Mixer      06/12/2019

Spray with copper sulfate. Carbamide, copper and iron sulfate for spraying trees in early spring: how to breed? Why use copper sulfate for grapes

Everyone who is engaged in gardening dreams of a beautiful fragrant garden and a rich harvest. To achieve this result, it is necessary regular care behind fruit trees. spraying fruit trees spring is an essential procedure in order to collect high-quality fruits in the fall. Each processing and a separate type of tree needs its own methods and terms.

The procedure for processing trees in spring

Spring spraying of fruit trees includes three general treatments:

  1. The first one is held in early spring before bud break. First, the area around the tree is cleared of last year's remnants: fallen and rotted leaves, dry branches. Then the trunk is whitewashed ( slaked lime, PVA and insecticides). This will protect against sunburn and destroy pests.
  2. The next step is to spray the garden with blue vitriol. Spraying trees with vitriol will get rid of the appearance of harmful insects, such as suckers, flower beetle and weevil. The solution is made in the ratio of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. The water should be warm, but not hot. If there is Bordeaux liquid, then spraying it with a mixture of it (600 g) and copper sulfate (300 g) on ​​a bucket of water will be effective. This procedure will also protect against fungal diseases and saturate the plants with copper.

The same result will give a mixture of vitriol (50 g) and urea (700 g). It is diluted in 10 liters of water and is a fertilizer for such tree varieties as pear, apricot, quince, apple, cherry,. An excellent disinfectant will be for shrubs: gooseberries. The calculation is taken as follows: per 10 sq. m three liters of the mixture.

The second composition of the solution and its treatment will eliminate the appearance of mites, pollen, weevil and other insects living in winter time under tree bark. For him, we take diesel fuel and 72% laundry soap for 9 parts of water. You need one part more diesel fuel than water, and one part grated soap is enough.

If the insects nevertheless chose some trees, then spraying with this composition is carried out a second time in a week, until the pests completely disappear.

spraying fruit trees in the spring it will prevent the appearance of diseases and get rid of harmful insects, which will be the key to a good harvest in the fall. Most drugs are toxic, so when carrying out preventive measures in the garden, it is worth remembering the safety measures.

Using various preparations for spraying fruit trees in the spring, it is necessary to take into account their temporary effect. Depending on the composition, the action of most of them ends 10-14 days after treatment. Combined mixtures are considered the highest quality.

Folk recipes for spraying fruit trees

Bordeaux liquid

Its use helps protect trees from diseases such as scab, rot, leaf curl, moniliosis, spotted lesions and rust. After treatment with this agent, the number of fruits increases and leaf growth is stimulated.

IN spring period 1% solution is used. For its preparation, 100 g of quicklime is taken and diluted with water in the amount of 5 liters. The capacity for this is taken twice as much. In the second bucket, 100 g of copper sulfate is mixed with hot water(to avoid reaction with iron, the dishes are taken from glass or plastic). Pour the resulting mixture of vitriol into lime (but not vice versa). Mix everything and immediately start processing, since the shelf life of this liquid is not more than six hours.

blue vitriol

Spraying fruit trees with a 1% solution helps prevent shriveling, scab, leaf curl, spotted species diseases on apple, cherry, pear, peach, plum, quince, sweet cherry, apricot, cherry and some types of shrubs. The proportions of the solution depend on the age of the tree.

In the fight against mold and disinfection of the earth, a 3% solution is used, in order to prevent, treat wounds and get rid of fungal diseases, 0.5% is used, and a 0.2% solution is used as top dressing and fertilizer. The last two options are suitable for processing trees in early spring.

colloidal sulfur

kills fungal diseases and prevents the appearance of mites. When using this drug, it is worth remembering that it cannot be used simultaneously with other products containing pesticides, mineral oils or phosphorus compounds. Since it is a potent substance, it is necessary to use special protective measures when working with it.

For processing, sulfur powder is diluted with plain water to a creamy mass. After that is added required amount water to obtain the desired dose of solutions. It is worth remembering that the use of other drugs is permissible after 15 days.

The most common preparations for spraying fruit trees


It is used for the prevention of spotted diseases, prevents the growth of mosses and lichens, and eliminates sucking-gnawing insects. It fights well with weeds near trees, such as wood lice, colza and the like. A replacement for him will be the drugs Double Impact and DNOC.

For a solution on fruit trees, 200 g of nitrofen is taken per 10-liter bucket of water; to disinfect the soil with the same amount of water 300 g. One adult tree requires 30 liters of this preparation.

Double punch

The drug Double Impact for spraying trees is used to protect against fungal-type diseases and protects against the appearance of pests. This drug among gardeners is famous for its long-term effect and high level plant protection.

To use this drug correctly, you need to know the dosage: here 30 g of the mixture is calculated for 10 liters of water. The ideal option considered for tree care in early spring and autumn.


