Toilet      04.03.2020

How to make a septic tank not freeze. Septic tank in winter. How to start a septic tank after winter

The work of the sewer is imperceptible as long as everything goes as expected. Design and installation sewer system accompanied by taking into account many factors, including work at low temperatures. However, the situation is not excluded when the sewage system freezes in the ground (a certain section of the pipe freezes). Under normal conditions, this should not happen, but laying errors can occur in winter.

By the way, when trying to understand at what temperature the sewage system freezes, one should take into account not only the location of the pipes, but also the material from which they are made (the thermal conductivity of plastic and cast iron is very different), the diameter of the pipe, the angle of inclination, i.e. action of many factors in combination.

Why does the sewer freeze?

Causes of freezing sewer pipes:

  • incorrect design of the angle of inclination of the sewer pipeline. Water does not have the ability to move by gravity, stagnates in pipes, which leads to freezing in winter time;
  • insufficient depth. The septic tank according to SNiP is installed at a depth of at least 2 meters from the soil level, the pipe system is located below the freezing point characteristic of the region. But a situation is possible when it’s just too lazy to dig a trench for laying pipes deep (or not possible) or frosts exceed the average and the soil freezes deeper;
  • lack of insulation. Sewer pipes laid above the freezing point of the soil need to be insulated. The place where the pipes exit the room must also be insulated. However, in practice, such a requirement is either ignored or an inappropriate approach is used. thermal insulation material, or it was installed incorrectly;
  • small diameter pipes. If we consider consumer reviews, then most often those who laid pipes with a diameter less than the recommended 110 mm face the problem of sewer freezing. Especially often the owners of dachas and seasonally operated houses sin with this. Due to insufficient diameter, the sewer pipe freezes faster;
  • blockages. They happen due to the ingress of large objects into the system or insufficient water flow, in which plaque forms in the pipes.

Causes of septic tank freezing:

  • septic tank is broken. At the same time, the septic tank overflows, heavy fractions settle, and the water freezes;
  • septic tank removed from source Wastewater. Then the water, moving to the sewage pit, cools, which leads to its freezing at the junction of the pipe to the septic tank.

Many users who do the work themselves do not even think about whether the sewer freezes. After all, the very principle of operation of a septic tank is that it is a container for storing wastewater with actively ongoing decomposition processes. Since heat is released during the decomposition of solid residues, freezing is practically excluded. In addition, according to the standards, the septic tank is installed at a considerable depth.

However, no one is safe from force majeure and the owner country house it is better to know in advance what to do if the sewer is frozen.

How and how to defrost the sewer in a private house

Exists different ways and means of how to thaw a frozen sewer (how to melt the ice in a pipe). All methods can be combined into two large groups:

  • thermal method. Provides for the organization of heat supply to the place of freezing. Work is progressing slowly, but there is no risk of damage to the piping system. This method is most suitable at home, when special means not at hand, and calling specialists is impossible or too expensive;
  • chemical method . Currently, chemical defrosting is rarely practiced. Firstly, because not every chemistry can cope with icing. Secondly, because it is a costly method. And, thirdly, because many users prefer local sewers, i.e. systems capable of performing partial wastewater treatment.

One of the components of local systems is the presence biological treatment, and chemistry can adversely affect the vital activity of bacteria. However, its simplest variety - a cool brine is used according to reviews, so far.

A more technological option, the use of a drug like Mellerud. The ingredients in Mellerud Pipe Cleaner react with water to generate heat.

Note. Care should be taken to use the chemical method to defrost plastic sewer pipes. Because severe overheating can cause them to deform.

Defrosting the sewer - the procedure for performing work

If there is a problem and the sewage system in a private house is frozen, you must first determine the location of the ice plug. Masters note the importance of following the order of work, and it is better to start from the place where the water leaves the septic tank. This order of work is due to the fact that the sewer pipe system is designed with the obligatory condition to ensure unimpeded water flow. This means that all pipes, incl. the drain pipe is located under a slope to the exit point.

