Water pipes      06/12/2019

When to treat a house made of rounded logs with an antiseptic. What is the best way to process logs? Processing stages

To build a strong one reliable home made of natural wood, first of all you should be concerned about the quality of the base material. In this regard, it is important not only to choose the right species, but also to the principle of processing the log. Comfortable living in it in the future depends entirely on how professionally the initial felling and further calibration work is carried out, and how suitable the chosen technology is to the architectural design of the house project.

To give a felled tree the required form Several technologies are used today.

They differ mainly in the tool with which the work is performed:

  1. Axe.
  2. Skobel.
  3. Electric planer.
  4. Milling machine.

The chosen method affects both the future attractiveness of the entire building and the quality of its strength. In each individual case, corresponding to the applied processing technology, a certain complex is preserved natural properties and adds equally important characteristics created artificially during the wood preparation process.

Advantages and disadvantages of each technology

To determine the most suitable way for a specific project, familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances of both the processing technology itself and further use material obtained during the work.

Chopping with an ax

This technology is also called debarking. This is a way exclusively self made, the simplest and, at the same time, very labor-intensive. The main task when performing the work is just removing the bark.

Among the advantages of this ancient method of preparing building material, we note the following characteristics:

  1. Maximum preservation of natural properties due to the natural drying process.
  2. Wood compaction is eliminated (which certainly occurs when cutting). Thanks to this, even when cut down, the tree continues to “breathe” and the risk of rotting the inside of the log is reduced due to the constant circulation of air through natural pores.
  3. Excellent strength of the material, which is not reduced due to the preservation of all layers of the plant.

The disadvantages of this technology include the following operational difficulties:

Important! Despite such a long list of shortcomings, this ancient method of processing wood as naturally as possible does not lose its relevance.


Another method of manual processing of logs, which is performed using a special tool - a stapler.

The principle of processing logs is the sequential cutting in thin layers of not only the bark, but also the next layer of wood - the sapwood.

Important! The design of such a tool resembles a sickle in shape, only with handles on both sides. The cutting part is made of durable steel grades and is sharpened on one side.

The advantages of this method are presented in the following list:

  1. Attractive appearance logs After completion of the work, the internal texture of the wood, its unique pattern and shade are very clearly revealed.
  2. Nice texture of the material. Thanks to the processing feature - fine grinding, like with a blade, the entire surface of the log after such preparation is very smooth.
  3. Almost complete preservation of all natural qualities. Strength and healing properties remain the same as before processing due to the fact that a small, only the top, layer is removed.

This method is not without its disadvantages:

  1. A very labor-intensive process that requires strength and skills. Failure to comply with the technology rules will significantly reduce the quality of the resulting material.
  2. Duration of the work.
  3. It does not ensure the removal of irregularities, which leads to the necessary sealing of gaps after assembling the house.
  4. Long shrinkage due to preservation of the natural shape of the trunk.

Processing logs with a plane

The most popular method today, which gives whole line benefits.

In the process of performing all the work, the bark is removed, the unevenness of the trunk is removed, but as a result, the entire removed layer of the tree is not very thick. To perform such work, predominantly electric models are used, which significantly speed up the process with little effort.

Advantages of this method:

  1. Preservation of the natural hardness and density of wood.
  2. Economical.
  3. Ease of processing.
  4. Speed ​​of completion of all preparatory work.
  5. Attractive appearance, similar to a rounded log.
  6. Smooth and smooth surface along the entire length.
  7. Ease and speed of home assembly.
  8. Tight fit of all structural elements.
  9. Shorter shrinkage period than with the technologies described above
  10. Possibility of designing houses of simple architecture and complex projects with non-standard forms.

It is quite difficult to identify the disadvantages of choosing an electric planer for shaping logs for building a house and, in principle, they are relative:

Important! Considering the noted nuances of this method, we can safely say that preparing logs for building your own log house using an electric planer is the best option.


Processing a felled trunk on a milling machine results in the rounded log that is so popular today.

The entire length of the barrel is passed through cutters of the selected profile. When preparing lumber of this type, a significant part of the wood, bark and all upper layer, down to the core.

An important condition in this case is the recommended impregnation with protective agents to prevent rapid destruction. home distinctive feature this method - all logs prepared on a machine of this type have the same diameter. The resulting blanks are logs with mathematically precisely verified parameters.

