Well      06/16/2019

How to get rid of golden bronze. Golden bronze bug: preventive measures Green shiny bug

Bronzovka beetle many faces. It is a genus of insects, not a separate species. All bronze beetles are lamellar, that is, they are relatives of cockchafers and belong to the order Coleoptera. Scientific name beetle - cetonia. The word is Latin. Translation: “metal beetle.”

Description and features of bronze

Metallic bronze is called because of its color. It is black, but the light is refracted, giving rainbow reflections. They are metal. Sometimes, in the photo there is a bronze beetle like gasoline spilled in a puddle.

This reflection of light rays is due to the uneven, porous microstructure of the elytra and integument of the insect’s head. Its other features include:

  • body length from 1 to 3 centimeters
  • body width from 8 to 11 millimeters
  • oval body shape
  • rigid elytra that do not open in flight, which distinguishes the heroine of the article from the cockchafer
  • the presence of side holes in the rigid elytra for extending transparent wings

Bronze beetles are very active beetles

Since the bronze beetle does not need to open or raise its elytra before flying, the beetle instantly rises into the air. It's easier for the insect there than for most of its relatives. Open elytra slow down flight. Bronzovkas move quickly and over long distances.

On the ground, or more precisely on plants, bronzes are slow and inactive. A beetle can sit on one flower for about 2 weeks. During precipitation, the insect slides down, burrowing into the ground.

Insects of the genus love warm, sunny weather. This is when beetles are most active. After sitting on roses, bronze beetle can fly to another plant at bumblebee speed. The flight is fast, but the insect is clumsy in it. Sometimes beetles do not have time to fly around people. After the collision, the bronze birds fall on their backs, turning over with difficulty and taking off again.

Types of bronze

There are 5 subspecies of Russian Bronzeworts. Each has several forms, differing in color. A defining feature is also the presence or absence of fluff on the body. In general, there are about 20 items. There are approximately 4 thousand species of bronzebacks on the planet. Most of them are inhabitants of the tropics.

Bronzovkas of the temperate climate zone include:

1. Smooth. It reaches 3 centimeters in length, looks green, sometimes with blue and red reflections. The beetle is found near old trees, choosing large trunks.

The smooth bronze beetle can be easily distinguished from other beetles by the metallic sheen of its shell.

2. Smelly. This is no longer green beetle, and black with white markings. Representatives of the species live in the southern regions of Russia and neighboring countries. The body length of the bronze does not exceed 1.3 centimeters. The body of young individuals is covered with white hairs and has a strong smell.

Stinking bronze beetle

3. Marble. The length of the insect is 2.7 centimeters. The name of the species is associated with the black-bronze color, which is decorated with uneven, whitish lines. They resemble veins on black marble.

The photo shows a marble bronze

4.Golden bronze beetle. From the name it is clear that the elytra of the insect shine with yellow metal. The length of the beetle does not exceed 2.3 centimeters. Representatives of the golden species prefer to settle in gardens and vegetable gardens, choosing regions with black soil.

The golden bronze is distinguished by the golden sheen of its shell

They often meet there at the same time Bronzewort and Maybug. In the latter, unlike the heroine of the article, not only do the elytra move apart, but the metallic reflection is not expressed.

Outside the country, in the tropics, there lives, for example, the Congolese bronze. It is colored black, yellow, orange-red. The beetle is large, lives in bushes and trees, feeding on their fruits, leaves, and flowers.

Tropical bronze species have a short life cycle. So, Congo beetles live only 2 months.

Congolese bronzes live in tropical forests

Beetle nutrition

What does the bronze beetle eat? depends on its type. Representatives of the smooth one love overripe fruits, so they do not damage the plantings. On the contrary, beetles act as a kind of orderlies, cleaning up already missing berries and fruits.

The Stinking Bronzewort eats pollen, which is basically harmless. So the beetles even contribute to pollination. However, stinky individuals also have a second favorite product - plant roots. These insects harm the plantings.

The marbled bronze settles in the forest-steppe zone, choosing plantings with an abundance of rotten trunks. Juice flows out of them, which the beetle feeds on. Therefore for Agriculture the marble look is harmless.

The golden bronze likes to eat imported birds, so it is a malicious pest, destroying the crop, so to speak, in the bud.

The bronzer's diet also depends on its condition. Larvae, for example, eat only dead plants. They switch to living bronze beetles already in the beetle stage.

