In a private house      06/02/2019

DIY garage walls with osb panels. Using OSB boards for interior decoration of a house. Internal wall cladding

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Self finishing garage - all the most popular options

Each owner has his own idea of ​​​​how his garage should look like. Simple enough for one metal box, and the second seeks to create a well-appointed and warm house, in which you can put a car, and a shelf if you need to knock down, and meet friends, such a mini-club of interests. Accordingly, the decoration of the garage inside and outside will be different. In this article I will try to highlight the most popular options for finishing garages today, with the emphasis on self-development.

What does finishing work in garages include?

All structures of this type are divided into capital block and light metal constructions. Naturally, both materials and finishing technology will be different in each case.

But no matter what home you choose for your car, general technology includes four main areas:

  1. The first and, perhaps, most important thing is the arrangement of the walls from the inside and, of course, from the outside;
  2. The question of how to decorate the gate has always been considered a painful and no less problematic one.;
  3. Whatever one may say, the car still has a decent weight and a durable floor in the garage plays an important role. Moreover, the problem doubles if the owner also wants to equip himself with a cellar or inspection hole;
  4. Ceiling decoration can be called more desirable than mandatory, but we will also touch on this issue.

Since the finishing of the floor, ceiling and gates in all garages is generally similar, I will talk about these areas below in separate chapters. Let's start our conversation with options for wall decoration in block and metal garages.

How and how to decorate walls in block structures

In this case, block structures mean buildings made of brick, cinder block, foam or aerated concrete, as well as solid or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures.

Of all the above materials used for the construction of garages, foam and aerated concrete require a special approach. It is strictly forbidden to leave these materials unfinished, since they are hygroscopic, that is, they can be quite saturated with moisture.

Good old plaster

How many exist capital construction, so many people plaster buildings. Therefore, the list of how to decorate the walls of a block garage is traditionally topped by plaster.

October 5, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing work and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The use of OSB boards these days is so extensive that it can be found almost everywhere: both inside and outside structures. This is due to high operational properties material and ease of use. We will figure out for what purposes OSB sheets can be used, how to choose them and what to pay attention to when finishing the surface inside and outside of buildings.

Use of material inside

I am often asked the question whether it is possible to use OSB for interior decoration? There are no obstacles to this, since quality material always has certificates confirming its safety for human health.

Wall cladding

OSB is ideal for interior wall decoration. It is important to collect all the necessary materials before work:

Materials used Characteristics
Frame material
OSB boards The size of the sheets is 2440x1220 mm, as for the thickness, it can range from 6 to 30 mm, you need to choose the option that suits the specific situation. Most often, sheets with a thickness of 10-11 mm are used, but standards may vary. The quantity is calculated based on the area to be coated
Frame material Here we need either wooden blocks, or metallic profile. You yourself must choose the option that is most suitable for your home. Metal is more expensive, but it does not deform due to changes in temperature and humidity; wood is cheaper, but the frame can “walk” when temperatures fluctuate. Wood is most often used, but this does not mean that you cannot install a profile
Fasteners Interior decoration requires reliable fixation of each element, so close attention must be paid to fasteners. For work, you can use either self-tapping screws or screw nails; they fix the material much better than conventional ones, which means they will ensure high reliability of the finish.

If you are purchasing OSB for finishing, it is better to purchase a material that has already been sanded at the factory. This will greatly simplify your life and save a lot of time when applying decorative coatings.

As for the tools, in all cases you need approximately the same set; I will list everything you need here, but I won’t write about it in other sections, since this list will be relevant there too.

You need to have the following on hand:

  • If the sheathing or frame will be attached to concrete or brick, then you need a hammer drill with drills of the required diameter and length. It can also be used as a drill by turning off the impact mode and placing the chuck under drills for metal or wood. Such universal option is the most convenient to date;
  • For twisting individual elements structures and when attaching OSB sheets to the frame with self-tapping screws, you cannot do without a screwdriver - it is unlikely that you will be able to tighten the fasteners by hand, it takes too much effort. If nails are used for fastening, then you will naturally need a hammer; this tool is available at any construction site;
  • It is impossible to carry out quality work without a measuring tool. A wide variety of devices can be used: from classic options, like a plumb line and tape measure, to high-tech in the form laser level and the same roulette. Marking is done using a regular construction pencil, although you can also use special options like felt-tip pens.