The advantages of this method include the following characteristics:

Important! Separately, we note the possibility of creating any complex shaped profile with correctly selected cutters.

The disadvantages of this method include the following results:

Important! Despite all the complexity and exclusively technical side of processing rounded logs, the material obtained in the process of such preparation has a very reasonable cost. This position allows you not to bother yourself long periods of work felling and processing of blanks manually, and purchase ready material the right size with high performance characteristics.

Watch the video, which clearly shows the entire sequential process of designing a rounded log.

Protective wood treatment

The ease of ignition of natural wood in the vicinity of an open fire and its susceptibility to absorbing excessive moisture contribute not only to deformation of the log’s shape, but also to its complete destruction. In addition, it is difficult to naturally eliminate the attacks of harmful insects that destroy the material. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to treat the log with an antiseptic, which reduces the destructive effects of such factors.

All means to increase protective properties natural wood differ in the principle of action, the composition of the components and the most suitable stage of construction for application. The range of such products is quite diverse - these include gels, bulk substances, pastes, and all kinds of concentrated and dry mixtures for preparing solutions.

Strength characteristics are increased as follows:

  • deep penetration of the solution into the thickness of the wood;
  • formation of an outer protective layer.

Based on the type of composition, the following groups of solutions are distinguished:

Watch the video, which shows examples of treating wood with protective agents and the results of their action.

Processing of finished logs

All work on the design of a log house is not limited to the preparation of logs and their assembly. After 1-2 years, after the final shrinkage of the building occurs, the log house must be treated. The most popular technology for the process of updating and final cleaning of the surface of logs is grinding.

The processing of log logs is carried out exclusively using the following tools:


Despite the apparent ease of wood processing processes, especially those technologies that use automated high-quality equipment, we must not forget about the need for precise design and compliance with safety precautions when performing any construction work. Log processing is no exception in this regard. Correctly chosen processing technology, carried out in strict adherence to all standards, will provide a result that meets expectations and the completed house will delight the owners with unique comfort and practicality.

The tree is one of the first building materials, used by man to build a house. People are attracted to it, first of all, by its naturalness, good heat-saving properties, and unique beauty. We associate a typical rustic log house with an atmosphere of comfort and characteristic warmth.

Nowadays, buildings made from logs processed on rounding machines are very popular. But any master will tell you that wood is a very capricious material. It is afraid of water, but at the same time its pores should not be sealed and “breathing” should not be prevented.

Wood is susceptible to fungus, mold, woodworms, it belongs to the group of highly flammable materials, sometimes the logs of an already built log house can “twist”, they bend and crack. We will tell you how to deal with these problems in this article.

What is a rounded log

A rounded log is a tree trunk, cleared of branches and bark, with an equal diameter along its entire length. It looks like a smooth cylinder - hence its name.

There are 2 subtypes of rounded logs:

  • -barked log - the bark is removed using an ax or automatic units, leaving the resinous top layer intact. This processing method maintains protection and allows you to protect the finished material from negative effects. external factors;

    The downside is that under the influence of precipitation and sun rays The log darkens over time, but not completely, but only a few centimeters deep. Houses or bathhouses made from such trunks will serve for a long time.

  • - planed log - obtained after processing with an electric planer or on a machine. Automatic grinding makes the surface perfectly smooth, with a unique pattern and texture. Needs further processing and protection.

Most often, the starting material for rounding is conifers wood - pine, spruce, cedar. A log ready for use is obtained after the following processing steps:

  1. 1. cutting off the top loose layer;
  2. 2. grinding rounded logs automatic installation. In this case, the trunk is given a certain profile with mandatory observance of the run;
  3. 3. cutting grooves and trimming to specified dimensions;
  4. 4. impregnation of the workpiece with transport protective agents for water based, which are valid for about six months.

The resulting rounded log is used for the construction low-rise buildings, bathhouses, cottages, verandas, bars and other buildings for commercial, household and residential purposes.

