Well      06/14/2019

What do they do in the house in the fall? What needs to be done in the garden in the fall? Caring for our little brothers

What to do in the fall - 15 ideas of what to do in the fall from the magazine website

Autumn is an unpredictable time. Clear days give way to cloudy ones, sunny days to rainy ones. And if September still spoils us with warm weather, then October often brings the first frosts, and in November it is already completely cold.

And at the same time, autumn is always the beginning of something new. Vacations and holidays are ending. A new one begins academic year. Every day is another chance to make your life better. After all, for a happy person, even the coldest and rainiest autumn is priceless time, which is so important to spend profitably.

But what to do in the fall so that you don’t live it in vain, so that you can remember it with warmth in your soul? We offer 15 ideas for things to do in the fall!

Autumn landscapes are the best background for beautiful shots! A field with sunflowers, a forest, the shore of a lake or river - pictures against the backdrop of the red and golden colors of autumn are simply stunning! Take pictures of everything: bunches of viburnum, late flowers, colorful leaves and, of course, yourself against their background. Make rowan beads, a wreath of multi-colored leaves, and weave bunches of viburnum and flowers into it. Collect beautiful twigs, colorful leaves, pine cones - you can use them to make New Year's souvenirs for friends and loved ones.

In autumn, physical activity decreases, so many people gain extra pounds. Sign up for dancing, aerobics, yoga, go to the gym, or even better - to the pool. Swimming tones, promotes weight loss, and heals the body. Autumn is the best time for running: it’s not as hot outside as in summer, and fresh air, as you know, is very invigorating. Exercising will help dispel the autumn blues. After all, when a person leads an active lifestyle, happiness hormones are produced more actively.

Especially if you didn’t manage to relax in the summer, especially since in the fall there are plenty of inexpensive offers from travel companies. The long-awaited trip will give you a lot of new impressions and positive emotions, against which autumn depression will simply be powerless. You can also travel around your native country, through its most beautiful cities - at this time they are shrouded in special romance. Even a trip to a neighboring city will help you unwind and change your surroundings.

Sit by the fire, bake potatoes, fry sausages, drink aromatic herbal tea from a thermos, sing songs with a guitar. And if you can’t get out into nature, have a picnic at home. Bake potatoes with meat in the oven, open a jar of cucumbers or pickled mushrooms, make a homemade pie, cook, turn off the lights, light candles, turn on your favorite music and sit right on the floor, laying down a warm blanket.

Prepare different types tea (with herbs, berries, fruits), sweet treats, for example, cookies with wishes, invite your friends to visit and arrange a tasting. You can also bake a homemade pie - with apples, pears, plums, or several at once - according to different recipes, and organize a competition for the best dessert. Tea drinking with various goodies, intimate conversations, songs with a guitar, the smell of homemade baking... it's so great to spend evenings in the company of your favorite friends.

Film premieres, concerts, all kinds of exhibitions - study everything carefully, take care of tickets in advance, because it is better to purchase them for such events in advance. Read books. Paper. The smell of paper, the cozy crunch of pages, the yellow light of a floor lamp, a warm blanket, aromatic coffee - this is the perfect environment for reading. Books develop us, replenish our vocabulary, so don’t be lazy to read, because there are so many good books!

You don't have to buy anything. Just enjoy autumn shopping, because, unlike summer, it is measured and leisurely. In the autumn months, the stores are much quieter: new items are sold without discounts, summer items are already sold out, which means there is not such a rush as in summer.

If you have a dacha, or your grandmother lives nearby, go harvest. You can get a lot of fun from picking vegetables, berries and fruits! Fresh air, bird sounds, gifts of nature, which you can then enjoy all winter - such a pastime is good for both body and soul. You can also help your grandmother make homemade preparations - make jam and pickles for the winter.

Just imagine how you will feel when, after a walk through the autumn forest, you return home with a basket of honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms or noble porcini mushrooms. A golden carpet of leaves covering the still green grass, red islands of berries in forest clearings, multi-colored tree crowns through which timid ones make their way Sun rays, a breath of the last warm breeze, a “concert” of bird voices - such a walk will give you a lot of pleasure!