Ice plugs must be melted so that the water can drain naturally. Otherwise (when performing work outside), you need to be prepared for the fact that the drains will go to reverse side, which will cause the need to pump them out. This convincingly proves that you need to start work in the direction from the septic tank to the internal pipes.

But there are exceptions to this rule. Ultimately, the order of work will be determined by factors such as:

  • location of the ice block. If the water is frozen in the inside of the sewer (unheated house), then it will be much easier to defrost;
  • tube sizes. Perhaps the size of the ice plug will be only a few centimeters, then the volume of water that needs to be pumped out can be neglected;
  • geometry of the sewer system. The more straight sections in the system, the easier it is to eliminate the ice plug;
  • laying method. Typically, sewerage is located underground. And if ice has formed in pipes located at a sufficient depth under a layer of frozen earth, the number of options for use is drastically reduced. You can’t get out of the septic tank - you have to work from the premises of the house.

by the most in a simple way to establish the winter functioning of the sewer system, there will be an appeal to specialists who provide sewer defrosting services. Masters not only know how to defrost a frozen sewer, but also have special equipment, and also give a guarantee for work. However, according to different reasons many prefer to solve the problem on their own. And as evidenced by the reviews of members of the forum, quite successfully and quickly.

What to do if the sewerage system in a private house is frozen

Heating methods will differ depending on the location of the ice plug. Consider each problem and possible solutions.

Frozen sewer drain

The sewer drain or drainage from the septic tank rarely freezes, because. it is located deep in the earth. However, if water is not drained, the septic tank will overflow and freeze.

What to do if the sewer drain is frozen?

To defrost the drain, experts advise pouring a septic tank hot water or saline solution. Then you should pump out the drains from the septic tank, and repeat the filling of water. Over time, the warm water will clear the ice block and the system will function normally.

A sewer drain is also called a pipe that drains wastewater from the source of their formation: in the sink, toilet, bathroom. It can freeze if the room is not heated and the drain has not been drained. Or, the water flow is too weak. As a rule, the indoor drain freezes at the junction with the drain source and is easily removed by using a hair dryer. In the same way, the problem is solved if the sewer riser in a private house is frozen.

Frozen septic tank

This is possible if the drain is not properly organized.

What to do if the septic tank is frozen?

To fix the problem, you can take the following steps:

  • lamp heating. The light bulb on the carrier is placed inside the septic tank. Heat generated by lamp power environment and the ice gradually thaws. The method is very slow, besides, you need to monitor the water level and lower the lamp lower. From practice: 1 m. of ice melts per day, at a temperature outside of -15 degrees;
  • pouring hot water with subsequent pumping;
  • backfilling in the septic tank of quicklime. Users note the effectiveness of the method in the cesspool, but this method is unlikely to be suitable for a septic tank.

Frozen sewer pipes

The most difficult possible situation, since there are two obstacles: firstly, the pipes are located underground, which makes it problematic to use external heating, and secondly, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the pipe has frozen.

How to find places where ice blocks form?

You can determine the freezing point using two pieces of wire. To do this, one of them must be brought into the sewer system from the side of the house, and the second from the side of the septic tank. Knowing the length of the sewer and the sum of the distances that it was possible to advance the wire, it is possible not only to find (reveal) the place where the ice plug formed in the pipe, but also its dimensions.

What to do if the sewer pipe is frozen?

Ways to remove ice plugs by heating.

outdoor heating

It involves the extraction of soil to the level of pipe laying. After direct access to the pipes has appeared, you can:

  • use an open fire: burner, blowtorch. You can wrap the pipe with rags or overlay with firewood and set it on fire. The method is only suitable for metal, cast iron pipes sewerage;
  • wrap with foil, then with a heating cable and connect to the network;
  • use heating tape;
  • use a building hair dryer for plastic pipes.

