Mixer      04/01/2019

Wonderful veronica in the garden. Unusual "plantain" Veronica: photo, description, cultivation of one of the most elegant and unpretentious plants for the garden

Veronica is wonderful ornamental plant which can be grown in open field, both for the purpose of decorating the garden plot, and medicinal purposes. Although Veronica belongs to the plantain family, it bears little resemblance to plantain: a gentle, neat plant can become worthy decorative element on any flowerbed. Further about the features of growing Veronica in the open field: planting, care, the best varieties(photos and instructions are attached).

Veronica flower: plant description, characteristics of the main varieties

Veronica is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial. The plant is represented by a wide variety of varieties and varieties, each of which differs in height, external characteristics, including the color and shape of leaves, flowers and even rhizomes (the roots are both thin and long, and quite powerful and at the same time short, there are even filamentous ones).

Among the people, the plant is known by other names, including "forget-me-not", "snake grass", etc. The stems of the plant are straight, or in some cases creeping in height from a few centimeters to 1.5 m. The shape of the leaves is diverse, the color in most cases is green, sometimes - an unusual light gray.

The openwork flowers of the plant are presented in a rich range of shades: in blue (natural color), white, pink, etc. They are collected in small spicate or paniculate inflorescences. The duration of the flowering period of Veronica depends on the characteristics of a particular variety.

Advice. If you want to achieve the longest flowering period of Veronica in your garden, you need to optimally combine the cultivation of several varieties of Veronica that differ in flowering time.

The species diversity of the plant makes it possible to choose the best option for both home and outdoor cultivation. The following varieties can be distinguished in particular:

  • Medicinal. Perennial ground-blooded plant with small pale green leaves and neat decorative flowers of lilac, pink and blue hues.

medicinal veronica

  • Long-leaved. A powerful tall plant (one of the tallest in the Veronica genus). The inflorescences of the plant are quite long, with a spectacular light purple color. It has a long flowering period: throughout the summer until the beginning of autumn. It is incredibly popular among gardeners, not only because of its decorative, but also healing properties, in particular, the variety is an excellent antiseptic.

long leaf veronica

  • Caucasian. The leaves of the plant are dissected, painted in a bright green color. The flowers are distinguished by an unusual lilac color and thin purple stripes.

caucasian veronica

  • Gentian. A low-growing plant with thin stems, which bear delicate white flowers, the petals of which are covered with small blue stripes.

Gentian Veronica

  • Woody. It is a small creeping plant with greenish-gray leaves and pink flowers.

woody veronica

  • Crimean. dwarf variety(only reaches a height of 20 cm) with small light green leaves and blue flowers.

Crimean veronica

  • Gray-haired. Unusual undersized variety with bluish leaves and bright blue inflorescences.

gray-haired veronica

Plant propagation

The process of propagation of Veronica is carried out in 3 ways: by seeds, cuttings, or by dividing the bush. The seed method is considered quite troublesome, but it is - the best option for those who want to get a healthy bush with full-fledged characteristics of the variety. Seeds can either be sown directly into the ground in the fall, or planted in the spring prepared seedlings.

If you plan to sow seedlings, start preparing planting material follows ahead of time. At the end of winter, the seeds must be wrapped in damp gauze and placed in the refrigerator for 25-30 days.

Add nutrient soil to the container, then place the seeds not very deep in the ground. It is advisable to place them one by one in a separate pot or at a distance of about 5-7 cm from each other in a large container. Seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moisten it.

Be sure to cover all containers with transparent film and place them in heat. When the sprouts sprout enough (height is about 8 cm), you can land in open ground. Do not forget to harden the seedlings some time before, periodically exposing them to fresh air.

Mature plants are easily propagated by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is an easy way to achieve flower stalks in the first year after planting. It is important to choose the right sprouts. The bush should be the most tall and absolutely healthy. Separate a few sprouts and plant them in the ground. Be sure to cover them with special material. After 10-12 days, remove it and continue growing the plant as usual.

Propagation by cuttings will allow you to successfully grow Veronica from a small shoot about 10 cm long. For a while, you should place it in water so that the cutting germinates, after which you can land in open ground.

