Well      04/22/2019

DIY punching bag

If you decide to take up boxing at home: practice punches, fill your hands, then you can’t do without a punching bag or punching bag. In this article we will talk about how to make a homemade punching bag or punching bag, and also consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the resulting sports equipment compared to ready-made store-bought products.

How to make a punching bag or punching bag

Before creating a homemade punching bag or punching bag, you need to decide on the material not only for the filling, but also for the outer lining. At first glance, what seems so complicated? Make cladding from any thick fabric- and that’s it. But it's not that simple. Let's still look at all the proposed material options for a homemade punching bag.

1 – dense fabric, folded in several layers. This is, in fact, the most unfortunate of options. The fact is that the fabric, no matter how dense it is and no matter how many layers it is folded into, has a porous structure, so the filler can spill out over time. Plus, the strength of the fabric is not too high, which means that under heavy loads there is a chance that it will tear and you will have to collect all the “stuffing” on the floor. In addition to these disadvantages, it is worth noting one more: you must hit such a bag with gloves, because the skin on your hands can be torn off.

2 – tarpaulin. Undoubtedly this material for creating a punching bag with your own hands is better than the previous one, if only because it does not give the “filling” a chance to spill through the porous structure. But, if you are going to make tarpaulin sheathing, you should still use several layers, each of which will be 1 cm less in size. overall dimensions previous one. This is required because this material can also burst and all the “insides” will end up on the floor. Also, it can rip off your skin if you do it without gloves.

3 – leather or leatherette. Using leather to make a punching bag or bag with your own hands makes the most sense. This material does not allow even the smallest “filling” to pass through and, at the same time, is strong enough to withstand any impact. It should be noted that you can train on a leather apparatus with your bare hands.

The best option would be a combination of two options, such as leather and canvas.

Now let's decide what to fill the punching bag or bag with. Most often they offer 2 types of fillers: sand and sawdust. The first is used to make a punching bag or punching bag denser and heavier, the second - for a softer and lighter projectile. Although, some amateurs recommend using pebbles or other non-sharp stones as an inner layer for weighting. You may even hear the opinion that you should use rice instead of sand. Although, for the health of your hands, the best “filling” will still be crumbled rubber.

So, let's start manufacturing. Initially, you should note the difference between a punching bag and a punching bag. In the first case, the projectile is actually shaped like a pear and the size of a human head or a little larger. In the second - the shape of a cylinder, the dimensions depend on the purpose.

First step.

At this stage we will tell you how to sew a punching bag or punching bag. We take the skin the right size, fold in half and sew two parallel lines. The distance between them is selected individually - this is the diameter of the future “craft”. How to make a punching bag shape? Very simple. We fold the corners on one side of the rectangle and stitch them in an arc. The second similar bag is sewn 1 cm smaller than the first. It can be made from tarpaulin. If you want to make your hand-made punching bag or punching bag heavier, we will sew together a third container of small diameter into which we will pour stones. We make all seams in triples using thick nylon thread. It is also advisable to coat them with rubber glue.

Second step.

Now we’ll finally decide what to fill the punching bag with and start filling it. Fill the small bag with stones and insert it into the middle one. We fill that one (bottom and along the edges) with sand and put it in a leather one. Now we fill the last one with sawdust. After you exercise a little on the apparatus, sawdust and sand will fall down, you will need to add more. It is, of course, up to you to choose what to stuff your punching bag or punching bag with. We only offered the cheapest and most readily available materials. Although, any specialist will advise using crumb rubber as a “filling”.

Third step.

It remains to think about the fasteners. You can go a more complicated route: sew a ring into the top of the projectile and attach chains to climbing carabiners. The other option is simpler. Cut a circle from 12 - 15 mm plywood. The diameter of the circle should match the diameter of the top of the punching bag or bag. A hole for the rope is drilled in the center of the circle. We tie the inserted end of the rope into a knot to secure it from falling out. We sew the resulting structure into the projectile.

Now you are familiar with how to make a punching bag or bag, most likely, you have even decided how best to fill the punching bag or bag, and have chosen the method of attachment. But is the result worth the effort, time and money spent? Isn't it easier to buy ready product in the shop?

Store-bought or homemade punching bag – which is better?

In fact, quite often the punching bag is used at home. Exercises on this apparatus help boys develop not only physical strength, but also agility, reaction, coordination of movements, gain confidence and strengthen character.

But what is better: a homemade punching bag or a finished product offered in a store?

We will not consider low-quality options; there are quite a lot of them on our market. It’s better to immediately take proven products from the “Sports Corner” online store. There is always high quality and reasonable prices here.

Now let's carry out comparative analysis. Previously, we looked at how to make a punching bag or punching bag yourself, so you should have a good idea of ​​the result.