One of the most popular means in the fight against pests of the root system. Destroys both larvae and small insects, as well as adults. It fights well with codling moths, potato moth and fly. It is harmless to people and animals. Ideal for spraying fruit trees such as pear, cherry, apple or peach.


Well proven in the preventive purposes of fungal diseases. Kills infected cells that appeared in the winter. Affects only young plants, older trees are not recommended. Distinctive feature is its effectiveness when used in cool weather, since most products are used, on the contrary, in dry weather.


Copes with most types of diseases. Apply before the appearance of infected spores. If there are any, then there will be no effect after its use. Soon it is not recommended to carry out more than three treatments, otherwise the opposite result will occur (for example, it will appear). The protection lasts for about a week.

More information about spring spraying

All preparations for spraying fruit trees contain pesticides, so safety measures should be observed when using any of them.

A few homemade pest control recipes that are not sold in stores:

To obtain good harvest it is necessary to take care of trees from early spring and it is not recommended to delay the deadlines. Exactly this auspicious time for the development of diseases in plants and the laying of larvae by insects. To prevent this in your area, use the described recommendations. Observing all these rules, in the fall you will certainly be rewarded with numerous healthy fruits.

VIDEO: detailed instructions for processing stone fruit trees

How to properly process trees on the site, in the following video:

Copper sulphate is widely used in everyday life and industry. Without his participation do not pass chemical reactions, and in Lately it became fashionable to engage in cognitive chemistry, in which beautiful crystals are grown from blue vitriol. Not without its use and agricultural technology.

Why is this substance so popular and how to use it correctly at home? This will have to be dealt with, because ignorance of the proportions for concentrates and solutions can lead to irreversible consequences, for example, the complete loss of the crop for the season.

How to manage in agricultural technology without using such a solution as blue vitriol? Thanks to its successful application, it is possible to carry out prevention and prevent a number of diseases that affect horticultural and horticultural crops. Therefore, novice gardeners are interested in how to dilute copper sulfate. Did you ask? Study!

Basic connection information

Copper sulfate is known in narrow circles as divalent copper sulfate pentahydrate. Outwardly, it looks like a blue (blue) crystallized powder with hygroscopic properties. How the product sold on the market looks like, see the photo below.

The substance is actively used in agriculture. Packed in 50-100 gram bags or bottles. Toxic, refers to 3 hazard class. It strongly poisons the body when ingested or on the mucous membranes. With careless handling, only 30-45 milliliters of a solution (5%) may be enough for a fatal outcome. Here it is important to know how to dilute copper sulfate so that its concentration is safe not only for the contact person, but also for the crops that are supposed to be processed.

Interesting! The peculiarity of the substance is that it can enter the human body and through skin, with reverse absorption of sweat. Therefore, it is recommended to work only in closed clothes, supplementing the suit with a protective mask, gloves made of rubber and special goggles.

When working with blue vitriol, do not forget about protective clothing and safety precautions. You may be used to hearing this name and working with this unsafe product, but careless handling can lead to undesirable consequences.

The use of commercial copper sulphate in horticulture

Copper sulfate has been used by man since ancient times. Today it is widely used in horticulture. Often on the forums, summer residents ask how to dilute copper sulfate. Its use is due to objective reasons:

  1. By following the recommendations for the use of the substance, you can not worry about the toxicity of the solution. With the right consistency, it does not have a cumulative effect, does not have a detrimental effect on plants, and its use is not accompanied by long-term side effects.
  2. The composition is characterized by biocidal and fungicidal action.
  3. This is an effective remedy against mold and its various forms.
  4. Copper sulfate does not provoke resistance, does not cause addiction and resistance to harmful forms: bacteria, fungi, pests, mold.
  5. It copes well with the task of fertilizing the soil, as it contains copper ions Cu (II), which are so necessary for living plant forms to produce a number of essential phytohormones.
  6. It is inexpensive when compared with synthetic additives of a similar purpose.

Solutions and their concentration

So, in what proportions and how to dilute copper sulfate in order to process plants efficiently and not harm garden crops.

Depending on seasonality and goals, processing is carried out using different kind solutions and liquids. In any of the existing cases, agricultural crops use 1 of 3 concentrations of copper sulphate:

  1. "Burning" solution 3-5%. Proportion: 30-50 grams of copper sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Rarely used for emergency treatment to decontaminate an area or to control mold in a building structure. After processing by "burning", such land is decommissioned for at least a year, until the concentration of the solution in the soil disappears.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic essence - 0.5-1% solution obtained by mixing 5-10 grams of powder with 10 liters of water. It is used to fight fungal infections and prevent anthracnose, clasterosporiasis, coccomycosis, etc. Suitable for spraying and processing garden trees for the purpose of disinfecting wounds on trunks and branches.
  3. 3 in 1: top dressing + fertilizer + prevention. For such purposes, a medium concentrated solution is used - 0.2-0.3% (2-3 grams of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water) solution. It is used if copper starvation is observed in plants, recognizable by such signs: leaf chlorosis, twisting of shoot ends, increased tillering without the formation of productive shoots, and also for the purpose of prevention.