Now let's figure out how the walls inside the house are finished using OSB boards:

  • First of all, you need to mark the future position of the frame; for this, a level and plumb line are used; it is important to determine the position of the elements in advance, so that later you are not constantly distracted by controlling the plane. Most often, elements are placed close to the walls; here it is important to find the most protruding area and dance away from it when marking;
  • It is important to clearly define the distance vertical racks, they should run along the edges of each sheet and in the middle, creating a stiffening rib. Most often, the spacing of the frame elements is approximately 40 centimeters; the thickness of the block should be at least 40 mm to ensure the convenience of attaching our OSB boards to it;

  • The frame is fastened depending on the type of base: the structure is fixed to wood with self-tapping screws, and to concrete and brick - with dowels. To strengthen individual sections (the same openings), you can additionally install metal corners. If you have frame house, then the structure will already be present and there is no need to build anything, the main thing is that the insulation is laid and the vapor barrier membrane is fixed;

  • The material is fastened according to strict rules: there must be a gap of 10 mm between the OSB board and the floor, and the same is left along the ceiling. It is also important to place the sheets not closely, but at a distance of 3 mm from each other, this will prevent surface deformation due to changes in humidity, because the material reacts to them;

  • As for installation, screws or nails are placed every 15 cm at the joints of the sheets and at a distance of 30 cm on the intermediate posts. Along the edges, that is, above and below, it is recommended to place the fasteners even closer - every 10 cm. The work is done carefully; you should not place the fasteners closer than 10 mm from the edge, since there is a high probability of cracking of the material.

Ceiling cladding

This option is most often used in suburban and country houses, but it can also be implemented in an apartment, if it suits the interior, the work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to fix the guides around the perimeter of the room, the easiest way is to pre-mark with a laser level or construction cord in order to have clear guidelines. Installation is carried out either using self-tapping screws, if the structure is wooden, or using dowels for other bases;
  • Next, you need to fix the remaining elements of the frame, it is important to constantly monitor the plane and carefully fix each part of the structure. If the fastening is not done directly to the ceiling, but with a gap, then the easiest way to work is to use direct drywall hangers, with their help you can clearly set each rack and securely fix it;

  • As for fastening the sheets, the process is similar to that described above; it makes no sense to repeat all the requirements. Here we can only note the fact that if you built metal carcass, then you need to use screws with a fine thread pitch, and not with a large one, like for wood.

When working with the ceiling, it is important to foresee the laying of the cable, and it is best to lay it in a special corrugated box to ensure safety.


The floor of OSB boards is not only reliable, but also original, so this option is found more and more often, as for the workflow, it can be divided into several main stages:

  • First you need to determine how thick the sheet will be used, a lot depends on this. So, with a thickness of 15-18 mm, the distance between the lags should be no more than 40 cm, if the thickness is 18-22 mm, then the lags can be located in increments of 50 cm, and if the thickness is 23 mm or more, then between the lags there may be up to 60 cm. That is, if you already have logs, then you need to select an OBB slab for them, otherwise your floor will turn out to be unreliable;

If you already have flooring in the form of a board or other material, then you can attach OSB directly to it; you just need to first level the surface if there are uneven surfaces.

  • Next, it’s worth considering the location of the sheets; they are always laid perpendicular to the position of the joists, and all joints should be supported. As for the long side, for the floor it is necessary to use a special version of the OSB board with a tongue-and-groove connection system, since fastening the elements with staples or other fasteners is not possible The best decision, and the strength will be several times lower;

  • Regardless of what base the floor will be placed on, the surface must be waterproofed; for this, a special film is laid that will protect the material from below. If insulation is needed, then the heat-insulating elements are placed in the frame as tightly as possible;
  • The OSB is fastened using self-tapping screws, which must be recessed so that the head is located below the plane of the floor, this will simplify its further finishing. A deformation gap of 10 mm must be left between the slab and the walls to compensate for the reaction of the material to changes in humidity and temperature. Laying begins from the corner; this is also an important condition for reliable installation.