Firstly, you won’t be able to immediately fill the shell tightly enough with filler, so after several sessions you will have to add more, because the sand and sawdust will settle down. Moreover, this procedure will have to be repeated 5-6 times. A punching bag or punching bag purchased from the Sports Corner online store is already ready for use.

Secondly, it is quite difficult to find crumb rubber as a filling, at least in the required quantity, and any other options are noticeably inferior.

Thirdly, stitching several layers of leather with nylon thread is quite difficult. At the same time, seams made by yourself are still less durable than in finished products from trusted manufacturers.

You can give many more arguments that show the inadvisability of going through the trouble of creating a punching bag at home. The resulting result will still not compare with the finished one, and a lot of effort and time will be lost.

The Sport Corner company offers you a wide range of high-quality punching bags and punching bags at very reasonable prices.

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Each of us wants to have a beautiful body. And while girls actively lose weight to be slim, boys dream of pumping up their muscles. On this moment There is an incredible variety of techniques that offer different muscle building exercises. Many people sign up for this in expensive gyms, which take up a lot of time just for one trip. For those who various reasons If he doesn’t want to go to the gym, we offer a set of exercises to strengthen his muscles at home.

How to learn to climb a rope correctly. Climbing techniques and rope sports exercises for children.

Each of us remembers how, when we were still schoolchildren, we passed the standard in physical education classes: rope climbing. It is not for nothing that this exercise is included in the school curriculum as one of the main ones. Moreover, it is useful not only for boys, but also for girls.

If you want to practice boxing at home: fill your hands, practice punches, then you simply cannot do without a punching bag or punching bag. How to make a pear yourself from scrap materials - this will be discussed in our article.

Materials for making pears

Before you make a punching bag yourself, you need to determine from the very beginning what materials should be used to make not only external cladding, but also the internal filling. It seems that there is nothing complicated about it. All you have to do is do it outer skin made of thick fabric - and that’s the end of the matter. However, it's not that simple. Let's look at all the options for the proposed materials before making a punching bag.

  • Dense fabric in several layers. Experts consider this option the most unsuccessful. The fact is that the fabric has a porous structure, and no matter how dense it is, the filler will still spill through it. And its mechanical strength leaves much to be desired. And this can lead to ruptures, after which you will have to collect the internal contents along the floor. It will be possible to work with such a pear only with gloves, since if you hit it with bare hands, then abrasions will immediately form on them and the skin will be torn off.
  • Tarpaulin. This material is better than the previous one, since the filling does not spill through it. But still, if you are going to use tarpaulin covering, it is better to do it in several layers. Moreover, each subsequent one should be 1 cm larger in size than the previous one - the matryoshka principle. This is necessary in order to insure yourself in case one of the layers bursts. It is also not recommended to work with it without gloves.
  • Leatherettes and leather. The use of this material is most justified, since it does not allow the filling of even the finest consistency to leak out. In addition, its strength is sufficient to withstand blows of any force. Let us also note that training on this apparatus can be carried out both with and without gloves.

Most the best option a combination of skin is considered ( upper layer) and tarpaulin (internal).

How to fill a punching bag

How to make a pear at home, and what filler is best for it? The most commonly used materials are sawdust and sand. The first is used to make the projectile softer and lighter, and the second to make the punching bag denser and heavier. Some amateurs recommend using pebbles in the inner layer, as well as other stones for weighting without sharp edges. There are even boxers that use rice as a filler. But? after all, most professionals and amateurs believe the best filler crumb rubber from old car tires.

Making a projectile

Now let’s move on to the most crucial moment - how to make a pear with your own hands. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this process, you should not be afraid of it.

First stage

Take leather of the required size, fold it in half and sew two parallel lines. To give the shape of a punching bag, corners are folded on one side of the rectangle and stitched in an arc. It was an outer leather pouch. The next bag is similar to the previous one, but it should be 1 cm smaller than the first one. It is better to make it from tarpaulin. How to make a weighted boxing bag? To do this, you need to make a small third bag into which the stones will be poured. All seams should be stitched three times with thick nylon thread. After this, they are coated with rubber glue.

Second phase

Filling a punching bag with filling. The smallest bag is filled with stones and inserted into the middle one. The middle bag is filled with sand along the edges and at the bottom and stuffed into a leather bag, which in turn is covered with sawdust. After several training sessions, when the sand and sawdust pile up, you need to add both fillers. Ultimately, you decide what to stuff the pear with. We can only offer you the most accessible and cheapest materials and options.

In a specialized store, but if there are none where you live, or you don’t have Money for this kind of purchase, it is best make a bag on one's own.


