Shower      03.03.2020

Heating of multi-storey buildings. Heat supply and heating of high-rise buildings. Features of heat supply of multi-storey buildings

Currently, the vast majority of existing residential multi-storey buildings in our country are heated mainly by vertical single-pipe water heating systems. The advantages and disadvantages of such systems are noted in other sources. Among the main shortcomings, the following should be noted:

□ it is impossible to keep records of heat consumption for heating each apartment;

□ it is impossible to pay for heat consumption for actually consumed thermal energy(TE);

□ it is very difficult to maintain the required air temperature in each apartment.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is necessary to abandon the use vertical systems for heating residential multi-storey buildings and apply apartment heating systems (CO), as recommended. At the same time, it is necessary to install a heat meter in each apartment.

Apartment SS in multi-storey buildings are systems that can be serviced by apartment residents without changing the hydraulic and thermal regimes of neighboring apartments and provide apartment-by-apartment accounting for heat consumption. This increases the thermal comfort in residential premises and saves heat for heating. At first glance, these are two contradictory tasks. However, there is no contradiction here, because overheating of the premises is eliminated due to the absence of hydraulic and thermal misalignment of CO. In addition, the heat of solar radiation and household heat inputs to each apartment are used 100%. The urgency of solving this problem is realized by builders and maintenance services. Existing systems apartment heating in our country for heating multi-storey buildings are rarely used for different reasons and, in particular, because of their low hydraulic and thermal stability. The apartment heating system, protected by the current patent of the Russian Federation No. 2148755 F24D 3/02, according to the authors, meets all the requirements. On fig. 1 shows the CO scheme for residential buildings with a small number of floors.

WITH contains the supply 1 and return 2 heat pipelines of network water, communicated with an individual heat point 3 and connected, in turn, with the supply heat pipeline 4 WITH. A vertical supply riser 5 is connected to the supply heat pipe 4, connected to a floor horizontal branch 6. Heaters 7 are connected to the branch 6. In the same apartments where the vertical supply riser 5 is installed, a return riser 8 is installed, which is connected to the return heat pipe CO 9 and horizontal floor branches 6. Vertical risers 5 and 8 limit the length of floor branches 6 to one apartment. On each floor branch 6, an apartment heating point 10 is installed, which serves to ensure the supply of the required coolant flow and account for the heat consumption for heating each apartment and regulate the air temperature inside the room depending on the outside temperature, heat input from solar radiation, heat generation in each apartment , wind speed and direction. To turn off each horizontal branch, valves 11 and 12 are provided. Air valves 13 are used to remove air from heaters and branches 6. Taps 14 can be installed at heaters 7 to control the flow of water passing through heaters 7.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the heating system for buildings with a small number of floors: 1 - heating supply network water; 2 - return heat pipe of network water; 3 - individual thermal

paragraph; 4 - supply heat pipe of the heating system; 5 - vertical supply riser; 6 - floor horizontal branch; 7 - heating devices; 8 - reverse riser; 9 - return heat pipe of the heating system;

10 - apartment heating point; 11, 12 - valves; 13 - air valves; 14 - taps for regulating the flow of water.

In the case of a multi-storey building (Fig. 2), the supply vertical riser 5 is made in the form of a group of risers - 5, 15 and 16, and the vertical return riser 8 is made in the form of a group of risers 8, 17 and 18. In this CO, the supply riser 5 and the reverse riser 8, connected respectively with the heat pipes 4 and 9, unite in block "A" horizontal floor branches 6 of several (in this particular case, three branches) of the upper floors of the building. The supply riser 15 and the return riser 17 are also connected to the heat pipes 4 and 9 and unite the horizontal floor branches of the next three floors into block "B". Vertical supply riser 16 and return riser 18 unite the floor branches 6 of the three lower floors into block C (the number of branches in blocks A, B and C can be more or less than three). On each horizontal floor branch 6, located in one apartment, an apartment heating point 10 is installed. It includes, depending on the parameters of the coolant and local conditions, shut-off and control and instrumentation valves, a pressure (flow) regulator and a device for accounting for heat consumption (heat meter). To turn off the horizontal branches, valves 11 and 12 are provided. Valves 14 are used to regulate the heat transfer of the heater (if necessary). Air is removed through taps 13.

The number of horizontal branches in each block is determined by calculation and can be more or less than three. It should be noted that the vertical supply risers 5, 15, 16 and return risers 8, 17, 18 are laid in the same apartment, i.e. the same as in fig. 1, and this ensures high hydraulic and thermal stability of the CO of a multi-storey building and, consequently, efficient work CO.

By changing the number of blocks into which CO is divided along the height, it is possible to almost completely eliminate the influence of natural pressure on the hydraulic and thermal stability of the water heating system of a multi-storey building.

In other words, we can say that with the number of blocks equal to the number of floors in the building, we will get a water heating system in which the natural pressure arising from the cooling of water in the heating devices connected to the floor branches will not affect the hydraulic and thermal stability of CO.

The considered SS provides high sanitary and hygienic indicators in heated rooms, saves heat for heating, and effectively regulates the air temperature in the room. It is possible to carry out the start-up of CO in action at the request of a resident (if a coolant is available) in heating point 3 at any time, without waiting for the start of CO in other apartments or throughout the house. Given that the thermal power and the length of the horizontal branches are approximately the same, the maximum unification of the CO units is achieved in the manufacture of the pipe billet, and this reduces the cost of manufacturing and installing the CO. The developed system of apartment heating for multi-storey residential buildings is universal, i.e. such CO can be used for heat supply:

□ from the central source of heat (from heating networks);

□ from an autonomous source of heat (including a rooftop boiler).

Rice. 2. Scheme of the heating system of multi-storey buildings. 1 - supply heat pipe network water; 2 - return heat pipe of network water; 3 - individual heating point; 4 - supply heat pipe of the heating system; 5, 15, 16 - vertical supply risers; 6 - floor horizontal branch; 7 - heating devices; 8, 17, 18 - return risers; 9 - return heat pipe of the heating system; 10 - apartment heating point; 11, 12 - valves; 13 - air valves; 14 - taps for regulating the flow of water.

Such a system has hydraulic and thermal stability, can be single-pipe and two-pipe, and any type of heating device that meets the requirements can be used in it. The scheme for supplying the coolant to the heater may be different, when installing a tap at the heater, you can adjust thermal power heating device. Such CO can be used not only for heating residential buildings, but also public and industrial buildings. In this case, a horizontal branch is laid near the floor (or in the recess of the floor) along the plinth. Such a CO can be repaired and reconstructed if there is a need to redevelop the building. The system described above requires less metal consumption. Installation of such CO can be carried out from steel, copper, brass and polymer pipes approved for use in construction. The heat transfer of heat pipes should be taken into account when calculating heating devices. The use of apartment COs provides a reduction in heat consumption by 10-20%.

