with your fingers, you will immediately understand how fragrant the Christmas tree or pine tree you like is. The earlier it was cut down, the less intense the smell will exude pounded needles.
  3. Absence dark spots on the cut of a tree. The color of the cut should be a uniform light color, without any inclusions.
  4. The strength of the "landing" of the needles. Last test: run your hand along the branch in the opposite direction of the growth of the needles. If you see that they are starting to crumble, do not buy such a tree, as it may not even live up to the holiday.
  5. Correct form. In order not to be tormented by the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree, try to initially choose beautifully shaped trees, otherwise you will have to work hard, sawing off the excess or compensating for voids with toys and tinsel.

For selection faux wood There are also a few rules:

  • The material should not be flammable, otherwise you will have to isolate the tree from any source of fire (including garlands);
  • The tree should not exude any odor;
  • Artificial needles should hold on tight (yes, artificial Christmas trees can crumble too!).

Having chosen your perfect Christmas tree, it's time to start decorating it.

Decoration rules

Of course, it would not be entirely correct to call this the rules, because everyone has the right to do it the way he pleases. However, there are some principles that we follow rather intuitively, realizing that this way the decor will be the most harmonious. Here are some of them:

  • Drapery base. Against the background of elegant branches, a bucket of sand or a stand will look at least unsightly and can spoil the whole impression of your efforts. Therefore, this part can be closed with wrapping paper, a box wrapped around it, a kind of snowdrift (cotton, synthetic winterizer or even foam will do), even a piece of elegant fabric;
  • Hanging balls. If we talk about how to properly decorate a Christmas tree, then the decor looks most logical when the balls increase from the smallest near the top to the largest at the bottom. Another sequence will mess up the proportions of the tree. Most often, this rule is violated when there are small children or animals in the house who simply cannot resist the temptation to play with beautiful toys.
  • Fairy lights. They are always hung in the first place, and only after that you can proceed to the rest of the decor. Otherwise, you will not be able to place the lights at the desired depth without damaging the balls.

Everything is simple and clear, so it's time to proceed directly to the decor.

American style

Revisiting our favorite Christmas comedies for the hundredth time, we once again admire the chic decoration of houses, rooms and the Christmas trees themselves. But if in early childhood we could only dream of such luxury, then the abundance of Christmas tree decorations on modern store shelves opens up scope for our imagination. A feature of this style is that behind the huge amount of decor of the tree itself, in fact, it is practically invisible. However, the main focus here will be garlands that illuminate almost every centimeter of space.

So, if you do not know how to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2017 in this style, just stock up on garlands, choosing the ones that are more authentic. Small, but very thick lights will look best. It is also desirable that they be made in the same tone, but this is already a matter of taste. You can arrange them vertically, spirally or in a circle, but with a sufficient number of lights, even their chaotic placement will not be striking.

Absolutely everything can be used as toys here: balls of various sizes, figurines of animals, snowmen or Santa Clauses, bows or decorative flowers - everything that your imagination tells you. The only thing that can spoil the decor is shiny tinsel, as it will cover the lights and, reflecting their light, draw attention to itself. As for color solution, then the combination of red, green and white flowers, but it is not necessary to be limited to them.

Scandinavian style

Minimalism and restraint are the main principles of decor in this style. This decor will be completely opposite to the previous one and is suitable for rooms with the same design solution. From jewelry, preference should be given to handmade, toys made of wood and burlap.

Welcome and homemade options Christmas trees It can be either an imitation of a tree from branches of different lengths, or simply an option painted on the wall. Books stacked in a huge pile, branches hanging or nailed to the wall, cones covered with burlap and decorated with beads, laid out from round wooden slices Christmas trees - all this reflects the Scandinavian theme. Stylish, simple and environmentally friendly, because not a single Christmas tree was damaged during the creation of the New Year's masterpiece.

Herringbone in Provence style

Still thinking about how to stylishly decorate the Christmas tree? Why not try to decorate it in our favorite Provence style? Tenderness, lightness here are combined with elements of luxury in such a way that they save them from excessive pathos. What do we need for this?

