Well      06/20/2020

Do-it-yourself watering can from a bottle. Watering can for flowers from a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself canister watering can

I did the plumbing in the country, and I still had cuttings of polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, couplings and valves. When I got tired of shifting them from place to place, I decided to adapt it all somewhere.

Somehow, when watering the garden in the country, the nozzle on the hose broke once again. And I thought that a good tip could come from my leftovers. He figured out what and how, sketched out a drawing of the product and began to put his plan into practice.

The nozzle should have consisted of the following parts - two pieces of polypropylene pipes, a polypropylene coupling with an external metal thread, a valve and a shower head. To begin with, I tried to cut threads into pipes with a diameter of 20 mm - this diameter just corresponds to a 1/2 inch die.

It turned out to be easy to cut the thread: one end of the pipe was clamped in a vise, and on the other end I cut the thread. The plate did the job perfectly.

I screwed the threaded pipes from both sides into the valve. Interestingly, when screwing in, the FUM tape was not even required: the pipes were screwed in with great interference, so that the tightness of the joints was ensured. I have a ball valve with a long handle, which is easy to adjust the required water pressure for irrigation.

Then I welded a coupling with an external metal thread to the pipe, onto which the shower head is screwed.

I have a machine for welding polypropylene pipes, and I did it without any problems. Polypropylene products are welded quickly and easily. It is enough to insert a pipe into the heated nozzle of the device on one side, and on the other - to put on the appropriate fitting. After five seconds of heating, both parts can be removed and connected.

And after two minutes, the plastic cools down - and it turns out durable and hermetic connection. On the thread of the coupling, I screwed a shower head without a handle with internal thread 1/2 inch - I have a lot of these accumulated on the farm. From the other end of the nozzle, for a better connection with the hose, I wound several turns of PVC electrical tape around the pipe. The hose was put on this thickening with effort and secured with a clamp.

As a result, I got a nozzle no worse than the factory one. It is very durable, not afraid of shock, smoothly regulates the water pressure.

After testing the product on watering plants, I made several more of these devices of various lengths. Long nozzles are very convenient to water the plants at the very root - you do not have to bend over much. Since I have a lot of hoses in my country house, I also made a lot of nozzles. And now, when watering, it is not necessary to attach a nozzle to each hose, they are on each.

But there were still pieces of pipe left. Therefore, I made a device for pouring water into barrels and other containers. It is a hook that hooks on the edge of the container. At the bottom of the hook, I welded a socket with an internal metal thread. And now, when I need to fill the barrels, I unscrew the shower head, and in its place I screw this hook. With its help, the containers are filled as if by themselves - there is no need to stand nearby all the time and hold the hose in your hands. That's the way I used, it would seem, already unnecessary waste and turned them into useful things for the summer resident.

Do-it-yourself hose nozzle - manufacturing progress

  1. It is, of course, a pity to throw away such unplanned leftovers.
  2. For threading, I used a regular die.
  3. When welding polypropylene pipes, a strong hermetic connection is obtained.
  4. A lot of old shower heads have accumulated in the country.
  5. I made a lot of nozzles for watering - a nozzle for each hose.
  6. Connecting the nozzle to the hose.
  7. Watering has become more convenient.
  8. I made a nozzle for pouring water into a barrel in the form of a hook so that you can cling to the edge.
  9. To connect the hook to the nozzle, I unscrew the shower head and screw the hook in its place.
  10. It has become convenient to pour barrels and containers - just open the valve.

Homemade PVC pipe nozzles - photo

Homemade hose nozzle - drawing

Rice. 1. The device of the watering nozzle: 1 - shower head; 2 - coupling with metal external thread; 3 - welding; 6 - threaded polypropylene pipe; 5 - valve; 6 - threaded polypropylene pipe; 7 - PVC electrical tape.

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Watering can for flowers - an indispensable attribute personal plot, a summer cottage plot of land, a cottage house and even an apartment. In order for the watering can not only play its functional role, but also be combined with landscape design or the interior of a newfangled apartment, you need to understand exactly where you will use it.

Watering cans made by hand decorate the interior and are useful to use. Every housewife loves her flowers and takes care of them. Leica is an assistant in this matter.

Watering can for flowers

If the apartment will be a permanent home for the watering can, you can take the watering can you already have or purchase the simplest option, and then paint it in a uniform color. However, you won’t surprise anyone with this option, because you can buy a plain watering can in a store, so why then waste time and effort on its coloring?