When using a weakly concentrated and medium concentration solution for peaceful purposes, you can prepare a stock solution (10%) with a margin. Keep this liquid tightly closed. plastic container by placing in a dark cool place. Water is added to the concentrate as needed. You already know how to breed copper sulfate for cultivating land, plants and agricultural buildings. Familiarize yourself with the technology of processing objects if necessary.

Features of the use of copper sulfate

In the spring, it is customary to carry out treatment for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. To do this, use the following solutions of copper sulfate:

  • 0.5% for watering the soil at the rate of 3.5-4 liters per 1 m 2, provided that the average daily temperature exceeds +5 ° C. It is used against Fusarium root crops, white and gray rot of tomatoes, black cabbage legs. By the way, this is the generally accepted way of how to dilute blue vitriol for a tomato.
  • Before the buds open, they are treated against the diseases listed above by spraying with a 1% solution.
  • In order to disinfect the root system of seedlings, they are dipped for 2-3 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate, after which they are washed with plenty of water.
  • Late blight can be prevented by spraying potato tubers immediately before planting with a 0.2% solution of copper sulphate.
  • Early germination can be achieved by soaking the seeds in a warm solution (0.2%): cucumbers - 8-10 hours, others - 20-24 hours.
  • If you suspect "hereditary" (if the option of acquiring a healthy planting material disappears) diseases, tomato and pumpkin seeds are treated. Component composition: copper sulfate - 1 g, boric acid - 2 g, potassium permanganate - 10 g, water - 10 liters. During processing, the seeds are soaked and left for 15 minutes in a liquid at room temperature. After that, they are taken out, not forgetting to rinse under water.

In the summer, copper sulphate is used against mold. How to dilute the powder for different types processing, read on.

Processing horticultural crops in summer

In the hot season, it is preferable to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Spraying: fruit trees and shrubs are treated with a solution with a 0.5-1% concentration of copper sulfate, if present. clear signs diseases (picture below).
  2. Watering: unscheduled tomatoes and potatoes are fertilized in order to prevent copper starvation and late blight damage, using a 0.2% solution at the rate of watering 2-3 liters per 1 m 2. Re-treatment is carried out after 14-28 days if necessary.
  3. Treatment of wounds of fruit trees - 1% solution, shrubs - 0.5%.

Recommendations for the treatment of garden and other cultivated plants for medicinal purposes

It is important to know not only how to breed copper sulfate for spraying, but also that the use of such a treatment method is unacceptable during the flowering period of plants.

Autumn processing is mainly preventive. Spend it after dropping the leaves. Copper sulfate is generally indispensable for such purposes.

How to properly dissolve copper sulfate in water?

Let's start with the fact that it is strictly forbidden to manipulate blue vitriol in a residential area. This substance interacts well with water and dissolves easily. However, when room temperature due to impurities in the composition of sulfites, the finished solution turns cloudy, and the precipitate falls out only after 30-60 days.

Copper sulfate dissolution technology

Copper crystals are dissolved in boiling water (from 50 o C). Experts say that it is undesirable to use a special chemical set consisting of thin-walled dishes to carry out the reaction.

The solution has a strong electrolytic property, therefore, if the vessel is damaged, a serious accident may occur.

It is better to dissolve vitriol in a water bath, and store the finished cooled liquid in PET or glass containers for up to 12-18 months from the date of manufacture, placing the container in a dark place.

Now you know how to breed blue vitriol for trees and other crops.

How to prepare Bordeaux liquid?

The acidity index of copper sulfate is considered to be a significant disadvantage of the solution. Its concentration can be reduced by adding 200-500 milliliters of boiling water to the working concentrated solution, after dissolving 3-5 grams in this volume of water laundry soap. Such an additive will provide better adhesion of the solution to the leaf plates and help the solution stay on the surface of the plant longer.

If you know how to dilute copper sulfate for processing tomatoes and other horticultural crops, then preparing Bordeaux liquid, a more effective remedy, will not seem difficult to you.

Bordeaux liquid is a joint solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is prepared in two proportions:

  • strong (3%): blue vitriol - 300 g, lime - 400 g, water - 10 l;
  • sparing (1%): blue vitriol - 100 g, lime - 100 g, water - 10 l.

A concentrated solution is used for autumn prevention, sometimes for early spring treatments of shoots, sparing - during the growing season of trees.

The only difference between Bordeaux liquid, which can hardly be considered an advantage, is incompatibility with any other ingredients, in particular, with soap and common preparations. And its substitute based on soda ash, Burgundy liquid, is not famous for its effectiveness.


If you need to prepare a modified or weakly concentrated solution, you will have to dilute copper sulfate. The use of both concentrated solutions and gentle liquids requires caution not only in relation to the crops being processed, but also personal safety.

What is needed for a reaction to take place?