Processing agents

  1. 1. Bioprotective or antiseptic drugs - The chemicals contained in the impregnations prevent the wood from becoming infected with mold, mildew, and bugs. Weaker solutions are used for pre-treatment, concentrates are used to treat affected areas of the log house. The most famous brands: Belinka, Tikkurilla, Neomid.
  2. 2. Water-based transport antiseptics - applied immediately after completion of work (grinding, trimming), protect against mold and rot for 6 months. Do not interfere with the application of others protective compounds and paint and varnish products. Produced by the Russian factories Rogneda, OgneBioZashchita, Neomid.
  3. 3. Fire retardant - contain a special complex of fire retardants. Houses treated with this preparation can withstand open fire for several hours. Experienced craftsmen They often use products from NORT and Rogneda factories.
  4. 4. Moisture-proof - create a continuous film on the surface that closes the pores of the wood, through which water can pass into the log and lead to rotting of the log house. NEO+, Tikkurilla, Pinotex, Biofa are widely used.
  5. 5. Complex materials. In fact, they are universal, providing a full range of protection: moisture and bioresistance, fire safety. Produced by the manufacturers Rogneda, OgneBioZashchita, Senezh-preparations.

The instructions for the formulations always indicate the period when the drug can and cannot be used.

Thus, the treatment of rounded logs with transport antiseptics begins immediately after the completion of the profiling and trimming processes. Applying other compounds only after assembling the log house into a single structure and sealing the seams.

Steps for processing and applying protection products

Any protective agents are applied to wood with a moisture content of no more than 25%. The level is measured with a special device - a moisture meter (contact or non-contact).

To process a log house made of rounded logs, the following tools and units are needed:

    Grinder or grinder with a flap wheel. Sanding is carried out to remove the top darkened layer, remnants of bark and damaged areas;

  • -a broom, a hard-bristled brush or a household vacuum cleaner for dust removal. Mini-washers or machines cannot be used high pressure(Kärcher), since you will have to wait again for the wood to dry to the desired level;
  • - a wide brush, a foam roller or with synthetic bristles, a garden sprayer or a spray gun for applying the drug;
  • -metal container for dipping or soaking.

All this will be useful for DIY home processing. And in production conditions, another method is used - autoclaving. Using a special autoclave apparatus, the logs are treated with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds. For a log house made from such blanks, mold and open fire will not be dangerous for more than 10 years.

The inconvenience of this method is that sometimes the logs need to be adjusted and cut off, making cuts. This removes the protected layer, meaning the impregnation will need to be restored.

Before you start work, you need to prepare:

  1. 1. sand the trunk to remove dirt, bark, bast, and affected areas of the tree;
  2. 2. remove all dust and dirt using dry and wet methods. Treat all corners and crevices;
  3. 3. pre-test the composition on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the log house. Wood of different grades and species reacts differently to the components of the compositions.
  4. 4. protect open areas body from contact with the drug (glove, mask, etc.);
  5. 5. be sure to stir the product before use;
  6. 6. Apply in the absence of direct sunlight and air temperature not lower than +5 °C. Frozen wood cannot be processed. It is better to choose dry, windless, cloudy weather.

Total processing of a log house made of rounded logs begins only after full cycle drying, that is, at least a year after the construction of the house under a temporary roof. This is due to the fact that excess moisture in the building material makes it difficult for the composition to penetrate, and the effectiveness of its use is reduced to a minimum.

Important! While the tree is damp, shrinkage of the house will occur constantly; cracks, dents, and irregularities may appear on perfectly even trunks, which subsequently require grinding and sealing with special sealants or compounds based on epoxy resin, acrylic, or silicone.

Experts recommend applying fire retardants first, then antiseptics. Lastly, a preservative moisture-protective composition is applied, and its renewal is outer surface It is advisable to carry out log cutting regularly - 1-2 times every 3-5 years. Particular attention should be paid to the open ends, since it is through them that a large amount of moisture penetrates into the tree trunk; ideally, they should be coated with a special paint that has a high water-repellent effect (Dulux, Tikkurilla).

The final stage - decorative coating. With the help of special oils, varnishes, glaze paints, the wood is tinted, acquires depth, and the pattern and characteristic texture of the wood appears more clearly (the final result of the processing is shown in the photo above).

Problems with rounded logs and how to deal with them

1.Cracks appeared on the finished log house.

As the log shrinks, cracks may appear on it. As a rule, craftsmen prefer not to touch them until the last moment, since it is through them that the greatest number moisture. After general processing of the log house, the defects are filled with a mixture of sawdust + epoxy resin or special sealants (Perma-Chink, REMMERS Acryl-100).

