Water pipes      07/02/2020

Research work "what kind of water do we drink." Why do we drink water? How we drink water

Water is the most amazing and mysterious substance on Earth; it plays a vital role in all life processes occurring in our body. Water itself has no nutritional value, but it is an indispensable component of all living things. None of the living organisms on our planet can exist without water. Indeed, water is essential integral part all living things.

B. All living plant and animal beings consist of water: plants by 90%, fish by 75%; jellyfish – 99%; potatoes - by 76%; apples - by 85%; tomatoes - 90%; cucumbers - by 95%; watermelons - by 96%. The human body consists of water: 86% in a newborn and up to 50% in older people.

And the water content in various parts of the body is: bones - 22%; muscles – up to 70%; brain – up to 75%; blood – up to 85%. Studies show that a person can live about 50 days without food if he drinks during a hunger strike fresh water, without water he will not live even a week.

According to medical experiments, with a loss of moisture in the amount of 8% of body weight, a person falls into a semi-fainting state, with a loss of 10%, hallucinations begin, with 12%, a person cannot recover without special help. medical care. A person cannot live without water; it is an integral part of life.

Water is irreplaceable for humans. Water is the most important resource for all living things on earth. This means that sufficient water content in the body is the key to good health.

Water performs many functions: helps absorb nutrients, dissolves and removes toxins from the body, plays important role while maintaining a constant body temperature (the process of evaporation and sweating), protects internal organs, regulates the level of protons and neutrons in cells.

Our well-being largely depends on the quality of water, which is why the issue of water purification today is more relevant than ever. It is best to use ordinary clean water, paying attention to its quality.
The best water for the body in all respects is water from a source that is located far from large cities. It is “alive”, healthy, has a taste, its composition does not need improvement.

But residents of megacities, where spring water is considered a luxury, came

It is advisable to look for alternative options.

The most accessible is tap water. In order to rid it of bacteria and make it more drinkable, the older generation boils it. Indeed, some microbes die, but calcium salts remain. Evidence of this is a raid on electric kettles. In addition, such water has no taste, it is unpleasant to drink, and after boiling, a film forms on the surface. This kind of water obviously won’t improve your health. A compromise option would be to install filters.

Look how much “useful” there is in clean water - vitamins, iron, microelements. How much chlorine? How much rust? How many heavy metals? And how many bacteria and viruses flow through the water pipes to the taps of our apartments.
Have you ever wondered what kind of water you drink?

Gradually comes into fashion healthy image life. More and more often we hear from TV screens, billboards, and from people how important it is to eat right, exercise and take care of your health. At the same time, in addition to nutrition and sports, one should not forget about one important component of well-being and health - water. Our well-being and general physical condition depend on its quality and quantity.

Many scientists advise drinking eight glasses of water a day, some say two liters daily. This is all very approximate, and this figure is different for each person. However, the fact that water only benefits people is a fact. Without fluid, our body is not able to work normally, all metabolic processes slow down, immunity and mental work decline. Simply put, a person cannot live without water.

Many doctors recommend treating water as a nutrient for the human body, without which existence is impossible. Water is found in drinks and liquids, in fruits and vegetables, and in food. The products are designed not only to saturate us with energy and vitamins, but also to replenish the body’s water supply. A person loses fluid every day. Water leaves the body through the skin through sweat, breathing, bowel movements and urination, and maintaining this balance of water in the body is important for normal functioning. If fluid intake is reduced, then dehydration occurs, which is fraught with serious consequences and chronic diseases. In particular, water loss increases in hot weather, during exercise, at high altitude, and in old people who have a dull sense of thirst.

If the above doesn't motivate you to drink more water, here are six top reasons that will surely convince you of the importance of drinking water.

  1. The human body consists of eighty percent water, and fluid is involved in all processes in our body. So blood circulation, digestion, metabolic processes, temperature maintenance - water is involved in all this.

    The pituitary gland is involved in triggering the thirst signal if there is not enough water in the body. When the fluid level drops, we feel thirsty and go to drink a glass of water, tea, juice or other drink. At the same time, you should avoid alcohol, as it dulls brain signals, which can subsequently lead to dehydration.

  2. If you want to lose weight, drink

    People who are on diets try to drink a lot of water and this is not without reason. Water fills the stomach well, eliminating the feeling of hunger. In addition, water with a large amount of liquid is absorbed slowly, prolonging the feeling of fullness.