Reproduction and lifespan

Bronzebirds of the temperate climate zone are active from late spring for a maximum of 4.5 months. However, the total life cycle is 2 years. They start from the egg stage. It is yellowish, deposited in compost heaps, anthills, and black soil.

Then it appears Bronze beetle larva. They hatch from eggs after 2 weeks. The larvae are initially white, then molt twice and turn yellow, curling into a crescent shape. This occurs at a length of 6 cm.

Bronze larva

The beetle experiences the larval stage in its original shelter, for example, an anthill. Its inhabitants are indifferent to bronco babies, but badgers and foxes are not. Predators periodically tear apart anthills, feasting on beetle larvae.

The meal is possible until the first cold weather. Afterwards, the bronzes descend below the frost line. There the larvae pupate, secreting a sticky mass. Her bronzes are mixed with dust and earth.

The last stage is the beetle. It emerges from the pupa towards the end of spring. Now birds of prey pose a danger to the insect. Hairy bronze beetle and other representatives of the genus - a tasty morsel for rooks, jackdaws and rollers. Black-fronted shrikes, jays and orioles also hunt for beetles.

Bronzovka shaggy

The benefits and harms of bronze

In what harm and benefit of the beetle? Bronzovka in the larval stage it does no damage. On the contrary, voracious larvae loosen the soil and accelerate the processing of dead plants, helping to fertilize the soil.

Another thing - bronze beetle. How to deal with it decide as the insect eats the flowers:

  • peony
  • phlox
  • iris
  • fruit and berry plants with light buds

Beetles sometimes eat flowers, along with peduncles and shoots. However, as was written earlier, only some types of bronzes are dangerous for gardens and vegetable gardens. They are fighting with them.

Bronzovka - a pest for roses

How to fight a beetle

What do they do when a dangerous beetle has settled in the garden? You can choose from several methods. First - manual collection Zhukov. They are especially motionless in the morning. At this time, insects are collected.

This measure is relevant when there are several beetles in the entire garden. When there are 10-15 bronzes on one plant, they begin to use “heavy artillery”.

The “heavy artillery” is considered to be insecticide treatment. Prestige, Diazinon, Medvetox are suitable. Their solutions are used to spill the soil at sunset. This is the time to bury bronzes in the ground overnight.

When you water the soil with insecticide, only the beetles die. If you process the plants during the day, you will have to water the greens. It also has beneficial insects. They too will die. Among others, pollinators of flowers, such as bees, will die. If your neighbors have an apiary, the event is especially risky.

Aboveground parts of plants can be sprayed with gentle solutions. These include infusions of celandine, horse sorrel, and ash with water. These products do not harm the plantings, but inhibit the bronze insects. One hundred grams of dry celandine is poured into a liter hot water. Take 300 grams of fresh grass. The greens need to be chopped.

For horse sorrel, 30 grams of roots are used. They are also poured with a liter of water and left for 3 hours. For a recipe with celandine, 2 hours is enough.

In the case of ash, you need 5 liters of water. Take a tablespoon of the main ingredient. After two days, the grated mixture is added to the solution. laundry soap. You need a quarter of a piece.

When chemically treated, the beetles die. If you collect the bronzefish mechanically, you will also have to kill it. Remembering that all insects fly towards the light, you can catch the beetles in light traps, leaving them overnight.

The bronze beetle does not refer to a specific species of insect, but refers to a subfamily belonging to the family of lamellar beetles, of which there are more than 4,000 species. Most bronzebacks are inhabitants of the tropics. At least 33 species of these beetles live in Russia. The family includes not only bronzes, but also. Also belonging to this family is one of the main agricultural pests -.

The beetles get their name from the metallic sheen of their shell. But beetles of this subfamily cannot always be identified at first glance. Some have a simple black shell without a hint of metallic sheen. The most recognizable is the golden bronze - the most widespread and numerous species in Eurasia. Some Eurasian species:

  • golden;
  • smooth;
  • smelly;
  • hairy;
  • marble;
  • copper.

Bronzovka Shamil – rare view, endemic to intramountain Dagestan.

General characteristics of beetles

The body is short. The rear line is almost straight. The transitions from the back to the sides are rounded. The head is small, directed down and forward. This family is called lamellar because of the special structure of the antennae, which, if necessary, the insect unfolds into a fan of plates.


The flight speed of bronze beetles is significantly higher than that of other flying beetles.