Planting a plant in open ground

The plant is considered quite unpretentious to growing conditions, therefore, when choosing a suitable site for growing veronica in open ground, it is not necessary to make a strict selection: the plant will suit heavy clay soil, loose sandstone, and swampy soil.

Advice. Although Veronica is a picky plant, it is very sensitive to the amount sunlight, therefore, a place for planting a crop must be chosen exclusively sunny (in last resort, partial shade is suitable, but it will be much more difficult to achieve dense beautiful flowering).

Planting a young plant or seeds must be carried out in moist and well-loosened soil previously enriched with nutrient organic matter.

The subtleties of plant care

The veronica plant is quite easy to grow: even a beginner can grow a healthy, strong flower in the open field. Read more about how to take care of garden plants Veronica needs.

Veronica is rarely affected by pests

Watering and fertilizing regimen

First of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in the area where the plant is grown: in no case should it dry out (dry soil is practically death for Veronica). During the period of drought, the plant should be watered very generously: do not allow the soil to dry out. When the first branches appear on the plant, watering should be stopped, and after the flowering of the latter, the tops of the veronica should be pruned.

Advice. To slow down the process of soil moisture loss and control the growth of weeds, you can periodically acidify the soil: the plant will only be happy about this (Veronica loves acidic or slightly acidic soil).

As for fertilizers, Veronica certainly needs them, but top dressing should not be too frequent: it is enough to apply fertilizer under each bush of the plant with the onset of the growing season, and continue top dressing only at the end of spring. If you live in a region where winters are quite severe, it is advisable to also apply potash fertilizers in the middle of the summer period: this will help the plants withstand the cold.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that various insects always curl around the plant, attracted by its fragrant pollen (bees, butterflies, etc.), veronica is resistant to this kind of “encroachment”.

The plant is slightly susceptible to various diseases and pests. The only exceptions are some fungal diseases like powdery mildew and gray mold. You can get rid of these diseases with the help of either chemicals, such as "Oxyhom" or blue vitriol, or biological analogues, which will be completely safe for animals and humans.

Sometimes aphids can visit Veronica growing in the garden. If there is not too much of it, you don’t have to worry: the plant is able to cope with the pest insect on its own.

Veronica in landscape design

Veronica spiky is a perennial, representing a genus from the Podorozhnikov family. In the wild, this plant is found in sunny places. But breeders have bred varieties for cultivation and on suburban area. Also, the flower is called "Veronica spiky" or "Veronica spikelet".

The culture is suitable for beginner flower growers. From the first summer month she pleases with her bright inflorescences for over 30 days. Veronica does not make high demands, is not whimsical to the soil. And it can be propagated in several ways.

Plant features

Veronica spiky is a tall, perennial culture. wild plant prefers open forest glades and sunny places. These facts must be taken into account when growing it on a personal plot.

The description of the plant is as follows:

  • stem in length from 15 to 80 cm with pubescence, slightly branched;
  • the upper leaves are entire and pointed, without a petiole, and the lower ones are round and petiolate;
  • the flowers are collected in an inflorescence-brush, the corolla can be blue, white, pink;
  • the plant blooms from the first summer month for 30-45 days;
  • the fruit of Veronica spiky is a box with long and smooth seeds;
  • The plant has a rhizome located in upper layers horizontal to ground level.

Decorative flowering allows you to use the culture in landscape design.


Varieties of Veronica spiky

Breeders have bred many varieties that differ in corolla color and morphological features.

Information about them is collected in the following table.

