Toilet      04/02/2019

We tie tomatoes in the open field correctly: we save the future harvest. All options for garter tomato in the open field

Many beginner gardeners are interested in why and how they tie up tomatoes. Tomato is a rather capricious and demanding crop that requires increased attention in the process of growing. There are several simple ways to get a good crop of tomatoes.

Carefully tied beds make it easy to care for plants. No matter how strong the stems of plants are, in the process of fruit ripening, they begin to bend to the ground, becoming a delicacy for slugs and worms, and sometimes they can break. This is especially true for tall tomatoes that can reach two meters in height.

A simple procedure for tying tomatoes will bring great benefits to the future harvest and save them from typical problems. Why is a tomato garter useful for a beginner gardener?

  1. It is important to water tomato bushes under the root, without affecting the tops and fruits, so as not to provoke the appearance of burns on them under the influence of sunlight. Seedlings lying on the ground cannot be watered in this way.
  2. Tomato fruits will not be available to caterpillars, slugs, mice and other pests, as they will be located above ground level.
  3. The stem, leaves and fruits will be protected from excessive moisture and decay.
  4. The stem will not bend or break under the weight of the crop.
  5. Securely tied tomatoes will not die from heavy rains that can harm the plant with powerful blows, causing damage to the bushes.
  6. Tomato's garter open ground allows you to make tomato bushes as open as possible to sunlight, which will give them the opportunity to fully develop.
  7. Garter tomatoes will allow you to effectively carry out the spraying procedure to prevent all kinds of diseases.
  8. Growing tomatoes is impossible without carrying out procedures such as pinching, mulching. Tying tomatoes will make these processes easier.

How to tie tomatoes

With the development of vegetable growing, several options have been developed and taken root, how, with the help of tying, success in growing tomatoes can be achieved. Here are the main ways to garter tomatoes:

  • pegs;
  • cells;
  • tapestries;
  • caps;
  • hooks.

With the help of pegs

Many beginner gardeners are interested in the question - how to tie tomatoes to pegs? Using pegs is the most common way. It is important to use it on time. How to use it for a garter for a tomato? It is necessary to choose the appropriate height of each peg, corresponding to the dimensions of the bush. Tall seedlings will need pegs 2-2.5 meters high, medium-sized - much lower. To properly tie tomatoes, you need to use stakes, the height of which is 30 cm more than the height of the tomato bushes.

Each peg must be firmly fixed in the ground, deepening it by 30 cm. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the tomato stem so as not to damage the roots (photo 1). The tomato should be tied loosely enough. First you need to tie the twine to the support, then wrap the stem without effort and tie it. As the plants grow, the tomato garter is repeated several times.

It is worth noting that it is important to pre-burn wooden pegs and slats in a furnace or on a fire before installation. Garter on supports with charred ends can be used long time otherwise the pegs will rot by the end of the season.

With the help of cells

When tying, you will need blanks in the form of circles made of thick wire. They need to be attached to metal supports, thus obtaining a strong cage in the form of a cylinder. Structures will be needed in large numbers- one for each bush. It is necessary to dig each cell to a depth of 15-20 cm and tie a seedling to it (photo 2).

Instead of wire and rebar cages, you can make wooden ones by driving one support near individual tomato bushes to get a square cage. It will be much stronger than pegs.

Such designs will last more than one year, although it will take a little effort to make them. As the tomatoes grow in the open field, the tying must be repeated several times.

On trellises

Successful cultivation tomatoes is also possible thanks to tying bushes on trellises. The method consists in the fact that in the soil at opposite ends of the beds are driven wooden poles about 3 m high. If the beds are too long, you can drive several supports into one row at a distance of 2-4 m from each other. To their upper part as tightly as possible with the help of nails, you need to nail the slats to get a frame. We stretch the wire horizontally on the supports, the lower one should be located at a height of 25 cm from the ground.

On the resulting frame, you need to make garters for a tomato in the form of a grid using soft wire or nylon rope. The trellis will serve as a solid support for growing bushes, especially if you install it on both sides of the beds. Such a wicker structure is not afraid of any wind (photo 3).

Growing tomatoes on trellises allows you to tie individual bunches with pouring fruits so that they do not bend under their weight.

