Shower      06/16/2019

Sundew is a flowering plant. Sundew - home care, photos and types. Sundew tea

The carnivorous sundew plant is one of the “flycatcher” flowers that feeds on insects. Sundew catches both mosquitoes and flies, and especially large specimens growing in subtropical zones are able to lure and digest not only snails, but also frogs. About what the sundew plant eats, and how to grow it in closed ground are described in detail in this article.

Sundew, Drosera (Drosera) belongs to the Rosyankovye family. Her homeland is Australia, Africa, Europe.

This genus contains about 100 species. In indoor floriculture, it is extremely rarely cultivated. However, specific care and unusual way extraction of nutrients make the cultivation of sundew not only difficult, but also interesting.

The most popular types of plants are:

Sundew dissyllabic (D. binata).

R. Cape (D. carensis).

R. pawl (D. spathulata).

Australian sundew has two-compound, long, deeply dissected leaves.

Cape sundew, growing in America, is distinguished by uncut leaves.

Where does the swamp insectivorous plant sundew (drosera) grow?

The sundew is a herbaceous insectivorous plant found in many temperate regions around the globe.

There are about a hundred species of sundews on the globe, and the sundews that grow in the tropics are much larger than their northern neighbors. In particular, in Australia there is a giant sundew, the stem of which reaches 60–100 cm. And in South Africa there is a sundew royal, which digests snails and toads.

In the flora of some countries, for example Belarus, there are three more species of these plants in addition to the usual round-leaved. In the northern latitudes, you can find a swamp plant English sundew - with elongated leaves. Intermediate sundew is less common, the name of which suggests that the shape of its leaves occupies an intermediate position between round, like round-leaved sundew, and elongated, oblong, like English sundew. And even less common in our sundew obovate.

All these and other types of sundews reach the Arctic zone and, in the absence of peat moss, can grow right on the rocks. Several types of sundew live in Australia, Brazil, at the Cape of Good Hope. The giant sundew, growing in Australia, has a stem height of 60 cm and is covered with narrow leaves. The plant looks like a shrub. And if our sundews are content only with small insects, then the extraction of the Australian sundew can be more substantial. Snails, frogs and mice become its victims. In North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, the sundew growing there is hung on walls to control flies. Perhaps the invention of sticky paper was prompted by these plants.

Sundew grows where there are sphagnum swamps or damp sand, near lakes, in damp meadows.

The origin of the name "dew" and the adaptation of the plant to the environment (with video)

The origin of the name "dew" is explained by the fact that droplets of sticky mucus, similar to dew or drops of honey, glisten on it. The sundew itself is painted red-green. The leaves of this small plant are covered with 25 cilia on the upper side of the leaf blade and along the edges where the longest of them are located.

Sundew's adaptations to the environment are unique. The upper end of the cilia is thickened. It is there that the gland is located, which secretes sticky mucus. Insects fly to the predator - sundew, attracted by the brilliance of this droplet. But as soon as they touch the sheet, they stick. Soon, after 10 or 20 minutes, the eyelash to which the victim has stuck will bend towards the center of the leaf. All neighboring cilia will also be bent.

Then the edge of the leaf plate will be bent, and the trap will slam shut. If on the cilia there is a substance that does not contain protein, for example, a raindrop, they will not move. Enzymes secreted by cilia break down protein (sunflower enzymes are similar to pepsin, the gastric juice of animals). After the plant has had dinner, the cilia straighten out, again become covered with "dew" and lure new flies. Sometimes the digestive process can take several days. South African royal sundew - a plant half a meter high - can even digest snails and frogs.

Interestingly, the glue produced by insectivorous plants not only “grabs” careless insects, but also acts like anesthesia. A dead insect from the edge of the leaf falls into its middle, the leaf shrinks, turning into something similar to the stomach. And when it opens a few days later, you can see the remains of the victim on it - only one chitinous cover.

The surface of the leaf becomes dry for a while, but when the plant "plays out appetite", it is again covered with sticky dew and awaits a new victim.

Watch a video of how the sundew plant lures insects:

What does the sundew plant eat and how does it catch insects

The mechanism of action of sundew leaves was of interest to many naturalists. The sundew was especially popular among the alchemists of the Middle Ages, who tried to find the elixir of life and paid attention to the sundew. Alchemists assumed that the plant had magical powers, and attributed to the sundew the ability to cure consumption. From her "dew" they made a drink that supposedly healed from all ailments.

The scientific explanation of the way sundews are fed was first given by the founder of the theory of evolution, the great Charles Darwin. It turned out that the plant secretes juice, the composition of which resembles the gastric juice of animals. And this juice just does not stand out. Until animal food gets on the leaf, the sundew emits only sticky mucus. But then an insect stuck, and the composition of the liquid begins to change. Formic acid and the enzyme pepsin are released - a special biological substance of a protein nature that promotes and accelerates the digestion of food in the animal's stomach. The hairs of the leaf cover the prey, and the process of digestion begins. Each leaf can afford such dinners 3-4 times, and then it turns black and dies.