Variety name Height Morphological features Requirements for agricultural technology
RothfuxNot higher than 45 cmThe variety has several stems, forming a compact bush. They are erect, densely covered with green leaves with a shiny surface. Blooms with pink spike-shaped inflorescences from JulyPrefers sunny places and loose, nutritious soil
Heidekind30-40 cmStraight stems form a lush bush. The shoots are covered with oblong-shaped leaves and a dull bluish hue. Crimson flowers in dense spikes. The plant blooms from mid-June for 30 daysThe variety does not like excessive moisture, prefers lighted places with drained soil.
Alba30-50 cmStraight stems with oblong leaves. At the tops of the shoots are spikes of snow-white flowers. Pleases the variety with colors from the third decade of June to AugustVeronica of this variety loves the sun, and is undemanding to the fertility and quality of the soil
Veronica blueHeight up to 60 cmStrong erect stems form a voluminous bush. Apical spike-shaped inflorescences of blue flowers. Blooms from JuneThe variety is undemanding to moisture, soil fertility, prefers sunny places
icicle45-60 cmShoots are often solitary with ovate light green leaves. White flowers are collected in spikesPrefers loose soils and well-lit areas
Blue Bouquet30-40 cmErect stems with lanceolate leaves with serrated edges. The corolla is dark blue, the flowers form apical, dense inflorescences. Bloom from the second decade of JuneLikes loose soil open spaces resistant to lack of moisture

Blue Bouquet

All varieties of Veronica spiky are suitable for decorating rocky hills, borders, and look great near small artificial reservoirs.

Methods of propagation of Veronica spiky

A wild plant can reproduce in two ways:

  1. 1. Vegetatively.
  2. 2. Seeds.

Reproduction by vegetative organs

For this method, gardeners use the following methods:

  1. 1. The division of the bush. It is successfully used during perennial transplantation and for the purpose of plant rejuvenation. The procedure is carried out in the spring before the leaves bloom or in the fall after flowering.

The stages of reproduction are as follows:

  • cut the above-ground shoots of the plant;
  • dig a bush;
  • divide into parts so that each has 2-3 shoots;
  • plant in the ground in a new place.

2. Propagation by cuttings. This method can be applied throughout the growing season. The procedure is as follows:

  • cut apical shoots up to 10 cm long;
  • shorten the tops and put in water;
  • prepare a substrate of peat, sand and perlite;
  • plant prepared cuttings in it;
  • after rooting, transplant the plant to permanent place.

seed propagation

Using this method, flowering will have to wait until next year. Seeds are planted in two ways:

  1. 1. In open ground. The procedure is carried out in the fall before the onset of frost. It is necessary to make grooves up to 5 mm deep and place the seeds in them at a distance of 30-40 cm. In the spring, after germination, plant the seedlings in a permanent place.
  2. 2. At home. Plant the seeds in boxes, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil and cover plastic wrap. The first shoots will appear in two weeks.

Stratification is required for successful germination. Therefore, after sowing the seeds, the box should be placed in a refrigerator or cellar for 21 days. Then transfer to a bright and warm window.

Caring for small seedlings is normal: watering, loosening and top dressing.

Planting a plant

The transfer of plant seedlings to open ground involves the following actions:

  1. 1. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to first prepare nutritious and loose soil.
  2. 2. Make holes according to the size of the root system of plants.
  3. 3. Leave the distance between seedlings about 45-50 cm.
  4. 4. Water the holes and plant Veronica.

culture care

Veronica is not capricious, so it will not be difficult for a novice grower to grow her. The following tips and tricks will help you:

  • The culture should be placed in an open, sunny place.
  • Water when the soil dries out, avoiding moisture stagnation.
  • Use mulching to keep the substrate moist. This technique will prevent the abundant growth of weeds.
  • If the soil is fertile, then additional top dressing is not required. For the poor, it is recommended to apply complex fertilizer.
  • The plant is rarely attacked by pests, but at high humidity it can be affected. powdery mildew, rust.
  • Tall varieties are best tied up.
  • After flowering, cut off so that new young shoots grow.
  • Once every 5 years, it is recommended to rejuvenate the plant by dividing the bush.
  • Veronica spiky does not need shelter for the winter, it tolerates frost very well.

Veronica blue

An unpretentious plant quickly occupies new territories, steadfastly withstands even trampling and long time pleases with beautiful flowers.

Veronica spiky - beautiful and hardy garden perennial. Propagating the plant is easy. To do this, you can use cuttings and seeds. Simple Rules agricultural techniques allow you to grow a crop with an unusual appearance and bright inflorescences.