Stock up on seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables while they sell for affordable prices. Vegetables can be frozen or prepared for the winter. Sauerkraut, lightly salted cucumbers, squash caviar, apple jam - you can get by with traditional recipes or master new, more exotic ones, for example, cook or make candied pumpkin.

Buy yarn different shades and knit cozy winter things for your loved ones: scarves, mittens, socks. They will sincerely rejoice at such gifts. In autumn, time seems to slow down. On rainy evenings, you can watch old films, read your favorite books, knit, embroider, enjoying the leisurely passage of time and your favorite warm drinks. By the way, you can cook them at home.

On October 31, All Saints' Day, throw a mystical party according to all the traditions - with witches, pumpkins and black cats: prepare treats, make pumpkin lanterns, dress up as ghosts and have fun like children. This is the meaning of one of the oldest holidays - to laugh at things that frighten you, in order to stop being afraid of them, in order to see something very positive in the scary. After all, in fact, Halloween is the kindest and most fun party autumn. There is a reason that all the spirits are given candy.

Drawing, yoga, vocals, dancing - there are many options. The main thing is that it is an activity for the soul. Enroll in a driving school, take a culinary course, learn to weave with beads, make origami, play the musical instrument. Carve wood, sculpt, take photographs - devote yourself to something new and exciting. Find a new hobby that will bring you pleasure, develop you, change your life for the better, and give you new acquaintances and interesting meetings.

Take language courses, attend specialized seminars, read books on your specialization.

If you need to tighten foreign language, attend “conversation clubs.” Autumn is the time to change something in your life, rethink it, finish what you started, plan something new, decide on what you have long dreamed of, find a new, more interesting and highly paid job.

In warm, sunny weather, you can go on a river trip by boat or motor ship, ride horses, go to the zoo, go to a roller skating rink, or organize a bike ride. By the way, all these ideas are very good for romantic dates.

Autumn is a time of year that many people dislike due to its changeable and unpredictable weather. But we must not forget that rainy days free up a lot of precious time, which we can spend usefully for ourselves. And even when it’s gloomy and damp outside, remember: every season has its own unique charm.

Are you still thinking about what to do this fall? Live and enjoy life! Fill every day with meaning, live with love and remember with gratitude! Happy autumn to you!

To form a successful personality, important concepts should be embedded in the child’s perception of the world from childhood. Hard work is one of them. That is why in lessons in the lower grades the question of how human work in the fall differs from work in other seasons is discussed. It is also important to make kids aware of why it is so important to be active not only in spring and summer.

And no frost will be scary!

Human labor in autumn is somewhat different from others seasonal work. Children should already understand that all living things in Eurasia are beginning to prepare for the cold period. Therefore, first important matter people is insulating their homes - own home and buildings intended for wintering domestic animals.

In apartments, most people seal the cracks in the windows. This is done so that in winter it does not blow from them. cold air. Although in many homes today they are installed plastic windows which ensure tightness. But they also require some preparation for the winter period.

At the same time, housewives produce general cleaning indoors: sort through stored items, throw out unnecessary trash, wash windows. After all, it will be more difficult to do this in winter than in autumn.

Caring for our little brothers

The homes of animals that spend the winter outside human homes also require special attention. These include cows, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits, chinchillas, ferrets, minks, poultry and bees.

The work of a person living in the fall is very different from the activities of a city dweller. After all, the villager needs to caulk the cracks in the barn, in the poultry house, insulate the cages intended for small animals or bring them into indoor spaces, move the hives with bees to the omshanik.

And the most caring owners don’t even forget to hang it at the entrance to the piece thick fabric or a rubber mat and check whether it is comfortable for the animal to go inside and whether it understands how to do it.

Taking care of our smaller brothers, that is, the living creatures inhabiting the planet, is an important and necessary work of man in the fall. At school, children make bird feeders, hang them up, and in winter make sure there is always food for the birds in them.

Procurement of feed

Everyone who keeps livestock that eats hay on their farm begins to take care of winter feeding in the summer. Haymaking time is a hot time.

