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How to expand the space of a small room. How to change the footage of a room with wallpaper

The problem of narrow and small spaces is familiar to many. And everyone tries to solve it differently. It is especially difficult to select finishing materials, because you never know how harmoniously they will be combined in the interior of a small room. If you want to make your home cozy, despite the small area, then the best way will choose wallpaper for a small room that visually enlarges the space.

What will make the room bigger?

Small-sized premises are inherent in many Khrushchev apartments. And the conditions do not allow for a satisfactory redevelopment - the amount of space remains the same and it will not work to create an "extension". How to visually enlarge a room? There are several simple ways to visually add “air” to a space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

Most the right choice there will be light, light and warm tones translucent curtains. They should be longer than windows and take up space on the floor, thereby giving the illusion of high ceilings.

Mirrors are the most popular and simple technique that needs to be handled with care. An excessive number of mirrors may not enlarge a small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

For rectangular rooms, it is customary to put a mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is “cut off”, and it takes the form of a square. Usually a similar problem of narrow space is found in hallways and corridors.

Save on bathrooms in apartments square meters. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this defect. In the bathroom, it is worth abandoning the frames and using mirrored panels - this creates the effect of freedom. For the walls, tiles with a glossy finish are used, the shower is separated by a glass door, and the ceiling is made mirrored.

We use photo wallpaper

They also resort to photo wallpapers that visually enlarge the room. This is quite a beautiful and effective way. But you should take into account the features of each of the canvases. Not all drawings on the panel will give the desired result.

Space-enhancing wallpapers should contain images that tend to go deeper into the picture:

  • forest path;
  • street in a big city;
  • undersea world.

Another rule is that vertical images optically raise the ceiling.

Selecting and sticking photo wallpapers is a complex process and there are several design secrets that will help you place the panels correctly in a small room:

  • Wallpaper with a perspective should be glued on the wall of the room where there are no windows and doors.
  • You can not obscure or cut the picture with furniture. For a wall with photo wallpaper, a low sofa, table or bed is suitable.
  • The smaller the room, the lighter the pattern on the wallpaper should be.
  • For rooms that face the sunny side, cold colors should be selected, and for those in need of light, warm colors are suitable.

Designers also often use backlighting for wallpaper. This method is in place. It is used both in the case of small and with large rooms. For a small one, you should use lamps of small sizes. They can be placed in the eaves, they can “raise” the bedside tables or the bed.

Also, built-in lighting in niches is often used - this helps to achieve the effect of volume and visually add space to the room.

On video: wall murals that expand the space.

Wallpaper colors and patterns

Wallpaper for a small room should be selected taking into account the color and patterns that are located on them. Many people are afraid to combine light walls and furniture for fear that they will merge and the interior will be boring. There are many good examples design using white, gray, beige colors. For a small room, this solution will be the best.

It should be remembered that the furniture should differ in shade - be darker than the wallpaper and the surrounding interior.

It is appropriate to choose cold color options. They work for expansion. The following should be omitted:

  • Contrasts. They visually cut the room into parts. It is appropriate to use them for rooms that are larger in size. For example, for their zoning. For small areas, this method is not suitable.
  • Bright saturated colors. Such a background will visually narrow the room and turn it into boxes.
  • Large and contrast patterns. Their perception in such a room will be impaired, since the overall drawings emphasize a small area, and the brightness exacerbates the situation.

Acceptance of a contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side in the room is isolated using a drawing. It is better if they are geometric shapes. What is the feature? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not very different from the general style. In this way, it will turn out to deceive the eyesight - any person will think that the space is larger than it really is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be decorated in the same color scheme, but contrasting them with cold and light shades.
  • How to do long walls Briefly speaking? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print, a large pattern is best left for short walls.
  • Diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually stretch the space.
  • The method of different color saturation is also common. For achievement desired effect the bottom of the walls is pasted over with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • Alternation of wallpaper with and without a pattern is also allowed. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be bigger size than wallpaper with an ornament.
  • It is recommended to use glossy finishes. They create an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms, since they have the ability to reflect objects in front of them.