  • Do this during the period when the plant does not bloom. But you can plant in the summer.
  • To do this, dig up the plant, separate it with a shovel and plant it. If the weather at this time is dry and hot, then you can cut off the flowering part.
  • Then cover the transplanted plants with jars or cut plastic bottles with open cap. Use such a mini-greenhouse for up to a week and a half.
  • Delenki are well rooted in peat, sand.
  • Planted at a distance of half a meter for large species, 40 cm for medium and 30 cm for small species.

Cuttings of Veronica:

  • For reproduction, they are harvested in the middle of summer. Length 10 cm.
  • Cut off the top and inflorescences.
  • Rooted in a mixture of peat and sand.

Veronica uses:

  • For decorative purposes.
  • As a honey plant.
  • Like a medicinal plant.

The best honey plant among all veronicas is considered to be long-leaved. There is evidence that the honey harvest from the area where it grows in a continuous cover can be up to 100 kg / ha. The nectar of Veronica spiky contains up to 40% sugar. But some beekeepers consider it just an additional honey plant.

Veronica is usually used to fill voids in a finished flower bed. Veronica is posted:

  • In flower beds, rock gardens, borders.
  • In separate groups in the garden.
  • Near the pond. A meadow with flowers looks like a continuation of its surface.

The best species to use in landscape design are veronica:

  • Allioni.
  • Alpine.
  • Armenian ( alpine slides), flowers 5 mm in size.
  • Austrian (lawns, terraces, rockeries).
  • Veronica low grades are planted in the foreground in ordinary flower beds, in rock gardens, rockeries. High varieties are planted in mixborders.
  • Pairs well with any plant large flowers: , daylilies, meadowsweet, nivyanik.
  • Veronica spikelets are grown in pots.
  • Long-leaved is used in bouquets.

Veronica, planted in the garden in the form of a lawn, is working to improve the structure of the soil. She becomes looser. It is advisable to do this in gardens where a regular lawn brings too much trouble. It needs to be constantly mowed, unlike Veronica.

Medical properties of the plant

Veronica officinalis is known for its healing properties from a long time ago. It is mainly used in traditional medicine. In Europe, the plant is used to make medicines. Used in homeopathy. Previously, it was used to treat the stomach, lungs and kidneys. Now they drink decoctions and infusions for colds, they gargle with sore throat and lesions of the mucous membranes of the mouth. They improve appetite and digestion. Therefore, they are used to treat the liver, kidney stones and gallbladder.

Veronica medicines are believed to help treat exhaustion and relieve headaches.

Inside is used for bleeding, outside - as an antifungal agent. It is believed that the plant helps in the treatment of stomach cancer.

Used as a medicinal and other veronica:

  • Veronica longifolia is used to treat skin diseases: felons, diaper rash, festering wounds. Used to treat colds, diseases of the kidneys, liver, eyes, uterine bleeding.
  • Gray-haired, in addition to these diseases, is used for snake bites and dogs with suspected rabies.
  • In Siberia, these diseases are treated with infusions of the key and fake.
  • Persian veronica grows in Tajikistan. An infusion of its leaves is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • On Far East use for the treatment of veronica false-key, shield.

The strong smell of Veronica flowers attracts insects, including bees and wasps. In order not to suffer from their bites, it is better to plant Veronica away from the front door.

More information can be found in the video:

A long flowering period of spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences, resistance to drought and low temperatures, unpretentiousness to soils and the absence of diseases - this is not the whole list of advantages of perennial grass.

For information on how to grow veronica spiky on your site, read this article. A video master class and a photo gallery will help you better understand the topic.

Veronica spiky, plant features

Veronica spiky - perennial herbaceous plant designed for outdoor cultivation.