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, the required volume of water is divided in equal proportion into 2 vessels, in which the components of the liquid are dissolved separately. A blue solution of copper sulfate, gently stirring, is poured into a white, lime milk concentrate. The finished mixture is left to brew for 3-4 hours. After the time has elapsed, it is filtered and poured into the sprayer. A freshly prepared solution is used within a day, otherwise it will lose its properties.

Now you know how to breed copper sulfate.

The use of copper sulphate in horticulture as a fertilizer, pest and disease control agent has already become the norm, and even despite its insecurity, the use of copper sulphate remains predominant when choosing a remedy for reliable protection horticultural and horticultural crops growing on suburban area. Choose only the best remedy for plant protection and remember that caution never hurts.

Early spring preventive measures are carried out everywhere in gardens processing of fruit trees and shrubs from diseases and pests. Best time for spraying:

  • end of March - April, before bud break, on bare branches.

Traditionally, trees are treated with solutions containing copper sulfate, iron sulfate, and a concentrated solution of urea. As an alternative, there are also many new, modern drugs. Apply the good old blue vitriol- cheap and efficient. Let's stop on it

Application of 0.5% - 1% solution

For the treatment of trees in early spring, a solution of copper sulfate is used in a dosage:

  • 50 - 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Thus, a 0.5-1% solution is obtained. They are sprayed with trees and shrubs in the spring, along dormant buds. A 1% solution can also disinfect wounds on the bark, and a 0.5% solution spills the ground in early spring to prevent various kinds of rot (4 liters per 1 m2 is enough).

In early spring, a solution of copper sulfate can be sprayed:

  • pome crops: apple, pear, quince,
  • stone fruits: apricot, peach, plum, sweet cherry, cherry,
  • berry bushes: gooseberries and currants.

Table: Dosage of copper sulfate for treating trees in spring

A solution of copper sulphate is also used in summer, but in smaller dosages (2-5 g per 10 liters of water) for foliar top dressing at the first manifestations of signs of copper deficiency:

How to breed copper sulfate for processing trees?

So, the proportions are known. For early spring processing, we need a 1% solution (100 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water). It should be noted that the crystals of copper sulphate are poorly soluble in cold water. That is why it is recommended to breed copper sulfate in the following sequence:

  1. Pour the drug into a bucket (preferably plastic or enameled to avoid oxidation).
  2. Pour 500 ml of powder hot water(50 degrees).
  3. Stir so that the powder dissolves better, leave to stand for a while.
  4. Pour the remaining 9 liters with a “tail” into the bucket, mix again.

Since the drug is a chemical, safety measures must be observed when working with it: wear gloves, it is best to prepare the solution on the street, avoid contact with eyes, do not take it inside.

By the way

If there are no scales at hand, the following information will be useful:

  • A matchbox contains 22 - 25 g of copper sulfate,
  • In a tablespoon: 16 g of copper sulfate,
  • In a teaspoon: 5 g of copper sulfate.

Spraying with copper-containing solutions

Currently, copper sulfate is rarely used alone. Solutions in combination with other components are considered much more effective:

  • Bordeaux liquid \u003d copper sulfate + hydrated fluffy lime. In the spring, before bud break, a 3% solution is used: 300 g of copper sulfate and 225 g of slaked lime-fluff per 10 liters of water. It turns out a proportion of 1: 0.75, although very often they take 1: 1 (300 g of copper sulfate and 300 g of slaked lime-fluff per 10 liters of water). In summer, a 1% solution is used: 100 g of copper sulphate and 75-100 g of slaked lime per 10 liters of water. Bordeaux liquid acts softer than a pure solution of copper: lime neutralizes, softens vitriol. In preparation Bordeaux mixture There are a few important nuances which are better to read about.
  • Urea + copper sulfate. Dosage: 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water + 50 g of copper sulfate. Treatment is carried out before bud break by spraying.
  • Copper-containing fungicides: Hom, Oxyhom, Abiga-peak, according to the instructions on the package.

Iron vitriol for processing trees

In addition to copper, iron sulfate is also used. The goal is the same - to destroy pathogens of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens in early spring. Spraying of trees and shrubs is also carried out BEFORE the buds swell. But the frequency of treatments and dosages are different. Here we will give information from two sources, since the proportions for preparing the solution in them are different:

  1. Before the buds swell (around mid-April), the trees are sprayed with a 3% solution of ferrous sulfate: 300 g per 10-liter bucket of water.
  2. Before the kidneys swell, once every 4 years, treatment with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate can be carried out: 500 g per 10-liter bucket of water.

As they say, in war all means are good, the main thing is not to miss the deadline. Remember: end of March - April, before the kidneys swell, it's time to treat with solutions containing copper sulphate. It's efficient and safe. It is much better to deal with pests, even if chemicals before fruit formation, than then to spray everything on fruits and berries, destroying pests already visible to the naked eye.

