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Smoked fat tail: benefits and harms. How to salt lamb tail. Very tasty recipe, I recommend it! Kurdyuk - what kind of lard is this?

Lamb tail - what is it? You may have come across this word when you were trying to find an authentic recipe. Let's take a closer look at this product.

Fat tail - what is it and how is it useful?

The product mentioned is a special type of fat. It is located in the back. Butchers are usually well aware of the value of the fat tail. What it is and how to prepare it is well known to those who are intimately familiar with the cuisine of Uzbekistan. Not only pilaf with this type of lard becomes unique. There are several more ways in which we can prepare tasty fat tail. What kind of recipes are these, and how to prepare such lard for use, we will tell you in this article.

The health benefits of the product in question, despite its high fat content, are obvious. It activates peristalsis well, has a choleretic effect, and also (like any fresh lard) is a good natural immunomodulator.

How to cook fat tail so that there is no unpleasant smell

This type of lard is unpleasant to many because of its specific aroma. Let's cook it so that the smell is not noticeable. This method will also help harmonize the taste of fat. First boil the fat tail. The time depends on the size of the piece - you will have to taste the lard throughout the cooking. Or pierce with a toothpick. While the fat tail is cooking, you need to make the garlic dressing. Peel 4 heads of garlic and crush with coarse salt. Add black and red ground pepper, chopped parsley and dill, crushed coriander. Mix well until smooth. The boiled fat tail needs to be squeezed out of the water and cooled slightly. Make deep cuts into a single piece, but do not cut all the way through. You should be able to open the fat tail like a book with thick (1-2 cm) sheets. Now each layer should be coated with the prepared mixture - generously and on both sides. After all the pieces are generously smeared, fold the layers of fat tail together, coat with spicy dressing on top, wrap in cling film and cool well on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Now the lard should be well saturated with the aroma of spices. This may take from one to several days. The finished product has a pleasant smell and is easier to eat than unseasoned fat. The lard is served cold, cut into small pieces.

How to salt fat tail before smoking

Cut a fresh piece of fat tail fat, washed and dried, sprinkle generously with salt and leave for several days in a cool place. Then hang it in a smokehouse for several days until it becomes dull and transparent.

Stewed fat tail with vegetables

Chop fresh cabbage (small fork), add salt and mash with your hands. Cut the fat tail (250 g) into cubes, heat it in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until soft. Then add cabbage, the pulp of four peeled tomatoes, green onions, salt and cumin. Simmer over low heat until done. If necessary, add a little liquid. A similar dish can be prepared from sauerkraut. Before cooking, it is advisable to soak it to remove excess salt.

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Lamb lard, or tail fat, is an indispensable ingredient in Central Asian cooking. In Russia this product is not very popular. Our compatriots are not so fond of lamb, give them pork. Few people know about the valuable properties and nutritional value of fat tail, perhaps for this reason they do not use it. First, let's figure out what this is food product and in what part of the animal it is located.

"Kurdyuk" translated from the Tatar language means "tail". As you may have guessed, large fat reserves are located in the rear of the ram. It should be noted that such “wealth” is awarded to a special type of sheep. These are quite large animals weighing up to 70 kg. They are bred in many countries, including Russia, the Caucasus, and Asia. The size of fat reserves mainly depends on the region of residence of the breed.

The product is used as a mandatory component in the preparation of meat and vegetable treats. Some cooks pre-melt the lard and fry it in it. various products. It makes delicious Uzbek pilaf, basma, manti and other delicacies. A couple of Asian recipes based on lamb lard will be given below. We will also find out why tail fat is so unique and what properties it has.

The benefits of lamb lard

Eastern people valued lard for therapeutic effect. It was a life-saving remedy for colds. Melted fat was applied to the sternum area for respiratory pathologies, including coughing, and compresses were applied to the back. Even our ancestors did not ignore this product. Fat tail fat was mixed with hot milk and consumed orally, thus clearing the lungs of phlegm.

The anti-inflammatory properties of lamb fat have been tested and proven by practice. This is a natural remedy for strengthening defenses, especially during influenza and ARVI epidemics. It has been established that it contains several times less cholesterol, unlike pork fat. However, you should not abuse the dosage, especially for people with pathological heart diseases. Fat tail fat is contraindicated for diseases of the liver, blood vessels, and gall bladder.