Recommendation. Users are advised to cover the place of heating with insulation, so defrosting will be faster. At the same time, passive heating in itself is not suitable in case of freezing sewer pipes, because. thermal insulation material does not heat, but only saves heat.

External heating is not very popular due to the difficulty of excavating frozen ground above the piping system. This begs the question, how to warm up a frozen sewer, which cannot be accessed? The answer is obvious - only from within.

Internal heating

The technology involves the impact on the ice from the inside, i.e. directly inside the sewer pipe. Options include:

  • heating the wall if the sewer pipe is frozen in the room;

In order to clean the direct pipeline, you need to bring a rigid hose into the sewer, connect it to a funnel into which water is poured. As the ice melts, the hose can be advanced further. You can increase the effectiveness of the procedure by using water with salt. The ratio is offered different from 1:10 to 1:1 (salt: water).

To defrost a sewer pipeline of complex configuration, the same steps are performed, but a flexible hose is used. The hose is attached to the flexible wire with a step of 500 mm, so that the edge of the wire protrudes 20-30 mm above the edge of the hose. The end of the wire is bent inward for rigidity. The free edge of the wire should be 10-15 mm, its task is to bypass obstacles and lead the hose. As the water melts, the hose is pushed further. Instead of a funnel, you can use a pear.

When choosing this method, you need to consider that:

a) the water temperature must be more than 80 °C;

b) water supply is carried out continuously;

c) excess water will come back, so you need to install a container under the pipe to collect it.

The productivity of the method is 1 m per hour, with a pipe diameter of 110 mm.

  • use of any alcoholic liquid, for example, alcohol. From practice, the volume is 1 m.p. pipes with a diameter of 110 mm is 8 liters. This method is costly;
  • using a steam generator.

What to do so that the sewer does not freeze in winter?

To prevent repeated freezing, it is necessary to periodically drain (especially during severe frosts) significant volumes of hot water into the pipeline.

Solving the problem of freezing water in the sewer should not be limited to bringing the system to full functional readiness. After all, the possibility of re-freezing is not excluded.

Measures to prevent freezing of sewers include:

  • correct . This procedure must be carried out at the stage of laying the pipeline;
  • laying pipes to a depth below the freezing point of the soil;
  • connection of a heating cable (resistive or self-regulating).

Attention! This is an informational article. If you often have problems with septic tanks in the winter, we can advise you, which does not need "preservation" in cold times. Also models autonomous sewerage from the Septic Service company are protected from freezing! This is also achieved through the competent installation of the company's products by professional workers.

Most country houses septic tanks are used to treat waste liquids, which differ high performance and durability. They come in various modifications and in almost all cases are more appropriate than drain or cesspools. Such devices last a very long time and almost never fail.

If the septic structure is properly insulated, then freezing in the winter does not threaten it. This is also facilitated by the processes that occur inside the structure. Thanks to organic bacteria, the breakdown of certain chemical substances accompanied by the release of heat. This heat is enough to keep the septic tank from freezing in the winter. In addition, if a permanent sewer stack occurs, then the liquid does not have time to freeze in principle.

In order for the construction of the septic tank not to freeze in the winter season, it must be properly insulated even at the installation stage. This is especially true for the outer part of the device. For insulation, materials such as mineral wool, Styrofoam, different kinds thermal insulators. These materials and the heat generated during the breakdown of substances are usually sufficient to ensure reliable operation of the septic system.

In addition, it is worth considering the depth of freezing of the soil. When designing communication systems, as well as the foundation of a building, the average depth of soil freezing in the area where construction is underway is taken into account. In many areas, this figure ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 meters. This means that if you place a septic tank and a pipeline deeper than 1.5 meters, then it will be quite possible to refrain from using warming agents. If your septic tank freezes in winter, then it may be worth deepening its occurrence underground.

Some owners of country houses use heating systems using power cables. Such cables are laid around septic tanks and heat the contents. If in winter a person does not plan to live in country house, then you can clean the septic tank by two-thirds, and put inside plastic bottles with sand. When the septic tank thaws in the spring, such devices will reduce the load on the walls of the tank.