This success in bronzebacks is due to the special structure of the elytra: there are small cutouts on the sides between the abdomen and the rigid plate. Through them, insects release translucent brown wings. The elytra remain folded and do not slow down the bronco. Other beetles are forced to open their elytra, which stick out upward and to the sides during flight and greatly interfere with flight.


The color of bronzes is very diverse. These beetles are not always beautifully colored. Even within the same species and habitat, the color of bronzes can vary greatly.

On a note!

Sometimes the coloring is formed by special highlights that completely cover the main background. The color can be with or without a metallic sheen.

With a metallic sheen, that is, shiny, oily-shiny and matte-shiny:

  • green with various shades is the most common in the group;
  • blue;
  • copper red;
  • purple;
  • purple;
  • bronze;
  • black with a metallic sheen.

Beetles without a metallic sheen may have the following colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • brown;
  • red in different shades;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • white with an olive or gray tint.

On a note!

All members of the family have a characteristic feature: light spots, shaped like the edges of scales.

The spots may be:

  • yellowish;
  • clay-yellow;
  • white;
  • pink.

They are located on the elytra, pronotum, underside of the abdomen and upper part of the hind legs. Stains may be different sizes and shapes. Sometimes these marks merge, covering most beetle body. Most often this happens on the elytra.

Golden bronze

Another official name of the beetle is the common bronze beetle. It is sometimes called the green cockchafer. The name is completely incorrect, since these two species differ not only in color, but also in structure, as well as in the time of summer. If you compare the bronze beetle with the May beetle in the photo, photographing the insects from above and behind, you will see that the May beetle’s abdomen is much longer than the elytra and has a sharp rear tip. The elytra of the May's are ribbed and directed at a greater angle to the ground than those of the Bronze's.

The golden bronze beetle is a small beetle. Among Russian Coleoptera there are significantly larger specimens. But you can’t call her small either. The body length of the golden bronze is 13-23 mm, with a width of 8-12 mm.

On a note!

Golden bronze has many color variations. The only common feature: it is a beetle with a shiny metallic color. You can even find a blue beetle.

Color variations

Main color options:

  • The upper part of the body is copper-purple with a metallic tint. The lower one is black with a purple sheen.
  • Black without shine.
  • A “regular” emerald beetle, but there are no scales on the back, only two spots.
  • Iridescent beetle. The pronotum and head are emerald green with a golden tint. When lit from the side, the reflection is dark blue. The elytra are green. When illuminated from the side, they appear violet-brown. There are no white spots.
  • The elytra, pronotum and head are green or golden-green. The beetle is covered with bristles.
  • On the main background there are large and numerous white spots, which often merge into transverse wavy lines.
  • The back and legs are golden-red or golden-green. There is a strong copper-red tint.
  • Dark purple color. There are characteristic white spots on the elytra. There are no spots on the abdomen and pronotum.
  • The top is copper-red or copper-brown, the bottom is bronze-green. Many spots on the elytra.
  • The color on top is dark bronze or dark bronze-green. Bottom – black.
  • The scutellum, pronotum and head are dark copper-red. The elytra are black and green. The lower part is black.
  • Olive green color without blemishes.
  • The upper side is dark purple with characteristic spots, the lower side is dark red with a strong purple sheen.
  • The back is golden-green. May be copper-red.
  • The upper part is green or golden green, the lower part is green.
  • The top of the beetle is green, the back of the abdomen is purple-red, and the chest side is purple.
  • The upperparts are golden-green or copper-red, without spots.
  • Dark blue back with a green tint. There are white spots on the elytra.
  • The back is bright blue, the chest is black-blue, blue-green, blue.

Bronzovkas are very “democratic” in their coloring. In addition to those listed, there are about a dozen different variations.

On a note!

Another pearlescent green beetle, the mint leaf beetle, is sometimes confused with the bronze beetle. This green bug is 2 times smaller than the bronze bug and has a convex shell shape. It eats the leaves of essential oil plants and causes much more harm than the bronze moth. But it belongs to a different family.


Golden bronzes are distributed throughout the Eurasian continent. They are not found only in mountains and deserts. Bronzeworts eat flower cores. They have a wide menu, they are capable of damaging cultivated and wild plants. Very often they can be found on roses, where they climb into the very core. But bronzes are not capable of causing serious harm to the garden.