Warm weather and rich harvests at your summer cottage! 😉

​Related Articles Fruit and roses - can be used to combat root bacterial cancer; immersion of the roots after removal of growths for 2-3 minutes. in a 1% solution of copper sulphate, followed by washing with water. Spraying should be carried out in dry, calm weather.​To pests and fungal diseases did not penetrate very deeply into the tree trunk, in the fall it is necessary to prepare the apple tree for wintering.


  • - the weather should be dry and calm; At the first hint of a disease (the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and stems of bushes), the soil is shed with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate (50 g / 10 l). Consumption - 3.5-4 liters per plant. It is advisable to carry out this event until the buds swell and burst in order to remove overwintered pest larvae and protect plants from insects and infectious diseases.
  • In the calendar of country works, each owner personal plot plans measures for treating plants with insecticidal and fungicidal compounds, because there can be no question of any good harvest if the plants get sick or die from dangerous insects. Make sure that the chemical has not expired. It is recommended to process plantings in dry weather, at this time you can not eat, drink and smoke. Carry out work using copper sulfate
  • There is a wonderful remedy for the fight against pathogens of plants and insects - copper
  • You can pour out a bag of powder - there will be no sense. there is no point in feeding plants on the street. especially the trees. they have deep roots. First you need to clean the trunk of lichen and damaged bark and branches, all removed parts must be burned. Then you need to prepare a solution for whitewashing the tree - for 10 liters of water: 0.5 kilograms of copper sulfate and 2.5 kilograms of lime. Actellik Experienced gardeners know that the struggle for a good harvest begins in early spring. This applies to any fruit-bearing tree. - air temperature from + 5 ° С to + 30 ° С;
  • KakProsto.ru

The use of copper sulfate in the garden and vegetable garden

Effective use of copper sulfate in the garden and garden beds

In case of signs of diseases on trees and shrubs, it is advisable to spray with a solution of copper sulphate and late autumn(end of October - November), when the foliage has completely fallen off. Tree preparation is carried out in the same way as before spring processing. This treatment also destroys pest larvae that were laid by insects in cracks, depressions and bark for wintering.

In this case, a 1% solution is used (100 g of crystals per standard bucket of water). Spray consumption from 2 to 5 liters per tree, depending on its size and age.​

To combat garden pests and fungal diseases of crops, there is a proven remedy - copper sulfate - an inorganic compound that is a salt of copper sulfate. The composition is crystalline granules of saturated brightly blue color, soluble in water. A solution of copper sulfate is an excellent fungicide, antiseptic, insecticide and fertilizer.

vitriol a. For spraying apple, pear and quince trees, dilute 100 grams of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water. Spray trees until buds appear and open with two to five liters of solution per tree. When spraying apricot, peach, plum trees, as well as cherries and cherries, 50-100 grams of copper sulfate are taken per ten liters of water. For one tree, the consumption of the solution is two to five liters. Gooseberries and currants are treated with the same solution as apricot and peach trees, but with a consumption of one and a half liters per bush.

Copper sulphate + slaked lime + water-a means for spraying fruit trees and shrubs from scab

After all the leaves have fallen from the tree, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against pests, for these purposes it is best to use iron vitriol, a solution of table salt or a solution of urea.

1. Processing pear, apple and quince

. This drug kills pests when it comes into contact with them, and also promotes the penetration of substances poisonous to insects into food.

2. Processing stone fruit trees (plum, apricot, cherry plum, cherry, sweet cherry, peach)

In this article, we will look at caring for an apple tree - the most common fruit tree.

3. Processing of berry bushes (all kinds of currants, gooseberries)

4. Disinfection of the roots of seedlings in order to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases

- before dilution, make sure that the shelf life of the drug has not expired;

5. Tillage

Use a 0.5% -1% solution of copper sulfate (50-100 g of the composition per bucket of water). Consumption, as in the previous recipe.

6. Processing of planting material

Actively used

7. Treatment of tomato beds against late blight

and making sure that there are no animals and children nearby. During the treatment of plants with a solution

In early spring, plants are sprayed to combat fungal diseases, the consumption of copper sulfate is 100 grams per ten liters of water. Disinfecting the roots of seedlings, they are dipped in a solution of copper

Rules for working with copper sulfate

. They can process both trees and shrubs of fruit and berry plants. copper

Dilute according to the instructions and be very careful with this drug, spray against plant diseases, against phytophthora and from scab, coccomycosis rust, when the leaves curl, it means there is not enough copper, copper sulfate is a necessary microelement for plants

Paying attention to the trees in the fall, you will allow them to safely winter and also reduce the amount of spring work.

The third treatment is carried out after the appearance of foliage, for this systemic preparations are used, for example

The first treatment is spraying of apple trees with iron vitriol, and the next should be carried out with contact preparations such as Actellik, the third treatment is already carried out with systemic Aktara, the fourth treatment with benzophosphate or karbofos. Next, we will take a closer look at the schedule for spraying apple trees against pests.​

- after completing the event, wash thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth with clean water.