  • This perennial represents the genus Veronica from the Plantain family.
  • There are several more options for the names of this type of veronica - spiky veronica, spikelet veronica.
  • Unpretentious culture has become widespread throughout the world: both in warm countries and in regions with a cold climate. Moreover, wintering in middle lane Russia, the plant tolerates painlessly, without special shelters.
  • In the wild, Veronica spiky can often be found in open forest glades or edges, steppe expanses, and even in the mountains. The plant prefers open, sunny areas.
  • The rhizome of a perennial crop is thin, superficial, located horizontally to the ground level. Due to this, Veronica easily adapts and grows even on rocky ground.
  • Strong, unbranched and slightly pubescent stems reach a height of 15 to 80 cm.
  • The upper and lower leaves are significantly different from each other. Upper - sessile, entire, with a sharp apex; the lower ones are petiolate, rounded. The length of the leaf blade varies from 1.5 to 9 cm.
  • The inflorescence of Veronica is represented by a dense single brush, located on the top of the peduncle in the form of a spikelet. Flowers on densely pubescent pedicels are practically sessile. The color of the corolla is often blue or blue, less often - pink, white, purple.

  • The flowering of Veronica spiky begins in the first decade of summer and lasts about a month and a half.
  • The fruit of a perennial is a two-lobed box, with smooth, elongated seeds.
  • Undemanding to the type of soil, sun-loving veronica perfectly tolerates both a slight drought and waterlogging.
  • Veronica spiky flower is a beautiful ornamental plant used to decorate a variety of landscapes. In addition, the culture is widely known in folk medicine.

Variety and Veronica spiky

Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of Veronica spiky, differing in flower color and other morphological features. Consider the most famous varieties.

  • Veronica spiky "Rotfuks".

Low-growing variety, reaches a height of no more than 45 cm. The bushes are lush, compact. The stems are strong, straight, densely leafy with shiny green leaves. Veronica blooms in the middle of summer and blooms for about 1-1.5 months. The flowers of the perennial are small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, of a bright pink color. Culture prefers sunny areas, with loose and drained soil. The variety is widely used in landscape design.

  • Veronica spiky "Heidekind".

A low-growing plant, about 30-40 cm high, forms compact bushes. A few straight shoots, covered with oblong, matte-gray leaves. Inflorescences of crimson flowers are dense, spike-shaped. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts more than a month. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging, prefers open, well-lit areas with loose soil. Used as a showy ornamental plant.

  • Veronica spiky "Alba".

Strong straight shoots of undersized (30-50 cm) perennials end with spicate inflorescences. Feature varieties - numerous snow-white flowers, densely collected in an ear. Leaves oblong, green. Blooms from the second half of June to early August. The variety is sun-loving, not picky about fertility.

  • Veronica spiked blue.

Few strong stems reach a height of about 60 cm. The variety is drought-resistant and unpretentious. Blue flowers are collected in dense apical inflorescences. Flowering is plentiful, begins in June and lasts 30-40 days. In landscape design it is used as single or group plantings.

  • Veronica spiky "Isikl".

The variety forms single or few strong shoots. The inflorescence is made up of flowers white color. Plant height 45-60 cm. Foliage is ovoid, green. Flowering is long (up to 1.5 months), begins in the second half of June. Grows well in full sun and well-drained soils.

Reproduction of Veronica spiky

It is possible to grow a perennial herbaceous plant, veronica spiky, on your site without difficulty, knowing the main methods of its reproduction.

The plant propagates by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush. If this spectacular perennial grows with familiar flower growers, it is easy to propagate it in any convenient way and plant it on your site. If this is not possible, you can buy seeds or seedlings of the plant in specialized stores or nurseries.

Seed method of propagation of Veronica spiky

  • Veronica spiky gives a certain self-seeding, so it is better to collect seeds in an organized manner, excluding uncontrolled crops.
  • In order not to miss the seed ripening phase, it is necessary to monitor the formation and maturation of fruit boxes immediately after flowering.
  • After the boxes have turned yellow and dried up, they are torn off and dried a little in a dry, dark place.
  • Dry boxes are threshed, the seeds are cleaned and stored in a paper bag. Naturally, high-quality storage of seed material implies the absence of moisture and light.
  • Plants grown from seeds do not bloom immediately, but at least in the second year after sowing.
  • Reproduction of Veronica spiky from seeds does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics of parental individuals.