Expanding a narrow room

One of the most difficult is the decor of a narrow room. And if there is also little space in it, then you need to carefully select any design. And before starting any action, you should read the advice of professionals on how to visually expand narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the sides. To approximate it, you can use the following methods:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This will visually trim the room and turn the rectangular structure into a square.

  • Use wallpaper in warm colors. By sticking such a coating on the far side, you can slightly reduce the distance.

  • horizontal stripes - they should be narrow and light. So at the same time it turns out to stretch the walls in height and level the room.

  • Contrasts. To create balance in a narrow room, place a different pattern on short walls. One is small and the other is large.

  • Recommended for dark and narrow spaces stick a lighter strip of wallpaper on the one of the walls that is illuminated the least. This will help align the overall design.

Furniture to expand the room

Furnishing small spaces also needs to be taken seriously. The correct choice depends on many factors: color, shape, size and style of an individual element.

Avoid oversized headsets. Huge wardrobes and sofas are out of fashion for a long time. They can be left only because of warm memories. But they can ruin any interior. It is better to turn to stylish and not taking up much space things. They can be easily moved, transported or even hidden in case of a design change. Also very practical are built-in structures or transforming furniture.

Stick. This rule will help get rid of unnecessary things that often clutter up too much space. How less furniture, the more light and freedom will be in the room.

It is important to choose decoration and furniture in a certain style. One of the best options is high-tech. It is designed for young and active people who need functionality and comfort from home. The materials used to create this style are glass and metal. They contribute to the atmosphere of airiness, so they are ideal for small spaces.

You can enlarge the room different ways. It can be wallpaper, materials, furniture and decor elements. However, everyone should know how to use them correctly. Otherwise, a completely different result may turn out and the surrounding interior will become even smaller.

A small room can be a real challenge for a designer. But in a modern city, space is often limited. We can't move the walls or raise the ceiling, but the visual design of the room can create the illusion of space. Of great importance is the color of furniture and wallpaper.

In a small room, it is very important to properly organize the space. Each thing should have its own specific place so that there is no feeling of clutter and constant mess. Use a few tricks that will transform the space.

Solid color upholstery and clean lines

Give preference to upholstery without a pattern. In a small room, it is important to abandon all things that clutter up the space and overload it with details. Light furniture with bright accents will work better than intricate patterns. Silhouettes are also better to choose concise. Carving or drapery will deprive the room of lightness.

Add glass furniture

Transparent furniture does not clutter up the space and allows light to flood the entire room. Choose transparent glass in light shades, as dark does not create a feeling of lightness. Glass table, shelves and vases will make the room seem filled with air.

Monochrome interior

Choose one color and use its various shades in the decor. It is best to use gray, beige or pale blue. But you can work with other colors, using muted shades. Be careful with variations of red - it excites the psyche too much.

Remove small trinkets

Leave only functional decor items in sight. And here is a collection of elephants different sizes should be kept in a closet. A large number of small parts can turn a small room into a junk shop. If you are not too attached to a particular thing, it is better to give it as a gift or give it to charity.

Multifunctional furniture

The space of a small room should be used as much as possible. Modules that perform several functions at once will come to the rescue. The sofa should have storage space, and it is better to choose chests of drawers with hinged lids acting as a table. Do not neglect folding furniture. You can hide it in a closet and get it only when you need it. Residents of small rooms will have to replace armchairs with chairs, and the bed with a sofa or sofa.

In some cases, open shelves are appropriate

But make sure that all things on them are in perfect order. And let all accessories work for a common color scheme rooms.

Decorate windows without frills

IN small room do not use heavy curtains with voluminous drapery. Avoid massive cornices, lacing and fringes. Heavy material is best replaced with light tulle. Instead of traditional drapes, use blinds or roller blinds to provide privacy while leaving the window light and bright.

Opt for a light color scheme

A light palette visually increases the area of ​​​​the room. Complement plain walls with light-colored furniture and accessories. You can put a few bright accents, but do not overdo it with them.

Pay attention to furniture with legs

By lifting up traditional chests of drawers, cabinets and sofas, you fill the room with extra air. Of course, cleaning will have to pay more attention, but it's worth it.

Add mirrors

Cover the surface of a wall or cabinet door with mirrors. The room will seem almost twice as large. In addition, mirrors will reflect sunlight, thereby extending the natural light of the room.