Manufacturers recommend antiseptics to reduce the number of cracks and “twisting” of the log during drying. This is explained by the fact that abundant impregnation with the preparation promotes a more uniform release of moisture from the wood, and therefore reduces the number of defects by an order of magnitude.

2. Black dots and blue spots appeared.

Mold appears unexpectedly and looks like blue-blue stains, fungus - black dots, small spots. This is especially clearly visible on the planed surface of the log house. To solve this problem, first of all, the log house must be sanded until the affected layer is completely removed (using a sander or plane), then the area must be treated with an anti-mold agent with a disinfectant effect, thoroughly rinsed, dried and applied with a preventive preparation. Repeat if necessary.

3. The wood began to darken.

Dark spots can be bleached using special means with chlorine (Belsin, Neomid) or simple bleach diluted half in water. After the wood has lightened, it must be washed with water, dried and coated with an antiseptic composition. Sanding is not necessary.

4. Marriage on the surface finished house– dents, cuts, damage.

For any defects in the frame, the first step is grinding. After leveling the surface, a protective agent with antiseptic properties is applied and, if desired, filled with wood putty of the appropriate color on a silicone or acrylic basis. It's better to just treat the dents decorative compositions, but do not fill, since the integrity of the log is not compromised.

Is it necessary to protect the bathhouse with an antiseptic?
Wood is one of the most common materials in the construction of baths. However, under the influence of negative external factors, it not only loses its original appearance, but is also attacked by fungus and various wood insects. Favorable conditions creates for fungal growth high humidity, condensation formation, temperature changes.
Treating a bathhouse with an antiseptic is an indispensable condition for its durability. Many residents wooden houses or bathhouse owners are faced with the problem of how to properly protect the wood from which they are made with antiseptics.
To do this, you need to read the instructions written on the packaging of these products. In addition, store salespeople will always help you and tell you for what purpose this or that antiseptic is needed.
To begin with, you need to understand that some products are suitable for treatment outside, on the street, where there is exposure to the sun, rain, wind, dust, birds. And others are for processing inside, where the walls are exposed to hot or cold water. Constant humidity and high temperatures quickly destroy wood.

Log baths are always natural and beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly, and also warm. To build them, of course, you need logs, which you need to be able to process correctly so that your bathhouse lasts as long as possible. Our article will tell you how to treat sauna logs.

Subject the prepared wood to two mandatory operations: debarking and sharpening. Debarking is the removal of bark from a log; it is usually done without any mechanized tools, by hand, but only if the amount of work is small. Simply remove the top dark layer of bark until you reach light wood. When you debark, you will notice that there are not very large but noticeable areas of bast left on the log, or the so-called “subbark” (a fresh layer of tree bark that is separated from the trunk itself). This layer, as it dries, darkens, and the wood usually becomes variegated in color, so characteristic of unplaned logs. If, during debarking, the fibrous composition (fibrous structure) of the tree is not damaged, but the bast is subject to rotting, it is precisely because of this that the log must be used for trimming.
Use an electric planer to remove the underbark (about 0.5-1 cm). Guide the tool along the length of the log. Try to remove an even layer the first time, otherwise the wood will have technical creases. This will not affect the quality of the building material, but over time it will manifest itself in the unaesthetic appearance of the logs - the creases will darken, even if you cover them with an antiseptic and special impregnation. The result of correctly performed actions will be a beautiful, natural golden-colored log, completely cleared of bast.

Dry the logs. This can be done under natural conditions (but taking into account the climatic conditions of the country, as a rule, few people dare to do this) or use thermal chambers, where the wood is kept for up to 5 days. An under-dried tree will crack along its length over time, so do not neglect this method of protecting your future bathhouse.

Wood, especially processed wood, is susceptible to mold fungi, insects (for example, bark beetles), as well as various natural factors. You have the right to decide what lifespan to assign to your bathhouse by treating the logs with chemical protective agents. Use modern antiseptics, protection against insects and wood-staining fungus (if you are going to paint the bathhouse).