If the septic tank is already frozen, then you can use the following methods to defrost it:

  • - Watering the sewer and septic tank with hot water. Hot water will defrost the ice, if it has not yet become very thick.
  • - You can make at home a special reagent from salt and baking soda. It is necessary to make such a solution highly concentrated so that the sewer system can be cleaned from the inside. This is the most effective and cheapest method of defrosting a septic tank.
  • — Application of heating cables. This requires special devices and heating cables. Such cables are wrapped around the perimeter of the septic tank and heated until the ice is completely melted. However, this is a rather expensive method, the use of which is also associated with the need to have certain professional skills.

In order to avoid problems with the operation of the septic tank, it is necessary to use warming agents at the design stage, and then during installation, and also observe the correct laying depth. If it is not possible to perform installation work on your own, then it is best to contact a specialized company.

The functioning of the sewer system goes unnoticed until that unpleasant moment when a failure occurs. Creating a project and installing a septic tank implies that various factors were taken into account that may affect the performance of an autonomous sewer. One of these factors is low air temperature. But, unfortunately, due to non-compliance with the installation technology, it may happen that the septic tank pipe freezes (as a rule, part of the pipeline can freeze).

In order to accurately determine what temperature can cause a septic tank to freeze, it is advisable to know the place where the pipeline is laid, the material of manufacture (cast iron and plastic pipes have completely different thermal conductivity), diameter, slope of the pipeline.

Why does the pipeline freeze?

There are several reasons:

  • If the pipe is laid with an illiterately calculated slope, sewer drains will not move by gravity, they will stagnate, and this will cause freezing when negative temperature air.
  • The pipe was laid too shallow. According to building codes, the tank must be mounted at a depth of at least two meters. And the pipes are laid below the freezing point of the soil, which is typical for a particular area. But there is a possibility that even if everything is done correctly, the septic tank will still freeze in winter, since severe frosts have come, which are not typical for this area.
  • If insulation has not been made for pipes located above the soil freezing mark, they will definitely freeze. The exit point of the pipeline also needs high-quality insulation.
  • A small pipeline diameter has been selected. Practice shows that pipes with a diameter of less than one hundred and ten millimeters freeze through.
  • In the event of a blockage as a result of large objects being drained into an autonomous sewer or a weak flow of domestic sewage, when plaque appears over time.
  • When drainage from VOCs is done illiterately. As a result, the tank will overflow, the waste will settle to the bottom, the liquid will freeze.
  • The local treatment plant is located at a considerable distance from the house. In this case, household drains have to travel a long distance, and this, in severe frosts, can lead to freezing.

Those people who decide to do it with their own hands often do not take into account the fact that the sewer system can fail due to freezing. They probably believe that since the waste is dynamically decomposing in the tank, thermal energy is constantly released, therefore, freezing cannot occur. But, unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances can happen, as a result of which the septic tank still freezes. So in any case, it is necessary to have an idea about the algorithm of actions after freezing VOCs.

How to defrost a septic tank?

In the arsenal of the homeowner there are several enough effective methods for defrosting the pipeline. They can be classified like this:

  • Source usage high temperature to thaw a frozen area. It is necessary to carry out all actions slowly so as not to damage the pipes. Without a doubt, this is the most affordable defrosting method that you can do on your own, without involving craftsmen and without using special tools.
  • Application chemicals. They are not used so often, since not all products can eliminate the ice plug, they are quite expensive, and they can harm the microorganisms involved in the decomposition of domestic wastewater. In order not to harm the bacteria, it is necessary to carefully choose the drugs. There is a simple remedy - a highly concentrated saline solution. Some homeowners use this tool.

There are more than modern facility to defrost a septic tank. It is "Mellerud" that highlights thermal energy by reacting with water. However, it must be borne in mind that this remedy must be used with caution when dealing with sewer pipes made of plastic. Since due to the release of thermal energy in in large numbers deformation may occur.