First of all, you need to choose the material from which the bag will be made. The cheapest option is to make a bag from fabric, for example, denim, but the fabric has a very limited resource, and such a projectile will not last long. A reliable bag can be made from leatherette, tarpaulin or leatherette. The length of the main piece of fabric should be equal to the desired length of the projectile plus 10 centimeters. The width of our piece of fabric should be equal to the desired diameter of the bag, multiplied by 3.14. We also cut out the bottom. Now we sew it inside out with nylon threads and attach the bottom; the seams should be very secure. Stitch each of them twice.


For fastening you will need 8 stitched strips of fabric, about 40 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide. Fold the strips three times so that the width is 5 centimeters, and stitch them. Now we sew them to the neck of the bag so that they form “ears” into which a steel ring will be threaded for fastening. Moreover, the ring must be inserted in advance, before we start sewing on the “ears”.



Most best material for filling it is rubber crumb mixed with sawdust, but since such material is not always available on the farm, you can fill the bag with sawdust without rubber or rags, sometimes corn and peas are used. The filling process is quite lengthy; you must gradually pour the material into the bag and compact it evenly with a stick with a blunt end. Compact very diligently; if you do not do this well enough, the top of the bag will quickly sag and will be too soft and hollow. Now that our bag is stuffed, we can sew it up at the top and hang it on the mount.

And the shoulder girdle, but also a kind of male antidepressant. We are all subject to stress - but it’s better to kick a bag of sand and calm down than to yell at your neighbors. Or even worse, valiantly overcome, carrying psycho-emotional negativity within yourself... Fifteen minutes of training helps calm your nerves more effectively than an hour of passive relaxation. Therefore, a faithful comrade, the pear, should always be at hand. You can buy it or make it yourself, spending an hour of time and saving a couple of thousand rubles. If there is not enough space for the exercise machine, you can make a wall-mounted one punching bag or makiwara.

How to make your own punching bag?

The simplest option is to take eight pieces of polypropylene construction bags, place seven of them one into the other, sew the bottom with a strong thread using a gypsy needle and pull it together like this:

Next, we sew loops of thick fabric on which we will hang the exercise machine - four pieces, or even six. We have one unused bag left: we fill it three-quarters full with sand, tie the neck tightly, and lower it into an improvised multi-layered cover. It is not worth sewing tightly, as the filler will settle out over time, and it will have to be added. Consider this possibility.

Cheap, cheerful, but not very aesthetically pleasing. How to make a neat punching bag with your own hands so that you won’t be ashamed to hang it in your room or workplace? Take a piece of tarpaulin measuring 100x80 cm, and another small piece to cut out a circle with a diameter of about 40 cm for the bottom. Fold the main fabric in half and sew along the edge using sewing machine. Then we attach the bottom. Fold the top edge and sew on the loops. In the resulting case we put a polypropylene bag with sand, and the gap for better shape stuff it with sawdust. As an option, use furniture leather instead of tarpaulin. It is softer: this is important if your hands are not full, and impacts on a rough rough surface leave abrasions on your knuckles even after taking all precautions. You can buy leather in Moscow using the link - one whole piece is definitely enough to sew a completely professional-looking pear, and there will still be left for crafting all sorts of smaller pieces.

Both the first and second versions of homemade punching bag, it is better to attach it not to the ceiling, but to an L-shaped structure made of a steel angle or channel, tightly screwed to the wall. Or buy a ready-made bracket. The simulator turns out to be quite heavy, and when hung on the ceiling with the help of anchors, it may one day come off. Another important precaution is to remember to protect your hands. Either use gloves or wrap your hands with an elastic bandage.

How to make a punching bag like this at home? It is lighter and softer because it is made from a rolled-up tourist rug, also known under the party nickname karemat. The main advantage of this type of simulator is its dynamics: during an impact, the pear deflects and then flies towards you. Willy-nilly, you have to practice your evasion skill, which can be very useful to you in a street fight. The structure of the pear itself does not raise any questions, but the flexible leg will have to be worked on. You will need two pieces of pipe: 1 m and 50 cm, as well as a tight steel spring and a round (diameter about 30 cm) or square steel plate (the length of each side is 20-25 cm). We weld a short pipe to one end of the spring, a long pipe to the other, and a plate to the free end of the long pipe, which we then screw to the floor. The metal part is ready - attach the punching bag to it with tape and enjoy dynamic training.

Another very simple one, but exclusively yard or country option punching bag, also suitable for practicing kicks - dig a thick log into the ground, put 4-5 car tires on it... done.

How to make a boxing bag at home?

If there is not enough space for a punching bag, you can make a wall-mounted punching bag - it is more compact, but this is not its only advantage. The design of this simulator is probably known to everyone who is in one way or another related to martial arts, and personally, I think it is more successful than the sandbag described above, and even a punching bag on a flexible leg. This option involves practicing punches (fists, heel of the palm, knuckles, edge of the palm...) to the head, body and stomach of a hypothetical opponent. At the same time, the rice filling feels very similar to the human body upon impact.