Of course, traditional hand cutting technology has proven itself with best side: can be found in almost any settlement wooden houses, which are fifty, seventy, or even a hundred years old. But please note that these perfectly preserved buildings were erected not by modern hewers, but by old masters - completely different people with a different mentality from a completely different time. No one knows how long a house made by a team of modern craftsmen will last; No one can predict what its walls will look like in three to five years.

When contacting a team of craftsmen, be sure to carefully examine the log buildings that the team is currently working on and make your

pay close attention to the following:

gaps between the crowns; cleanliness of processing of cups and intercoronal grooves; absence of a large variation in the diameters of logs from one log house; the number of potentially problematic logs in the assembled log houses (crooked timber, significant radial cracks); the attitude of master woodcutters towards their product (the abundance of dirt on the logs is not just a consequence of carelessness, it is evidence that the workers will easily assemble your log house from half-rotten, crooked logs).

Modern technologies, as a consequence of their implementation, have a significant weakening of the dependence of the quality of the final result on the skill of workers. In the case of mechanized processing, quality is more dependent on the smoothness of production and the technological capabilities of the equipment.

Therefore, an individual developer, when contacting a woodworking shop, should first of all pay attention to:

the presence of mechanization during the entire cycle of work; reviews of completed orders from previous clients; availability and accessibility of sorted raw materials; production time frames ( long time production must necessarily alert the customer, because it is a consequence of obvious or hidden problems in the technological process); technological capabilities of the equipment - ask, for example, whether it is possible with this equipment to round logs along the generatrix of a cone (“like a carrot”); age and technical condition of the production base (old and worn-out machines are unlikely to lead to high-quality results).

Methods of harvesting wood for building a house or bathhouse.

When harvesting wood, the trunk of a cut tree is cut into equal sections of approximately 6 meters in length. The thickest log, the butt, is called the “first cut.” The next section of the trunk is the second cut. And so on. It is noteworthy that the closer the cut is to the top of the trunk, the more tapered the log is observed. The first cut is practically a cylinder.
The structure of the wood is heterogeneous along the radius of the trunk. The densest layer is the outer outer layer, 1-2 cm thick, located directly under the bark. If this layer is damaged, when the surface of the inner layers of wood begins to come into contact with the external environment, the log becomes susceptible to rotting and subsequent destruction.

There are differences in wood different breeds. Thus, spruce wood is richly and evenly saturated with resin from the very early age wood; Pine wood is sufficiently saturated with resin only in adulthood. Moreover, it is mainly the outer layers that are saturated. Therefore, when using logs of small diameter (up to 26 cm), it is wiser to use spruce, as it is more durable, because pine at an age when the first cut does not exceed 26 cm in diameter is not yet sufficiently impregnated with resins and, accordingly, is less durable.

On the other hand, the abundant resin content of mature pine wood can do a disservice in rooms such as saunas or baths. Heat and high humidity cause the wood to “cry,” losing its resinous substances and staining the surface of the log. In the case of using pine wood for hot visits, it is considered mandatory to interior lining clapboard; for spruce log houses this operation is redundant.

One of the main disadvantages of rounded logs is their short service life due to their susceptibility to rotting: the removed dense layer exposes the internal surface of the log, which is easily susceptible to destructive processes. However, when using first-cut logs, this accusation has no basis: the original log is an almost perfect cylinder, and by peeling off a layer of bark and a few millimeters of the subbark layer, the cylinder machine does not at all transform the log into a “short-lived beautiful toy.”

Logged or rounded house - which is better and why?

As illustrations of the traditional process, we use photographs that we were kindly allowed to take at the work site of a team of master wood bath cutters.

The opponent of classical technology is the mechanized processing workshop. Homemade rounding machine allows you to process logs up to 10 meters long and up to 60 cm in diameter. “Carrot” rounding is possible.

Hand-cutting is cheaper, so a hand-cut log house is more profitable than a log house made from rounded logs
In our specific case, the team of craftsmen estimates their work at 5,000 rubles per cubic meter of processed wood. Log houses from a mechanized woodworking workshop will cost the buyer 5,500 rubles per cubic meter plus free delivery within a radius of 50 km from the workshop.

The team of craftsmen consists of 8 people: 2 cutters clear the log from the bark, 2 planers cylinder the log with electric planers, 2 cup makers cut out the cups, 2 auxiliary workers are on hand. Such a team adds an average of 2-4 logs to the log house per work shift. The frame of the 12 crowns of the five-wall bathhouse will be ready no earlier than a month.