Use stripes to decorate

Vertical stripes will add height, while horizontal stripes will expand the room. Use colors that complement the main interior. If you can't find plain striped wallpaper, paint the walls with painter's tape.

Use molding to make the ceiling appear higher

You can visually make the ceiling taller and expand the space of the walls. Add different shades for some areas, and the room will be filled with a new volume.

The designers of "Khrushchev" and standard concrete boxes least of all thought about the living space. It was important to accommodate a family of three in the notorious minimum footage. How to visually enlarge the space in a small room without overhaul is not an idle question. Changing the layout requires paperwork and significant investments. There are more simple ways visually add a few "squares" and transform a modest apartment.

The simplest and affordable way change the proportions of the room and shift the spatial accents - update the color of the walls. Fascinating activity like a puzzle, the solution to which is comfortable conditions life with the feeling that there is a lot of air around. What should be the wallpaper for a small room:

  • Bright hues. Calm pastel colors create the illusion of an increase in area and volume, pushing the walls apart and raising the ceiling. It becomes not only lighter - warmth and peace come.
  • No large items. Large drawings hide space, attract too much attention. Large details contrast with the main background. The accented print "eats" the light background, it is lost and does not fulfill the main function. It is not excluded the introduction of tackiness and disharmony of the surrounding space into the interior.
  • Additional elements decor. The once popular wallpaper is experiencing a real renaissance. At correct selection plot can be transferred from the “Khrushchev” to the Latin Quarter or straight to the shores of the azure sea. Filling with air and perspective are the main factors of choice.

In a small kitchen, light wallpaper with a small pattern looks good.

No less important in increasing the area and volume is given to the ceiling. Few apartments can boast that the height of the walls meets the expectations of the owners. It is recommended to avoid borders, moldings and other ceiling decorations. Calm plain wallpaper or paint - optimal choice.

Do not clutter up the room with furniture, especially dark ones. A large number of items hides the place. It is advisable to free the center of the room and give preference to functional furniture. Transformers and shelves instead of bulky cabinets - perfect option.

Transforming furniture in combination with a successful design forms a large volume

Be sure to pay attention to the windows. Lambrequins, lush curtains and meters of pleated tulle are not suitable for decorating an opening. The lighter and more concise the decor, the more air and light, which is important for a small room.

The best option decorating windows - using blinds or roller blinds

It is important to know! For a small room, a window design that matches the overall tone of the room is preferable. Roman blinds and light curtains to match the wallpaper are an excellent interior solution.

How to choose decor for a small room

Manufacturers offer an unlimited number of options for finishing apartments. In the construction supermarket, a slight panic covers - what to stop at. Wallpaper for a small room, which visually enlarges the space, narrows the options and at the same time allows fantasies to run wild.

Monochromatic wallpaper

The discreet decor is distinguished by conciseness, calmness, and the absence of contrasts that irritate the eyes. When designing, they are based on personal color preferences - warm or cold colors.

Warm ones include:

  • light green or light green;
  • yellow;
  • beige;
  • apricot;
  • cream.

Choose muted soft shades. They relax, soothe and perform the function assigned to them. The room fills with air.

Cold ones include:

  • light blue;
  • light gray;
  • light pink;
  • white.

What wallpaper color enhances a room the most? Pushes walls most effectively White color, but it is exacting to maintain cleanliness and formal. Delicate bluish or pinkish shades, as well as a calm gray-silver, are quite suitable for solving the problem.

An example of a successful design in cool colors

Cozy nursery in cheerful shades of green with abstract wallpaper

Wallpaper with prints and patterns

Monochromatic options attract with restraint and conciseness. Often you want more than looking at an undiluted wall every day. However, the choice of drawings and prints is approached carefully and the relevance in the interior is assessed.

Practically universal option- wallpaper with vertical stripes. Usually, in addition to solving the problem of a small area, you have to think about how to raise the ceiling. The vertical pattern easily pulls the walls up and at the same time does not hide the space.

Excessive contrasts should be avoided and related color combinations should be selected. Blue goes well with white, and light yellow or beige with apricot.

Another Possible Solution- light wallpaper with a small unobtrusive pattern. Preference is given to plotless motifs - floral, abstract, without sharp geometric shapes.

