Water pipes      06/29/2020

The biggest pear in the world. Giant vegetables. The largest sugar beet


amazing flowering plant called wolfia spherical, gives such small fruits (width from 0.4 to 0.8 mm) that more than 1,000 of these fruits can fit on one human finger.

Wolffia spherical: the smallest fruit

One such fruit weighs about70 micrograms.

It is also worth noting that Wolffia spherical also stands out as the smallest flowers in the world among all flowering plants.

Its natural range is tropical and subtropical Asia, however, the plant was introduced into North and South America.

Wolffia spherical grows along the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds, as well as ditches, where it spreads very quickly through the reservoir. It will also be interesting to note that this plant does not need roots for the stems or leaves to survive.

unusual fruits

This smallest plant in the world blooms, and later emerges from the flower a tiny fruit called "utricle" or "pouch".

This plant blooms between June and September.

Wolffia spherical fruits are cultivated in Southeast Asia, as they are rich in protein. This fruit is considered an abundant source of food, aswolfia reproduces very quickly. Wolffia tastes like watercress.

This micro plant is also considered a great source of energy. If used as a biofuel, it would be carbon neutral as it extracts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In addition, this plant can be used to filter water by balancing the levels of phosphorus and nitrogen.

Another benefit of wolfia is its ability reduce cadmium and arsenic levels in the environment.

Scientists are looking at wolfia as a possible source of food and energy for long-term space travel.

The world's largest fruit

Among all edible fruits, the largest are the jackfruit fruits that grow on trees. Their length can reach 110 cm, diameter - 20 cm, and weight - 34 kg.

Experts consider India (in particular, the Eastern Ghats) and Bangladesh to be the birthplace of jackfruit, where this fruit is considered national.

Today, jackfruit grows profusely in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Also, this tree can be found in East Africa, namely in Kenya and Uganda.

It is worth noting that this fruit is consumed both ripe and unripe. The latter is used as a vegetable - it is boiled, fried, and also stewed, but the ripe fruit is used fresh, especially when preparing salads and desserts.

Healthy jackfruit

A ripe jackfruit has a very strong aroma. Inside, it smells like a mixture of pineapple and banana, and it tastes like blend of apple, pineapple, mango and banana.

Jackfruit is incredibly nutritious. It contains about 40% carbohydrates, and seeds can contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% proteins and 0.4% fats. As a rule, the seeds of this fruit are roasted like chestnuts.

Since jackfruit wood is not damaged by termites and fungi, it is often used in construction, furniture production, and musical instruments.

List useful substances contained in jackfruit:


A, Beta Carotene, Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Vitamin B6, folic acid(vitamin B9), vitamin C, vitamin E.


Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc.

November 1st is World Vegan Day. All people eat vegetables, but for many, the fashionable passion for vegetarianism has grown into a lifestyle. Today I picked the biggest, heaviest and longest vegetables.

2. The largest potato was grown by Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat. His weight was 11.3 kg.

3. The largest zucchini grew in the American Norfolk on the farm of Ken Dade. His weight was 65 kg.

Several places on the list will be occupied by an American farmer from Alaska, who specializes in growing giant vegetables - John Evans. He has 7 world records.

6. Giant broccoli from John Evans' garden weighs 15.8 kg.

7. Another record from John Evans is the heaviest carrot in the world. Her weight was 8.5 kg.

8. But Lloyd Bright likes to grow giant watermelons. His last record is the largest watermelon weighing 122 kg.

9. The longest cucumber in the world was grown by the Englishman Alf Cobb. The length of the cucumber was 0.9 meters.

10. The world's heaviest radish was grown in Japan by Manabu Oono, weighing 31.1 kg.

11. The world's largest turnip was grown by Scott and Mardi Robb in Alaska, its weight was 17.7 kg.

12. The heaviest beet in the world was grown by the Dutch farmer Piet de Goude. Her weight was 71 kg.

13. The largest onion in the world weighing 8.2 kg was grown by British pensioner Peter Glazebrook.

14. The largest head of garlic weighed 1.19 kg and was grown by Robert Kirkpatrick in California.

15. The world's largest tomato was grown in Oklahoma by J. Graham. His weight was 3.51 kg.

We present you the TOP 10 largest and heaviest vegetables and fruits in the world.