In a mechanized workshop, a team of 4 people will assemble such a log house in less than a week.

Whether your lost time is worth the illusory gain of 5% of the final cost is up to you to decide for yourself.

With traditional felling, manual adjustment of each log will ultimately lead to a warmer log house.

Perhaps this position is true, but only in the case when a house or bathhouse is cut down for oneself. A team of custom craftsmen is forced to use every log prepared, as a result, crooked logs, broken logs, and other defective logs end up in the log house.

A curved log laid in a log house leads to deformation of the entire wall, in addition, its behavior in the future, when dried logs lose 5-8% in diameter, is absolutely unpredictable: huge cracks can form, an initially curved log is highly likely to bend even more and deforms the entire frame.

The discrepancy does not allow you to cut grooves and cups accurately and equally. The ideal cup is cut to half the diameter of the log being laid. And what kind of ideal cup can we talk about if a log with a diameter of 40 cm fits onto a log with a diameter of 20 centimeters? Indeed, in this case, the “ideal cup” will simply cut the lower crown in half.

And in general, what kind of accuracy are we talking about if you can easily stick your finger into the holes between the rims? No matter how much a happy developer who bought such a traditional log house cheaply stuffs insulation into it, the wind will still blow through the walls of such a log house.

In a mechanized processing shop, the listed problems simply do not arise:

There is no discrepancy, because The logs are initially sorted by diameter, and 28 cm blanks are placed into the ordered frame from 28 cm logs - loading a forty-centimeter log into the machine in order to obtain a 28 cm blank is not profitable for the manufacturer itself. Crooked logs are rejected initially - they simply cannot be rounded: the beating of such a workpiece will break the machine. Interventional grooves are also selected on the machine; their depth is calculated based on the diameter of the logs. Therefore, there are simply no fluctuations in this parameter in log houses made from rounded logs. And if there is, this defect clearly catches the eye of even an inexperienced buyer.

Peculiarities in the use of logs during construction.

The log house is usually assembled from winter-cut logs that have not been dried. As the wood dries, the log loses 5-5% of its diameter. Uneven drying leads to the appearance of radial cracks, often splitting the log in half. Classical technology in no way protects the log house from such destruction.

The figure shows how radial cracks appear on the logs of the assembled log house already during the control assembly process due to uneven shrinkage of the wood.

In rounded logs, to protect the log from radial splitting due to uneven shrinkage, a special compensation groove is cut. They cut it from the side of the log opposite the cup to the depth of the radius.

In no case should the expansion groove be visible from the street or in contact with the external environment - usually the surface of the groove is covered with the jaws of the inter-crown groove.

Although the expansion groove cannot resist radial cracking of logs, it reliably protects the log from splitting in half.

Another, most often remembered sin of log houses made of rounded logs is the destruction during rounding of the dense subcortical layer, which is resistant to rotting and infection by mold and mildew.

But, as mentioned above, these accusations make sense only in relation to logs from young pine trees of small (up to 24..26 cm) diameter: logs larger diameter are carefully sorted, and their resin content is more than enough to resist any infection.

Moreover, the woodworking equipment of a modern mechanized workshop makes it possible to round logs “like carrots”, i.e. maintain the taper of the original workpiece. This technological complication satisfies the needs of the most demanding customer and allows the construction of log houses from logs of both small and very large sizes. large diameters, guaranteeing their long service life, high build quality that does not change over time, and protection of wood from pathogenic infections.

Preferring wooden house construction over everything, the owner must not forget that wood is subject to all sorts of destructive actions both from nature - fungus, mold, and from biological species- beetles, moths, etc. Applying protection chemical properties and special purposes, it is possible to achieve an increase in service life and operation wooden log house bathhouses or residential buildings. It is absolutely impossible to do without such an important action as treating log logs with an antiseptic; below we will give recommendations on some of their types.

The importance of step-by-step processing

Compositions for several purposes are available on the market. They may be good, but as practice shows, when mixed, the components cannot create a sufficient effect to protect the wood. This can be contributed to by many factors, both weather and chemical.

For example, the sun can activate one component and at the same time weaken the effect of another. Frost, on the contrary, will slow down all active components. And if the work of applying the coating was done superficially or incorrectly, you should not expect protection from it.

