Well      06/12/2019

What is the best mattress pad to buy for your bed? Mattress cover. Is he needed?

IN Lately mattress covers have appeared in stores - the most modern version"shells" for mattresses. According to the manufacturers, these devices are very useful. But most buyers do not think so and do not want to spend money on some dubious item. Are they doing the right thing? Perhaps mattress covers are a really necessary invention... Or is this just another way for businessmen to make money? To understand this issue, we decided to talk to one of the sellers of these miracle products and ask him questions that interested us.

Please tell me, in your opinion, is a mattress pad a truly useful thing?

Yes, I think so. Of course, this is a relatively recent invention and has not yet proven itself. But I think that this will happen in the near future. After all, mattress covers can make your stay more comfortable and, moreover, extend the life of the mattress.

How will a cover made of thin fabric affect the sensations during sleep?

The thickness of the material does not matter. Mattress covers can change the properties of the main bedding thanks to their fillers. Thus, products with coconut coir are used to impart rigidity, while memory foam and latex, on the contrary, will help make the surface softer.

Is this necessary? After all, it’s easier to immediately buy a mattress that suits your personal feelings. And you won’t have to spend money on a mattress cover.

Of course, it’s easier, but it’s not always possible to do this. Imagine the situation: you were given a new mattress. It is the perfect size for your bed, looks wonderful, and is quite expensive. The only problem is that the product is too hard or, conversely, soft. What should I do? Would you really agree to throw away the gift? Surely not! This is when you need a mattress pad.

But still, why do I need this product if I immediately purchased a mattress that completely suits me?

Have you ever spilled coffee or tea on your bed?

I spilled it, but what does this have to do with our topic?

The most direct. And what happened to your mattress after that?

There was a stain left on it. It’s unpleasant, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

You are wrong. The fact is that liquid penetrates into the mattress, spoils the filling and thus shortens the life of the mattress. In addition, in the place where you spilled something, harmful microorganisms may begin to actively multiply or even bed mites may appear. Mattress covers will protect you from such troubles.


They contain special materials that have a number of useful properties. Firstly, they are waterproof. Secondly, they have dust-repellent properties. Thirdly, they practically do not absorb odors (which plays a role important role, when the product is purchased for a crib). Fourthly, they prevent the appearance of bed mites and the proliferation of microorganisms. That is why a mattress pad can provide excellent protection for your bedding - it will not be damaged if you spill coffee on it or knock over a plate of porridge.

But the protective product itself will get dirty!

Of course, there will be stains on it. However, getting rid of them is much easier than getting rid of the same dirt on a mattress. After all, the mattress cover is very easy to wash, and you don’t need to do it with your hands - it won’t deteriorate even after “bathing” in the washing machine. The only thing you need to remember is that the temperature cannot be made very high, 45-60 degrees will be quite enough.

Does it make any difference to purchase a mattress topper if a person does not drink or eat in bed and is satisfied with the hardness of the mattress?

Of course it does. This product proves useful in other situations as well. For example, it can make sleep more comfortable depending on the time of year. Imagine that on a hot summer night you can't help but feel like you're lying on a hot frying pan. You toss and turn, but can’t fall asleep. And even when you open up, it doesn’t make you feel better, because under your back you still have a mattress that has warmed up during the day. Common situation? And if you used a mattress pad, you wouldn’t even know that this happens! In the summer, you would simply wear a cotton product over your sleeping gear and sleep peacefully until the morning. Recently, bamboo sheet coverings have also been used in hot weather.

Are you wondering what materials will keep you warm in winter? The answer is quite obvious - camel wool, merino and down fabrics. However, even if you purchase a regular “demi-season” mattress pad, you will be warmer than without it at all. After all, this product itself plays the role of a thermal insulator, which means that an acceptable temperature in the bed will be maintained no matter how many degrees there are in the room.

In your opinion, do mattress toppers have no disadvantages at all?

Eat. Just one - you'll have to spend money. But it’s cheaper than buying a new mattress in a couple of years!

You're probably right. Tell me, if a person still decides to buy a mattress cover, how to choose it correctly? After all, there are a lot of them.

