Mixer      10/12/2020

Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility: "Bonnie and Clyde" - two puzzles in one picture. What will be the union of Libra and Sagittarius Libra and Sagittarius women's friendship

Libra is the ward of the planet Venus, and Sagittarius is the ward of Jupiter. Sagittarius and Libra: Compatibility in love and intimacy between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but let's take a closer look. Libra is a sign of the air element, it can be a light breath, or maybe a hurricane that knocks you down. The element of Sagittarius is fire, so irascibility and ardor are always present in their characters. Sagittarians love new things and constantly want more than they have.

Between these two signs, mutual understanding is quite possible, their union can be very successful.

Sweet and beautiful, she longs for love, yet she is patronized by the planet Venus, she is very elegant, because she has good taste. She does not like to sort things out, so she will not tolerate this, especially on the part of boyfriends, she will immediately stop all communication. However, they won’t leave her so easily - fans will follow her on the heels.

- positive and witty, always in the spotlight, women are completely crazy about him. Sagittarius is amorous and able to fall in love every time, thinking that now it’s definitely for real. And so several times a day. The future wife of Sagittarius will not be bored, but let her not expect a quiet life, because there will be many reasons for jealousy.


The airy Libra girl is surrounded by only optimists, so, one might say, a holiday comes along with her. And with Sagittarius comes a triple holiday, he can rally people around him and not let them get bored for a second. In general, there are no problems for dating guys. For example, they can do this in a cosmetics store, where he will sell, and she will look for mascara. Sagittarius will begin to show products on himself when she, having seen enough of everything, says: “Enough! I take everything."


A real gentleman Sagittarius will surround the lady with attention, and will definitely see a new acquaintance, because he will not allow him to carry heavy packages by himself? Along the way, he will tell a million stories, play some of them in roles, so that by the end of the walk, the Libra girl will barely be able to contain her laughter and will not be able to refuse when he starts to beg for another meeting. When the beauty arrives, she will find, instead of a joker and a merry fellow, a respectable man with a bouquet of luxurious roses in his hands.


Fiery Sagittarius will impress the lady of Libra by the fact that he seems to know all her hidden thoughts. The girl also will not disappoint Sagittarius. Soon, having thoroughly enjoyed the idyll, they will take a sober look at the circumstances and begin to plan how to live on, because they are sure that love is love, but the main thing for everyone is freedom and independence.

How painlessly to combine these components? Charming Libra will be an inspiring muse for Sagittarius, he will literally fly in on dates, literally giving gifts to the lady of the heart, but one day the freedom-loving Sagittarius will disappear for a while from the air, then it turns out that he has forgotten himself in the company of his long-time beauties.


The ward of the planet Venus is above such unworthy feelings as jealousy, but, having learned about these adventures of the chosen one, she will immediately react adequately - she will arrange a noisy party, inviting her admirers to it. Only such measures that are understandable to him can bring Sagittarius to his senses, and he will beg for forgiveness. Despite the Latin passions, the guys still decide to move out under the same roof, and this will begin the compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra in a love relationship.


They will celebrate the wedding cheerfully, not without excitement.

The groom in a luxurious suit and the pale lady Libra in a stunning dress will stand, completely confused, in front of the registrar. True, they will soon wake up and find the strength to joke and giggle, despite the truly epoch-making importance of the moment.

At the start of their life together, relatives will help them, but then the newlyweds will still have to stop depending on their support. He will learn to handle with a hammer, and the airy wife will give out culinary masterpieces. Libra will be both an authority and a faithful comrade to his children, the relationship between them will develop quite friendly. But a child of such a couple will have a much more trusting relationship with his dad - in his heart, Sagittarius remains an inquisitive tomboy until old age.


The little Libra girl is a very comfortable child - she doesn’t cry, doesn’t indulge, educators do not have a soul in her. What can not be said about the boy Sagittarius, that's who really is a showmaker and revolutionary. His carefree vigor will attract the Libra girl, they will get along and become friends, do not spill water, their friendship will last until old age.


All employers dream of an executive Libra professional. What again can not be said about Sagittarius, fiery man unable to fiddle with papers in the office, he wants movement and impressions. Together, this couple could create a combat-ready working tandem.