Laconic horizontal stripes of warm shades expand the room, and open bookshelves bring airiness and lightness

dark wallpaper

The decor in dark colors is practically a taboo if you need wallpaper that increases the space of the room: photos indicate the failure of such decisions. However, in some cases they are used for contrast, if necessary, to stretch the room or, on the contrary, to make it more square.

This technique is implemented as carefully as possible, only for one wall or even a section. They prefer gradient colors or wallpaper with prints and refuse monochromatic solutions.

Most often, the space is distributed in this way, the working or, conversely, the sleeping area is separated. To smooth out the effect of dimming and narrowing, additional lighting is installed.

dark colors best used in contrast with light wallpaper

It is important to know! Dark colors negatively affect mood. A long stay in a dimly lit room is fraught with a general depressed state - a lack of light affects.

texture wallpaper

Texture gives volume and allows you to use effective design techniques. Textured brick wallpaper - classic version which justifies itself in a small space.

Shades of white or light warm tones imitating brickwork contribute to solving the problem of visually increasing the area. Good for country style or kitchen design, where you want to feel rural comfort and relaxation, harmony, peace.

Textured wallpaper in a small room can be used in combination with solid colors for visual effects. For example, when including photo wallpapers or large paintings on the wall in the interior.

It is important to know! In creating the effect of additional area important role plays the color of the floor. The colored floor works well - it makes the room taller and wider.

Textured design complements the life-affirming pattern on the back wall

Techniques for visual expansion of space

In addition to the area, the volume of the room is important. Filling with air enhances the feeling of spaciousness. The palm among the "expanders" of the boundaries belongs to the color of the walls and the presence of free space, not cluttered with bulky furniture. Additional factors are no less important than colors that increase the volume of the room:

  • Mirrors. Reflectivity mirror surface work wonders - expand the space many times over. Sliding wardrobe with mirrored door appropriate in a small room, like a wall mirror. The ideal location is opposite the window.
  • Using the perspective effect. Photowall-paper with a plot going to "infinity" will help well with this. Possible urban motifs, landscapes, pictures of the underwater world. Medieval streets and canals of Venice look great, lost in the distance.
  • Visual change in the depth and height of a small room. The use of various color combinations when decorating the ceiling, walls and floor allows you to achieve the desired effect. With low ceilings, the side and far walls are highlighted with color - this way the height and volume visually increase. The side walls are “pushed apart”, highlighting the far wall with color.
  • Natural and artificial lighting. The brighter the small room, the larger the volume seems. If the windows face the sunny side, there are practically no problems with illumination during the day. For the north side light color mandatory - otherwise you have to suffer from tightness in the "stone bag". In the evening, it is necessary to provide sufficient artificial lighting and, in addition to the main source, provide additional lighting. Suitable for this wall sconces, built-in ceiling "halogens".

Mirrored surfaces lighten massive furniture - the wardrobe does not hang over the bed

Volumetric solutions are based on light color palette and enhanced by simple tricks. If you want more than a standard interior in soft neutral colors, you can resort to 3D design - an alternative to wallpaper that expands the space. Simple and win-win option - stretch ceiling simulating the sky. The decor is suitable for a child's room, adult bedroom or kitchens.

Juicy photo wallpapers expand the narrow kitchen and emphasize the style

It is important to know! Calm tones are especially important for a nursery. Children often fall asleep in the light, they should not be distracted by overly rich decor.

Perspective effect blurs boundaries in a small room

Large drawings and interior details: pros and cons

Does a large pattern on the wallpaper increase or decrease the area? In the building department of a supermarket, it is difficult to answer an important interior question. In a small bedroom or kitchen, large decorative elements hide space and reduce volume.

Large drawings or prints are colorful, often made in dark colors. The contrast narrows the spatial framework, there is a feeling that the image hangs and threatens to crush with its weight.

To revive a plain wall, a small decorative element. The mission is perfectly fulfilled by a picture framed in a laconic frame, or a modular image on a light background.

When distributing free space, every detail of the interior is taken into account.