Stages of work

Have you got a sewer in your private house? Then the first step is to find the area where the ice jam has formed. Experienced professionals advise to follow the order of work. They argue that it is first necessary to inspect the place where the pipeline exits the biological treatment plant. This algorithm is explained by the fact that the pipeline is laid at a certain slope in relation to the exit point, so that an intensive runoff of domestic wastewater is ensured, and they do not stagnate in the pipe.

Ice blockages should be removed with heat so that runoff can flow down the pipe to the ditch without any obstruction. If the heat treatment is carried out outside, and the effluent cannot drain, then it can go back. And they will have to be pumped out. This circumstance suggests that it is necessary to eliminate the blockage by moving from an autonomous sewer to the pipeline.

Sometimes there are exceptions, the main role will be played by the following factors:

  • Location of ice blockage. If the drains are frozen in the inside of the sewer system (unheated cottage), then the defrosting process will be very simple.
  • Congestion dimensions. If the congestion is small (for example, ten centimeters), in this case, you can ignore the volume of effluents that should be pumped out.
  • The number of corners at the pipeline. The smaller the angles, the faster the ice jam can be cleared.
  • Sewerage method. As a rule, it is placed under a layer of soil. If the blockage appeared in the pipeline, which is located at a considerable depth, then the number of ways to eliminate it is reduced. If you can’t get out of the autonomous sewer, you need to work from home.

The easiest method to quickly get rid of an ice blockage is to order the services of craftsmen who specialize in defrosting the sewer system. They know many effective methods of how to eliminate an ice jam, they have all the necessary equipment. Some homeowners decide to fix the sewer problem on their own. And they do it quite successfully.

What should you do if your septic tank freezes?

Heating methods will vary depending on the area where the ice block has occurred. Let's describe this in more detail and offer solutions.

Freezing drain

Freezing of an autonomous sewer drain does not happen often, since it is under a layer of soil. But in the case when the effluents are no longer effectively discharged, the local treatment plant overflows and freezes.

To correct this unpleasant situation, it is worth pouring water or saline heated to a high temperature into the station. After that, it is necessary to start pumping wastewater, then pour water again. If this is done several times, the ice block will melt, the septic tank will work normally again.

The drain is also a pipe that drains drains from the toilet, bidet, shower, etc. An ice blockage can form in it only when the temperature in the room drops below 0 degrees and water is not removed from the drain. In addition, freezing can occur in the area where the pipe connects to the plumbing fixture if the flow of drains is slow. The ice plug in this situation is quickly eliminated - just pick up a hair dryer. In the same way, you can warm the riser.

Algorithm of actions if the sewer is frozen

  • The ice jam should be heated with a light bulb, which must be placed on a carrier in the interior of an autonomous sewer. Since the light bulb will release heat energy, gradually the ice will turn into water. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a lot of time. As the mash thaws, it is necessary to lower the light bulb lower. One meter of ice jam can be melted in 24 hours if the ambient temperature is about minus fifteen degrees.
  • It is necessary to fill in hot water and pump out the thawed liquid.
  • If you have cesspool, you can pour quicklime into it. The method is quite effective, but it is most likely not suitable for a modern local treatment plant.

Enough a difficult situation when the pipeline is frozen, which is under a layer of soil, since it cannot be thawed using external sources heat. In addition, it can be difficult to find the area where the ice plug has formed.

To find the area where the problem has appeared, two wires should be used. One should be put into the sewer from the building, the other from the autonomous sewer. Knowing the length of the pipeline and the distance that the two wires have been advanced, you will be able to find the area where the ice blockage has occurred and have an idea of ​​its size.

How to warm up a sewer pipe?