  3. Water is good for muscles

    If muscle cells do not receive enough moisture, their performance is significantly reduced. They tone up, work, and grow much faster if there is enough water in the body. It is water that ensures metabolic processes within the muscle fiber.

    At the same time, during sports and physical activity it is very important to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, because it comes out with sweat. Experts and professional athletes recommend drinking half a liter of water two hours before training. During physical activity, it is recommended to drink water at regular intervals. This way, the water balance will be replenished in the body faster and more efficiently.

  4. Water is good for skin

    The skin, like any other organ, contains water. It functions as a barrier that is responsible for retaining water so that it does not leave the body too quickly.

    Due to dehydration, when it becomes dry, wrinkles appear. This can be avoided by proper hydration of the body. Creams also help retain water. They create a barrier that prevents water from leaving the body.

  5. Kidneys don't work without water

    In the body, any moisture participates in metabolic processes and allows waste products to be removed from cells. The kidneys cleanse the body of harmful substances, remove toxins, viruses and other substances. This, however, is only possible if you drink required amount water.

    If there is enough water in the body, then the urine does not have a pronounced color or odor. If there is a lack of fluid, the urine becomes dark Brown color and an ammonia smell as the body retains water in the body. If you constantly and regularly drink water, the likelihood of kidney stones increases. This is especially true for warm climates.

  6. Water is the basis proper operation intestines

    When there is a sufficient amount of water in the body and, accordingly, the intestines, the food receives the necessary hydration. Food quickly and easily passes through the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed maximum amount useful substances and microelements. If there is little fluid, the large intestine draws moisture from waste, thereby poisoning the body and causing constipation.

    Many nutritionists advise consuming liquids with fiber. Since water accumulates in the fibers and swells inside them, working like a “broom”, cleaning out all deposits from the intestines.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Okhotnikovskaya secondary school"

Saki district Republic of Crimea

Research work:

"What kind of water do we drink"

Completed by: 4th grade student

Abkelyamov Akim

Head: primary school teacher

Abduramanova N.Sh.

Okhotnikovo 2015

Water can have not only positive but also negative effects on people's health. Now, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the problem related to water quality has become the most pressing. We care about what kind of water we drink and how it affects our health.

Goal of the work: Familiarize yourself with the quality of drinking water and its impact on human life processes.


    Study (color, smell, taste, transparency), chemical and biological indicators of water quality.

    Find out what effect water quality has on human health.

    Assess the quality of water used by the population for food purposes.

    Identify ways to purify water.

Object, subject and basis of research:

    Object of study: human.

    Subject of research: drinking water is the basis of human health.

    Study participant: 4th grade student, parents.

Research methods:analysis, survey, observation, collecting information from books, magazines, newspapers, experiment, working with Internet resources, practical methods.

Have you ever thought about what water is and what role it plays in our lives?Water is an integral part of any cell, the liquid basis of blood and lymph. In the body it performs a number of important functions: many chemical substances, it actively participates in metabolic processes, with its help metabolic products are released from the body. Water is as vital for humans as it is for our planet or for any living creature on it.Water is the most famous little-studied and most mysterious substance on Earth; it is the basis of life on Earth and the basis for the existence of any living creature on the planet.

Consequently, the water we consume must be clean, that is, moderately hard water without excess iron, fluorine, heavy metals, and meeting hygienic standards. If a person takes contaminated hard water, he often gets sick. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, then you need to start with clean water first. The quality of water is determined by the presence of chemical inclusions in it. Already with the help of smell and vision, a person can determine the quality of water. Not pure crystal water and the suspicious smell of the water already tells a person that it is not clean.

I noticed that the taste of water varies: in cities it is not tasty, for example in Simferopol, but in the village it even seems tasty.

On January 12, I filled a three-liter jar with tap water and decided to see what the sediment would be like in 2 weeks.

After I drained the water from the jar, I noticed that sediment had formed at the bottom of the jar. gray. When I wiped the bottom of the jar with a clean cloth, I discovered that yellow marks remained on the cloth.

I took different samples water: tap, settled, filtered, well.

I took Bon-Aqua bottled water as a sample and decided to test the water for: 1. Taste 2. Color 3. Presence of impurities 4. Hardness

Experiment 1. Add a strong solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

If the water remains pink for some time and does not become lighter, then the water is relatively pure.