Vegetative propagation methods of Veronicmas spiky

Flower growers practice propagating veronica using cuttings or simple division plant bush. With such methods of reproduction, all varietal characteristics are preserved.

  • The division of the bush is the most common method of reproduction, it is especially successful when transplanting and rejuvenating a perennial, which is carried out every 5-6 years. If it is necessary to separate part of the plant without waiting a few years, you can do this earlier. The division procedure is carried out in spring (before foliage appears) or autumn (after flowering). To do this, first, all above-ground shoots are cut off, then the plant is dug up and divided into parts. Each viable part must have at least three root shoots. If the delenki are weak, it is better to first root them in the soil substrate, with the addition of peat and sand, and only then plant them in open ground. Digging up a plant is not difficult, given the surface occurrence of the roots. In addition, this method of reproduction provides faster survival and adaptation of the plant in a new place.
  • For propagation by cuttings, cut the apical young shoots (10 cm long), cut off their top and lower them into the water. Prepared cuttings for rooting are placed in a loose substrate of perlite and peat with sand. After successful rooting, the cuttings are planted in open ground. Veronica bushes can be cut from spring to early autumn. From the second half of autumn, it is no longer worth harvesting cuttings, as they will not have time to take root by winter. In summer, the planted cuttings need to be given more attention: the shoots are shaded (you can cover them with a film), provide regular watering, ventilation and gradual adaptation to the light.

Growing Veronica spiky

Veronica spiky is an absolutely unpretentious plant, it propagates easily and grows rapidly on the site. The main condition for the successful cultivation of perennials is right choice places for planting and the fulfillment of certain agrotechnical requirements.

  • When choosing a landing site, given the light-loving culture, choose an open and sunny area. Light partial shade is also possible.
  • Veronica can grow in almost any soil, light and loose loam is preferable. One of the main conditions is good soil drainage and the absence of moisture stagnation in the area. As a drainage, you can use ordinary gravel. Soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction - best option for a plant.
  • A drought tolerant plant, Veronica tolerates short drought better than excessive moisture. Excess or constant stagnation of moisture can be detrimental to the culture.
  • Hardy and hardy plant resistant even to trampling. If you step on the Veronica bushes, they quickly recover and raise the leaves.

Sowing seeds of Veronica spiky

  • Veronica seeds are sown in open ground in the second half of autumn, when the soil is not too cold and frost has not yet set in. The depth of seed placement in grooves or pits is small, about 5 mm. The approximate interval between seeds is 30 cm. As they grow, the next year, the seedlings are planted, leaving a larger interval (50 cm).
  • You can sow veronica seeds and in early spring in boxes for seedlings. In this case, preliminary stratification (hardening) of the seed material will be required. To do this, the seeds are laid out on a moist soil mixture (peat and soil), sprinkled with earth and covered with a film with holes. The container is placed in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar) for 3 weeks. After low temperatures, the seed container is placed in a warm and bright place. After 2 weeks, the first seedlings appear. Seedling care is usual: watering, light, airing and heat (about 15 0 C).
  • In any case, seedlings will bloom only in the second year of life.

Planting Veronica spiky

  • When planting seedlings of Veronica in open ground, leave a distance between plants of about 50 cm, taking into account future growth and branching of the bushes.
  • Planting seedlings in a flower bed is carried out in the spring in a previously prepared soil (fertilizer, drainage, loosening).
  • Holes or grooves are dug shallow, according to the size of the root system of seedlings.
  • The landing site is shed with water and the plants are planted in the ground.

Not capricious Veronica is convenient because it requires minimal care and attention, practically does not get sick and does not need top dressing and winter shelter.

  • Watering is carried out as needed, without stagnant moisture. It is especially important to moisten the soil before the flowering period and at the stage of seedling germination. The rest of the time, watering is moderate, not frequent. Veronica perfectly tolerates a short-term drought.
  • Mulching the soil around the plant will allow you to keep the moderate moist microclimate of the soil longer without additional irrigation. In addition, a layer of mulch prevents the growth of weeds in the flower bed.