Lady Libra is not so reckless, but completely unable to manage financial flows, she and Sagittarius are similar in this regard, although this guy can drain all his savings in a day.

The Libra woman is able to reach heights, wherever her darling wants. Sagittarius will easily take on a hundred things, and if Libra controls his work, then new and new achievements await them. In short, such a union has a great future, and with proper calculation, the wards of Jupiter and Venus will easily get rich and make a name for themselves.

Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

- a very kind and patient person, he does not feel sad in vain and always sees light at the end of the tunnel, girls like this calm and positive young man. With him, the lady will not know troubles, because he is a real wall that covers fate from the troubles. So you won’t dare to wish for a better candidate for a wife. In the event of an unsuccessful marriage, he will prefer to quietly escape, the air sign does not tolerate scandals in the house.

Very mobile, witty laughter. Even if everything around is rushing into tartarara, this will not greatly disturb her peace. Her boyfriends are innumerable, as are her adventures and travels - the fiery lady constantly comes up with entertainment, and therefore the most dangerous thing in marriage is to limit her freedom.


Libra never gets bored, he knows how to entertain himself. Next to an airy man, there are always only optimistic people. You will not find a Sagittarius girl sitting on a chair with needlework. Where the ward of Jupiter is, there are jokes, practical jokes and a festive atmosphere.

People of these signs of the zodiac love to visit new cities and countries, well, at least go out of town, just to change their place of residence. This air-fiery couple has many friends, so they may well meet in a common friendly company. Beauty Sagittarius attracts attention, and the Libra man will be interested in her. The sophisticated Libra man will lose his head from his new fiery friend.


Hitting Sagittarius is quite difficult, because Libra will decide on a rather non-trivial date - invite her to the stadium. To defeat him on the spot, the Sagittarius girl will buy new outfits, will not have time to return from shopping on time and, as usual, will be late. This will only play into the hands of the young man, the romantic will prepare for a date thoroughly and even too much, so that the girl herself will be completely smitten - where does champagne, gourmet food and even musicians come from at the stadium?


When the couple came to the guy’s apartment (he lives not alone, but with his grandmother), only a cat came out to meet them. The hospitable grandmother baked treats for the grandson's girlfriend, but, of course, there was no time for food. The lovers hurried into each other's arms, checking the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man in love. The Sagittarius girl will be temperamental, Libra will be pleasantly shocked. His girlfriend will also be delighted - she has never met a more tender person.


A man will shower Sagittarius with flowers, and the meetings of lovers will be very stormy. Libra will not pull with a marriage proposal, but the Sagittarius jumper will be wary of him. Go to the next level will help the efforts of the grandmother, who will call her every day for pies, and she is used to their family. And then the friends of this couple will frankly demand a wedding. Libra and Sagittarius finally wanted to enjoy the bonuses of a single life and arranged a bachelor and bachelorette party on a universal scale.


Libra groom and Sagittarius bride look good together, at the wedding everyone looked at the newly-made spouses with admiration. The fiery beauty entertained the guests, and the gallant groom looked after everyone. Most of all, the groom's grandmother was happy - she danced no worse than the young ones and had no less fun.

worry that the couple will have bad conditions life, of course, is not worth it, in just a few years, Libra can build a house, and a large one, designed for five children. By the way, he is also a father to envy, daughters and sons obey with pleasure and grow up as wonderful children.

Mommy Sagittarius is a whole adventure for the kids, she has a million games and entertainment in store, so her children's life will seethe and sparkle. Air-fiery spouses can safely write themselves down as the minions of fate - the compatibility of the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman in marriage is not easy to achieve, and if disputes arise between the parties, they will simply fade against the background of their happy life together.


Libra is an amazing boy. His character is a real treasure for teachers, diligent and calm, he does not even know the word “act up”. The Sagittarius girl cannot sit still, the fiery girl is a real test of strength nervous system parents and educators. But the good-natured boy Libra will be able to find an approach to the loose girl, in this case, adults will be able to exhale with relief. Of course, Sagittarius will try to remake the air guy, but this thing will not work with him, and she will wave her hand and agree to everything, just to remain his friend. Neither years nor circumstances can break their friendship, they will be close as brother and sister.