Indeed, at first glance it seems that this is unrealistic. Hundreds of products differing in size, composition and properties... To begin with decide why you need a mattress pad. Do you want to protect your mattress from dirt and extend its service life? Have you decided to make the surface of the bed more rigid? Are you dreaming of buying a summer cotton model? Or do you have a baby coming into your home soon and you need a waterproof coating? Have you decided? Then pick up a centimeter. You should carefully measure the length and width of the mattress, because the mattress topper should fit perfectly. Just in case, find out the thickness - it will be useful to you if a product with sides attracts your attention. Now you are fully armed and can go shopping.

How to behave in a store?

Contact the seller. He will tell you which mattress topper best suits your needs.

But what if the seller does not have sufficient knowledge to advise something?

In this case I can give you a few tips:

1) If you want to make your mattress softer, buy a mattress cover made of natural or artificial latex or memory foam;

2) In order to make the sleeping material more rigid, struttofiber is suitable (you will get a product of medium softness) or coconut coir (for those who like a really hard surface);

3) Summer mattress covers are those made from 100% cotton, linen or bamboo;

4) In winter, it is better to use products made from wool or thermoregulating synthetic fibers (ideal for people suffering from allergies);

5) It is better if the mattress cover you purchase is waterproof(even if you don't drink coffee in bed and don't have small children);

6) Your baby should buy a waterproof mattress cover made of coconut coir for his crib (the hard surface will contribute to the proper development of the spine).

This ended our conversation with the seller. From him we learned about everything beneficial properties mattress covers and even heard how to choose them correctly. These products have proven to be really useful. Although whether you personally need a mattress cover, you, of course, will decide for yourself.

If you have already purchased an excellent mattress and even a base for it, do not rush to put them into use. To complete at this moment You need to choose the appropriate mattress cover, after purchasing which your sleep on your new bed will be truly restful and healthy!

The purpose of this accessory is to protect the mattress from dust and dirt. It is used to avoid unwanted contamination on the main product. Any moisture on the surface of the mattress causes various stains to appear. If the mattress is additionally protected, then such things will not bother you, since the mattress cover is easy to use and can be easily washed in the washing machine.

One of the properties of a good mattress protector is that it allows air to pass through and retain heat. But the main thing is the ability to adjust the properties of the mattress itself, which will undoubtedly make your sleep even more serene.

It often happens that over time the protective covering begins to move and slide down from the mattress. To avoid such inconveniences, there is a mattress cover that tightly fits the main product.

There is also an elastic mattress topper that attaches to the mattress and does not need to be constantly adjusted, which creates a more comfortable environment.

What are mattress covers made of?

They are made from natural and artificial materials. For health benefits it is advisable to use natural fillers, because they are hypoallergenic. Some of the most popular fillers are latex and coconut coir.

Latex is made from the resin of the Hevea tree. It is very soft and elastic. This material can make a hard base much softer.

Coconut coir, on the contrary, gives the mattress rigidity. Even the softest mattress will become harder if its cover is made of coconut coir.

Natural silk, wool, cotton or bamboo can also be used as a filler.

Unlike natural artificial fillers more affordable and can last longer.

One of the most popular synthetic fillers is holofiber (sintepon). This material does not lose its shape even after numerous washes, and does not lose its qualities.

A product made of struttofiber can soften a hard base. With this filler, the mattress becomes softer, and the old mattress can become the new kind, hiding your flaws and deformations.

Polyurethane foam, which is a moderately hard coating, can give the mattress the required shape.

More recently, a new type of synthetic filler has appeared - polycotton. It is not inferior to natural analogues and demonstrates very high level hypoallergenic.

There are so-called double-sided mattress covers, where both sides can be made of different materials. This combination enriches it with various qualities and functions. While the wool side will keep you warm on cold nights, the opposite side, say the cotton side, will keep you feeling cool on the hottest days.

The benefits of mattress protectors

Different types of coverings perform a wide range of functions: classic natural or synthetic materials protect the mattress from contamination and damage. Along with the classic ones, there are also special mattress covers that perform specific functions and are intended for certain people.