Supports in the form of caps

You can tie tomatoes in the open field on supports in the form of caps (pyramids). Seedling holes must be prepared by forming a triangle with sides of 35-40 cm. A column about 3 m high is driven in the center of the triangle, from the top of which 3 equal pieces of wire are pulled. They become a support for 3 plants at the same time.

Such "wigwams" can be made from any improvised means - ropes, twine, vines. To cover 4 bushes, you can use a larger number of guy rods with transverse weaving in the form of a cage (photo 4).

Crocheting tomatoes

As a garter for tomatoes, it is convenient to use hooks that will effectively perform their function all summer long. With the help of hooks, the strongest supports for growing giant plants are obtained. This method seems rather complicated for tying tomatoes in the open field, but it is the one that is optimal for tying up tall tomato bushes.

Tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum) - herbaceous plant from the Solanaceae family. The fruit of a tomato is called a tomato.

  • Order: Solanaceae.
  • Genus: Nightshade.
  • Family: Solanaceae.

There are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes created specifically for open ground and greenhouses. Growing tomatoes is fun, but not easy. It is important to follow the technologies, to know the features, techniques and methods of growing tomatoes.

The garter is not a tribute to traditions, but a “natural necessity”. This simple procedure has a lot of benefits for the crop:

  1. The stem will not break during growth and under the weight of the fruit, therefore, its vitality will go not to fight for life, but will be aimed at a quality harvest.
  2. At correct location bush, it will be more open to fresh air and sunlight, so it will develop sufficiently, because this plant loves the sun.
  3. Imminent rains will not harm the tomato if it is properly fixed on the supporting support.
  4. Tied tomatoes are easier to spray, and the effectiveness of this procedure will be higher.

The most used option is a trellis garter. To do this, we need a thin beam, or strong pegs. We drive in the racks at the beginning and at the end of the flower bed. Next, we stretch the wire between them. You need to tie the stem directly to the wire. You can tie a plant in this way, if you have a tall tomato variety planted, it is possible to use the wire in several variations:

  • Pull it on a beam at a height of about 2 meters - the strings for tying should be long so that they can reach both the support (wire) and the stem of the plant. Tomato lashes will wrap around ropes as they grow;
  • Stretch several rows of wire at once, fixing them on the beam. In this case, each individual bush must be tied up several times to the resulting stretch, or the stem should be passed along the path of its growth through horizontal stripes.

Be that as it may, do not forget to tie the tomatoes correctly - do not pull the rope too tight. By the way, in a similar way you can tie brushes with fruits, which often turn out to be quite weighty.

It is important to consider that if the bed is long, reinforce the structure by driving in reserve intermediate stakes. In this case, even a strong wind will not be afraid of your garter, and if you plant two beds parallel to each other, then the design is suitable for tying tomatoes on both sides at the same time: you will get, as it were, a tomato hut.

Many gardeners are wondering how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse. This is not an easy task, but if everything is done correctly, the tomatoes will certainly please the harvest. Why tie bushes and how to do it right? Let's consider further.

Why is garter done

Garter tomatoes in greenhouses offer many benefits. They start to look good in the photo and give the following:

  • stems will be protected from different kind damage;
  • since the air between the stems passes freely, and the plants do not come into contact with the ground, infection with diseases does not occur;
  • bushes will take up much less space in the greenhouse;
  • when tying tomatoes into plants, they are better illuminated, which means that the harvest will be good;
  • vertical bushes are easier to process: picking fruits, forming a crown, spraying.

Features and rules

When tying tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should act on the basis of the variety. Some plants will benefit from the procedure, others will not. The height of the bush also plays a big role.

How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse? Look at the height. Low-growing tomatoes (up to 40 centimeters) do not need a procedure. Medium-sized crops occasionally need help, tall plants always need it. Tall varieties can reach a height of 7 meters - their difference from undersized varieties is better seen in the general photo. At the same time, their fruiting does not end during the season, which makes it possible to harvest several times. The fruits in this case are formed on the side branches and on the central trunk, which is very beneficial for the gardener.