- it is imperative to observe safety precautions, as in case of contact with any chemicals, protect the skin of the hands with gloves, the mucous membrane of the eyes with goggles, and the respiratory organs with a respirator;

The solution is prepared in the same way as for stone fruits. Consumption - about 1.5 liters per bush.​

vitriol vitriol vitriol


Apple tree: processing - spraying in spring

Copper sulfate is not a top dressing, but a medicine. From fungal diseases mainly. It is part of the so-called Bordeaux mixture. The proportions are - for a bucket of water Matchbox vitriol and 200 grams of lime. You can spray all crops - from fruit trees to perennial flowers. But spraying is effective on bare non-leafy plants, that is, before the buds swell, since the spores of the fungus overwinter in the scales of the buds. After blooming leaves and flowering, you can repeat the processing of fruit, if you notice signs of fungal diseases. It is undesirable to process during the flowering period of fruit and berry crops. Wait for the flowers to fall and then ...

Copper sulphate - a fungicide designed for spraying fruit and berry ornamental trees and shrubs from scab, moniliosis, anthracnose and other diseases in early spring before bud break, as well as for disinfecting wounds in fruit trees.


How to spray apple trees in spring?

Apple tree: processing - spraying in spring

Protect plants with

When to spray apple trees from pests?

- during the work it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink any liquids and smoke;

  1. The roots of trees and bushes are lowered into a 1% composition for 3 minutes.
  2. for spraying shrubs and fruit trees, tillage, control of diseases of vegetable and berry crops. The most effective time for events using copper sulfate is early spring. The concentration of the solution depends on the specific purpose and type of plant. If the technology and dosages are observed, the copper sulfate solution is not toxic to plants and pollinating insects, and also does not have a direct effect on crop rotation. And the air temperature should not exceed thirty degrees Celsius. After completing the treatment of the plants with the solution, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, wash your face and rinse your mouth well, but for three minutes.
  3. is a copper sulfate salt. Its use is especially effective once every five or six years, in early spring. Consumption in this case will be one gram per square meter. Recently I saw how to properly feed fruit deoevya - at a distance of 1-1.5 from the trunk, they dig deep square recesses, pour top dressing there and cover it with earth and grass again! When using copper sulfate in agriculture, top dressing is carried out 3-4 times per season by spraying plants with a working solution at the rate of 1 teaspoon (5 g) / 10-15 liters of water. autumn spraying fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs (after leaf fall) or early spring spraying before bud break is carried out with a 3% working solution at the rate of 30 g / 1 l of water.

. The following treatment is designed to combat the apple flower beetle. It is carried out during the appearance of buds, for this, benzophosphate or karbofos preparations are used. When the bud turns pink, it is advisable to treat the tree from the caterpillar with dendrobacillin or bitoxibacillin preparations.

How to spray apple trees in the fall?

The first treatment is carried out before bud break. Moss and damaged bark are removed from the tree, diseased branches are cut down, and then cuts and wounds on the apple tree are treated with copper sulphate.

Use of copper sulphate in the garden

- remove pets and children from the site;

If necessary, disinfect the land in the beds or in greenhouses and greenhouses, it is shed with a 0.5% solution (50/10 l). Consumption 2 l/sq. meter


Expert gardeners have a question for you, tell me?


The first treatment is carried out in March, when the average daily temperature is set at + 5 ° C and above. Before spraying, trees are prepared as follows: removal (cutting) of old, damaged, diseased branches, cleaning the trunk and skeletal branches of lichens and dead lagging bark, sealing cuts and cracks with garden pitch, cleaning the area under the trees (removal of litter and plant debris). ​

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Also disinfect the soil, the consumption in this case will be five grams per ten liters of water. Spray potatoes before direct sowing, making a solution in the consumption of copper sulfate - 2 grams per ten liters of water. The drug, when properly diluted, is not phytotoxic, does not affect crop rotation, and is low toxic to bees.
Depending on the plant and the disease, various concentrations of copper solution are used.

Himera Dobroslovova

Copper sulphate is used in horticulture as a fungicide / against fungal diseases /. If your plant lacks copper, purchase fertilizers with trace elements and make a root or foliar top dressing. Copper sulphate is not used as a fertilizer.

Running on the waves

​Recommendations for use: apple, pear and quince - early spring spraying before bud break at the rate of 100 g / 10 l of water to combat diseases - scab, phyllosticosis and other spotting, moniliosis and desiccation. For apricot, peach, plum, cherry and sweet cherry - early spring spraying before bud break at the rate of 50-100 g / 10 l of water, copper sulfate can be used to combat diseases - coccomycosis, curliness, clusterosporiosis, moniliosis. Currants and gooseberries - early spring spraying before bud break at the rate of 50-100 g / 10 l of water. Copper sulfate can be used to fight diseases - anthracnose, septoria and other spotting.

valentine capricorn

We examined how and when to spray an apple tree in the spring, but in order for the tree to overwinter well, it is necessary to spray the apple trees in the fall.


Protection of apple trees with copper sulfate is carried out in order to protect the tree from fungi and moss, as well as to neutralize pests that hibernate in the tree trunk.

