Water pipes      03/05/2020

Do-it-yourself camping wood chipper stove. Homemade chipper under an army bowler hat. Multi-can oven

A wood chip oven is a small-sized device on which you can boil water or cook food.

It is used in hiking, fishing, in the country.

Suitable for one or more people, depending on the size. Such an oven saves fuel.

Chip oven schemes, drawings

Due to its compact size, the oven does not take up much space and weighs little. This compares favorably with a gas burner, for which gas cylinders will be mandatory. The total weight of the burner with cylinders reaches several kilograms. And the chipper weighs depending on the design about a kilogram.

Photo 1. Drawing of a square-shaped wood chip oven. Contains four parts, the dimensions of each element are indicated.

design easy to make yourself from improvised materials. For one person, it is made from a large tin can. A larger option is assembled from a drum that has served washing machine.

Photo 2. Drawing of a cone-shaped wood chip oven. Similar device can be folded like an accordion.

If you need a size larger than that of a can, and there is no unnecessary machine, the material is suitable sheet metal. There are several types of structures. They differ in form and scope.

Important! All devices assume air intake holes in the lower part. This ensures good traction and fuel burnout.

First: a stove for a pot

This option is intended for use on hikes, mostly in singles. Most tourists have an army bowler hat standard size. Under it, an oven is made. Wood chip shape similar to a cooking container. This design option is the lightest.

Reference. The dimensions of the furnace are selected in such a way that the pot fits without a gap. Then it heats up faster, because the heat does not go out through the cracks. To fit the bottom drawing is made, circling the lid of the flared pot.

Second, square

Most cooking utensils still have a round shape, so the previous option is not suitable for it. It will come in handy both on a hike and in the country the wood chipper is square in cross section.

If you make it collapsible, then the device will be more convenient to transport and store. Dimensions, if necessary, increase proportionately.

The shape of the holes in the side walls can be any.

Third trapezoid

This wood chip stove is also collapsible, but it is assembled as an accordion, and is not divided into separate parts. Differs from previous trapezoidal shape.

Such an oven is more stable, the heat in the device is concentrated in the central plane.

If the top of the structure is made too narrow, some of the heat will be lost through holes in the top side of the walls. The device weighs approx. about a kilogram.

Making a stove with your own hands

One of the advantages of a wood chip stove is that it is easy to make it yourself. To get started, choose the right project. Prepare materials and tools. Then build a furnace.

The choice of scheme depends on several parameters:

  • from the place of use - on a hike or in the country;
  • on the number of people for whom you need to cook;
  • on what materials are available.

Selection of materials and preparation of tools

For scheme 1 used galvanized or "can" tin. For option 2 better take steel 1-2 mm thick. The oven will be heavier (about a kilogram), but stronger. Thicker metal is not needed, since the dimensions of the device are small.

It will take steel wire 3-4 mm thick. It can be replaced with knitting needles. In general, for such projects, materials that were in use (but with good quality).

Prepare bolts, nuts and washers for fasteners. To create an oven according to the third scheme, piano loops will be needed.

From the tools you will need:

  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • center punch

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Construction of the furnace according to scheme 1

The construction stages are as follows:

  1. Mark up the template on paper or cardboard. You can print the diagram.
  2. The bottom is cut out according to the size of the lid of the pot.
  3. Mark sheet metal according to this template and cut out.
  4. Make holes in the side walls and at the bottom. Holes in the walls serve both for traction and for attaching the wire on which the bowler will be placed.
  5. Bend the sheet, which will serve as walls, desired shape.
  6. Bend in two places "petals" indicated on the diagram.
  7. Put them on the bottom.
  8. Bend the "petals" again.
  9. tight fasten the structure.
  10. The remaining "petals" will serve as legs.
  11. Insert pieces of wire or cut knitting needles into the appropriate holes.

Attention! Holes on the bottom should be small so that pieces of coal do not fall out.

How to make a chipper according to scheme 2

Cut out the walls according to the template. Their dimensions depend on the dimensions of the dishes that you plan to use with the stove.