The Libra guy is very capable and executive, he will succeed in everything he puts his hand to. A Libra man can be a teacher, a president, or an artist, in short, Libra will be whoever his heart desires, even a farmer, as long as he likes the job.

Sagittarius is an intellectual girl, she is interested in everything at once, so she can change a dozen professions, in which she will also show herself to be a real specialist. The stars say that this air-fiery union can be very fruitful, if Libra takes the lead and controls the fiery partner of Sagittarius, they will be able to quickly achieve an excellent result.

They both like to work in a team, and if the wards of Venus and Jupiter pick up the right staff for themselves, then the matter will move forward perfectly. Colleagues will adore the wise Libra man and the Sagittarius optimist, and where there is a positive atmosphere, high results are achieved.

It is better for this couple to keep money under lock and key next to them, however, it is important not only to ensure the safety of finances from an external enemy, but from themselves - the Sagittarius girl, with her inherent ease and swiftness, can easily spend everything on clothes and unnecessary things. Well, in the very the best option, as stated in famous movie, keep money in the savings bank. A trusted bank will not only save the couple's capital, but, thanks to the interest on the deposit, will increase it.

Libra and Sagittarius - what is the compatibility of these constellation people, and what character traits determine this? Who will the air sign become in this union - a warm marshmallow breeze or a chilling winter whirlwind, will it warm with tenderness or burn with heat the ardent Sagittarius? What do the stars prophesy, what can people themselves do, wanting to connect their destinies and strengthen the connection?

Libra unconsciously seeks to achieve balance and harmony in everything. They are kind-hearted by nature, but can become irritably cold when they are deceived, they try to command and manipulate them. Libra hates anger, aggressiveness and tries to avoid people and situations with such energy.

They know how to captivate the interlocutor with the story, and at the same time they are adored because they are excellent listeners. Their desire for harmony is expressed both in their tact and in the desire to restore peace between everyone around.

They are distinguished by a magnetic smile that unexpectedly illuminates the face and can even melt the ice. These internally active people can be swift and lethargic. They can work very long and hard, and then suddenly relax, as they need to recuperate. During such a period, they should not be urged, it is better to wait, and then they will return to activity again.

They often hesitate when a situation requires an immediate decision, but if they make a judgment about a person, it will be final. Their character combines kindness and stubbornness, justice and indecision, logic and stubborn unwillingness to give up, even if they are wrong.

As for Sagittarius, this sign is distinguished by sincerity and frankness, but their jokes are often too tactless. Although they do not want to offend anyone. Sagittarians are courageous, smart, in many ways naive and sometimes clumsy, but cheerful and active. Unlike the vulnerable Libra, centaurs are very thick-skinned, it is difficult to embarrass them and make them blush with shame or embarrassment.

Deceptively quiet Sagittarius are also born, who unexpectedly, like a flash of fire, utter something funny, infecting everyone with their optimistic enthusiasm. A conservative Sagittarius outwardly may seem seriously gloomy, but suddenly he admires those around him with the scale of his plans and the ability to implement them.

Under the auspices of both signs, lazy and hard workers, artists and scientists, playboys and heroes who know how to sacrifice themselves are born.

And if we analyze the aspect: what do Sagittarius and Libra have in common, what is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, then, undoubtedly, it will be a fierce love for life, for everything new and amazing, a tendency to interesting conversations and a special commitment to justice.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman: compatibility

As a rule, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are not only wonderful lovers, but also wonderful friends, which sets the stage for deepening romantic relationships as well as an optimistic future.

In love relationships

The pair of man-Libra-woman-Sagittarius has everything you need to make the first date smoothly turn into a strong relationship and even into a more serious feeling - love. Often, a girl who has lost illusions in her previous relationships and, out of resentment, “sends arrows” to men passing by in life, finds reliable warmth in the strong embrace of Libra.

Concerning intimate relationships, then the active, gentle Libra guy in love usually gives a bright full-fledged answer to the sexual curiosity of the girl. Men of this sign are often excellent lovers, inventive and passionate. But a hot Sagittarius woman should be aware that Libra is prone to shyness, therefore, caressing a friend, they feel best in protected spaces where there are no prying eyes.