The idea to use apartment systems for heating multi-storey residential buildings was born a long time ago. However, such heating systems were not used even in newly built residential buildings for many reasons, including the lack of a regulatory framework and design recommendations. Over the past 5 years, a regulatory framework has been created and recommendations for the design of such systems have been developed. In Russia, there is still no experience in the operation of apartment COs connected to various heat sources.

When designing such systems, many questions arise regarding the placement of horizontal branches and places for laying vertical supply and return drains. The consumption of pipelines for the installation of horizontal branches will be minimal if the apartment in the plan is in the shape of a square or approaches a square.

It should be noted that the supply and return vertical risers can be laid in special shafts located in stairwells or common corridors. In the shafts on each floor, installation cabinets should be located in which the apartment input nodes are placed.

For mass housing construction, it is expedient to perform per-apartment COs as single-pipe horizontal ones with trailing sections and serial connection of heating devices. In this case, the consumption of pipes is significantly reduced, but at the same time, the heating surface of the heating devices increases (due to the reduction in thermal pressure) by an average of 10-30%.

Horizontal branches should be laid near the outer walls, above the floor or in the floor structure or in special skirting boards - boxes, depending on the height of the heater, its type and the distance from the floor to the window sill (the distance from the floor to the window sill in new construction, if necessary, can be increased by 100-250 mm).

With long heaters, such as convectors, it will be possible to use through convectors and use a versatile (diagonal) connection of appliances to a horizontal branch, and this in many cases improves the heating of appliances and, consequently, increases their heat transfer. With open laying of horizontal branches, their heat transfer to the room increases, and this ultimately leads to a decrease in the surface of heating devices and, consequently, metal consumption for their manufacture decreases.

Such a system is convenient for installation and, as a rule, pipelines of the same diameter are used for horizontal branches. In addition, with single-pipe CO, higher coolant parameters (up to 105 ° C) can be used. When using three-way valves (or another design solution), it is possible to increase the amount of water flowing into the device, and this reduces the heating surface of the devices. With such a constructive implementation of the system, it is possible to repair it, i. replacement of pipelines, shut-off and control valves and heating devices in each apartment without opening the floor structure, etc.

The indisputable advantage of such heating systems is that only Russian-made materials and products can be used for their construction.


1. Scanavi A.N., Makhov L.M. Heating. Textbook for universities - M.: DIA Publishing House, 2002. 576 p.

2. SNiP. 41-01-2003. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning / Gosstroy of Russia. - M.: FSUE TsPP, 2004.

3. Livchak I.F. Apartment heating. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1982.


An apartment in a high-rise building is an urban alternative to private houses, and a very large number of people live in apartments. The popularity of city apartments is not strange, because they have everything a person needs for a comfortable stay: heating, sewerage and hot water supply. And if the last two points do not need special introduction, then the heating scheme of a multi-storey building requires detailed consideration. From the point of view of design features, the centralized one has a number of differences from autonomous structures, which allows it to provide the house with thermal energy in the cold season.

Features of the heating system of apartment buildings

When installing heating equipment in multi-storey buildings, it is imperative to comply with the requirements established by regulatory documentation, which includes SNiP and GOST. These documents state that heating structure should provide apartments with a constant temperature within 20-22 degrees, and humidity should vary from 30 to 45 percent.
Despite the existence of standards, many houses, especially old ones, do not meet these indicators. If this is the case, then first of all you need to deal with the installation of thermal insulation and change the heating devices, and only then contact the heat supply company. The heating of a three-story house, the scheme of which is shown in the photo, can be cited as an example of a good heating scheme.

To achieve the required parameters, use complex structure, requiring quality equipment. When creating a heating system project apartment building specialists use all their knowledge to achieve an even distribution of heat in all sections of the heating main and create a comparable pressure on each tier of the building. One of the integral elements of the work of such a design is the work on a superheated coolant, which provides for the heating scheme of a three-story house or other skyscrapers.

How it works? Water comes directly from the thermal power plant and is heated to 130-150 degrees. In addition, the pressure is increased to 6-10 atmospheres, so the formation of steam is impossible - high pressure will drive water through all floors of the house without loss. The temperature of the liquid in the return pipeline in this case can reach 60-70 degrees. Of course, at different times of the year temperature regime may vary, since it is directly related to the ambient temperature.

Purpose and principle of operation of the elevator unit

It was said above that the water in the heating system of a multi-storey building is heated to 130 degrees. But consumers do not need such a temperature, and it is absolutely pointless to heat the batteries to such a value, regardless of the number of floors: the heating system of a nine-story building in this case will not differ from any other. Everything is explained quite simply: the heating supply in multi-storey buildings is completed by a device that goes into the return circuit, which is called an elevator unit. What is the meaning of this node, and what functions are assigned to it?
warmed up high temperature the coolant enters, which, according to the principle of its action, is similar to a dosing injector. It is after this process that the liquid carries out heat exchange. Leaving through the elevator nozzle, the coolant under high pressure out through the return line.

In addition, through the same channel, the liquid enters the heating system for recirculation. All these processes together make it possible to mix the coolant, bringing it to optimal temperature, which is enough to heat all apartments. The use of an elevator node in the scheme allows you to provide the most quality heating in high-rise buildings, regardless of the number of storeys.

Design features of the heating circuit

There are different valves in the heating circuit behind the elevator unit. Their role cannot be underestimated, since they make it possible to regulate heating in individual entrances or in the whole house. Most often, the adjustment of the valves is carried out manually by employees of the heat supply company, if such a need arises.

Often used in modern buildings additional elements, such as collectors, thermal and other equipment. IN last years almost every heating system in high-rise buildings is equipped with automation to minimize human intervention in the operation of the structure (read: ""). All the described details allow to achieve better performance, increase efficiency and make it possible to distribute heat energy more evenly throughout all apartments.

Piping in a multi-storey building

As a rule, in multi-storey buildings, a single-pipe wiring diagram with top or bottom filling is used. The location of the forward and return pipes can vary depending on many factors, including even the region where the building is located. For example, the heating scheme in a five-story building will be structurally different from heating in three-story buildings.

When designing a heating system, all these factors are taken into account, and the most successful scheme is created that allows you to bring all the parameters to the maximum. The project may involve various options pouring the coolant: from the bottom up or vice versa. In individual houses, universal risers are installed, which ensure the rotation of the movement of the coolant.

Types of radiators for heating apartment buildings

In multi-storey buildings, there is no single rule that allows the use of a specific type of radiator, so the choice is not particularly limited. The heating scheme of a multi-storey building is quite versatile and has a good balance between temperature and pressure.