Main stages

First, the processing of log logs begins with the cleaning stage:

It is better to do this after the impregnation is completed. Then not only heating, but also steam is welcomed.

For work you need to use brushes and hard brushes. Movements should not be hasty. Time for absorption and drying of the layers is given at least a day. Thus, the question of how to process a log for a log house is resolved.

Also, wood can be coated with compounds long before it is assembled, but in this case, storage must be at a height, otherwise the washed-out compounds will not last long if the logs are not covered with something.

New word – anti-aging protection

More recently, the manufacturer offered new option protection of decorative wood from aging. Thus, the rounded log, and not only it, has a chance to stand in beautiful view longer than expected.

These products have earned approval among the owners of private houses, and choosing, guided by the table, the right one for a specific treatment is not difficult. They are not without other qualities:

  1. Minimum consumption. Of course, you won’t be able to save money if the dose prescribed by the annotation is halved - this rejects the idea of ​​impregnation completely, but the specified amount is more than enough for the allocated area.
  2. All compositions have a high penetrating ability into the structure of wood, regardless of its quality - porous, smooth, etc.
  3. Does not seal the natural breathing passages of the log. By the way, you need to take into account that the ends of the logs are not coated with any compounds - these are natural channels, and they must be clean.
  4. Harmless to humans and pets.
  5. The release form allows you to correctly dose and use the formulations without using other containers for this.
  6. Many of them are made with the addition of wax and oils, which allows them to not only impregnate the wood, but also polish it.

It also becomes clear that if the composition has such a quality as anti-aging, then its appearance is guaranteed for at least 15 years. Processing a log house made of rounded logs requires this, because its beautiful appearance should please its owners for as long as possible.

Bathhouse - a special room for impregnation

If the master's bathhouse is also made of beautiful or wild logs, then it no less needs protection. The only difficulty with this is that this is a room where heavy chemicals cannot be used.

Only natural ingredients or those recommended by the manufacturer are suitable. Today there are many of them, but two of them are worth noting:

  • Senezh. This composition is labeled as intended exclusively for baths and saunas. This does not prevent its use for other premises, but only creates a kind of advertising - if it can be used even in bathhouses, then it is also suitable for residential premises. When choosing Senezh for a bath, you need to take into account that there are different types for different protection.
  • Aquatex. The name itself has to do with water, which means it would be correct to use it for a bath. In addition, such compositions can have a beneficial effect on the external appearance of wood - in some cases, aquatex decorates the wood to resemble valuable species.

This is not a complete list of products presented on the wood chemical products market, but it is popular. By using these chemicals, the owner of a wooden house or bathhouse, decorative or not, is guaranteed to receive all possible protection for his creation. And How important condition without harm to yourself and others. Good luck with your choice!

Log houses and bathhouses are very popular, which is quite natural, because wooden house is considered more environmentally friendly than brick or stone. A log house is usually made from rounded timber. In winter, the walls of such a house are warm, and in summer they keep the desired coolness. For a log house to last a long time, it needs processing, polishing and high-quality impregnation. But how to treat a log house, how and when to do it? Is it possible to do without this?

Why process logs?

Wood is a living material; it is susceptible to fungal infections and mold; in addition, wood can delaminate, dry out, or, conversely, swell. To avoid troubles associated with the properties of wood, it is necessary to carry out processing.

Inside the walls of the house are not exposed to aggressive influences environment, which cannot be said about baths made of wood. In addition to the indicated environmental impact outside on the walls of a wooden frame, inside the bathhouse the walls are affected by elevated temperatures and humidity. This is why it is so important to additional protection walls of the bathhouse from the inside.

Not least important is the appearance of the house. Therefore, the treatment is not only functional, but also aesthetic in nature, since almost all impregnation agents for log houses have decorative properties.

Log processing occurs in several stages various compositions, among which:

  • antiseptic;
  • fire retardant;
  • whitening.


Before treating a log house with impregnation, it requires grinding, which solves a number of issues:

  • eliminates roughness;
  • masks cracks;
  • removes bark;
  • makes it look better.

In addition, sanding prepares the logs for impregnation with other substances after this work. Grinding is carried out when the upper surface of the timber dries well. If you try to sand wet wood, it will cause the wood fibers to separate.