  • Veronica spiky is resistant to diseases and pests. Only in rainy weather or excessive humidity, it can become infected with powdery mildew, blotch or rust. If characteristic signs appear on the leaves (spots, plaque), the entire plant is treated with a fungicidal agent (for example, Fundazol). If an aphid appeared on the plant, the perennial should be treated with an insecticidal agent (Tanrek, Aktara).
  • With sufficiently fertile soil, the culture does not need additional feeding. With poor soils, it is better to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • If the varieties of Veronica spiky are tall enough, it is necessary to tie the plant to a support.
  • After flowering, the aerial part is cut off so that new green shoots with foliage appear. In this way, you can keep an attractive decorative look bush until autumn. Before wintering, the bush is cut again, leaving 3-5 cm. To prevent infection of the plant with pathogenic bacteria, faded inflorescences should also be constantly cut off.
  • Every 5 years, you need to rejuvenate the veronica bush, dividing it into several parts. Delenki will be able to actively develop and grow "with renewed vigor".
  • For the winter, the plant does not need to be covered with anything, it perfectly tolerates low temperatures, and even harsh Russian winters.

The use of Veronica spiky

  • beautiful landscape plant, Veronica spiky is widely used for decorating flower beds, landscaping park areas, ponds, decorating mixborders or rockeries. Slender, straight shoots of Veronica with compact spike-shaped inflorescences serve as an ideal backdrop for undersized or ground cover plants. The flower stalks of the plant are used for cutting, they are stored in a bouquet for a long time. In planting, Veronica spiky goes well with carnations, geraniums, stonecrops, saxifrage, mountaineer.

  • In addition to its decorative value, veronica spiky is a well-known medicine. It is used as a wound healing, detoxifying (with snake bites) remedy. Decoctions of herbs are used in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, respiratory diseases. Outwardly, an infusion of herbs is used for various skin diseases, abscesses, fungal diseases, abrasions and cuts. This is due to the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing and antibacterial properties of the flower. Before using any folk remedies, including with the participation of Veronica spiky, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  • Veronica spiky is a valuable honey crop that attracts bees.

Thus, Veronica spiky is a spectacular ornamental herbaceous plant, characterized by high unpretentiousness and endurance.

  • The perennial is a drought-resistant and cold-resistant plant. These valuable qualities make it possible to grow it even in climatic conditions unfavorable for other plants.
  • Veronica spiky is easily propagated by seeds or vegetative parts of the plant. Young seedlings or delenki quickly adapt to environmental conditions and easily take root.
  • Plant care is practically not required, it is enough to carry out some agrotechnical measures.
  • Subject to the basic rules of planting and care, Veronica spiky will delight others with its magnificent appearance for a long time.

Veronica spiky, photo

Video: "How to grow veronica spiky"

Veronica is an annual and perennial plant of the Plantain family. Sometimes there are semi-shrubs. It grows in all parts of the world, but is mainly distributed in the temperate and cold regions of Eurasia, including the highlands and the Arctic. Among veronicas there are medicinal plants and honey plants. Many species are bred as ornamentals. Veronica is used for rustic-style gardens or mixborders, as well as decoration along paths.

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    According to the description, Veronica is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant. The root system is diverse and varies depending on the species. Roots are:

    • filiform - located in surface layers land;
    • mesh - covering a large area under the ground;
    • thick - penetrating deep into the soil.

    The root system of perennial plants is strong and tolerates frost well, while annual varieties the roots are quite thin. The stem is straight or creeping, from 2 cm to 1.5 meters high. The aerial part is quite powerful, the branches are intertwined so tightly that it is almost impossible to pull them out with your hands.

    Outwardly, the leaves resemble nettles: they have an oval shape and carved edges, there is a slight hairiness. The leaf plates are bright green, but there are species with a grayish tinge.

    Buds of wild veronica most often have Blue colour. Cultivated varieties come in other shades: purple, pale blue, white, lilac. Spike inflorescences densely covered small flowers bell-shaped. The bush blooms as follows: first, the buds bloom from the bottom of the stem, and gradually the process moves up.