The main models of radiators used in apartments include the following devices:

  1. Cast iron batteries. Often used even in the most modern buildings. They are cheap and very easy to install: as a rule, apartment owners install this type of radiator on their own.
  2. Steel heaters. This option is a logical continuation of the development of new heating devices. Being more modern, steel heating panels demonstrate good aesthetic qualities, are quite reliable and practical. Very well combined with the regulating elements of the heating system. Experts agree that it is steel batteries can be called optimal when used in apartments.
  3. Aluminum and bimetallic batteries . Products made of aluminum are very much appreciated by the owners of private houses and apartments. aluminum batteries have the best performance when compared with previous options: excellent external data, low weight and compactness are perfectly combined with high performance. The only disadvantage of these devices, which often scares off buyers, is the high cost. Nevertheless, experts do not recommend saving on heating and believe that such an investment will pay off pretty quickly.
It is also not recommended to carry out repair work in the heating system of an apartment building on your own, especially if it is heating in the walls panel house: practice shows that residents of houses, not having the appropriate knowledge, are able to throw away an important element of the system, considering it unnecessary.

Centralized heating systems demonstrate good qualities, but they need to be constantly maintained in working order, and for this you need to monitor many indicators, including thermal insulation, equipment wear and regular replacement of spent elements.

Water heating system of high-rise buildings

High-rise buildings and sanitary facilities are classified: they are divided into parts - zones of a certain height, separated by technical floors. Equipment and communications are placed on technical floors. In heating, ventilation and water supply systems, the allowable height of the zone is determined by the value of the hydrostatic water pressure in the lower heaters or other elements and the possibility of placing equipment, air ducts, pipes and other communications on technical floors.

For a water heating system, the height of the zone, depending on the hydrostatic pressure allowed as a working one for certain types of heating appliances (from 0.6 to 1.0 MPa), should not exceed (with some margin) 55 m when using cast iron and steel appliances (with radiators type MS - 80 m) and 90 m for devices with steel heating pipes.

Within one zone, a water heating system is arranged with water heat supply according to a scheme with independent connection to external heat pipelines, i.e., hydraulically isolated from the external heat network and from other heating systems. Such a system has its own water-to-water heat exchanger, circulation and make-up pumps, and an expansion tank.

The number of zones along the height of the building is determined, like the height of a separate zone, by the allowable hydrostatic pressure, but not for heating devices, but for equipment in heating points located with water heating, usually in the basement. The main equipment of these heating points, namely the usual type of water-to-water heat exchangers and pumps, even made to order, can withstand a working pressure of not more than 1.6 MPa.

This means that with such equipment, the height of the building with hydro-water heating by hydraulically isolated systems has a limit of 150-160 m. In such a building, two (75-80 m high) or three (50-55 m high) ) zone heating systems. In this case, the hydrostatic pressure in the equipment of the heating system of the upper zone, located in the basement, will reach the calculated limit.

In buildings with a height of 160-250 m, water-water heating can be used using special equipment designed for a working pressure of 2.5 MPa. Combined heating can also be implemented if steam is available: in addition to water-water heating in the lower 160 m, in the area above 160 m, steam-water heating is installed.

The coolant steam, characterized by a slight hydrostatic pressure, is supplied to the technical floor under the upper zone, where another heating point is equipped. It installs a steam-water heat exchanger, its own circulation pump and expansion tank, devices for qualitative-quantitative regulation.

Each zone heating system has its own expansion tank, equipped with an electrical signaling system and system feed control.

Similar complex combined heating operates in the central part of the main building of the Moscow state university: in the lower three zones there is water-water heating with cast-iron radiators, in the upper zone IV - steam-water heating.

In buildings with a height of more than 250 m, new zones of steam-water heating are provided or they resort to electric water heating if there is no source of steam.

To reduce the cost and simplify the design, it is possible to replace the combined heating of a high-rise building with a single water heating system, which does not require a second primary heat carrier (for example, steam). The building can be arranged hydraulically general system with one water-to-water heat exchanger, common circulation pump and expansion tank (Fig. 2). The system by building height is still divided into zonal parts according to the above rules. Water is supplied to the second and subsequent zones by zone circulation booster pumps and returns from each zone to a common expansion tank. The necessary hydrostatic pressure in the main return riser of each zone part is maintained by a pressure regulator of the “upstream” type. Hydrostatic pressure in the equipment of the heating point, including booster pumps, is limited by the installation height of the open expansion tank and does not exceed the standard operating pressure of 1 MPa.

The heating systems of high-rise buildings are characterized by their division within each zone along the sides of the horizon (along the facades) and automation of the temperature control of the coolant. The temperature of the water coolant for the zone heating system is set according to a given program, depending on the change in the outside air temperature (regulation "by disturbance"). At the same time, for the part of the system that heats the rooms facing south and west, additional regulation of the temperature of the heat carrier is provided (to save thermal energy) in the case when the temperature of the rooms rises during insolation (regulation "by deviation").

To empty individual risers or parts of the system, drain lines are laid on the technical floors. During the operation of the system, the drainage line is turned off to prevent uncontrolled leakage of water by a common valve in front of the separating drain tank.

De centralized system hot water heating

Among the water heating systems used, systems prevail in which the surface temperature of the heating devices is limited to 95 °C. Above, we considered common systems where the local heat carrier is centrally heated by high-temperature water, and it is heated up to a maximum of 95 ° C in two-pipe systems and up to 105 ° C in one-pipe systems. Meanwhile, a system in which high-temperature water would be brought as close as possible to the heating devices, and the temperature of their surface, due to hygienic requirements, was kept low, would have a certain economic advantage over the conventional system. This advantage would be achieved by reducing the diameter of the pipes to move a reduced amount of water at an increased speed under the pressure of the network (station) circulation pump.

In such a combined water-water system, the heat carrier would be heated decentralized. In the heating point of the building, equipment for heating and creating water circulation was not required, only the operation of the system would be controlled there, and the consumption of thermal energy would be taken into account.

Let us analyze some schemes of a system for decentralized heating of a local heat carrier with high-temperature water, developed by Soviet engineers, dividing them into two groups: with independent and dependent connection of the system to external heat pipelines.

Non-pressure steel or ceramic heaters are offered for decentralized heating of local water or oil according to an independent scheme. These devices, like open vessels, are filled with water (oil), heated through the walls of the coil with high-temperature water. Evaporation from the surface of the water in the appliance increases the humidity in the room. The coil is included in a single-pipe flow-controlled system with "inverted" circulation of high-temperature water. High-temperature water can have a temperature of 110°C with ceramic blocks, 130°C with steel appliances filled with mineral oil. In this case, the surface temperature of the devices does not exceed 95 °C.

Decentralized mixing of high- and low-temperature water, i.e. heating of the local coolant according to a dependent scheme, can be carried out in mains, risers and directly in heating devices.

When mixed in the mains, the heating system is divided into several series-connected parts (subsystems), each consisting of several single-pipe U-shaped risers. Associated mixing of high-temperature water with chilled water return water from subsystems (to increase the temperature from 70 to 105 °C) occurs through jumpers with diaphragms into intermediate lines between individual subsystems.