Grass for hay is cut, dried, and stacked in stacks. But in the fall you need to take care that the hay does not rot due to precipitation. Therefore, food for herbivores should be moved indoors or carefully covered.

on the fields

For many, the onset of autumn is associated with an abundance of vegetables and fruits. But as practice proves, it is difficult to grow a crop, but it is not easier to harvest it without loss.

It's a busy time. Grain harvesters spend all day in the fields harvesting wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, peas and other crops. It is very important to do all the work before the onset of the rainy season. Otherwise, the entire crop will rot on the vine.

However, machines cannot always completely collect all the ears. A lot of them fall to the ground. Previously, children even took off from classes and went to the fields to help adults there - pick up fallen ears of corn. Such was the feasible contribution to human labor in the fall. 2nd grade was already coping with this task quite well.

Today children are no longer attracted to such work, but in vain. The younger generation is losing connection with the land and respect for the work of grain growers. Hence the abundance of photographs on the Internet with buns placed on feet, imitating house slippers...

We are collecting the harvest - don’t yawn, don’t lag behind!

Beets and potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are also harvested. Large farms do this using special machines. But private villagers sometimes dig up their crops the old fashioned way, with a shovel and a rake. Most children have not only heard about this, but they themselves are familiar with such human labor.

In the fall, 1st grade, together with the teacher, must dig up several bushes of potatoes, carrots, and beets on their own. Then children will understand how hard it is for a person to get food and, perhaps, will begin to treat it more carefully.

Steam, cook, roll

But you really want to preserve the fruits grown in your dachas and gardens and enjoy them in the winter! Therefore, human labor in the fall is often associated with conservation. During this period, many housewives make jam, pickle and pickle vegetables, make compotes, and dry mushrooms and herbs for seasoning.

Cleaning the area

How many fallen leaves are on the ground in autumn! It is beautiful. But over time they will rot. Because of this, many harmful microorganisms will quickly multiply in an environment favorable for this. Therefore, human labor in the fall is associated with cleaning them. In the world around them in lessons, children not only talk about this, but also help adults in this activity.

In their gardens and dachas, people also remove fallen leaves and tops from the harvest.

Planting in autumn

Although plant life slows down in winter, many of them require planting late autumn. For example, some varieties of garlic must be planted before winter.

Most seedlings of bushes and trees also take root best in the fall. Experienced gardeners With the onset of cold weather, vaccinations are given fruit and berry trees. This way the plants are less likely to be injured and tolerate this procedure more easily.

Many people are preparing the land for spring planting. To do this, they apply fertilizer to the plots and dig up vegetable gardens.

It is very important to complete each activity on time. Only then can you count on an excellent result.

If you are already studying the second one, go here >>

On this page are the answers to the first part of the notebook. If you are already studying the second one, go here >>

Ready-made answers from a workbook on the subject “The World Around You” for grade 2 will help parents navigate and help their child prepare their homework. We provide a workbook for part 1 of the workbook for the Perspective program. All answers to the assignments were written by 2nd grade student Maxim Egorov with the help of his parents, checked and approved by the primary school teacher. We will explain tasks that may cause difficulties to you. As answers, we also provide extended information on relevant topics, which can be read in the articles of our encyclopedia and used if the teacher asks you to prepare a report or presentation at home.

GDZ for part 1 of the workbook the world around us, grade 2

Photos for the story:

By following the link you can select other signs: all signs of living and inanimate nature about the weather >>

Photos for photo story:

Page 36. Autumn.

Autumn months.

1. In the first column, read aloud the names of the autumn months in the ancient Roman calendar. Compare their sound with the sound of modern Russian names for the autumn months. Write Russian names in the second column. Orally make a conclusion about their origin.

In the 2nd column we write from top to bottom: September October November

Find out from your elders and write down in the third column the names of the autumn months in the languages ​​of the people of your region.

In the 3rd column we write from top to bottom: howler monkey

2. Write down the names of the autumn months in the language of the peoples of your region that are connected:

a) with the phenomena of inanimate nature: rain bell, howler, mudbird, gloomy, howler.

b) with the phenomena of living nature: deciduous, leaf fall.

c) with the difficulty of people: the bread-grower, the wedding-gardener, the skit-maker, the leaf-cutter.