    Species and varieties

    There are about 500 types of Veronica. The most popular ones grown by gardeners are described in the table:

    View Description Varieties
    Perennial with small rounded leaves and hairy stem. The leaves grow up to 3 cm in length. It blooms with large flowers of a rich blue color. The bush has a threadlike root systemMiffy Brut - spreading shrub with variegated leaves
    Tall plant with a thick rhizome. Stems 70 cm high. The lower part of the leaf is pubescent, smooth on top. Bright blue buds
    • True Blue is a plant with bluish flowers and racemes.
    • Miffy Blue - a variety with spotted leaves and blue inflorescences.
    • Schirly Blue is a plant with dark blue flowers
    A short plant 45 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate, green, leathery. Inflorescences many-flowered, spike-shaped. The flowers are white or pale blue, with blue veins. Rootstock short, horizontal
    • Variegata - a variety with blue flowers and green leaves with a white border.
    • Tissington White - a plant with pale blue, almost white flowers
    Bush 130 cm high. Lanceolate leaves of juicy green color. The flowers are blue or white, collected in a paniculate inflorescence
    • Aiba is a variety with white flowers.
    • Rosea is a plant with pink flowers.
    • Fascination - a variety with lilac inflorescences and bright green shoots
    Perennial plant with long roots, strong straight stems and oppositely oblong leaves. Flowers are collected in inflorescences-brushes
    • Blauriesin is a shrub with bright blue flowers.
    • Lila Karma - a variety with pale blue flowers.
    • Schneeriesin - a plant with white flowers

    Reproduction methods

    Reproduction of Veronica is carried out in three ways:

    • seeds;
    • dividing the bush;
    • cuttings.

    seed method

    To grow veronica from seeds, you need to properly prepare them. The seed material is moistened, wrapped in a wet cloth, put in a bag and sent to the refrigerator for a month. In March, the seeds are planted for seedlings in containers or cups. To do this, prepare a special substrate and plant the grains one by one in an individual container. small size. From above they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and slightly moistened with a spray bottle.

    The cups are covered with foil. After the appearance of sprouts, it is removed, and the container with seedlings is rearranged on a light windowsill. Water as the soil dries out. Sprouts are planted in the garden when 8-10 leaves appear on them.

    The division of the bush

    Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out if it is necessary to preserve varietal characteristics, as well as for the onset of rapid flowering. Buds on new plants appear in the first year after planting.

    A large bush is chosen and the sprouts are cut off with a knife or shovel along with part of the rhizome. Parts of the bush are planted in a new place and covered with a film. After 10 days, it is removed, allowing the bushes to grow on their own. This procedure is carried out in the spring, before flowering, or in early autumn.

    Using cuttings

    In a healthy bush, shoots 10 cm long are cut off. They are placed in water for rooting, after which they are planted in a permanent place. Cuttings can be kept for several hours in Kornevin's solution and placed for germination in nutrient soil. But at the same time, greenhouse conditions are necessarily created by covering the cuttings with a plastic bag.

    This method of reproduction is carried out in August, so that the sprout has time to take root and gain a foothold in the ground before wintering. The bush blooms the next year.

    Features of cultivation and care

    Veronica is unpretentious, so she can often be found on garden plots. When growing, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. 1. The plant is planted in the garden in a sunny place, where light is present from morning to evening. Shady and semi-shady areas will not allow the bush to show all its decorative effect.
    2. 2. Watering directly depends on the variety of Veronica. Creeping varieties must be regularly moistened, as in dry conditions they will not bloom and die after a while. Upright tall varieties easily tolerate heat and drought.
    3. 3. During budding and flowering, the plant is fed with liquid organic fertilizers. To do this, use humus, infusion of burdock and nettle, manure.
    4. 4. Plant care involves taking care of the leaves. Tall bushes need to be tied up. A thin stem often cannot withstand the pressure of the wind and breaks. It is also necessary to regularly remove faded inflorescences that spoil appearance bush.
    5. 5. Many varieties tolerate frost well down to -29 degrees and do not die. In regions with a more severe climate, the roots are covered with humus or peat for the winter. Such care will not only protect the plant from the cold, but also serve as an additional top dressing.