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Small world social network entrance. The world is small. Overview of the social network "Small World"

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Tesen World

WORLD TESEN- what kind of site is hidden under this intriguing name. Mirtesen.ru is a new and rather original project, or rather a social network. Despite its youth, almost 16,000,000 people have already registered on the site!

The main feature of the Small World project is that everything happens here on an interactive map. On this very map it is very easy to find your city, where all the streets and houses are marked in detail. Thus, when you register on the MirTesen.ru website, your photo will appear above your house and you can see all the people who are nearby. By the way, it is not necessary to search for users from your city, you have a map of the whole world at your disposal! I think that's why the project "Tesen World" is called that way.

On the site MirTesen.ru you can find not only old friends and acquaintances (by the way, you may not even suspect that they are somewhere very close to you), but also make new acquaintances with nice people. And, of course, you can make appointments and chat in real life!

Another feature of the Small World project is information about interesting places. Also, looking at the map with your eyes, you can see what is so interesting near you, it can be some sights, well, or just beautiful places. Perhaps you will learn something that you never knew about before, because there are so many wonderful places around. And on MirTesen.ru you will be told and shown everything. :) About each beautiful place people write their impressions and reviews, this is also very interesting and useful. And this can be useful, for example, because knowing what places people like, you can draw certain conclusions about the person himself, about his character and inner world.

Returning to the previous point - how else can this be useful to you? Yes, everything is simple - you can find out what your friends' favorite places are, where they like to go and you might want to join them.

You do not know with whom to go to football, theater or cinema, you think with whom to go skating - in all these situations Tesen World will come to your aid. By registering on the MirTesen.ru website, you will understand how small the world really is!

Finally, let's summarize the main features of the Tesen World website:
- search for old friends and new acquaintances
- information about where your friends like to spend time
- the ability to see everything that is happening around you
- and of course, stories about all the interesting places with feedback from the participants.

More and more different startups are appearing in the Runet space, and at the same time, few really manage to capture the attention of users. Social network"Small World" refers to those projects that managed to win the sympathy of the masses and become one of the most.

Overview of the social network "Small World"

Reasons for attraction

A feature of the Small World network is the fact that with its help you can find friends in real life, as they say - offline. Actually, this is the goal of this project - to go beyond the network in real life.

In order to implement this communication model, the developers suggested that after registration, the network participants indicate the actual address of work, study and other places that they constantly visit.

After specifying the data, the addresses are tied to the map, which is pretty well detailed and allows you to clearly determine where the gym is located, which the network user goes to or his favorite cafe.

Small World also has the ability to search by interests, thanks to which, with the skillful use of network resources, it becomes possible.

Also in the new social network has the possibility of blogging. But not in the usual format for most. Those who expect to create a blog in accordance with the best traditions of the Internet space will be disappointed.

The fact is that the blog in Small World is presented in the form of messages that are tied to the actual location of the user at the time of publishing his thoughts, appearing in a specific place on the Google map. This way, other users will be able to find out what their friend thinks and where he is at. this moment located.

Such an implementation of the blog idea has a tangible advantage: due to the fact that enough people publish their thoughts on the network indicating their location, it is possible to find your housemates and find out what they think. This greatly simplifies the clarification of various issues of a domestic nature.

For example, nothing prevents you from seeing which ISP is the most popular in concrete house or area, as well as get reviews from those who use its services and avoid . In a word, it is now not at all difficult to be aware of the life of the house and the district, even without leaving your favorite apartment.

Such blogs are more like forums in which various topics related to a particular region or area are raised and discussed.

Small World network users also have access to attributes that have long become familiar, for example, adding a photo. At the same time, photos, like messages, are tied to a specific geographic point where the user took pictures.

Name a similar service strong point networks can be a stretch, as there are enough projects where this idea is implemented on a significant scale. the best level. However, in the complex, all the information available to the network user allows you to quickly find people with common interests and keep abreast of events in your city.

The relevance of the idea

Evaluating the idea of ​​the developers of "Small World" we can say that they have chosen the right direction.

Modern social networks take their users further and further from reality: many teenagers strive to be popular on the network, follow the likes under their photos, create various communities on the Internet.

However, in real life, all this activity has a minimal impact. Small World, in turn, allows everyone who registers and provides their details to enrich life outside the network, expanding their circle of interests and real acquaintances.

In addition, by accessing the reviews and comments of city residents, you can learn a lot about its (city) infrastructure, interesting places, entertainment facilities, etc.

This is what makes the Small World network unique and practically valuable.