Scientists conducted many experiments with sundew - it turned out to be such an interesting object for science. They tried to deceive the plant and slipped various tricks instead of living food, for example, dry blades of grass or spruce needles. And it turned out that sundew is a very sensitive organism.

When hit on a leaf of dry grass, the reaction of the cilia was not observed. They did not respond to foreign objects. Mosquitoes, midges or small bugs are another matter. In this case, the cilia of the leaf began to immediately respond to touch.

They tried to act on sundew leaves with narcotic substances, such as chloroform or ether. Drugs are drugs, they have the same effect on all living things. The sensitive reaction of the sundew disappeared, but in the fresh air the sensitivity was gradually restored. Interestingly, here, too, the sundew is legible. For example, the strongest poison plant origin curare does not work on her, but such a poison poisonous snake, like a cobra, only slightly irritates the leaves. Salts of potassium and other metals, as well as acetic, oxalic and benzoic acids turned out to be poisonous for the plant, and it did not react to hydrochloric, formic, tartaric and malic acids.

A completely legitimate question may arise whether she will die if she does not eat protein animal food, if flies and insects do not visit her. Of course not. Like all green plants, it obtains proteins from carbon dioxide and soil minerals.

But without animal proteins, sundew plants become small, produce few seeds, and grow more slowly. By adding animal proteins to your diet, the sundew improves the diet, since its habitat - swampy soils - is characterized by the poverty of nitrogenous compounds and mineral salts.

If you meet a sundew on a raised bog, do not be too lazy to do interesting experiment. It turns out that with the help of this plant it is possible to determine the growth of the sphagnum carpet. Sundew grows with sphagnum moss. Every year the moss grows, and this forces the sundew to form annually. a new outlet leaves. The old one sinks inside and is preserved in the mass of moss on the root strand. If you carefully pull the sundew out of the moss, you can see the remains of past rosettes on its long root cord at different distances from each other. There may be a different number, sometimes up to ten. Measure the distance between rosettes and you will know the amount of growth in sphagnum cover.

What sundew looks like: photo and description

Rosyanka is a perennial herbaceous insectivorous plant, usually stemless, with a creeping rhizome. The leaves are basal, rosette, covered with glandular reddish trapping hairs, sticky at the ends. In the absence of insects, it feeds like a normal plant. The description of sundew flowers is unremarkable - they are small, collected in racemose or paniculate inflorescences.

More often than others, round-leaved sundew is found and has practical significance - perennial up to 25 centimeters tall with open leaves with a rounded leaf blade up to 1 centimeter in diameter.

As you can see in the photo, the sundew plant has a single flower arrow in the sundew (less often there are 2-3), at the end of its 10-20 small white flowers:

It blooms in June-July.

Sundew has a rather exotic, but common for carnivorous plants appearance. An underdeveloped root system does not allow the plant to obtain the necessary nutrients from the soil, therefore, in the process of evolution, a mechanism has been developed for catching insects and digesting them. When describing a sundew plant, it is especially worth noting its leaves - they are thin, tentacle-like, covered with red hairs, collected in a rosette. It is in these hairs that glands are located that secrete an enzyme that attracts insects and at the same time helps to digest them. An insect that sits on sundew leaves sticks to them and can no longer get out. It is at this moment that the process of digestion begins on the leaves with the help of special enzymes.

Pay attention to the photo - at the sundew flower, many (130 ... 280) tentacles extend from the upper surface and edge of the plate:

Their length is not the same - it increases from the middle of the plate to its edge. The tentacle consists of a purple stem and a club-shaped or oval head. Leg - an outgrowth of the leaf blade; the head, or gland, is a glandular hair. The leg is able to move - bend and straighten.

The glands, which are at rest, secrete a drop of thick, sticky, viscous mucus, shining in the sun like dewdrops. Small flying and crawling insects, attracted by the brilliance of these droplets, which they take for nectar, sit or crawl on the leaf blade and stick to it.

Trying to free themselves, they rush about, fight, touching the sticky drops of neighboring glands, and are increasingly enveloped in mucus. A few minutes later, after the gland of at least one tentacle is irritated, all the rest come into an excited state. In 10 minutes, after the first tentacle has been irritated, the closest tentacles begin to bend towards the center, and within 1–3 hours all other tentacles also bend, pressing the prey tightly against the plate. Then the plate bends (becomes concave).

Here you can see a photo of sundew, the description of which is presented above:

All movements of the tentacles and the leaf blade are aimed at mixing the prey with the abundant secretions of the glands - acid and an enzyme like pepsin. This liquid flows into the recess of the plate.

In the secretions of the glands, the alkaloid coniine was found, which has a paralyzing effect on insects. Covered with mucus, which clogs the trachea and causes suffocation, paralyzed insects die after 15 minutes. After a few days, the dissolution and absorption processes end. The tentacles gradually straighten and return to their original position.