As for external use, there are practically no restrictions. Melted lard - indispensable assistant in the fight against wen. It is heated in a water bath, applied to the affected area, covered with a bandage. The compress is not removed until the “medicine” has completely cooled. Fatty ointment is used for sore joints, dry skin, and frostbite. On frosty days, the face can be protected safely, effectively and natural remedy. According to homeopaths, fat tail fat prolongs youth, prevents early formation of wrinkles and makes epithelial tissue smooth.

Asian Recipes

Now we will delight you with national Central Asian treats, which, if desired, can be prepared at home. The first dish will be basma - a fragrant, satisfying dish of the Uzbek people. It turns out incredibly tasty over a fire; if this is not possible, make the dish on the stove from the listed ingredients. Set of animal products:

  • a kilogram of young beef on the bone;
  • tail fat (200 grams).

Fresh vegetables needed:

  • tomatoes (4 pcs.);
  • onions - two heads;
  • two large carrots;
  • eggplant;
  • bell pepper (3 pcs.);
  • potato tubers (8 pcs.);
  • ½ head of white cabbage;
  • two heads of garlic;
  • chili pepper (optional);
  • dried basil, cilantro, dill;
  • aromatic seasonings: coriander, ground cumin, black pepper.

Step by step guide

This dish requires a deep cauldron with thick walls. Chop the lamb fat, cover the bottom of the dish with it, and place pieces of meat on top. Pepper and salt. Cut the onion into half rings and completely cover the ingredients. Don’t worry, the product will completely dissolve during the simmering process. The next layer is tomato slices sprinkled with basil.

Cover with carrot cubes and sprinkle with cumin. Cut the eggplants into thin slices (you can use zucchini) and place them in a cauldron. Lay on top Bell pepper, then chopped garlic and chili. Chop the cabbage, knead with salt, and spread in a thick layer. The final link will be chopped greens.

In order for all the products to cook evenly, you need to weigh the cauldron down with something heavy, such as a baking sheet. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 2.5-3 hours. At the end of cooking, remove the cabbage and boiled peppers from the cauldron - they have served their purpose. Gently mix all the ingredients and enjoy the delicious dish!

Mashkhurda - Uzbek stew


  • beef or lamb (500 g);
  • fat tail fat (150 g);
  • mung bean (300 g);
  • rice (300 g);
  • vegetables: onion, two carrots, three tomatoes;
  • spices: ground red pepper, dried basil, cumin, turmeric, coriander, Bay leaf, barberry


Cut the meat into small cubes. Fry lamb fat along with beef and onions. Peel the tomatoes, cut them into circles, and place them in a cauldron with meat. Add all the spices. After 5-10 minutes, add the carrots (you can grate them). Let it simmer for a few minutes, add mung beans, and fill with water (2.5-3 liters).

When the cereal bursts, after about half an hour, add the rice. Simmer covered for 15 minutes. Leave the mashkhurda in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours to thicken the dish. Serve with fermented milk drinks (kumys, ayran, kefir). Believe me, the treat will provide an unforgettable taste pleasure.

Let's finish here. From the material you learned how much beneficial fat tail fat contains. The benefits and harms of lard depend on individual indicators.

Wanting to cook something tasty from Asian cuisine, housewives can often come across such concepts as fat tail, tail fat or salo. Let's figure out what it is.

Kurdyuk- accumulation in rams of a certain, so-called “tail-tailed” breed. It is located in the tail area and has a rounded shape. Fat deposits form in the area of ​​the first 3-5 vertebrae from the base. Their sizes can be quite impressive, up to half the weight of an average sheep, and reach 30 kg, although the usual size is from 5-10 kg.

Nature intended to create this reserve during the period when rams are actively grazing and feeding, and then the fat is gradually consumed during an unfavorable, dry period.

The fat tail has the appearance of two symmetrical hemispheres covered with hair, between which the animal's tail is visible.

Scientists know mentions of fat tail, dating back to about 3 thousand years BC. e. Such ancient references were found in the form of drawings on dishes and mosaics of Sumerian cities, where animals with characteristic fatty formations were sacrificed. Traditionally, Asian cuisine is characterized by the use of fat tail fat in cooking and folk medicine.
The Avars used dried or dried fat tail in the process of preparing many dishes; they lubricated bread with it, added it to meat filling For juiciness, food was fried on it. It is an excellent preservative that can preserve meat products even in extreme heat.

