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Processing the garden against pests in the fall. Autumn work in the garden - spraying shrubs and trees

When preparing the garden for winter, it is important to make sure that uninvited guests do not stay on the trees and shrubs for the winter. From diseases and pests, horticultural crops must be sprayed with preparations that serve as fertilizers and help to cope with infections, bacteria and larvae. Compliance with the terms, rules and stages of spraying is the key to successful processing of the garden in the fall.

Terms of processing the garden in the fall from diseases and pests

Autumn processing of horticultural crops from pests and diseases should be carried out in calm, preferably sunny weather.

  • You need to be sure that there will be no rain in the next few days, otherwise all treatments will have to be repeated, the rain will simply wash everything away.
  • Processing must be carried out before frost, that is, when the temperature outside the window is above zero.
  • In frost, it simply makes no sense to carry out treatments in the garden against pests and diseases.

Usually, plants can be sprayed with preparations at the end of October.

Preparing trees for processing in the fall from diseases and pests

Before proceeding directly to the use of drugs and processing plants, you need to prepare the plants for processing.

  1. Tree crops that are more than 7 years old necessarily have lichens and old bark on their surface. All this, even before processing, using special brushes and scrapers, must be carefully removed, and the places treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and covered with garden pitch, and even better, painted over with oil paint.
  2. Mandatory removal of all plant residues in the near-stem strip and on the plant itself - leaf blades, mummified or dried fruits.
  3. The affected branches need to be cut out and cover the saw cuts with garden pitch or garden paint.


Preparations for treating the garden in the fall from diseases and pests

Most often for spraying trees and shrubs use:

Urea is usually used for processing fruit trees, and such processing can be performed several times for autumn period.

  1. The first treatment can be carried out with a 3% solution of urea, when there are still leaf blades on the trees.
  2. By the beginning of November, when usually the trees are completely bare, you can repeat the treatment by increasing the concentration to 6%.

Rules for processing the garden in autumn

  1. Everything needs to be processed - the bite zone, each branch, shoot, stem. Thus, you protect the plant and, in fact, make foliar top dressing.
  2. Never increase the dosage of the fertilizer, otherwise you may burn the bark of the trees.
  3. Be sure to get a knapsack sprayer, where pressure is applied using a lever, the sprayer itself is hung on the back and thus a full-scale treatment of the entire plant is performed.

Watering after treatment

About a week after treatment, it is recommended to water the trees, pouring out 15-30 buckets of water per week.


Whitewash after treatment

  • After another week, when it definitely won’t rain, whitewash the trees to the first skeletal branches.
  • By the way, the whitewash layer must be at least 3 cm, otherwise it will not be of any use.



Have you ever paid attention to city plantings? All of them do not look very aesthetically pleasing: all kinds of bugs frolic on the trunks, branches and foliage look unhealthy. It's all about Not proper care and failure to perform such an important procedure as tree care in autumn. Why this event is held, as well as what means to use, we will talk in this article.

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Autumn work

Processing trees in the garden in autumn has the following functions:

  • Destruction of pests;
  • Fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Defense against winter pests (hares, mice) and frost protection.

These tasks are solved using several procedures:

  • spraying;
  • whitewash;
  • installation of protective equipment.

Processing trees and shrubs in autumn for disease prevention is the spraying of plants with fungicides. If this event is not carried out, microorganisms (causative agents of diseases) can spread to all plantations. Warm, humid weather promotes the rapid growth of bacteria. If the garden is not sprayed in time, in the spring it will suffer from various diseases and fungi.

A mandatory procedure in the care of the garden is treatment of trees in the fall from pests. Just at this time, insects are going to hibernate. They equip themselves with a winter lodging for the night in the bark of plants, on branches, in tree trunks. To destroy most types of insects, it is enough to carry out sanitary pruning and digging of tree trunks. To destroy insects hiding in the pores of the old bark, the boles are whitewashed.

Processing tree trunks in the fall includes the following procedures:

  • cleaning boles from old bark with a scraper or a metal brush;
  • treatment of injuries (putty with garden pitch);
  • whitewashing with a special whitening compound.

Such processing will destroy the "nests" and burn the eggs and pupae of insects. For effectiveness, insecticides are added to the composition for whitewashing.

Processing trees in autumn for the winter includes installation of heaters on stems - this is the weakest point of the plant, if the tree gets frostbite on the trunk, the chances of its survival will be close to zero. To protect the plant, the trunk is wrapped with roofing felt or roofing felt (height - about 1 m), in especially frosty areas it is recommended to lay a burlap or straw gasket between the roofing material and the bark.

Provide rodent safety very simple:

  • lay out poisonous baits in the garden (will save from mice);
  • wrap the trunk over the "fur coat" with barbed wire (protection from hares).