The following describes how to care for sundew at home.

How to grow indoor sundew and how to care for it at home

Sundew prefers shade, but a little light won't hurt her. When growing sundew, it is best to place it away from the window, avoiding direct contact with sun rays.

In winter, a cool content is necessary at a temperature of 5-10 ° C, the soil must remain moist. IN warm room sundew cannot be left. Since the plant needs constant moisture, the best place for its content is a terrarium.

For proper care for sundew at home, the substrate should be light, acidic and consist of crushed bark, brown peat and sand.

The plant needs frequent but moderate watering. It is advisable to use warm rain water. In the room where the sundew is located, it is necessary to maintain high humidity by conducting daily plentiful spraying. Watering room sundew should be carried out carefully, only through the pan, with soft water.

Once a month, sundew must be fed with flower fertilizers in small doses. Fertilization can be replaced by feeding the plant with insects and small pieces of raw meat.

If you know how to grow sundew at home, you can try propagating the plant with leaf cuttings.

In nature, sundew reproduces by seeds, but at home, reproduction in this way is impossible.

Like a real predator, this plant has practically no enemies and does not get sick. At improper care dies. Rarely cultivated indoors.

Sundew is medicinal plant. It is harvested during flowering, from June to August, and dried in a warm, ventilated room.

The color of dried sundew is reddish, the taste is sour-bitter. Sundew is used for colds, as a diaphoretic, and for coughs.

An important characteristic of the sundew is the ability of the juice secreted by the glands of the leaf to dissolve organic substances, so the plant is used to remove warts, and in the Vologda region, milk dishes are washed with its leaves.

Sundew round-leaved in folk herbal medicine has long been used as an antitussive and expectorant for diseases of the respiratory system, in early stages pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. Sundew is used as a sedative and anticonvulsant for epilepsy, as well as for visual impairment.

Scientists isolated two substances from sundew leaves - coniin, which has a paralytic effect, and formic acid, which destroys putrefactive bacteria. Thanks to these substances, various small animals are quickly digested by sundew leaves.

In the 80s. 20th century In France, competitions of insectivorous plants were held. The first place was given to E. Marcier. His sundew caught 51 mosquitoes in 3 hours.

There are many varieties in the list of green pets, whose traditional places of "residence" are very far from home registration. Among the specimens gaining popularity are “predator plants”. Consider one of the most popular species - Sundew (Drosera).

Answering the question - where does the sundew grow, researchers find it difficult to determine the accuracy of the location. Wild sundew is found on the African, American, Australian, New Zealand and even European continents.

The flower registers contain descriptions of more than 150 species belonging to the category of carnivores. The most common is the unpretentious round-leaved sundew. Among the names encountered, “sunny dew”, received as a gift from very conservative English, looks especially.

Attention! Before buying, before a predatory beauty acquires the status of a “pet”, you should ask about its species origin and ability to take root in individual climatic conditions.

Three varieties are found in Russia: round-leaved sundew, English sundew and intermediate sundew. In temperate climates, they are able to survive in severe cold conditions by forming overwintering buds. Despite the existing natural species diversity, flower growers have to be content with only one. Cape sundew is a flower, the indoor variety of which is not demanding in care and maintenance.

Rosyanka round-leaved in nature is perennial grass. It got its name due to the droplets of liquid located on the hairs of the leaves. Among the features of the sundew are:

  • the formation of a basal rosette;
  • the presence of leaves of different lengths with villi covered with a sticky mass;
  • the presence of an inflorescence in the form of a spikelet, pink or cream color;
  • the adhesive substance is characterized by paralytic properties.

Amateur flower growers like the carnivorous sundew plant because of its unusual and attractive appearance, as well as the possibility of using it for medical purposes.

The flowers of the plant appear in mid-summer, and are pollinated by pollinating insects, which risk being trapped in hairs with liquid droplets. That's why flowers are located on a long peduncle so that insects do not fall into the trap during pollination. The flowers are painted in a white-pink hue, and consist of five petals that attract the attention of insects. At home, the flowers are artificially pollinated by rubbing each other. Inside the fruits that form in early autumn, there are small seeds. Once on the ground, they deepen and rise the very next year.

Growing is possible not only from seeds. Another way is to transplant the sundew into the conditions of the house with the soil layer on which the plant originally grew. The soil in which the pet is to be planted consists of peat and sand. Such a mixture is very similar to the mineral-poor soils of the natural habitat.

Medicinal properties

Evidence has been recorded indicating that the flycatcher was used in folk medicine since the Middle Ages. Wild sundew helped cure respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds of various origins, coughs and even tuberculosis. She coped well with inflammatory manifestations of the eyes and fever.