With the help of orthopedic mattress covers it is possible to adjust the rigidity of the mattress itself.

Waterproof mattress covers are mainly used for babies. They contain a layer of polypropylene, which not only repels water, but also allows air to pass through perfectly. Therefore, this type is sometimes called children's, its main quality is to protect the skin from rot, which is why it can be used for both the sick and the elderly.

It should be borne in mind that products made from natural material have the property of “breathing”, since air circulates quietly through natural fibers.

So, now, knowing the classification of mattress covers, it will not be difficult for you to choose the product that will be most useful and more practical for you.

A mattress cover is nothing more than a cover for a mattress. Today there are, each of which performs its own functions.

The product is in great demand among people with children. But a mattress protector is considered a necessary attribute for anyone who wants to extend the life of their mattress. To understand the benefits of a mattress topper, you need to understand its functions.

What is a mattress pad for?

Mattress cover performs whole line functions. The main one is protection of the mattress from all external negative influences. This allows you to maintain the cleanliness and integrity of the mattress, since its cost does not allow frequent replacement with a new one. A soft mattress pad is much easier to clean than a full-sized mattress, and they cost much less. Therefore, the mattress cover takes the full impact of dirt on itself, saving the mattress from wear and soiling.

But besides the main function, mattress covers solve a number of other problems:

  • waterproof mattress covers protect the mattress from moisture getting into it. Such products are quite expensive, but it takes a long time for moisture to be removed from the mattress, so this function is very useful;
  • maintains microclimate, which is perfect for the human body. That is, the mattress cover creates a thermal insulation layer to retain heat on the surface;
  • helps regulate the firmness of the mattress. It also helps to smooth out the surface of a mattress with dents;
  • some mattress covers have antibacterial properties;
  • prevents the sheet from sliding on the mattress.

Do you need a mattress protector for an orthopedic mattress?

Since the upholstery of an orthopedic mattress is rarely made of pure cotton, a mattress cover is a must-have attribute. Because of the acrylic, the sheet glides over the surface of the orthopedic mattress. A mattress pad eliminates this.

Also, orthopedic mattresses are thick, so they are heavily saturated with moisture that gets inside. And of course, an oversized orthopedic mattress cannot be washed, unlike a mattress cover. The cover also provides better bed ergonomics, thanks to the use of different fillings.

Reference: latex mattress does not require a mattress cover, since both the upholstery and the filling are durable and easy to clean.

Types and sizes of mattress covers

Mattress covers can be universal. But affordable products usually work well for a limited number of tasks. Depending on their purpose, mattresses are divided into the following groups:

  • protective;
  • corrective;
  • orthopedic;
  • waterproof;
  • medicinal;
  • with insulation;
  • antibacterial;
  • seasonal and many others.

Most mattress toppers perform 2-3 functions. The most popular are the first three types.

The size of the mattress pad should be as close as possible to . It is enough to accurately measure the mattress, and finding the right mattress pad will not be difficult, since there is a wide range on the market.

Reference: Most mattress covers are available in standard sizes: single, one-and-a-half and double.


A cover that can adjust the performance capabilities of a mattress is called corrective. Can perform the following functions:

  • able to harden or soften the mattress;
  • levels the entire area of ​​the mattress;
  • alignment of dents and protruding springs;
  • ensuring a comfortable temperature.

This type of mattress cover includes: orthopedic, therapeutic, seasonal and with insulation.


Mattress covers that protect the mattress from external influences are called protective. They help extend the life of the mattress, eliminating the influence of water, dirt, dust and small mechanical damage. According to the functions of protective mattress covers, they are divided into:

  • classic. Protect the mattress from dirt and minor damage;
  • waterproof. Does not allow moisture to reach the mattress;
  • hypoallergenic. Made from environmentally friendly materials, they prevent allergies;
  • antibacterial. Prevents the appearance of various microorganisms in the bed.

This type of mattress cover is the most common. They are made in any size and from different materials.

Orthopedic (toppers)

Such mattress covers can have a height from 2 to 8 cm. The properties of toppers depend on their filler. The following fillers soften the surface:

  • felt;
  • latex;
  • struttofiber and holofiber.