Did you know? Fat tail fat can be used to make sweets and tea.

Most often, the use of fat tail fat can be found in culinary recipes And medicines Arab countries, Central Asia, Iran, Kazakhstan and in the regions of Transcaucasia.

The beneficial properties of fat tail are most often used for medical purposes:

  • in the treatment of colds (antiviral properties);
  • for the treatment of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchopneumonia;
  • when used internally to eliminate malfunction of fat metabolism and liver dystrophy;
  • controls and normalizes hormonal levels;
  • neutralizes chronic and acute inflammatory processes;
  • activates brain activity, improves the functioning of the nervous system.

All these changes occur due to the unique composition of the fat tail:
  • minerals (,).
  • , And .
  • lanolin.
  • phosphatides.
  • ash.

The valuable properties of fat tail are often used in cosmetology in the preparation of various creams and ointments. Possessing natural lanolin, it makes the skin velvety if you apply a little of the substance to a steamed and cleansed face. And if there are inflammatory processes on the skin, they can be eliminated by lubricating the necessary areas with fat for several days.

Fat tail fat can have a harmful effect on the human body in the presence of such diseases as:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • problems with liver and kidney function;
  • arrhythmia of the heart muscle;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastritis, if acidity is increased;
  • gallbladder diseases.

Important! Uncontrolled and abundant consumption of fat tail fat for medical purposes can have a negative impact on your health.

There are a huge number of different traditional medicine recipes that are actively used beneficial features lamb tail, and it is impossible to study them all. Let's get to know some of them.

A sore throat.

For example, to eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations in the throat, you can add 0.5 tsp to a warm cup. melted fat tail.

Removal of fatty tissues.

To carry out this procedure, you should take a small piece of fat tail fat. First you need to melt it and then place it in the refrigerator. The cooled product should be applied to the surface of the wen. Repeating this procedure for a week or two will be effective.

When the first signs of a cold appear, you can apply rubbing with healing lamb lard. It should be applied to the sternum and back, put on cotton clothes and go to bed.

Joint pain.

Rubbing the joints with fat tail fat will help eliminate the inflammatory process in the joints, reduce painful sensations and swelling.

The amazing properties of fat tail fat help get rid of dermatitis, dry skin and act like expensive anti-aging creams.

If you apply it to a well-steamed face and body after taking a bath, the skin will gain radiance and many expression lines will immediately become less noticeable. The procedure lasts 10 minutes, after which any residue that is not absorbed must be removed with a soft cloth.

Did you know? Sheep can recognize their shepherd. If there are several different herds grazing in a pasture, and the shepherd starts calling his own, then it is his charges that will approach him.

Heel spur.

To carry out the procedure, you need to take 1 raw egg with shell, 100 g of fat tail fat and 100 g of vinegar essence and mix it all. Then place in a cool, dark place until it reaches a uniform consistency, this takes on average 1 day.

The resulting ointment should be applied to gauze and applied to the problem area. For fixation, it is better to put a sock on top. To get smooth and soft heels you need to do all this for a week.

Varicose veins

Fixing this problem will require a little patience as it may take about a month. Pieces of fat tail should be applied to the damaged areas of the veins and secured with bandages. The healing substance should be changed daily.

How to choose the right one

You can buy fat tail fat both in the store and at the market.
However, you should remember these recommendations to do a good choice and the product brought maximum benefit:

  • young lamb fat has a pleasant White color and a light aroma, and already old fat more yellow and the smell is stronger;
  • it should be elastic to the touch, that is, not soft, but not hard either.

Important! At home, you can check how high-quality fat tail fat you purchased. To do this, you need to take part of it and heat the melted fat good quality should be transparent and not give sediment.

In order for the product to retain all its beneficial properties as much as possible, it should be stored in the refrigerator. It is better if it is a separate container so that the fat does not come into contact with other products. It should be noted that lard cannot be stored for too long, no more than 3 months, otherwise it will healing properties will gradually lose their strength.
The beneficial properties of fat tail, or fat tail fat, have been known to many peoples since ancient times and were passed on as secrets of folk medicine and culinary traditions from generation to generation. In the modern world, many of the benefits of this product are still used today.