3. Russia is great. Therefore, we see off summer and welcome autumn in different time and more than once. Write down the dates of the arrival of autumn according to the ancient calendars of the peoples of your region.

Answer: summer in Russia comes on September 1 (the modern date of the arrival of autumn), September 14 (the arrival of autumn according to the old style), September 23 (the day of the autumnal equinox in the Moscow state was considered the day of the onset of autumn).

4. Captions for the drawing to choose from: golden autumn; a sad time - a charm of the eyes; autumn in the village; autumn Moscow; waiting for winter.

pp. 38-39. Autumn in inanimate nature.

1. Mark a diagram that shows the position of the sun in autumn. Explain (orally) your choice.

Let's mark the second diagram. There are signs of autumn on it (rain, leaves falling, the Sun is low above the ground).

To understand: The Earth rotates around the Sun, while the Earth's axis is always tilted the same. When the axis is tilted towards the sun, it appears high relative to the ground, is “directly overhead”, its rays fall “vertically”, this time of year is called summer. When the Earth rotates around the Sun, the axis shifts relative to it and the Sun seems to descend relative to the Earth. Its rays fall obliquely on the Earth. Autumn is coming.

2. Make a list of autumn phenomena in inanimate nature using the textbook text.

Answer: frost, frost, rain, fog, autumn equinox, freeze-up.

3. Write down the date.

pp. 40-41. Folk holidays at the time of the autumn equinox.

Traditional costumes of Nanai hunters of the Amur region are a combination of brown, red, pink and blue flowers. The dishes are golden and painted.

Kamchatka's reindeer herders dress in clothes and shoes made from reindeer skins, usually in all shades of brown or gray, with light fur.

P.42-43. Starry sky in autumn.

1. Using the illustrations in the textbook, connect the stars so that you get the shapes of a bear and a swan. In the left picture, highlight the Big Dipper's bucket.

For the answer, see the picture.

2. Draw a picture for your fairy-tale story about how a big bear appeared in the starry sky.

Fairytale story: One day a bear cub wanted to feast on honey and climbed up a tree to destroy the hive. And the forest bees are angry, they attacked the bear cub and began to sting. The little bear began to climb higher and higher up the tree. The mother bear saw this, rushed to save the bear cub, also climbed the tree, and followed him to the very top of the tree. She covers her son with herself, and the bees sting more and more. I had to climb even higher, to the very sky, so that the bees wouldn’t reach me. They are still there: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Or write a story about how bears hid in a tree from a hunter, and then climbed into the sky and escaped the chase.

We draw bears climbing into the sky from the top of a tree.

3. Observe the starry sky. Find familiar and new constellations and stars. Note the location of the Ursa Major's scoop. Write down the names of the constellations and stars that you were able to see:

Constellations: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Pisces, Aries, Andromeda.

Stars: Venus, Sirius, Polaris.

4. Write a story about one of the constellations of the autumn sky. For this purpose, use information from the atlas-identifier, other books, the Internet (at your discretion).

Story: Bootes or Shepherd is a constellation in the sky of the northern hemisphere. It is observed both in summer and autumn. It looks like a man guarding a herd. The imagination of ancient people depicted him with a staff and two dogs. There are several myths about this constellation, but the most interesting one says that the first plowman on earth was turned into this constellation, who taught people to cultivate the land. The constellation Bootes includes the very bright star Arcturus next to Ursa Major, and it itself resembles a fan.

If you want, come up with a fairy tale about the constellations of the autumn sky. Write it down on a separate sheet of paper and arrange it beautifully.

First you need to find out which constellations are visible in the sky of the northern hemisphere in the fall. They are shown and labeled in the figure:

We come up with a fairy tale about any of them or all of them at once.