Important! Exceeding the dose of her drugs causes vomiting and nausea. Patients with epilepsy and tuberculosis should use it with caution, and it is best to consult a doctor.

Sleepy sundew, and other varieties, are now used in the process of creating drugs to combat atherosclerosis, epilepsy, candidiasis and headaches. Included in diuretics. The juice from the fresh plant can be used as a remedy for warts.

On the "hunt" for insects

The round-leaved sundew, covered with droplets of mucus produced by special glands, looks attractive. It is the shiny drop that attracts the insect. The surface of the plant is covered with sticky hairs, which keep victims of small sizes.

The hunting mechanism, which consists in folding sensitive leaves, turns on when the helpless victim is completely bogged down in the sticky mass. A kind of "nutrition" lasts for a week with closed leaves. Then the leaves open again and release a killer dew.

plant care

Many flower growers are concerned about the question - how to care for sundew at home? In order for the round-leaved sundew to feel excellent and delight with its exotic beauty, lighting, temperature, soil, humidity and watering will require attention.


Where the sundew grows, there should be a shadow. The best option location in the apartment - the premises of the eastern or western side. Window installation is not required. Requires diffused light. The use of northern rooms involves additional lighting.

Note! During the summer period admission sunlight should last up to 14 hours, and in winter - up to 10 hours.

Direct sunlight is the cause of burns and death of the plant.


When choosing temperature regime the type of plant is taken into account. For African varieties comfortable temperature in summer up to 30 °C, in winter - not lower than 13 °C, but not higher than 16 °C. European subspecies require a temperature not higher than 22°C in summer, and in the range of 7–12°C in winter.

Predator can withstand temperatures from 2 to 50 ° C for a short amount of time

The soil

Care at home requires careful attention to soil mixtures. Natural habitat soil: peat, quartz sand, moss, turf or perlite. The approximate ratio of the composition of the substrate, is expressed by the formula: 2:2:1:1. As a measure, you can use a regular cup.

Humidity and watering

To admire sundew at home, remember that it belongs to the category of plants that “like” swampy areas. The required indicators of constant humidity are 70-90%. Wild sundew will thrive in shady conditions in open areas and the required level of humidity.

If the rooms in which the Cape sundew grows are characterized by low levels of humidity, then artificial humidification is required.

Spraying is allowed, but in the distance. To grow a sundew, it is recommended to install pallets with pebbles or expanded clay, and a moistened state. Can be used stacked on the surface of the pot.

To know how to grow round-leaved sundew in an apartment, you must remember that she loves water. Watering is plentiful and intensive, especially in winter. Do not allow the soil mixture to dry out. The water is soft, without impurities of salts and minerals. The best option is rainy or distilled.

Transplant conditions

Where sundew grows in natural conditions, it has a shallow root system. Therefore, transplantation is an optional event. Optimally - 1 time in several years, subject to the depletion of the soil.

About reproduction

Asking the question - how to grow a plant, you need to know that reproduction can be done by cuttings, division and seeds.

Breeding sundew from seeds is the most popular method. Requires the use of an equal mixture of sand and peat substrate, placing the seeds in the soil, covering with a glass container and generous watering. Optimum temperature– 22-25°C.

Sundew at home reproduces during transplantation by separating the formed outlet, or by dividing the main bush.

When cutting, the flower shoot is cut off before the formation of buds and takes root in greenhouses. As cuttings, leafy shoots are also used, placed in moist soil under the greenhouse. Sleepy sundew requires good watering and scattered light.

The plant in open spaces "hunts" on its own. In apartments, the sundew feeds on brought insects, live or dried. In the weekly diet of the plant, there are from 1 to 3 flies purchased in pet stores.

Growing these, you should also know:

  • nutrition provides growth, but is not a fundamental criterion for life;
  • pests - aphids. The causes of occurrence are insufficient moisture and dryness of the earth;
  • Start active growth and flowering - spring. The dormant period is from October.

The main difficulty is root rot. The reason may be low temperature and overflow. Signs - fading color and cessation of growth.

sundew is pretty interesting plant which can eat insects. That is why this flower is called the predator of the plant world. Can grow on swampy and poor soils. But sundew can also be grown at home, but for this it is necessary to follow certain rules of care.

On the moss there is a rosette consisting of leaves. They are located very close to the soil surface. On one sundew, about 12 leaves can grow, which are very small. Their diameter is approximately 1 cm and no more. They are located on petioles, which have a rather elongated shape of 4 or 7 centimeters maximum.

Found in nature different types sundews, which will differ in the color of the leaves. You can find burgundy or emerald varieties.

Not everyone knows what sundew looks like: on the surface of the leaves of all varieties there are small hairs that have a burgundy hue. Small droplets of liquid form along the edges of the hairs. Sundew is a carnivorous plant, and with the help of this enzyme, it can attract various insects, which it passively hunts.

The carnivorous sundew plant is a perennial flower. If the name is translated into Latin, it will be written like this: Drosera (Drosera).