Using OSB for external walls

Due to the high moisture resistance, OSB-3 and OSB-4 can be successfully used in exterior decoration. We will not consider the option of sheets for the roof, since this is not a finish, but a foundation device, but wall cladding requires the closest attention. This method is ideal for frame structures, as well as for protecting old buildings trimmed with wood paneling.

Let's figure out how the exterior cladding is made from OSB boards. To begin with, I will show you a diagram that shows the ideal structure of the frame structure, this will allow you to understand how the entire work process should be carried out, because we are only analyzing its last stage.

Exterior finishing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • The entire surface of the facade must be covered with a windproof film, which will protect the structure from adverse influences and allow all its elements to maintain strength and reliability for as long as possible. The easiest way to fasten the material is with a special construction stapler;

  • Next, you need to secure the outer sheathing; you can use either a block or a planed board for it; it is much more convenient due to its large width. The distance between the elements depends on the thickness of the OSB board; the most commonly used option is 10-12 mm, under which the sheathing should be fixed in increments of no more than 40 cm;
  • As for the arrangement of sheets, all the requirements that apply inside are also valid outside. The space at the top and bottom should be at least 10 mm, and gaps of 3-5 mm should be left between the sheets, since temperature differences outside are greater, which means the material will expand more;

  • As for window openings, it is best to cut them directly into the sheet, this produces the most durable option. It is important to make a reliable frame of the opening in order to secure the material as best as possible;

  • Fastening is done using screw nails 50 mm long or self-tapping screws 41 mm long. The spacing at the joints is 15 cm, at the edges - 10 cm, on the elements in the middle of the sheet responsible for rigidity - 30 cm. The distance from the edge is at least 10 mm, and better yet 15-20, which is why it is better to make the sheathing from wider materials.

Decorative coating options

I deliberately did not begin to understand every section about what can be applied to the surface and how to do it. I will talk about the most popular options in one chapter, and you will choose the best one depending on your situation. It will be easier and clearer this way.


If you need a quick and inexpensive finishing walls or ceiling, then this option will be the most optimal solution; in addition to low costs, it is also good for the simplicity of the process. But in order to achieve best result, need to know whole line important conditions and recommendations:

  • First of all, you need to check all the fastener caps; if some of them are located above the level of the sheets, then they should be recessed to a depth of 1-2 mm. Self-tapping screws are tightened with a screwdriver, and nails are deepened using a hammer, since driving them deep with a hammer is problematic;

  • It is recommended to round all ends on the sheets using sandpaper, this is necessary so that there are no smudges of the composition around the edges. Of course, it is best to use materials with ground ends, but finding such can be very, very difficult;
  • All fastening points, as well as joints between sheets, are sealed with acrylic-based sealant. It is great for OSB and allows you to hide all problem areas. Another advantage of this type of composition is that they are easily painted if necessary, unlike silicone sealants. After drying, all excess can be easily removed with sandpaper;

If you will cover the surface with varnish or other composition that does not hide the structure of the material, then it is best to use acrylic sealant in the color “Pine”; it matches best with the color of OSB and is almost invisible after application.

  • Before finishing OSB walls inside a house or outside a building, it is necessary to prime the surface. This is due to the fact that the surface has uneven absorption, and if it is not prepared, then any paint and varnish composition will lie unevenly. It is best to use acrylic-based compositions with a strengthening effect for painting; they are applied with a brush or over the entire area;

  • If, after the material has dried, you find that pile has risen on it, then you need to sand the base with sandpaper with a grain size of M150 or less. After all the defects have been removed, the primer must be repeated; only after this can we consider that we have qualitatively prepared the base for finishing;
  • As finishing coating Both paint and varnish can be used, it all depends on the purpose of use and the type of base. If paint is used, it is best to use alkyd or acrylic based options, although water-based compositions Suitable if you use a moisture resistant plate. The work is carried out in several stages, it is best to apply 2-3 layers to obtain a reliable and durable decorative and protective layer;

  • If you are applying varnish, you can use different variants. After all, it could be a ceiling made of OSB boards and its finishing will not be subject to wear, or it could be a floor that is under constant load, and if a weak composition is applied, it will quickly become unusable. Good for ceilings and walls acrylic lacquer, while for flooring it is best to use high-strength polyurethane-based options.