From experience it can be seen that filtered and Bon-aqua water has the richest color, and the lightest water is well water.

Conclusion: well water most often contains many different impurities.

Experiment 2. Apply a small drop of water to the mirror. Wait until the water evaporates. When the droplet dries, you need to look at the surface of the mirror - if it remains clean, then the water is most likely also clean. If spots have formed on it, then there are impurities

Experiment 3. Hardness – checked the presence of lime and salts using a soap solution.

The amount of salts and lime is judged by the flakes and sediments formed in glasses of water

1. "Bon-aqua", 2.settled, 3. well, 4.Water


I see from my own experience that the hardest water is well water; it contains a lot of soap flakes.

Conclusion: the hardest water is well water, it contains many different chemical elements and is salty.

Experience results:

Bon aqua





1. Taste












3. Presence of impurities

Experience 1






Experience 2






Experience 3












Bottom line








3rd place

5th place

4th place



Where can you get clean water? There are several ways to purify water - boiling, settling, purification with activated carbon, filtration.
A water filter is an extremely necessary thing in our kitchen. It's crystal clear with him pure water available always and in any quantity. The water that passes through the filter contains only useful minerals necessary for health, without flora, rust, petroleum products and heavy metals.

1. In areas where there is little water, you should drink it with a small amount of vinegar: 1 liter of water 12 teaspoons apple cider vinegar and honey, 35 drops of 5% iodine (in such an environment, microbes die in a few minutes).

2. Add a few drops to it citric acid. The following ratio is recommended: dissolve 1 g of crystalline citric acid in 2 liters of water. One spoon of the resulting solution per 2.5 liters of water is enough to kill the animal and plant microorganisms in it. The effect of this solution will be felt within a few minutes: the water will become clean, and sediment (dead microorganisms) will appear at the bottom. The lemon solution must be prepared just before use. It is completely harmless to health and cannot be felt in the water. Ways to help improve the quality of drinking water if you don’t have filters at hand or in camping conditions:


1. The water in the tap is hard; That’s why I notice scale on the kettle, as well as a characteristic film on the surface of boiled water.

2.Tap water contains impurities, these are decomposition products organic compounds. They contaminate water where it is taken from large rivers and lakes, especially those whose banks are densely populated and surrounded by agricultural land.

3. You need to use filters at home, and take special components for disinfecting drinking water in natural conditions when going on hikes.

Used Books

1. “About everything in the world.” Illustrated Encyclopedia of Knowledge.trans. from English V.A. Zhukova and others.

2. “Where, what, when?” Encyclopedia for the curious.trans. from English Pokidaeva T.

3. Internet resources.

Man is more than half water. Doctors and nutritionists say that to maintain health, an adult should drink at least two liters of water per day. We are used to the fact that we cook food and make coffee using bottled water - only the owners decide to drink tap water deep wells, and even then - after the conclusion of a special commission. Meanwhile, no one really thinks about how the water in one bottle differs from another, except for the label and price? And why is it considered that water in glass is by default better than in plastic?

“Roskachestvo” published on its official website interesting data obtained after examining popular brands of bottled drinking water. The results are impressive: only nine brands Of those taken for research, 58 actually fully correspond to the characteristics stated on the label. Stamps in plastic and glass bottles Russian and foreign production and were assessed according to a number of indicators.

What does the category on the label mean?

Drinking water of the first category is water from any source, including tap water. After mandatory filtration, useful microelements are artificially added to it. In other words, the main requirement for such water is to be as safe as possible for health.

Drinking water of the highest category is obtained from protected sources - artesian wells and springs. In addition to unconditional safety, it is also useful, that is, it contains a certain set of microelements in quantities within the permissible minimum and maximum.

Important quality indicators

Microbiological safety

In simple words - how safe water is for humans, how well it has been purified using industrial methods when taken from artificial or natural sources. In the case of mineral water of natural origin, this indicator cannot be taken into account, since water from medicinal sources does not undergo such purification, because the filter will also destroy beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on human health, which is why such water is prescribed by the doctor for various diseases. It is the set of bacteria and microelements that ultimately determines the taste of water, and completely purified water—pure H2O—is practically never found in nature. Moreover, distilled water is even harmful to humans: such water will draw salts from the human body.