For a Sagittarius girl, it is extremely important to restrain her “honesty” and tactlessness, which can also appear in bed: having offended Libra, she can quickly arouse dislike in her partner and lose an important man for her.


The Sagittarius woman sincerely wants marriage to become "eternal spring" - blooming and bright. And he can become so with a Libra man.

What should be considered? Often, the wife unnecessarily sharply points out to her Libra husband his shortcomings and is inadequately demanding. Despite the outward softness and charm of Libra, the men of this sign cannot stand squealing wives, psychological pressure and manipulation. He must not be insulted with a word, show aggression, otherwise he will suddenly become cold and “alien” and will easily “slam the door”.

If on Friday evenings he likes to spend time with friends, you should not forbid him this. Such attempts can annoy Libra so much that he will do it more often and linger longer, just to prove his independence. It is desirable for a Sagittarius wife to be more feminine than a woman. The husband will respond to anger with a destructive “hurricane”. But a woman’s resentment, if she manifests herself with a touchingly trembling chin when she cooks dinner for him, causes him a feeling of guilt and a desire to bring everything into harmony.

Libra men generally adore warmth and peace in the house, hate quarrels, loud sounds. At the same time, they are not too demanding on cleanliness and cooked food, which can be beneficial for Sagittarius women who do not particularly like household fuss.

She is sometimes annoyed at his indecision in critical situations when it is necessary to act quickly. Troubles quickly unbalance Libra, and they come to their senses for a long time, so they try to avoid strong experiences and behave “inhibited”. It is best not to show panic (Libra does not digest this), but try to solve everything calmly, without urging her husband.

The more Libras are praised, the better they feel and the more willing they are to compromise. But it is advisable for a man to be condescending to his wife's impulsiveness, because she adorns his life with a bright fire of immediate charm.

in friendship

Their friendships are stable, contagious and harmonious, because they largely have the same sympathy, life values, ideals, the need for true feelings and true friendship. Even the penchant for artistry - hidden in Libra and expressed in the Sagittarius woman - unites them. They are interesting to each other, they are most often comfortable in the company, and alone, and on a trip, and in the theater. Tactful Libra tries not to offend a friend and bypass " sharp corners". The philosophically calm approach of Libra to losses and love for the joys of life appeal to the Sagittarius girl, they allow you to smooth out problems and find ways out of difficult situations. Even the former lovers of the couples of these constellations in most cases remain friends.

How compatible are Libra women and Sagittarius men

This is a powerful combination, despite the differences present in the pair. They can quarrel violently, but they are able to settle and balance everything, taking into account the weaknesses and cherishing each other's virtues.

In love relationships

In love, she is unpredictable and tender, he is passionate and persistent. The airy romantic impulses of a breeze woman are easily able to “inflate” the flame of passion in Sagittarius and take them to the land of bliss. Even when she is serious and does not think about sex, a man can experience a surge of desire and tenderness.

Sometimes a Libra woman can even be repelled by the rude impatience of a centaur when intimacy, but thanks to her inner need for harmony, she knows how to understand that this is one of the manifestations of his true and direct feelings, and appreciate them. She manages to bring peace to his sharp assertiveness and straightforwardness characteristic of Sagittarius.

And the centaur man is able to awaken her imagination and romantic dreams with his unbridled "wild" love. She teases his sense of ownership and, even if she belongs to him with all her heart, she knows how to behave as if she is constantly eluding him and, like the wind, excites and beckons. But if the flame manages to catch the wind, then the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman merge in love like a furious hurricane.

But be careful, she does not like the fact that the cheerful charm of an energetic lover attracts other women. And the owner-Sagittarius can get angry if he notices that her charm attracts "foreign males." Therefore, jealousy is a serious danger and is sometimes a difficult test of the strength of their relationship.


A typical young Sagittarius is not in a hurry to get married and does not treat him with the same trepidation that a girl born under the protection of the element of Air would like. Even if he is in love, Sagittarius prefers to delay this moment, although, of course, there are exceptions.

The free-spirited Sagittarius doesn't really mind getting married, but he needs time to get over it. Therefore, it is more prudent for a young woman to give an opportunity to a potential groom to satisfy her curiosity for the other sex, her thirst for wandering. And then he will be much more willing to follow his girlfriend into a new life.