Natalia Dubinina

And the garden is quite simple - the main thing is to treat the site in a timely manner with a solution of copper sulfate. Easy work for you! See you!​

Copper sulfate, as is known, is 5-aqueous sulfate of 2-valent copper CuSO4x5H2O and is a hygroscopic blue or blue powder or crystals. It goes on sale for agricultural purposes in small private farms packaged in 50-100 g or in bottles, see fig. Copper sulfate is poisonous, belongs to the 3rd hazard class, because has a toxic effect when it comes into contact with mucous membranes or ingestion. The lethal dose of a 5% solution is 30-50 ml, but copper sulfate in solution or powder is able to penetrate the body through the skin with sweat reabsorption. Therefore, all work with copper sulfate must be carried out in compliance with the precautionary measures, see below. People are used to this drug, but it is far from harmless if handled carelessly.

Copper sulfate has long been widely used in horticulture and still does not give up its position. The reasons for this are quite objective:

  • At correct use blue vitriol is safe, because. does not have a cumulative effect, does not give side and / or long-term undesirable effects.
  • Possesses biocidal and, especially, fungicidal action; copper sulfate is a very effective and widely used anti-mold agent.
  • Does not cause resistance, tk. habituation and increase the resistance of harmful objects of influence.
  • It is also copper-containing - Cu (II) ions are necessary for plants to synthesize a number of important phytohormones.
  • Compared to synthetic drugs of a similar purpose, it is inexpensive.

Solution concentration

The use of copper sulfate in agriculture is possible different ways depending on the season and purpose of processing. In all cases, solutions of any of the 3 degrees of concentration are used:

  1. "Burning Out" 3%-5%, i.e. 300-500 g per 10 liters of water - treatment in exceptional cases to disinfect a piece of land or fight mold in building structures on her. In the first case, the land after processing is withdrawn from agricultural circulation for at least a year;
  2. Treatment and prophylactic 0.5%-1%, i.e. 50-100 g per 10 liters of water - to combat fungal diseases and insect pests (anthracnose, clasterosporia, coccomycosis and other spotting, moniliosis, septoria, phyllosticosis, scab, various rot, curliness), as well as for trees (spraying and treatment of wounds on trunks and branches);
  3. Feeding-fertilizing-prophylactic 0.2% -0.3% (2-3 g / 10 l of water) - with the appearance of symptoms of copper starvation of plants (leaf chlorosis, twisting of shoot tips, intensive tillering without the formation of productive shoots) and for preventive purposes.

For use according to paragraphs. 2 and 3, it is better to prepare a 10% stock solution in advance (it can be stored in a tightly closed container and in a dark place for a long time) and dilute it with water as needed. How to dissolve copper sulfate, see below.

When to treat with copper sulfate?

In the spring, they are treated with therapeutic and prophylactic solutions of copper sulphate:

  • In early spring, when the average daily temperature rises above +5 Celsius, water the soil with a 0.5% solution at the rate of 3.5-4 l / sq. m. Against yellowness (fusarium) of root crops, white and gray rot of tomato, black cabbage legs.
  • Before bud break of fruit trees and shrubs against the diseases mentioned above, as well as fruit rot and black cancer - spraying with a 1% solution.
  • Disinfection of the roots of seedlings - lowering for 3 minutes in a 1% solution, followed by abundant washing with water. If there is no running water or high water consumption is undesirable, intensive rinsing in 3 changes of water for 3-5 minutes each.
  • Spraying potato tubers before planting with a 0.2% solution - effective way protect yourself from late blight.
  • Warm 0.2% solution - soaking seeds for early germination. Cucumbers - 8-10 hours, others - 20-24 hours.
  • Dressing seeds of tomatoes and pumpkin, suspicious for "hereditary" diseases (say, if it is not possible to acquire obviously healthy seed) - a solution of 1 g of copper sulphate, 2 g boric acid and 10 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. Seeds are soaked for 15 minutes in a room temperature solution and then washed with plenty of water (if not from a tap - 5 shifts of 5 minutes with continuous vigorous stirring).

In the summer, the following treatment with copper sulfate is carried out:

Note: spraying with copper sulphate is unacceptable during flowering!

In autumn, solutions of copper sulphate are used mainly for prevention. Autumn, at the end of leaf fall, treatment with copper sulfate is generally preferable. Firstly, the solution of copper sulphate has an acidic reaction, because. in copper sulfate, even the highest grade of medical category A, there is a noticeable admixture of free sulfuric acid, see table. on right. At autumn processing chemical burns of leaves, flowers and fruits are excluded.

Secondly, the need of plants for copper as a trace element is maximum during flowering, and by the time the fruits ripen, it disappears. Thirdly, copper sulphate does not penetrate into plant tissues and, accordingly, affects only fungal sporangia without touching their mycelium. Therefore, if by the time the vegetation begins, the plants are already protected and provided with copper, the effect of treatment with copper sulphate will be the greatest.