In a system with mixing water at the base of single-pipe U-shaped risers, the line with high-temperature water is made, unlike known heating systems, also single-pipe. The water in it lowers the temperature at the mixing points and enters the risers with different temperature. In vertical risers, mainly natural circulation of water occurs, since the hydraulic resistance of the closing sections is relatively small.

To mix water at the base of two-pipe risers, special mixers are used 2 . The water in both lines moves under the pressure of the network pump, in the risers there is a natural circulation of water.

With decentralized mixing and single-pipe risers, the heating system is divided into two parts: in the first, high-temperature water moves in risers from the bottom up, cooling to a temperature of 95 ° C, in the second - from top to bottom. To ensure flow into devices required amount high-temperature water, diaphragms are installed at the closing sections.

With decentralized mixing in two-pipe risers, high-temperature water is supplied inside each heater through a perforated collector 4 or through a mixing nozzle, and the cooled water is removed in the same amount to the return riser.

The described heating systems have not received mass distribution due to difficulties in laying high-temperature water pipes in rooms, the complexity of installation and operational regulation.

Currently, a direct-flow heating system is used with decentralized heating of water returning from three or four subsystems (groups of risers) connected in series. In this so-called step temperature regeneration (CRT) system (high temperature water heats chilled water in two to three (between subsystems) temperature regenerators (RT). The temperature regenerators are counterflow tube-in-pipe heat exchangers (for example, a Dy25 pipe in Dy40 case).Water flows twice through each RT; first in the form of high-temperature water through the annular space, then in the form of chilled water through the inner pipe.Water returning from the last subsystem is heated by high-temperature water to 95-105 °C, then it enters the penultimate subsystem and etc., until it returns cooled from the first subsystem to the point of high-temperature water entry into the building.

The SRT heating system is performed as a single-pipe system with one-sided unified instrument assemblies, with an upper or lower distribution of the supply line.

Apartment heating system

The problem of rational consumption and distribution of thermal energy by heating systems is still relevant, because under the climatic conditions of Russia, heating systems for residential buildings are the most energy-intensive of engineering systems.

In recent years, prerequisites have been created for the construction of residential buildings with reduced energy consumption by optimizing urban planning and space-planning decisions, the shape of buildings, by increasing the level of thermal protection of enclosing structures and by using more energy-efficient engineering systems.

Residential buildings built since 2000 with thermal protection corresponding to the second stage of energy saving meet the energy efficiency requirements of countries such as Germany and the UK. The walls and windows of residential buildings have become "warmer" - heat loss by enclosing structures has decreased by 2-3 times, modern translucent fences (windows, doors of loggias and balconies) have such low air permeability that when closed windows virtually no infiltration.

At the same time, in residential buildings of mass construction, to date, designed and operated according to standard projects heating systems. The systems traditionally use high-temperature coolants with parameters of 105–70, 95–70°C. When providing thermal protection of buildings according to the second stage of energy saving and with the specified parameters of the heat carrier, the dimensions and heating surface of heating devices are reduced, the flow rate of the heat carrier through each device and, as a result, protection from reverse radiation in the area of ​​​​windows, doors of balconies, loggias is not provided, working conditions worsen and regulation of automatic thermostats of heating devices.

To create buildings with more efficient use of thermal energy, providing comfortable conditions for human habitation, modern, energy-efficient heating systems are needed. Adjustable apartment heating systems fully meet these requirements. However, the widespread use of apartment heating systems is held back in part by the lack of sufficient regulatory frameworks and design guidelines.

Currently, the Department of Technical Regulation of the Gosstroy of Russia is considering the Code of Rules "Systems for apartment heating of residential buildings." The set of rules was prepared by a group of specialists from FSUE "SantekhNIIproekt", JSC "Mosproekt", Gosstroy of Russia and includes requirements for systems, heaters, fittings and pipelines, requirements for safety, durability and maintainability of apartment heating systems.

The set of rules supplements and develops the requirements for the design of apartment heating systems in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-(2) and can be used to design apartment heating systems in residential buildings of various types, single and multi-apartment, block and sectional in the construction of new and reconstructed buildings provided with thermal energy from thermal networks (CHP, RTS, boiler house), from autonomous or individual heat sources.

Apartment heating system - a system with piping within one apartment, ensuring the maintenance of a given air temperature in the premises of this apartment.

An analysis of a number of projects shows that apartment heating systems have a number of advantages compared to central systems:

Provide greater hydraulic stability of the heating system of a residential building;

Increase the level of comfort in apartments by ensuring the air temperature in each room at the request of the consumer;

Provide the ability to account for heat in each apartment and reduce heat consumption for the heating period by 10–15% with automatic or manual regulation of heat flows;

Satisfy the customer's design requirements (the ability to choose the type of heater, pipes, pipe laying schemes in the apartment);

They provide the possibility of replacing pipelines, shut-off and control valves and heating devices in individual apartments during redevelopment or when emergency situations without violating the mode of operation of heating systems in other apartments, the possibility of carrying out adjustment work and hydrostatic tests in a separate apartment.

The level of thermal protection of residential buildings with apartment heating systems must not be lower than the required values ​​​​of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of the external fences of the building in accordance with SNiP II-3-79 *.

The design air temperature for the cold period of the year in the heated premises of a residential building should be taken within the optimal norms in accordance with GOST 30494, but not lower than 20 ° C for premises with a permanent stay of people. In multi-apartment buildings, it is allowed to lower the air temperature in heated rooms when they are not in use (during the absence of the owner of the apartment), lower than the standard by no more than 3–5 ° C, but not lower than 15 ° C. With such a temperature difference, heat loss through the internal enclosing structures may not be taken into account.

IN apartment building with a central heating system, apartment heating systems should be designed for all apartments. It is not allowed to install apartment systems for one or more apartments in the house. Apartment heating systems in a residential building are connected to heating networks according to an independent scheme through heat exchangers, in a quarterly central heating station or in an individual heating point (ITP). It is allowed to connect apartment heating systems to heating networks according to a dependent scheme, while ensuring automatic control of the parameters of the heat carrier in the ITP.

in single-family and block houses with individual heat supply sources, both apartment heating systems with heaters and underfloor heating systems for heating individual rooms or floor sections can be used, provided that the set temperature of the coolant and the temperature on the floor surface are automatically maintained.

For apartment heating systems, as a rule, water is used as a heat carrier; other coolants may be used during a feasibility study in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-91*.

The parameters of the coolant for apartment heating systems, depending on the heat source, the type of pipes used and the way they are laid, are given in the table.

In apartment heating systems of a residential building, the parameters of the coolant must be the same for all apartments. In the technical justification or on the instructions of the customer, it is allowed to take the temperature of the heat carrier of the apartment heating system of one of the apartments lower than that adopted for the heating system of the building. At the same time, automatic maintenance of the specified coolant temperature should be ensured.

Heating systems

In buildings with a height of two or more floors, for supplying coolant to apartments, two-pipe systems should be designed with lower or upper wiring of main pipelines, main vertical risers serving part of the building or one section.