If you have not yet decided how to finish the OSB, but are firmly convinced that the surface will either be plastered, or covered with wallpaper, or painted all over, then you can prepare the base by puttingtying it. Putty allows you to get a perfectly flat surface that can be finished in any way you like, and this is an undoubted advantage of this solution.

There are many opinions among experts regarding how to carry out the work correctly, I will tell you about the option that I tried myself and which showed itself to be the best:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dust and dirt, just wipe it with a rag and check if the heads of the screws or nail heads are sticking out. They should be recessed 1-2 mm below the level of the slab, and if this is not the case, all defects must be eliminated before starting other work;
  • Since OSB boards pass special treatment, there is always paraffin or wax on the surface; these materials impair the adhesion of the compounds, so you must definitely walk over the surface with an emery block to remove the paraffin and make the material rougher. This is a tedious but very important step that must be done if you want the best result;

  • Then you need to seal all the seams between the sheets; for this you can use nitro putty, but I prefer lightweight putty for bodywork. It is very elastic and at the same time has excellent adhesion; it can quickly and reliably seal all joints. And you don’t need to worry that the composition will fall off; it will withstand many years, because its strength is an order of magnitude higher than that of construction options;

  • When the composition has dried, you need to remove small flaws with sandpaper, after which you can begin priming the surface. For this work I use adhesive compounds; they adhere perfectly to OSB and create a rough surface that is suitable for any type of finish. Simply put, we get an excellent base for any purpose and can apply anything to it without worrying about how to finish OSB;

  • Any putty is applied to the surfaces prepared in this way, the work here is no different from ordinary work, you need to ensure the uniformity of the layer and carefully repair all unevenness, if any. After drying, the surface must be sanded using sandpaper or a special mesh. You can easily glue wallpaper onto such a base, you can apply paint, because you get a regular putty surface;
  • If you decide to apply on top decorative plaster, then you can further strengthen the surface with a fiberglass mesh, this will ensure maximum durability of the finish. It is recommended to install it for exterior finishing; it is not at all necessary inside.

Using all the recommendations, you can easily figure out how to decorate the outside of an OSB house or how to treat the ceiling. It is important not to violate the technology and use only moisture-resistant materials, as they are much stronger and more reliable.


OSB board – excellent modern solution, which is suitable for different purposes and can be used both for interior and exterior decoration. It is important to properly and securely fasten the material and then finish it to protect it from adverse influences and give it a more attractive appearance. The video will tell you about some important nuances the topic discussed, and if you have questions, then write them in the comments under this review.

– this is a second home. This is where many “men” spend all their evenings and weekends. Therefore, the improvement of this additional “living” area is important. Even if in your case this is not the case, then anyway, any person wants to feel cozy and comfortable in the room. And in this situation, it is important how to line the inside of the garage. What materials can be used? Some options will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for finishing materials

To sheathe the walls of a garage, it is very important to choose the right material. This will depend not only appearance, but also safety and durability. So, the material must meet the following requirements:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • non-flammability;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics.

This General requirements to materials. Everything else will depend on the taste and financial capabilities of the garage owner.

Plaster is the cheapest option

Usage sand-cement mortar for finishing walls in non-residential premises - this is an old and proven method. A layer of plaster will protect against excess moisture and insulate the garage a little. In addition, cement and sand are non-flammable substances, which means the level of fire safety increases.

The mortar for plaster is prepared in the usual way. For one part of cement, take three, four or five (depending on the brand of cement) parts of sifted sand. Then, using a trowel, the mixture is applied to the surface. If the walls are uneven, you can apply several layers.

To increase durability and improve appearance, all walls can be painted. For these purposes, it is better to take waterproof or facade paints. In this case, the surface can be washed.

Using ceramic tiles

Another popular method is using ceramic tiles. This finish is not afraid of fire, mechanical stress and chemicals. The tiles are also easy to clean, and (if the installation technology is followed) they are not afraid of water.

As a more reliable option, you can choose clinker tiles. This material is made from special clay using special firing. As a result, all the pores of the tile are closed, and it is absolutely not afraid of water. But such finishing material is quite expensive.

Decorating walls in a garage using tiles (regular ceramic or clinker) requires certain skills. In addition, such material is quite heavy, so only strong walls can withstand such a load. Finishing tiles can be used if the garage is built of brick or concrete.