Fairy tale: People lived in the same city. They were kind and honest, they achieved everything through their hard work. Among them was a shepherd who tended cattle, a charioteer, twin children, an Aquarius who carried water from a well, a beautiful maiden and Cassiopeia and many others. They also had pets: Taurus, Aries, horse, hounds. And when the boy Perseus began to play the flute, all the animals from the nearby forest came to listen to him: the cunning fox, the lynx, the lion, the mother bear and her cub. Fish, a whale and a dolphin swam to the shore. Even the fairy-tale unicorn and dragon listened to the gentle melody. But then one autumn a volcanic eruption began near the town. He burned forests and fields, knocked down houses and was ready to burn the city and all its inhabitants. But the huge dragon told the people: you have never done harm to anyone, you are all very good and I will save you. He gathered everyone who could fit onto his back and carried him to heaven. So the constellation Perseus and the dragon still shine from the sky to this day; there was a place for everyone in the autumn night sky.

Page 44-45. Grass near our house.

1. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and place each plant in its own window.

3. Consider herbaceous plants near your home. Using an atlas-identifier, find out the names of several herbs and write them down.

Answer: clover, bluegrass, foxtail, yarrow, knotweed (bird buckwheat), plantain, dandelion, mint, burdock.

4. Write a story about one of the herbs growing near your house. Use information from the Green Pages book or other sources (at your discretion).

There is mint growing near our house. This plant has a very pleasant smell. We often collect mint, dry its green leaves and add it to tea. I like to drink mint tea. There are several types of mint, including medicinal mint.

Plantain grows along roads, which is where it got its name. It has wide leaves and a long stem on which flowers small flowers and the seeds ripen. This plant is medicinal. If you cut yourself, apply plantain and the wound will heal faster.

Photos for pasting:

pp. 46-47. Ancient women's work.

1. Find flax among these plants.

Answer: second from the left.

3. You are in the museum of flax and birch bark in the city of Kostroma. Look at photographs of tools for processing flax, making linen threads and fabric. Write the numbers of their names in the circles. 1. Spinning wheel. 2. Weaving mill. 3. Spinning wheel. 4. Ruffled. 5. Mortar and pestle. 6. Flax mill.

The answer is in the picture.

It will be very useful to show your child a training video on processing flax >> This way the student will clearly see the whole process and will better remember the purpose of objects for processing flax.

Page 48-49. Trees and shrubs in autumn.

1. Identify trees and shrubs by their leaves and write the numbers of their names in the circles.

The answer is in the picture. The leaves of linden, birch and hazel turn yellow in autumn. Euonymus can be either yellow or purple in the fall. Oak leaves turn orange. Rowan, maple and aspen are yellow-red. Viburnum leaves in autumn are green or yellow at the stem and red at the edges.

A story about trees and shrubs in autumn with photographs will help with tasks from this topic >>

2. Find a shrub among these plants and underline its name.

Answer: juniper.

Find a tree whose needles turn yellow and fall off in the fall.

Answer: larch.

3. Visit a forest, park or square. Admire the trees and shrubs in their autumn attire. Using the identification atlas, find out the names of several trees and shrubs. Write them down.

Answer: Birch, poplar, thuja, maple, rowan, linden, spruce, pine, aspen.

4. Observe and write down when the leaf fall ends: for birches - in October; for linden trees - in September; for maples - in September; for poplar - in November; for aspen - in September; at viburnum - in October.

pp. 50-51. Wonderful flower beds in autumn

3. Identify a few fall flower garden plants. Write down their names.

Answer: chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias, rudbeckia, helenium, ornamental cabbage.

Photo for pasting:

4. Write a story about one of the plants in the autumn flower garden.


1. The legend tells how the dahlia flower appeared on earth. The dahlia appeared on the site of the last fire, which died out with the onset of the Ice Age. This flower was the first to sprouted from the ground after the arrival of warmth on the earth and with its flowering marked the victory of life over death, warmth over cold.

2. In ancient times, the dahlia was not as common as it is now. Then it was only the property of the royal gardens. No one had the right to remove or remove the dahlia from the palace garden. A young gardener named George worked in that garden. And he had a beloved, to whom he once gave beautiful flower- dahlia. He secretly took a dahlia sprout from the royal palace and planted it near his bride's house in the spring. This could not remain a secret, and rumors reached the king that the flower from his garden was now growing outside his palace. The king's anger knew no bounds. By his decree, the gardener Georg was captured by guards and put in prison, from which he was never destined to leave. And the dahlia has since become the property of everyone who liked this flower. This flower, the dahlia, was named after the gardener.

pp. 52-53. Mushrooms

2. Draw a diagram of the structure of a mushroom and label its parts. Test yourself using the diagram in the textbook.

The main parts of the mushroom: mycelium, stem, cap.