The supply and return main vertical risers for each part of the section building are laid in special shafts of common corridors, stair halls. In the shafts on each floor, built-in installation cabinets are provided, in which floor-by-floor distribution manifolds with outlet pipelines for each apartment, shut-off valves, filters, balancing valves, heat meters should be placed.

Apartment heating systems can be performed according to the following schemes:

Two-pipe horizontal (dead-end or associated) with parallel connection of heating devices (Fig. 1). Pipes are laid near the outer walls, in the floor structure or in special skirting boxes;

Two-pipe beam with individual connection by pipelines (loops) of each heater to the distribution manifold of the apartment (Fig. 2). It is allowed to connect "on the hitch" of two heaters within the same room. Pipelines are laid in the form of loops in the floor structure or along the walls under skirting boards. The system is convenient for installation, since pipelines of the same diameter are used, there are no pipe connections in the floor;

Single-pipe horizontal with closing sections and serial connection of heating devices (Fig. 3). The consumption of pipes is significantly reduced, but the heating surface of heating devices is increased by approximately 20% or more. The circuit is recommended for use with higher coolant parameters and a smaller temperature difference (for example, 90–70°C). By increasing the amount of water flowing into the device, the heating surface of the device decreases. The calculated temperature of the water leaving the last appliance must not be lower than 40°C;

Floor-standing with laying heating coils from pipes in the floor structure. Floor systems have greater inertia than systems with heating devices, are less accessible for repair and dismantling. Possible options schemes for laying pipes in underfloor heating systems are shown in fig. 4, 5. Scheme according to fig. 4 ensures easy installation of pipes and uniform temperature distribution over the floor surface. The scheme according to fig. 5 provides approximately equal average temperature on the floor surface.

Bathroom heated towel rails are connected to the hot water supply system - when the building is supplied from heating networks or from an autonomous source, or to the heating system - with an individual heat source.

In residential buildings with more than three floors, with a central or common autonomous source of heat supply, it is necessary to design heating staircases, stair and elevator halls. In buildings with more than three floors, but not more than 10, as well as in buildings of any number of floors with individual heat sources, it is allowed not to design the heating of smoke-free staircases of the first type. At the same time, the resistance to heat transfer internal walls, enclosing an unheated staircase from residential premises, is taken equal to the heat transfer resistance of the outer walls.

Hydraulic calculations of apartment heating systems are carried out according to existing methods, taking into account recommendations for the use and selection of heating devices, developed on the basis of the results of the Research Institute of Sanitary Engineering when testing and certifying heating devices from various manufacturers.

The connection of the heater to pipelines can be carried out according to the following schemes:

Lateral one-way connection;

Radiator connection from below;

Lateral double-sided (versatile) connection to the lower radiator plugs. Versatile connection of pipelines should be provided for radiators with a length of no more than 2,000 mm, as well as for radiators connected “on a hitch”. In a two-pipe heating system, it is allowed to connect two heaters “on a hitch” within the same room.

In apartment heating systems, as in traditional heating systems, heaters, valves, fittings, pipes and other materials approved for use in construction and having certificates of conformity of the Russian Federation should be used.

In multi-apartment residential buildings, the service life of heating devices and pipelines of heating systems must be at least 25 years; in single-family houses, the service life is taken at the request of the customer.

Suitable for heating appliances steel radiators or other devices with smooth surface providing surface cleaning from dust. It is allowed to use convectors with air control valves.

To regulate the heat flow in the premises, control valves should be installed near the heating devices. As a rule, automatic temperature controllers (with built-in or remote thermostatic elements) are installed in rooms with permanent residence of people, which ensure the maintenance of the set temperature in each room and save heat supply through the use of internal heat surpluses (domestic heat emissions, solar radiation).

For hydraulic balancing of individual branches of the apartment two-pipe heating system, valves with pre-setting are installed for all heating devices in the apartment.

For the hydraulic stability of the heating system of the building, it is planned to install balancing valves on the main vertical risers for each part of the building, section, as well as at each floor distribution manifold.

In buildings with apartment heating systems, the following should be provided:

Installation in the ITP of a closed expansion tank and a filter for the building system with heat supply from heat networks and an autonomous heat source;

Installation of a closed expansion tank and a filter for each apartment with heat supply from an individual heat source.

When open expansion tanks the water in the system is saturated with air, which significantly activates the process of corrosion of the metal elements of the system, air locks are formed in the system.

The pipelines of the apartment heating system can be made of steel, copper, heat-resistant polymer or metal-polymer pipes. In heating systems with pipelines made of polymer or metal-polymer pipes, the parameters of the coolant (temperature and pressure) should not exceed the maximum allowable values ​​specified in the technical documentation for their manufacture. When choosing the parameters of the coolant, it should be taken into account that the strength of polymer and metal-polymer pipes depends on operating temperature and coolant pressure. With a decrease in the temperature and pressure of the coolant below the maximum allowable values, the safety factor and, accordingly, the service life of the pipes increase. Pipelines of apartment heating systems, as a rule, are laid hidden: in strobes, in the floor structure. Open laying of metal pipelines is allowed. With hidden laying of pipelines at locations collapsible connections and fittings, hatches or removable shields should be provided for inspection and repair.

When calculating heating devices in each room, at least 90% of the incoming heat from pipelines passing through the room should be taken into account. Heat loss due to cooling of the coolant in uninsulated openly laid horizontal pipes wires are accepted according to reference data. The heat flow of openly laid pipes is taken into account within:

90% with horizontal pipe laying near the floor;

70–80% when laying horizontal pipes under the ceiling;

85–90% for vertical pipe laying.

Thermal insulation is provided for pipelines laid in the grooves of external walls, in mines and in unheated premises, on floor areas with close placement of four or more pipes in the floor, providing allowable temperature on a surface.

Accounting for heat energy consumption

Apartment heating systems, on the one hand, provide the most comfortable living conditions that satisfy the consumer, and on the other hand, they allow you to regulate the heat output of heating devices in the apartment, taking into account the mode of residence of the family in the apartment, the need to reduce the cost of paying for heating, etc.

In a building with apartment heating systems, it is planned to account for the heat consumption of the building as a whole, as well as separately for each apartment and public and technical premises located in this building.

To account for the heat consumption of each apartment, the following can be provided: heat consumption meters for each apartment system; heat distributors of evaporative or electronic type on each heater; heat consumption meter at the entrance to the building. With any type of heat metering devices, the tenant's payment should include the total heat costs for the building (heating of staircases, elevator lobbies, service and technical premises).

In buildings with increased thermal protection of enclosing structures, apartment heating systems (with automatic thermostats for heating devices and heat consumption meters both at the entrance to the building and for each apartment) create additional opportunities and incentives for more efficient use of thermal energy. Due to the automatic control of the heat output of heating devices when the heat load in the premises changes and the ability of residents to regulate the heat output of heating devices, taking into account the mode of residence of the family (reducing the air temperature in the premises during the absence of residents, reducing heat losses), savings in thermal energy from 20 to 30% can be achieved. At the same time, consumers' payment for heat will decrease, since the established norms for the consumption of heat energy significantly exceed the actual consumption.