In marriage, a Libra woman should not lose her dignity if she feels that her chosen one is too fickle, and not deceive herself. After all, it is so important for her to feel loved and needed by her soul mate. Here it is important to maintain balance, not to hold your centaur, otherwise he will “rear on his hind legs”, but also not to let him cross the line.

The Sagittarius husband should restrain his tactlessness and directness, because although Libra is endowed with a bright sense of humor, they are very vulnerable, touchy and often do not perceive jokes and remarks at their own expense too adequately. She is ready to admire the activity, wit of her husband, but she cannot bear it if he starts to “injure” her with his “arrows”.

An intellectually developed Libra girl often loves to argue and be clever, which causes a feeling of rivalry and unconscious irritation in the courageous Sagittarius, so you should not provoke him to a “battle of the elements”.

Because of Sagittarius' desire for will and the special sensitivity of Libra, marriage is one of the serious life tasks facing the lovers of this combination of zodiac signs. But the optimism of Sagittarius helps her overcome a lot, because she knows that in alliance with him there is always hope and the prospect of becoming happy.

in friendship

Friendship gives depth sexual relations, but even if friendship was born as an independent feeling, then it will give most Libra and Sagittarius a lot of joyful experiences. When these signs meet, they can communicate with rapture for hours. They definitely won't be bored.

She will support his flaming energy and inspire his innermost desires and goals. Sagittarius will captivate her with his ambitions and plans. But a man should not lose his sense of proportion, otherwise the airy-tender Libra, having lost his balance, will knock down his fiery friend in anger, or their quarrel risks turning into a fiery tornado.

Positive and negative aspects of the union

The compatibility horoscope of these signs indicates the possibility of a wonderful harmonious union between them, which is strengthened not only by love and friendship, but also by a common view of the world. Sagittarius rejoices in the airy freshness of perception and reliability that Libra brings into his life, and they adore his swift brightness.

But the negative aspects of the relationship should also be taken into account. Libra should not reshape Sagittarius to your taste, however, Libra should not be “pressed” and driven into a corner, because both signs are proud and do not like responsibility too much.

When Sagittarius forgets and “beats with a hoof”, Libra may doubt him, lose his balance and begin to avoid communication with him in order to maintain inner balance. The air sign is also capable of ruining a lot of things with its slowness in making decisions, causing irritation of the impatient Sagittarius.

If Sagittarius learns to restrain his sharp arrows, and Libra stops hesitating for a long time, this union will forever have the opportunity to go through life side by side and wander happiness.

The planet Venus was named after the goddess of Her Majesty Love. It is she (Venus) who patronizes Libra and does it very responsibly and fruitfully. She endowed her wards with amazing charm, life energy and some degree of coquetry.

Sagittarius is patronized by Jupiter himself - the supreme god of the Roman pantheon. Perhaps that is why they are always short of everything. No, not because they are greedy. They just always want more and better than they have. Libra is always full of ideas and thoughts, this is their life.

Their element is air, but it is not some gentle breeze. This is a storm, a hurricane of thoughts and feelings sweeping away everything in its path. Sagittarians can be called quite hot guys. Their element - fire - pushes them to this. And it's not a flickering firefly. Rather striking and unpredictable lightning.

As many believe, the union between the fiery and air signs has every chance of becoming ideal. Astrologers also agree with this, air and flame may well complement and support each other. The union of Sagittarius and Libra can be considered a successful and very promising enterprise.

But as practice shows, time itself puts everything in its place. The stars first create such unions, and then observe with curiosity what will come of it!

Compatibility in love and marriage

He is a Libra, she is a Sagittarius

The union is very successful, although most people around doubt that it will last long. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman differ significantly in their outlook on life. Still, their marriage can be unusually strong. A man simply adores his soul mate, pampers her and tries in every way to please.

Sometimes they look rather strange side by side. He is modest and shy. She is cheerful, active and cheerful. He is not at all notorious, he simply does not like to be the object of attention, preferring to watch from the sidelines. Compare and analyze, and most importantly - protect your beloved!

The compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women is quite high. This can be seen by observing their family life. They rarely conflict. They just have nothing to fight about! The girl likes the elegance and restraint of her lover.

He is delighted with her manners and generosity. They complement each other perfectly. The rudeness of a woman can spoil the life a little. She does not like to hide and expresses all claims directly. But, as a rule, quarrels because of this do not arise. The man will be offended, but, most likely, will remain silent.

They have every chance to live happily ever after. If only the representative of fire would curb her tough character a little. Otherwise, the insults of a man - Libra, can extinguish feelings and alienate him from his beloved. In order not to annoy each other, it would be nice to go on a picnic or visit friends.

He is a Sagittarius, she is a Libra

This set is almost perfect. These two notice each other from afar, immediately get to know each other and talk as if they have known each other since birth. They have a lot in common. This is amazing flexibility, love of freedom and unconventional thinking. At the same time, they both know how to hide their real feelings.

They have no problem finding a topic for conversation or some kind of joint activity. They will never get bored together. Sagittarius can be somewhat struck by the constant change in the mood of his beloved. But all this is successfully compensated by the amazing worldly wisdom and devotion of the girl.

Fire and Air complement each other, making life brighter and richer. They do not need to limit the freedom of a loved one. One day their souls will become so close that they will feel as one.

Negative aspects of the union

Most astrologers agree that the Libra-Sagittarius union is almost perfect. But with one note. At least one of the spouses must be successful. Usually this "heavy burden" is taken by Air. The fire is always trying to escape somewhere from such problems and obligations.

People around are constantly worried about the question, how can Sagittarius and Libra get along at all? Among such couples, gigolos very often come across. The most interesting thing is that the lovers themselves are not at all worried about this fact. They are ready to contain each other. As long as they are comfortable, and this is the main thing. They don't care who carries the money home.

With such amazing compatibility, it will still not be possible to completely avoid conflicts. The characters, however, are quite different. Libra is very indecisive, Sagittarius, on the contrary, needs to decide everything quickly, backhand. Sagittarians are not afraid to make mistakes, but Libra often has to take responsibility for these mistakes.


In sex

Despite some coldness of Libra, they are incredibly comfortable in the marriage bed with a hot and passionate Sagittarius. The sexual life of this couple is extremely rich and varied. They are great as sexual partners.

Sagittarius constantly surprises his soul mate, making relationships more colorful and diverse. In order to forget about the shortcomings of your halves, it is better to throw out excess energy in bed, which is what they are doing safely. Various fantasies and sexual innovations perfectly relieve their stress and make them closer.

in friendship

Men Libra and Sagittarius - the friendship of this couple can only be envied. But, as always, there is one caveat. They should have approximately the same social status. And it's not even about squeamishness or any self-interest.

They just value their reputation and position very much. If one of them got into a financial hole, got hooked on alcohol, drugs or committed a crime, it will mean only one thing - he no longer has a friend!

As for women. Sagittarius and Libra just love the attention, different activities, and shopping trips. This brings them somewhat closer, although the signs of Air, the energy of Fire is somewhat tiring.

Can a man and a woman be friends in this combination of signs? Why not. But the edge of this friendship is so thin that, almost always, it turns into a big and beautiful feeling called love.

In business

Fire and Air have very similar ways of working in finance, so it is likely that this duo will make a good career for themselves. The couple can easily organize their own enterprise. They will not have to think long, they will instantly form a common strategy and stick to it.

They invest equally in the case and without hesitation. They often have many useful connections, and the ability to think outside the box gives them the opportunity to find a way out of any situation. Libra loves to work in the same team with Sagittarius. Next to an active and confident person, they forget about their indecision.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of these two signs in love is almost perfect - 90%. As for marriage, the figure is slightly below 70%. Family life often requires something more from us than mutual sympathy and even love.

Often they start out as a normal friendship, but at one point they begin to realize that they can no longer do without each other. It happens that when they meet each other they are already married.

And then they sacrifice everything in order to be together. They leave their families, get divorced and go to each other. They are naive, gentle, boundlessly believe in their beloved.

And who will condemn them for this?

