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South Korea. Oriental minimalism or Korean style in the interior of Lee Hong Chung, Korea

In modern European countries, Korean-style interiors are gaining more and more popularity. After all, today, more than ever, the trends of the East are fashionable.

Everything that came to us from the eastern countries seems profound and wise. Probably, this was the reason that the eastern martial arts, self-knowledge techniques, art trends, tea ceremonies and Korean design have become attractive and almost familiar to the domestic layman.

If you are no longer satisfied with the interior in a minimalist style, as well as in full accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, or you want to make your home decoration more personal, you can choose a Korean traditional interior. North Korea and South Korea called the countries of morning freshness.

Asian minimalism

Like other styles that came from the east, Korean is completely subordinate to the idea of ​​​​minimalism in the interior. Its goal is a room filled with air, maintaining the maximum free volume of an apartment or room.

The interior contains only the most necessary, but at the same time beauty and aesthetics remain unchanged. Korean history and design strictly follow these principles, therefore, those who wish to inherit it must strictly observe them when decorating the interior.

Wall decoration

As you know, the design of the walls sets a further tone for the entire room. In the design of the walls, it is extremely important to observe all the canons of this direction.

If you decide to stick wallpaper, you should know that korean style recognizes only one tone without a pattern. Concerning color solutions, then the interior can be light gray, pale pistachio with a calming effect, calm white or have a cool pale yellow design. The right choice in the Korean style there will be wallpaper, decorative plaster or canvas stylized as natural fabrics.

If you need a complete match in style, then you need to do as the Koreans themselves do. All of Korea designs walls and ceilings from the same material.

furniture issue

The interior design of the dwellings of this country is low furniture. It is such because of the low legs. Korea is a country without beds. This piece of furniture can replace a regular mattress with classic pillows. cylindrical shape. They are stuffed with sand or sawdust.

In the living room, an indispensable element is wooden table rectangular shape. Its height can be from 30 to 50 centimeters. It is often covered with dark varnish or inlaid with mother-of-pearl.

Furniture designed for storing clothes is represented by wooden chests of drawers, decorated with thin metal elements, as well as overhead corners. Double-leaf chests of drawers decorated with wood carvings can also be used. Chests or whatnots are also used. The first, by the way, can open from the front, and not from the top.

In the design of the Korean style, plant and animal motifs are used. Often the furniture of the apartment is decorated with images of deer, cranes or pines. The real Korea is furniture made in black colors.

Important Details

The design of a Korean-style apartment can include not only traditional paintings, but also silk embroidery on silk fabric. In addition, oriental panels are used, which are distinguished by their picturesqueness. They are usually devoted to plant themes.

An expressive element of the interior can be calligraphic replicas, which are written in black ink on rice paper. The traditional Korean plot is an image of 10 elements symbolizing longevity: rivers, bamboo, clouds, onions, sun, pine trees, turtles, cranes, deer, pullocho grass.

Another one important detail interior - a screen. Korea is unthinkable without her. It makes the design really traditional. An embroidered silk fabric or rice paper with drawings is fixed on the frame.

The height of the screen can be different - from 60 to 180 cm. The former perform only decorative functions, while the latter zone the room.

Decorate rooms and flowers. Korean style is the use of fresh indoor flowers in the interior. The room should have sufficient brightness of light, because the Korean apartment does not tolerate twilight.

A look through the ages

Like any oriental interior, Korean at first glance does not seem suitable for our people. All this is confirmed by fancy chests of drawers, low furniture, and the absence of a bed in the traditional sense. Not every one of our compatriots will like them.

However, this is not necessary. The interior in the style of the country of the morning sun has become more European today, because its ethnic character is in harmony with the functionality of a modern home.

If you wish to order an apartment interior in compliance with all the canons of Korean design, then it is better to contact specialists. They will be able to create a unique charm of the East. Korea will become part of your life.

IN Lately oriental style is becoming more and more popular. Many European designers are trying to bring oriental notes to the design of residential interiors. It is possible that they are attracted to oriental self-improvement techniques, martial arts and tea ceremonies, which have long been fully acceptable to European society. One of the most interesting in terms of exotic is the Korean style.

Features of Korean interiors

Like most oriental trends in interior decor, Korean style is an adherent of minimalism. A lot of space and a minimum of furniture are the main principles when creating a Korean interior. Moreover, the absence of unnecessary items does not mean that the living space should be boring and monotonous. A large number of decorative elements and picturesque finishes give the interior a special oriental flavor.