Gardeners do not like these insects, because they believe that the larva of the bronze beetle eats the roots of garden crops. In fact, plants are harmed by creatures similar to the offspring of bronze insects.

Bronzeworts are very light- and heat-loving creatures. They are active during the day in hot sunny weather. On cloudy days, bronzes are apathetic. They sit almost motionless on the cores of flowers and do not try to fly. On rainy and cold weather hiding in cover:

  • under rosettes of flowers;
  • into the litter on the ground;
  • under the roots of plants.

At night, beetles also descend to the ground.

The similarity between bronze beetles and May brown beetles is summer time. Bronzeworts are heat-loving and their lifespan depends on the climate in the region. In the northern regions, beetles only appear in June, while in the southern regions, the beetles begin in mid-May.

The development period of a beetle from egg to adult can take from several months to a year, depending on when the eggs were laid. If the insect has managed to develop to the adult stage by autumn, the adult overwinters in shelters and wakes up much earlier than the main summer time of this species.

What does the bronze beetle eat?

What makes the bronze beetle different from the cockchafer is its food supply. The cockchafer damages the leaves of bushes and trees. Bronzewort eats the core of flowers. The larva of the May beetle (Khrushchev) feeds on the roots of living plants. Bronzovki - rotting organic matter.

The insect eats flowers of plants from 31 families. The list includes Rosaceae, mulberry, umbelliferae, dogwood, ranunculaceae and many other families.


All larval stages of lamellar beetles are similar to each other. And the larvae of representatives of this subfamily are also so similar that it is often difficult to understand the types of insects not only from the description, but also from the photo. In order not to remember the signs that distinguish one C-shaped larva from another, gardeners prefer to fight all of them at once. Measures to combat the bronze beetle have not been developed, since it cannot cause serious harm to the crop. The years of these shiny green beetles begin after flowering fruit trees. Flowers can be damaged only by individual individuals that emerge from hibernation earlier than the bulk of the bronzes.

On a note!

Some species of bronzefish in Russia are under state protection.

The larvae of these beetles process organic matter more than earthworms. As a result, the benefits from the larvae are greater than the harm from the imago. And given that three species are protected, it is easier to separate different types larvae.

The differences between the larvae of the bronze beetle and the May beetle are clearly demonstrated by the table:

Eats rotting organic matterEats living plant roots
Body covered with stubbleBody smooth
Paws short, non-functionalThe paws are long, tenacious, allowing for rapid movement.
Body of the same diameter along the entire lengthThe body is strongly thickened in the caudal part
The head is small, inconspicuous compared to the diameter of the bodyThe head is huge compared to the bronze one. The diameter of the head is equal to the diameter of the body
Mandibles are small and weakPowerful gnawing type mandibles

At home, only those who are not afraid of worms and insects can figure out the larvae. The rest just kill everyone.

On a note!

Save future harvest possible by collecting adult bronzefish by hand.

Very similar to one of the variants of the golden bronze beetle - the smooth bronze beetle, listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. This species prefers old forests and parks, where there are many rotten trees.

Distributed in Southern Europe. In Russia in the north, the border of the range passes through Kaliningrad, Voronezh, and Samara. In the south - across the border with Ukraine to Orenburg.

This beetle with a green shiny back is larger than its “relative”. Its body length is up to 3 cm. There are no white markings on the elytra and cephalothorax. The elytra have either a golden or copper-red sheen. Legs and underside of body with a bluish tint.


An analogue of the golden bronze with a green shell decorated with white markings. The marbled fish often has a greenish tint to its shell. The body size is slightly larger: up to 27 mm.

Distributed throughout Eurasia, except for the mountain forests of the Caucasus and Crimea. Prefers lowland forests. Settles on old trees. The species is numerous, but insects are found alone. These beetles are active from June to August in the European part of Russia and from mid-May to mid-August in Ukraine.

The life cycle in warm regions takes 1 year, in northern regions – 2 years. Females lay eggs in old stumps of some tree species.

Bronzovka Shamil

A little-studied endemic of intramountain Dagestan. Until 1981 it was listed as an extinct species. The color is dark bronze-green. The upper part of the body is matte, the lower part is shiny. Body length 2 cm.

Meet on various plants. The larvae develop in the soil, feeding on detritus.


Other names: spotted deer or fetid deer. A small shiny black beetle. Body size up to 13 mm. There are many small white spots on the elytra. The body is covered with white dense bristles. Lives in warm regions, including southern Russia.