The flower has many informal names., which are often used in Russia:

  1. The eyes of the princess.
  2. Rosichka.
  3. God's dewdrop.
  4. Solar dewdrop.

Plants secrete a special sticky substance that various insects come across. The sundew flower got its name precisely because of these drops that hang from the sheets. They are very similar to dew. This substance contains a sufficient amount of horse meat alkaloid, as well as various digestive enzymes. The liquid immediately paralyzes the insect that falls into the trap. As soon as the victim is neutralized, the edges of the leaves will instantly close.

But in the event that the insect is small, then it may well get out through the cracks. Big insects don't stand a chance.

People who want to plant a flower at home may wonder where the sundew grows. After all, seeds do not have to be bought, they can be collected from a living plant. The usual habitat of the flower is marshland. The number is sharply reduced due to human intervention in natural conditions.

Wintering period

When the cold comes, the sundew is covered with wintering buds. As they grow, they will go deep into the moss that grows in the forest. If you come to the swamp in winter, then the plant may not even be noticed, since it will be completely covered with moss.

In this manner Predator defends itself from frost, and successfully survives cold times.

When spring comes and the temperature stabilizes, the first shoots appear from the buds formed during the winter.

flowering plant

Flowering occurs in mid-July, and therefore it is considered quite late. Pollination is carried out by various insects. But in this situation, pollinators can fall into a deadly trap. It is for this purpose that the flower-bearing shoots are approximately 25 and 30 cm long in order to lure victims.

Small flowers will bloom on each peduncle. They are usually pink or white in color. Inflorescences are collected in beautiful curls or tassels. Each flower has several petals. Against the backdrop of gloomy swamps, this plant looks very beautiful and impressive, because it resembles clouds.

home growth

To grow sundew at home, you must follow clear rules. It will be necessary to accurately select the nutrition that is ideal for the flower, and before that it is correct to grow from seeds. And also do not forget about the selection right soil, features of watering and transplanting.

Growing from seed

By the end of summer, fruits will form in place of flowers. They are self-opening. Inside the fruit are very small seeds that are spindle-shaped. When autumn comes, they will fall out of their place of growth and fall on forest moss. After that, they are buried in the surface of the soil. Growth will be observed next year in spring period.

These are the conditions of natural growth. And they will have to be reproduced by gardeners for home cultivation.

If you want to plant a sundew at home, you need to make sure that there is a large amount of moss on the site. Otherwise, the sundew from the seed simply will not grow. This is a prerequisite for home planting.

Nutrition Features

The leaves of the plant have an emerald hue. They contain a sufficient amount of chlorophyll. It is this substance that promotes photosynthesis. This suggests that the flower itself can provide itself with various nutrients necessary for good growth.

Due to the fact that the sundew mainly grows in swamps, in soil that is very scarce and not rich in minerals, the plant has to catch insects in order to obtain the necessary nutrients.

For the growth of the flower, you must definitely eat ants, since they contain the necessary vitamins that the sundew needs to survive.

And the plant can eat spiders, mosquitoes, bugs, flies or dragonflies.

Soil and ground

Swamp flower can grow on any soil. If the growth is artificial (domestic), then it is imperative to add moss to the surface of the earth. Its height should be approximately 3 cm.

The shoots will die off every year, turning into recycled peat material. Because of this, oxygen is poorly supplied to the root system, so the sundew has adapted in such a way that the roots annually rise above the soil surface. If there is a desire to plant a sundew at home, then you should purchase a meager substrate, which will consist of:

  • peat;
  • sea ​​sand.

This composition will provide ideal conditions for growth. It is advisable to use it.

Watering and temperature

To produce proper watering, it is necessary to use a special drip tray or bottom irrigation. For this purpose, the container must be placed on a bowl filled with water.

You should know that in no case should you spray sundew. There are villi on the leaves, and if they are constantly in a wet state, then all the sticky liquid that is necessary for the life of the plant will be washed off from them. In this case, the sundew simply will not be able to get food and will soon die.

The temperature in the summer period in the room must be 19 or 21 degrees Celsius. In winter, this value should be 5-12 degrees.

Usually the plants are covered with moss in winter to keep them warm. And this means that if the winter is too warm, then the plants will simply die due to an excess of heat.