A newly built garage will shrink, so tiling is not advisable until this process is completed.

Wood finishing

Quite often, wood is used to decorate the walls in the garage. Wooden panels or lining can be used to beautifully decorate the interior space quite quickly and without dirt. In addition, it will cost relatively inexpensive.

But this material has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, wood burns well. Therefore, such finishing increases the fire hazard. Secondly, wooden structures Due to temperature changes and changes in humidity, they may begin to warp. This will seriously affect the appearance.

Wood absorbs odors well. After a long period of use, the walls of the garage can begin to smell very unpleasant.

But there is one alternative. The walls in the garage can be sheathed with oriented strand boards or OSB. This material consists of 90% wood chips, and the rest is a special waterproof resin. Thanks to this composition, the slabs do not burn, are not saturated with odors and are not afraid of excess moisture. The structure of OSB allows you to hold driven nails well and another plus is that there is no danger of damage by insects (which cannot be said about ordinary wood).

Application of plastic panels

Can also be used modern material. Plastic panels are perfect for decorating walls in a garage. This material does not burn and will not be damaged by excess moisture. In addition, the walls can be easily washed, which is very important for keeping the garage clean.

It is better to use as panels for finishing facade materials. They are stronger and more durable. But even these panels have one significant drawback - they are fragile. Plastic can easily break from a strong impact.

When choosing a material for decorating walls in a garage, you need to weigh the pros and cons, look at the photo and choose suitable option. It is important to understand for what purposes you will use the garage. If it is constantly held renovation work, then it is better to choose reliable plaster or strong ceramic tiles. If the garage is needed only for storing a car, then you can use wooden or plastic panels. They are not as durable and practical, but they have a more attractive appearance.


This video shows how a garage is sheathed with corrugated sheets:


Very convenient and multifunctional material for different construction work– oriented strand boards. Since the production technology of these slabs is not complicated, for interior finishing work the master can choose a specific option from four types OSB boards or consider special types of these boards.

What are the sheets of these products made of? Everything is simple - wood chips are used (flat fragments are used), shavings: these materials are glued together and the result is actually an excellent finishing material. Three or four layers of chips or shavings – these are the indicators that can be called optimal. Installing OSB on walls is more preferable than using the same chipboard.

However, oriented strand boards are a kind of modification of wood-fiber material, some of its modern analogue. If finances allow, it is better to choose OSB for facing work (plywood or chipboard are increasingly being abandoned today).

Scope of OSB, classification of boards

Before considering the classification of slabs and deciding which is the best OSB for finishing walls, it is important to pay attention to the characteristics of such a material.

Types of OSB boards

Here everything is as follows:

  • OSB boards of the first class - they are usually chosen for such premises where low level humidity;
  • Type two - the material can be safely chosen for dry rooms; it is even used as structural element during construction work;
  • Type 3 OSB – these boards are used in rooms where there is a high level of humidity;
  • The fourth type of such products is used for cladding structures that can cope even with significant mechanical loads. Moreover, we are talking about conditions where the level of humidity is high.

Application area

One thing can be said about the scope of application - OSB installation the task is truly urgent, since such slabs are used in many construction aspects.

It’s just that this material has such a manufacturing technology, due to which all internal defects are simply eliminated (at the same time, Chipboard sheets they appear very often - voids, uneven fillings). Due to all this, OSB is a more preferable option - it does not deform and does not shrink.

And now in detail - where exactly can this material be used??

  1. OSB cladding is often a very profitable solution for walls. Due to this approach, the house receives reliable protection from dampness, and also acquires additional insulation. What's best here: there is no need for additional finishing work after installing OSB;
  2. Under construction frame-panel houses OSB boards are usually used, which have high level moisture resistance;
  3. Since the material has such valuable quality, it makes a decent reusable formwork;
  4. It is used as a base when making external cladding walls, as well as internal works– if wooden finishing is carried out country houses, cottages (made of timber, rounded logs);
  5. OSB boards are your faithful assistant if you are making sheathing or rafters for the roof. This material can work even under serious load - it will definitely withstand the weight of not only the roof itself, but also all accompanying loads (wind, snow) - even if natural tiles are laid on the roof (a material that weighs nothing);
  6. If you need to level the floors in your house or lay them from scratch, here again you can pay attention to the installation of OSB. Just such a slab - perfect option to create a very strong, even base. It’s better not to find it under plank floorboards, carpets or other coverings;
  7. Pay special attention to the process when you need to adjust the joints of the slabs to a plane. If necessary, they must be equalized - without this there is no way.
An interesting point - not every manufacturer can use OSB boards as underlying layers - in the case of floor coverings. And the panels are laid so that the smooth side is facing up.