Tree processing in autumn video

You need to take care of the condition of the garden and improve fruiting in the fall. This is the best time to fight diseases and pests. Let's talk about protective spraying of fruit trees, how and with what to process.

Autumn processing is considered the most effective, as it stops the active reproduction of bacteria that oppress the tree, destroys the larvae of harmful insects. With the help of spraying, you will get rid of problems with scab, putrefactive infections, spots and other misfortunes. Important conditions for such work are the absence of frost, dry weather.

Preparation and processing method

The process of therapeutic and preventive manipulations is not complicated, but requires compliance with certain rules. IN middle lane takes place in October.

1. Trees older than 6 years old, with lichen on the bark, must be skinned with a metal garden brush. The areas affected by neoplasms should be cleaned, as well as removed upper layer old bark. These measures are important to deprive insects of shelter and improve the impact of the applied solution.

2. Spraying is best done immediately after cleansing the bark, in dry weather.

3. The final processing takes place after the complete fall of the foliage or after the first frost. Before that, all branches, debris, leaves are removed under the tree, weeds are mowed. Such actions are important, as the trunk circle will spill.

How to process trees in the garden

Three variants of solutions are mainly used: urea, copper and iron sulfate. These drugs have different effects on specific types of threats. Therefore, the processing is done different means. Depending on the condition of the tree, the desired preparation is selected.

It is a healing and nourishing remedy recommended for apple, cherry, plum, peach trees. As a result of spraying, the tree is enriched with iron and other important trace elements. As a result, the condition of the plant improves, oxidative processes intensify.

blue vitriol
Ideal against scab, putrefactive diseases on pear, plum, apple, cherry. It contains a fungicide, therefore it is used against all spots and powdery mildew. Curly, coccomycosis, moniliosis, clasterosporosis are treated on plums. Processing protects apple and pear trees from phyllosticosis, scab, monioiosis.

Experts advise applying twice spring / autumn and not only for trees: beds and garden plants are shed. The consumption of copper sulfate per tree older than 6 years should be 2 liters, for an old one with a large crown it can take up to 10, dilute 500 g in 5-10 liters. Mandatory conditions for obtaining the effect: complete wetting of the branches and the table, the air temperature parameters are not lower than +5, the absence of wind.

Urea (urea)
It is used in autumn for primary or final processing (before leaf fall and after). Contains 46% nitrogen and is an effective nitrogen fertilizer. In addition, urea is detrimental to the larvae of numerous pests, so the first treatment is carried out with a 7% solution at the time of shedding half of the foliage, and after the final fall of the leaves, a highly concentrated composition is used - 500 g per 10 liter bucket.

Carbamide is added not only to the stem, branches, but also to the near-trunk land along the projection of the crown. It is impossible to deviate from the percentage when diluting the powder, as premature leaf fall is possible, which will negatively affect the preparation of the tree for winter and reduce frost resistance.

Most of the trees that grow just along the roads in cities and small towns do not look very attractive. On their leaves and trunks you can often see the most different insects, also greens, branches and fruits usually do not look very healthy. The thing is that most often no one takes care of such trees: they do not receive either the necessary nutrients or protection from diseases and aggressive pests. And experienced gardeners know that they need to devote time and attention to the processing of horticultural crops. In particular, we all know that spring processing in the garden of fruit trees from pests and diseases is very, very important. But when it's autumn, spring is far away. But during this time, too, something can be done. Let's talk a little more about how to process the garden in the fall from diseases.

The treatment of trees and shrubs in the garden in autumn to protect against diseases consists mainly in spraying plants with fungicides. If you skip this stage in the care of the garden, pathogens may well spread to all cultures. And warm and humid spring weather will contribute to the active reproduction of aggressive particles.

How to treat the garden from diseases in the fall?


Until mid-October, carbamide is used to treat plants from diseases. It is a wonderful tool for the prevention of fungal diseases, scab and spotting. However, you should not use it later, it will only harm the trees and may even cause their death. Urea is great for spraying apple, pear and other crops.

To prepare the solution, prepare five hundred to six hundred grams of urea. Dilute it in ten liters of water. Spray both the tree and the soil around it. Also, it will not be superfluous to process nearby plants so that diseases do not pass from one culture to another.


This tool is great for autumn processing garden plants. But you need to use it a little later than urea - towards the end of October-beginning of November. Iron vitriol well destroys lichen, scab, cytosporosis, black cancer, etc. It also effectively saturates plants with nutrients and improves oxidative processes.

To prepare a spray solution, you need to prepare one kilogram of dry powder. Dilute it in one faith of water.