In this design, bending is not required. But for stability make cuts into which the walls will be inserted. Then no additional fastening is required.

Drill holes in the walls and insert support spokes. Check how the oven is going.

Assembling the wood chip oven according to scheme 3

To create a pyramidal oven, follow these steps:

  1. Cut out template blanks.
  2. Drill holes.
  3. Complete larger hole for the door and smaller under the chimneys.
  4. Bend the edge of one of the walls to hold the grate.
  5. Cut the piano loops to the size of the walls, fasten the walls with them.
  6. Attach a door to them. And ears to (also through loops).
  7. From a loop attached to the extreme wall, pull out the needle and bend its tip. This spoke will hold the device assembled.

One and a half to two dozen medium-sized cones, a handful of dry needles or grass - all that is needed to cook soup or porridge for 10-15 minutes on a small portable wood chip stove.

If you allow yourself to leave the dusty city a couple of times a year in order to spend a few days alone with nature, then the issue of cooking is most likely solved for you. As for me - the owner of a two-burner taganka and a 3-liter gas cylinder.

But if not the entire route to its final point could be driven by car, then the weight and dimensions of the camp kitchen became a problem. A fire may not always be an adequate substitute for it, besides, a saw, an ax and a tripod did not make the load much easier. Therefore, I took up the manufacture of an efficient, economical, and most importantly compact stove.

Old window sills made of 0.9 mm thick galvanized steel went into action. I decided to make the design collapsible precisely for the compactness of the installation. The first stove was made with dimensions of 200x200x250 mm - the ebb was cut so conveniently. It was successfully tested under the conditions of a ten-day stay outside of civilization. Cooking buckwheat porridge with frying in a 3-liter cauldron took no more than 7-8 minutes, which put it out of competition with all the gas and gasoline cooking appliances that my friends had. Even a kulesh in a 10-liter cauldron was cooked in 25 minutes.

Experience has shown that the size of the stove can and should be reduced. The second option I offer you for self-manufacturing. All details of the stove are presented on the attached sketches.

The last sketch shows 4 elements of the stove at once. Of course, you can choose your own sizes, taking them as a basis, but if you want to make it easier for yourself, then simply copy these images in sequence and paste them into the Microsoft Word text editor, each on a separate page. Next, double-click on the image, and in the window that opens, select the "Size" tab, and in it enter the height values ​​\u200b\u200bfor each thumbnail in order:

  • 19.07 cm
  • 19.07 cm
  • 18.48 cm
  • 26.94 cm

The width values ​​will be determined automatically. And you can immediately download the finished file with the opening of the stove.

Having printed the received sketches on the printer, you will have life-size templates of my wood chip stove. By laying them on a sheet of suitable metal, and fixing them on it with at least adhesive tape, you can use a center punch to transfer all the key points of the stove elements to it. You can also use carbon paper by tracing the lines obtained with it with a plumbing scriber.

If you have a metal thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm, it will be possible not to make bends, which I did on my stove for rigidity. Although it is easier to make them on the 3rd element, so as not to bother with cutting out the fastening ears.

All holes are 8 mm in diameter. The thickness and quality of my metal allowed me to drill in 1 pass without first passing a smaller diameter drill.

Grooves for the ears were performed in 3 stages:

  • drilling the upper and lower borders of the eye with a 2 mm drill
  • punching an eyelet with a chisel
  • file cleaning

The lower grooves on the ears were also selected with a needle file. I bent them a little to increase the rigidity of the structure in the assembled state, but for thicker metal this may not be necessary.

I made a door hinge by wrapping its lower ledge in a vice on a steel wire 2 mm thick. Then I also fixed it on the front panel of the stove. The top notch was bent in an arc to slightly fix the door in the closed position.

Of course, after making all the elements of the stove, their edges need to be lightly processed with a velvet file or sandpaper. Burrs after drilling are removed with any drill larger diameter manually.

After assembling the first stove, something had to be adjusted a little in place, but using the proposed templates, the following instances did not need this procedure.

In disassembled form, the stove has dimensions of 190x135x15 mm, weight when made of steel with a thickness of 0.9 mm is about 450 grams.