Hydraulic calculation of the water heating system. Methods for hydraulic calculation of a water heating system. Calculation by specific linear pressure loss; calculation according to the characteristics of resistance and conductivity; calculation by lengths and dynamic pressures. - 1 hour.

Loss of pressure in the network.

The movement of fluid in heat pipelines occurs from a section with a high pressure to a section with a lower pressure due to the pressure difference. When moving a liquid, potential energy is consumed, i.e., hydrostatic pressure to overcome resistance from friction against the walls of pipes and from turbulence and shock when changing the speed and direction of movement in fittings, devices and fittings.

The pressure drop due to frictional resistance against the pipe walls is a linear loss; the pressure drop caused by local resistances is a local loss.

The pressure drop Ap, Pa, caused by friction and local resistances, is measured in fractions of the dynamic pressure and is expressed by a formula known from the course of hydraulics

If, when calculating heating systems, the density of the heat carrier (liquid) is assumed to be constant, which leads to an error that lies outside the practical accuracy of the calculation, then the values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be determined as constants for a heat pipe of a given diameter.

Using a constant ratio in calculations - allows you to determine the coolant velocity by dividing the flow rate by this value by a given coolant flow rate and the diameter of the heat pipe; the use of a constant value makes it possible to determine the pressure loss in the heat pipeline at a given flow rate, bypassing the determination of the velocity.

Hydraulic calculation of water heating systems.

Pipelines in the heating system perform an important function of distributing the coolant to individual heaters. They are heat conductors, the task of which is to transfer a certain calculated amount of heat to each device.

The heating system is a highly branched and complex looped network of heat pipelines, each section of which must carry a certain amount of heat. Performing an accurate calculation of such a network is a complex hydraulic task associated with solving a large number of nonlinear equations. In engineering practice, this problem is solved by the selection method.

In water systems, the amount of heat brought by the coolant depends on its flow rate and the temperature drop when the water is cooled in the device. Usually, when calculating, they set the temperature drop of the coolant common for the system and strive to ensure that this drop is maintained in two-pipe systems - for all devices and the system as a whole; in one-pipe systems - for all risers. With a known difference in the temperature of the coolant through the heat pipes of the system, a calculated water flow must be supplied to each heater.

With this approach, to perform a hydraulic calculation of the heating network of the heating system means (taking into account the available circulation pressure) to select the diameters of individual sections in such a way that estimated flow coolant. The calculation is carried out by selecting diameters according to the existing range of pipes, so it is always associated with some error. For various systems and individual elements certain mismatches are allowed.

In contrast to the method discussed above, at the present time, in relation to the calculation of one-pipe heating systems, the method with a variable water temperature drop in risers, proposed by A. I. Orlov in 1932, has found wide distribution.

The calculation principle is that the water flow rates in the risers are not predetermined, but are determined in the process of hydraulic calculation based on the complete linkage of pressures in all rings of the system and the accepted diameters of the heat pipes of the network. The temperature drop of the coolant in the individual risers in this case turns out to be different - variable. The area of ​​the heat-releasing surface of the heating devices is determined by the temperature and water flow determined by the hydraulic calculation. The calculation method with a variable temperature difference more accurately reflects the actual picture of the system operation, eliminates the need for mounting adjustment, facilitates the unification of the pipe billet, as it makes it possible to avoid the use of various combinations of diameters of radiator assemblies and composite risers. This method became widespread after, in 1936, G.I. Fikhman proved the possibility of using the averaged values ​​of friction coefficients in the calculation of heat pipelines of water heating systems and conducting the entire calculation according to a quadratic law.

General instructions for calculating the water heating system

The artificial pressure Arn created by the pump is taken:

and for dependent systems heating, connected to heating networks through elevators or mixing pumps, based on the available pressure difference at the inlet and the mixing ratio;

b) for independent heating systems connected to heat networks through heat exchangers or to boiler houses without the prospect of connecting to heat networks, based on the maximum allowable speed of water movement in heat pipelines, the possibility of linking pressure loss in the circulation rings of systems and technical and economic calculations.

Focusing on the value of the average specific linear pressure loss Rcr, first determine the preliminary, and then (taking into account the loss due to local resistance) the final diameters of the heat pipes.

The calculation of heat pipelines begins with the main most unfavorable circulation ring, which should be considered:

a) in pumping system with a dead-end movement of water in the mains - a ring through the most loaded and remote from the heating point riser;

b) in a pumping system with associated water movement - a ring through the middle most loaded riser;

c) in the gravitational system - a ring, in which, depending on the available circulation pressure, the value of Rсp will be the smallest.,

The linkage of pressure losses in the circulation rings should be made taking into account only those sections that are not common to the compared rings.

The discrepancy (discrepancy) in the calculated pressure losses in parallel-connected sections of individual rings of the system is allowed for dead-end water movement up to 15%, for associated water movement in mains ± 5%.

When designing large-scale heating systems (in particular, calculations for adjusting the heating system of an apartment building and its full functioning), special attention is paid to external and internal factors in the operation of the equipment. Several heating schemes for central heating have been developed and successfully applied in practice, differing from each other in structure, parameters of the working fluid and piping schemes in apartment buildings.

What are the types of heating systems in an apartment building

Depending on the installation of the heat generator or the location of the boiler room:

Heating schemes depending on the parameters of the working fluid:

Based on the piping diagram:

Functioning of the heating system of an apartment building

Autonomous heating systems of a multi-storey residential building perform one function - the timely transportation of the heated coolant and its adjustment for each consumer. To ensure the possibility of general control of the circuit in the house, a single distribution unit is mounted with elements for adjusting the parameters of the coolant, combined with a heat generator.

The autonomous heating system of a multi-storey building necessarily includes the following components and components:

  1. The route of the pipeline through which the working fluid is delivered to apartments and premises. As already mentioned, the piping scheme in multi-storey buildings can be single- or double-circuit;
  2. KPiA - control devices and equipment that reflects the parameters of the coolant, regulates its characteristics and takes into account all its changing properties (flow rate, pressure, inflow rate, chemical composition);
  3. A distribution unit that distributes heated coolant through pipe lines.

A practical scheme for heating a residential multi-storey building includes a set of documentation: a project, drawings, calculations. All documentation for heating in an apartment building is compiled by responsible executive services (design bureaus) in strict accordance with GOST and SNiP. Responsibility for the fact that the centralized system central heating will be operated correctly, is the responsibility of management company, as well as its repair or complete replacement of the heating system in a multi-carriage house.