Large interior details also belong to the thieves of free space. Wallpaper that visually enlarges the space fails in competition with massive furniture and electronics. Therefore, the "plasma" is entered into the interior, and the rest of the audio-video equipment is placed in a pedestal or on shelves. It is preferable to choose devices in a light case - so they do not violate general style.

Video: tips from a professional for decorating a small room

Similar principles are followed when choosing accessories. Massive vases, decorative niches filled with knickknacks, trees in pots - the desire to decorate a small room turns into a loss of a vital area.

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, it is best to turn to interior designers. They know exactly how to visually enlarge a small room, and they will accurately select materials for decoration. A quality implementation of a good idea is cheaper than endless rework in search of a dream design.

Connoisseurs of space in the interior should take a closer look at a fashionable means of visually changing the room - photo wallpaper expanding space. Thanks to this technique, you can not only smooth out the existing layout flaws, but also create unique interior. When choosing wallpaper for a certain room, it is worth considering not only its purpose and style, but also possible additional visual effects from using this or that image on the walls.

Space Expansion Options

Designers have come up with many ways to visually expand the space. If we consider photo wallpaper as a means of expanding space, it is worth considering the following points:

  • The use of horizontal and vertical stripes allows you to expand the room in breadth or up. If the ceilings in the apartment are low, you should choose wallpaper with the image of trees, tall buildings, ears of wheat, etc. If you want to visually push the boundaries of a narrow or simply small room, you should stop at a wide water surface, an image of the sky, mountain peaks in the distance, etc.

Advice! Since photo wallpapers with realistic images are best perceived, it is better to choose them, although reproductions of paintings, various textured panels, etc. are suitable for certain interior styles.

  • Glossy surfaces also have the ability to visually increase the area. Reflection creates an effect extra space, as with the use of mirrors in the interior.
  • To visually expand the space, you should think about the color palette, remember how certain colors are perceived by our eyes. If warm shades make any room more cramped and cozy, then cold shades push the walls apart. Airiness and lightness will give any room light blue shades. Dark, bright accents should be avoided, as they will only emphasize a small area of ​​​​the room.
  • When the wallpaper depicts a certain continuation of the room, the room is perceived as large in size. It doesn’t even matter what kind of continuation it is - a long corridor, a door, a balcony, windows or an open veranda. It is important that the room takes on wider boundaries.

Advice! Particularly popular are the “view from the window” photo wallpapers, since in this case there is an effect of the presence of more light due to additional “light sources”. Images of open windows have an interesting effect, when it is possible to view beautiful nature, a metropolis in lights or a seething ocean behind a non-existent window.

Pattern selection

There are a huge number of options for drawings that can visually enlarge the room. Different themes are suitable for apartments of different purposes and styles:

  • One of the most popular themes for photo wallpapers is nature. Forest, park, field, mountain peaks, sea, animals, flowers - all these objects can be found on the walls of our apartments. When choosing, it is important to know that large details in the foreground (for example, mountains) will make the room cramped and emphasize its small area. Mountain peaks, if the owner dreams of them so, in the photo should be located far away, next to the horizon line.

Advice! When using nature themes, you should be careful with macro photography. If a large lonely flower, stone or wild cat on a light background of one of the walls can become an interior decoration, then a huge bee or any other insect can scare.

  • Urban images are popular in modern styles- high tech, loft. Skyscrapers, city streets, bridges or world-famous landmarks will decorate the walls in any such apartment.
  • In a separate category, you can define the so-called architectural images, when it is assumed not the whole building, but part of it. This may be the wall of an old house, ivy-covered, a staircase leading up or down, the already mentioned images of windows, doors, etc.

Advice! Wall murals of this kind are perfectly complemented by real objects when Brick wall continues in decorative brickwork, a light curtain is hung next to the window in the picture, the first step of the stairs is made out as a podium, etc.

The expansion of space is provided by the image in which there is a perspective. There are special photo wallpaper 3D, expanding the space, which can contain completely different pictures: if it is a city, then roads or streets necessarily stretch into the distance, if it is a forest, then distant trees are hidden in the fog, if a plantation of flowers, then they converge in orderly rows at one distant point.