The oven is quick and easy to assemble.

Initially, its height was 20 cm, but then I shortened the legs by 1 cm for greater stability. My favorite camping cauldron with a capacity of 3 liters is very confident on it, which, thanks to its shape, I also use as a frying pan.

One and a half to two dozen medium-sized cones, a handful of dry needles or grass - all that is needed to cook soup or porridge for 10-15 minutes, the water in it boils for no more than 5 minutes. It is clear that cones successfully replace any chips or small brushwood. Thanks to a large number oxygen entering the combustion zone through all openings, the stove operates almost in turbo mode. Blowing off the flame, which affects all gas and petrol burners, does not happen, you just need to put the wood chip with a high side to the wind.

Sometimes, it is vital to quickly warm up with a fire, without making a big fire, heat up water or food without spending on gas or with an acute shortage of firewood, sometimes it is simply necessary hiking option heating and cooking or fire element. In this case, the wood chip oven, survivalist, or, in other words, Bond's oven, will save. Such a device will become an assistant both on a hike and in the country to heat a kettle or cook food, while not taking up much space when folded, and not requiring as much fuel as a gas burner.

Homemade wood chip oven

It is difficult to find a similar design on sale, unlike a burner, so the easiest way is to make a wood chip oven with your own hands. First of all, it is worth considering the advantages of this design:

  • The woodchip stove-survival provides good traction. This suggests that any fuel is suitable for quickly kindling the stove, while you can get the maximum thermal energy.
  • It can be safely kindled in places where it is forbidden to make an open fire - after the stove-chip oven there are no smoldering coals and no flames come out.
  • Thanks to its compact size, it can easily fit into a backpack.
  • When extreme conditions occur in nature, you can use dry fuel or alcohol from the survival kit to ignite the wood chip stove.

The scheme and design features of a camping wood chip stove are such that, when assembling its frame from metal sheets, holes for air access remain below, and air circulation and combustion temperature increase with the help of a raised bottom above the ground, not subject to its moisture. From above the walls of the stove are solid, protecting the fire from the wind. They are connected by rods or a metal grate on which you can put dishes or a kettle.

To ignite a turbo-furnace, wood chips are used: wood chips, dry small firewood, branches, brushwood, cones, tree bark, dry fuel, including sawdust in briquettes, alcohol.

Do-it-yourself wood chip oven

To be completely sure of the quality of the manufactured stove, you can first sketch out the drawings of the future design. A wood chip stove can be made from improvised materials, there are several examples:

Washing machine drum stove

Wood chip oven from an old washing machine drum

With the help of a grinder, a piece of stainless metal is cut off from an outdated old washing machine. You will need a strip of stainless steel 18-20 cm wide, which will determine the height of the stove. The length of the strip should be 65 cm, you need to twist the pipe out of it. On the side, the structure is equipped with a hole with a door, which in the open position serves for laying firewood, and in the closed position it directs all the heat upward. Stepping back 5 cm from the top, it is necessary to make holes for skewers, and provide the upper part with a grate for dishes. From below, a grate is equipped with three holes for installing pegs that fix the stove in one position.

Cutlery rack stove

Cutlery rack stove

In many hardware stores or dish departments, you can find round stainless steel cutlery drying racks with holes all over the surface. On the side of the product, it is necessary to mark the place of the cut with a marker for laying firewood inside the structure, then carefully cut this place with a grinder. Four bolts with nuts are screwed to the bottom, which will serve as legs for the stove. You can make a lattice out of metal bars by pushing them through the top holes.

Can stove

Can oven

The easiest option using improvised materials is a wood chip from a can. For the manufacture you need the usual can around the perimeter of which holes are made for air circulation. Such miniature design suitable for heating a mug of water using wood chips or dry fuel.