Some summer residents are grown in open ground without a garter. They leave a sufficient distance between plants, the branches begin to feel calm, and the stems, lying on the soil, receive nutrients from the soil. However, in a greenhouse, tomatoes cannot be grown in this way.

The main problem that can be solved if you tie tomatoes in greenhouses is to free up space. Tied tall plants take up little space.

Tomato garter in a greenhouse (video)

Tying methods

You can tie up tomatoes in greenhouses different ways. The choice of method depends on the height of the variety.

  • It is easier to use stakes for tomatoes - one per plant. It can be a plastic pipe, trim fittings, wooden slats, metal bars. The length of the stakes should be 27 centimeters longer than the bushes, for this length they are driven into the ground. The rods are located a couple of centimeters from the tomatoes. A garter material is tied to the trunk of the bush, and its ends are attached to the support with a figure eight. Heavy tomato brushes should be tied up in the same way.

Important! The presented option is best used for medium-sized varieties, tall varieties can fall along with the support. Among the shortcomings of the method, the procedure will have to be carried out repeatedly, since the rope must be raised higher and higher.

  • You can tie up tomatoes in greenhouses using trellises. Long stakes are driven into the ground along the ridges at some intervals. A string is stretched horizontally between them with a step of 40 centimeters. The branches and stems of a tomato, on one side or the other, are tucked behind a twine in the form of a braid, and especially heavy brushes are attached to it.

This method is good for tomatoes in that you can leave several stepchildren, respectively, the harvest will be larger. The principle of tying is actively used in heated buildings. Here, tomatoes can grow until the onset of cold weather.

  • Another way is a linear garter. Between the stakes, the wire is pulled along the top. Above each of the bushes is a rope, the lower end of which is attached directly to the stem. As the tomato grows, they are wrapped around the rope.

All methods are good in their own way. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself.

  • When choosing a stake method, some nuances should be taken into account. The thickness of the rods should not be less than 5 centimeters. At one end, the stakes must be sharpened. If the products are made of wood, so that they do not deteriorate, it is recommended to cover them with drying oil, and on top - with oil paint.
  • For gartering plants, it is better to use strips of fabric - synthetic or natural. Well, if they are made of waterproof material. On sale there are special clamps. A string for tying is not suitable, it can deform the plant. The tying should be carried out carefully - the material should not slip off the peg, but it is important that it does not fit snugly against the stem.

  • When planting tall varieties in a greenhouse in a row, it is worth stopping at the trellis. A string is pulled between them. In the role of fastening for horizontal tensions, U-shaped studs are used.
  • Various garter methods can be combined. It is allowed to hammer a peg at the root, the base of the plant is attached to it, its upper part is tied to the trellis with twine.
  • Tying is necessary for a number of reasons: if the fruits lie on the ground, they will become a delicacy for slugs and other pests. Tomatoes can pick up late blight if they lie in the ground. Vegetables do not like when water gets on the ovaries and leaves, so watering is done under the root. If the plants lie down, this is almost impossible to do.
  • Performing tying in the open field and in the greenhouse is no different. Technology and materials remain the same.
  • The dressing should be wide and strong. It is better if the width of the strip of fabric is 4 centimeters. You can reuse tights and nylon stockings. So, when using them after a year, the tights are simply scalded with boiling water for disinfection or washed with laundry soap.

  • If you are growing a tomato on an industrial scale, you can purchase a special garter. Its principle of operation is similar to the work of a stapler. This device popular with those who cultivate grapes.
  • It is worth starting the garter when the plant begins to lean towards the ground.
  • The more complex the design of the supports, the easier it will be to grow tomatoes.

The rope should not fit snugly against the stem of the plant, otherwise it will die. Leave the distance from the stem to the support at least 1-2 centimeters.

Without tying good harvest Can't wait for a tomato. If you carry out this procedure, growing a tomato will give excellent results. And it will be much easier to take care of the plants. It will be more convenient to carry out the formation of a bush.

How to tie up tomatoes (video)

Hello dear friends! Many gardeners lose a significant part of the tomato crop due to improper garters. The stems are pulled, the brushes are broken; the result is malnutrition, the fruits do not pour. It is especially scary at the very peak of fruiting to find a mass of bushes with broken shoots that have collapsed to the ground. It is impossible to get out of such a situation without losses.