How does the heating system work in an apartment building

The normal operation of the heating of an apartment building depends on compliance with the basic parameters of the equipment and the coolant - pressure, temperature, wiring diagram. According to the accepted standards, the main parameters must be observed within the following limits:

  1. For an apartment building with a height of not more than 5 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 2-4.0 atm;
  2. For an apartment building with a height of 9 floors, the pressure in the pipes should not exceed 5-7 atm;
  3. The spread of temperature values ​​for all heating circuits operating in residential premises is +18 0 C / +22 0 C. The temperature in radiators on landings and in technical rooms is +15 0 C.

The choice of piping in a five-story or multi-story building depends on the number of floors, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, and the heat output of the heating system, taking into account the quality or availability of thermal insulation of all surfaces. In this case, the difference in pressure between the first and ninth floors should not be more than 10%.

Single pipe wiring

Most economical option pipe wiring - according to a single-circuit scheme. A single-pipe circuit works more efficiently in low-rise buildings and with small area heating. As a water (and not steam) heating system, single-pipe wiring has been used since the beginning of the 50s of the last century, in the so-called "Khrushchev". The coolant in such a wiring flows through several risers, to which apartments are connected, while the entrance for all risers is one, which makes the installation of the route simple and fast, but uneconomical due to heat losses at the end of the circuit.

Since the return line is physically absent, and its role is played by the working fluid supply pipe, this gives rise to a number of negative points in the operation of the system:

  1. The room warms up unevenly, and the temperature in each individual room depends on the distance of the radiator to the point of intake of the working fluid. With such a dependence, the temperature on distant batteries will always be lower;
  2. Manual or automatic adjustment temperature on heating devices is not possible, but in the "Leningradka" scheme, bypasses can be installed, which allows you to connect or disconnect additional radiators;
  3. It is difficult to balance the single-pipe heating scheme, since this is only possible when included in the circuit stop valves and thermal valves, which, when changing the parameters of the coolant, can cause a failure of the entire heating system of a three-story or higher building.

In new buildings, a single-pipe scheme has not been implemented for a long time, since it is almost impossible to effectively control and account for the coolant flow for each apartment. The difficulty lies precisely in the fact that for each apartment in the "Khrushchev" there can be up to 5-6 risers, which means that you need to embed the same number of water meters or meters hot water.

A correctly drawn up estimate for heating a multi-storey building with a one-pipe system should include not only the cost of Maintenance, but also the modernization of pipelines - the replacement of individual components with more efficient ones.

Two-pipe wiring

This heating scheme is more efficient, since in it the cooled working fluid is taken in through a separate pipe - the return pipe. The nominal diameter of the heat carrier return pipes is chosen the same as for the supply heating main.

The double-circuit heating system is designed so that the water that has given off heat to the premises of the apartment is fed back to the boiler through a separate pipe, which means it does not mix with the supply and does not take the temperature from the coolant delivered to the radiators. In the boiler, the cooled working fluid is heated up again and sent to the supply pipe of the system. When drawing up a project and during the operation of heating, the following number of features should be taken into account:

  1. You can regulate the temperature and pressure in the heating main in any individual apartment, or in a common heating main. To adjust the parameters of the system, mixing units crash into the pipe;
  2. When carrying out repair or maintenance work, the system does not need to be turned off - the necessary sections are cut off with shutoff valves, and the faulty circuit is repaired, while the remaining sections work and move heat around the house. This is the principle of operation, and the advantage of a two-pipe system over the others.

The pressure parameters in the heating pipes in an apartment building depend on the number of floors, but lie in the range of 3-5 atm, which should ensure the delivery of heated water to all floors without exception. In high-rise buildings, to lift the coolant to the last floors, intermediate pumping stations. Radiators for any heating systems are selected according to design calculations, and must withstand the required pressure and maintain a given temperature regime.

Heating system

The layout of the heating pipes in a multi-storey building plays an important role in maintaining the specified parameters of the equipment and the working fluid. So, the upper wiring of the heating system is more often used in low-rise buildings, the lower one - in high-rise buildings. The method of delivery of the coolant - centralized or autonomous - can also affect the reliable operation of heating in the house.

In overwhelming cases, they make a connection to the central heating system. This allows you to reduce the current costs in the estimate for heating a multi-storey building. But in practice, the level of quality of such services remains extremely low. Therefore, if there is a choice, preference is given to autonomous heating multi-storey building.

Modern new buildings are connected to mini-boiler rooms or to centralized heating, and these schemes work so efficiently that it makes no sense to change the connection method to an autonomous one or another one (common house or apartment). But the autonomous scheme gives preference to apartment or house-wide heat distribution. When installing heating in each apartment, an autonomous (independent) piping is performed, a separate boiler is installed in the apartment, control and metering devices are also installed separately for each apartment.

When organizing a common house wiring, it is necessary to build or install a common boiler room with its own specific requirements:

  1. Several boilers must be installed - gas or electric, so that in case of an accident it is possible to duplicate the operation of the system;
  2. Only a double-circuit pipeline route is carried out, the plan of which is drawn up in the design process. Such a system is regulated for each apartment separately, since the settings can be individual;
  3. A schedule of planned preventive and repair activities is required.

In a common building heating system, control and accounting of heat consumption is carried out on an apartment-by-apartment basis. In practice, this means that a meter is installed on each coolant supply pipe from the main riser.

Centralized heating for an apartment building

If you connect the pipes to the central heating system, then what will be the difference in the wiring diagram? The main working unit of the heat supply circuit is the elevator, which stabilizes the liquid parameters within the specified values. This is necessary because of the long length of heating mains in which heat is lost. The elevator unit normalizes the temperature and pressure: for this, the water pressure in the heat point increases to 20 atm, which automatically increases the coolant temperature to +120 0 C. But, since such characteristics of the liquid medium for pipes are unacceptable, the elevator normalizes them to acceptable values.

The heating point (elevator unit) functions both in a two-circuit heating scheme and in a single-pipe heating system of an apartment high-rise building. The functions that it will perform with this connection: Reduce the working pressure of the liquid using an elevator. The cone valve changes the flow of fluid into the distribution system.


When drawing up a project for heating, do not forget that the estimate for the installation and connection of centralized heating to an apartment building differs from the cost of organizing an autonomous system downwards.

When designing professional heating systems, it is necessary to take into account all factors - both external and internal. This is especially true for heating schemes for multi-apartment buildings. What is special about the heating system of a multi-storey building: pressure, circuits, pipes. First you need to understand the specifics of its arrangement.

Features of heat supply of multi-storey buildings

Autonomous heating of a multi-storey building should perform one function - the timely delivery of the coolant to each consumer while maintaining its technical qualities(temperature and pressure). To do this, the building must be provided with a single distribution unit with the possibility of regulation. IN autonomous systems it is combined with water heating devices - boilers.

The characteristic features of the heating system of a multi-storey building are in its organization. It should consist of the following mandatory components:

  • distribution node. With its help, hot water is supplied through the mains;
  • Pipelines. They are designed to transport the coolant to individual rooms and premises of the house. Depending on the method of organization, there is a single-pipe or two-pipe heating system for a multi-storey building;
  • Control and regulation equipment. Its function is to change the characteristics of the coolant depending on external and internal factors, as well as its qualitative and quantitative accounting.