The heaviest breadfruit (34.4 kg)
Such a heavy fruit was grown by George and Margaret Schatauer from the islands of Hawaii, USA. Despite the fact that the fetus weighs 34.4 kg, it is 57.46 cm long and 121.28 in girth - a real champion. Breadfruit trees come from India, they appeared on the island of Hawaii back in 1888.

The largest potato (11.2 kg)
Lebanese farmer Khalil Semhat from the southern city of Tyre, could not believe his eyes when he discovered such a huge potato in his garden - 11.2 kg.

The largest zucchini (65 kg)

The largest squash in the world was grown by an Australian from the Norfolk Islands. It took two people to lift a 65-kilogram zucchini. Luxurious zucchini has already managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records, beating the previous largest zucchini at 3 kg.

The largest cabbage (34.4 kg)
John Evans from Alaska, USA, is famous for growing giant vegetables, one of them is cabbage, which weighs 34.4 kg.

The largest watermelon in the world (122 kg)
Lloyd Bright and his Hope Farm Store have been growing giant watermelons since 1979. The last of the victory was a watermelon, weighing 122 kg.

The heaviest carrot (8.5 kg)
John Evans also managed to grow the heaviest carrot in 1998.

The world's largest pumpkin (766 kg)

The world's largest pumpkin grew in Rhode Island, USA, in 2007 it weighed as much as 766 kg.

The longest cucumber (0.9 m)
The longest cucumber was grown by Alfa Sobba from the Western Showground in the southwest of England.

The largest cauliflower (14.1 kg)
Evans also managed to grow the largest cauliflower in 1997, the giant cabbage weighed 14.1 kg.

The heaviest broccoli in the world (15.8 kg)
And here John Evans succeeded: he grew a giant broccoli, weighing 15.8 kg.

Cucumber is an extremely popular vegetable in our country, not only in summer, but also in winter time of the year. Many believe that it is a purely Russian product, although this is not so. In fact, tropical India is considered its homeland, where wild cucumbers can still be found, for example, near the foot of the Himalayas. Subsequently, the Greeks learned about this vegetable, then the Romans, and it came to Europe only in the eighth century. If we talk about Russia, then he came to us even in the Middle Ages.

In addition, this vegetable is extremely useful for the human body, although it is 95% water. The fact is that it contains a lot of organic substances that play important role in metabolism, as well as improve digestion. In addition, it contains salts that are extremely important for our body, which neutralize the acidic compounds that occur when using other products. And this is very important, since these compounds not only age the body, but also contribute to the deposition of stones in the liver and kidneys, and also disrupt metabolic processes. However, about others useful properties you can find this vegetable on thematic sites.

For the time being, we will try to find out which is the most big cucumber in the world? It turns out that the length of the record holder is 1 m 75 cm! He was raised by pensioner Zoya Leontyeva, who lives in the village of Mozyr, which is located in the Republic of Belarus. Its harvest can hardly be called unusual, rather, gigantic! The pensioner claims that she herself had never seen such large cucumbers before. She just bought five seeds from one of the local shops and planted them. Moreover, a strange fruit began to grow from a white flower - thin and long, but Zoya did not stop watering it and caring for it, as a result, a new world record "grew".

Alas, what kind of variety it was, the woman is now unable to remember. The specialists who arrived at the pensioner's dacha were pretty surprised - with all its appearance, the fruit resembles rather a squash-cucumber hybrid, and its taste is completely strange - a pineapple flavor is felt! By the way, if a woman does not wait for the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, whose application has already been sent, then the vegetable will go for pickling.