Some owners find it better to grow super low varieties without a garter at all. Of course it's not very good option- and the tomatoes are not the largest, and the return from the area is not encouraging. Therefore, we will plant the desired varieties and make them a reliable fixation.

The question must be approached with all seriousness, since tying up tomatoes correctly is a special art, everything must be thought out in advance. From a variety of methods, we choose the one that suits specific conditions.

Tomatoes high and low

What tomatoes can be grown without supports at all? The most correct answer: none! Any bushes tend to the ground under the weight of the crop. But life situations are different.

If for some reason (health, prolonged absence etc.) there is no way to care for plants at all, you should choose several superdeterminant varieties for planting - with limited, especially low growth, medium-sized fruits and a bush.

The standard variety has a strong, strong, thick trunk, which keeps the plant upright during the season. Combination with mulching is welcome.

All other varieties require regular attention. The most reliable fastenings are needed, of course, for tall tomatoes.

Before buying seeds, think: can you provide them with a decent frame?

Stages of work

  • We think over the scheme in advance, select materials.
  • Installing supports.
  • We carry out the first (main) garter (usually soon after).
  • We regularly inspect plants for additional fastening.

The meaning of the garter

  • Stem fractures and malnutrition are prevented.
  • Lighting and ventilation improves, there is no excess dampness.
  • Reduces the risk of rot and other infections.
  • It is easier to get close to plantings, stretch hoses for irrigation, etc.
  • The bush is better visible. It makes it easier to monitor the condition of the plant and care for it (, , , spraying, harvesting).
  • The fruits are not contaminated.

Garter materials

To attach tomato bushes to supports, do not use wire, fishing line or too thin ropes. These materials are able to pull delicate tissues too tightly, disrupting nutrition, even cut or break fragile stems. So what to tie?

It is better to adapt thick soft twine (natural or polypropylene), strips of fabric 2-3 cm wide (unnecessary underwear can be torn), old nylon tights, other improvised means (they should not be too shabby to withstand the load). If last year's material is used, it must be disinfected with boiling water or fungicides.

Supporting slingshot sticks are sometimes placed under low-lying large tomato clusters.
In garden stores you can buy special plastic clips. On sale there are also special devices - garters (filled special tape and work on the principle of a stapler), but they are by no means cheap.

Fastening principles

The stems and brushes are tied to the supports not too tightly, without squeezing the plant tissues. It is also important to remember that as it grows, the trunk thickens. A loop with a knot is not made at the very top, always under the sheet (so that there is no slipping).

Sometimes they perform a gentle "figure of eight" fastening.If tight knots are tied, then new ropes are used for gartering. In the event that a “bow” knot is made, it is easy to remove and move it later.

Types of supports

Agricultural technologists and craftsmen have developed a wide variety of supports for growing tomatoes, as evidenced by numerous photos in magazines and the Internet.There are three main types of such structures:

  • Individual mounts

Each tomato bush can be supplied with a personal support. Most often, strong pegs made of wood, metal or durable plastic are taken for these purposes. For stability, they must be stuck into the ground to a depth of more than 20 centimeters. The peg is set in such a way as not to damage the underground part of the planted plant.

When reused, the supports are disinfected. Wooden and iron pegs are stored in winter, protecting them from dampness, and plastic ones from low temperatures.

As a rule, supports in the form of individual pegs are used in open ground - on a street garden or tomato "field".

There are also original, slightly exotic personal mounts - in the form of cages or huts.

  • classic trellis

To support and facilitate the formation of tall, liana-shaped bushes with large fruits, it is advantageous to arrange especially strong structures. They are installed both on a street ridge and in an open greenhouse, and in a greenhouse.

Along the edges of the beds, two powerful stakes are driven into the ground ( metal pipes and so on.). Between these stakes, several strong thick ropes or wires are pulled; sometimes instead of them they use plastic or rope, less often - a metal mesh with large cells.

Tomatoes are planted on one side along the trellis. Shoots and fruit brushes are tied as they grow, spreading on a support.

Such trellises for open ground can be portable, with supports on the principle of a children's swing (two-legged on each side, in the form of the letter A). In this case, the support wires can be arranged vertically, attached to additional horizontal pipes located above and below. Lots of options.