4. Give other examples of edible and inedible mushrooms using the atlas-identifier From Earth to Sky (Pleshakov) >>.

Edible mushrooms: butterfly, boletus, milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, russula.

Inedible mushrooms: fly agaric, galerina, svinushka.

Page 54-55. Six-legged and eight-legged.

1. What are these insects called? Write the numbers of their names in the circles.

2. Cut out the pictures from the application and make diagrams of the transformation of insects. Finish the signatures.

Diagram of insect transformation.

Eggs - larva - dragonfly. Eggs - caterpillar - pupa - butterfly.

3. Find an extra picture in this row and circle it. Explain (verbally) your decision.

Answer: Extra spider. It has 8 legs and is classified as an arachnid, while the others in the picture have 6 legs and are insects.

4. Write a story about insects that interest you or about spiders. Use information from the atlas-identifier, the book “Green Pages!” or “The Giant in the Clearing” (of your choice).

Near our dacha, in the forest, there are several large anthills. Ants work all day, collecting seeds and dead animals. Ants also graze aphids. They slap the aphid on the back, and it secretes a drop of sweet liquid. This liquid attracts ants. They love sweets.

Page 56-57. Bird secrets

1. What are these birds called? Write the numbers of their names in the circles.

Migratory birds: swallow, swift, starling, duck, heron, rook.

Wintering birds: jay, woodpecker, nuthatch, tit, crow, sparrow.

2. Give other examples of migratory and wintering birds. You can use information from the book "Green Pages".

Migratory birds: crane, redstart, sandpiper, thrush, wagtail, wild geese.

Wintering birds: jackdaw, pigeon, bullfinch, magpie.

3. Watch the birds of your city (village). Find out their names using the identification atlas. Pay attention to the behavior of the birds. Does every bird have its own character? Based on the results of your observation, write your story. Make a drawing and paste a photo.

The jay is a forest bird, but in Lately it can increasingly be found in the city: parks and squares. This is a very beautiful bird. On her wings she has multi-colored feathers with a blue tint. The jay screams sharply, piercingly. This forest beauty loves to eat acorns, also picks up leftover food, sometimes destroys bird nests and even attacks small birds.

Page 58-59. How different animals prepare for winter.

1. Recognize animals by description. Write the names.


2. Color the squirrel and hare in summer and winter outfits. Draw each animal its natural environment. Explain (orally) why these animals change coat color.

The hare is gray in summer, slightly reddish, and by winter it changes its skin to white.

Squirrels come in a variety of colors, from light tan to black. In the fall, they also molt, changing their coat to a thicker and warmer one, but their color does not change significantly.

3. Sign who made these supplies for the winter.

Answer: 1. Squirrel. 2. Mouse.

4. Write the names of the animals in the text.

On the ground in a hole, the hedgehog makes a small nest from dry leaves, grass, and moss. In it he hibernates until spring. And in late autumn, a bear makes a den for itself under a fallen tree and sleeps in it all winter.

pp. 60-61. Invisible threads in the autumn forest.

1. How are the oak and forest animals related to each other? Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and paste them into the windows of diagram No. 1, and write the names of the animals in diagram No. 2.

Answer: squirrel, jay, mouse. They feed on oak fruits and live here.

2. Cut out the pictures from the application and paste them into the windows of the diagrams. Make diagrams with names within the framework.

Answer: Squirrels and mice feed on nuts. Rowan - thrush.

3. Give your example of invisible threads in the autumn forest and depict it in the form of a diagram.

Example: a squirrel (eats the seeds of cones) and a woodpecker (eats insects living in the bark, thereby healing the tree) feed on a pine tree.