External heating method

A rather labor-intensive method, since it is necessary to remove the soil in order to gain access to the pipeline. When access is available, options appear:

  • You can remove the congestion with a burner. If it is not there, then you should act like this: put rags, firewood on the pipeline and set fire to them. This operation should be done only with pipes that are made of metal.
  • Wrap with foil, connect it to the cable, give current.
  • If you are dealing with a pipeline made of plastic, then use a building hair dryer.
  • The heating tape worked great.

Useful advice: experts say that it is better to cover the area that you will warm up with a heater. This will greatly speed up the defrosting process. If you just cover the pipe with insulation, but do not supply heat, then the ice plug will not melt, because given material only stores heat energy, but does not generate it.

It is worth noting that outdoor heating is rarely used, as soil must be excavated to reach the pipeline. What to do if the ice block cannot be reached? We need to act from within.

Internal heating method

You need to act on the ice jam from the inside. In your arsenal will be the following ways:

  • Heating the wall (only suitable when the pipeline is frozen in the house).
  • The use of boiling water.

If the pipeline has no corners, that is, it is straight, the following algorithm of actions is suitable: a rigid hose must be placed in the pipe, connecting it to a funnel. Pour boiling water into the funnel. When part of the ice blockage disappears, the hose should be pushed deeper. If boiling water with salt is used, the effectiveness of this method will increase significantly.

If the sewer system has several corners, it is necessary to carry out the actions described above, only a flexible hose should be used, tied to a wire, the end of which must be bent inward to ensure rigidity. The wire should have a free edge protruding fifteen centimeters. Thanks to him, it will be possible to overcome obstacles.

It must be taken into account that:

  • The water should be hot (80 degrees).
  • The flow of water must be uninterrupted.
  • Since the water will pour out, you need to put a bucket.

Using this method, it is possible to overcome a distance of one meter in one hour (pipeline diameter - 11 centimeters).

You can resort to the help of a boiler, it must be delivered to the ice plug itself.

As many people who have had to defrost pipes in the winter say, an "army boiler" is great. To create it, you need to take plastic bottle, two blades should be inserted into the lid at a distance of five millimeters from each other. A copper wire should be attached to the blades, and an electric plug should be attached to the other end of this wire. Then you need to insert it into the network.

If the work takes place inside a pipe made of plastic, the boiler should be moved deep into the pipeline so that it does not come into contact with inner surface. To do this, the boiler should be placed in a ball of mesh.

Another effective method- the use of a welding machine for a metal pipeline. It must be connected on both sides to the pipeline.

To eliminate the ice jam, alcohol is suitable, but this is a very costly method.

You can also use a steam generator.

Prevention of ice jams

To prevent the next occurrence of congestion, it is sometimes advisable to pour large volumes of boiling water into the sewer, especially when severe frosts have set in the street.

Prevention methods:

  • It is necessary to lay the pipeline below the freezing mark of the soil.
  • Professionally made insulation is a guarantee that the pipes will not freeze.
  • An electrical cable can be used to avoid ice jams.

Construction work is carried out at any time of the year, despite the cold or heat. It is not always possible to choose a season that is comfortable for work, since the deadlines for the completion of an object are running out.

In general, the installation of a septic tank in winter is carried out in the same sequence as at any other time of the year, however, there are a number of features that should be taken into account during installation. Knowing the basic rules of installation and connection treatment plant, it will be possible to avoid a number of mistakes and prevent the breakdown of expensive equipment, agree?

The article outlines the pros and cons of doing installation work in the cold season, common mistakes of inexperienced craftsmen are given. Also described step by step instructions on installation and given recommendations for the conservation of the septic tank for the winter.

Some mistakenly assume that it is impossible to install a septic tank in the winter, and wait for spring to start installation. However, this is not the case. You can put a septic tank on your site at any time of the year, moreover, in some situations, installation can only be done in winter. This happens when the level ground water high.

In the spring, during the mass melting of snow, the GWL rises to critical levels. A situation may arise when a newly dug pit is filled with water at high speed. And then installation is out of the question.

So it’s better to suffer a little with the upper frozen layer of soil - it usually does not exceed 100 cm.

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