Hardness and softness

Water hardness is one of the key characteristics. Everyone knows that hard water tastes bitter, and when applied to the skin, it noticeably dries it out. Almost all tap water is of high hardness, so even after cleaning with household filters, this indicator will become neutral at best, so it is better not to drink such water in any case, even if you do not take into account the level of microbiological safety. The fact is that Russia has not yet adopted a single standard for installing a powerful industrial filter on tap water. The simplest proof of this simple fact is white coating, which forms over time on the walls and bottom of the kettle in which we usually boil tap water. The hardness of bottled water, on the contrary, is carefully monitored within the limits of a “fork” acceptable for humans.

Benefits of water

Water in a bottle with any label is a unique and complex cocktail, the quality of which depends on the type of water source, the method of purification and the depth of the well itself. This mix consists of anions and cations (the so-called positively and negatively charged ions). On the label, these indicators are indicated as a percentage of substances: these are potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfates, fluorine and iodine. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the calcium and magnesium content in the water. These microelements can seriously affect the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, especially for young children and people with serious illnesses, so deviations from standard rate during the study were counted as a minus brand of water in general. Another important indicator is fluoride, which has a good effect on the condition of teeth and bones.

Glass or plastic?

It is believed that glass is not able to enter into chemical reaction with a “cocktail” inside the bottle. Laboratory studies conducted by Roskachestvo did not establish a fundamental difference between glass and glass samples. plastic bottles. Another thing is that water stored in a place unprotected from light can simply “bloom” - and such water with algae appearing inside will be frankly unsafe for humans, so it is necessary to store water in any container in a dark place. When buying water in a supermarket, you need to carefully look at the color of the water - for this reason, bottles made of transparent and non-colored materials are more convenient for the buyer to control.


Speaks exclusively about the greed of the manufacturer, the cost of production and distribution. It has no effect on the quality of the water itself, so you can safely buy even low-cost brands from the ratings below.

Brands that fully comply with the declared quality standards

Russian brands “Volzhanka”, “Lipetsk pump-room”, “Novoterskaya”, “O! Our Family", "Simple Good", ARCTIC, AQUANICA (5 liters), Bon Aqua and French EVIAN.

Other brands of water are determined by research results to be more or less consistent with the data on the label. The Roskachestvo study did not reveal any overtly harmful water presented on the shelves.

We can say with confidence: we are what we drink. But what kind of water do we drink? This is a big question. Why are more and more scientists coming to the conclusion that stories about living and dead water This is not a fairy tale at all, but chemists are surprised to note: even if the chemical composition of water is the same, its effect on the human body may be different. What does this depend on? Which water heals, and which, on the contrary, ruins our health?

Today, many scientists are convinced that the water we drink affects us and our lives. How much water do you really need to drink to never get sick? What are they selling us under the guise of spring water? How to turn dead water into living water?

Drinking water

Water is one of the main building materials for our body. If it were not for the hard shell of the cells, the person would have spread across the asphalt like a puddle. The most liquid part of our body is blood, and it consists of 92% water. Then comes the brain. It contains 85% water, 82% in the kidneys, 80% in the lungs, the heart consists of 71% water, and 22% bones.

Water reserves in the body must be replenished on time. Dehydration threatens high cholesterol, hypertension, headaches, a constant feeling of fatigue and premature aging. But how much should you drink in liters and what to do when in many Russian cities What comes out of the tap is not water but poison?

Water structure

Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Konstantin Korotkov has been studying the structure of water for many years. He tells:

Initially, all natural water is structured correctly, but under the influence of various factors, the structure of water can change.

The structure of water can be affected by various fields. Electrical and magnetic fields influence the structure of water and atmospheric events. We know that water changes its properties during the full moon, under the influence sunlight, it changes under the influence of human influence, this is also an experimentally proven fact.

Structure of living water

In Moscow, in a laboratory for studying the structure of water, dozens of photographs of water crystals with different structures have accumulated. The more harmonious the effect, the better the structure of the water. For example, good music makes a person smile and laugh. The better you treat water, the more good she'll give it to you.

Water structure photo

For example, water, to which they said thank you

And this, which was said to be a fool

Japanese researcher Emoto Masaru studied how different genres of music affect the structure of water. After listening to classical music, the water crystals acquired the correct hexagonal shape

But this is what she became after listening to hard rock.