A friend of Libra always stands out among your acquaintances with a special charm, elegance, complaisant character and is reputed to be a pleasant conversationalist. These people are really very sociable and rarely anyone will feel awkward or constrained in their society. Spending time with them is a pleasure. For this reason, they are always surrounded by a lot of people, and Libra people live according to the principle - the more friends, the better.

In the rest, they value intelligence, honesty, love for beauty (art, nature, fashion, etc.), important role plays for them appearance the people with whom they deal (“meet by clothes”). On the other hand, they are very upset by rudeness, deceit, vulgarity and rudeness. From here it is easy to imagine a picture of a person who can (and with whom can) make friends with a representative of this zodiac constellation.

Their comrades should be aware of the heightened sense of justice that is inherent in Libra people, because it can even make them be quick-tempered. Therefore, it is not necessary, at least in their presence, to commit "unfair" acts - in this way you risk seeing a rare outburst of anger unusual for Libra, and in the worst case, losing a friend altogether.

Libra Compatibility in Friendship

If in previous articles on friendship according to the signs of the Zodiac I missed the interpretation of possible friendships with representatives of the same sign, I did it only for the reason that I thought it was already clear - people born under the same sign of the Zodiac, due to their similarity, often become good and even best friends.

The same can be said in the case of Libra. People of this sign will always find mutual language and make friends.

Libra will get along well with the signs of the air trine - Gemini and Aquarius. With the first ones, they will have many funny adventures and a lot of interesting conversations, and idealistic ideas about life and natural nobility are related to them (well, just like the heroes of A. Dumas' Three Musketeers).

A friend of Libra and for Sagittarius with Lions. The elegance and charm of Libra are perfectly combined and complement the external gloss and expansiveness of the "lion" nature, and the tact and charm inherent in Libra will not allow archer rudeness to appear, turning their relationship into sheer joy, fun, pleasure.

Being completely inappropriate lovers, Libra and Scorpio can get along well in friendship and enjoy each other's company, each time surprised at their dissimilarity, while managing not to cross the line of mutual respect.

A friend of Libra will help Virgo become more sociable and open, teach them to relax and be distracted from work. Virgo, on the other hand, will "insure" her friend, where necessary, grounding his impulses, thereby allowing him to avoid trouble. So, in general, it will be a mutually beneficial partnership.

But friendship with Taurus does not work out. Libra is frankly bored in their society, and the earthly Taurus is unlikely to be able to trust or rely on Libra.

The friendship of Libra with Cancer and Pisces does not bode well: people who have completely different degrees of emotionality, while not wanting to adapt to each other, will not be able to find a common language in friendship. Misunderstandings, resentments and even conflicts will often arise between them.

Aries are too rough, active and chaotic for the balanced and calm nature of the Libra man. These people have little in common and they will not want to be friends for a long time.

If we compare Libra with a butterfly, and Capricorn with a goat, it becomes obvious that people are not on the same path. And they go in perfect different directions. Capricorn and Libra are strangers to each other. Their friendship will not work.

Libra's friend is a wonderful companion and interlocutor. And if there are such people among your friends, you can hardly remember them without a smile, sincere warmth and sympathy.

They can build harmonious, long-term relationships, the foundation of which will be the sociability of both signs, their intellect, and the desire to learn new things. Mutual union puts forward representatives of these signs to new social positions. Libra likes in Sagittarius the breadth of their views, cheerfulness, indestructible desire for self-improvement. Sagittarius, in turn, appreciates the conflict-free Libra, their inner charm and subtle sense of humor. These partners also have qualities that impede mutual understanding - this is the indecision and lack of initiative of Libra and the aggressiveness, irascibility of Sagittarius. Nevertheless, these signs of the Zodiac are attractive to each other, and both are satisfied when Sagittarius becomes the leader in such a pair.

Libra and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Libra Man - Sagittarius Woman

Very often, mutual acquaintances doubt the prospects of such a pair: the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem to them too dissimilar and unable to reach mutual understanding. However, their marriage can last a very long time and become happy, because there is every reason for this.

The elegant Libra man is famous for his poise and ability to control himself. His shyness should be understood correctly: this is not a complex or weakness. His ability to keep the golden mean in everything is a very valuable quality in the eyes of the Sagittarius woman, to which should be added the breadth of the soul, subtlety of manners, romance and remarkable intelligence. The Libra man will try to surround his life partner with maximum attention and warmth, anticipating her desires. Reasons for global conflicts in this pair may not arise at all.