In practice, the heating scheme of a residential multi-storey building consists of several documents, which include, in addition to the drawings, the calculation part. It is compiled by special design bureaus and must comply with current regulatory requirements.

The heating system is an integral part of a multi-storey building. Its quality is checked upon delivery of the facility or during scheduled inspections. This is the responsibility of the management company.

Pipe routing in a multi-storey building

For the normal operation of the heat supply of the building, it is necessary to know its basic parameters. What pressure in the heating system of a multi-storey building, as well as the temperature regime will be optimal? According to the regulations, these characteristics should have the following values:

  • Pressure. For buildings up to 5 floors - 2-4 atm. If the number of floors is nine - 5-7 atm. The difference lies in the pressure of hot water to transport it to the upper levels of the house;
  • Temperature. It can vary from +18°С to +22°С. This only applies to residential properties. On landings and non-residential rooms, a decrease to + 15 ° С is allowed.

Having determined the optimal values ​​of the parameters, you can proceed to the choice of heating wiring in a multi-storey building.

It largely depends on the number of storeys of the building, its area and the power of the entire system. The degree of thermal insulation of the house is also taken into account.

The pressure difference in the pipes on the 1st and 9th floors can be up to 10% of the standard. This is a normal situation for a multi-storey building.

Single-pipe heating distribution

This is one of economical options organization of heat supply in a building with a relatively large area. For the first time, a mass-produced one-pipe heating system for a multi-storey building began to be used for "Khrushchev". The principle of its operation is the presence of several distribution risers, to which consumers are connected.

The coolant is supplied through one pipe loop. The absence of a return line greatly simplifies the installation of the system, while reducing the cost. However, at the same time, the Leningrad heating system of a multi-storey building has a number of disadvantages:

  • Uneven heating of the room, depending on the remoteness of the hot water intake point (boiler or collector unit). Those. options are possible when the consumer connected earlier according to the scheme will have hotter batteries than those following in the chain;
  • Problems with adjusting the degree of heating of radiators. To do this, you need to make a bypass on each radiator;
  • Difficult balancing of a single-pipe heating system of a multi-storey building. It is carried out with the help of thermostats and valves. In this case, a system failure is possible even with a slight change input parameters– temperature or pressure.

Currently, the installation of a single-pipe heating system for a multi-storey building of a new building is extremely rare. This is due to the difficulty of individual accounting of the coolant in a separate apartment. So, in residential buildings of the Khrushchev project, the number of distribution risers in one apartment can reach up to 5. Those. for each of them it is necessary to install an energy consumption meter.

A correctly drawn up estimate for heating a multi-storey building with a one-pipe system should include not only maintenance costs, but also the modernization of pipelines - the replacement of individual components with more efficient ones.

Two-pipe heating distribution

To improve work efficiency, it is best to install two-pipe system heating of a multi-storey building. It also consists of distribution risers, but after the coolant passes through the radiator, it enters the return pipe.

Its main difference is the presence of a second circuit that performs the function of a return line. It is necessary to collect the cooled water and transport it to the boiler or to the thermal station for further heating. During the design and operation, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of the heating system of a multi-storey building of this type:

  • The ability to adjust the temperature level in individual apartments and in the entire highway as a whole. To do this, you need to install mixing units;
  • To perform repairs or maintenance work, you do not need to turn off the entire system, as in the Leningrad heating scheme for a multi-storey building. It is enough to block the flow to a separate heating circuit with the help of shut-off valves;
  • Low inertia. Even with good balancing of the single-pipe heating system of a multi-storey building, the consumer needs to wait 20-30 seconds until hot water reaches the radiators through pipelines.

Which optimal pressure in the heating system of a multi-storey building? It all depends on how tall it is. It should ensure that the coolant is raised to the desired height. In some cases, it is more efficient to install intermediate pumping stations in order to reduce the load on the entire system. Wherein optimal value pressure should be from 3 to 5 atm.

Before purchasing radiators, you need to find out from the heating scheme of a residential multi-storey building its characteristics - pressure and temperature conditions. Batteries are selected based on this data.

Heat supply of a multi-storey building

The distribution of heating in a multi-storey building is important for the operational parameters of the system. However, in addition to this, the characteristics of heat supply should be taken into account. An important of them is the method of supplying hot water - centralized or autonomous.

In overwhelming cases, they make a connection to the central heating system. This allows you to reduce the current costs in the estimate for heating a multi-storey building. But in practice, the level of quality of such services remains extremely low. Therefore, if there is a choice, preference is given to autonomous heating of a multi-storey building.

Autonomous heating of a multi-storey building

In modern multi-storey residential buildings, it is possible to organize an independent heat supply system. It can be of two types - apartment or common house. In the first case, an autonomous heating system of a multi-storey building is carried out in each apartment separately. To do this, they make an independent wiring of pipelines and install a boiler (most often a gas one). General house implies the installation of a boiler room, to which special requirements are imposed.

The principle of its organization is no different from a similar scheme for a private country house. However, there are a number important points that need to be taken into account:

  • Installation of several heating boilers. One or more of them must necessarily perform a duplicate function. In case of failure of one boiler, another must replace it;
  • Installation of a two-pipe heating system of a multi-storey building, as the most efficient;
  • Drawing up a schedule for scheduled maintenance and preventive maintenance. This is especially true for heating heating equipment and security groups.

Considering the features of the heating scheme of a particular multi-storey building, it is necessary to organize apartment system heat accounting. To do this, for each incoming branch pipe from the central riser, you need to install energy meters. That is why the Leningrad heating system of a multi-storey building is not suitable for reducing current costs.

Centralized heating of a multi-storey building

How can the heating layout in an apartment building change when it is connected to the central heating supply? The main element of this system is the elevator unit, which performs the functions of normalizing the coolant parameters to acceptable values.

The total length of the central heating mains is quite large. Therefore, in the heating point, such parameters of the coolant are created so that heat losses are minimal. To do this, increase the pressure to 20 atm., Which leads to an increase in the temperature of hot water up to +120°C. However, given the characteristics of the heating system in an apartment building, the supply of hot water with such characteristics to consumers is not allowed. To normalize the parameters of the coolant, an elevator assembly is installed.

It can be calculated for both two-pipe and single-pipe heating systems of a multi-storey building. Its main functions are:

  • Reducing pressure with an elevator. A special cone valve regulates the amount of coolant inflow into the distribution system;
  • Lowering the temperature level to + 90-85 ° С. For this purpose, a mixing unit for hot and cooled water is designed;
  • Coolant filtration and oxygen reduction.

In addition, the elevator unit performs the main balancing of the single-pipe heating system in the house. To do this, it provides shut-off and control valves, which in automatic or semi-automatic mode regulates pressure and temperature.