The following fillers make the surface more rigid:

  • coconut fiber;
  • horsehair;
  • palm coir;
  • bamboo fiber and others.

Important: it is highly recommended not to bend toppers filled with coconut coir, as this may damage its structure.

Synthetic orthopedic filler, like Memorix, has the ability to remember its shape and adapts to one person. There are many medium-hard fillers of both natural and synthetic origin.

Each filler also has its own antibacterial or other protective properties.

The main advantage of mattress covers is their ease of care. They are easily removed from the mattress, allowing you to wash or air it. To prevent the case from deteriorating, it must be regularly ventilated and turned over. This will ensure constant freshness and prevent early wear and tear. Not every type of mattress cover can be washed. It is better to take it to the dry cleaner so that specialists take into account the characteristics of the material when cleaning.

Ironing the cover is not recommended since the fabric is usually made of delicate materials. It is best to follow the instructions that should come with your new mattress topper. The washing temperature and other care features are indicated there.

Reference: Most mattress covers can be washed at temperatures no higher than 40 degrees.

Typically, modern mattress covers are easy to wash and dry quickly. This eliminates the appearance of mold, mildew and other microorganisms. Before washing, make sure that detergent does not contain substances that can damage this or that tissue.

The video describes in detail how to use the mattress pad and what it is intended for.

To increase the life of the mattress and to keep it clean, it is necessary to use an additional covering, or mattress cover. The main characteristics of this accessory are the density and number of layers of material. Thin, single-layer bedspreads are placed under the sheet to keep the sleeping area hygienic. The thicker the coating, the more pronounced its correction ability in relation to the base. A mattress pad can soften the hard surface of the bed and smooth out uneven surfaces.

The question of how to choose the right mattress cover is decided taking into account the characteristics of the product.

  • The waterproof membrane helps protect the mattress from dampness and staining. This is important for babies or people who are bedridden.
  • Sidewalls and fastenings in the form corner hinges, rubber bands and Velcro help to fix the mattress cover on the surface and prevent it from moving or sliding.
  • The hygiene of the coating implies good ventilation of the material and washing of the product without deformation or shrinkage.
  • Mattress covers with medicinal fillers have a healing effect on the human body.

The question of how to choose a mattress cover for a sofa requires a special solution. To prevent the sofa upholstery from wearing out prematurely, it is recommended to lay the sheet on a thick, multi-layer protective covering while you sleep - a quilted sofa or topper with a cover and reliable fasteners. The topper should roll up easily so that it can be removed from the sofa during the day.

Materials for making mattress covers

  1. The main task of the coating for an orthopedic mattress is to protect the surface from moisture and dirt, preserving the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of the base material. A good option– single-layer natural cover made of hygroscopic fabric. The problem of how to choose a mattress topper for a branded mattress can be solved during the purchase of the main bedding. Reputable manufacturers offer high-quality protective coverings complete with mattresses.
  2. A thick mattress cover can independently have a healing effect on the human body. With its help, you can give ordinary bedding the properties of a full-fledged orthopedic product. The cover has a separate case with an internal latex filler, coconut flakes, struttofiber or other elastic material and is like a thin mattress designed to be placed on a thicker base. To know how to choose an orthopedic mattress cover, you need to decide in advance on the hardness of the filling material.
    • Natural latex 3-6 cm thick - soft and comfortable. A latex mattress cover needs a smooth base with good support properties.
    • Polyurethane foam 10 cm thick can smooth out the unevenness of a sofa or used mattress. Foam materials have shape memory and increase the level of comfort at night.
    • Coconut coir is a tough material. It is used in mattress covers for children's beds, has antibacterial properties, is naturally ventilated and does not deform when exposed to frequent moisture.
    • High tech nonwovens– struttofiber, hollotek, periotek, hollcon – have a fibrous structure and consist of polyester. The non-woven mattress cover is springy, easily restores volume and supports the spine well.
    • For people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels, spine and joints, woolen mattress covers with the effect of accumulating body heat are recommended. The warming effect of wool is beneficial in old age.
  3. Thin mattress covers with the main function of protecting against dust and dirt are made of cotton with the addition of polyester. When wondering how to choose a mattress topper for a bed, the consumer should give preference to products with sides and a tie around the perimeter on the underside of the mattress. Removable cases are produced with a solid knitted base that completely cover the mattress.