Their qualities complement each other, and this is an inexhaustible resource for a pair of Libra men with a Sagittarius woman. And yet, despite belonging to the weaker sex, a woman of this sign sometimes sins with rudeness, harshness, straightforwardness, in response to which the Libra spouse begins to accumulate resentment in her soul. If this process is left to chance, then a man may gradually lose his former feelings and, as a result, cease to be interested in the further fate of these relationships. Therefore, the spouse should be as delicate as possible. Both should live with the understanding that the second half naturally has a slightly different life rhythm. If each of them loses some of the freedom they love so much, then in the end they will gain more than they lose - life gradually brings such a couple to this important conclusion. It is best for partners to spend their free time not in their own four walls, but to go out or go somewhere - this will give them new strength and refresh relations.

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Libra woman

The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar - even in the crowd, the Sagittarius man and the Libra woman will see each other, quickly converge and easily make contact. They are related by flexibility and unconventional thinking, ease of attitude to life. Both one and the other are very changeable throughout life, changing many masks, roles, adapting to various circumstances.

Despite the fact that the man will be somewhat confused by the frequent mood swings of the Libra, he will be subdued by her intellect and devotion, and she will definitely pay attention to his worldly wisdom and a reasonable approach to everything. Each of them takes care of their personal independence, but they respect this desire in each other and do not interfere with its implementation, which becomes the basis for a long and happy relationship.

The joint life of this couple will be rich in discoveries for both. They will never be bored, they are interesting to each other in themselves, and besides, they always have something to discuss or work on together. There comes a moment when a pair of Sagittarius men with a Libra woman becomes inseparable. There must always be a certain balance of personal freedom in it, so that the elements of Fire and Air do not destroy each other, but, on the contrary, make it possible to more clearly show the dignity of each.

Most often, a woman dominates in such a family - only because the Sagittarius husband seeks to avoid any obligations whatsoever. The well-being of this marriage is directly proportional to the social status of the man and woman. It is good if at least one of the partners becomes a successful person. In such a combination of signs of the Zodiac, there are often partners whom popular rumor dubbed kept women and gigolos, but for this couple, the existence of one at the expense of the other is not something out of the ordinary and destructive. Both feel quite comfortable, proving to others that you can be happy without regard to stereotypes and external circumstances.

Sagittarius and Libra - Sexual Compatibility

The intimate life of such a couple can be very, very active, despite the fact that Libra is inferior to Sagittarius in temperament. This union is considered oversaturated with energy, and in order for the couple not to quarrel, she needs to be especially active in bed - which they put into practice. They can use non-traditional and even distorted forms of erotic communication, which become for them both a means of relieving mental stress and new entertainment.

Horoscope of compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra in work and business

Striving for social success, Libra and Sagittarius act by approximately the same methods and are quite compatible in business life. The union is especially favorable for Libra, because. in this case, they set themselves more ambitious goals and are bolder in their implementation. If these people become partners, they will not discuss much about the goals and means to achieve them, quickly developing a common strategy. An important factor in their joint success is the presence of both one and the other of useful connections. They cooperate best in the humanitarian sphere, and especially in the arts. They easily find a common language, combine creative forces and show the world very non-standard projects.

Couple Sagittarius - Libra: compatibility in friendship

These two understand each other perfectly, they both like to keep abreast of the news, attend cultural events, rotate in society. Often this is what becomes the basis of their friendly ties. True, the excessive authoritarianism and activity of Sagittarius can somewhat unnerve Libra, depriving them of peace of mind. Free heterosexual representatives of these zodiac signs, due to physical attraction, can turn into lovers. These relationships cannot be called friendship for centuries: if one of the friends, for some reason, loses its former social status, the relationship will almost certainly end. Both one and the other are not happy with the continuation of communication, for example, with an alcoholic, a bankrupt, or a person who has been in prison. Both will consider that such a company will discredit them in the eyes of society.

See the compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs:

See Sagittarius compatibility with other zodiac signs.