Excellent and simple option there will be a beautiful bright sticker that is applied to the surface of the watering can. You can completely paste over it, but you should understand that paper stickers will quickly get wet and deteriorate, unless, of course, you stick adhesive tape over the paper. This should be done around the entire perimeter of the picture so that there are no gaps left, because water can get into things and seep into the depths.

As you know, they play a very important role. Some of them need special care, they should not be watered excessively, which can happen if you pour water from a bottle in a large jet. It is also possible to damage the stem of the plant, even if you do not notice it, but the plant will suffer.

Many indoor leafy flowers love to be watered from above to create the effect of rain. Droplets form on the leaves, and this also feeds them. This is where a watering can will be useful, which can be combined with a sprayer.

However, it is also worth remembering that this rule does not apply to all home flowers, and for some of them, top watering will be marked by the onset of disease and leaf rotting. Therefore, before using a watering can, read on the Internet how to properly water certain types of flowers.

How to make a watering can

Let's think about how to make a watering can with your own hands so that it not only helps you in watering, but also looks interesting and unusual.

The first and easiest option is to take and make holes in its lid with an awl. So that this option does not look too ordinary and banal, you can take a bottle unusual shape, having previously examined the entire range of drinks offered in the store.

It will be difficult to paste over such a bottle, therefore, if its color does not suit you, it is advisable to use paint. However, this maneuver applies to bottles whose surface is dense and does not bend, otherwise the paint will quickly crack.

However, the option of cracked paint is also not bad, because it is also interesting and unusual, but it is suitable for you if you use a watering can, for example, in the country. For apartment option it doesn't fit, because the peeling paint underfoot is a bit different from what we are trying to achieve.

Do-it-yourself watering can from a glass

A watering can can also be made from a glass. It will be more difficult to process, but this version of the watering can will last much longer and will look much more aesthetically pleasing. For such a device, you need to take some kind of glass or even a ceramic mug, as well as a drill.

You should be very careful with a drill, because while working on creating a hole, the mug may burst or small cracks will appear on it. To prevent this from happening, the hole should be drilled carefully and slowly.

  • we take the plastic tube that we prepared, according to the thickness of which we created the hole;
  • paint the tube and the glass itself in one color;
  • insert the tube into the glass under the watering can for flowers;
  • We fix with glue so that there are no gaps through which water could leak.

It is advisable if you choose a mug that has a narrow neck, since a wide top opening will be inconvenient to handle, and to prevent water from pouring out of it, you will need to pour too little water into an already capacious mug.

Unusual watering can with your own hands

If the option with the original small watering can does not suit you, but your plans include watering a large number flowers planted in open ground, you will surely need the idea of ​​​​a large original watering can.

Take a bottle from someone detergent, draw chaotic lines on it with conventional paints. You will get an interesting watering can in the avant-garde style, on which the dirt will not be too noticeable. To prevent the pattern from being washed off, cover the watering can with varnish. You can also leave such a watering can in the yard, if you have one, near which they look great decorative elements.

However, a watering can can be a simple interior decoration or landscape design site. Even if you only have one, it doesn’t matter, you can put a watering can near them, this will only decorate and add aesthetics to the atmosphere.

Everyone who grows seedlings knows firsthand how difficult it becomes to water seedlings when they grow up. In order to somehow facilitate their work, summer residents invent various watering cans. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them.

1. Insert a slightly curved tube into a clean plastic bottle (1.5-2 L). It should be longer than the height of the bottle so that you can easily water the seedlings even in the most inconvenient place.

So that when the tube is bent, it does not decrease in diameter (flattened), close one edge of the tube with plasticine or clay, pour water and put it in the cold (you can freezer), so that water does not spill out of it. When the water turns to ice, bend the tube. In this case, the tube itself will take desired shape, and the ice will not allow the walls of the tube to shrink.

Many gardeners grow seedlings in foil containers, and a watering can made in this way will be a great help in caring for seedlings.

2. Sometimes seedlings do not require root watering, but with the capture of leaves. In order not to accidentally douse the seedlings with water, make a do-it-yourself watering can.

Wash a half-liter plastic bottle thoroughly, remove the stickers from the outside and make dots with a marker, instead of which you will then make holes. Place the dots in a 5x5 square.

Clamp the nail head in pliers and burn the end of the nail on fire (candle) for 20-30 seconds. Now pierce the drawn points with a heated nail. When the nail cools down, heat it up again. On reverse side Use a knife to cut out a hole for filling the water bottle so that it is 2-4 cm higher than the watering holes. Fill the bottle with water and carefully place it horizontally above the plants.