What else does a master need to know?? Following:

  • Apply additional protective covering it is not necessary in the form of paint or varnish - the material initially has excellent protection in the form of a special impregnation;
  • Processing slabs is not that difficult - about the same as regular wood. Screws and nails adhere perfectly to the surface. OSB boards are not afraid of rotting, fungal influences, the decorative qualities of such material are excellent;
  • OSB panels today are often used in furniture production– after all, this is an excellent alternative to natural solid wood (but in terms of cost, it is significantly more profitable);
  • The material does not weigh that much - therefore it is perfect for finishing, construction, painting works and not only.

How to finish a house faster

It is quite logical that any owner wants to move into his home faster - especially if the construction is carried out independently. Private cottages are located separately from neighboring buildings - so in this design you don’t have to worry about neighbors.

Here a completely reasonable question may arise: maybe not to do rough sheathing - but to immediately attach the OSB finishing materials directly to the frame racks?

Is such an approach to business allowed, or is it excluded?

If you pay attention to the instructions compiled by professionals, it will immediately become clear: you cannot do this. There will also be reasons for such a conclusion. Simply, it is important to insulate the house - only in this situation will it be comfortable (especially since winters in the Russian Federation are cold - almost throughout the entire territory).

Why are frame cuts required at all - lower and upper? Everything is simple here: they form spatial rigidity - together with the skin. They can also be called mandatory elements if we consider the design of any frame structure.

A frame that does not have slopes will retain its mobility even with cladding - as is the case when there are any. However, if there is no cladding, you can imagine what the consequences might be.

Exterior wall cladding

For rough sheathing, a lot is used today different materials. There is definitely a choice here - everyone will agree with this. Pay attention to at least these options:

  • Board;
  • OSB boards.

Any of these surfaces needs finishing: this could be facing with plaster - with a mesh or a layer of polystyrene foam. There is an opinion that even the boarding can be left as a finishing touch - but in this case the wood will need to be processed additionally. Under the boards, hydro-wind protection of the walls is also arranged.

You must take into account the following: it is not recommended to finish the frame with boards - without rough, preliminary covering with OSB boards. Otherwise, there is a risk that the boards will come loose in the fall or spring. In addition, this is important for the spatial rigidity of the frame.

You will get fewer joints due to the area of ​​OSB sheets - which cannot be said about working with other materials. OSB finishing is usually made with a material whose thickness is 11-13 mm.

Let's take a closer look:

  • The OSB boards are fastened to the racks so that there is a joint in the middle. And there should be a small gap between the plates - three to five millimeters is enough;
  • The sheet completely covers the lower trim;
  • The top frame is closely related to the number of storeys of the house. It will be completely hidden - and the edge of the OSB slab will be aligned with the edge of the trim if the structure has only one floor;
  • When the building consists of two floors, the sheet is positioned as follows: it must fit onto the racks of both floors at once. But somewhere in the middle of the sheet the top trim overlaps. This condition cannot be called mandatory, but if it is met, the rigidity of the structure increases noticeably, which benefits the structure;
  • Sheathing with OSB boards when fastening to a window opening is carried out in two-story houses, should be produced in a single sheet - this is exactly what the professionals advise. Then all the joints can be moved to adjacent racks outside the racks of the opening. They simply cut through the slab window hole– there is nothing complicated in such work;
  • When horizontal or vertical jumpers are made in the frame, a very convenient joining of the slabs is obtained. In the event that these jumpers have the same cross-section as the racks - and this often happens;
  • Spiral nails are selected for fastening. Self-tapping screws are also suitable - 0.5 or 0.45 cm long. You should also not refuse combined fasteners (both nails and self-tapping screws) - such a solution is considered to be of very high quality.