An agricultural pest, as the larvae eat plant roots. The adult feeds on pollen. Summer begins in May.


The beetle is 8-13 mm in size. The color is black, matte, with yellowish or white spots. The pattern of spots is very variable. The stubble on the body is of two colors: white and gray. The underside is covered with thick light hairs. Adults eat buds and flowers, larvae eat rotting organic matter. The hairy bronzeback is one of the.


The species is very similar in appearance and size to the smooth bronze. The sizes are also the same. Body length 1.6-2.5 cm. Elytra and pronotum are green with a golden tint. The head, lower body and paws are black with a purple tint.

Lives in Southern Europe. Found in Cairo. This species is absent in Russia.

Genus Goliathus

Or goliath beetles. The largest representatives of the bronze subfamily. The weight of the beetle can reach 100 g, and the body size is 11.6 cm.


Most close-up view genus – Goliathus regius, the body size is 2 times larger than a mouse.

Large green beetles of the species Mecynorrhina torquata are not much smaller in size than Goliathus regius. The length of the male can reach 8.5 cm.

The main color of the representatives of the genus is black with white spots. Sometimes white in color more than black.

Goliaths are inhabitants of Central and Southeast Africa. They are not found in Russia. If such a beetle is found on Russian territory, it means that it escaped from someone’s terrarium.

"Bronzovka"- this is a word from childhood. I remember shooting down those heavy, hulking green planes as they rushed past with a low hum. They fell to the ground, slowly pulling their wings under their elytra. Catching a bronzeback always brought joy. The large golden-green beetle swarmed in the fist, tickling the palm with strong jagged paws, and, left to its own devices, found a launch pad, spread its wings and, starting a low-speed engine, soared upward, continuing its clumsy flight.

These are such nostalgic memories. However, the bronzes have not gone away: to this day, no, no, and a characteristic low hum can be heard nearby. I still can’t resist catching a beetle on occasion and holding it in my hands. Still, they're funny. Especially these tiny antennae, topped with either eyes or claws, which, in case of danger, instantly retract under the chitinous shield:

Golden or common bronzeweed (Cetonia aurata)

A bit of officialdom. Golden bronze - representative order Coleoptera or beetles (Coleoptera), family lamellaridae (Scarabaeidae), genus Cetonia(other Greek "metal beetle").

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Within the genus Cetonia there are a huge number of species living in the most different places planets, mostly in Africa. Within the species, the golden bronze is divided into five subspecies, within the subspecies - into many aberrations, differing in color and the presence or absence of hairs.

After reading the description on Wikipedia appearance bronzovki I came across a bunch of interesting words, such as clypeus, pronotum and pygidium. The description there takes up about a screen page and evokes approximately the same thoughts as the description of complex smells - all the words seem to be familiar, but still nothing is clear. So, I'll keep it short. Here she is:

Nutrition. Bronzovka is an extremely peaceful and herbivorous creature. Loves flowers very much (including flowers cultivated plants). However, in most cases, it does not pose any harm to agriculture. In addition to flowers, it eats young leaves of some plants, fruits, and tree sap. Large clusters of beetles can form where the sap comes out.

Recently, for the first time in my life, I caught a bronze bird not in flight, but eating. The picture is quite funny. In some ways, her actions reminded me of a cross between a trimmer and a harvester from the Dune II toy:

Sexual dimorphism in the golden bronzer it is weakly expressed. The male is larger than the female.

Reproduction. The female lays eggs in rotten stumps, dung heaps or anthills. The larva can reach an impressive size of 4-5 cm. It looks something like this:

In the photo it is unlikely that it is a bronze beetle larva, but the beetle larvae are more or less similar to each other, unlike.

The larva builds itself a cocoon from scrap materials, holding them together with a sticky secretion. Inside the cocoon, the transformation occurs into a pupa, and then into an adult beetle. The development cycle from egg to adult insect takes 2-3 years.

It is possible to keep the bronze beetle in captivity, and not only the adult beetles and their behavior are of interest to the observer, but also the larvae. Considering that all our species of insects are configured to wait out the winter and enter diapause, as a pet better suited are southern species of bronzes, where life is in full swing all year round.

P.S.: Today I discovered that some people don’t know who the bronzeback is and call it. So, what is shown in the photo is ! He looks completely different, although he also belongs to the family Lamellaridae.