When creating the spirit of the “tao interior” in your home, try to leave only the most necessary pieces of furniture. Use for finishing natural materials close to natural colors. Characteristics Korean interior - wallpaper or decorative plaster on the walls, reminiscent of natural fabric in texture. If you choose wallpaper, then monophonic or with a small unobtrusive pattern will be more appropriate. The color scheme should be calm, sustained in light green, pale gray, lemon yellow or just white. Moreover, Koreans traditionally decorate the walls and ceiling with the same material. This allows you to visually expand the space and fill the room with air.

Furniture and decor

In Korean housing, it is customary to use furniture with low legs. And replace the bed with a comfortable mattress, either on a small podium or directly on the floor. Koreans are accustomed to spartan conditions, so even cylindrical sleeping pillows are stuffed with sawdust or sand. A special decoration of the living room is a small mother-of-pearl or lacquered table made of wood.

Koreans use big bags to store things. wooden dressers trimmed thin sheets metal. Double-leaf chests of drawers with wood carving and chests with front opening lids. Ornaments with images of plants and animals are used as decor. For zoning space or just for decorating the interior, a low silk or rice paper screen is used.

The interior is decorated with paintings, silk embroidery, oriental panels with floral ornaments or images of orchids, chrysanthemums and plums. The calligraphic painting made with black ink on the finest rice paper looks inimitable and relevant. Also in Korean houses, in images and decor items, you can often find ten elements symbolizing longevity: bamboo, river, clouds, pine trees, moon, crane, turtle, deer and pullocho grass.

Like other ethnic styles, Korean may at first glance seem unsuitable for a European audience. VekoNika designers are ready to apply this style to Russian realities. If you wish, our specialists will perform various decorative elements and produce functional furniture to order, taking into account the stylistic features of your interior.

We are all a little fascinated by the influence of the East on the quality of life. If you are interested in the interior design of your home in an oriental style, then take a closer look at the Korean style. Widely known for its simplicity, elegance and functionality, it will give your home a natural minimalist and sophisticated look at the same time. So, how to introduce this style into the interior of your home? Read more…

Keep it simple

One of the main principles of Korean design is simplicity. Traditionally, Korean interior designers focus on minimalism, using only the most basic elements in a room for their work. The rest of the space remains clean and uncluttered - all so that light and air can circulate freely. That is why, if you want to give the interior a Korean style, you should not “stuff” the room with all kinds of decor items that you just managed to find. It is necessary to focus only on a few basic items, which will become accents in the room.

Choose Color Wisely

The Korean design style is focused on earthy tones, which means that it is hardly possible to do without brown in the interior. Make sure you choose a shade of this color that is not too saturated, so as not to create the illusion of a “box space”; remember that a spacious room is a key element of Korean style.

If Brown color is not your favorite, then you can also choose between yellow and green - others natural flowers, which are often used in the decoration of typical Korean houses.

Korean style places a strong emphasis on natural elements rather than man-made ones. That is why it is worth introducing wood furniture into the space, thereby creating an atmosphere of naturalness and minimalism.

low level furniture

Most Korean houses are furnished low level(not qualities, but heights), which seems to merge with the floor. Therefore, when designing your home, you can take this principle into account. Replace a high stationary sofa with a low sectional one; between a huge four-poster four-poster bed and a low-level ottoman with a thin mattress, choose the latter option. It is this kind of furniture that will help you imitate Korean interior design.

Give the room to the power of natural light

Korean style celebrates light, and especially natural light. The interiors of many Korean houses are literally bathed in sunshine that permeate every room of the house. How to achieve such an effect? Huge panoramic windows, glass sliding doors will do their job of letting light into your home, but keeping your privacy private.

Stuffing at home

Korean decorative style is famous for its interior decoration, appropriate accents and thoughtful introduction of art objects. Despite the fact that the use of any things is simplified, accents and art are not limited in size or placement in relation to space. The most impressive elements that can be seen in a Korean home are sliding doors, painted ceiling, tapestries, shoji lamps, antique pottery, oriental vases and paintings depicting trees, flowers, animals and other elements of nature.

Creative use of limited space

Having set out to introduce Korean style into the space of your home, you have to study and understand the functional advantages of this style specifically for your interior. Korean design focuses on simplicity and functionality, perfectly combining both of these aspects with an aesthetic side.

For example, if the kitchen in your house small sizes, you can make it look visually larger and more spacious by simply incorporating a light palette and adding kitchen accessories. Multitasking different elements in the kitchen will help to reduce the clutter level of the space, giving it a neat Korean style.

Today we will talk about Korean style interior design. What does he represent? Let's figure it out concrete examples. Let's dwell on the projects of the famous Seoul designer Jung Wook Han (Jung wook Han)

In the first photo we see the interior of the living room, made in bright colors. Why does she seem particularly bright? Look at the huge windows here, combined with glass doors, which go to summer garden. Yes, the room is filled with light.