So, we sew a cover from tarpaulin. We fold a piece of 120x120 cm in half, stitch it on both sides - we get a bag. We pour 3-4 kg of the cheapest rice into it, make a hand stitch, thus separating the lower third. We add another 3-4 kg, sew again, separating the second third. And again. Here we have three bags located one above the other. We sew up the top hole using a machine and attach two loops on which we will hang our homemade exercise machine.

By the way. applies to products long-term storage. After a couple of years, you can open the cover and use the cereal for its intended purpose - cook porridge or pilaf from it, and pour new cereal into the bag. The rice will not spoil at all from the fact that it was beaten daily, and there is a supply of provisions in case various kinds there should be disasters in every home.

How to make makiwara?

Another idea for those who are closer to martial arts than boxing is how to make makiwara at home. You will need car tire: Cut out the middle of it, leaving only the outer rim. Insert into the center wooden block about 60 cm long, and at least 2 cm thick. Attach all this beauty with self-tapping screws to wooden shield: behind the block the rubber is pressed against the shield, and in front it will bend in an arc. Almost ready - all that's left is to hang it on the wall. This device is ideal for practicing side impacts. There is another option for making makiwara from a tire. It differs from the first one in that they do not use a whole tire, but cut off half of it (see photo). In this case, it is not necessary to remove the “internals”. You can attach it to the block with a pair of nails.

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The punching bag is not only a simulator that helps strengthen the arms and shoulder girdle, but also a kind of antidepressant for the stronger half of humanity.

As practice shows, fifteen-minute training with this device is quite enough to normalize a person’s psycho-emotional state, so it wouldn’t hurt to have such a faithful assistant at home.

To do this, you can buy a finished product, which, by the way, is not as cheap as you would like, or you can make such a device yourself.

How to make a punching bag? The process of creating a pear is actually simpler and more understandable than it might seem at first glance, but first you need to take care of preliminary preparation necessary equipment and tools.

To create a pear with your own hands at home, you need to use:

  • Thick leather or tarpaulin. Of course, the use of more quality material will provide convenient conditions of use ready-made device, but purchasing thick leather may not be affordable for everyone.
  • Leatherette can also be preferred as the main material, having previously folded it in several layers.
  • Nylon or other strong thread.
  • Steel wire.
  • With a chain.
  • Sawdust and sand.
  • Reinforced tape.
  • An ordinary bag.

Anyone can create a punching bag on their own, because for this you will need a set of the simplest and available tools, represented by a sewing hook or a large needle, pliers and scissors.

To begin with, from tarpaulin or thick leather you need to cut out a rectangle with parameters of approximately 100x80 cm, as well as a smaller square, from which you will subsequently cut out a circle with a diameter of about 40 cm. The last piece of material is intended for finishing the bottom of the pear.

The main rectangle must be folded in half and stitched using a large needle. If you have such an opportunity, it is better to use a sewing machine for this purpose.

After this, you need to stitch the bottom, bend the top edge and sew on the loops. As a result, you should get a kind of case, into which you should put an ordinary bag filled with sawdust and sand.

When cutting a rectangle from the material intended for covering, you can also focus on those parameters of the punching bag that are more preferable.

But in any case, about 3 centimeters should be left on each edge for the seam. When sewing the material, it is recommended to turn it inside out, and after completion of the work, the bag can be turned back inside out.

The chain should be cut into two parts, the length of each of which will range from 40 to 60 centimeters. You can find a slightly different option for attaching a homemade punching bag, according to which the chain is cut into 4 parts of 25 centimeters each.

At the next stage, the steel wire is folded into a ring along the diameter of the product. In this case, it is necessary to insert pieces of the chain into it, distributing them evenly across the corners.

After this, the ring with the steel chain is inserted inside and goes around the edges of the upper part of the pear. To secure the steel ring, the material must be stitched.

In this example, we consider the filler of a punching bag, consisting of sand and sawdust, the proportions of which a person must determine independently, guided by personal preferences and wishes.

If you are still in doubt about the choice of filler material, we hope that the following information will be useful. Thus, the duration of use of a homemade pear largely depends not only on the quality of the material used, but also on the external conditions in which its intended use is intended.

Many punching bags use river or quarry sand as a filler. It should be borne in mind that when placing such a device in the fresh air, the sand will absorb moisture and make the entire structure slightly heavier.

This factor must be taken into account when creating the mount. For outdoor use, experts recommend filling punching bags rubber crumbs, mixed with sand.

If you decide to use only sand, remember that such a pear will become harder and stiffer over time.

Such conditions are not suitable for everyone, which is why it is preferable to mix sand with sawdust, which gives the product a certain softness. In any case, as you use the pear, at first the filler will sag, which will have to be added.