Bordeaux liquid

Such a solution perfectly helps to cope with a number of fungal diseases, including scab and putrefactive diseases. Bordeaux liquid You can buy it in a specialized store or cook it yourself. To do this, it is worth diluting two hundred grams of copper sulfate in ten liters cold water. Also, in parallel, it is worth mixing two hundred grams of slaked lime with ten liters of water. Combine both mixtures together and use for spraying.

blue vitriol

Such a tool can also be used for autumn processing of plants. It is most often used to fight scab, powdery mildew, spotting, putrefactive diseases, etc. Usually blue vitriol used for processing plums, apple trees, as well as pears. But besides, such a remedy is well suited for the whole garden: for the prevention and elimination of moniliosis, curly hair, etc. Copper sulfate, unlike iron sulphate does not feed crops with nutrients.
To prepare a spray solution, dilute one hundred grams of copper sulfate granules in ten liters of water.

How to handle trees?

The agent chosen for spraying must be homogeneous. Therefore, it must be thoroughly mixed with water and only then poured into the apparatus. Otherwise, one part of the plant may be treated with a very weak solution, and the second with too concentrated. And it can do a lot of damage to crops. Also, it will not be superfluous to shake the mixture for spraying from time to time.

Processing the garden from diseases in the fall is a responsible matter! But before her, do not forget to protect yourself: put on goggles, a respiratory mask, rubber gloves.

Preparations for processing should be applied during spraying as evenly as possible. They should cover branches, foliage (urea), and a tree pole. In order for your solution to dew, hold the tip of the sprayer at intervals of seventy to eighty centimeters from the plant.

In this case, be sure to pay attention to all sides of the branches, bends, and forks.

After finishing work, do not forget to wash all parts of the device. Also be sure to wash your face and wash your hands and rinse your mouth.

To maximize the effectiveness of spraying in the garden, treat the entire area. Also process and trunk circles plants.

How else to process trees in the garden from diseases in the fall?

In order to really protect your garden from diseases, it is imperative to carry out sanitization plants: cut off broken, diseased and frozen branches. At the same time, you must not forget to treat the cut with garden putty, it is better to purchase a special putty in a specialized store, such products contain insecticides. It is also necessary to clean the plants from old bark and lichens, and, of course, whitewash the tree trunks.

Fallen leaves and cut branches must be removed from the site. Then you should dig up the soil in the garden, including in the near-stem circles.

Even if only young and completely healthy plants grow in your garden, you should not ignore the procedures for protecting them from diseases and pests in the autumn season. After all, prevention is best method treatment. Therefore, we will continue the topic of caring for the garden in the fall and will soon talk about how to treat the garden in the fall from pests.

Spraying is carried out for preventive purposes, and also helps to prepare the trees for the winter period. For treatment, prevention, it is recommended to process garden plot certain drugs. Often gardeners when spraying use:

  1. Copper vitriol. It is used against diseases of rot (fruit), moniliosis, scab. For such spraying, you need 1% of the drug, which is prepared according to a certain recipe. In an enameled container, vitriol crystals are poured hot water with the gradual addition of cold. To avoid plant burns, add soda (1:2).
  2. Sulfur. It is used to treat fungal diseases. Sulfur is also used to purify basements in which vegetables are stored.
  3. Soda ash. The peculiarity of spraying in this way is that it does not burn the plants. Best suited for treating gooseberries or currant bushes. When preparing the solution, the dosage must be observed: 30 g per 10 liters of water.
  4. Fungicides. Fungicides - variety chemicals, which gardeners use for the preventive treatment of bacterial diseases.
  5. Bordeaux liquid. To protect against the disease, 1% liquid is used (a mixture of milk of lime and copper sulfate). Used for fruit rot on plants. To prepare the mixture, you need to dissolve about 1 kg of copper sulfate in an enameled container (add hot water), then spread cold water(50 l). IN wooden utensils extinguish 1 kg of lime, add diluted vitriol and strain. Before the spraying procedure, pour in milk (lime). It is important to remember that Bordeaux liquid should only be used in dry weather.

To successfully carry out the procedure, it should be remembered that spraying is done only in dry weather. Spraying will be ineffective in rainy weather.

Before spraying, gardeners need to purchase the necessary materials:
  1. Multilayer dressing (gauze).
  2. Spray pump.
  3. Rubber gloves).
  4. Eye protection (goggles).
  5. Necessary preparations for the procedure.