For convenience, you can build a handle on a bottle-watering can from adhesive tape.

3. There are not many watering cans either in the country or at home for seedlings and plants. Many plants cannot be watered with a hose, especially in greenhouse gardening, so it's best and easiest to have a watering can at every turn. In order not to spend money on the purchase, we suggest doing it yourself. To do this, take any plastic canister (from water, car oil), polypropylene pipe 50 cm long and rotated 60°.

Near the bottom on a flat place, attach a “turn” and mark the diameter of the future hole with a marker. Cut and try on how easily the pipe enters the canister (there should not be a large gap). Lubricate the connection well with hot glue, insert the pipe and leave to dry. Then you just have to put a piece of pipe on the pipe and, if necessary, shorten it by cutting off the excess. The optimal length of the "spout" is considered to be the height that does not exceed the canister lid.

Tie the tube (spout) to the handle of the canister so that it does not break under water pressure. A cut plug can be inserted into the spout so that water flows in a fan in a limited stream. If the watering can has to scoop up water in the well, then for the convenience of filling with water, make a hole on the opposite side of the spout so that the air can quickly escape.

4. From a small plastic container (shampoo bottle) you can also make an excellent watering can. To do this, it is enough to make holes at the bottom with an awl or nail. Pour water into a container, close the neck, turn upside down and water.

5. You can make the most primitive watering can. Punch holes in the lid plastic canister and on the opposite side for air outlet.

6. If it is not possible to regularly water seedlings or seedlings, then it makes sense to do automatic watering. For this at the bottom plastic bottle make holes with a hot nail, fill the container with water and close the lid. Dig a bottle into the ground next to each plant in the garden, or one for several seedlings.

As you can see, there are many options to make a watering can with your own hands, choose your own, make and share your suggestions.

To water the lawn and beds, make holes in the bottle and screw it to the hose with adhesive tape. Just get stronger! In addition to a watered lawn, your kids will be delighted with such a “sprinkler”.

Watering can from a milk canister

We take a thicker needle, heat it on fire, make holes in the lid ...

Pour water into the milk canister, screw the lid back on. Lost a divider from a garden watering can? Nothing, now you have a new one.

egg seedling containers

Eggshells are the perfect way to grow seeds for seedlings. After the plants have grown, they can be planted in the ground along with the container. It will also serve as fertilizer.

Broken plate garden markers

Broke a cup or plate - fortunately! Use it instead of garden markers by signing the names of the plant. You don't need to spend money to buy them. Excellent signs are obtained from both plastic knives and ordinary branches. Ice cream sticks work too.

Another container

bushings from under toilet paper Another great container option. Make four longitudinal cuts on one side of the sleeve and fold like a box.

Fork repeller

To keep curious cats and other pets from trampling on your garden beds, stick plastic forks near each plant. Reliable protection!

Bricks instead of pots for plants

Hollow (hollow) wall blocks great for borders and mini-flower beds for plants. They will come in handy not only in the garden, but also on the balcony in the city.

Shoe sections for vertical gardening

From the old hanging sections, which are usually used to store slippers and combs, you will get very beautiful vertical flower beds.

Bottle bird feeder

We make four holes in the bottle so that one is higher than the other (at an angle of 45 degrees), insert the old spatulas for stirring, pour in food or seeds. The feeder is ready.

bird repeller

Do not know how to protect the strawberry crop from magpies and other birds? Try this easy way. Paint small pebbles with paints so that they look like berries and spread them under the bushes a couple of weeks before the crop ripens. Birds will try to peck at them, realize that they are inedible, and by the time the real berries ripen, they will no longer pay attention to something red among the bushes. This method works out of tomatoes too! Only for them you need to use old red Christmas balls.

Bottle mini greenhouses

From a cut plastic bottle (agree, it is generally indispensable in the garden).

Old trellises and pallets instead of cabinets

How are they not used! And this method, you see, is a great storage solution. garden tools in the shed.

free fertilizer for the garden

Instead of buying chemicals, use the water the vegetables were boiled in. Do not drain it into the sink, but pour it into a container and safely water the plants in the garden. There are a lot of useful things in this water that plants really like. Of course, the water must first be cooled to room temperature.

Old tablecloth instead of a wheelbarrow

Need to quickly drag something heavy from one corner of the garden to another? Found a great way.