  1. Lots of fabric and lace. It is textiles that prevail in the decoration of such a Christmas tree. It can be draped into garlands, exquisite bows, lace can simply decorate branches, be part of the decoration of toys, or be used instead of thread for them.
  2. Flowers. Both living ones (which is certainly expensive for our latitudes, but quite normal for the south of France) and artificial ones (not those that are sold everywhere and are often sent to cemeteries, but more refined ones, made in gilding or silver), are welcome.
  3. Vintage toys. This is a great way to give a second life to old, shabby, but so beloved since childhood toys. If those, unfortunately, are not preserved, ordinary balls in pastel colors are quite suitable.

Try to use as little tinsel and plastic as possible, which will only spoil the impression of the original decoration.

Handmade decor

Handmade will never lose its relevance, because it is a 100% guarantee of the uniqueness of your decoration. How to decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands? There are just so many options here:

  • Edible decorations. It can be gingerbread, decorated with multi-colored icing, fruits, or sweets. Dried rings of oranges or lemons look original, to which you can tie a sprig of cinnamon. Mixed with the smell of pine needles, they will give just an incredible aroma!
  • Snowflakes in quilling technique. Original, colorful and very simple! If you don’t want to spend time cutting stripes, you can purchase ready-made quilling kits. In this technique, you can make not only snowflakes, but also original balls, hearts or other figures;
  • Homemade balls. That is, the balls themselves may not be home-made, but the decor for them can be made quite simply. You can buy the simplest transparent glass or plastic balls and turn them into real masterpiece! The first way is to decorate them using the decoupage technique (pre-stock up on napkins with a New Year theme or an image of a rooster, a symbol of next year), decorate with ribbons, beads, colored sand and even nail polish. You can simply cover with different colors or make an original pattern using water patterns (just like water manicure is done);
  • Felt toys. Funny owls, Christmas trees, snowmen or Santa Clauses with their deer - all this is sewn in a matter of minutes. You can complement them with beads or multi-colored and multi-format buttons. Another option is to felt wool toys, but it will take a little more time to master this technique;
  • All these methods are not suitable, and you do not know how to decorate a Christmas tree in an original way? There is an option when the whole family can be involved in creating jewelry - these are home-made garlands from strips of multi-colored paper, pasta or large beads. This activity causes great delight among the children, and it will amuse you, returning for a short time to such a distant childhood.

Thematic decoration

Those who sacredly honor oriental traditions will surely want to appease the owner of the coming year - the red rooster. What do astrologers recommend to us about this? The temperamental nature of this bird requires the same from us, therefore, when decorating the main New Year's attribute, you should not skimp. How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year 2017? Bright colors, a lot of lights and decorations - that's what will appease the Rooster.

When choosing a color scheme, give preference to the colors that are present in the color of the feathers: red, fiery orange, deep blue and rich green. Gold jewelry, generously scattered on the branches, will symbolize your favorite food - the golden grain, so you should not forget about them either.

Snow-white Christmas trees

The most unusual and very popular option in Lately became a snow-white Christmas tree. However, many still look at her with apprehension, having no idea how to decorate a white Christmas tree so that it looks really royal.

It's really not an easy thing, because it's very easy to overdo it. Main principle here is moderation. you don’t need to use any shiny tinsel, the tree is elegant in itself and extra decorations will be useless here. Lights are better to take white or blue (depending on the color scheme of the balls).

Any palette will look advantageous on a white background, however, a particularly advantageous combination is obtained with blue, light blue or turquoise (if you want to emphasize its cold aristocracy), as well as with red and gold (if you want to add a little warmth to it), figures or light scattering are acceptable beads.

Good afternoon, dear readers! What New Year does without a forest beauty, decorated with toys, garlands, frost, flickering lights. Decorating a Christmas tree is a pleasant duty before the holiday, creating a fabulous atmosphere in the house.

The forest guest will delight the household and their guests all the holidays. Photos on the background with a Christmas tree will give memories all year, and even a lifetime.

In the coming new year 2017, his patron will be - Fire Rooster. Well, if he likes the decorations on the Christmas tree.

This year's color scheme

The main color of the Christmas tree decorations should be red and its various shades, such as scarlet, burgundy, pink. A beautiful addition to them will be golden or silver hoarfrost, rain.