The first known mention of fat-tailed sheep dates back to 3000 BC. Their image was found in Sumerian mosaics. It is written about fat tail in the Bible.

This lamb fat has many interesting and useful properties for humans. It doesn't freeze when room temperature, which allows it to be used as a natural preservative. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent antioxidant. In folk medicine, it is widely used as a warming rub, and is also taken orally for diseases of the respiratory tract and fatty degeneration.

100 g of this product contains 897 kcal. This is the richest source of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids: 30% stearic acid, as well as lauric, myristic, butyric, palmitic, etc. It contains the mineral trace elements sodium, copper, magnesium, zinc and selenium, natural lanolin, vitamins A, B1, E .

Fat tail fat promotes the synthesis of hormones, restoring their balanced content in the body, the absorption of vitamins and the construction of cell membranes. It improves memory and stimulates cerebral circulation. Recommended for women suffering from infertility and hormonal imbalance during menopause. Eastern peoples consider it an indispensable remedy for increasing potency and longevity. Cosmetologists actively use fat in creams and ointments to rejuvenate skin and hair growth.

Fresh lamb tail can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 months. It can be served as an appetizer or as a separate dish with hot vegetables.

How to smoke a lamb tail

The entire process consists of three main parts: preparation, smoking and finishing. And if you do the first and third parts at home, then for the second you will need a smokehouse. And it’s best to work with it in nature.


Before smoking lamb tail, it must be salted. The most interesting thing is that there is never too much salt in this recipe. You simply cut the lard into 3-4 cm thick pieces and then roll them in salt. Try to ensure that there are no places on the pieces that are “clean” from salt. Sprinkle on the bottom of the dish (plastic tray, glass jar, enamel pan, etc.) layer of salt, place the fat tail tightly and sprinkle salt on top again. Cover and refrigerate for 4 days.

The second way to prepare fat tail is to salt the entire piece. For this recipe you will have to prepare all the spices you like (dill, garlic, paprika, etc.). Take advantage of the fact that the consistency of the lard is soft and tender, pierce it with a wide knife and push the spices mixed with salt inside. At the end, sprinkle the entire piece with salt and leave it like that at room temperature for 2 days. Then transfer it to the refrigerator for another 3 days.


For this you will need a smokehouse and alder chips.

  1. Wipe off the salt from the pieces and place on a wire rack. If you are going to cook a smoked whole lamb tail, then tie it with twine or pack it in a special net.
  2. Leave them for half an hour to an hour while you refuel and light the smoker, so that they dry out a little.
  3. Place the grill with pieces in the smokehouse for 3 hours, hang the whole fat tail for 6 hours.
  4. Adjust the smoke temperature to 60 o C.
  5. Remove the smoked fat tail and leave to dry for 1 hour.

Observe strictly temperature regime. If the temperature is less than 60 o, the lard will not be smoked; if it is more, it will melt.


Cool the smoked fat tail and roll the pieces in a mixture of paprika and red hot pepper. Refrigerate the finished delicacy again for at least 2 hours. You can store the finished fat tail in the refrigerator for up to 4 months.

Smoking at home without a smokehouse

At home, lamb tail can be smoked using “liquid smoke”. Of course, this will only be a distant imitation of smoking, but the end result will be no worse than using a smokehouse.

You will need:

  • fat tail fat - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • coarse rock salt - 2 tbsp;
  • fine salt - 1 tbsp;
  • “liquid smoke” - 3 tsp;
  • spices;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

The fat tail must be cut into slices 2-3 cm thick, but without cutting to the end so that the piece does not fall apart.

  1. Bring water to a boil, dissolve coarse salt and “liquid smoke” in it.
  2. Place the cut piece in water and cook after boiling for half an hour.
  3. Remove from water and cool.
  4. Rub the entire surface of the lard with fine salt, black pepper and crushed garlic.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  6. Cut the fat tail into pieces.
  7. Roll the pieces in a mixture of paprika and red hot pepper.
  8. Place in a dry container.

In this form, fat tail can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 months, and in the freezer - twice as long.

Almost every resident of Central Asia or the Caucasus has their own special way of cooking delicious dish from unusually healthy fat tail fat. If you know any interesting recipe smoking or just some culinary secret, be sure to write about it in the comments.