Water with the right structure

Initially, all natural water has the correct structure, but on its way from the natural reservoir to the consumer, the structure of the water often changes beyond recognition, and the first changes begin in the water pipes. In nature, rivers and streams always flow along a smooth, curving channel, and in any plumbing system the water turns at right angles many times. This means that with each such turn its natural structure is more and more destroyed.

Tap water can hardly be called orderly. The structure of purchased bottled water is even worse. Not only cheap, but also expensive. There may be several reasons. For example, in a store, near the drinks counter, someone was talking on a mobile phone for a long time.

Water is influenced by literally everything that surrounds us. Electromagnetic fields, acoustics, cars, people talking.

Neither boiling nor freezing left its mark on the structure of water. The latter is especially surprising, because many believe in healing properties melt water. Melt water, especially if it is frozen in the refrigerator, is not very good. The fact is that due to freezing, we can remove water pollution, but the structure exchanges with what is nearby. To obtain the correct melt water, freezing requires a separate freezer researchers teach. Although it is possible to structure water without special devices.

Pray before eating

In all religions of the world it is customary to pray before eating. Many researchers believe that there is a completely scientific physical explanation for this. Any prayer pronounced in any language has a sound vibration frequency of 8 Hertz.

Surprisingly, our planet has exactly the same frequency of oscillation of the electromagnetic field. It is believed that this is why it is useful to read a prayer before eating in order to return the structure of the water to its natural correct form.

What kind of water comes from the tap?

The main control and testing center for drinking water in Russia - they know everything about problems with tap water. The most common is excess chlorine.

There is no permanent independent control over water in the regions. As a rule, in 9 cases out of 10, the one who supplies the water is the one who controls it. In some cases, 100-fold excess of chlorine in water was found. Water is chlorinated to kill pathogenic organisms. This method is the cheapest and therefore the most common.

But while saving from water-related disorders, chlorine leads to other, much more serious diseases, because it is a carcinogen. Accumulating in the body, it causes oncology, problems with the cardiovascular system and liver, but in tap water It's not just chlorine that's lurking.

In Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region, there is an excess of iron in the city water supply. Local water does not spare the plumbing fixtures or the teeth of the townspeople. The most common problem is tooth decay.

In the capital of Mordovia, Saransk, there is another problem. There is an excess of chlorine in tap water here. This no longer threatens caries, but an even more terrible problem - fluorosis. The teeth become loose, this naturally cannot be treated. In this case, only implantation can be some kind of alternative so that a person can live, smile and exist.

At the entrance to Belgorod we are greeted by mountains covered with snow. But that's just how it seems. This is actually chalk deposits. When chalk gets into tap water, it becomes plumbing enemy number 1. But most importantly, they are exactly the same calcareous deposits will also be present in the human body.

Reverse osmosis filters

It is not surprising that many people use filters to purify water. Reverse osmosis filters are considered the most effective. They really clean the best, but there is danger in this too. After some time, a person becomes unwell, because water from reverse osmosis in the absence of other sources of water supply can cause significant harm to one’s health.

In such a filter, water is supplied under pressure to a reverse osmosis membrane. This is a kind of mesh, the cells of which are so small that only water molecules can pass through them. All impurities remain outside and are washed down the drain. With the help of drainage, such a filter filters out not only harmful impurities, but also useful ones. After all, the particles of both are much larger than water molecules and the output is a distillate. Drinking it is dangerous to your health. But not a single filter seller will talk about this.

Composition of drinking water

Micro and macro elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body are dissolved in human blood. Their supply is replenished from the outside with water and food. With water, the body must receive sodium, potassium, and calcium salts, which play an important role in metabolism, but they are not present in the distillate. Distilled water only dilutes the blood, reducing the content of vital substances in it, which leads to disruption of the water-salt balance. This threatens vomiting, swelling, diarrhea, blood pressure drops, spasms of smooth muscles occur, and arrhythmia appears.

If the symptoms are left unattended, a violation of the water-salt balance can lead to death due to cardiac arrest.

To be beneficial, water must not only be clean, but also balanced mineral composition. Well, as they say, alkaline. In any case, stories about the benefits of such water have been very popular lately.

Do you want to understand what kind of water flows from your tap? In many pharmacies you can buy a pH test kit. If the pH level is between 7 and 9, consider yourself lucky. If it is less than 7, it is recommended to alkalize such water.