How to protect plants from pests without using pesticides

Chemical methods of pest control are well known to every gardener, but they are not always safe for plants. Experienced gardeners know that it is quite possible to rid the plant of diseases without the use of pesticides. Folk remedies come to replace chemicals:

  1. Pine extract. The concentrate (2 tablespoons) is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The extract can be freely bought in pharmacies or specialized stores. The method protects plants from moth and codling moth. For treatment from spider mite instead of two spoons dissolve four.
  2. Pharmacy chamomile. For the solution, pour 1 kg of chamomile with water (10 l) and insist for 12 hours. After filtering the infusion, it should be diluted three times, add 40 g of soap for every 10 liters of water. The solution can protect trees and bushes from small caterpillars and sucking pests.
  3. Decoction of wood ash. With the help of ash broth, it is possible not only to prevent late blight, septoria, aphids, but also to give root dressing to the plant. To prepare a decoction, you first need to sift wood ash(300 g) and pour water (10 l). Boil for 25-30 minutes and leave to cool. After a day, strain the broth and add water. Before spraying, add dissolved soap (50 g) to the decoction.
  4. Decoction of field horsetail. Against the prevention of fungal diseases, decoctions of horsetail are used. To do this, pour 1 kg of horsetail with water (1 l), let it brew for 30 days.

Are there any safe preparations to protect the garden against diseases

For the treatment of diseases, there are drugs that do not harm garden plants. You can buy funds in any agricultural stores. The list of harmless drugs includes:

  1. "Zircon". It perfectly contributes to maintaining immunity and after spraying, the plant can independently protect itself from fungal bacteria. The advantage of "Zircon" is that it not only protects plants, but also accelerates the development of the plant, makes the fruit of trees taste.
  2. "Fitosporin". Experienced gardeners use it in situations where you need to get rid of pests in earthen soil. It is an excellent fertilizer that provides protection against bacterial diseases. The bacterium Bacilissubtilis penetrates the soil and cleans it of pests. For the effect of the drug, it is necessary to maintain temperature regimes. Soil temperature should not exceed +40 degrees.

Plant pruning

Pruning is an important procedure for caring for shrubs and trees. It is important to do it seasonally. With proper tree care, you can achieve better yields over time. There are five types of pruning:

  1. Regulatory. Gardeners are advised to use this type of pruning, as it allows the formation of the crown of the tree and helps the plant get more light and air. It is best to carry out such a procedure in September.
  2. Formative. With the help of this species, the gardener will be able to give shrubs and fruitful trees desired density. Plants become more resistant to various loads.
  3. Recovery. With this type of pruning, diseased plants can continue to develop, bloom and bear fruit.
  4. Anti-aging. Promotes the renewal of old plants and the growth of new branches. The growth of shoots is 10-12 cm. It is advisable to shorten the branches in autumn or at the end of the winter period in order to awaken dormant tree buds.
  5. Sanitary. It consists in removing diseased or dry branches. At the end of pruning, the branches should be treated with alcohol. It is not necessary to carry out this type of pruning in the winter. It is important to know that gardeners need to take into account the age of trees when sanitary pruning, otherwise their bark may thicken.

Amateur gardeners need to know that autumn pruning of plants is not very useful. Most of fruitful trees after pruning in the fall may die.

For young shrubs, pruning in the autumn is also dangerous, because in the winter it is difficult for the tree to heal.

Tree whitewashing

The best time for whitewashing trees is October or November with positive weather temperatures. Before the onset of winter cold, the plants should be prepared. The whitewashing process is needed to protect the trunks when changing temperature regime and sunburn. Acrylic paint is used to care for the garden in the process.

Due to its durability, it will be able to protect the trees until spring. Gardeners also use lime mortars which are cheaper than acrylic paint:

  • Lime (1 kg), blue vitriol (200 g) and manure (1 kg) are poured into 8 liters of water. Stir and leave for three hours.
  • Oily clay (1 kg), slaked lime(2 kg), manure and copper sulfate (250 g) are diluted in 10 liters of liquid. Insist for three hours.

All gardeners should pay attention even to small parts when whitewashing plants:

  1. The color of the solution must be white color to reflect the rays of the sun.
  2. The solution should not be very thick consistency and without lumps.
  3. In order for the solution to better adhere to the bark of trees, you need to add glue to the mixture.

Before whitewashing, the trees need to be prepared. It is worth preparing plants in wet weather, and bleaching in dry weather. Gardeners need to clean the bark that has become dead and remove the growths. After cleaning, disinfect.

Tying trees for the winter

In winter, trees need special care. It is at this time that they are exposed to dangers in the form of frost and damage to the wooden bark by rodents. To do this, gardeners tie trees with different materials.

Before tying, tree branches should be cleaned of dead bark.

In the process of tying use:

  1. Ruberoid. When using this kind of material, you must first wrap the tree with rags, otherwise the roofing material will damage the bark.
  2. White synthetic winterizer.
  3. Mosquito net.
  4. Reed or sunflower stalks
  5. Spruce paw.

Such methods limit the access of hares or mice to the bark of trees. When tying, you need to remember that in addition to its main function (protection from rodents), it must also reflect Sun rays, ensure thermal insulation and allow sufficient air to pass through.