Well, the former officially documented record belongs to the British gardener Alf Cobb, who was able to grow a cucumber 92 centimeters long. Subsequently, he was shown at a local horticultural exhibition, where representatives of the Guinness Book came and recorded a new record. By the way, at the same exhibition there was another record holder - the largest zucchini in the world, the mass of which reached a mind-blowing 65 kg.

Autumn is not only beautiful time year, but also the time of harvest. This year, the rating of giant fruits and vegetables has been replenished with new record holders from gardens and fields. For example, a ten-year-old resident of Alaska, Kivan Dinkel, grew a head of cabbage weighing 41.9 kilograms, and a Japanese farmer surprised with a grown pumpkin weighing 485.1 kilograms. Let's take a look at the impressive vegetables of this and past seasons.

A farmer in Japan's Chiba prefecture has grown a pumpkin weighing 485.1 kilograms, Japanese TV channel NHK reported on Monday, September 23. The man took first place in the nationwide competition "Japan's Biggest Pumpkin".

Frame: NHK World

Koji Ueno is a farmer who has grown a giant pumpkin and has won first place in the competition for the second year. This year, 31 vegetables competed for the right to be called the “largest pumpkin” from all over Japan.

The event, organized by the local branch of the International Federation of Young Leaders and Entrepreneurs and other organizations, has been held for 27 years. Most of the pumpkins that came to the competition belong to a variety that is grown for livestock feed. The largest of them were weighed using a cargo lift.
Who grows giant vegetables and fruits

Koji Ueno with his record-breaking pumpkin will take part in international competition giant pumpkins, which will be held in Oregon in the USA on October 19th.

A pumpkin weighing about 700 kilograms was grown by American Thad Starr on his plot in Oregon. He regularly brings giant pumpkins to various fairs and competitions. One of the last copies weighs about 800 kilograms. Photo: Robert Galbraith / Reuters

Atherton's father's name is also Joe, and he is also into vegetable growing. In this picture, he is holding an 80 cm cucumber and a 1.5 kg potato. Photo: Bruce Adams / Daily Mail / REX

Yorkshire fair judges Adrian Reid and Dave Alcock hug the winner of the Giant Vegetable Show, a 30kg head of cabbage. Photo: Bruce Adams / Daily Mail / REX

A resident of the Chinese Yulin named Yan Hua got a mushroom weighing 4.5 kilograms. According to the Chinese, he bought it from a vegetable merchant. He, in turn, said that he found a giant raincoat in the forest. The experts who examined the mushroom allowed Hua to eat it. Photo: Quirky China News

But such a crop of fodder beet was harvested a few years ago in Hungary. The weight and length of the fruits are not named, but one glance at the roots is enough to be impressed by their size. Photo: Europress Photo Agency

Briton Philip Vowles has been growing vegetables for many years. His successful horticultural projects include giant pumpkins, cabbages, cucumbers and squash. In the photo, he is depicted with a seven-kilogram cucumber, which at one time got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Vowles has been a vegetable grower for 25 years, so he knows everything about how to get a huge harvest. In this photo, Peter shows off a 51kg zucchini that he managed to grow in just a month and a half.

Gardener Peter Glazebrook demonstrates a bulb weighing about eight kilograms. This vegetable was a participant in the same Yorkshire Fair in 2011. Photo: Bruce Adams / Daily Mail

Yitzhak Izdanpana, a resident of Israel, became interested in gardening after he retired. He managed to grow a cucumber 1.2 meters long. The pensioner assured that no special means he did not use it to stimulate the growth of a vegetable - the cucumber grew on its own in three months. Photo: Israel Sun

Another Israeli, Nissan Tamir, has also been growing horticultural crops for a long time and with pleasure. On his site, everything becomes gigantic, even a radish that has gained 21 kilograms of weight. Photo: Azulai / Israel Sun

Chinese Liu Fengbin with a crop of huge oranges. A resident of Hubei province grows them on his orange plantation. According to him, the same tree gives such fruits for several years. What is the secret is unknown. Photo: Quirky China News/HAP