Folding design

Turbo wood chip oven

The turbo-furnace wood chipper is made of metal sheets up to 1.5 mm thick. To do this, a sketch of the future design is preliminarily made, then applied to a sheet of metal. Holes for bolts are cut out on the sheet, the edges are aligned. You should get five parts: four side parts and a bottom, as well as additional elements such as top dish rack, firebox, ground mounts. To make the structure easy to unfold, the side parts are fastened furniture hinges. The bottom is attached with hinges, and the firebox is equipped with a small bolt so that the door does not open spontaneously.

You can improve the design if you give it a pyramidal shape - thus, it will become more stable, and more dimensional fuel can be placed below. At the same time, draft will improve, and the fire will be concentrated under the dishes thanks to the tapering top. As an improvised material, you can use an unnecessary window or balcony tide. From it you need to cut four trapezoids and one square. Holes for the chimney are cut in the upper part of the trapezoids, and in one of them there is a hole for the door. The square part is also drilled into many holes, then all the elements are connected to each other with piano hinges. A square grate is attached to one of the trapezoids, and a door to the other. For greater convenience, before manufacturing this design, it is necessary to make detailed drawings.

During a long trip, hot food is often not enough. Of course, a fire can be made anywhere, but not everyone will agree to this - a fire sometimes either becomes a source of fire or does not flare up due to the rain that has just ended. Not everyone wants to carry a gas burner with a cooking cylinder, which means that a do-it-yourself stove using the same firewood is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

To light a mini-stove, a large armful of large firewood is not required - everything will do, from reeds to chips and the resinous bark of dead coniferous trees. The heat of such an oven is consumed as efficiently as possible - the effect is comparable to gas burner and even an electric stove.

To maintain the fire, coals that have not completely burned out in the previous fire will also fit: until the pieces of wood have turned into ash, they are still suitable for receiving heat. Cooking food over a fire will require at least several times the cost of wood. That is, with the amount of firewood going to one fire, 10 people can be fed hot food without problems using a wood chip stove.

The main requirement is that the oven heats the container with the food being prepared, and not the air around, which cannot be said about an open fire.

Varieties of a camping stove

According to the number of walls, the stoves are divided into single and double-walled.

The furnace structure is assembled at the halt site either from improvised materials, or a pan is used in advance, big bank from under canned food, sheets of old (possibly rusty) metal, for example, from under the roof, etc. Being easy to manufacture, such a stove is rightfully considered a truly touristic one.

How should a wood chipper work?

In order for the coals to smolder for a long time and give off heat, the structure without a bottom is located on the ground. Heat in this case is not dissipated in the surrounding space, but remains mainly in smoldering coals, while the air draft is reduced to a minimum, not allowing the closed fire to go out; when new wood is added, the fire will flare up quickly.

If the design of the stove provides for a lining under the bottom, the draft increases so much that cooking, which requires an hour or more, breaks down, the firewood quickly burns out. It is necessary to pull out the bottom from the stove in advance, and put the structure itself from the walls on the ground. Nevertheless, such a stove consumes fuel economically, is not affected by weather, takes up very little space, and almost no smoke is generated (while the coals are smoldering). The stove is easy to carry (easy to unfold).

It is possible that the wood, not yet fully inflamed, isolates heat well, which is why the walls do not have time to overheat, they can even be carried with bare hands. This does not eliminate the need for caution when handling fire.

Design options

The drawing of such a product is very simple. To make a camping stove from a tin can, follow these steps.

  1. Make small holes in the bottom of the jar. The jar itself should be the height of a glass (for example, a jar of canned peas or condensed milk).
  2. Lay pieces of twigs, bark, etc. (each as thick as a finger) vertically, as in an Indian candle. Pull out the piece of wood located in the center - this will give way to air draft.
  3. Insert paper or an armful of dry grass into the vacant place and set it on fire.

The fire will flare up, and such a “can fire” will burn for 20-25 minutes. This is enough to make tea, heat up canned food, cook soup or vermicelli from a pack, or even make a small portion of porridge. There will be almost no smoke.

If at least a few people went on a hike, it is recommended to use a can, for example, from paint or even a metal bucket of 2-3 liters. The overall capacity of such a “can fire” will be for at least an hour of burning, and you can cook a full-fledged homemade soup from the chicken bought the day before.