Remember that basic rules for performing fastening work must be observed.


  1. It is customary to fix the finishing of OSB slabs in intermediate areas every 300 mm;
  2. After 150 mm, the places where the plates are joined are fixed;
  3. After 100 mm, the outer edge must be stitched.

To prevent cracks in the material due to too zealous fastening, a distance of 1 cm is maintained from the edge of the slab to the place of fixation (a little less is possible).
  • A gap of 4-5 millimeters is left between the plates - so that they do not warp. Fasteners are driven into the rack by 4-5 cm;
  • The part of the OSB board that is vulnerable (one might say this is the “Achilles heel” of the finishing material) is the ends. To ensure the protection of these areas, there are gaps called expansion gaps (between the crown beam and the top edge, also between foundation wall and bottom edge). Here the gap will be 10 mm. And between those slabs where there is no tongue-groove, 3 mm is quite enough;
  • To seal these expansion gaps, an acrylic-based sealant is used. It is important that it carefully fills all the cavities - and that this work is done evenly;
  • Wind protection, waterproofing - all these tasks will be performed by a superdiffusion membrane, which also has the property of vapor permeability (this indicator is 750 g/m² or more).
Craftsmen do not recommend using polyethylene, various films, glassine. It’s just that these materials have a low level of vapor permeability; all excess moisture must be reliably ventilated.

Also, you should know:

  1. The superdiffusion membrane is installed depending on the rough lining with materials, what it is fine finishing. For example, the membrane is often attached closely to the insulation - to the frame studs;
  2. They make a sheathing (here they use wooden slats, the cross-section of which is 2 by 5 or 3 by 5 cm. Thanks to this design, the required gap will be achieved. Then you can finish the surface with OSB boards, SML, DSP or sheathe it with boards;
  3. From the inside of the room, you can use film to create a vapor barrier for the walls. The material is installed in such a way that it fits tightly enough to the insulation. A construction stapler is used for fastening. The joints are overlapped - 150-200 mm; the joints must be taped.

For such work, you can choose the simplest adhesive tape - there is no need to use construction material. Vapor barrier adhesive tape will also work.
  • To perform a vapor barrier, you can use foiled polyethylene, which will not thicken the wall thermal insulation (basic). Foam material is also often used for this task - this practice is common in our time.

Finishing the structure inside

Which is better: OSB sheathing or plasterboard cladding? Many are clearly inclined to favor option number one - when it comes to interior finishing work in the house. It is quite difficult to keep the frame posts in a completely level state - when work is underway, the same applies to drywall.

It’s just that the sheets of this material are softer when compared with OSB boards. They will easily repeat all the irregularities - so then you will have to work hard to get perfect flat surface– more layers will need to be applied for leveling.

OSB board is an order of magnitude stiffer in structure than plasterboard sheets, so all flaws can be smoothed out to a certain extent. Afterwards they begin to carry out work related to finishing.

Watch a video about how OSB boards are used for interior decoration. This material will definitely be useful if you do not have much construction experience.

OSB-3 boards and roofing work

Roofing work is a very popular way to use materials such as OSB boards. By the way, to cover the roof with OSB-3 slabs, a material thickness of 0.18 cm is sufficient.

In order:

  • Products can have both a locking edge and a straight edge. The first option is more preferable;
  • The distance between the load-bearing beams should not be more than 609 mm - this applies to both the organization of sloping and flat roofs;
  • Whether the slabs are capable of expanding is of great importance. For each linear meter It is customary to leave a gap: 2 mm is quite enough (believe me, this is enough);
  • When laying slabs with smooth edges, the gap is made a little larger - 3 mm. Leave it around the perimeter of each slab - this is the only way to achieve optimal results;
  • For OSB fastenings choose nails for the roof. Attached to supporting supports. There should be a distance between them: 10 cm or even more;
  • The finishing of OSB boards is attached with nails - they should have a length that exceeds the thickness of the board by two to two and a half times (or even more) - this is quite normal.

If the interior decoration is done using OSB panels, the following can be noted: a slab made of polished panels will look better if appearance is very important in your space. It is better not to use such slabs for finishing. ceramic tiles or wallpaper - this is what the manufacturers themselves recommend. And it’s best to listen to their opinion!