There are tropical varieties that can live in summer at temperatures in the range of 32 degrees. Winter should then fluctuate from 16 to 19 degrees.

flower varieties

Breeders note that in nature you can find more than 150 subspecies of a predatory plant. The most popular are the following:

  1. Round-leaved, which grows in swamps in temperate zone. The leaves are oval in shape and grow on long petioles. In diameter, they can be about 2 cm. In appearance, they are very similar to small plates. The upper part of the sheets is covered with hairs.
  2. The Cape type is the most beautiful of all varieties. It has very short branches, and the leaves are thin and contented graceful. They grow on long petioles. They have a burgundy, brown or emerald-amber color, and therefore it looks very impressive. The cilia of the plant have a burgundy color. When insects fall into the trap, the leaves do not slam shut, but are twisted into a roll. Very beautiful flowers grow on the flower.
  3. The intermediate subspecies is one of the rarest. It is pinkish in color with green buds.
  4. The long-leaved species, as the name implies, has very long leaves. It usually grows on overgrown rivers or swamps. And also this variety is called English sundew.
  5. Alicia. This wild inhabitant of swamps grows in Africa, can live at high altitudes. Tentacles are able to distinguish edible living creatures from ordinary branches or grass that have fallen into a trap.
  6. The royal type is an extraordinary representative of the species. The species is quite rare and is found only in Africa.

It is these varieties that gardeners most often purchase for their collection. This is due to the unusual forms and beauty of plants.

Benefit and harm

Very often, folk herbalists use processed sundew leaves to make various medicinal products. With the help of them, you can get rid of very large scars, warts, and papillomas.

If juice is made from a flower, then it can be used as a diaphoretic and diuretic. A lot of extreme people make a tincture that can be dripped into the eyes if a fever has set in. This remedy is antibacterial. The composition of the plant includes benzoic, malic, as well as lemon acid and vitamin C, tannins, calcium as well as potassium. Droseron is found in large quantities. You can make liqueur from sundew. This is exactly what the Italian masters do, who called their drink "Rosolio".

Pests and diseases

It is worth noting that various pests will not threaten the sundew, as it will simply eat them. It can only get sick if the root system is too moist. In no case should water be infused in the container in which the plant grows.

Sundew is a carnivorous plant which grows in warm climates. She is quite capable of enduring the Russian cold. It is best to plant it next to the moss.

If we talk about transplanting, then you should not worry much about this, since sundew does not require any special soil and can grow in any soil. Transplantation is carried out only when the land is swamped too much.

Very often, amateur gardeners acquire a predator because of its interesting carnivorous properties, as well as beauty. This combination is unique.

plant shoots annual. Grow from the most forest moss. In shape, they are elongated, thin, graceful. On the moss is rosette of leaves. They are firmly pressed to the ground.

One sundew contains 10-12 leaves. Leaves are miniature. They reach no more than 1 cm in diameter. They are on elongated petioles. Petioles are 4-7 cm long.

Depending on the subspecies, the leaves may be emerald or burgundy. Thin hairs of a burgundy shade grow on the leaves. At the edges of the hairs are small droplets of liquid. Thanks to enzymes, dew attracts a large number of insects.

Rosyanka is an insectivorous perennial. Latin name: Drosera Unofficial titles: dewdrop of God, eyes of the princess, solar dewdrop, dewdrop. The plant contains a sticky substance produced by the leaves.

Thanks to the hanging droplets of this liquid, similar to dew, it got its name. The substance contains koniin alkaloid and various digestive enzymes. Thanks to them, insects that fall into the trap, instantly paralyzed. It is a carnivorous plant with external digestion.

After ant, fly or other insect was caught by the plant, the edges of the leaves instantly close. If the insect is small, it can crawl out of the gap. large insects are covered in their entirety.

flower habitat in the swampy area. The number of plants is significantly reduced, due to human intervention in the wild.

In the gallery you can see what it looks like in the photo:

Wintering period

In the cold season, the plant appears wintering buds. As they grow, they go deep into the forest moss. If you come to a swampy area where sundew grows after frost, it will be impossible to see this plant. sundew will be completely hidden under forest moss.

Thanks to this way of growth, moss protects the flower from frost, and the sundew successfully survives the cold.

In the spring, when the temperature becomes stable and the first sun appears, the first shoots grow from the wintering buds of this representative of the flora.


Flowering late - in the middle of summer. The plant is pollinated by insects. But they run the risk of falling into the flower's trap. Therefore, the flower-bearing shoots on which the flowers are located reach a maximum length of 25-30 cm.

On each peduncle bloom at the top miniature flowers. They are white or soft pink color. Inflorescences are collected in brushes or beautiful curls. Each flower contains 5 petals.

Against the backdrop of a gloomy swamp, they look like beautiful "clouds". endowed sweet nectaries.

Home care

Growing from seeds

In place of flowers in late summer - early autumn grow fruit. They are self-opening. Opens with three doors. Inside the fruit are miniature seeds.

Seed shape: fusiform. You can see the seeds in the photo in the article. In early autumn, they spill out onto the surface of forest moss. After that, they are buried in the surface of the soil. Growth occurs in the spring of the following year.

When growing on garden plots the plant must be provided lots of moss. Otherwise, the procedure for growing sundew from seeds will be meaningless.

What does the plant eat?

leaflets emerald hue. They contain a large amount of pigmented chlorophyll. Thanks to this substance, photosynthesis occurs.