Double layer tank construction

pans from of stainless steel(one slightly smaller than the other) are inexpensive, sold at any hardware store. The whole structure does not burn out - unlike ordinary steel, scale does not form on it, it will work without problems for several years even with three daily use.

To make a double-layer oven, do the following.

  1. Cut a slot in the larger pan so that the firewood can be laid without problems.
  2. Punch small holes in the same pan to create traction.
  3. Place a smaller pot in a larger one - it will heat up from the pot in which the firewood is burning. You can load hot ingredients into a smaller saucepan.
  4. At the same time, the heat consumption is even more efficient - not only the bottom of the smaller pan is heated, but it is all on the sides.

The advantage of such a stove is the ease of transferring it under a canopy of a tent (for example, into a vestibule) - this will make it possible to cover the stove and the food being prepared from the sudden onset of rain.

Folding stove on hinges

In addition to the hinges themselves and sheet steel (from an old refrigerator, the sidewall of an unused system unit case, trimming roofing iron etc.) will need tools and Consumables: a drill and drills, a grinder and a disk for it, a screwdriver and “bits” for it, a measuring tape, a file, pliers, bicycle knitting needles.

The step by step guide looks like this.

  1. According to the design sketch, mark and cut the sheets of steel with the help of a grinder.
  2. In the wall that serves as the bottom, drill small holes, smoothing the resulting burrs with a file.
  3. Attach the loops to the sidewalls of the structure and connect them into a rhombus.
  4. Slide the bottom under the walls fastened together, in which the edges are folded in advance towards the other edges at the bottom of the walls. These grooves form something like a metal capillary into which the spokes are inserted, which will allow you to set the stove to the required rigidity in a ready-to-use form. If necessary, the spokes can be easily removed, and the stove can be transported or stored away.
  5. Cut an opening from one of the sides into which new firewood is laid.
  6. You can start cooking on such a stove - being square and at the same time representing a transformer (it is folding, the walls are a rhombus, and not just a square), it will also serve as a barbecue.

Multi-can oven

You will need:

  • 3 cans, two of them are smaller and one is large;
  • scissors for metal and asbestos.

Take the necessary action.

  1. Attach a smaller jar to a large jar at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom and circle it with a pencil or marker, this will form an even circular line.
  2. Cut a hole along this line, while the smaller jar will fit into it with noticeable effort.
  3. On one side of the jar, cut 2-3 cm gaps.
  4. In the lid of a large jar, cut a hole for a small one, clean out the burrs.
  5. In the wall of the smaller jar, make vertical slots of 1.5-2 cm.
  6. Formed between banks empty place fill with asbestos, then close the lid and connect the edges by folding them.
  7. From a piece of tin, make a stand for firewood and fix it.
  8. Attach a carrying handle to the entire structure.

The resulting design will be very economical in fuel consumption, and the heat will not overheat its outer walls. Stove painting is allowed.

The Bond stove differs from the usual one, made of three cans, by the presence of accelerated blowing - instead of a firewood shelf, a fan with batteries is placed in the firebox, and firewood is laid from above.

rocket furnace

For homemade rocket oven you will need a helium or other compressed / liquefied aerosol balloon. The following steps are to be taken.

  1. Release all gas from the cylinder.
  2. Cut off the top of the balloon and cut out the side opening. The more firewood is laid, the wider the hole is required.
  3. Do it in profile pipe an additional slot for more reliable contact with the cylinder itself.
  4. Ensure unobstructed draft by drilling additional holes in the cylinder.
  5. Attach the retaining legs to the bottom of the cylinder so that the stove does not collapse during cooking.
  6. Attach a sheet of metal with a hole or a grill from some device to the top of the cylinder, or old pallet- this will allow you to put more voluminous metal mugs and pans on the stove, which greatly expands the use of such a stove.

rocket stove ready for use, it will consume no more firewood than a wood chipper.

A kind of rocket stove is an old thermos stove - outwardly the second one resembles the first one, while it does not allow the heat from the flame to go outside. The inner container of the thermos must be metal: neither glass nor plastic can withstand fire.