According to Feng Shui, the listed shades symbolize wealth and prosperity. However, the Rooster does not like the bright colors, so the red color should be wisely combined with white. And brilliant golden shades are diluted with a pleasant brown tint.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

It is not bad to use cold shades of blue, gray or gray to decorate the Christmas tree. purple. They will remind you of winter nature if you add a little sparkle to them. It is necessary to observe the golden mean: let it be colorful, but not without a bright sheen. Then the Christmas tree will certainly please the patron of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Christmas tree decoration style

Classic. Decorated in the classic style, the Christmas tree will remind you of childhood. At that time, beads, garlands, all kinds of figurines flaunted on the Christmas tree. A red star rose to the top of the spruce.

Sometimes a multi-tiered toy was placed on top. You can use the experience of our grandmothers, just add golden notes. Hang ribbons, cones, multi-colored balls with a metallic overflow from traditional toys.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Country style. The rooster does not live in the city, so he will like the tree decorated in the style of the village. In this case, the forest beauty is decorated with modest home-made toys.

Toys can be made of fabric, knitted with thread or simply stuffed. You can cut them out of cardboard and paint them in modest pastel colors. The outfit of the Christmas tree is complemented by sweets in golden wrappers, gingerbread with candies. Beautiful bows and bells will complete the outfit.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Naturalness. The rooster likes everything natural. You should decorate the Christmas tree using any natural materials. This fresh fruits, forest cones, bright bunches of mountain ash, candied lemon peel.

You can add pastel-colored toys and paper flowers. In the New Year, you can deviate from the advice of experienced designers, and show your individual taste.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Christmas tree decorations

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

You can add lace or beads to old toys. Then they will look great again. The owner of the next year loves the old days combined with modern decor.

symbolic figurines. On the New Year's tree, a cockerel with his family will symbolically look. Toys can be built from paper, cloth, clay, like a Dymkovo toy. On the top of the spruce, let the patron of the year, the Cockerel, flaunt.

Toys from the past. Everything new is well forgotten old. Old toys in the form of fairy-tale heroes and funny animals will help to adequately decorate the forest beauty. Rare items will look beautiful on the Christmas tree.

Homemade decorations. Those who are engaged in needlework will build toys to decorate their Christmas tree. You can knit a symbol of the year from wool, sew from felt. Children should be encouraged to make their own toys. Let children's imagination work on colored paper and cardboard. Now they also produce shiny colored paper. It's hard to make a bad toy out of it.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Sweet decorations. You can decorate the Christmas tree. These are figurines from salt dough, caramel in a colored wrapper, homemade cookies. Hang fruit on a ribbon.

Toys made from coffee beans or cinnamon sticks will look original. In addition, they will delight the room with a pleasant smell. Sweet toys should be hung higher so that little sweeties cannot reach them. Otherwise, they can expose the tree or even drop it.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Feng Shui. IN new year's eve They say all wishes come true. To help them come true, you should decorate the Christmas tree with banknotes. Then you can hope for prosperity next year.

For decoration, you should also use homemade colorful postcards on which you can write good wishes next year.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in the Year of the Rooster - 2017

How to arrange decorations

When decorating a Christmas tree, you must follow some rules so that the forest guest looks beautiful:

Spiral. Beads with garlands are attached to the branches from above to the floor, trying to make their curls form the same. Toys are placed on uniform distance and symmetrical curls.

Vertical. Beads and garlands are placed perpendicular to the floor. Toys are hung in a checkerboard pattern. The tree will visually look taller. You can add air bows or lace.

Horizontal. Beads with garlands are hung parallel to the floor. Toys are randomly placed, alternating large toys with small ones. There should be fewer toys on the lower branches.

Video: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year

Beliefs for decorating the Christmas tree

1. No need to push the tree into the corner of the room. It should be in the center or against a wall.

2. You should not hang coins on the Christmas tree, it is better to decorate it with banknotes.

3. Under the tree at the meeting in 2017, instead of Santa Claus from the Snow Maiden, put ears of corn. You can sew a bag yourself and put grain in it.

If you follow these rules, then in the coming year you will find good luck and prosperity.

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