Ukraine - Russia: the end of civilization?
For more than 20 years, I have heard rumors that Ukrainians refuse to check into hotels where Russians are staying. And if fate forces them to meet, they get into a fight. Didn't believe. Like, reservations. Ukraine is my love. Himself through his grandfather almost Ukrainian. As a journalist, I took a business trip to Ukraine as soon as possible. Kind, very hardworking people. Can they not love someone, let alone hate someone?
But here I am going with a tourist group to the Azores. During lunch, I find myself at the table in the company of three Ukrainians from Kharkov. Rejoiced, we talked. Found right there mutual language with Sergey on the basis of preference for red wine. After another toast, I jokingly ask him:
- Well, are the Western nationalists outrageous in your country?
- No one is outrageous and there are no nationalists in Ukraine.
- And who recently demolished the monument to Zhukov in Kharkov?
- So what, it's okay.
- But after all, Zhukov is the national hero of everything former Union. Clearly, the American moneybags, who sleep and see how to push Ukrainians against Russians with their foreheads, did their best.
- Uh, stop pointing at the Americans, suddenly one of the Ukrainians enters the conversation with fervor. – Where the Americans went, there is peace, tranquility and prosperity. And where the Russian boot stepped - there is a complete ass.
This was said by a seemingly intelligent woman, and all the other compatriots nodded their heads in unison.
So, not Ukrainian nationalists in Odessa burned alive fifty local residents and for five years they have been continuously bombing and killing civilians in Donbass and Lugansk. Is this also “normal and there are no nationalists in Ukraine”? And the Americans brought peace, tranquility and prosperity to Libya (especially Gaddafi, who was torn to shreds), Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, dozens of other states around the world, now they are persistently “bringing prosperity” to El Salvador. Everywhere the local population, favored by the Americans, is spitting blood. And they will spit as long as a silk American slipper "helps" them. And Syria, where the Yankees were one step away from legitimizing, bringing to power the terrorist so-called state that they had grown, banned all over the world. At the very last moment, the “Russian boot” stopped the sacrilege.
After a friendly rebuff from the comrades-in-arms, the discussion had to be stopped. There is no reception against scrap. This means that the hostile attitude of Ukrainians towards Russians really exists. Moreover, it flourished even among elderly (like my neighbors) Ukrainians. This means that the American masters of life after the collapse of the USSR did not spend billions on brainwashing our neighbors for nothing. Goebbels, with the support of his own and the same American moneybags (it was not for nothing that he poisoned himself and poisoned his own children, the cat knew whose meat he ate) in ten years he fooled all of Germany. There is also intensive re-education for at least four decades. Yes, the saint with full conviction will call black white and vice versa, like my neighbors at the table. And remember the young people who five years ago on the Maidan enthusiastically jumped with chants: “Moskulyaku - to Gilyak!” and “Who does not jump is a Muscovite!”. It turns out that the end of the civilized world is quite possible and not so far away. The Americans practically pushed us head-on. It remains only to properly arm the neighbors (which is being done now) and strike a match: install rockets on the Russian-Ukrainian border, to which the neighbors, blinded by hatred, will gladly agree. (Remember the joke? Manka, what do you want your neighbor to have twice as much? What would I die!). And the trick is in the bag: beat each other to death, brothers, until everyone is dead. And the "civilized" West after that, without noise and dust, will finally take over both Russian and Ukrainian lands, which they have not been able to do for at least a thousand years. But it won't work this time either. If it comes to American missiles near Moscow (three minutes of approach), the answer will follow immediately and in full. After all, Putin warned that a blow, even an atomic one, would follow not only on the advanced enemy lines (Ukraine and others like them), but also on the inspirers - the puppeteers, that is, the United States. As a result, the entire civilized world will burn in an atomic fire. Sadly. Apparently, the fate of Cain and Abel may well be repeated. And there is no way out of this. Composted brains do not recover quickly, and there is no time left for treatment.
Finally, a few words about the tour itself. I travel around the world a lot. In this diversity, the Azores could remain quite an ordinary phenomenon. If not for the great actress of the tourist business of the host Larisa Plesova (two dots above e). Instilled in the whole group that the Azores is a tourist paradise on earth and the best place in the world. Made it even more amazing. Here's what it's about. All over the world, host tour operators are intensively adding viewing of local crafts, museums, and churches into the route. This is done, I think, with only one goal: to stretch the route as much as possible, to increase the number of days that the tourist pays. After all, let's say, a visit to a tea museum takes three hours. The museum of killer whales ate the same amount, the fat of which was used in American lanterns. An hour for moving, an hour for lunch - that's it, the working day is over. And such days on the route almost every other day. In addition, our brother, especially women, as soon as they are brought to some local production, they will definitely buy whole bags of all sorts of goods, even at exorbitant prices compared to a store on a neighboring street (or even in Moscow or any other city in Russia). Again, an increase in foreign exchange for native places (in some countries, there are also percentage deductions to travel agents for bringing buyers). Many tourists do not like this alignment. Why do we pay huge sums of money and travel far and wide to see small-town museums and churches? So we saw them a thousand times at home or in the nearest foreign countries. There is no doubt that in overseas distances we want to see, first of all, the outlandish nature, which we do not have and will not have. I understand perfectly well that travel agents have a small income, I want to earn extra money. But as a tourist, I feel sorry for not only money, not only wasted days, but also many of the interesting things that they could still see. So, in our group, these loads after Larisa's treatment went like clockwork. The talent of a propagandist is also a talent in Africa. But the magic of Larisa's charm ends, and again you return to normal: to a broken trough. On the last day, one of the travel agents who replaced Larisa admitted: you didn’t see all the wonders of nature with us, enough for several other trips, so come.
By the way, in this regard, there is another action that has already been worked out simply rudely. When transferring in Lisbon “there”, the tour operators rolled us over seven hours of sitting supposedly for an independent tour of the city. Do you think that's all? No matter how. On the way back "from there" in the same Lisbon, we are again on independent study cities have been "gifted" for much more than a day! With a settlement in a Lisbon hotel, which also costs a lot of money. Know ours! But already sophisticated tourists fly to the islands, who have been to Portugal and Lisbon more than once, have studied it like their own five fingers (two hours by bus is quite enough for this). So, again, the purposeful winding up of additional days? Oh, apparently, we will never become civilized people. And, perhaps, the Ukrainians will indeed enter Europe before us.
It is easy to read and look at the specific objects of the Azores route on the Internet, with which none of my notes can compare. Vladimir Antonov