  • linear trellis

It's very common economy type suitable for both open and protected ground. An individual rope is tied to each bush, which is attached from above to a common rope (or wire or any other supporting structure) stretched over the entire ridge. As the stem grows, the rope is wrapped around it.

In the open air, the upper support is attached to two stakes set along the edges of the ridge. IN closed ground, including in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the upper longitudinal device can be fixed without stakes, on the frame of the greenhouse.

Yes, not only people need reliable support! In plant life, this is also very important.

Goodbye dear readers, see you soon!

Sincerely, Andrey

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To properly grow tomatoes, it will take a lot of effort, from planting to a competent garter. Every tiny moment can affect yield, quality, and even how soon ripening begins. Tomatoes need to be tied up in order to promote abundant fruiting, since if the branches break, this will stop the flow useful substances to the fruits, and can even cause rot, falling off of the ovaries and dying off of the branch. Each gardener should be familiar with how the garter is carried out, at what time, and how to avoid mistakes. Only in this case, you can achieve an excellent result.

Tomato tying is a process by which stems and branches are attached to a special support using strings, fabric strips, plastic stems. You need to tie up the tomatoes immediately, after pinching has been carried out and the ovaries have formed. As the bush of tomatoes will gradually increase, tying is required several times.

In addition, you should not think that the plant requires additional fastening only if it is too high, since absolutely all bushes require this procedure.

Not only the stems themselves are tied up, but also the branches on which the fruits are laid. IN special occasions it may be necessary to strengthen each branch if the fruiting is very good. It is strictly forbidden to pull the branches of tomatoes with too strong knots or pull the trunk to the support. It is desirable, with respect to the growth of the bush, simply dressing to a higher level.

If you correctly carry out the garter, you can get a number of advantages:

  1. Well-tied tomato bushes, allows you to feed and water without getting the solution on the foliage, which the culture categorically does not tolerate.
  2. Tomatoes that hang rather than lie on the ground or other branches are virtually immune to the problem of late blight and slugs.
  3. It is much easier to collect fruits from tied bushes.
  4. Heavy branches will not be damaged even with too much fruit on them.
  5. The plant will not be deficient in incoming oxygen and light.

IN polycarbonate greenhouse tying is not difficult, and for this you can use a support or special garter material. As for the canvas, cotton fabric, nylon tights, cut stockings are suitable. After the season is over, you should not throw away the garter material, because if you wash it, it will fit for next year, which will eliminate the problem with its preparation and significantly reduce time.

It is better not to use such material options for garters as thread, fishing line, thin twine, wire. Thin and too hard material can cause damage and, accordingly, break the branch.

High-quality garter of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

There are a variety of ways to tie tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse, but the most popular are tying each bush to an individual support, mounting on a wire frame, linear tying, trellis tying, vertical trellis.

Most often they are tied up on an individual support, as it is suitable for a greenhouse and made of polycarbonate and ordinary film.

A support for attaching bushes can be used in the form of:

  • wooden stakes;
  • plastic or metal pipes;
  • Thick rods.

The support is installed near each bush, and in height it should be selected in accordance with the height of an adult bush. The stem is wrapped with a strip of fabric and fixed on a support. The method is perfect for both undersized and medium-sized tomato bushes. For tall ones, it is not advisable to use it, since the support may fall along with the bush.

Ways to tie tall tomatoes in a greenhouse

What to use for tying tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order for tomatoes to fully justify all the work invested in them, a selection of seeds will be required, competent landing, proper care, careful and neat look of the garter. As a rule, which option for tying the crop will be used depends on personal preferences, the availability of materials of a certain type, the plant variety that affects fruiting, ripening rate and even the growth of the bush, the dimensions and capabilities of the greenhouse, how the cultivation will be carried out, for example year-round or seasonally. You need to choose methods that are as safe as possible and very effective.

Tomato garter in a polycarbonate greenhouse (video)

It is quite possible to install such a fastening of the bushes, which will allow you to use the structure every year without disassembling it. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and correct installation structures so that it does not fall and lead to breakage of the bushes and damage to the crop.

Examples: how to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse (photo)