There is light furniture, a light gray sofa, sofa cushions nice neutral colors. In front of the sofa we see a small coffee table, which appears to be assembled from two segments. It's probably very convenient. When necessary, it can be divided into two parts and used separately.

Opposite the sofa there is nothing superfluous, only a small wooden bedside table. It looks quite stylish, despite its minimalistic design. She is wearing a stylish alarm clock and a couple of accessories. The floor is planked, in front of the sofa there are two rectangular carpets also in neutral shades.

This is what a living room looks like in a modern Korean style.

Here is a slightly different interior. Here we see a big white sofa. Minimalist coffee table. Retro painting and retro clock on the wall. It's also a very bright room.

Natural materials used in decoration interior door and the floor, on which lies a small rug, more like a piece of raw calico. Also, as a decor, there are houseplants and ekibana.

The photo above is compact. workplace. Perhaps this is a secluded corner where you can read a book or do your homework. Please note that designer Jung Wook Khan uses natural materials not only for the floor, but also for the walls. The window here is small, but due to the light surfaces and blue shades of the plank wall, the round rug and the armchair, the room is unusually bright.

We pass to the kitchen. This is the eating area or, as it is commonly called, the dining area. Small table, everything is compact. On one side of the table is wooden bench, plus three small chairs. The floor is lined with light tiles. Everything is very simple, in the style of minimalism.

But Jung Wook Han developed a light working area kitchens. You may not like this whiteness very much, but you can add more to such a minimalist design. bright colors. And what has been done here: live indoor plants are used, bright dishes that slightly neutralize this white color.

And here is the same interior of the kitchen from the other side. Here we see a small table. Most likely this is not dinner table. Unless, here you can have a quick bite to eat ...

Here is another Korean style kitchen from the same designer. Everything is light. Pay attention to the apron, which is made in the form of imitation brickwork. Directly in the cooking zone is a window, the window sill of which is used as a shelf.

What else? Design is not easy white color. Pay attention to the yellow lamps on the ceiling of the kitchen. Plus colored dishes on the shelves and tables. wooden table top and wooden chairs near the kitchen island.

Here is another view of the same kitchen. Light wood, white fronts kitchen furniture, plank floor.

We move to the bedroom. Apparently, she is in the attic, this is hinted at by the sloping ceiling and window openings. irregular shape. Also, finishing the floor and one of the walls is natural wood. The bed… most likely it's not even a bed, but a mattress that was placed right on the floor. But fall low! 🙂

And here is a secluded place for solitude. There are pillows on the floor and a low coffee table. As you know, Koreans love to sit on the floor. Here you can spend time reading an interesting book, sit with a tablet or laptop, or just immerse yourself in your thoughts.

The Korean style is quite unusual for us, but is gradually gaining popularity in European countries, like other Eastern currents.

A Korean-style room is suitable for those who are already tired of regular style minimalism, as well as those who want to decorate their room according to all the rules of Feng Shui and give it a special originality. This style is based on the traditions of decorating the dwellings of South and North Korea.

This direction of the interior, like many other oriental styles, supports the idea of ​​minimalism, the essence of which is a large number of air and free space. In such an interior there is only the most necessary, while the room does not lose its aesthetics and beauty.

Korean-style interior and wall decoration features

It is because of how the walls are decorated that the nature of all other interior items in the room depends. If you decide to choose wallpaper for decorating the walls, then it is worth considering the fact that they should be plain and without patterns. From the colors it is better to choose the usual white, light gray, cool pale yellow, as well as a pale pistachio tone, which will help create a calm atmosphere in the house.

Also, in addition to wallpaper, you can use decorative plaster or a canvas that looks like a natural fabric. It is best to use the same material in wall and ceiling decoration. Then the interior will fully comply with this style.

Korean style houses and furniture

Furniture in a Korean-style room should be low, dark and have the same small legs at the base. Must be in the living room small table made of wood, 30-50 cm high. From above, such a table is opened with dark varnish or mother-of-pearl inlays are made. Often the furniture has animal or plant motifs. For example, images of pine trees, flying cranes or deer.

The Korean-style apartment has special chests of drawers for storing things, which are decorated with overhead metal corners and other elements of thin plates metal. Also, chests of drawers can have decorative wood carvings and two doors. Instead of chests of drawers, whatnots and chests are used for these purposes, which open from the front, and not, as we are used to, from above. In addition, in Korea there is no such piece of furniture as a bed. Instead, a mattress with cylindrical pillows is used, which are stuffed with sawdust or sand.