Greater green bronzebird Cetonischema aeruginosa (Drury, 1770) Order Coleoptera Coleoptera Family Bronzebirds Cetoniidae

Status in Russia and adjacent regions. Listed in . Protected in the Belgorod, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Rostov and Saratov regions.


The European part of Russia from the forest zone to the northern steppe, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Europe (except the north), Asia Minor. In the Voronezh region. known from Novousmansky, Verkhnekhavasky, Ostrogozhsky, Borisoglebsky districts and Voronezh.


Dimensions 2329 mm. The top is metallic-shiny, golden-green, sometimes with a copper tint. The lateral margin of the pronotum is completely carinated. The process of the mesothorax is naked. Elytra without longitudinal impressions.

Features of biology and ecology.

It is produced in old deciduous trees (willow, pear, oak, etc.). Mainly stays in tree crowns. It feeds on flowing juice and fruits.

Number and trends of its change. At all points it is represented by single specimens.

Limiting factors. Cutting down old trees.

Security measures taken and required. It is necessary to preserve plantings of old trees and create protected areas in the habitats of the species.

Information sources: Skufin, 1978; Yemets, 1978, 1980; Negrobov S. O., 1998a, 2000b; Cadastre... 2005. Compiled by: S. O. Negrobov, E. E. Bilomar; scanography: S. O. Negrobov.

Today we were able to photograph and videotape the activities of golden bronzes, which this moment We fell in love with flowering horseradish. During the shooting, two large beetles were nimbly operating in the upper part of the plant. At the same time, on a number of strawberry bushes, over the past few days, some flowers have been completely eaten away (not all in a row!). And something tells me that this metallic green beetle may be put in the dock!

What do bronze beetles eat?

I found my heroes today not eating strong-smelling horseradish flowers, but, as it seemed to me, eating pollen and drinking sweet flower nectar. It seems like a completely harmless, even useful activity - pollinating flowers. Bees and other pollinators worked in the neighborhood of the beetles, but not nearly as hard as these large beetles.

According to Wikipedia, the diet of bronzes also includes flowers themselves, leaves of wild and cultivated plants, flowing tree sap and even overripe fruits and berries. Sometimes the beetle eats young beets, carrots and cabbage seeds.

It has been absolutely established that the bronze snake feeds on strawberry flowers. Many summer residents of the central zone are actively signaling this on the forums. It seems that this particular pest damaged the strawberries on our site. Otherwise, all the flowers on the bush would suffer, but only a few. Apparently, the beetle flew from flower to flower and ate them completely. Only green stems without flowers remain.

Currently, bronze beetles are classified as pests of agricultural plants that can cause moderate damage to crops. On decorative flowers and fruit plants They can not only feast on pollen, but also eat stamens and pistils. Leaves and young shoots of cherries, apple trees, grapes, roses and other plants may be affected. They nibble around the edges.

Later, feeding on overripe fruits, golden bronzes can damage the fruits of cherries, raspberries, grapes, mulberries, and cherries.

By the way, home flowers can also suffer. For example, many gardeners write that bronze beetles that accidentally fly into the house happily feast on the flowers of domestic plants, in particular orchids.

When the bronzes attack

In the European part of Russia, bronzovka can be found in the garden from the second half of May to mid-September. A massive attack of these beetles occurs at a time when most crops have already faded and are beginning to set fruit. Therefore, compared to other pests, for example, the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, bronze beetles are an order of magnitude more harmless.

Control measures

Large agricultural enterprises do not provide any special measures against this pest. Ordinary summer residents act differently. Some people catch beetles by hand and crush them, others collect them in jars of water and drown them. Chemistry is ineffective here.

Where do they spend the winter?

Bronze beetles overwinter in heaps of humus, as well as in anthills. That is why many forest animals (foxes, badgers and others) dig anthills in winter in search of delicious high-calorie larvae. By the way, the larvae themselves are absolutely harmless to the garden and even do useful work, effectively processing the substrate.

Bronzovka Fibera in the Red Book of the Moscow Region

The beetle, like 2 peas in a pod, resembles the golden bronze beetle, the shiny bronze beetle (Fibera) is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Only an experienced entomologist will notice the difference between them. Also listed in the Red Book are marble bronze and smooth bronze.

Thus, the number of these beautiful beetles in middle lane Russia is currently declining. So reconsider whether killing these mild enemies of flowering plants is worth it.