Grinding is carried out in several ways:

  1. First, a grinder and an abrasive disc are used.
  2. Then a sander and attachments with different degrees of grit are used.
  3. Afterwards, final sanding is carried out with a fine-grained nozzle.

The sawdust remaining after grinding is removed or used for gardening work. After grinding the rounded timber, you can directly impregnate the log house.

Bleaching agents

To protect the surface of the rounded timber from damage by a fungus that causes blueing of the wood, the log house is additionally treated with bleaching agents:

  • "Sagus";
  • "Sagoy";
  • "Neomid 500";
  • “League” is a new drug, notable for the fact that it is able to revive an old tree, rid the log house of blackness and blueness, restoring its former appearance.

First, the log house is treated with a bleaching agent, and then with an antiseptic.

Antiseptic treatment

Antiseptic impregnation is used to increase service life wooden structures and is carried out both inside and outside the house and bathhouse. Antiseptics prevent the development and proliferation of bacteria inside the walls. The initial impregnation with an antiseptic is carried out by the manufacturer of the rounded timber, after which the wood is aged for at least another six months to a year for complete drying and only then is it delivered to the site.

Easy-to-clean and difficult-to-clean antiseptic formulations are used to treat internal and external surfaces. Easily washable ones dry quickly and are less resistant to moisture; they are applied to internal surfaces. Hard-to-wash types dry extremely slowly, but are quite resistant to washing out by precipitation, and are recommended for external processing of rounded timber.

Antiseptic preparations used for external surfaces of timber:

  • “Neomid 440” (protects timber from bacteria, fungal diseases and viruses for up to 15 years);
  • “Aquatex” (in addition to the main protective functions, it gives the timber the appearance of valuable wood, and also protects the walls of the bathhouse from rotting, water, and sunlight);
  • "Prosept ultra";
  • "League-Bioshield".

Antiseptics for impregnating the inside of a log house:

  • "Neomid 430";
  • "Prosept Interior".

The antiseptic is made using synthetic and natural oils, which are able to penetrate into the wood fibers, after which they form a stable compound. Coating with antiseptic drugs is carried out in several stages. Each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Processing is not allowed until the rounded timber has dried out, or in wet weather.

Fire retardant treatment

Since wood is highly flammable, first of all, you need to think about fire protection. Fire retardants must be used for processing log wood in any case.

For fire-prevention impregnation the following means are used:

  1. “Neomid 530” - in addition to fire-fighting properties, it has protection against biological damage, as well as decorative properties.
  2. "Senezh Ognebio" - provides protection against rotting, fire, and insect pests.
  3. "Phenilax" - protects against fire and internal damage, penetrating deep into the wood.
  4. “KSD” is a product that, in addition to fire-retardant properties, is an antiseptic.
  5. "Pirilax SS-20" - used to treat the walls of the bathhouse inside.
  6. "Pirilax 3000" - this product is used to treat the outside of baths.

Fire protection occurs when a rounded beam is exposed to an open flame or high temperatures. After a fire, a foam layer appears on the treated walls of the log house, which stops the access of oxygen to the surface and prevents the fire from spreading.

Stages and methods of applying compositions

So, the processing and impregnation of the log house is carried out in several layers. The logs must first be covered:

  • bleaching agent to avoid premature aging of wood;
  • antiseptic - the first layer is applied by the manufacturer;
  • fireproof layer.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the means with which to treat the ends of the logs. The fact is that the end part of the log absorbs moisture more strongly than the side. To prevent the wood from absorbing moisture, it is necessary to cover the logs with a water-repellent layer.

The ends of the logs must be coated at least 5 times, Special attention, focusing on the logs of the lower tier, while the side part will be sufficiently covered with 2 layers. It is advisable to carry out additional treatment of the lower tier by all means, since the log house below is subject not only to climatic influences, but also to the influence of dampness from the ground.

Layering methods:

  1. You can cover the surface with a roller or brush; this method is suitable for thick mixtures.
  2. Using a spray (spray) - for aqueous solutions.
  3. The surface can be coated using the immersion method, so the timber is coated evenly on all sides.

It is not worth saving on the processing of a wooden frame, so that you do not have to incur additional costs to eliminate all sorts of problems.