On the video sundew caught a spider:

Therefore, the plant can provide itself with nutrients. But since the plant grows in a swampy area, the soils in this environment are very poor and not rich in minerals. To obtain required amount nutrients, the plant has become catch insects.

Vitamins found in ants and flies help sundew survive in such a marshy area. The sundew feeds on small bugs, spiders, ants, flies, mosquitoes and even dragonflies.

Ground, soil

Can grow on any kind of soil. With artificial growth, it requires coverage with forest moss. The height of the moss must be more than 3 cm.

As the shoots die off every year, they turn into recycled peat material. Due to their large number, as well as forest sphagnum, oxygen does not enter the root system.

Because of this fact, sundew annually raises its roots to the surface of the soil. At home, sundew is planted in poor substrate, consisting of coarse-grained sea sand and peat.


Water the plant with a special drip tray or bottom irrigation. To do this, a container with a flower is placed on a bowl of water.

Attention! Spraying sundew is prohibited.

On the leaves of the flower are small villi. If they are constantly in a moist state, then the sticky liquid, which is so necessary for the plant, will be washed off from them.

In this case, the sundew will not be able to get food for itself and may die.


The plant is undemanding to soils. sundew can grow in any land. Transplantation is carried out only if the soil is very swampy.


Summer temperature should be within 19-21°C. Can tolerate cold in winter 5-12°C. Since the plant hides under moss in winter, a warm winter can be detrimental to it.

Benefit and harm

Processed sundew leaves are used in folk methods. They get rid of from warts, papillomas, small scars.

The infused juice of the flower is used as diuretic and diaphoretic. Many extreme people instill tincture of sundew in their eyes and drink with fevers. Is antibacterial agent.

The composition includes malic, benzoic and citric acid. The plant is rich in vitamin C.

The flower contains calcium, tannins and potassium salts. It also contains droserone and plumbagin. The Italian liqueur Rosolio is also made from sundew.

Diseases and pests of the predator

Plant pest free. Sundew can get sick only if the root system is waterlogged. It must not be allowed that in the container water was infused.

Sundew is a carnivorous plant. It grows in a warm climate, can tolerate Russian cold. Grows well next to forest moss. Not susceptible to pests. Recommended for amateur flower growers.

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(Drosera) is a carnivorous plant from the Rosyankov family (Droseraceae). It is difficult to name the exact place of residence and homeland. The plant is found in Africa, in all parts of America, Australia, on the European continent and even in some regions of Russia. There are over 100 species of carnivorous plant. At home, only one species is adapted - the Cape sundew. Care is quite simple and does not require special conditions content.

The name comes from the dew drops on the tendrils of the flower. It is with this liquid that the sundew preys on insects.

Description: perennial herbaceous plant, at the base forms a basal rosette. Petiolate, or sessile leaves are covered with hairs over the entire surface, from which a sticky substance for hunting appears. When touched, by hand, the same mucus is released.

The length of the leaves depends on the species and habitat, and differ significantly from 5 mm to 50 cm. The flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, bright pink or cream. A flower with a double perianth and a corolla of 4-5-8 petals. The same number of petals and stamens.

The pistil forms one nested ovary with a large number of seeds. Ovary superior, rounded. The fruit is a box with protein seeds. The substance secreted from the glands, in addition to stickiness, has paralytic properties.

A long stem with flowers located at the top, significantly exceeds the length of the trap leaves, so that during dusting, insects do not fall on sticky villi.

How is insect hunting done?

Special glands produce droplets that attract small insects. On the entire surface, sticky hairs are located. Sitting on a flower, the victim sticks, and the leaves, feeling it, curl up, closing the caught victim inside.

The over-pickling process takes place for at least a week, then the petals open again, releasing deadly dew.

In its natural environment, sundew prefers swampy areas where the soils are poor in nitrogen; by catching and overgrazing an insect, the plant receives the necessary substances, including the missing nitrogen. The process of hunting, unlike similar species, is rare, but very exciting.

Sundew - home care

Lighting: A place for a predatory plant is selected in a shaded area. In its natural environment, sundew, due to its small stature, lives between trees in constant shade and only occasionally gets direct sunlight. Optimal places, windows on the east or west side. It is not necessary to put the flower on the windowsill, the main thing is to provide diffused light up to 12-14 hours in summer, and 8-10 hours in winter.

The location on the north side, most likely, it is necessary to install artificial additional lighting.

Be sure to protect and shade from direct sunlight, otherwise the sundew will get burned.

Temperature: There are two indicators of the temperature regime for African, heat-loving species and European.

  • For the first, a comfortable habitat during the summer period is 24-30 degrees, in winter - 13-16 degrees.
  • The second ones are less thermophilic and prefer no more than 22 degrees in the hot period, 7-12 in winter.

The minimum indicators at which sundew can exist for a short period of time are 2-5 degrees.

Before buying, be sure to check whether the predator is suitable for your climatic conditions.