Autumn spraying with copper sulfate is carried out with a 1% solution according to the norms indicated in the first table, and roses against black spot and powdery mildew- 0.5% solution. And yet, all types of processing with copper sulfate in any season should be done in the morning or in the evening at an air temperature of +5 to +30 in dry, calm weather.

Note: on suspicion of root rot trees are also watered in autumn trunk circles 0.5% solution of copper sulfate.

How to spray?

In view of the above-mentioned suction-back effect with sweat, it is impossible to neglect the precautions when working with copper sulphate, you need to use full set PPE, see fig. Animals, children and in general outsiders shouldn't be around. Residual solution must never enter the water supply or drainage systems.

If a solution of copper sulphate gets into the eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with plenty of pure water holding open. If swallowed, drink 2-3 raw eggs or 300-500 ml of milk and seek medical attention immediately. Pumping water, with or without potassium permanganate, to induce vomiting will only make the poisoning worse!

How to prepare a solution?

Copper sulphate is not dusty or volatile, so it can be bred without any special precautions; disposable plastic gloves will suffice. Prepare stock solution in glassware, which must be marked so as not to be used later for food purposes. It is undesirable to use metal enameled utensils, because. copper sulfate solution corrodes the enamel.

It is unacceptable to dissolve blue vitriol in the kitchen, pos. 1 in fig. Copper sulfate is highly soluble in water, but if it is diluted at room temperature, then due to the admixture of sulfites, the finished solution will turn cloudy, pos. 2, and will settle for a very long time, up to a month or more.

Copper sulfate is dissolved in hot water, from 50 degrees, but use thin-walled chemical utensils and electric stoves for this, pos. 3, undesirable: copper sulfate solution is a strong electrolyte and if the vessel bursts or the solution spills, a serious accident is guaranteed. Dissolve vitriol in a water bath, pos. 4. The cooled solution is stored for a long time, up to a year or more, in PET or glass bottles, pos. 5.

Bordeaux liquid

The acidity of copper sulfate is a serious drawback. It can be reduced by adding 0.2-0.5 liters of hot water to the working solution, in which 3-5 g (before foaming) of laundry soap is dissolved. This addition will also improve the adhesion of the solution to the leaves.

But Bordeaux liquid turns out to be much more effective - a joint solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is known in 2 varieties: strong 3% (300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime per 10 liters of water) and sparing 1% (100 g of both for the same volume). Strong Bordeaux liquid is used for autumn and, possibly, early spring processing, and sparing during the growing season. The only bad thing about Bordeaux liquid is that it is completely incompatible with any other preparations and soap. And its substitute soda ash- Burgundy liquid - much less effective.

Note: for processing grapes, Bordeaux liquid is recommended to be used only in the fall. In other cases, it is desirable to use formulations based on ferrous sulfate for this crop.

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, you need to pour the required volume of water in half into 2 vessels. In one dissolve milk of lime; into another blue vitriol. The blue solution is gradually poured into the white one, stirring, see fig. on right. The finished solution is allowed to settle for 3-4 hours, filtered and poured into a sprayer. The shelf life of a freshly prepared solution is a day.

Note: commercially available prepackaged mixtures for the preparation of Bordeaux liquid. How to prepare a working solution from the finished mixture, see the following. video:

Video: making Bordeaux liquid from the finished mixture

Copper sulfate in a greenhouse

The use of copper sulfate in greenhouses is limited. Firstly, in the absence of its free migration into the soil, excessive accumulation of copper and sulfur in the greenhouse soil is possible, which will lead to the inhibition of plants. Secondly, acidification of the soil with traces of sulfuric acid is possible. Therefore, copper sulphate is rarely used in greenhouse conditions, only for the disinfection of a heavily contaminated greenhouse, see for example. video clip:

Video: processing the greenhouse with copper sulphate

Much more justified is the use of copper sulphate in the greenhouse locally in a dry form, to combat gray rot of cucumbers. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate powder (crystals need to be crushed) and mix with a tablespoon wood ash. Sprinkle the mixture on sore spots.

Another option for using copper sulfate in greenhouses is to use it as an impregnating fungicide during its construction, but this is already a topic about building a greenhouse with your own hands. A finished moldy wooden greenhouse can be treated with copper sulphate from mold similarly to the method of getting rid of a living room from biting midges, see for example.

Video: disinfection with copper sulfate against mold

Vitriol and weather

The weather is of great importance for the success of copper sulphate treatment. The action of the solution begins 2-4 hours after treatment and lasts 7-12 days at an external temperature of 25-15 degrees, respectively. If in this time will pass rain, the effect will disappear, but the treatment cannot be repeated, an excess of copper is formed in the soil.

Another application

A good means of protecting trees from pest attacks is also whitewashing the trunks with lime with the addition of copper sulfate. In this case, copper sulfate can be replaced with methylene blue, in the same way that walls are whitewashed with blue to protect against fungus.