4. Look at the photographs. Tell us (orally) what invisible threads in the autumn forest they remind you of.

Nuts are reminiscent of squirrels and mice. Acorns - squirrel, jay, mouse. Rowan - thrush.

pp. 62-63. Autumn work.

1. List what people do in the fall in the house, garden, or vegetable garden.

In the house: they insulate the windows, store firewood and coal for the winter, prepare stoves and heating boilers, make seams for the winter.

In the garden: harvesting from trees, protecting tree trunks from rodents and frost, burning fallen leaves

In the garden: vegetables are collected, sent to the cellar for storage, and the beds are dug up.

2. Select and paste a photo of autumn work in your family.

Photo for pasting:

Think and write down what qualities are needed to do such a job.

Answer: love of the land, hard work, ability to work with a shovel, hoe, rake, patience, strength.

Page 64-65. Be healthy.

1. Draw what games you like to play in summer and autumn. Instead of drawings, you can paste photographs.

Summer and autumn games: catch, tag, hide and seek, football, dodgeball, kondal, badminton, for girls - rubber band, hopscotch.

2. Think and write down what qualities are developed in the games you like to play in the summer and autumn.

Answer: agility, strength, ingenuity, courage, attentiveness, perseverance.

3. Ask the elders in the family to tell about one of the backgammon games in your region. Describe the game together. Give it a name...

GAME "Tall Oak"

Our grandparents played this game in Rus'; its name has been preserved since the 50s of the last century. To play you need one ball. From 4 to 30 (or more) children play.

Everyone stands in a circle. There is one person with a ball inside the circle. He throws the ball high above himself and shouts the name of one of the players, for example: “Lyuba!” All the children (including the one who threw the ball) scatter in all directions. Lyuba must pick up the ball and throw it at one of the guys. Whoever gets hit throws the ball next.

They play until they get bored.

What qualities does this game develop: reaction speed, accuracy, running speed, agility.

pp. 66-69. Nature conservation in autumn.

3. We met these plants and animals from the Red Book of Russia in 1st grade. Remember their names. Write the numbers in the circles.

4. And here are a few more representatives of the Red Book of Russia. Use your textbook to color them and label them.

Ram mushroom, water chestnut, tangerine.

5. Write a story about one of the representatives of the Red Book of Russia, living in your region.

Example: Atlantic walrus. The habitat of this rare species- Barents and Kara seas. An adult walrus can reach a length of 4 meters, and the weight of an Atlantic walrus can be about one and a half tons. This species of walrus was almost completely exterminated. Today, thanks to the efforts of specialists, a slight increase in the population is recorded, although their exact number is still impossible to determine, since without special equipment it is extremely difficult to get to the rookery of these animals.

Or we take the story from the page: Reports on animals of the Red Book >>

Page 70. Autumn walk.

Photo for pasting:

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Autumn work in the garden they require no less attention and effort than in other seasons. This is especially important because time flies quickly, cold weather is approaching inevitably, and there is still so much to do!

Now your garden is not as bright and elegant as in summer. But right now you must take care of the future of your garden, so that in the spring, basking in the sun, you will be greeted by the first spring flowers - primroses.

The harvest has not yet been completed, but how long unripe fruits can remain on the branches and beds will have to be decided based on weather conditions.

In the fall, many shrubs and trees require care, therefore, after deciduous trees and shrubs have dropped almost all their leaves, you can start replanting them. If you haven't done this before, trim fruit bushes and cut off faded rose blossoms. At the end of September - beginning of October is the time for the last trimming of hedges.

Take care of perennials: remove faded heads from late bloomers to prolong flowering, and at the end, divide and replant the overgrown plants, because most of them benefit from replanting or dividing every 2-3 years. Rhizomes of dahlias and cannas should be dug up after the first frost.

To help your garden bloom earlier next year, sow some annuals (calendula, poppies, cornflowers, cosmos and sweet peas) directly into the ground.

If you are planting daffodils, then experts recommend doing this in early autumn, but for tulips and hyacinths - three weeks before frost. Don't forget to plant garlic.