Soil: Substrate components should be as close as possible to swampy, that is, to natural habitats. The main component is peat with the addition of quartz sand, a little moss, turf, or perlite. (pH=5.5)

For example: peat (2 hours), sand (2 hours), moss (1 hour), perlite (1 hour).

Humidity: A marshy plant, needs constant high humidity of 70-90%.
Under such conditions, sundew can be grown in open areas with constant shading. In a room with low humidity, artificial humidifiers are used.

Spray the room nearby or put on a pallet with wet pebbles, or expanded clay. It is impossible to place in terrariums, the sun (thermal) rays, passing through the glass, will burn the leaves. It is forbidden to spray directly on the sundew itself. In a room with low humidity, the pot (soil) is covered with sphagnum moss on top to keep the substrate moist for a while.

Watering: A carnivorous plant loves water. Watering should be plentiful and intensive, especially in winter. In nature, the sundew is accustomed to constantly being in a humid environment among swamps and moss.

The pot can be placed on a tray with moss, which, when watered, will always be wet. After watering, the water from under the pot is not drained, but, on the contrary, topped up if necessary. Pot trays use high. Don't let the soil dry out.

Water should not contain minerals and salts. Use soft, rainy, or distilled water.

Transplantation: Transplantation is not carried out every year, as a rule, 1 time in 2-3 years, as the soil is depleted. Due to the shallow roots, transplanting is not necessary at all.

Reproduction: Sundew reproduces in several ways: cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds.

  1. Seeds. This is the most popular way. Tiny black seeds are planted in a substrate from peat and sand (1: 1). I cover with a glass flask from above, and water abundantly. After a certain time, the first shoots will appear. Seedlings dive into separate pots, maintaining a temperature of 22-25 degrees.
  2. The division of the bush. During transplant. Usually in early spring, the child outlet is separated from the main bush and rooted in separate containers. Reproduction is also carried out by dividing the main bush into parts.
  3. cuttings. The flower shoot is cut off before the flowers form and rooted in the ground, it can be placed in a mini greenhouse for some time before rooting. The stalk is cut as close to the base as possible.
  4. In addition to flower shoots, leafy ones are also used. Part of the leaf is placed on moist soil, or moss, covered with a glass flask on top and watered abundantly. The main requirement is a large amount of diffused light. Sometimes the leaves are placed on a layer of water (1-2 cm), with a piece of iron up, covered with a film, or a jar. After 2 months, the first shoots will begin to appear, then they are transplanted into the ground.

Top dressing: Sundew does not need additional top dressing. During the hot period, place the pot in an open area in the shade and the plant itself will find its prey in the form of insects.

Indoors, live or dry flies or other insects are brought in, but make sure a sticky liquid comes out at this time. Sundew can exist without insects at all, but growth will slow down significantly.

For a week, 1-3 flies bought in zoological shops are enough. On balconies, or verandas, the flower itself must provide its own food.

Pests: The plant is resistant to attack by pests, sometimes with low humidity and dry earthy coma, aphids, or botrytis, appear. To eliminate, use purchased spraying agents until they disappear completely.

Care Difficulties: The main problem is the rotting of the root system at low temperatures and abundant watering. The color becomes dull, growth slows down.

Flowering: The period of active growth begins in spring. Flowering takes place from March - April and can last until mid-summer. Small flowers up to 1 cm in diameter, pink, or lilac color placed on a long peduncle a little higher than the leaves, so that the bee does not accidentally fall into the trap during dusting.

The flower has 5 petals. Indoors, the flowers are artificially pollinated by rubbing one against the other. After a month and a half, the boxes can be cut off. Extract the seeds and plant in the ground to get a new plant. In a month, sprouts will appear, and after 5-6 months, a beautiful bush will form.

Wintering: Starting from mid-autumn, all carnivorous plants enter a state of rest, which ends at the end of February. Part of the leaves die off, the plant stops growing. Fly traps are less active and sticky. Watering during this period is significantly reduced, but the soil should not be dry. Humidity is still kept at 70-90%. Feed intake is reduced several times.

Beneficial features: Despite the aggressive way of life as carnivorous plant sundew has medicinal properties.

  • The juice is used as a remedy for warts.
  • Serves as one of the components of a diuretic for oral administration.
  • On the basis of the plant, preparations are made for inflammation of the eyes, fever, and other diseases.

This species is practically the only one adapted to domestic conditions. Homeland is considered the South part of America.

The peculiarity of the Cape sundew lies in small sizes, simple care And a large number seeds, thanks to which the species reproduces rapidly, often even on its own. Small narrow leaves up to 4 cm long and 0.5 cm wide.

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette with red villi. Upon contact, a sticky paralytic substance is released from them. As soon as the insect has stuck, the edges of the leaf curl up, closing the victim in themselves, over-etching for several days.

It is noticed that the sheet reacts to organic matter and the ingress of foreign objects does not provoke folding.