Determining the optimal size of a mattress pad

In order for the bed to be comfortable, the top cover must match the size of the base. Here simple tips about how to choose the size of a mattress cover and not make a mistake when buying it.

  • You should first take measurements of the bed or sofa. The length and width of the purchased coating should correspond as much as possible to the obtained values. You cannot buy a mattress cover that is smaller in size compared to the base. If the covering has sides, then their height should have a margin of 2-3 cm higher than the height of the mattress.
  • Product dimensions are indicated in the article. The measurements taken must be compared with these values.
  • If sleeping area has non-standard shapes, it is better to order the manufacture of a mattress cover according to individual parameters.

Protective cover for crib mattress

Often young parents do not know how to choose a mattress pad for newborns and doubt the safety of this accessory for the baby. Modern materials hypoallergenic, breathable, create conditions for comfortable sleep and protect the bed from possible surprises. From the first months of life, a child can sleep on a breathable mattress cover, which is easy to wash, protects the mattress, prevents the growth of microbes and is superior in all respects to ordinary oilcloth.

Many manufacturers produce kits for newborn cribs, which include mattresses with ready-made protective coatings. When purchasing, you should give preference to natural and non-slip materials of the top layer on which the sheet or diaper is placed.

Useful information on how to choose mattress covers will help customers make a successful purchase, extend the life of bedding and create a favorable microclimate for the body during the night's rest.

A mattress cover is a protective cover made of durable fabric that is placed over the mattress. The mattress cover does not have orthopedic properties; it is designed to ensure hygiene of the sleeping area and extend the life of the mattress. In addition to creating hygienic sleeping conditions, the mattress protector prevents the bed linen from slipping. Waterproof models are a practical solution for children's mattresses: unlike oilcloths, they breathe well.

To save appearance and the consumer properties of the mattress, we recommend purchasing a mattress cover that will protect the sleeping area from premature wear. What types of mattress covers are there, what they protect against and how to choose, read the material “O, mattresses!”


Mattress covers are purchased for a mattress or sofa and have standard sizes, corresponding to the size of the bed (from 60x120 to 200x220 cm). The dimensions of the mattress are indicated on the product tag; please inform the seller when purchasing the mattress cover. Never buy a cover that is smaller than the size of your mattress. Be sure to consider the height of the mattress and how the mattress pad is attached. On our website you can order an individual size of the product.



Mounting type

1. With elastic bands at the corners. Suitable for medium thickness mattresses. They cover the top of the mattress and are easy to put on and take off, but over time the elastic bands can stretch. Covers of this type are not suitable for sofas with a fixed back.

2. With elastic around the entire perimeter. Models of this type are stretched over the mattress, covering the top and sides of the product. They fit tightly and do not roll down. When purchasing such a cover, you need to consider the height of the mattress. Standard models are suitable for mattresses with a height of 18 to 24 cm; you can order on our website custom sizes mattress cover.

3. With a zipper. These covers cover the mattress on all sides, so they are suitable for a bed mattress and a sofa with a topper. They protect the mattress from all sides, are easy to remove and put on, and adhere firmly to the mattress.


To preserve the original appearance and characteristics of the mattress for as long as possible, purchase a protective mattress cover. A mattress cover will protect your sleeping area from dirt, dust, mites and create a favorable microclimate. Special models are suitable for people with dust allergies. Double-sided models will keep you warm in winter and provide comfortable sleep in hot summer. Waterproof covers will be useful for pet owners, those who like to have breakfast in bed, children and the elderly. The mattress covers are easily removed and washed, leaving the mattress clean and fresh. When choosing a mattress pad, give preference natural materials, they breathe better and are more pleasant to the body.

Some manufacturers, for example, Ascona, extend the warranty period of the mattress when purchased together with a mattress topper of the same brand. Buy mattresses and mattress covers on the O,matras! website, our specialists will help you choose the size and model of the product.