Pre-winter planting always causes controversy: the obvious advantages of such sowing are saving time in the spring, the possibility of obtaining earlier and more abundant harvests, and early flowering of annuals. Well, the disadvantages are that germination and death of seeds and seedlings from frost cannot be ruled out, there is a high chance of uneven seedlings, etc.

Before winter, you can plant such annuals as: viola, lavatera, cornflower, calendula, iberis, godetia and clarkia, eschscholzia, poppy and cosmos, Drummond phlox, annual chrysanthemums and delphinium, mignonette, kochia, decorative quinoa. As well as herbaceous perennials: decorative onions, aquilegia, primrose, delphinium, bathwort, hellebore, lupine, lychnis, eryngium, yarrow.

From shrubs and trees in the fall, you can plant seeds of hawthorn, barberry, clematis and other plants (requiring stratification).

Vegetables sown before winter include carrots (“Nantes 4” or “Cold-resistant 19”), nigella onions, common leaf parsley, leaf lettuce, head and watercress, spinach, parsnips, physalis, sorrel, beets (“Podzimnyaya”, “ A-474"), dill.

Autumn sowing will be relatively painless only if the soil on your site is quite light and cultivated - this means that it will not float due to autumn rains or spring floods.

The land for planting must be filled with fertilizers. It must be carefully dug up, mixed with peat, humus and ash, loosened, broken into grooves and dry humus or peat prepared for filling the grooves.

But the most important thing is to correctly determine the landing time. Your number one friend and advisor on this issue is the long-term weather forecast. The most important thing is that after sowing there should not be prolonged warming, otherwise the seeds may germinate or die from frost.

The best option is the end of October or the beginning of November, when the daytime air temperature drops to +2-3 degrees, and there are frosts at night.

The place for the winter bed is chosen so that water does not stagnate in autumn and spring, and snow does not blow away in winter. On the day of sowing, grooves 3 cm deep are made in the bed. If on the day of sowing they are covered with snow, sweep it away. Take more seeds than you usually take - 20-25 percent. Sow as usual, cover the top with the prepared peat-humus mixture, and cover the bed with spruce branches on top.

Autumn is the time to take cuttings of heat-loving perennials and bring them into the house (we are talking about fuchsia, pelargonium, etc.).

In the autumn, take care of soil health. In the poorest areas, you can sow rye - this will help keep the soil free of weeds and saturate it with microelements. If you planted green manure, dig up the soil along with them; you can cover the dug area with film or mulch with peat (by the way, these measures will contribute to earlier warming of the soil in the spring). Autumn processing allows the soil to better absorb potassium, phosphorus and other important microelements by spring.

You have a lot of cleaning to do garden plot- this always happens in the fall. Trim the wilted greenery of perennials to the roots, bring order to flower beds, borders, alpine slide. Remove rotten and diseased fruits and fruit-bearing annual garden crops from the site (the roots of legumes - peas, beans, legumes - can be left in the soil, they will enrich it with what they have accumulated over the season useful substances, cut off the top part of the plants.

Rake fallen leaves regularly and thoroughly - you will get excellent leaf humus. But remember that sick plants, as well as plants affected by pests, must be removed from the site or burned.

When the greenhouse is free of plantings, be sure to treat its walls and windows with a disinfectant to kill fungi and other pathogens.

Take care of your lawn. Be sure to remove rotten leaves from it - otherwise the lawn may “go bald” or yellow spots may form on it. Autumn is the time for cleaning, aerating the lawn, patching it up, applying fertilizers and leveling the surface.

A very important autumn event is to mulch the plantings with high-quality soil or garden compost. Over the summer, plant roots various reasons They could be naked, and this is dangerous, because there is cold weather ahead. Mulching not only nourishes the plant, but also protects the roots from wind and cold, and helps retain heat and moisture in the soil. Mulching should be done before the onset of frost, when the soil is warmed up after summer and saturated with moisture. Plants that are sensitive to the whims of our winter should be additionally mulched (on top of the “main” mulch) with bark, shavings, and dry leaves. True, this can be done a little later.

And further. Don't forget to prepare bird feeders. Feeding them in winter is not only pleasant, but also useful - the new season will come, and they will thank you a hundredfold by attacking garden pests.