Decoration of different rooms

Wall mural can be used in almost all rooms. They are most often chosen for living room decoration, to create the right accent in the interior. It is worth remembering that when using photo wallpapers, they should become the brightest “spot” in the interior, so that later there is no competition with a massive red sofa or an antique statue in the center of the room. In this case, we are no longer talking about expanding the space: a lot of bright and large-scale elements do not contribute to maintaining the necessary space. That is why only one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpapers in residential premises.

To slightly push the boundaries of a bedroom or study, designers resort to using photo wallpapers that are slightly foggy. In this case, the image turns out to be fuzzy and pale, and therefore attracts less attention to itself. Bright accents are generally not needed in a place of rest and sleep, so you can choose black and white

If you are the owner of a small apartment, you are faced with the question of how to make it more spacious and comfortable. This article will help you understand how to visually expand a room and make it unique. Decide what your room should look like. Create a stylish interior in 2017, based on fashion trends.

Colors that expand space

Pick a color for the walls. If you are a bright girl, a sunny bright color or creamy white will suit you. If you are confident, then light green or Blue colour. If you are a creative person, then pink or purple. Think about the overall picture of your room. Do not forget the colors that expand the space - beige, cream, pood shades.

Think about your interests. Some examples are: music, art, movies, animals, etc. Write this list. This will come in handy for choosing the design of your room. How to visually expand a narrow room - stop at light colors!

Start by moving furniture. Find new good positions and make sure all your favorite furniture will fit. Move only empty tables and drawers, and temporarily put things on the bed. Give away or throw out all unnecessary things to clear the space and free up drawers.

Color scheme for expanding the room

Who wouldn't want to big house with spacious rooms? But often a person cannot afford such a pleasure as buying a large living space, so you have to huddle in small rooms.

But if you look at the situation from a different angle, then you can understand that in fact everything is not so bad, and a small room has its advantages. Firstly, they are easier to clean, secondly, they are cheaper in terms of heating, and thirdly, if you correctly approach the design of the room, then you can create a truly cozy and visually large room.

To create a visual space, you can use a simple "optical trick", the possibilities of optical illusions. In order to recreate the visual space, you will need:

  • Wallpaper in light, cold or pastel colors.
    Mirrors and lamps.
    Curtains and furniture.

What wallpaper expands the room

For a small room, it is worth giving preference to light colors, it is also strongly recommended to “play” on contrasts. For example, if the room is more elongated and narrow, this option is perfect, how to make long walls in light colors to remove them from each other and expand the space visually.

And those that are smaller, on the contrary, darken in order to bring them closer to each other. Or make a contrast - stick wallpaper with small patterns on one wall, and large ones on the opposite wall. A small pattern on the wallpaper makes the room visually larger.

What wallpaper expands the room with low ceilings? Can be wallpapered with vertical lines. This technique will visually make the ceiling higher. Or paint the ceiling a couple of tones lighter. If you complete the entire room in uniformly light colors, a peculiar, airy atmosphere will be created in it.

Wall mural

Wall murals with a view of a receding forest path, the sea with small boats in the distance, a mountain landscape, etc. will perfectly fit into the interior of a small room. In general, everything that depicts the perspective.
Also a chic solution would be to choose a photo wallpaper with an enlarged image of something, for example, a shell, some kind of plant, a bird, and so on. The main thing is that the murals should be pasted on a wall that is not crowded with furniture, especially tall ones, because this will spoil the whole effect.


It is advisable to install furniture that is multifunctional, light, using colors to expand the space. An excellent choice would be a folding sofa, in which you can fold the bed for a day, and collect it so that it does not take up space. Shelves on the walls can be painted to match the walls themselves. It is strongly recommended that you put things in a closet whenever possible so that they do not clutter up the room.


How to visually expand a narrow room? Curtains, as well as wallpaper, you need to choose light, with small patterns. An excellent option would be to choose longer, slightly lying on the floor curtains. This length will visually make the room taller. You can not use huge curtains, large and heavy curtains, a huge amount of ruffles and bows, because. they create the visual feeling of a small space.


This may sound boring, but it can actually be fun if you imagine what your room will look like later. Remove dust, dirt, cobwebs ... Do everything you can.

Put all your books on the bookshelves. How about a soft toy on the next shelf or on the bed? Organize the room as you wish.

And finally, in the final part, accessories! Create your stylish interior in 2017.